Do-it-yourself garage roof repair using roofing felt. Repairing a garage roof with roofing felt - we fix the leak with our own hands. Major repairs of roll coverings

Fans of driving their own cars have probably often wondered. This problem is so pressing that it haunts many vehicle owners.

A damaged garage roof can ruin the condition of any car over time due to natural precipitation. Therefore, one of the priority materials for patching holes on the garage roof or completely covering it is roofing felt.

The construction market is represented by a wide range of building materials from Russian and foreign manufacturing companies. Buy roofing felt You can get it at any hardware store. Its cost is low, its quality is reliable, and covering a roof with it yourself will not be a big problem.

There are four types of roofing material:

  • Rolled roofing felt - laid in three to four layers;
  • Guided roofing felt - flooring;
  • Synthetic roofing felt - minimum service life 12 years;
  • Euroroofing felt is a soft roof made using innovative technologies.

Features of roofing felt

Roofing material - roofing felt - suitable remedy for repairing a garage roof, as it has the following series of characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • waterproofing;
  • heat resistance;
  • cheap cost;
  • reliability;
  • high quality;
  • ease of laying the material.

Roofing felt rolls are more often used on flat and horizontal roofs, as they have unique properties— form a reliable waterproofing layer that prevents water and snow from passing through the roof.

On the peculiarities of working with roofing felt as a necessary material for laying a garage roof with my own hands, include the following series of sequential actions:

Make sure the quality of the roofing felt material.

Did you know that if light spots are visible on the cut of roofing material, this indicates that such material is not at all suitable for roofing, since its existing characteristics do not meet the required ones.

Pay attention to the angle of your garage roof.

Advice: If the roof slope is no more than 30%, then you can repair the garage roof using rolled roofing felt. If the angle of inclination is less than 15%, then it is necessary to lay at least three layers of roofing felt.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other materials, roofing felt has its advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons), which are clearly presented below:


  • Light weight
  • Inexpensive price
  • High quality
  • Practicality
  • Durability
  • Ease of use
  • Easy installation


  • Fragility
  • Poor aesthetic qualities
  • Lack of environmental component
  • Violation of waterproofing

This comparative information shows the advantages of roofing material, which significantly prevail over its disadvantages. Thus, when choosing to cover a garage roof with this material, there will be no unjustified investment risk. You will win.

Major renovation

Ruberoid is very comfortable material for the garage roof installation process. Here you do not need the help of roofing repair specialists. This work can be done on our own within one day. The main thing is to have desire, skill and material.

Ease of installation is one of the main advantages that roofing felt has. The task is completely simplified if the garage roof is flat. Then you can safely lay sheets of roofing felt on top of reinforced concrete slabs.

Covering your garage roof with roofing felt will serve you for 15–20 years. If you use roofing material developed according to modern quality analogues, then its reliability and ductility will serve you for another 20 years.

The best choice if you need to cover a garage roof would be, since it is designed taking into account innovative quality technologies and is divided into two types:

  • Euroroofing felt for new construction– they are based on polyester, which is not susceptible to external forces: water, light, wind, snow, frost, etc. This is very important, especially when you are building a new house and want to protect yourself from moisture and shrinkage in your new building.
  • Euroroofing felt for repair– has the same composition as the previous type of roofing felt. However, there are also special differences: when repairing a garage roof, it will be necessary to use the APP modifier or some other modifier, except for the SBS modifier (it is intended if the roofing material will be in the ground).

Be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the roofing material when choosing the material that is suitable for you. It can range from 0.25 to 5 cm. Therefore, the thicker it is, the more reliable the waterproofing of your garage will be. The roof will stop leaking and will last longer.

The ability of roofing material to be flexible on a beam indicates its ability to withstand negative temperatures in winter and high temperatures V summer time of the year. Therefore, even a simple deformation of the material can tell many things: whether it should be used for roofing or not.


There are 8 types of roofs, which can be calculated using a special calculator. These types of roofs include: gable, mansard, single-pitched, hipped, hip, etc.

Having your initial data (the length and width of the garage, its roof, one roll of roofing felt and its cost), you can calculate the exact amount of material required, the roof area and the cost of repairing the garage roof.

The cost of repairs and the price of materials in Moscow and the Moscow region

The cost of repairing a garage roof with roofing felt depends on the area of ​​the roof and varies from 200 to 600 rubles per roll, and its installation on the roof is carried out using ordinary nails through a gasket.

When purchasing this material for covering a garage roof, you will need a special calculation calculator. It allows you to calculate required amount rolls and the amount that will have to be spent on purchasing roofing felt.

How much does garage roof repair and labor cost?

The final price can be obtained by summing up the cost of materials, additional expenses for the purchase of missing tools and own time, spent on repairs. Having weighed the final cost and assessed the investment of your time, you can even conclude that roof repair will cost you “cheaper” if you order it from a professional company, since the quality of work from specialists will definitely be higher, and the time spent will be lower.

Tools and materials are indispensable assistants when installing a garage roof

Necessary for installation work on the roof of a garage determine the method of laying roofing material with which you decide to work.

For example, when mechanically roofing felt material is attached to screws or nails using slats. If you are fastening roofing felt to the roof with nails, then stock up on a hammer. If you use self-tapping screws, then stock up on special construction tool- a screwdriver.


Laying with mastic - pre-molten mastic in a special metal container is applied to the surface of the roofing material and the sheet coated with it is pressed against the surface of the garage roof.

Fused laying involves heating the bottom layer of roofing material using a gas burner. Sheets of roofing felt are overlapped and the seams are immediately welded. Then use a special roller to go over the entire roof area. This will help get rid of the accumulation of unnecessary air and condensation formed.

Auxiliary materials for laying guided roofing felt are:

  • fire extinguisher;
  • broom;
  • scoop;
  • hoe;
  • bucket;
  • protective gloves;
  • knife;
  • putty knife.

Preparing the roof for installation

Before installing the roof. If the roof is uneven or swollen, level it and seal it before starting repair work.

Then prepare the roofing felt sheets by cutting them to fit the dimensions of the roof. However, it is better to carry out this work in advance, so that later you can only deal with laying the material, without being distracted by other actions. Place sheets of roofing felt on flat surface, give them some time to level out.

Step-by-step instructions for installation work using roofing felt

  1. The first step when step by step instructions when laying roofing felt you should preparatory work for cleaning the roof surface.
  2. The second stage is the preparation of strips and special rules for laying roofing material. When laying the second layer of roofing felt, its seams should not coincide with the bottom one and top layer to improve roof insulation.
  3. The third stage - laying roofing felt is best done by two people, as time and effort are significantly saved, and the material is quickly consumed.

For convenience, roof installation can be carried out using a gas burner. This tool must be handled very carefully, as it allows you to heat the sheet of roofing material until its top film burns. This indicates that the material and mastic are ready for gluing. The work looks easier with two people: one worker presses the heated part to the roof, the other prepares the next material. And so on.

Upon completion of the work, they go over the surface of the garage roof with a hand roller to remove unevenness and ensure a good fit of the roofing material to the roof.

Advice: After completing work with the first layer, you can immediately proceed to the second layer only after the first has finished hardening.

Thus, laying a roof with roofing felt yourself is very simple, not very expensive and easy to use. From a technological point of view, roofing felt material has a high degree of quality, frost resistance, waterproofing, is lightweight and easy to transport.

However, with all the noticeable advantages of roofing felt, it is necessary not to forget about safety precautions. Following the instructions correct installation DIY garage roofs, the result of the work is a long service life of the roof (more than 15 years).

Repair with cold mastic

When repairing a roof with cold mastic, all the same techniques are used as when working with hot mastic, only without heating.
Significant savings on additional equipment and special skills in hot laying.

Types of Garage Roofs


The roof of a concrete garage can be repaired in several ways, but based on the experience of roofing engineers, the most optimal in terms of price and labor costs is the use of roofing felt. The plasticity of the material will eliminate all leaks on concrete surface garage roof, but provided that there are no serious cracks or failures in the roof.


It is also better to repair a metal garage roof in the simplest and most effective way. Determine safety metal coating, and, if necessary, seal large holes with new layers of metal. Afterwards, treat the coating with mastics and apply the repair method with roofing felt materials.

Corrugated sheet

The garage is a second home. And if in the first place a woman maintains order and comfort, then in the garage, as a rule, a man watches everything. It doesn’t have to be warm and cozy here, but respect necessary requirements Dryness and reliability are simply essential. A leaky roof can become a serious challenge for the owner if it is not patched in time. We will talk about how and how to repair a garage roof in this article.

The method of roof repair directly depends on the type of construction, the type of roof itself and, of course, the degree of its wear. Often, a garage is built a short distance from a residential building and is made from inexpensive roofing materials: corrugated sheets, metal tiles, ondulin and flexible tiles. As for collective garages, you can’t get by with tiles. Soft bituminous materials are more suitable for them.

There are several ways to repair garage roofs:

  • hot bitumen;
  • soft roofing materials;
  • tiles or corrugated sheets.

Preparatory work

First, you need to determine how badly the roof has been damaged and pay special attention to failed elements that need to be replaced. Most quick repair Do-it-yourself garage roofing is done using rolled or sheet building materials. Piece ones will take much more time, so if the rainy season is approaching and the roof has gaping holes, then it is better to do everything quickly.

Stages of preparatory work:

  1. Clear the roof of leaves and debris.
  2. Inspect the surface to assess the extent of damage. It is quite possible that patches in problem areas will be enough for repairs.
  3. Remove problematic and leaky roof elements for subsequent replacement.
  4. If the old roof was covered with roofing felt, and you saw cracks or bubbles on it, then they must be eliminated before repair work begins. Use a sharp knife to cut the problem areas crosswise and fold back the edges. Clean the space inside from dust and dirt, if any. Later, you can simply fill these recesses with hot bitumen.

Repair with hot bitumen

Repairing a soft garage roof is usually done using hot bitumen.

Required materials and tools:

  • bitumen;
  • bucket (it’s better to choose a bucket that you don’t mind, because it will be “disposable”);
  • a rope with a metal hook at the end to lift the bucket onto the roof;
  • ladder;
  • bricks to make an “oven” to heat the bitumen;
  • a stiff brush to remove dirt from problem areas;
  • construction gloves.

Stages of work:

  1. Clear the roof of leaves and dirt and heat the bitumen on an improvised barbecue made of bricks. When the mass becomes pliable and plastic, you can begin pouring.
  2. Using a rope with a hook, lift the bucket of molten bitumen onto the roof and spot-fill problem areas with it. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can completely cover the roof with bitumen to certainly eliminate the possibility of leakage.
  3. Set the direction of bitumen using a flat wooden board, leveling it over the surface.
  4. Wait for the material to dry.

Repair with soft materials

Soft roofing materials are quite often used to repair garage roofs (photo).

These include bikrost and roofing felt. And if the latter can be laid on bitumen mastic, then to lay bicrost you will need a gas burner. Despite this, working with bicrost is much easier and faster, because you don’t have to bother with preparing and pouring mastic.


Repairing a garage roof using roofing felt is not that difficult, especially if you just need to install a few patches. Just cut the required number of pieces and cover the prepared areas with it. The only caveat is that the measured piece must exactly match the size of the hole, otherwise all efforts will be useless.

Steps to create a patch:

If you decide to cover the entire roof with bitumen, the progress of the work will be somewhat different, and it will take much more time.

Stages of work:

  1. Clean the roof from dirt and dust.
  2. Apply a layer of tar, the width of which will correspond to the width of the roofing material.
  3. Lay the “strip” of roofing felt on the greased area.
  4. Cover the next section of the roof with tar, slightly overlapping the previous piece of roofing material (about 10-15 centimeters), and lay the canvas again.
  5. Continue in this manner until you cover the entire surface with roofing felt.

Helpful advice: if bubbles appear during installation, simply cut them with a knife, release the air and press firmly onto the tar. For 100% waterproofing, you can coat them on top again.

If your garage is adjacent to neighboring ones, then when laying roofing felt, pay special attention to the places where the material joins other roofs. Usually these are the “weakest” places where cracks most often appear.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with useful video about repairing a garage roof using roofing felt.

As a rule, one layer of roofing material is enough to ensure that your garage is reliably protected from moisture, but if the operating conditions are too harsh, or you live in a region with high humidity and frequent rains, it is better to lay two layers.

The cost of repairing a garage roof with roofing felt usually does not exceed 600-700 rubles. The material itself is inexpensive (from 200 to 300 rubles per roll), bitumen mastic or resin costs about 100 rubles per bag, and other materials and tools can be found in the same garage.


If roofing felt repairs seem too complicated and energy-intensive to you, we bring to your attention bikrost. To install it, you do not need to fill in bitumen mastic or resin. All you need is a gas burner and oxidized quick-hardening bitumen. This is a special type of bitumen that “sets” very quickly and is firmly attached to the base.

Stages of work:

  1. Roll out the bicrost roll to 50-60 cm and heat it with a burner from the wrong side.
  2. Quickly press the heated material onto the roof surface with a T-shaped stick.
  3. Stand with your feet on the freshly laid area, roll out the roll a little again and repeat the procedure, laying the second strip overlapping by 7-9 centimeters.

Such work will take a maximum of one and a half hours of work, and the quality of waterproofing will be no worse than from professional installation of roofing material.

The price of repairing a garage roof with bicrost will be a little higher, but not so much that you won’t be tempted by the short deadlines for work. So, keeping your garage dry and cozy will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Repair with corrugated sheets and tiles

Separately standing garages, as a rule, covered with metal tiles, flexible tiles or corrugated sheeting. And if replacing a damaged segment of corrugated sheeting is not difficult, then you will have to tinker with the tiles.

Corrugated sheet

To repair a garage roof with corrugated sheets, you need to stock up on some simple tools. You will need the sheets of material themselves, a tape measure, Circular Saw and a screwdriver.

Typically, individual garages are covered with solid sheets of corrugated sheets, which are not built up, as is the case with metal tiles. In this case, it is necessary to make a side overlap, and one such “wave” is quite enough to ensure proper waterproofing of the entire room.

Since the width of a corrugated sheet is approximately a meter, for an ordinary five-meter garage you will need 5 sheets.

Stages of work:

  1. Use a screwdriver to secure the first sheet of corrugated board in the upper corner. Do not tighten the fastener all the way so that if necessary, its location can be adjusted.
  2. In the same way, fasten a couple more sheets and check whether the line of the roof ridge coincides with their edges.
  3. Align the sheets and finally secure them with a screwdriver.
  4. Upper and bottom part fasten through the “wave”, and the middle part in a checkerboard pattern.

Metal tiles

Covering the garage roof with metal tiles will take a little more time. Despite the obvious labor intensity, today most people choose this method because metal tiles look beautiful and impressive. On the market you can choose absolutely any colors and turn your garage into the envy of all your neighbors!

Metal tiles should be fastened starting from the bottom and moving to the very top of the roof. To fix, use self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket so that the metal “does not move” and does not become loose. In addition, the gaskets will provide additional waterproofing at the fastening points.

Lay the elements overlapping, using special latches at the top and bottom of the sheets. This will give an even more reliable grip.

Repairing your roof is easy, especially if you have a passion for construction. Having done such work at least once with your own hands, you will gain valuable experience that will be useful to you more than once in the future.

The roof is one of the most important components of any building.. Regardless of whether it is erected on a respectable cottage or on an ordinary garage, the roof must fulfill its main function: to protect interior space from exposure unfavorable factors environment. As the roof is used, its individual elements wear out, and repairs become necessary.

The most common defect is the penetration of moisture and precipitation through damaged coating. This can lead to damage to the vehicle, mold and mildew growth on the interior walls.

It is better to plan repair work on a sunny, warm day.

Types of garage roofs

The garage can hardly be called a large-scale construction, but its roof is created and subsequently repaired mainly according to principles similar to the principles of arranging and repairing roofs big houses. Distinctive feature is the installation of two types of roofs on garages:

  • Single-pitch– in most cases, weld-on materials are used to cover it. It is also possible to use metal profiles or slate (with an appropriate slope).
  • Gable– with this type, the roofing material is selected depending on the capabilities and taste of the developer. The same types of coatings are used, except for roll ones, plus bituminous (soft) tiles or metal tiles.

Determining the cause of the leak

There are several criteria for determining the cause of a leak. Based on them, a more or less experienced person can understand what exactly needs to be repaired.

  1. If a leak occurs during rain, this indicates a violation of the tightness at the joint points roofing material or presence of damage.
  2. If a leak occurs regardless of weather conditions, this fact indicates the penetration of water into the insulation layer. In many cases, these leaks are the result of minor damage to the roof covering or certain waterproofing problems.
  3. If traces of leaks appear in the eaves area at the beginning spring season or during a thaw, this indicates a problem in the drainage system: in most cases it freezes. A leak of this nature may also indicate getting into funnels drainpipes leaves and other debris that leads to clogging.

Before starting repair work, the roof should be carefully inspected both from the outside and from the inside, from the attic.

Particular care must be taken to inspect the junction points with chimneys and other communications with access to the roof surface and ridge part.

After determining the causes of the leak, their size, and specific location, an estimate for repair work is drawn up.

Repair estimate

When drawing up an estimate, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors:

  • general scale of repair work;
  • costs for the purchase of all types of materials;
  • purchase or rental of necessary equipment;
  • payment for the work of builders (if necessary).

The essential components of the estimate are:

  • Calculation of the entire roof area.
  • The presence of a drainage system and its design.

The estimate for repair work is directly dependent on the specific type of roofing (for example: the price of tiles is much higher than the price of slate). The color of the material and the manufacturer also matter.

If damaged rafter system, the document must contain points regarding the purchase of materials for the repair of the rafter system.

The volume and complexity of repair work are determined by the geometry of the slopes and their number. When carrying out calculations, additional and component elements should be taken into account.

If capital is required, not partial renovation, the estimate should include the costs of purchasing and replacing heat and waterproofing materials, as well as carrying out work to increase the fire resistance of the entire structure.

Shipping costs should also be taken into account. necessary materials, tools and equipment to the site of restoration work.

Preparing the roof for work

First of all, it is necessary to remove the debris accumulated on the roof. Special attention At the same time, attention should be paid to cleaning problematic, unreliable areas. In many cases, after a thorough inspection of the roof, it turns out that there is no need for a complete roof replacement and you can limit yourself to partial repairs.

Worn areas should be cut out with an ax. In the future, they will need to be patched using new material.

The main ways to repair a garage roof are:

  • repair using hot bitumen;
  • repair using soft materials– in most cases, rolled: roofing felt, stekloizol, bikrost, etc.;
  • repairs using hard roofing materials (slate, tiles, corrugated sheets).

If the roofing covering is soft, then small cracks, swellings, and damage on the surface are prepared for subsequent repairs in the following way: the surface of the covering in the damaged area is cut crosswise, after which the edges are curved and pressed against the roof. The resulting hole is thoroughly cleaned and dried using a gas burner or a hair dryer. After this, repair work can begin.

Garage roof repair using hot bitumen

When planning a roof repair using hot bitumen, you need to prepare some materials and tools in advance. You will need:

  • half a bag of bitumen;
  • bucket;
  • ladder;
  • rope;
  • metal hook (to make it convenient to lift the bucket);
  • bricks (for barbecue);
  • gasoline and wood for making a fire;
  • brush (for cleaning problem areas of the roof from dirt);
  • gloves.

After completely cleaning the roof, you need to create a barbecue and light a fire to heat up a bucket of bitumen. When it becomes sufficiently plastic, you can start pouring.

You need to lift the bucket onto the roof and start pouring hot bitumen into problem areas. In this case, you should give it direction using a wooden board. In a similar way, you can patch individual leaks or treat the entire surface.

Local repair

  1. For local repairs it is necessary to cut off pieces of roofing felt corresponding in size to the area of ​​the resulting envelope.
  2. The holes made are coated with bitumen mastic. You can use melted resin instead. It is necessary to ensure that the holes are completely filled with bitumen. Under this condition, the likelihood of a leak will be minimal.
  3. The cut piece of roofing felt is placed inside the envelope, like a patch, and then pressed tightly. An additional layer of resin or mastic must be laid on top.
  4. After this, the cut edges of the old layer should be returned to their place and pressed against the adhesive surface.
  5. The next step is to glue another patch: it should be larger in size than the area being repaired by about 15-20 cm on each side.

For greater reliability, you can put another layer of mastic on top.

Repair of soft garage roof

Required materials and tools
Before going to a hardware store, it is better to make a list of the necessary materials and tools in advance.

The main thing you need to stock up on is material for waterproofing. Most the best option is roofing felt. This bitumen material has a number of advantages:

  • adheres perfectly;
  • holds water for a long time;
  • affordable in terms of price.

To glue the roofing material, it must be thoroughly heated. This requires a propane torch. It is also possible Alternative optionblowtorch: it will cost less, but will require much more time to heat up the roofing material due to the relative weakness of the flame.

The burner will also require a filled gas cylinder.

Other tools necessary for the work:

  • ladder for climbing to the garage roof;
  • rope (to lift tools and rolls of roofing felt);
  • a broom or broom for cleaning the roof from branches, leaves, and other debris before sticking the roofing felt;
  • tape measure for accurate selection of material sizes;
  • a mounting or shoe knife for cutting roofing felt (for convenience, you can apply a metal ruler or other object along the cutting line);
  • resin or bitumen for sealing joints.

The process of gluing roofing felt

When repairing a roof using roofing felt, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. The waterproofing material must be completely and deeply heated using a burner. There is no point in saving on fuel. It is necessary to warm up the corners with special care: if this rule is not followed, they will peel off over time or not stick at all from the very beginning, which can lead to the accumulation of water and moisture in the un-glued parts, further freezing and the formation of a leak in the waterproofing material.
  2. The damaged old coating can not be removed, but left in place, but all water and air pockets must first be eliminated, since in the future the new waterproofing material may peel off in these places. Gluing a new layer over the old one has one obvious advantage: in this case, it is possible to achieve optimal adhesion of surfaces, since the adhesion of materials homogeneous in composition and structure is much higher than the adhesion of concrete floor slabs and roofing felt.
  3. In one pass, you should heat up the roofing felt of such an area that it can be glued in one turn of the roofing felt roll.
  4. Safety precautions must be followed when handling a propane torch as it produces temperatures up to approximately 600 degrees.
  5. After thoroughly heating the material, turn it one turn with your foot and smooth it out in a herringbone pattern in different directions (similar to smoothing wallpaper).

Gluing is done with light pressure on the material. In a similar way, you should go along the entire length of the garage roof.

When working with roofing felt, professional roofers adhere to the fundamental principle: an overlap of 15 cm should be maintained along the length of the joints of the material sheets.

If before repair old layer waterproofing was partially or completely eliminated, then concrete plates before gluing a new layer, the ceiling must be treated with a bitumen primer in order to more high-quality execution gluing process.

Device waterproofing coating near the water inlet deflectors (if they are present on the garage roof) has some features. In these places, the waterproofing material should be laid in several layers (two or three), and in squares. This measure is necessary to strengthen these places and increase resistance to external factors.

Hard roof repair

The concept of “hard roof” includes following materials: metal, folded, regular, profiled sheets, ceramic and metal tiles.

Due to the hardness and stability of the material, such roofs rarely need repairs.

However, such a need sometimes arises.

Specific repair methods depend on the type of roofing.

If it is necessary to overhaul a seam roof, you should use a special tool - a comb bender, or frame. With its help, adjacent sheets are fastened and folded into a fold. Nowadays there are also electromechanical models.

If the holes are minor, they can be repaired by soldering with zinc-coated steel patches.

In case of major damage to the seam roof, it is necessary to dismantle the defective sheets and replace them with new ones.

To increase the aesthetic and protective qualities of the coating, it is better to paint the roof after completion of the work.

Restoring corrugated sheets also consists of completely replacing sheets or soldering patches in problem areas.

If there are minor holes (they are also called fistulas), they are repaired using tow soaked in heated bitumen.

After laying it, the damaged areas should be filled with bitumen mastic.

For small defects, you can use red lead putty.

If the holes are larger (up to 20 cm), patches made of roofing felt or burlap are applied.

When installing patches, they should be made several centimeters larger than the hole itself. The coating around the damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned using iron brush, then coat with hot bitumen.

After this, roofing material or a piece of burlap is applied to the hole. Depending on the size of the damage, the patch should be laid in one or two layers.

The last step is to thoroughly coat the patch with bitumen mastic.

The coating can be seriously damaged if the garage roof has not been repaired for a long time.

In this case, a lining should be cut out of the roofing iron and then nailed to the frame. This measure is necessary to prevent the patch from sagging.

If the roof covering is ceramic tiles, then its repair consists of replacing damaged tiles with new ones. If the frame is weakened (for one reason or another), it is also necessary to strengthen it.

The main defect of a garage roof made of metal tiles is corrosion, as well as the penetration of rainwater at the points where the sheets are attached to the rafters.

In this case, you can limit yourself to local repairs.

The damaged areas are cleaned, and the holes are sealed with tow soaked in bitumen, after which the damaged areas are coated with several layers of bitumen mastic.

In case of extensive damage, it is better to completely replace the covering or sheet of metal tiles.

Tools needed: jigsaw, screwdriver, measuring tape.

Since a standard garage is six meters long, and a sheet of metal tiles is more than 1 meter, 6 sheets are required on each side.

Metal tiles are installed from bottom to top. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws with a rubber washer.

The first sheet is attached to the top of the roof in the middle using a self-tapping screw. Fastening is carried out from the middle towards the edges.

The next sheet is laid with an overlap (one wave will be enough). If the sheet's protective coating is damaged, these areas are coated with paint to prevent rust.


  • Over time, any roof begins to need repairs.
  • The most common defect in roofing is the formation of leaks.
  • Garage roofs can be single- or gable. For each type, the appropriate roofing material is selected.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the location and causes of leaks.
  • Based on the identified defects, an estimate for repair work is drawn up.
  • Before repairs begin, the roof surface must be prepared for work.
  • There are three repair methods: using hot bitumen, soft roofing materials and hard coverings.
  • You should prepare tools and purchase materials in advance.
  • For minor leaks, you can limit yourself to local repairs.
  • Major damage requires major repairs.
  • The most commonly used waterproofing material in repairs is roofing felt.
  • A rigid roof is highly durable and rarely needs repairs.
  • The method for restoring hard roofing depends on the specific roofing material.

Watch the video to see how to close a garage on your own.

In Moscow and the Moscow Region, on any day convenient for you, regardless of weekends. Prices per m2 from 400 rub. The cost of the work includes high-quality roll coatings based on modified bitumen and resistant polymers. Extensive experience guarantees you professional installation. Guarantee period, the price and all the work that was carried out on the roof of your garage are fixed in the contract. Our warranty is from 3 years, which are also indicated, in case of problems, after repair.

  • Garage roof repair using roofing felt.

    Garage roof repair modern and high quality roofing felt from the TechnoNIKOL company. Reliable, proven coatings that replaced the ever-leaking roofing felt. Resistant to temperature changes, do not deform in direct sunlight average term Their service life is 7-8 years, subject to high-quality installation. We will repair or completely replace the roofing felt on the roof of your garage in Moscow and in the Moscow region on a turnkey basis. Repair price per m2 from 400 rubles. The price includes materials and everything necessary work. Payment is made only after the work is completed. We provide a 3-year warranty, which is specified in the contract.

  • Garage roof waterproofing

    Garage roof waterproofing materials from TechnoNIKOL in Moscow and Moscow Region. The cost of work, materials used and all warranty obligations are specified in the contract. Turnkey prices per m2 from 400 rubles. Huge puddles on the floor after rain. Constant dampness on the ceiling, there is already mold and bad smell... you just want to meet these craftsmen who waterproofed your garage and assured you that it would last for 10 years!

    Common situation? More than! Every summer you order waterproofing of a garage roof, focusing on the cost of work per M2, while ignoring the quality of the materials used and the experience of these specialists. The main selection criterion is price. Only the difference in price will not be so high, but the service life is 5 times.

  • Garage roof repair.

    Garage roof repair in Moscow and the Moscow Region- We are always ready to professionally repair the roof of your garage. Repair prices start from 400 rubles. per m2 on a turnkey basis and is directly dependent on the materials used! Modern materials TechnoNIKOL, consisting of resistant polymers and modified bitumen. The cost of all work is specified in the contract, before repairs, which you already know! We provide guarantees under a contract of 3 years! Vast experience and an individual approach will help you solve all your problems for quite a long time.

  • Concrete garage roof repair

    Repair concrete roof garage materials from TechnoNIKOL in Moscow and Moscow Region. The cost of work, materials used and all warranty obligations are specified in the contract. Turnkey prices per m2 from 400 rubles. Why does the price vary? This is the quality of the materials used in the repair. On which the reliability of the roof and its service life depend, without various problems. But not all of them meet the required characteristics - Strength to loads and the effects of various deformations. Elasticity, because if the materials do not meet these parameters, they will simply tear apart, or they will collapse from load and deformation. Save your money and nerves, don’t waste your time!

  • Garage roof repair materials

    On the Internet you can find various proposals for repairing flat garage roofs. Exist various ways, a bunch of different roofing materials. For example, roll fused materials, or bitumen and more expensive polymer mastics. There are ways to use self-adhesive materials. With proper selection of materials and, most importantly, professional installation, the roof will serve you for decades. Let's figure out which option is right for us - There is no effectiveness in bitumen mastics, it will only spread over the roof in the heat. Polymer mastic is, firstly, expensive and also ineffective. Use self-adhesive materials in repairs garage roofs- also stupidity, since water from adjacent garages will eventually erode the adhesive surface! So the most correct and most effective method To repair the flat roof of your garage, modified bitumen and polymer overlay materials still remain.

  • Garage roof replacement

    Garage roof replacement to modern bitumen modified and polymer roll materials. The cost of work is from 400 rubles turnkey. Prices per m2, in other cases, differ from those stated. The final cost of replacing the roof of your garage depends on the type of materials used in the work. We will solve the eternal problem of leaks from adjacent garages and restore all protective functions. We guarantee you a problem-free long-term operation roofing carpet without defects and other various damages. We will come to you at any convenient, but on a pre-agreed day. We replace garage roofs in Moscow and in the Moscow Region.

  • Garage Flat Roof Repair

    Garage Flat Roof Repair in Moscow and Moscow Region. The price of turnkey work is from 400 rubles per m2. The cost per 1 m2 depends on the quality of the materials used. When repairing flat garage roofs, we use high-quality materials consisting of polymers, or bitumen with the addition of modifiers, on a sheet of resistant fiberglass. Individual approach to solve all your problems. Flat roofs garages are basically all the same, but the nature of the damage and the causes of destruction are different in each individual case. Payment for repair work is made upon completion. Warranty obligations under the contract for 3 years.

  • Soft roof for turnkey garages. Individual diverse professional technical solutions. We use soft coverings from bitumen with modifiers and polymer membranes. Prices soft roof garages start from 400 rub.m2. This price includes all work and Consumables. We work seven days a week, so we are ready to come on a day convenient for you. The work takes about four to five hours. Guarantees for all services provided depend on technical characteristics materials used in work.

  • Garage roof repair in Moscow and Moscow Region!

    Professional repair of garage roofs on a turnkey basis from 400 rub.m2. We guarantee the longevity of the coating without peeling in places where there are overlaps, and prevent the formation of blisters, fungi and mold. We will protect against cracks and defects during coating operation. We will prevent leaks from adjacent garages to you (we will make a cutoff in the common carpet). We use proven materials from TechnoNIKOL based on polymers and modified bitumen membranes. We will carry out repairs at any convenient time, we work without advance payments - all calculations are made after all the work has been completed.

  • How to choose materials for repairing garage roofs?

    Anyone who first encountered huge selection various roll coverings for repairs - in 2 minutes you will find out that it turns out that not everything is as simple as it seemed to you. To be honest, there’s nothing to envy here - everything seems complicated and incomprehensible, in general, you really can’t figure it out without a bottle! That is why unscrupulous roofers take advantage of all this and deceive on materials and bases, passing off low-quality materials as high-quality and reliable roll coverings! The main thing to remember is that the materials used must be marked. If you are carrying out repairs in two layers, it will be like this: 1 - layer / TPP 2 - layer / TKP and it is desirable that these materials are not ordinary bitumen footcloths called Gidroizol, Bikrost, Filigiz, Stekloizol!

  • How is a garage roof repaired?

    We agree on a day convenient for you, agree on a suitable time for repairs and come to you. If necessary, we remove debris from the roof of your garage and begin thorough surface preparation. We eliminate all deformations that occur on the roof during its operation (bubbles, wrinkles, cracks, etc.). Next, we strengthen the prepared surface, cut off roofing carpet, to prevent leaks from adjacent garages. We fuse the rolled coating, remove the waste, remove it and dispose of it! Repair time takes approximately 3 - 4 hours. Your presence is not necessary, we take care of all the routine!

  • For any real motorist, the garage is rightfully considered a sacred place, because it not only maintains your vehicle, but also stores many things that simply do not fit in the house. Even though such a structure cannot be called residential, its roof should not cause problems for its owner. In this article we will talk about how to fill the garage roof so that its coating does not leak.

    Why does my garage roof leak?

    If the garage roof begins to leak, then the rafter system and wall decoration first begin to deteriorate. Leaks occur due to defects in roofing materials. Often the cause is damage to low-quality roofing, or if all roofing work was carried out by unskilled workers. Let's figure out what to do if the roof in the garage is leaking, how and with what it can be repaired.

    Leaks can cause the following damage:

    • Cracks. Due to temperature fluctuations, cheap rolled roofing material begins to become dotted with cracks through which moisture penetrates.
    • Defects due to mechanical impact. Soft roof May be damaged by falling branches, rocks and debris.
    • Mold accumulation. The harmful fungus softens the roofing material, making it vulnerable to leaks.

    If your garage roof is leaking, how can you fix it if you need to invest a minimum of money? It's simple, you can fill the garage roof with bitumen.

    How to get rid of leaks

    When deciding how to fill a garage roof, you must first evaluate the entire volume of upcoming roofing works. To do this, the roof is inspected for damage.

    Based on the size of the defects, one of the following types of repairs may be necessary:

    1. Spot. If the damaged area occupies less than 10%, then spot repairs are made to get rid of minor defects. In this case, the damage is filled with bitumen or covered with patches.
    2. Current. In this case, it is expected to eliminate damage with an area of ​​15-20%. With such repairs, a partial replacement of the (top) layer of waterproofing is carried out.
    3. Capital. If the volume of damaged areas exceeds 40%, the old material is completely dismantled and replaced with new one. It is considered the most expensive type of repair, which is carried out once every 10-15 years.

    It is worth remembering that timely inspection and restoration of damaged areas will guarantee a long service life of the garage.

    Repairing small cracks - what to fill with

    If the cause of the leaks turns out to be minor cracks that appear on the roofing material due to temperature changes, then in this case there is nothing better than to fill the garage roof with bitumen in problem areas. Solid bitumen, which is melted before work, or liquid bitumen, ready for use, is suitable. In general, liquid roof waterproofing is quite popular and practical to use.

    Cracks need to be repaired using the following technology:

    • All debris and dust are removed from the roof surface;
    • using a grinder with grinding disc or sandpaper, in places where cracks are sealed, remove a layer of protective coating;
    • the base of the roofing material is degreased, for which you can use gasoline, acetone or alcohol;
    • then take the prepared bitumen and slowly pour it into the crack;
    • after the bitumen has hardened, this operation is performed one or two more times, until the damaged area in the roofing material is completely leveled.
    • to avoid damaging the area being restored, you can sprinkle it quartz sand or stone chips.

    It is worth noting that to eliminate cracks it is better to use cold bitumen. Hot bitumen must be used with extreme caution and as quickly as possible, while cold bitumen is ready for use straight from the package. To get rid of small cracks, one can of such material will be enough.

    We patch the canvas using patches

    There is another method of closing leaks that will help you figure out how to close the garage roof to prevent leaks - installing roofing felt patches. They are perfect for eliminating minor damage that appears in different places canvases. To make patches you will need roofing felt with flake or coarse dusting, bitumen mastic, a knife, varnish and a piece of emery.

    For this method of eliminating defects, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Clean the roof. The base of the slopes must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and other contaminants.
    2. Preparation. The protective coating is removed from the restored surface, and to ensure better adhesion between the layers, they are degreased and dried.
    3. We make patches. We take roofing material and cut patches - their size should be one and a half to two times the area of ​​the defective area. In order for the patches to acquire an even shape, they are placed on a flat surface for 1-3 hours.
    4. Next, bitumen is poured onto the treated area to obtain a film that will improve the adhesion of the patch.
    5. The inner base of the roofing felt patches is heated gas burner, after which they press firmly onto the problem area of ​​the roof.
    6. Next, the upper part of the patch is opened with one or two layers of kukersol varnish or bitumen mastic to increase the waterproofing qualities of the restored area.

    It is worth noting that to create patches, it is advisable to take roofing material with a density of at least 400 g/m2 with stone powder. To simplify the work, you can take material with a self-adhesive base, and they should only be performed at ambient temperatures above 5 ℃.

    How to carry out routine repairs correctly

    If the roof has significant damage, then simply sealing the cracks on the garage roof with something will not work - you will have to partially replace the material. Sometimes there is no need to install a new coating, however, if bubbles appear on the surface, then first of all the top layers of material under which water has collected are removed.

    To properly cover the slope with new sheets of roofing material, you will need:

    • Dismantle old material. Remove 1 or 2 layers of used roofing felt, on which a large number of blisters and other defects have formed.
    • On the bubbles that have formed on the surface of the roof, make a cross-shaped cut in the center with a knife, remove all moisture from them, and then allow them to dry.
    • The layer of powder is removed from the base of the roof. To speed up the work, which is not enough, it is better to take a grinder with a special attachment. Keep in mind that all actions must be performed with extreme care so that holes do not appear in the roofing felt.
    • The prepared base is primed with bitumen mastic to obtain a sticky film - this will allow the new layer of roofing felt to adhere better.
    • A few hours later, after the mastic has partially set, proceed to installing a new layer of roofing felt. It is laid with a slight overlap of 10-15 cm. The inner base of the material, covered with fusible bitumen, is heated, and then pressed firmly against the old coating.
    • The second strip of roofing material is placed at intervals from the first. If you don’t know how to coat the seams on the garage roof, then the same bitumen mastic will do.

    Experts advise repairing garage roofs only in dry, calm weather and at ambient temperatures above 5 ℃. To avoid injuring yourself, follow the safety rules and do not neglect insurance.