"Insects in summer" teaching aid (senior group) on the topic. Insects in summer Flying insects in summer

Summer and children When flowers open on plants, bumblebees, wasps, bees, flies, butterflies and beetles fill the gardens, forests and meadows. From early morning they swarm in the flowers, looking for pollen and sweet juice - nectar.

There is a strict correspondence between the structure of a flower and the insect that visits it. For example, on clover flowers you can most often find a bumblebee and a bee. Only the bumblebee, thanks to its long proboscis, can obtain nectar hidden at the bottom of the tubular corollas, while bees get it by biting through the flowers. Beetles and flies, with their short proboscis, can reach nectar only from those flowers where it is located shallowly.
Among the butterflies fluttering over the flowering meadow there are some very beautiful ones: the peacock's eye - which received its name for the large spots on its wings, the mourning butterfly - a butterfly with velvety dark wings with a light border and a number of blue spots on their lower edges, the admiral, the swallowtail, etc.

A green caterpillar with red dots can be found on the umbels of wild carrots. When touched, she releases her horns. If such a caterpillar is planted in a cage and fed with carrot and parsley leaves, it grows and turns into a pupa from which a swallowtail butterfly flies out.

On plants - slumber, firecracker, tobacco, whose flowers are closed during the day, open and smell only in the evening, you can find moths. Sandman secretes nectar only before rain, only then do these insects sit on its flowers.

In June there is a buzz in the apiaries: bees begin to swarm. In the garden, vegetable garden, forest and field you can find many ladybugs. This round red bug with seven black dots on the upper side is popularly called the “sun”; it is protected because it cleanses cultivated plants from aphids. The bug's defense against enemies is the unpleasant-smelling, bitter blood that it secretes when it is squeezed.

Horseflies, gadflies, and burner flies appear in the meadow after haymaking. The latter, unlike house flies, have a sharp proboscis with which they pierce the skin, “biting” painfully.

On hot July days, grasshoppers chirp loudly. They have long whiskers, two pairs of wings and long hind legs that help them make large leaps. Only the male chirps. On its left elytra there is a transverse vein with a fine jagged edge, and on its right there is a membrane with swollen edges. The grasshopper, like a bow on a string, rubs a jagged vein along the edge of a swollen membrane, which causes the sound.

Along forest paths and at the edge of the forest, where Ivan da Marya still continues to bloom, you can meet ants that drag its seeds to their nests. The latter often get lost along the way and germinate at some distance from the mother plant. You can find celandine near the anthill. Its seeds, equipped with a comb, are dragged by the ants to the nest. When they eat scallops, they leave behind seeds that germinate here. Ants can be observed dragging not only seeds, but also herbs, pieces of pine needles, flies, beetles, and small caterpillars. On the plants near the anthill there are ladybugs that hunt for aphids. The ants drag the aphids towards them and “milk” them by licking the sweet liquid they secrete.

On hot and calm days, ants appear in the air making their mating flight. After the flight, the males die, and the females bite off their wings and return to the old nest or lay a new one. The anthill is located on the edge of the forest near trees and stumps.

Ants destroy a lot of harmful insects, protecting our plants from them, so anthills need to be protected.
On warm summer evenings, greenish-blue “lights” can be seen in the grass and bushes - this is the glow of the end of the abdomen of wingless female fireflies. He lives in damp places.

In reservoirs with stagnant water, water strider bugs scurry in quick jerks, with their long, thin legs spread wide apart, small whirling bugs spin, swimming beetles, water-loving beetles and their larvae swim.

Worm-like red larvae of the pusher mosquito - bloodworms - live on plants and sticks immersed in water. This best food for fish in the aquarium. Dragonfly larvae can be found on underwater plants. They have large eyes, wing rudiments on their backs and a long abdomen. The lower lip of the larva is elongated and at the end it forms a kind of pincers, with which it grabs prey - small aquatic animals. In a calm state, the lip is folded and covers the “face”. Before the last molt, the dragonfly larva emerges from the water and attaches itself to the stems of grass. It is good to transfer such a larva to a corner of nature and watch its transformation.

Dragonflies fly not far from the water: blue beauties flutter near the thickets of reeds and sedges. Sedentary small dragonflies are found in the grass. The largest ones - the yoke - do not flutter: after flapping their Wings several times, they glide in the air, grabbing prey in flight - small insects.

Many insects can cause significant harm to health, and some can even kill. Today we will talk about those species that you should be wary of in Russia.

The video version of the article can be viewed here (the text version is continued below):

Red cockroach.

Ants. Despite the fact that in the Russian Federation there are no such animals as the “bullet ant” (the pain from the sting of this creature is comparable to a gunshot wound) or the “24-hour ant” (the pain remains on one high level within 24 hours), and other most bloodthirsty representatives, our domestic ants can also pose a threat. Like cockroaches, they carry various pathogenic bacteria, which can then enter the human body and cause various diseases: typhoid fever, cholera, etc. Therefore, ants in the house are as undesirable as cockroaches! And our ants bite, too, and they can cause a lot of problems, especially for inexperienced tourists (I had experience)! Although we must not forget about the merits of ants, which save vegetation from pests.

Forest ant.


Midges or midges, this is the name given to very unpleasant small insects (mostly humpbacked mosquitoes) whose size is less than 5 mm, attacking not only people, but also animals. Their strength is in numbers, huddled together they will not give you peace. By biting, substances will be injected into you, causing swelling at the site of the bite, redness, itching; if the midge frolics to its fullest, other manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear, such as an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 40 degrees! You will find the most ferocious types of midges in the tundra region (they are called tundra midges or Kholodkovsky midges). Then swelling and other effects fade into the background, because you can catch plague, tularemia, and other terrible diseases.

Mosquitoes- are not as harmless as they seem, many of these creatures are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, Zika fever and others. Malaria alone kills about 200,000 people worldwide every year. There are about 10 species found on the territory of our Motherland. malaria mosquito, they are found in the European part of our country, as well as in Western Siberia.


Wohlfart fly.

Horseflies- terrible creatures who adore blood. There are about 200 species of horseflies in Russia. They carry many diseases, such as anthrax. In addition, the bites themselves are very painful. Biting horseflies inject anticoagulants and toxins, which slow down blood clotting, and the wounds bleed for a long time and do not heal.

Horsefly of the genus Tabanus.

Oestrus ovis.

Bees- creatures worthy of respect and playing a significant role in our lives, allowing us to enjoy honey! However, they can also pose a risk to people, despite the fact that they are not aggressive and only attack in defense. Bees are not only hardworking, but also dexterous, and it is not so easy to brush aside this honey plant! It is necessary to understand that if it stings you, then it itself will die, since along with the sting, which gets stuck in the body of the object of attack, the bee also loses part of its internal organs. At the same time, special substances are released that attract other bees who are ready to sacrifice themselves (for this reason, crushing honey-bearing creatures is also not recommended), and the bees live in large families! In addition to the pain from the sting, some people are hypersensitive to their venom, which can cause allergic angioedema, which can result in death. It is very undesirable for all people if the bite is applied to the tongue, pharynx or palate, because the resulting swelling can block air flow and lead to asphyxia.

After an attack, bees recommend taking antihistamine, remove the sting with tweezers and apply ice. Do not scratch the stung area, you can get an infection and get skin damage! Squeezing out the sting with your fingers is also not recommended. If the person bitten suffers from allergies, it is recommended to give an injection of adrenaline, which will reduce the allergic reaction and also save life.


Wasps- very annoying and dangerous! Especially for allergy sufferers, for whom a sting threatens death! They don't give you honey! After they sting you, they don’t die, so they can repeat the procedure again and again! They get into bags and fly into public transport They organize parties near fruit shops and stalls, they like to test your nerves. However, it cannot be said that wasps are completely useless; they help get rid of garden pests and flies.

Bumblebee- the insect is beautiful and one might even say kind. It pollinates its own flowers and does not bother people. I remember how my grandfather picked up several bumblebees and they calmly crawled across his palms without biting! However, not everything is so rosy, in fact, a bumblebee bite is very painful, and in 1% of the world's population, it can also cause an anaphelactic reaction, the likelihood of which increases with a repeated attack, and if you manage to get many bites, you can even die.

Hornets-can attack for no reason, cause serious allergic reactions leading to death, read about their most terrible representative below.

Asian giant hornet- the horror of Asia and the largest hornet in the world. The length of the body is already 5 cm! Found only in the Primorsky Territory. However, with the inexorable advance global warming their habitat is constantly expanding. The Asian giant itself is aggressive and cruel, much more than the bees, whose heads it literally blows off with its massive jaws! Then it grinds it into biomass and brings it to your hive as food for the larvae! A hornet can kill 300 bees in an hour, and if a beehive is attacked by a small group of hornets, then about 30,000 die in an hour. The bees fight to the death and defend themselves as best they can, but if attacked by a group of these giants, they are doomed! Having killed everyone, the attackers grab honey and larvae. The only chance for bees in a fight with the enemy is to destroy the “scout” who has not yet had time to inform his relatives about the found bee hive. They do it this way: having lured the “scout” into their hive, they rush at him en masse and while he destroys the bees closest to him, the rest, vibrating with their wings, create a temperature equal to 50 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, protein compounds are destroyed. The hornet and the bees closest to it die, but the hive is saved.

Asian giant hornet.

For people, an encounter with this giant can also end in disaster, because its poison not only destroys tissue, but also contains a neurotoxin that paralyzes nervous system, and an allergic reaction to a sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and subsequent death! In addition, the hornet's sting, which it usually inflicts at speed, is extremely painful. Those unfortunate people who have felt the intensity of pain compare the attack of a hornet to a blow from a heavy sledgehammer.

Beetles with powerful jaws. Such as ground beetles, stag beetles, longhorned beetles, swimming beetles and others are capable of biting through the skin, which can be quite painful.


Poisonous bugs. In principle, they do not inject poison, so there is no need to fear that you will be poisoned through the bitten skin. However, beetles can be poisonous because their blood, the so-called hemolymph, contains toxic substances, for example, cantharidin. If this chemical compound gets into the blood or mucous membranes, everything can end badly, including death. The most concentrated hemolymph in this sense is in such beetles as ladybugs of the genus “Coccinellidae”, redwings “Lycidae”, babies “Melyridae”, soft beetles “Cantharidae” and blister beetles “Meloidae”; more about them below.


Bug beetle- has about 70 varieties and is very poisonous. The reason is cantharidin, which is contained in the body of the beetle. If this substance gets on your skin, it will undoubtedly leave abscesses and blisters on it. Once in the wound, it has a negative effect on the functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. If it gets into the blood, death is possible! It’s no joke, in the Middle Ages many rulers were vilely poisoned by the poison of these very insects and died in terrible suffering. You can absolutely protect yourself only by eliminating all contact with blisters.

The beetle is a blister beetle.

Large ground beetles. Especially common in our country is “Carabus”, which shoots a caustic liquid from the back of the body, and quite far at a distance of 30 - 50 cm. If it gets on the skin, this liquid can cause a burning sensation, but if it gets into the eyes, it is already fraught for vision, especially if you do not immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of water.

Ground beetle.

There are other dangerous creatures covered with chitinous shells, such as ticks and spiders, that are not insects.


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Summer has come, when many of us are drawn to nature - to the forest, to the river, to the country house. However, one should not forget about precautions: after all, it is in summer period insects are activated, contact with which can be harmful and even dangerous to health. Here are the most “terrifying” of them.


Annually tick-borne encephalitis claims tens of thousands of lives. The risk group includes people who are in the countryside, walking in the forest, near water... Unfortunately, there are many types of ticks, and it is impossible to immediately determine Tick-borne Encephalitis or not. To do this, you need to conduct a laboratory test, and while you are looking for the right laboratory, time may be lost and you will get sick.

Safety measures: to protect yourself from ticks, experts advise wearing closed clothing, since in order to “suck in”, these insects look for unprotected areas of the body. If it’s too warm outside, then at least periodically examine your body.


They can be found both at home, feeding on your supplies, and in nature. Ants bite painfully (especially red ones), and can also carry various pathogenic bacteria, such as typhoid fever and cholera. In any case, it is theoretically possible.

Safety measures: when in nature, carefully look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on an anthill. If you spot ants, try to stay away. If you see an ant crawling on you, quickly shake it off.


Mostly in Russia there are red and black ones. They multiply very quickly and are capable of not only eating food supplies in the room, but also transmitting various infections, for example, dysentery or diphtheria. They can also crawl into natural openings on the human body, for example, the ears.

Safety precautions: fortunately, cockroaches are rarely seen on the street. They began to appear indoors less often. If you notice cockroaches, say, in your dacha, try using various baits and traps against them. By the way, cockroaches are afraid of cats, which can eat them.


Safety precautions: Do not come into contact with stray animals, as they are more likely to contract fleas than domestic ones. When returning from the street, carefully check your clothes. If fleas or larvae are noticed, it should be sanitized immediately.

Mosquitoes and flies

Mr.Smith Chetanachan/Rusmediabank.ru

We often think of them as harmless, but they are not. These insects can serve as carriers of malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery. And you can also get worms from flies.

Safety precautions: use repellents and others protective equipment from insects when you go outside. Mosquito nets must be used indoors.


These large, hairy, big-headed flies can lay larvae inside someone else's body, including a human body, destroying its tissue. They are especially dangerous if they get into the nose, throat and eyes.

Safety measures: if you notice a gadfly, it is better to move away. Use insect repellent.


They love to attack in a whole flock. Horsefly bites are very painful. Only females bite, secreting saliva with toxins and anticoagulants into the bite site. Such a wound does not heal for a long time. Allergic reactions and swelling may also occur. But what’s even worse is that these insects can carry pathogens such as anthrax, filariasis or tularemia.

Safety measures: the same as in the case of gadflies.


PiccoloNamek - English wikipedia

The sting of a common wasp causes pain, but the sting of a hornet (only females have a sting) is truly dangerous to life and health. The venom secreted by the insect contains histamine and toxic substances. This can lead to a severe allergic reaction, and the acetylcholine contained in the same poison causes severe irritation of the nerve endings and acute pain at the site of the bite. In some cases, a hornet sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and death.

Security measures: the same.


Inara Prusakova/Rusmediabank.ru

are very painful, and swelling and redness of the skin immediately appear in their place. But if a bee bites a person with an allergy to bee venom (and there are many of them), it can end tragically. The victim may experience fever, chills and convulsions, dizziness and vomiting. Particularly dangerous bee stings to the region blood vessels, heads and oral cavity. As a rule, the patient simply does not have time to receive help and quickly dies.

Security measures: first of all, do not bother bee hives. If you see a bee, try not to disturb it in any way: bees rarely attack those who do not touch them, do not wave their arms, etc. It's better to move away.

Blister beetle

arz, commons.wikimedia

©entomart, Attribution, commons.wikimedia

There are about 70 species of this insect, and all of them are poisonous. The body of the blister beetle contains cantharidin, a substance that, when it comes into contact with the skin, leaves blisters and abscesses (hence the name of the insect). If the poison gets into the blood, it negatively affects the urinary tract, which can be fatal. It is known that during the Middle Ages, killings of these particular insects with the help of poison were common. People died in terrible agony, and no one could save them.

Safety measures: the only way to avoid this situation is to avoid all contact with the blister beetle. If he does bite you, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

Tatyana Butaeva
Summer project “Insects”


Summer! This is a wonderful time of year when you can admire the beauty of nature at every step. You just need to not miss out on amazing moments, but show them to your children.

During walks, children are always interested in watching the flight of a bumblebee, the fluttering of a butterfly, and listening to the chirping of a grasshopper. Children want to know why a bee circles over a flower, how an anthill works, what a ladybug eats. Project will help children learn more about insects and teach the correct attitude towards them.

View project: group, long-term 06/01/2016-08/31/2016

Participants: teachers, parents, children of the group "Smile".

Target project: introduce children to the world insects, develop cognitive and Creative skills children in the process of implementation project.

Tasks project:

Develop the ability to generalize a child based on essential features;

Cultivate interest in insects;

Learn about diversity insects;

Find out the habitat, variety, nutrition, lifestyle;

Determine what role they play insects in our lives, in the life of the forest;

Do they need insects in protection and protection;

Develop interest in life insects, ability to observe;

Cultivate curiosity.

Materials and equipment: photographs, book illustrations, computer, encyclopedias, poems about insects, riddles about insects, materials for constructive and visual activities.

Expected result: children will learn

Recognize and name insects(butterfly, ant, beetle, grasshopper);

Get a basic understanding of some of the features appearance(body shape, number of legs, presence of wings, methods of movement (jumping, flying, running, sounds made (buzzing, chirping, where and how they hibernate) insects;

Learn about the harm or benefit that they bring to people and plants insects;

Learn to find similarities and differences;

Master a general concept « insects» .

Intended Product: album « Insects» , collective application "Butterflies are flying in the meadow", exhibition of drawings "Butterflies are beautiful", "Dragonfly", an exhibition of drawings on the topic « Insects» .

Stage 1. Preparatory. 06/01/2016-06/08/2016

A collection of literature containing information about insects and their role in the environment.

Selection of fiction.

Selection of game material.

Give parents an assignment research activities « Insects» .

Stage 2. Basic. 06/08/2016-08/25/2016

Implementation period Contents of activities

June 1. Reading a German folk tale "About a Butterfly".

2. Conversation "Who are they insects» .

3. Conversation "ABOUT insects» .

4. GCD "Six-legged babies"

5. Observation insects in the kindergarten area.

6. Drawing "Butterflies are flying in the meadow".

7. Application "Butterflies in the Meadow"(teamwork).

8. Looking at the album « Insects» .

9. Finger games « Insects» , "Dragonfly", "Working Bee".

10. Outdoor games: "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons", "Catching Butterflies".

11. Listening and learning a song "Ladybug".

12. Excursion with children "House of Butterflies".

13. Consultation for parents "First aid for bites insects» .

T14. creative activity for children and parents:

Collection of materials, photographs, drawings - crafts from waste material, drawings to your liking insect, a collage of one’s own observations while traveling with family, compiling a descriptive story about what was studied insects, their structural features, habitat. If parents wish, provide material on creating parent-child research project, schedule the presentation at the beginning school year 2016-2017. Promoting cooperation between children and parents in organizing the creation of an environment for the development of the child’s cognitive abilities.

July 1. Reading a fairy tale "The Tale of a Butterfly", "Fly Tsokotukha".

2. Conversation “What kind of insects» .

3. Conversation « Insects and flowers are made for each other".

4. Conversation "ABOUT insects» .

5. Drawing "Caterpillar".

6. Modeling "Ladybug" (plasticineography).

7. Theater activities "Fly Tsokotukha".

8. Poems about insects.

9. Outdoor games: "Grasshoppers", "Find your house".

10. Finger games: "Ant", "Bee", "Bug".

11. Consultation for parents: “How to instill a love for nature”.

12. Watching a cartoon "Under the mushroom", "Ant's Journey".

August 1. Fairy tale "Thumbelina".

2. GCD "Mysterious world insects» .

3. Conversation "In the world insects» .

4. Conversation “What kind of insects» .

5. Drawing "Ladybug".

6. Application "Dragonfly".

7. Outdoor games: "Butterfly", "Catching Butterflies".

8. Riddles we love - solving riddles about insects.

9. Consultations for parents

10. Watching a cartoon "Luntik".

11. Summarizing creative homework for children and parents: about a loved one insect.

Stage 3. Final.

1. Consultations for parents.

2. Making an album together with the children insects(fill the album with drawings, photographs).

3. Card index of outdoor games.

4. Collective application "Butterflies in the Meadow".

5. Exhibition of children's works.

Publications on the topic:

Summer project “Wonderful insects” Project passport Type of project: educational, research, group. Duration: short-term (within 2 weeks). Participants.

Project passport. Type of project: In terms of content - educational-creative, research, gaming, group. Project duration:.

Information and creative project “Insects” Project “Insects” Type of project: informational and creative Duration of the project: short-term 15.05 – 16.05 Project participants: educator.

Educational research project “Insects” Project "Insects" ( middle group) Completed by: Leonova Svetlana Nikolaevna “Who was deaf to nature from childhood, who did not pick up in childhood.

Project "Insects" for early ages Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 33 Educational and information project in a group.

We offer you 12 interesting facts about insects that will be interesting to children:

1.All insects have common features: six legs, antennae and wings. Their body seems to be divided into parts by thin lines - notches. Hence the name – “insects”.

2. The ladybug is of great benefit: it destroys many plant pests - aphids. The ladybug is cunning - she can pretend to be dead if you put her on your palm. At the first danger, the ladybug secretes a yellow liquid - even if the bird once grabs ladybug, then he will understand that this bug is not tasty, will remember its color and will not touch it again.

3.Why do they say that the grasshopper plays the violin? The fact is that there are special notches on its wings. He rubs them quickly, quickly, against each other, as if moving a bow across a violin, and a chirping sound is heard. Let the baby take a good look at the grasshopper (what color it is, does it have antennae and eyes), and at the same time think about why it needs such long hind legs. To jump, of course!

4. Bees, bumblebees and wasps are pollinating insects. After all, without them, flowers would never become fruits, and that means we would not be able to enjoy delicious apples.

5.Children are often afraid of stinging insects. But the one who waves his arms and screams in fear is more likely to be stung by a bee than a calm person. Because insects will not be the first to attack.

6.Ant is the strongest on earth! He can carry weights up to 10 times his own weight. If adults don’t forget to bring a magnifying glass to the dacha, with its help kids will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of these ubiquitous ants. To do this, it is enough to find a small anthill with little holes in the ground and watch it from time to time: what do the ants do, how do they treat each other, what kind of prey do they carry, how far do they run away from their home?

7.The main pest for country garden - Colorado beetle, regularly “attacks” potatoes. The child needs to be told about the harm this insect causes and ask for help in fighting it. Children usually do a good job of this task, collecting bugs in a jar of water while exercising their fingers.

8. Another serious enemy of the garden is the mole cricket. This is a large insect that lives in the ground and feeds on potato tubers, carrots and young parts of plants. You can find it while digging up potatoes. The bear is sure to make a strong impression on children due to its large size and terrifying appearance. And her paws are of particular interest to little researchers. They are well suited for digging. The mole cricket does not bite. She can fly and even chirp like a cricket.

9. It’s interesting to watch the fireflies at night. The firefly flies in zigzags. Be sure to show with your hand in the air how a firefly flies. In the dark, the firefly glows with a yellowish light.

10.Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. A bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their feet. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes that bees use to clean their eyes from pollen that has entered them. Bees, flying, buzz: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w.” Play bees with your child: repeating this sound is useful for speech development.

11. In the summer, in a village or country house, you will probably see a dragonfly. These beautiful insects hunt in the air: in flight, they keep their strong hairy legs folded in a net at the ready. Their sleepy victims end up in these “nets”. Interestingly, in just an hour, a dragonfly can eat as many as 40 house flies. If you want to make a dragonfly from plasticine, it is useful to know that its body consists of three parts: head, chest and abdomen.

12. A bumblebee flies very quickly, at the speed of an adult cyclist (18 km/h). It has a soft coat that helps keep it warm in the early morning. Bumblebees live in their “bumblebee towns” (about 200 individuals each). In the morning they are not allowed to sleep. Before dawn, a “trumpeter” appears in bumblebee nests and buzzes, rousing his fellow tribesmen to work collecting pollen. To “develop” the topic about bumblebees, you can play for your child an audio recording of “The Flight of the Bumblebee” from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tsar's Bride". This is how bumblebees will help your child become familiar with classical music.

Hocus Pocus: Caterpillars turn into butterflies!
Who among us in childhood was not surprised at the transformation of a nasty caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly? This transformation is akin to magic for the baby. Therefore, even if the baby’s parents have never seen this happen before, it’s time to do it now with the baby. First you need to catch a few caterpillars. It's better if they are different.
Firstly, not all caterpillars can be hatched into butterflies, and secondly, it will be interesting to compare the behavior of different insects.
Cabbage butterfly caterpillars can be found in the garden, on cabbage or radish. They are blue-green, with three yellow longitudinal stripes and black speckles. But you can’t take them with your bare hands. The caustic secretions of these caterpillars irritate the skin. The child should know about this. Matte green caterpillars of the reptile butterfly can also be found here. And if you are very lucky, you can find a swallowtail caterpillar on carrots, parsley or dill. It is large, clearly visible, green with black stripes and red specks on them. Urticaria caterpillars live where they are supposed to be based on their name - on nettles. In the same place or on raspberries you can also find caterpillars of the peacock butterfly. On fruit trees caterpillars of various silkworms or apple moths gnaw on the leaves.
Future butterflies need to be collected and placed in a jar or plastic bottle with the top cut off. Plants or twigs on which the caterpillars were sitting should also be placed there, and the vessel should be covered with gauze. Green food needs to be changed every 2 days. Now you can watch your pets together with your baby: how they chew leaves, how they crawl, how they grow. After some time, the caterpillars will pupate and turn into pupae. In this state it is better not to disturb them. All you have to do is be patient and wait. Until that wonderful moment when a beautiful butterfly emerges from a motionless chrysalis.