When is Michael's name day celebrated? Some interesting facts related to the name. When is Michael's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar? Michael's Name Day according to the church calendar: dates by month

When is Archangel Michael's Day in 2016? The Orthodox Church celebrates this wonderful holiday on November 21, and it is correctly called the Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Powers. Don’t be surprised by its pretentious, difficult-to-understand name, since the celebration was legalized in the second half of the 4th century. At that time, some Christians exalted angels who conveyed divine messages above the Lord. Therefore, the holy fathers had to put everyone in their place and restore justice.

An angel is not only a messenger, a courier between God and earthly man, but also a permanent nanny who protects him from troubles from birth to death, and does not demand rewards for his titanic work. If you just remember once a year, on Archangel Michael’s Day, and mentally thank him for not letting you perish in the abyss of sins and averting misfortune. They, the servants of the Lord, have enough of their own problems, which are sometimes difficult to solve.

Saint Michael, who defeated the devil

Angels, like people, have freedom of choice, and therefore are capable of making mistakes. This happened once with Dennitsa (Devil), he stood higher than others on the hierarchical ladder, which is probably why he became proud and rebelled against the Creator. He also had followers. In general, turmoil was brewing in the spiritual world, but Saint Michael stepped forward and fearlessly declared that he recognized only one God - the Creator of the Universe. But before the memorable event, this archangel occupied a modest position in the “heavenly office”, the penultimate, eighth rank, and was far from equal to the impostor Dennitsa.

A terrible battle unfolded; Satan possessed the highest perfections, but victory, as it should be, was on the side of good. The troublemaker and his retinue were driven out of the Kingdom of God, and since then the entrance to Heaven for fallen angels has been forever closed. But they did not calm down, they directed their anger at people. That is why the leader, the leader of the heavenly army, Archangel Michael, does not lower his weapon, and other archangels help him in military affairs.

Gabriel is the keeper of divine power, the healer Raphael, Uriel is the enlightener, the light of faith. Next to them is Selafiel, who encourages prayers, Yehudiel, who glorifies the Lord, Barachiel, who is responsible for good deeds, and Jeremiel, who exalts. And at the head of the meeting is the brave Archangel Michael. However, do not forget, in addition to the saints listed, other invisible guardian angels exist; believers receive them at baptism. On the day of the Archangel Michael, these invisible creatures also celebrate their name day.

Miraculous icon of the Archangel Michael

Saint Michael is often depicted in military armor, with a sword or spear, which is crowned with a cross and a white banner, personifying purity of thoughts and fidelity to Christ. At his feet is a defeated dragon - a symbol of evil spirits. There is a popular belief: the icon of the Archangel Michael drives out evil spirits from homes. Therefore, the place to build a new house and the entrance to it are consecrated with it.

For the same reason, the icon of Michael is considered healing. Ailments, according to Christian principles, are caused by sinful, evil thoughts, which are cured by prayer to the Archangel Michael; it is especially effective on November 21. Saint Michael is the patron of patients and ambulance workers (doctors, nurses, orderlies, drivers), prayer to Archangel Michael helps them overcome their illness. And also the icon of Michael inspires the military, police, and firefighters, who “don’t spare their lives” to save other people’s lives.

Michaelmas Day: a holiday in folk traditions

On Archangel Michael's Day, November 21, we had fun and feasted heartily for a whole week. Field work behind, the barns are full of grain, accumulated debts, few peasant farms can manage without them, distributed, go for walks and receive guests. Their families came from all over the area. If you don’t pay visits to your relatives and neighbors on Michaelmas Day, they will be offended and sulk all year long.

The housewives prepared the treat ahead of time: they always cooked jelly and a noble piece of meat (veal, beef or pork). The closest male relative divided it with his hands into pieces, which he placed on a plate for each guest, the most honorable and dear ones first. They put him in the “red corner”, where the icon of the Archangel Michael hangs. All kinds of pies were baked for tea, and a coin was hidden in one of them. If a girl gets it, she will soon be married to the crown; the money promised wealth and good luck to the rest of the lucky ones. On the Day of Angels, the table was set for Domovoi, and a little porridge with butter and a piece of pie were left for him at night. Let him rejoice in the holiday together with everyone.

Church rules separate the concepts of name day and angel day. Michael's name day is the date when Orthodox Church remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the baptism ceremony was performed specific child, named by this name. The date of the day of the angel Michael is individual; on this day you can come to church and light a candle, remembering the sacrament. What date is the day of the angel Michael, only the closest people can answer, but the dates of the name day are set by the church.

Name Mikhail: meaning, origin, name day

This name comes from Hebrew and means “god-like.” The bearers of this name have such character traits as activity and integrity. Mikhail has good willpower and excellent health. He is usually smart, but very demanding of those around him. Just like his saint, he strives to protect everyone.

For Orthodox Michael- a special figure - he is an intercessor for mortals in the face of God, and also leads the heavenly forces in battle against the army of evil.

Michaelmas, celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. The people loved him very much. It is on November 21 that the Orthodox Church holds the Council of the Archangel Michael, and this is considered one of major events autumn. Michael is the protector of believers from illness and all temptations.

It has long been believed in Rus' that no evil spirits can resist the Archangel Michael, because as soon as he appears, all the evil spirits hide in holes and caves, or fall underground.

Slavic beliefs associated with this day

Depending on the region, Michaelmas was celebrated in different ways. Eg, in Polesie he was respected because they believed that he was a protector from thunder. Therefore, on this day no one chopped, cut or wove anything, so as not to offend the saint. In some areas of Belarus, it was noticed that after Michaelmas, bears hibernate. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter; frosts began from this day. There were signs: if there is frost on this day, the winter will be snowy, if there is fog, there will be a thaw. If the weather is clear on Michaelmas Day, the winter will be cold and frosty.

Michael was also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone who wanted to die easily had to celebrate his day.

Michael - Hebrew mikael - like a god, like a god.

Mikhail's name day church calendar:

  • January 24:Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake
  • February 27:
  • March 23:Mikhail (Mavrudis) Solunsky, martyr.
  • March 27:Rostislav (baptized Mikhail) Mstislavich of Kiev, Smolensk, Grand Duke
  • April 29:Mikhail Vurliot, martyr.
  • May 15:Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar
  • May 20:Michael of Ulumbia, Venerable [one of the founders of Georgian monasticism]
  • June 3:Mikhail Muromsky, prince
  • June 5:Mikhail Savvait, Edessa, Chernorizets, prmch.; Michael of Sinad (Phrygian), confessor, bishop
  • June 28:Michael of Kyiv and All Rus', Metropolitan
  • July 13:Mikhail, martyr, gardener
  • July 16:Michael
  • July 17th:Michael, Archbishop, Athens
  • July 22:Mikhail Snovidets, martyr.
  • July 25:Mikhail Malein, abbot
  • 11th August:Mikhail Savvait, Edessky, Chernorizets, prmch.
  • 25-th of August:Mikhail Garejisky, prmch.
  • September 19:Michael, archangel
  • October 3:Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Chernigov, martyr, prince
  • October 13:Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan (Transfer of Relics)
  • October 14:Mikhail Zoviysky (Sevastian), schmich., abbot
  • October 15:Mikhail Kazansky, martyr.
  • November 21:Michael, archangel
  • November 30th:Gobron (baptized Mikhail) Kakheti, martyr, prince
  • 5th of December:Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior; Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy, Grand Duke
  • 31th of December:Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, confessor

Characteristics of the name Mikhail

Little Mikhail is inquisitive and carelessly cheerful. He loves active games, and sometimes it is very difficult to calm him down. He likes to put things in order, tinker with animals, and design.

Mikhail usually studies well. It is not easy for him to concentrate his attention, he grabs onto several things at once, but, to his surprise, he manages to cope with everything. He visits almost everything school clubs, participates in olympiads, competitions, competitions. Energy just flows out of him! Mikhail has a logical mind, he calculates quickly and easily copes with tasks. But literature and languages ​​are also good for him. Often he has “innate literacy.”

The adult Mikhail is calculating, unhurried, and balanced. He has an excellent understanding of people, hates flattery and servility, and avoids conflicts. Despite his outward complacency, Mikhail is capable of exploding like gunpowder. In anger, he becomes insane, remains angry for a long time, and can take revenge if he is offended. He has a keenly developed sense of justice and is convinced that he is right.

Mikhail prefers to achieve everything in life on his own, using his mind and talents. He has a lot of talents: he is artistic, has a keen understanding of poetry and music, and understands the psychology of people. He always works conscientiously, is honest, incorruptible, and hardworking. Mikhail will become a good doctor, engineer, lawyer, builder. The profession of an artist or writer is suitable for him. Mikhail will do an excellent job with leadership position, will succeed in the field of entrepreneurship.

Mikhail is always surrounded by friends. He himself is a devoted friend, he will always help, even too much. Mikhail is obsessed with a passion to interfere in other people's affairs and give advice. He loves to chat and has a great sense of humor with a hint of sarcasm. He is constantly in the center of attention, events, and reacts sharply to the opinions of others about himself.

Mikhail experiences a strong attraction to the opposite sex. In his youth, he is ready to love everyone, he has many hobbies. He knows how to care, but sometimes he is too persistent. All his novels are fleeting in nature. He hesitates for a long time to decide on marriage. Looking for an elegant wife with good feeling humor, temperamental and sexy. Sex is of great importance in Mikhail's life. He is capable of becoming a wonderful father and husband. If Mikhail “went crazy” in his youth, then he will not change. A stable life is more valuable to him.

The main features of this name: activity, enterprise, thoroughness.

Other materials about the name Mikhail:


Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, Michael) is a name of Jewish origin, widespread among Christian peoples, Jews and Muslims. Derived from Hebrew words. מי כמו אלוהים‎ (mi kmo elohim, abbreviated as “mi-ka-el”) - literally - “Who is like God?” or “Who is like God?” meaning “no one is equal to God.” Although the meaning of the name Michael is often interpreted in a non-questioning form: “Who is like God,” or “He who is like God.”

meaning, origin


Michael the Archangel, Archangel. In his honor, a cathedral of believers was built to glorify Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers, which he leads, on September 19 (6), November 21 (8). Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar (Baptist of Bulgaria), May 15 (2). Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior, December 5 (November 22). Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Chernigov, prince, martyr, February 27 (14), October 3 (September 20). Mikhail of Zoviysky (Sevastian), abbot, martyr, October 14 (1). Mikhail of Kakheti, prince, martyr, November 30 (17). Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan, October 13 (September 30). Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake. From the family of the great princes of Moscow. He lived for forty-four years in great exploits and foolishness in the Klopsky monastery near Novgorod (XV century), January 24 (11). Mikhail Malein, abbot, July 25 (12). Mikhail Mstislavich of Kiev, Smolensk, Grand Duke, March 27 (14). Mikhail Muromsky, prince, June 3 (May 21). Michael Savvait, Edessa, Chernorizets, venerable martyr, June 5 (May 23), August 11 (July 29). Michael of Sinad (Phrygian), bishop, confessor, June 5 (May 23). Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, venerable, confessor, December 31 (18). Michael of Ulumbia, venerable, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism, May 20 (7). Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy, Grand Duke, December 5 (November 22).

name day, patron saints


name zodiac



Color sea ​​wave, red. The main color is blue. There is also a dark red stripe.

name color


Linden, elm, strawberry



Tiger, bear



Will, activity, sexuality

main features


A diverse personality, he often judges people by himself or some of his own criteria.


Mikhail often acts as a fighter for justice and the eradication of shortcomings in other people. In his youth he is naive and overly kind; as he gets older, he still “wipes himself off” and adapts to life, but he cannot be called a cynic. He is also very generous and does not spare the last for people. He has an impeccable attitude towards a woman, as a creature that needs male protection. Many people use this.

name and character


He is prone to excessive idealism, and therefore he will have plenty of disappointments in life. It is best for him to choose a profession that will help fulfill his need to protect the weak and eradicate negativity, otherwise he will be deeply unhappy.


Stable. He is generally stress-resistant. However, behind external well-being and a smile, real suffering is often hidden.


It is very well developed and is widely used in everyday life.



He has a logical mind, he also has a high level of intelligence, but he will never learn to think abstractly.



Very high level morality. He treats parents and older people with respect. Always fulfills their wishes, not considering it whims.



She has very good health and can easily withstand any injuries. But its weak point is the heart and circulatory system.



Very sensitive and sensual. Loves affection, but not only receives, but also gives. Oddly enough, but sex is given quite a lot of attention. Having sexual harmony



Mikhail is a good husband and father. He can have many children, but only on condition that his wife completely suits him, and especially sexually. Despite his love for the opposite sex and sincere belief in their defenselessness, Mikhail is very demanding of his chosen one. He is quite difficult to please. But if you succeed, you can rest on your laurels for the rest of your life. Mikhail is very faithful if he is happy with everything.