Storage in a small bedroom. Bedroom according to Feng Shui: rules for organizing space. Classic storage spaces

Indoors is not an easy task. Especially if this issue concerns the bedroom. In the bedroom, you should avoid massive pieces of furniture that visually hide the space and make the atmosphere less cozy.

Modern cabinets- light and roomy, and the glossy or mirror surface of the facade visually expands the space. When organizing storage space, you should take into account the main rule - there should be twice as much storage space as there are things. Clothes tend to accumulate.

Most best option storage of things - rational use niches, columns, etc. By installing shelves, rods, hangers, and drawers here, you can get a full-fledged interior. Moreover, it is quite possible to bring this idea to life even in the smallest bedroom, if there is a niche there. You can even do without a door, close the shelves from prying eyes light curtain, or not closing at all. Another option is doors with glass inserts or full glass doors.

If the headboard reclines, then this space can be used for any things that need to be at hand - magazines, books, napkins, etc.

Boxes fit perfectly in plastic boxes. In addition, they accommodate many large and small items, which helps organize storage.

– an excellent functional option.

Drawers, baskets and boxes can be hidden in closets or under the bed, or, conversely, placed separately. rationally used for storing blankets, warm blankets, bedding that is rarely used or seasonally can be hidden there.

Are you one of those who carefully organizes the space in your room or, on the contrary, limit yourself to only sleeping in it?..

Do you know that some things should not be in the bedroom?

Yes, there is a list of “prohibited” elements and, I must say, we do not always observe these prohibitions.

Pay attention to the following things and try to ensure that your bedroom does not have them.

Harmony in the house and in each of its rooms is achieved through details.

Many often escape our attention, and then we suffer the consequences without realizing it.

In order for the bedroom to become truly comfortable and comfortable for relaxation, it is necessary to follow certain principles.

Most of them concern the impact of certain elements on our energy and psychic consciousness, perception.

9 things that don't belong in the bedroom

1. Flowers

Many people are accustomed to keeping flowers in all rooms of their home.

But this is not the most suitable solution for the room where you sleep. And this has nothing to do with the oxygen that plants allegedly “steal” from us. No, rather, the issue is energy.

According to Feng Shui experts, flowers promote betrayal and betrayal. Flowers symbolize love and business relationships, and therefore can provoke the emergence of such marital problems.

It is also not recommended to keep flowers in the bedroom, because, as a rule, there is not enough light there, and the plants can quickly die. In addition, plants tend to accumulate dust, which is especially harmful for people with allergies.

And yet, it would be wrong not to say about positive properties plants in the house (if you decide to keep them): plants help regulate the temperature in the room, reduce noise and have a relaxing effect.

2. Colors are too bright

Orange, red and yellow represent fire energy, which is a clear contrast to what one would want in a bedroom.

Although they may have a positive effect on passion and romantic relationships, they also cause feelings such as jealousy and mistrust.

3. TVs and wireless devices

Watching TV before bed is undoubtedly a great pleasure for many people.

However, it is best to do this not in the bedroom.

TV and other devices, including wireless (wifi), emit radiation that reduces the quality of sleep.

If you just can't break this habit, place smoky quartz next to them. Coal or plants that can absorb waves will do.

4. Closet clutter

Even if you close the doors and can't see it, a cluttered closet is one of the things you should avoid in your bedroom.

Things that take up space in the closet prevent the access of new energy.

In addition, the decision to get rid of unnecessary things will then spread to other aspects of life if you start with the material).

Clutter has no place in the bedroom!

5. Mirrors

This is one of the main Feng Shui precautions regarding recreational space.

Mirrors are elements that reflect energy, and at night, when we sleep, this energy will circulate between our body and the mirror (back and forth).

The best option is to move the mirror to another room.

Another, less drastic, is to turn it around or reposition it so that you are not reflected in it when you sleep.

6. Desk with documents

This point is very similar to the situation with the cabinet, the only difference being that the table cannot be hidden and it will always be in your sight.

So if there is a table in your bedroom, try not to fill it with all sorts of documents and papers.

This not only visually clutters the space, but also creates a feeling of unfinished tasks and brings disorganization into your life.

Completely unconsciously, your mind will transfer this clutter to other aspects. everyday life(even if you don’t remember what’s in your room).

7. Ceiling fans

Feng Shui experts say that a constantly moving ceiling fan redistributes chi energy. And this, in turn, interferes with normal rest.

They say that best option- These are air conditioners or floor fans that can be moved from one place to another.

So ceiling fans should also not be in the bedroom.

8. Various items under the bed

Many people are accustomed to storing under their bed various boxes or boxes, but this is not a good habit. Moreover, this is exactly what you should avoid in your bedroom.

The fact is that storing items under the bed steals our energy, prevents its circulation and deprives us of new opportunities in life.

This has a negative impact on people's relationships when it comes to the bedroom of a married couple.

One more detail: in addition to the fact that you should not store anything under the bed, you should make sure that it rises at least 5 cm above the floor level.

This helps to increase the sense of power among those who occupy this place of rest.

9. Exercise equipment and work-related items

It’s nice, of course, to have a bicycle or some other exercise machine at home. But under no circumstances should he be in the bedroom.

Such elements are entertainment, they dispel thoughts and direct energy to goals that have nothing to do with quality rest.

You will feel the result yourself very soon: you will see how your relationships with other people will change, your mood will improve and your performance will increase.

And if you still have any of the above in your bedroom, get rid of it, don’t waste your precious time and your positive emotions! published .

If you have any questions, please ask

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

In a small bedroom it is difficult to allocate enough space for a full storage system or a large closet. These methods will tell you practical solution and find a place to store things in a small bedroom.

1. Horizontal storage
Bed with drawers - with one or two levels, a bed on a podium or a bed with lifting mechanism able to take on part of the load. A lot of things will fit here, just sort them and give them their own compartment.

A bed with a lifting mechanism can hide a real mini-wardrobe underneath.

2. Open storage
If a bulky closet does not fit into a small bedroom, it will come to the rescue open storage. A popular idea today calls for abandoning closed systems storage in the bedroom - this area is not intended for guests who come to the house anyway, so why hide things? A floor hanger or hanging rod for clothes, complemented by small chests of drawers, will organize convenient storage for clothes and motivate to keep things in order. If desired open system storage can be covered with a textile partition, this combination takes much less space than a closet, and it’s faster, cheaper and easier to arrange it.

3. Compact storage - shelves and narrow shelving around a bed, door or window opening
Narrow and shallow shelving with closed or open facades, which utilize the vertical and horizontal space of walls and partitions between window and doorways, is another way to solve the storage problem in a small bedroom and use the available space more efficiently.

4. Hidden storage
In a small bedroom you shouldn’t give up multifunctional things with additional features storage So a pouf or bench at the foot of the bed with a function hidden storage Suitable for small items or shoes.

5. Functional decor
Instead of hiding small items and trying to find storage space for them in a small bedroom, they can be used as decor - solving two problems at once. For example, use beautiful frames or organizing boards to store your jewelry. So you don’t need to rack your brains about how to decorate the walls in the bedroom and where to store the decorations.

The first step in solving any organizational problem is the bedroom (hereinafter, by bedroom we will still mean our main adult bedroom, although most of everything that will be said below also applies to children’s rooms, we will still talk about children’s bedrooms separately), like any other room, is to determine the functions for this room.

Ha! - you say. Obviously, the function of the bedroom is sleep, of course. Of course, this is the most important and basic function of the bedroom. Therefore, you should try to make your bedroom a space that can allow you to calm down. And only then will sleep be so good when the primary function of the bedroom comes first.

However, many of us don't have enough space or sometimes we just tend to use our bedrooms as more than just a place to sleep. Along with the main function of our bedroom, quite often we use it for other activities and functions.

Such additional possible functions include, for example:

  • Main or additional storage space for clothes;
  • Workplace used as a home office;
  • Applying makeup and dressing;
  • Relaxation before bed (here we can watch TV, read, listen to music), etc.
  • And, conversely, it is possible to get into a working mood and prepare for the work day in the morning by checking email on the Internet or the latest news on TV.

Therefore, before you start organizing your bedroom, decide what additional features fulfills or should fulfill the space of your bedroom. Don't forget to also make sure that these additional "responsibilities" do not conflict with the primary function of the bedroom as a place to rest and sleep.

Thus, it is likely that some additional functions may potentially cause conflict with the ability to calm down, relax and sleep. Especially if your habits or bedtimes do not match between you and your partner. Well, or by moving all your home office Instead of relaxing, you continue to work non-stop until you fall asleep, leaning over your laptop.

Therefore, it would be useful to remind yourself (perhaps once again) that the main function of the bedroom is, after all, sleep ;-))

Step #2: Declutter your bedroom

The second step in organizing your Bedroom is, of course, littering all the things that have no place in the bedroom as such, and at the same time those that have no place in your home at all, but they still do something in your bedroom.

I think that when we have a clear goal and understanding of what functions a particular room will perform, this task is solved much easier, at least when identifying those things that absolutely should not be in this room.

Here is a rough list of everything you should pay attention to when decluttering your bedroom:

Everything for sleep:

  • Sheets and bed linen;
  • Blankets, rugs, bedspreads;
  • Pillows (including decorative ones).

Wardrobe with clothes (wardrobe):

  • Clothes that don't fit your style;
  • Clothes do not fit;
  • Clothes that you did not wear in the past, and perhaps the year before (including clothes that did not fit);
  • Hangers;
  • Socks, tights and underwear;
  • T-shirts;
  • Swimwear;
  • Shoes
Bedside tables and tables , and also hanging shelves or headboard next to the bed, including shelves and drawers.

Space under your bed , including drawers (if available).

Storage location for seasonal clothing:

  • Coats, raincoats;
  • Gloves, scarves and hats;
  • Warm sweaters.


Accessories and decorations:

  • Earrings, rings and other jewelry;
  • Belts;
  • Glasses and sunglasses;
  • Hair jewelry;
  • Bags and wallets.

Step #3: Create zones for each function of the room

When zoning a room, answer 3 simple questions: “Where do we store it?”, “What do we store?” and, finally, “How do we store it?”

Once you have gotten rid of everything unnecessary in your bedroom, start creating zones based on all the functions you have chosen for this room. For clarity, you can even take several photographs of your room, open them in Paint or any other graphics program (or print on a printer) and label each zone with a felt-tip pen.

Then, for each zone, determine a list of things that will be located in each zone. Here it is worth deciding whether you will store bed linen in wardrobe closet or you have a separate closet. Likewise for each item. Where will there be seasonal clothing, and where will there be shoes? Where are the accessories and decorations? Think carefully and remember your habits. How you dress, how you undress, what you do in what order. Do you need scarves in the bedroom or is it better to store them in the hallway, and bags, and shoes? And so on.

Having determined what you store or are going to store in one place or another, you can clearly determine the necessary and convenient storage equipment for you. What will be in baskets or containers, or maybe in boxes? On open shelves? Consider whether you need dividers or drawers. Or maybe it will be more convenient for you to store something in the chest of drawers. Will there be a home office in the bedroom? Think through every little detail as much as possible.

Only in this way, based on the need, determine a place for each thing and organize the space both as a whole (by zones) and within each zone so that frequently used things are easily accessible and conveniently located.

So, if you dress in your bedroom every day, it is useful to have a hook on which you can hang your pajamas and clothes in the morning. This way, your pajamas will have their place and won't be thrown on the floor or bed every morning.

You should do the same with your bag, unless, of course, it ends up in the bedroom every day.

Then, you will most likely need large mirror, where you can assess how you look and make sure everything is in order before you leave the house.

If you're also getting ready in the bedroom by putting on makeup or painting your nails, you'll need a place to store your makeup and nail polish, as well as a mirror and enough lighting to apply your makeup.

For the "sleep" area, it's worth making sure that you have everything you need to set up a bed, dark enough curtains on the windows to block out light and perhaps anything else you need for a good night's sleep.

Think about all your habits and think about your typical routine for each activity in each zone. This will help you consider all the necessary needs and required items and accessories for each function.

Along with creating zones for all the functions your bedroom performs or will perform, don't forget about the "hot spots" (places in your bedroom) where things tend to accumulate. Make sure you have a laundry basket or something similar to put dirty clothes in when needed, a place to store things that accumulate in open spaces. Remove your night table or nightstand, leaving only the book or magazine you are reading on it for storage. Leave only those items that you need on a daily basis on open surfaces in your bedroom. Remove items that have accumulated on your closet or under your bed.

Most people stuff everything they can into their dresser drawers. When you take the items of clothing out of them, they turn out to be wrinkled, and if you don’t have time to iron them, you look untidy. As with any part of the house, organizing your dresser is quite simple. All you need is a little bit of your time and the desire to change everything.


1) Throw away all items with holes or stubborn stains. Also get rid of things that are simply out of fashion. We all buy trendy clothes from time to time, and then, every time we see them in the drawer, we ask ourselves, “What was I thinking?” Let them go, let them go.

2) Set aside items that can be donated to charity.

3) Find things you can hang in your closet instead of putting them in a drawer. Some people absolutely do not like storing jeans in a drawer; others think that jeans hanging on a hanger take up too much space in the closet. Make your decision based on the number of items in one category and the size of the available space.

4) Divide the space of drawers or. This will make it much easier for you to find the things you need, and clutter will appear much less often.

5) Do not stack things “one on top”, but “one after another” (as shown in the photo and video). So you will immediately see required item clothes and avoid chaos in the drawer.

6) Rarely used items can be taken out of the chest of drawers and folded in or and put away on the mezzanine or in the depths of the closet. And when the season comes, replace them with other out-of-season items in your dresser.

7) Designate a specific box for each category and tell other family members about it (or make sticker tips). This way you will avoid endless frantic searches, especially in the morning, when every minute counts.

8) Small details Store clothing such as socks, underwear or accessories in special