Dayana: what does this sonorous name mean, does it bestow good fate and character. Dayan (male name)

Other name options: Daychik, Dayanych, Dayanello.

Name Dayan on different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 大雁 (Dàyàn). Japanese: ダヤン (Dayan). Korean: 다얀 (dayan). Arabic: ديان. Ukrainian: Dayan. Yiddish: דייַאַן (dayan). English: Dayan (Dayan).

Origin of the name Dayan


Meaning of the name Dayan

Dayan is Turkic. hold on

Character of the name

Dayan is a person with idealistic inclinations, a bearer of such qualities as affection, amorousness, and the desire to see a “standard” in everything that catches the eye.

But this is also increased demands on others, which quite often has no real basis. Such a person sincerely believes that if the “absolute” exists, then everyone simply must strive to achieve it. It is impossible to convince him otherwise; he “stops” only when the “fuel” – his own resources – runs out.

Numerology of the name Dayan

Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing things, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Dayan as a phrase

D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
I (YA = A) Az
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Dayan

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Compatibility of the name Dayan, manifestation in love

Dayan, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay Special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Dayan, manifestation in love

Dayan, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to look at your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Dayana in the world. And they are all interesting in their own way and have a right to exist. To be objective, we suggest considering the meaning of the name Dayan, according to all existing versions.

Some scholars say that Dayan's name comes from the Hebrew word "dayan". Among the ancient Jews, this was the name given to a judge in a religious court. According to the first version, Dayana means “judge”.

However, Turkic experts do not agree with this. They have their own ideas about what the name Dayana means. Scientists claim that this is originally Turkic female name, and it means “traveler, pilgrim.”

The third version is the simplest and most logical. The name Dayana is an analogue of the feminine one and means “divine.” According to this version, the origin of the name Dayan is Latin.


Like any other name, Dayana leaves its mark on the girl’s fate. These women are very impulsive, attentive to detail and quite tough in their actions. All this happens because the Dayans are very jealous of how others treat them.

If in life a girl named Dayana encounters a rude or hostile person, she will most likely withdraw into herself. And he will do this not out of fear, but so as not to provoke a conflict.

The name Dayana is worn by proud and brave women. They know how to organize the work of people around them, and they make good commanders. At the same time, Diana can quite calmly take responsibility for herself if she really made a mistake.

Women named Dayana love everything new and original; they do not tolerate lies and rude flattery. This kind of behavior can easily make them angry. The owner of the name Dayana knows how to achieve her goal. She has a lot of persistence, perseverance and diligence. She can even sacrifice something very important and dear if the final goal is worth it.

However, this character also has another side to the coin. Women named Dayana are not able to express pity and sympathy to others. They are used to keeping their feelings under control and therefore do not perceive such manifestations from others. But not everything is so sad. In fact, Dayana deliberately fences herself off from other people’s experiences because she perceives them too closely. She literally lets them through herself, and this can drive her into deep depression.

Childhood and youth

Little Dayana behaves prudently and reservedly with early years. She helps her parents look after her younger brothers and sisters. And if the need arises, he will take on the role of head of the family.

A girl named Dayana is very serious and disciplined, but this does not mean that she does not know how to have fun. She grows up to be a very cheerful and mischievous child. Leadership qualities manifest themselves at an early age, especially if parents encourage this and support little Dayana.

At school, girls named Dayana study without any problems, especially when it comes to the exact sciences. But Dayanka may have some minor problems with her creativity. She is used to keeping her feelings under control and the same thing happens with her fantasy. This girl's parents should help her develop her imagination.

Hobby and profession

Diana is a born careerist, she is very prudent, ambitious and will fight to the end for her place in the sun. When it comes to work, there is no place for tender feelings. She can easily cope with her competitors, but if she has to be torn between work and family, she will choose the latter without regret.

As for the choice of professions, Dayan will make excellent lawyers, managers and financiers, journalists and show program hosts. As well as all leadership positions where her potential can be revealed. Since science is also close to these women, Dayana can work in medicine.


Dayana is different good health, and if she is interested in sports, then this strengthens her strength even more. Girls with this name often achieve high achievements in the sports field.


A man who decides to marry Diana should not have hopes that she will be an exemplary housewife. Yes, her house will always have delicious food, cleanliness and comfort. But this woman will be much more willing to engage social life than housekeeping.

Work occupies a special place in her life. If Dayana finds her place in the professional sphere, then it will be unrealistic to keep her at home. But all this makes sense before children arrive. As soon as the long-awaited babies are born, the whole world begins to revolve around them. Dayana devotes herself entirely to her offspring.

Sexuality and love

At first glance, this girl is incapable of immersing herself in new feelings. She is very rational and reserved. And there is some truth in this, Dayana will not swear to every man eternal love. But if she is lucky enough to meet the one and only, she will be able to truly open up. Only with him can she experience the deepest and most tender feelings. Thanks to this character, Dayana is attracted only strong in spirit men who are able to achieve it and perform real masculine actions for this.

Diana is not jealous at all, and does not accept such feelings in her direction. For her, love is, first of all, trust, respect and understanding. Despite a strong character the girl does not strive to become a leader in the relationship. On her ground, she looks for support and a reliable, strong shoulder.

Such girls rarely have casual relationships. They carefully choose a partner; sexuality is not the least important thing for them. And if a man does not arouse desire, then he has no chance to become the only one.

A few more facts

There is no church name in Orthodoxy, so the girl’s parents should think about a second name in advance. Most often they choose either Darius.

In the passport the right option spelling will be DAIANA.

Dayana is a female name, the origin and meaning of which is still debated. So, basically three versions of its origin stood out. According to the first, Dayana is one of the variants of the name Diana, translated from Latin meaning “divine”. The second version claims that the name Dayan is derived from the Hebrew Dayan - “God the Judge.” The third version defends the opinion that the name Dayana is of Turkic origin and means “traveler”, “pilgrim”.

The name Dayana does not have many abbreviated and diminutive variants. Among the main ones are Dina, Dana, Dayan, Daya.

Since Dayan's name church calendar no, then name days are not celebrated.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Dayana

Of course, the origin and meaning of a name necessarily leaves an imprint on the fate of its bearer, and the name Dayan is special in this regard, because it is interpreted differently in different languages. But no matter what version we take as a basis, a woman named Dayana still stands out for her majesty, unprecedented attractiveness, determination, justice and penchant for adventure.

Since childhood, Dayana has been a girl who loves to command. If in a children's company there is a child named Dayana, then you can be sure that she is the leader. Diana loves when people listen to her and fulfill her every whim. If she is denied some service, then Dayana will be mortally offended, because she will think that she is not loved or respected. For Dayana, authority is above all else, so she works with all her might to build it and subsequently maintain it. It is clear that such authority and even superiority of Dayana contributes to the emergence of many enemies - people who do not want to obey the arbitrary and dictatorial nature of a woman.

In terms of choosing a profession, Dayana is a generalist who can realize herself in any field, the main thing is that her ambitions find a way out. Dayana will make a good doctor, a responsible financier, and a thoughtful psychologist. Television and show business are areas in which she will feel like a fish in water. Whatever profession Diana chooses for herself, she always strives to occupy leadership position, because recognition is everything to her.

At first glance, it seems that Dayana is an absolutely insensitive, uncompromising and tough woman who goes ahead and does not disdain anything to achieve her own goal. Outwardly, everything really looks exactly like this, but behind the external inaccessibility there is often hidden a very sensitive and vulnerable woman who is having a hard time experiencing her own defeats and at times really wants someone to help her, to take on at least part of the responsibilities that Dayana has taken upon herself. The woman avoids as much as possible conflict situations, however, not when this is a fundamental issue.

Dayana usually gets married late, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons. In her personal life, Dayana is sentimental, romantic and sensitive. She is honest, decent and faithful, so these are the qualities she demands from her chosen one. Dayana's marriage is usually strong and reliable, based on mutual trust and honesty.

Dayana is a very purposeful and persistent woman. She is capable of sacrificing a lot to achieve her own goal, but it often turns out that the goal is achieved, but there is no feeling of happiness. Diana experiences such moments with difficulty, but does not stop there, but moves on to new goals and achievements.

The name Dayana is common in different countries. Its most famous representatives are: Diana Ross (American singer), Dayana Abdrakhmanova (Kazakh model), Dayana Keaton (American actress), Dayana Kirillova (Russian singer).


Meaning of the name Dayan

Dayan is Turkic. hold on

Numerology of the name Dayan

Soul Number: 8.
Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing things, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6

Body number: 2


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Dayan as a phrase

D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
I (YA = A) Az
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Dayan

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”