Is it possible to lay down a laminate on linoleum. Can laminate flooring be installed on linoleum? The decision is made - we lay the laminate on the linoleum

Very often, in order to simplify some kind of workflow, we try to combine incompatible things. Such attempts also apply to the solution of the question - is it possible to lay a laminate on linoleum?

To improve the interior, is it possible to lay laminate on linoleum? It is possible, but subject to certain conditions.

After all, these floor coverings are completely different and each is used in certain conditions. In addition, for proper arrangement both require high-quality preparation of the subfloor.

So I want to understand why all of a sudden on an existing coating that still looks good enough, you decide to lay another one.

There can be only two answers: you do not like traditional linoleum or you decided to update the interior design, which entailed the change of the existing flooring to a more fashionable and beautiful laminate.

When it can't be done

The main reasons why you can not lay a laminate on linoleum are as follows:

  • The existing coating was worn to holes;
  • There has been swelling of the coating;
  • There was damage and destruction of the base of the coating.

The presence of such reasons, or even one of them, leads to the fact that the old coating should be disposed of and done proper training floor for new.

Helpful advice! Do not rush to tear off the linoleum, which lies perfectly flat, but has dried out a little from time and began to crumble at the joints. These places can be carefully cut out and leveled with heat-insulating putty. In this case, laying laminate on linoleum is allowed.

Regulatory requirements according to SNiP

Considering the possibility of laying a laminate on linoleum, with which there are certain problems, you can try to eliminate them:

  • cut the waves,
  • The places of cuts along the perimeter should be carefully fixed to the base,
  • Putty holes and after all lay laminate boards on the substrate, but this is not enough.

Important! The thing is that according to SNiP there are certain requirements that apply to the condition of the floor, and, unfortunately, they cannot be neglected. And the existing coating, which has worn out during operation, does not meet these requirements at all.

The essence of the requirements of SNiP is as follows:

  • The floor under any coating should be perfectly flat. This means that the gaps between the floor surface and the rail-rule in all directions should be no more than 2 mm. And we, given the thickness of the linoleum itself, already have a much larger gap, not to mention its waves. Moreover, in the case of laminate, the boards of which have a lock connection, and their proper fit is the basis of high-quality installation, any irregularities will cause the locks to diverge.
  • The slope of the floor should be no more than 0.2%. This means that any two points, the distance between which is 4 m, must have a height difference of no more than 8 mm. Linoleum, which has already served for a long time, is unlikely to meet this.

Of these two requirements, you can still somehow turn a blind eye to the second, but the first actually nullifies all our attempts to lay laminate over existing linoleum.

What do we end up with? Let's look at this problem from a brighter side.

Received coverage. If, nevertheless, you decide to lay a laminate on linoleum, then in the end it turned out from the point of view building codes, quite reliable layered construction, on which

  • A? the wall of the room, the gap between it and the new coating (if you are planning to equip it) should be 8-10 mm;
  • b? concrete pavement subfloor;
  • C? waterproofing layer;
  • D? cement screed, which was made under the linoleum;

  • E? primer on the screed, which leveled it and was also sanded when excess cement "milk" was removed;
  • F? a layer of glue for laying linoleum;
  • G? existing linoleum;
  • H? substrate under the laminate;
  • I? laminate boards.

Helpful advice! The laminate has high strength characteristics. Some of its types, belonging to classes 33 and 34, can withstand heavy loads and are recommended for use in sports and industrial premises.

That is why when laying it, the base must be solid. In the case of linoleum, if it has a soft surface layer, laying the laminate is impractical because it can sag.

When should you get rid of linoleum?

As a rule, one of the most common reasons for replacing linoleum is the wetting of its base and further destruction. There can be no two opinions here - it should be completely replaced.

This work is as follows:

  • Not only the linoleum itself is removed, but all layers up to cement screed;
  • Be sure to find out the cause of wetting and the origin of moisture;
  • The screed is re-cleaned and thoroughly dried;
  • The surface of the screed is treated with antiseptic compounds several times a week, after each drying;
  • If necessary, a leveling layer is made with putty;
  • A substrate is placed on the subfloor prepared in this way;
  • Laminate boards are installed on the substrate.

The decision is made - we lay the laminate on the linoleum

After analyzing the condition of the existing linoleum and making sure that it is satisfactory, we begin laying the laminate:

  • Let's start laying the substrate. Usually, a substrate with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm is sufficient for a laminate. But, in our case, since linoleum itself is already a fairly solid foundation, you can choose the substrate yourself minimum thickness. And then a pleasant surprise awaits you? if your linoleum is insulated, thick enough, durable and even, then the substrate is not needed at all!
  • We proceed to the installation of laminate boards, starting from the corner closest to the window.

Helpful advice! If the existing linoleum is not continuous, but consists of strips, the direction of which can be clearly traced, then the substrate must necessarily be laid in such a way that it is perpendicular to the direction of these strips.

And the laminate boards are laid perpendicular to the strips of the substrate. If there is a joint of linoleum strips, it must be covered with a substrate.


Let's not pretend, conclusions about good neighborly relations between laminate and linoleum are probably hasty. If possible, such relationships should be avoided.

The only possibility worth considering is if linoleum good quality and sufficiently even, which makes it possible for it to perform the function of leveling the floor and use it as a substrate, then such a neighborhood can be considered as expedient and useful.

The laminate, which has such a base under it, is still protected from moisture and performs its functions well. And then it all depends on how you will use it. After all, these such different floor coverings have one general disadvantage? negative attitude towards excess moisture.

Concluding the topic of laying laminate on linoleum, we want to show you what really comes out of this.

This video is not intended to make you give up on this idea. It simply warns against rash steps and makes you think!

Linoleum is a fairly practical and wear-resistant material, however, if it is used improperly, its surface may be damaged, as a result of which it becomes necessary to repair the floors. This problem is solved in two ways: the first is the dismantling of the old coating, the second is the laying of the laminate on the linoleum.

Laminate is the best choice in this situation, because it has truly universal operational characteristics. But in order to carry out the installation correctly, you should be aware of the specifics of such work.

Styling features

Laminate can be laid on concrete, tiles,. Laying laminate with your own hands on linoleum is also often practiced by home craftsmen. Such a base will need additional heat and sound insulation, which will be discussed in more detail below.

And first of all, before carrying out work, you should evaluate the quality of the linoleum coating.

Requirements for linoleum

  1. The surface of the linoleum should be smooth, and the unevenness should have a difference of no more than 3 mm.
  2. The floor on which the old coating is laid must be perfectly flat.
  3. Linoleum sheets must adhere firmly to the substrate, meeting all the requirements for laminate substrates, namely:
  • Dryness (moisture content of the material should not exceed the humidity level of the room).
  • Relative integrity (small cracks that do not create significant drops are allowed).
  • Purity.

Advice! Significant damage to linoleum should be repaired. Otherwise, a script may be created in the future laminated coating.

  1. Linoleum must be sufficiently rigid, otherwise, after laying the laminate, the floor may warp and sag, which will lead to unplanned repairs.

To determine if a laminate flooring is needed, you can do the following:

  • If the linoleum coating is durable, then the installation of the finishing flooring can be done without laying an additional substrate.
  • If the coating is dilapidated, then it is desirable to lay on it a substrate having a thickness of at least 3 mm. It can be made from cork, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, etc.

Advice! In order to improve the waterproofing of the base, use composite materials made of dense polyethylene with a layer of polystyrene.

Preparatory stage

Before you lay the laminate on the linoleum with your own hands, you need to make some preparations:

  1. Check the condition of the floor, as described above.
  2. Dismantle skirting boards.
  3. Vacuum the floor. It is advisable to use an industrial vacuum cleaner for this.
  4. Bring the laminate into the room for 5 days for "acclimatization".

Styling features

At the bottom of the article you can see how to lay a laminate on linoleum video, now we will describe the whole process in detail.


  1. Laying should start from the window and go perpendicular to it, so that natural light, falling along the panels, hides all the seams.
  2. Laying the first board.
  3. To maintain the gap between the coating and the wall, we install special spacer wedges. They allow you to set a gap of 10 mm, which is deformational and allows the floor to expand and narrow due to humidity and temperature changes.

  1. Having laid the first row, we trim the short panel that fits last.

Advice! If the cut part exceeds 500 mm in size, then the second row can be started from it. This way you offset the seams and minimize waste. End joints in adjacent rows of panels should be located at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, but no more.

  1. If a pipe comes across on the way of the flooring, then a semicircle is cut in the board with the help of an electric jigsaw.
  2. The boards of the second row are inserted into the locks, applied to the elements of the first row. They are inserted at an angle and snap into place when lowered.
  3. We lay the last panel using a special clamp, which serves to ensure that the final panel remains stationary.

Which are most suitable for the color of the laminate. Skirting boards are needed in order to close the deformation gaps. In addition, they perform a protective function - they prevent moisture or dust from entering the free spaces between the wall and the floor.

We complete the installation by installing skirting boards that are most suitable for the color of the laminate. Skirting boards are needed in order to close the deformation gaps. In addition, they perform a protective function - they prevent moisture or dust from entering the free spaces between the wall and the floor.

Skirting board installation: rules and helpful tips» href = »»> We complete the installation by installing skirting boards that are most suitable for the color of the laminate. Skirting boards are needed in order to close the deformation gaps. In addition, they perform a protective function - they prevent moisture or dust from entering the free spaces between the wall and the floor.

Where can I place the wiring, for example, an Internet cable or a telephone wire.

In order to mask the joints of the laminate between rooms, special sills are used, the width of which exceeds 3 mm.


Laminate: laying on linoleum is used only if the linoleum coating has retained its strength and does not have significant defects. In this article, we reviewed the main points of such work. By following our tips and tricks, you can create a really solid and reliable foundation.

As you can see, not in all cases old linoleum must be dismantled. If all of the above requirements are met, such a coating will fit perfectly instead of a substrate. In order to get more information on this topic - laying laminate on linoleum: video - prepared for you.

Laying laminate on linoleum can be carried out in various cases. For example, this method especially relevant for apartments in new buildings or other premises where rolled material is used as a front cover.

If linoleum was laid in your apartment, then most likely the rough base is quite even, which makes it unnecessary to remove the existing cladding.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Linoleum in proper condition greatly improves the insulating qualities of the floor

Laying a laminated coating on linoleum is practically no different from traditional technology, when a laminate is laid on a prepared subfloor. In this case, the floor will act as the carrier base, on top of which the rolled material is laid.

This technology has some advantages over classic version laying, but only if the old base is carefully prepared. Basic requirements to the quality of the base are indicated in the instructions for the laminate or on the packaging with the material.

The main advantages of laying on top of linoleum are:

  • insulation - this applies to both soundproofing and heat-insulating qualities. The resulting building cake provides greater insulation than standard laminate flooring over underlayment alone;
  • savings - no time and effort is required to dismantle the old coating. The presence of another technological layer under the laminate will reduce the outflow of heat from the room, which will certainly affect heating costs.

Failure to comply with technological standards and requirements for linoleum in the short term will damage the laminate. This will be seen from the cracks in the face layer and the characteristic fracture along the interlock line.

Surface preparation with linoleum

The technical condition of the old linoleum does not always reflect it appearance. Laying on linoleum can be done even on a torn and peeled off coating, after carrying out the appropriate preparatory work.

The subfloor must not be wet and contain heavily damaged areas.

Old linoleum must meet the following conditions:

  • the draft floor with the laid linoleum should not have multiple damages in the form of cracks, shells, potholes;
  • the maximum allowable differences in height relative to the level of the horizon should not be more than 2 mm per 2 m2;
  • the working base must be dry, clean, intact, free of fungus and mold;
  • the old coating must be securely fixed to the bearing basis. The presence of bulges, bubbles, swellings and other delaminations is not allowed;
  • linoleum must have sufficient rigidity, since soft types roll coatings do not have good elasticity.

This mandatory conditions, which should . Otherwise, the laminated fabric will quickly become unusable due to an uneven base and insufficient damper of the lining layer.

Preparation before laying will include the following actions: dismantling of skirting boards, checking the level of deviations, repairing damaged areas, cleaning the surface, preparing materials and tools for work.

The level of differences can be determined using a building level 1.5-2 m long. The level should be applied to the floor surface every 2 m. It is advisable to do this both along the length and along the room.

If there are significant differences on the surface, then it is impossible to lay the laminate on linoleum in this case. It will be necessary to completely dismantle the coating, level the floor according to minimum requirements and lay the laminate according to standard technology.

Under damaged coating we understand that linoleum has torn off areas or peeled off seams, corners or other parts. The bare floor under the torn pieces should be cleaned of dust and dirt. Next, the surface is treated with a primer for concrete and puttied according to the current floor level.

Loose parts should be glued with construction adhesive or special composition for fixing linoleum. Wavy parts or bubbles need to be cut off, cleaned under them the floor and glued into place. For fixation, the restored areas should be pressed with something heavy until adhesive composition will not gain full strength.

General installation instructions

You can start laying the laminate immediately after completing the preparatory measures and purchasing the right amount of materials. Laminate should be purchased and delivered to the place of work 2-3 days before laying.

For mounting the panels, a mounting kit is used, which includes several wedges for creating a technological gap, a hemming block and a bracket for laying panels in hard-to-reach places.

It is more convenient to take measurements using a tape measure with a stopper, a construction square and a pencil. Trimming laminate is best done with a jigsaw or wood saw with fine teeth.

When laying on top of linoleum, the use of a substrate is mandatory.

Do-it-yourself laying of laminate on linoleum is carried out in the following sequence:

At the final stage, the installation of skirting boards and other decorative finishes. To install the plinth, mark the wall and install the mounting plate along the length of one wall. Then repeat the steps for all other walls.

After mounting the bar, it is required to lay the necessary communications and set internal corners. Finally, close the plinth with an outer decorative strip or other decorative element.

Holding construction works associated with repairs, often poses a question to the owner of the living space: how to lay the laminate? Is it possible to put laminate on old linoleum? If this type of coating is chosen, the question of an effective basis will also arise. Under the role of the foundation are best suited:

  • moisture resistant plywood;
  • a strong floor, mounted from boards;
  • parquet boards.

Is it possible to put laminate on linoleum? The answer is yes. At the same time, the laying of bored linoleum floors must be done with high quality, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Linoleum preparation

The first rule of the master - linoleum must be glued to the base. Otherwise, it will swell over time and ruin the laminate. old material, it must be no more than 15 years old, it must be checked for obvious abrasions, holes or swellings with a depth of more than 2 mm.

If such damage is found, they must be cut out and the hole patched.

In case of defects, it is necessary to cut out the damaged piece and patch it with a new piece.

If it is decided to put new linoleum as insulation and then laminated, it is important to ensure that the floor is dry. Otherwise, the moisture will have nowhere to go, the coating will bloom, become damp and unusable.

Requirements for linoleum:

  • integrity (without cracks, depressions and holes);
  • dry coating for installation;
  • the old base must be cleaned of dirt and dust.

About the need for a substrate

Before laying the flooring, you need to decide on the substrate material. Possible options:

  • cork;
  • foam polyester;
  • from expanded polyethylene.

When walking on the flooring, the laminate is deformed. The underlay helps to avoid this by acting as a damping layer that softens the load. Most masters ignore this fact, believing that the depreciation of linoleum is enough, however, the opinion is erroneous. Even the available intermediate layer of polyethylene is more resilient than the old, lying down linoleum.

The coating is mounted from the light source (window) perpendicularly so that the laminate seams become less visible due to the light falling along.

Styling features

Lay down new laminate is not difficult, following a certain technology. The accuracy and conformity of the process to such a prescription will mean success.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to allow new laminate boards to rest for 2-3 days. During this time, the material will reach the temperature and humidity of the room in which the repair work will be carried out.

Laying laminate on linoleum begins with two boards of the first row, and a 10 mm gap is achieved by installing spacer wedges. This is a deformation gap that allows the floor to move - narrow and expand with changes in temperature and humidity in the room.

Laying the laminate professionally should be done with the lock on you - this allows you to speed up and facilitate the work. At the end of the laying of the first row, a short panel is cut.

If the trimmed part of the panel exceeds 50 centimeters in length, the second row of flooring should be started from it. Such a scheme will minimize waste from installation. In this case, the joints at the ends of adjacent rows must be located thirty centimeters from each other.

This is necessary so that the deformation from pressure on the coating with increasing humidity is evenly distributed. In addition, trimming less than 40 centimeters cannot be left at the edges - they will turn out from pressure. It is better to cut the first panel, evenly distributing the seams on both sides.

The first four connected lamellas of two rows will be the basis for further actions. For laying the last row of coverage we use. It rests against the groove of the web for fixation.

After laying, the wedges are pulled out. The whole process ends with the installation of skirting boards that match in color. good option there will be products with channels to hide electrical wires or cables. Skirting boards are necessary to protect the expansion gap from moisture and dirt. Decorating the joints of the coating between rooms is easy to do with the help of special three-millimeter thresholds.

Door frames cannot be installed on laminated panels - this will deform flooring. If such a need arose, it is better to file the box to the height of the panels.

Two layers of laminate or one?

During repairs, the question also often arises: can laminate be laid on top of the old laminate?

It is not advisable to lay laminate on old laminate

Masters do not deny this possibility, but advise to refrain from such manipulations.

Reasons for not using the old foundation:

  • The initial surface for laying must have rigidity, since the coating itself does not imply rigid lock system mounts.
  • Due to the presence of the coating, it is impossible to reliably verify the integrity of its inner layers, and this is necessary for laying a new laminate.
  • To ensure static, the new floor will have to be mounted perpendicular to the old one. This is impractical, because the principle of laying the previous coating was optimal from the very beginning.
  • The height of the room is reduced.

All the minuses, however, apply only to the coating with a locking method of connection. You can put laminate on a laminate base when it comes to fixing panels with glue. In this case, a new protective substrate will be needed. With her high quality and stiffness, a new floor laid on top of the same old coating will last a long time.

Repairing floors in an "economical way" is practiced when it is not possible to dismantle the old linoleum. Or is there nowhere to put the removed coating from polymer materials. Either natural and polyvinyl chloride material (linoleum) is still in good operating condition, as is the substrate under it, but you want to update the interior by laying a laminate. Then you can use the linoleum laid on the rough base as the basis for the laminate.

Sometimes a laminate on linoleum is an economically and practically very relevant solution

Conditions to be observed

Often it is a change in the interior, where more aesthetic material is required to create an integral composition, one of the reasons to look for a way out of how to combine these two coatings. In addition, in a situation where it is planned to make repairs without the involvement of third-party specialists, laying laminate on linoleum with your own hands is considered optimal solution floor repair issue. However, this is possible under a number of conditions:

  • a smooth base is allowed on which the laminate will be laid: there are no height differences, and between those that are, the amplitude should not exceed 3 mm;
  • linoleum under the laminate must be of a high degree of strength;
  • work is carried out on the floor, the humidity of which is not more than 2% in order to avoid deformation of the wood-fiber base;
  • absence of mechanical damage and swelling on separate sections linoleum, its tightness.

Linoleum, as a base, must be perfectly even - swelling and peeling are unacceptable

By the way: it is possible to lay a decorative flooring based on a fibreboard on concrete, a wooden base, and tiles. The use of the substrate in parallel with the linoleum solves the problem of additional sound insulation, reducing heat transfer.

What attracts a bunch of "linoleum-laminate"?

Like any floor design, the linoleum-laminate combination has its pros and cons.


High thermal insulation characteristics both coatings, which are enhanced in the complex. Plus, there is additional isolation of noise penetrating from neighbors living below. Another bonus in favor of this combination is the savings in building materials, labor costs and time.

For the production of work will require such tools

What's in the "cons"?

Realistically evaluating the situation, one should take into account the possible "pitfalls" that may be found in such a "pie". An unstable decorative laminate layer needs a solid, solid base. If the linoleum at the laying stage was poorly fixed over the entire area initially, then this will lead to the appearance of bulges on the floor after some time, which will cause the deformation to break. This means extra costs for dismantling the coating, then linoleum, preparing a new rough base and again laying the laminate. However, it may happen that in next moment the floor will begin to deteriorate again, but from high humidity foundation environment. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, a decision is made: is it worth starting this work, laying the laminate on linoleum.

Lay laminate on linoleum: the right solution to the problem

It is very important to follow the process technology:

  • calculate right amount laminate, draw up a laying scheme, etc .;
  • purchase a coating, taking into account the margin for trimming, factory marriage;
  • to withstand the period of acclimatization;
  • mount the substrate;
  • fix the laminate.

On preparatory stage laminate sheets are unpacked, inspected, manufacturing defects and defects resulting from delivery are identified. The panels are aged room conditions 2-3 days. During this time, they acquire the temperature of the surrounding space and its humidity. Combination of textures, pattern, selection colors also performed before the start of the main work.

In order for the work to be argued about laying out the drawing, you need to take care even before the start of installation

A rough base covered with linoleum is being inspected, on which the laminate will be laid. A thorough examination reveals potholes, the floor is leveled. Linoleum, if necessary, is stretched and firmly fixed, after which it is thoroughly washed, cleaned of greasy spots. For production further work the surface must be completely dry. In case of serious violations of the integrity of the coating or its insufficient rigidity, linoleum should be dismantled.

Special attention to the substrate

Important! A practical question that will definitely arise when arranging a floor with a decorative laminate flooring is whether an underlayment is needed? Her styling cannot be ignored, because. the required shock absorption is created under dynamic loads, in addition, the substrate improves thermal insulation. Its layer should not be less than 2 mm.

A substrate for a laminate is definitely needed - often a material with a thickness of 0.5 mm is used

It would be nice to use in this capacity an environmentally friendly, lightweight material that creates a shock-absorbing effect - cork. But this is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, the cork can be replaced, for example, with foamed polyethylene. In each case, "fitting" is required. door frame(platbands), due to the height adjustment created by the new substrate and coating.

Laminate installation algorithm

  • Laying should be carried out with the obligatory maintenance of compensation gaps of the order of 10-15 mm between the floor slabs and wall surfaces. This is necessary in order to new material during operation, it could freely change in size, expanding or narrowing depending on changes in temperature and humidity characteristics.
  • Sheets of decorative laminate are laid so that the joints are less noticeable. To do this, it is better to start work perpendicular to the window opening: natural light will fall along the tiles, leveling the seams and gaps. The first (as well as the last) row of laying is attached to the base with wedges, this will allow the panels not to move during operation.
  • Laying is carried out according to the chosen scheme, taking into account the pattern and the protrusion of communication connections. In these places, with a jigsaw or drill, cuts are made at right angles, and then a hole of the desired configuration is cut out. Then the workpiece is mounted in its place.

Attention to expansion gaps at the ends

  • The last fragment of the first row after laying is carefully trimmed. It becomes the beginning of the second strip. Tiled elements are joined at an angle of 45 degrees using the "lock-groove" method. After completing the connection, the laminate of the second line is lowered down until a click appears: this is an indicator that the bonding has occurred, it is strong. To ensure sufficient density, the laminate is knocked out with a rubber mallet.
  • Docking lines at the ends of the panels between adjacent (adjacent) rows are laid with a gap of 0.3 m. This allows you to compensate for the load on the floor when the coating expands when wet.
  • When forming the last row, you need to make sure that all the elements of the laminate laid before this remain motionless. To fix the strips, skirting boards are installed in the same color as the floor. They not only capture decorative coating, but also mask the compensation gaps, prevent the ingress of debris, dust, moisture into them.

The result of the above

Your new floor will give you years of enjoyment with proper care. Do not abuse excess moisture when washing it, because. the underlying high-density fibreboards are hygroscopic, swelling with absorbed liquid. This, by the way, also explains why it is impossible to lay on wet linoleum.

It will be enough to wet cleaning without the use of alkaline detergents. And then the aesthetically attractive durable flooring based on fiberboard on a practical linoleum base will be reliable and durable, and you will not have to worry about blisters on it.