Why do you dream of salted lard in a dream? Fry in a frying pan. Savings or luck

Not everyone knows why lard is dreamed of. Those who are interested in what such a dream means will find the most detailed interpretation in this article.

If a person went to rest hungry and, falling asleep, thought about food, then it is clear why he dreamed of such a thing. If you didn’t even dream about it the day before, it’s worth thinking about what the dream warns about.

Why do you dream of lard - let’s find out the secrets

Before solving the mystery, we should remember under what circumstances it happened. If the dreamer cut him, it means that in reality he will defeat his enemies. Moreover, it will not necessarily be physical. He can also win with the help of his intellect. If a person does not have ill-wishers, then such a dream predicts good luck in business.

Let the lard in your dream be appetizing. If it is stale and rancid, then the dreamer will be in trouble in reality. Fresh lard in a dream will lead to happy events.

When interpreting a dream great value It means which gender has the dream of lard. If a woman in a dream stained her white hands with melted lard, then her plans to increase her status in society will not come true.

What do Ukrainians say about this dream?

I wonder what he says Ukrainian dream book about why you dream of lard? After all, this product has long been considered the national food of this people, although not only Ukrainians love it. Representatives of many other nations are not averse to enjoying a soft pink piece, placing it on black bread. But in the Ukrainian dream book, the procedure of eating lard in a dream is described as negative, since it may portend illness. Therefore, it is better to eat it in reality, but in moderation. The same dream book says: if in the kingdom of Morpheus you carried lard wrapped in paper in your pocket or bag, in general, you had it with you, then this portends wealth.

You can make a talisman out of this fatty piece by threading a string through it and putting it around your neck. But you should wear such an amulet only in a dream in order to attract wealth. In reality, such a trick will not work: the lard will stain your clothes, and those around you may misunderstand everything.

Why do you dream of salted, smoked or boiled lard?

Such a dream is very favorable. He predicts a happy outcome of negative events. If a person has troubles in reality and does not know how to get rid of them, then this is the dream that promises success.

When interpreting this vision, it is important to remember all the details. If a person in a dream with his own hand, then he is destined to real life meet someone who will distract you from pressing matters. The dreamer will have a great time with him and learn a lot of interesting things. There is no need to over-salt this product both in reality and in a dream. If someone sees a lot of salt in a dream, then this portends tears.

To consume lard, you can not only salt it, but also smoke it. in reality a small profit. As they say, it’s nothing, but it’s still nice. Even small sizes income could come in handy. But this is not the only thing that awaits the dreamer. He can make a very profitable deal.

fried and raw

Boiled lard portends apathy and sluggish business. Moreover, such a dream can be a warning about an accident on the road. If possible, it is better not to travel anywhere the day after such a vision. To prevent the dream from coming true, do not tell it to anyone. In any case, you need to be extremely careful on the roads, both as drivers and as pedestrians.

I wonder why you dream of fried lard? If you dreamed that you were frying lard, making delicious crispy cracklings out of it, then such culinary actions in the kingdom of Morpheus will be appreciated in reality. The dreamer will be initiated into some secret. This may bring him profit or interesting knowledge.

But rendered lard can bring chaos into a person’s real life. The dream will warn that in reality he may take a compliment for an insult. Therefore, in real life there is no need to be wary if someone praises you. It is likely that the person will do this sincerely. Maybe he just doesn't formulate his thoughts well. There is no need to be offended, but it is better to calmly find out everything.

Did you dream about fresh lard? Why would this be?

Why do you dream about fresh lard? If it is pinkish in color, and a layer of red meat is visible on the cut, then this is a wonderful dream. He predicts luck and good fortune. Well, if it is a large piece of lard, then the dreamer will have good health and material well-being. If a person cuts off only small thin slices from this piece, it means that he will be economical and thrifty in reality. The dream will make you think in real life about excessive wastefulness and help you find a middle ground regarding unreasonable spending.

In general, does the vision of lard positively interpret lard as appetizing? Fortunately, to good luck. Both in reality and in a dream, an old rancid product should not be eaten, and then everything will certainly be fine!

If you saw lard in a dream, then know that soon your fate will change for the better, it is possible that you will finally unravel some difficult situation or solve a problem. If a woman dreams that her hands are dirty with melted lard, then this means that her attempts to rise higher than she is now on the social ladder, unfortunately, will not be successful at the moment.

To see lard in a dream that lies on a plate and makes you want to eat it, but for some reason you cannot do it, then such a dream warns that in reality a temptation awaits you that will be difficult to overcome.

If you dream that someone is treating you to lard, it means that in real life you will have a promising acquaintance with influential person. This person can subsequently become your patron and help in solving many problems, as well as avoiding troubles.

To more accurately understand why you dream about lard, you need to remember what kind of lard you dreamed about. If the lard in the dream was salty, then this means that you will successfully solve some complex matter that until that moment has not moved. Smoked lard portends a profitable deal. Fried lard in a dream means that you will be privy to some secret.

If you dream of fresh lard with pink streaks of meat, then this means that life awaits you great luck and luck, so don’t miss the moment. Stale, yellowish, stale lard is a dream of stagnation in business. That is, you should not expect quick completion of transactions and other matters.

If you dream that you are frying lard, this means that the success of your business in the future depends on what you do at the moment and what decision you make. A dream in which you are salting lard promises fun adventures. Peppering lard in a dream means a difficult trip, so if you are planning to go somewhere, then you should consider all the little things.


Miller's Dream Book

Seeing lard in a dream- means a happy turn in fate.

For a woman to see her hands in melted lard- portends disappointment in attempts to rise higher in social position.

Freud's Dream Book

There is lard in a dream- to troubles associated with the fact that you slightly miscalculate your capabilities and after that you will feel unwell. This may involve food or sex, so try to save your energy.

Melted lard- a symbol that you will have to experience very strong sexual arousal in a completely inappropriate environment.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

White pure lard in a dream, if it is fresh and looks beautiful- portends an improvement in well-being.

Get dirty in pure grease- a sign that your affairs may cause you some concern, but this will not interfere with success. The exact meaning of the dream depends on what exactly you stained with lard.

Dirty or spoiled lard- a sign of failures and disappointments, the cause of which may be your own laziness or sluggishness.

Jewish dream book

Rendered lard- happiness in love; heat melted lard- the future is full of hope; buy rendered lard- you have enemies among women.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that your hands were sticky because you had just held lard in them- you will not be able to occupy the high position in society that you so hoped for.

Dream book for a bitch

Salo- happiness, luck, good changes in life.

Cooking with lard- you want to achieve a high position quickly and at lower costs.

New family dream book

Dream about lard- to a happy turn in fate.

The woman who saw her hands in melted lard- in the near future it will not be possible to occupy a higher position in society.

Modern combined dream book

If you see lard in a dream- in reality, soon expect a successful turn in fate.

A woman dreams of her hands being sticky with lard- predicts disappointment in her attempt to climb the social ladder.

Eastern women's dream book

Salo- a favorable sign, you can count on good luck.

A young woman has a dream in which her hands are stained with lard- warns: her hopes of occupying a higher position in society will not come true.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

There is lard- to a prolonged illness; buy (sell) lard- to love languor.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

A piece of lard- to bullying.

Salo- to a well-fed life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Salo- you will listen to a proposal to make someone look disgusting.

A piece of lard- you will suffer serious losses.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Salo- to liver disease.

A piece of lard- to excess body weight, to obesity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Salted pork lard in a dream- portends a happy outcome of unfavorable events, smoked- make a profitable deal, roast- you will be initiated into the secret, boiled- to an accident on the road, melted- consider a compliment an insult.

A big piece of fat- to health and well-being, cut slices from it- you will be economical and thrifty. Fresh cut pink lard with a layer of red meat- a sign of luck and good fortune.

Stale yellowed lard- you will fall into causeless melancholy and melancholy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Rendered lard- happiness in love; warm it up- the future is full of hope; buy- have enemies among women; eat- pleasure; see- you are walking on a dangerous road; cut- sadness.

Women's dream book

Pork lard in a dream- may portend a happy turn of fate.

If a woman dreams that her hands are smeared with melted lard- this means unsuccessful attempts to strengthen one’s position in society.

General dream book

A piece of lard- warns of a collision with a thief.

If you dreamed that you were buying lard- be careful because of your negligence you may be robbed.

In a dream you were selling lard- you shouldn’t covet other people’s goods and envy other people’s happiness.

There is lard- to big troubles.

Have you watched someone eat lard?- big troubles await one of your closest relatives.

Dream book of the 21st century

Cutting lard in a dream- for a happy occasion, eat it- to inaction.

Heat and fry lard in a dream- means in reality getting a non-prestigious, but profitable occupation.

A woman putting lard in a box or barrel

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you eat lard- portends troubles in intimate life. You run the risk of overdoing it without calculating your capabilities, and this will undermine your strength.

If lard was melted in a dream- this means that you will be overcome by a strong desire at the most inopportune moment.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Salo- a symbol of honestly acquired property or the dreamer having some special gift.

Islamic dream book

Lard and oil- denote permissible property, learning, allowance or benefit.

Culinary dream book

An appetizing piece of lard you saw in a dream- a sign of a happy turn in fate.

But if a woman dreams that her hands are shiny with lard- her dreams of fame are not destined to come true.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Salo- fame, wealth / will be beaten, sin, inaction; cut- a happy occasion; There is- someone in the family will die, they will beat you, there will be a quarrel, an illness.

Lard, cut it- a happy occasion; There is- inaction.

Esoteric dream book

See, buy- there is a danger of theft from your home or bags, pockets.

Eat, fry, consume- you yourself are ready to steal, to appropriate what does not belong to you. This applies not only to material values.

Ukrainian dream book

There is lard- disease; have on oneself-wealth.

Collection of dream books

There is lard- inaction; cut- a happy occasion.

See lard- to a dangerous situation; eat lard- it's time to reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet.

If in a dream you cut lard- the dream promises victory over enemies, good luck in business.

But if you dreamed of stale, rancid lard- unpleasant events await you.

Dream interpretation fresh lard

Why do you dream of fresh Salo in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream you saw fresh lard, you will get a chance, without missing which you will be able to significantly enrich yourself in the future, achieve large financial income and luxury. Try not to pass by this opportunity.

A dream of a piece of lard with layers of meat promises success. He is waiting for you in work and in all matters related to finance. This sign promises joy and prosperity.

Salt lard

Dream Interpretation Salt lard dreamed of why you dream about salting lard? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Salting lard in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salt

It is a powerful symbol of strength and stability. Salt has been highly valued by people since the dawn of history for its healing and cleansing properties. It was widely used as a preservative. And also with its help, people connected with the world of spirit. Salt was once valued on a par with gold, and in ancient China, salt plates were used as money. Historically, the word “salt” entered the culture and acquired a special linguistic meaning. There is evidence that in Kabbalah “salt” was considered a sacred word, due to its numerological properties: the letters that make up the name of God - Yahweh, multiplied by three, were equal to the number of characters in the word “salt”. In ancient times, it was believed that salt could replace the blood of the mother of the goddess. In both Judaism and Christianity, salt was brought to the altar instead of blood, as it had a similar taste. Salt also: has always been a symbol of purification and neutralization of negativism. Salt has remarkable disinfectant properties. In the ocean, it plays the role of an antiseptic and kills germs. And although the seas are subject to the same pollution as the land, salt water is restored much faster. Ocean salt can neutralize some biological factors bringing diseases to the coast. This sign may be telling you to cleanse all aspects of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salt

Probably one of the most famous expressions: “Rour salt on the wound” (that is, stir up the soul, cause suffering, touching on painful issues) first of all pops up in the mind when the image of salt appears in a dream. There is a sign: spilling salt means a quarrel, a scandal. And about people who understand each other perfectly and have gone through a lot together they say: “They ate a ton of salt between them.” In a dream, there is over-salted food - trials await you that you cannot go through alone, you will need the help of a faithful friend or loved one. A dream in which you salt something foreshadows an unpleasant meeting that will bring you trouble due to the fact that, if you cannot restrain yourself, you will say too much to your enemy. In a dream, to see mountains of salt, to wander through them - such a dream symbolizes heavy life situation, illness of a loved one, a lot of problems that you will have to solve without the help of others. If you accidentally spilled salt, then in reality you have a presentiment that something might happen. conflict situation in the family, so try not to provoke your other half, otherwise a small disagreement will develop into a major quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Dream Interpretation - Salt

If you saw salt in a dream, then your surroundings are alien to you. And in general, as soon as you dream of salt, everything goes wrong and quarrels break out in the family. If you salted meat in a dream, you could get bogged down in debt. A girl who dreams that she eats salt will be left by her lover for a more attractive rival. Salt also dreams of intense intellectual work. Scattered salt foreshadows a quarrel in reality. Salted food in a dream - try to be lenient towards your debtors.

Dream Interpretation - Salt

Salt in a dream is a symbol of grief, disappointment, and worry. Drinking a salty solution in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent illness. Take care of your health. See interpretation: brine. Spilling salt in a dream means quarrels and squabbles with loved ones. If you dream that someone else spilled salt, then you will soon be drawn into some kind of scandal or trial. A salt shaker filled with salt portends anxiety. If in a dream the salt shaker turns out to be empty, then your worries are groundless. Eating salt in a dream means that you will soon learn about the betrayal of a loved one or partner. Adding salt to food in a dream means that you are prone to adventure, which is why you constantly expose yourself to various kinds of dangers. Salting something in a dream means that your rash actions can have far-reaching consequences. Seeing a lot of salt in a dream is a sign of big troubles.

eat lard

Dream interpretation of eating lard dreamed of why you dream about eating lard? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see eating Lard in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Pork lard symbolizes a happy turn in fate. A woman who sees her hands in melted lard will not be able to occupy a higher position in society in the near future. In addition, melted lard may mean that you will have to experience very strong sexual arousal in a completely inappropriate environment. If you ate lard in a dream, expect trouble. You will miscalculate your capabilities a little, so you will feel unwell. Save your energy. A delicious piece of bacon seen in a dream is a sign of a happy turn in fate.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Salted lard in a dream foreshadows a happy outcome of unfavorable events, smoked - you will make a profitable deal, fried - you will be privy to a secret, boiled - to an accident on the road, melted - you will consider a compliment as an insult. A large piece of thick lard is for health and well-being; cutting off slices from it will help you be economical and thrifty. Fresh pink cut lard with a layer of red meat is a sign of luck and good fortune. Stale yellowed lard - you will fall into causeless melancholy and melancholy.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

White pure lard in a dream, if it is fresh and looks beautiful: portends an improvement in well-being. Getting dirty in clean grease: a sign that your affairs may cause you some trouble, but this will not interfere with success. The exact meaning of the dream depends on what exactly you stained with lard. Dirty or spoiled lard: a sign of failure and disappointment, the cause of which may be your own laziness or sluggishness.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Cutting lard is a happy occasion. Eating lard means inaction. Heating and frying lard in a dream means getting an unprestigious, but profitable occupation. A woman dreams of putting lard in a box or barrel - a sign of a happy turn in fate.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Lard - In a dream, there is lard - to troubles associated with the fact that you slightly miscalculate your capabilities and after that you will feel unwell. This may involve food or sex, so try to save your energy. Melted lard is a symbol of the fact that you will have to experience very strong sexual arousal in a completely inappropriate environment.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

If you dreamed of fresh lard, the dream means that you cannot cope with the problem on your own. If you treat someone with lard, they will help you. Imagine that you are treating a general or colonel with lard (see General, Colonel).

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Seeing lard in a dream means a happy turn in fate. For a woman to see her hands in melted lard portends disappointment in her attempts to rise higher in social position.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Salo - glory. Eating lard is a disease; to have on oneself is wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

An appetizing piece of lard you saw in a dream is a sign of a happy turn in fate. But if a woman dreams that her hands are shiny with lard, her dreams of fame will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Salo

Pork lard in a dream can portend a happy turn of fate. If a woman dreams that her hands are smeared with melted lard, this means unsuccessful attempts to strengthen her position in society.

Why do you dream about smoked lard?

Why do you dream about smoked lard?

Eating smoked lard in a dream means problems with weight.

Did you have to cut lard in a dream? In reality, an unexpectedly successful combination of circumstances is coming, victory over enemies, general success. The dream book will share its observations and tell you why the described plot is dreamed of, because there is also a less positive interpretation of the dream.

According to Miller

Did you dream about cutting a large piece of bacon? There has been an extremely pleasant turn in fate.

You can do it!

Why else do you dream about the described event? In reality, some disagreements and property disputes are approaching, but the dream book is confident that you will cope with difficulties and get your benefits.

Did you dream about how thin plates were cut from a large piece in a dream? Get ready for the director's disgrace or a love adventure. The same image promises the conclusion of small but profitable deals.

Seeing thinly cut appetizing pieces means that you will be very lucky in a big business, however, you will have to sacrifice your principles.

Are you sure?

Did you dream about cutting the lard into large chunks? During the implementation of the planned project, unforeseen complications will arise. Seeing another character cutting bacon can mean receiving wise advice in a critical situation.

If in a dream you managed to thinly cut lard, then the dream book is convinced that throughout the coming day you will make only the right decisions, even if those around you doubt you.

Why do you dream if you happen to cut lard for further use? This literally means that you are without a doubt ready to appropriate and even steal someone else’s property. Moreover, the interpretation applies not only to material values.

Interpretation of features

The dream book, in turn, offers a number of possible interpretations, depending on the quality of the main product.

  • Smoked is a bargain.
  • Fried - revealing the secret.
  • Boiled - misfortune on the road.
  • Baked is a reward.
  • Yellowed - melancholy, sadness.

If in your dreams you were not lucky enough to cut lard that was clearly spoiled and rotten, then get ready for a long illness and inactivity.

Savings or luck?

Why do you dream if you happen to cut thick fresh lard with meat streaks? In reality, a period of prosperity and excellent health is guaranteed. In general, seeing fresh lard in a dream means that in the coming days luck will become a faithful companion. Did you dream that you were lucky enough to cut lard in order to melt or fry it? You have to do a non-prestigious, but very lucrative job.

But if you had to secretly cut fresh lard into tiny slices from others, then the dream book recommends starting to save today. Difficult and cash-strapped times are coming.

Are you ready?

Did you dream about cutting salted salko into pieces? You will meet an old friend or friend. Sometimes this is a hint of a painful conflict with a person who will take advantage of your trust.

Why do you dream about slicing a ready-to-eat product? The dream book believes that it symbolizes disdainful communication towards others.

Pork lard symbolizes a happy turn in fate.

A woman who sees her hands in melted lard will not be able to occupy a higher position in society in the near future.

In addition, melted lard may mean that you will have to experience very strong sexual arousal in a completely inappropriate environment.

If you ate lard in a dream, expect trouble. You will miscalculate your capabilities a little, so you will feel unwell. Save your energy.

A delicious piece of bacon seen in a dream is a sign of a happy turn in fate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Meat

Buying fresh fresh meat in a dream portends joy from success.

Frozen meat in a store - you will lose something very valuable to you.

Putting meat in the refrigerator or taking it out from there means you will benefit from an unpleasant situation.

Cutting meat - to the successful completion of the work begun, scrolling through a meat grinder - to a serious illness, beating meat - to troubles at work or on vacation.

Cooking meat with seasonings means an unprofitable enterprise and a waste of money. Frying meat means a useless conversation; boiling means you will receive a letter from afar; stewing means that through hard work you will achieve financial independence.

Baking meat in the oven is a sign of joy and pleasure from communicating with friends. Smoking meat products means small income.

Baked pork in a dream means an upset stomach.

Bacon – dissatisfaction with oneself and others.

Ham - the return of rich relatives. Cooking goulash in a dream means a dissolute life, random love affairs.

Eating meat delicacies in a dream foreshadows a business that will bring the desired well-being.

Making sausage in a dream means a successful deal; eating it means happiness and contentment in the house.

Cooking sausages or sausages - fun and unexpected events, cutlets - you will find happiness in marriage.

Salting meat or eating corned beef means problems with debt.

Lamb in a dream foretells success in everything, a lamb's head - profit.

Camel meat portends illness, crow meat - trouble, wolf meat - prosperity.

Dreaming of beef means help from friends who will prevent you from committing a reckless act.

Pigeon meat portends melancholy and boredom in the company of senile old maids.

Goose meat that you eat in a dream - to doubts about own strength in case of failure in business.

Game meat means that you will be satisfied with your destiny by marrying the person you love.

Horse meat is a sign of despair and extreme courage.

Eagle meat, if you dreamed of it, testifies to the great strength of your character, which will help you withstand any test in life, and even move mountains in business.

Eating quail meat in a dream means useless expenses.

Seeing pork in a dream is a bad omen; beware of committing an evil act, which is fraught with many complications and troubles for you.

Cooking jellied pork's head foreshadows an imminent departure and farewell to friends.

Human meat in a dream means prosperity in old age.

Find yourself in a dream butcher shop or seeing meat rows at the market is a sign of a bloody affair or serious illness.

Seeing rotten meat means trouble in relations with your superiors.

A butcher seen in a dream with a bloody ax is a harbinger of trouble and damage.

A meat chopper in a store means prolonged lack of money and bereavement.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dream about lard, then you should definitely turn to your favorite and reliable dream book for help. He will become reliable support in the difficult task of interpreting this or that case of the appearance of fat to the people. You will find out why you dream of lard and depending on whether it is raw or fried, with blood or not, whether you dreamed of a salty product or a fresh one - the course of further life events will be clear and understandable. And just as nutritionists argue about the benefits or harms of this product, dream interpreters each give their own interpretation of a dream in which lard appears. All of their Talmuds, where the interpretation of dreams “fat” is interspersed with varying degrees of positive or negative consequences, you have to carefully analyze and not rush to conclusions. Let's get closer to the solution to the man who dreamed that he ate lard.

Dream book of the 21st century

Miller's Dream Book

  • Gustav Miller dictated “dream book: pork lard” as quick, well-deserved satisfaction. The overseas psychologist firmly believed in the justice of the American dream, if maximum effort and zeal were applied to fulfill it. Let’s add to this the lucky fat pig sign that appeared to you in the night and we’ll get a very colorful landscape of future events. This “pig calf”, if it pleases the forces that sent it into your serene sleep, will give a powerful impetus to overcoming financial difficulties or help increase capital acquired through backbreaking labor.
  • Dream Interpretation: frying lard in a dream means that you will have to be hot at work, but working up a sweat will give not only the expected results, in the form of a trip planned a long time ago, but also provide you with a chance to organize passive income. You can rest on your laurels of success while sipping juice from a straw and warming your bones on a golden sandy beach while lying on a rocking lounge chair.
  • Did you dream about a lot of lard? Better yet, just don’t rush to burn bridges until you see with your own eyes the veracity of Miller’s interpretations.
  • Dream interpretation: boiled lard in a dream - warns of indigestion, in pursuit of hard cash. While you cook with all your might in this cauldron, generating more and more new stress, your intestines often remain abandoned and abandoned. Either you turn it, day after day, into a garbage container, which in response mutters something from the opera of “chronic gastritis” or immediately reveals a peptic ulcer. Therefore, do not rush to become the last millionaire on the list and the first in line to see a therapist - everything is good in moderation.
  • Dream Interpretation: treating someone to lard in a dream - You can safely run to your boss and, as if by chance, hint about a well-deserved salary increase. Here it is important not to overdo it, so that you are not treated to blows or a simple promise to think about it, and then fired.
  • Why do you dream of lard with layers? This is a definite promotion or transfer to another department. Think carefully about whether you need this. Now is not the time when the upper classes cannot and the lower classes do not want to. Now the top people don’t want and, according to at will leave the posts they occupy, leaving behind them a free, but very responsible chair.
  • Miller's dream book: lard in a dream is deciphered mainly in monetary format. This is not commercialism - this is his vision of the world and his interpretation of fat.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: Seeing salted lard in a dream means that deceased relatives are warning you about a liver-related disease. Of course, being suspicious will not help matters and you should not immediately imagine that you have cirrhosis or hepatitis. However, it is necessary and necessary to listen to the body after such an awakening during the day.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying lard in a dream - there is a possibility that you will be able to cope with liver problems on your own by running to the nearest pharmacy and buying the right medicine there. Then your urine will again become light and transparent, and with it the world around you will brighten.
  • Lard with garlic, Vanga’s dream book ranks as dangerous harbingers of evil spells. One of your ill-wishers sent an illness to you. He may not have done it yet, but he has already pricked up his ears and is eager to commit such an atrocity. Such people tirelessly plot behind your back. In this case, the clairvoyant advised you to eat a clove of garlic yourself in order to prevent the influence of evil spells. They knock out a wedge with a wedge, as they say. A harmful effects No one has yet canceled this product for energy vampires. (cm. )
  • Vanga interestingly interpreted such a rare dream when your mother asks for lard in a dream. In every person, even before his birth, the masculine and feminine. The appearance of a mother in a dream asking for lard means that feminine or lunar energy is turning to you for certain actions. In the coming days, you should make a short fast and give up meat. Just temporarily pamper your body with various vegetables, juicy fruits and healthy nuts. Then the vital forces will be balanced, and you will feel pleasant relief in your body. As they say: “The Ukrainian night is quiet, but the lard must be hidden.” So do you - hide your ailments far away. People from all over the world used to go to Vanga and turn to the healer for help. Heed her advice too, since now you can use them without going far away.

Dream book of psychologist Freud

  • Why do you dream of lard with meat? Lard and meat seen in a dream symbolize sexual intercourse, rough sex without foreplay. There is no fatalism in this and only you can decide whether this will happen in reality or not, but Sigmund Freud believed that our subconscious in dreams gives us exactly those attitudes that we are sometimes afraid to voice even to ourselves. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting lard in a dream means a desire rooted in the subcortex of the brain to have sex with elements of masochism. And the daily feeling of discomfort associated with dissatisfaction will depend on the zeal and strength with which you have to cut or shred this product of your projected aspiration.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating lard in a dream is understood by a psychoanalyst as a desire to introduce innovations into your sex life in the form of games, with your partner eating food. “Love lard like a cat,” they say in such cases.
  • Dream Interpretation: salting lard in a dream is understood by scientists as a desire to invite someone else into your sexual couple. It is known that salt in certain solutions conducts current well, but think carefully before introducing such a charge into your life. Will your relationship fade after such an outburst?
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh lard in a dream - implies what is in your sexual relations lacks freshness. You can bring it in in a lot of ways: from romantic trips to rough sex after a quarrel. The main thing in this case is not to put off until tomorrow what can be put off until the day after tomorrow. Well, if you dreamed of a piece of lard, then this means that you have ceased to be aroused by some part of your partner’s body, which previously, perhaps, turned you on at first sight or touching it. You have a difficult task in putting forward your claims to the desired object. With hints and antics, and maybe some other insidious tricks, you will have to explain the current situation to your partner.

Esoteric dream book

This amazing and, in its own way, unique dream book: the interpretation of dreams “fat” – provides on its pages in a sufficiently sacred way.

  • Dream Interpretation: lard with meat in a dream - this means an imminent brutal fight with the enemy. We advise you to save your energy in the coming days. Most likely, you will have to argue with the antagonist about some small thing. The conflict is long overdue, and you can only carefully prepare for it by reading excerpts from training course on “conflictology” or use a number of simple psychological techniques, in order to dodge the attacks of the adversary in time. There is no need to tear out a piece of meat from his flesh, just show him your confidence and after some time, he himself will realize that he is completely wrong and will even apologize to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating lard in a dream signals you that just recently you crushed your enemy, but now, instead of calming down, you continue to harass the unfortunate man. Learn to forgive and do not stroke your pride with such unforgivable bullying. No one calls for turning your precious cheek to the blows of villains, but it is shameful to become like them. If you dreamed of salted lard, then you will certainly benefit from any possible avoidance of harmful things, from confrontations in all respects. Such a manifestation of your imprudence (especially since someone at the top warned you there) can bring extremely uncomfortable moments in the form of your salty tears or the bitter tears of your loved ones. (cm. )
  • If you dreamed about fresh lard, this means that other forces may unexpectedly intervene in your conflict with a competitor. You can become a scapegoat and in order to prevent such an eventual outcome, do not get into trouble and try to remain neutral in order to benefit from the night's greasy joke from the realm of the deity of another reality. Thus, seeing lard in a dream according to this dream book will mainly be interpreted as impending conflicts, or even a series of quarrels, which, however, can always be avoided with a competent approach to the problem.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • Why do you dream about a piece of lard? You have to meet your destiny on the next trip. Perhaps this will become an office romance for you on a business trip, or long-distance love. But what can you do, it has long been known that water does not flow under a lying stone.
  • Why do you dream about buying lard? To big expenses, on the upcoming journey - the goal, which, as mentioned above, can be quite real and long-awaited love. In this scenario, fate whispers to you that you need to get rid of greed on the upcoming journey. The miser pays twice, and free lard can only be found in a mousetrap, and then only for the second mouse.
  • Why do you dream about smoked lard? Get ready for the fact that on the road you will meet a betrothed or betrothed from the past. Most likely, the person dear to your heart has already been “smoked” in mash before. What can you do - innocent souls do not lie on the road.
  • Why do you dream about raw lard? Everything is logical and predictable for these Indians. The Wheel of Fortune brings to your attention a meeting of passing love on the road. A voyage without love to the grave is not so bad option, as it may seem at first glance.
  • Why do you dream about lard? See the description above for the answer to this question. It doesn’t matter which animal the piece of fatty flesh you saw in your dream belonged to. Be it: lamb, pork or kangaroo lard.
  • Why do you dream of salting lard? The passion you meet along the way will bring not only serene happiness, but also a hail of tears. There is no need to be sad about this, but you shouldn’t hope or wait either. They wait 3 years for what was promised, but do you have such a reserve of patience? Here we would like to find out what the coming day has in store for us, and let such a category as a year remain under the jurisdiction of the Almighty.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Those people who dreamed of lard can seriously turn to the Persian astrologer and poet Taflisi for help. There is information that he was involved in the occult and esotericism. Sometimes echoes of such hobbies flash in his dream books. To see lard with meat in a dream, and also find out why you dream of pork meat with lard, you can read from Taflisi’s dream book. However, above all, do not forget about the attitude of Muslims towards this animal. Allah very clearly prohibits the consumption of pork in the Qur'an, with rare exceptions when a Muslim is forced to eat lard.

  • Why do you dream of cutting lard? Since Taflisi’s lard symbolizes the sinful nature of a person, and like fats deposited under the skin, our sins also tend to accumulate. Such a dream will have a moral indication for you that the time has come to atone for accumulated sins. Do this with alms, turning to God or a series of good deeds.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of lard? Trouble awaits you ahead and avoiding it will not be easy, but it is possible. There are moments in life that you have to put up with, the main thing is not to lose heart and keep your nose to the wind.
  • Why do you dream of eating lard? There is a serious conflict ahead in which you may suffer a crushing defeat. Don’t lose your head and try to avoid the impending disaster, but don’t bury your head in the sand either.
  • Why do you dream of fried lard? This dream can be interpreted as positive. You have already actually atoned for your wrongdoings and are now moving on the right course. It is possible that in your next dreams you will have a navigator (new sign) that will point you in the direction of realizing your desired dream.
  • Why do you dream about raw pork lard? Your thoughts have become angry and wrong. Remember that unexpressed emotions can cause the formation of cancerous tumors in the body. This does not mean that you should express to the face of everyone you meet what you think about him at this moment in time. Just go in for sports, lift weights or hit a punching bag.

Psychological dream book

This dream book interprets a piece of lard that you saw in a dream in its characteristic and unique manner. It is based, to a greater extent, on your everyday feelings and experiences. If during the day you dreamed about lard, then this does not mean anything, except, perhaps, a burst of appetite. You should trust night dreams when the Moon dominates the horizon.

  • Why do you dream about buying salted lard? Your body strongly signals a lack of salt. Remember that restriction from this seasoning can lead to depression, poor health and sleep disturbances.
  • The dream "fat" symbolizes excessive concern for appearance.
  • The dream “buying lard” says: this is a tireless desire to purchase a subscription to a gym, a solarium, a massage therapist, etc. Remember that a person by nature is not a perfect being, but they often love you precisely for these small flaws.
  • The dream of “frying lard” says: it all comes down to the notorious diet on which you sit day after day, or pretend that you are sitting. Please do not forget that any restriction in food will be useful only in combination with physical therapy or preventive exercises.
  • The dream “fresh lard with meat” is often observed by vegetarians. Nobody encourages you to consume animal protein, but replenishing your body with plant protein is your direct task. And remember that only 30% of vegetarians do not eat meat! Especially those who dreamed of lard before pregnancy should agree with this statement.
  • Why do you dream of treating yourself to lard? Most likely, you are already tired of everyone with your conversations about health. Few people managed to win over to their side with chatter, but good example, will attract the masses to his side with an associate.
  • Why do you dream of cooking lard? You've given your body a good shake-up lately. Continue at the same pace, but do not forget about rest.

Dream book for girls

Even for girls, the dream book provides interpretation of dreams “fat”. Research by child psychologists has led to them finding out what girls associate with fat. This symbol does not appear in dreams often, but it indicates cunning character, manipulation of others and the elusive nature of the bearer of greasy dreams.

  • The dream “boiled lard” wants to say that the girl’s subconscious is tired of constantly digesting cartoons and Internet content. The girl begins to constantly imitate her favorite characters and loses her individuality. Help her find herself and don't fall for the hypnotic smile.
  • I dreamed of “being treated to sausages and lard” - a girl is standing at a crossroads. Don’t let the child withdraw into himself, go into interactive reality.
  • Why do you dream of salted meat with lard? A typical child's nightmare about pieces of lard floating in the soup. Let's add to this a tendency towards cunning and we get that after such a dream she will capriciously refuse other foods that she previously liked. Don’t follow this trend and stop the tricks in advance.
  • If she happened to see a lot of lard in a dream, then this means that you have completely spoiled the girl.


A dream in which lard is present has a rather contradictory meaning, which depends on more small parts. So, for example, dreaming of a piece of lard means a significant victory. Salted lard in a dream portends difficulties and snags in business. But try not to focus on the negative so as not to attract it into your life. Sweet and kind dreams to you!