Why Chechens and Russians don't hate each other. The truth about Chechens - “real men” and “invincible warriors”

I figured out what happened at the Don children's health camp on the spot. I still had a few questions, which I asked local residents , various nationalities. The opinions of Russians, Armenians, and Dagenstanians turned out to be unanimous. The first question is how such an uneven national disproportion happened in the camp, where for 150 Russians, small children, there were 350 Chechens. (really adults) It turns out that the director of the camp was against such a visit, but since the recreation was carried out at public expense, it was put up for tender. The camp owners won the tender and forced the director to carry it out. The second question is why did the local youth gather in such numbers to fight the Chechens? But it wasn’t only the youth who came running. And men and even women ran to save Russian children. This is not the first year that this situation has happened here. Clashes with the Chechens occurred every year and repeatedly. At camp sites, in cafes, just on the beaches. They arrive in groups and walk in groups. They leave their places of residence “AWOL” and in a group provoke and attack the children. More than once, they beat and they were beaten. But the fight in the Don, as they say, “has already boiled over.” Little by little, the local population learned to unite and respond. Everyone knew that such a large and aggressive group had entered the camp. The children’s parents and the children themselves (Russians) were in great tension, since the children were literally, from the beginning of the line, “terrorized, bullied day and night. All entertainment in the camp was subordinated only to the needs of the Chechens, and they allowed themselves everything. Even the chief of police He regrets that the director shouldn’t have reported this situation right away, but everyone is sure that he knew everything, since everyone in the camp was expecting trouble. Therefore, when it broke out, no one had to be called - the population actually ran to save the children. The Armenians, neither the Greeks, nor the "godfathers", organized nothing here. The cry was simple - in the camp the Chechens are slaughtering Russian children! You can imagine how those who were boiling could respond to it. The last question is - why do the Chechen guys behave this way? The answers and stories were different. Those who were in Chechnya say that there is completely different discipline in Chechnya, there is respect for elders, for women, for the teacher. or raise your hand. But, for some reason, when they leave, all this disappears and they become hostile. One old Armenian put forward the version that it was out of fear. The main thing in affirming this was to assure everyone that, individually, each of the Chechens is a coward, and a coward to such an extent that he does not always admit in the company of others that he is a Chechen. It was assumed that not knowing the surrounding peoples well, when they are among them, they group into flocks and, out of fear, try to show themselves as “cool”. I liked this version. From this, I see that the solution to the problem is not only that in Chechnya they will actively teach their history and national characteristics, but also that we will perceive them as being afraid of us and our great culture and nation, and Let's prove that we are not scary, but on the contrary. In general, let's love each other. Otherwise, out of fear of each other, we will kill each other. Perhaps there are other versions?

The Monument to the Heroes of the Caucasian War.

After one slap in the face in the form of:
We looked. It's a blast.
To follow up, they decided to take another test, so to speak:
The monument to the “heroes” of the Caucasian War stems from the following event,
which happened during the time of Yermolov:

“According to Chechen historians, the feat was accomplished in 1819.
After a fierce battle, Russian troops captured a large number of people,
including 46 girls.
When escorting through the Terek in the Khangish-Yurt area
the girls began to grab the guards and throw themselves into the stormy river with them.”

Almost 200 years have passed, just think about 200 years, two full centuries,
and they remember, praise and worship.

Chechens, like Dagestanis, are an absolutely wild nation.
You can give them all a Mercedes and train each of them at the University, there will be “0” benefit.
And this is not theory, this is practice.
10 years of the Kremlin’s Caucasus policy have proven this.

Chechens consider themselves wolves, mountain wolves.
This is far from true
Chechens are a pack of slop dogs.

No offense here guys, because all the behavior, the whole essence speaks exactly about this.
The wolf is a noble animal, incredibly proud and very rarely feeds on carrion.

Scavenger dogs eat what people throw at them,
What’s interesting is that they then bite these people.

The behavior of a typical Chechen, Dag, is not important.

They need money, help
- they are lawlessness, murder, rape and so on.

Few people know that even in the criminal World, they were never respected.
The goal of any normal person doing not entirely legal things
it is quiet, peaceful and profitable.
No authority will commit murder unless necessary,
genius is not in killing everyone,
The genius was that everyone was alive, and you were in full swing, and even free.
The Chechen's goal is simply to kill everyone,
and when you sit and ask that idiot:
What the fuck? He says: fucked up because.

The Chechen nation is absolutely useless in the modern World.
Option two:
isolate completely, like lepers,
or completely destroy it.
It’s the same as if Neanderthals were living among you and me now.
Imagine, you go into the subway, and there’s a guy in Leopard’s skin and with a club.
Chechens remained at the level of their distant ancestors,
who didn’t want to work, didn’t want to build, but stupidly ran around, killed and robbed.
Such nations hang like a burden on the shoulders of the Russians.
Any Russian person, the most degraded from the most asshole village,
smarter and more intelligent than the coolest Chechen, believe me.
I talked to both of them.
For them, the goal is to kill, and it doesn’t matter who, they often blow up their own.
What's the point of seeking dialogue with people like that?
Any gopnik, even the most frostbitten one, even understands some words.
There are those who will write:
And among the Slavs there is a lot of shit.
And here I won’t argue, but the concentration of crap in the Slavs is 10 times lower,
than in the same Chechens.
And again, the embitterment of the Russians is due to the fact that
that there are a lot of LKNs in our lives.
Russian people are distinctive, sedentary, homely, let’s say.
For them, at the gene level it is difficult to understand those
who behaves like an animal, and not just behaves, but behaves like this in their home.

Why is everyone silent?
Don't know.
Probably tired, just tired, or maybe just don’t care yet.
But I know one thing:
Soon Germany, France, Spain, Italy, England, to a lesser extent,
the formation of national states will begin,
where one nation is the defining one, the indigenous nation.
Everyone already understands this, both political scientists and historians,
multinational countries of the Old World are a utopia.
To avoid a great war
at one time, Christianity was invented,
there must be a single and decisive one, and so it is in any country.
There must be a superior nation and an inferior nation,
It’s impossible to put 10 bosses in one chair.
There must be respect
but in Russia the Russians, the Orthodox people, must be the masters.
Yes, you need to respect other nations, listen to them, but the Russians should rule.
This is not a whim, a whim or nationalism - this is ordinary logic.
Without a core there is no foundation,
and while this rod is being sawed by everyone who is too lazy, it will break,
It will suck for everyone, believe me.
You know, I rarely make mistakes.

The turn of the 17th-18th centuries was marked by numerous wars between Russia and Turkey, Persia, as well as Crimean Khanate. Since our country was separated from our enemies by the Caucasus Range, it was strategically important to seize control over it. But it turned out to be not so simple. The mountaineers did not want to be conquered at all. So, in 1732, the Chechens attacked a Russian battalion that was making the transition from Dagestan to Stavropol. From 1785 to 1791, Chechen gangs more than once treacherously attacked Russian military garrisons and peaceful farmers who were developing the lands of what is now Stavropol. The confrontation between Russians and Chechens reached its peak in 1834, when Imam Shamil became the head of the rebels. The Russian army, led by Field Marshal Paskevich, resorted to “scorched earth” tactics: villages whose population was on the side of the rebels were destroyed, and their inhabitants were completely exterminated... In general, the resistance of the Chechens was broken, but individual “sabotage” against the Russians continued until the revolution 1917. “They amaze with their mobility, agility, and dexterity. In war, they rush into the middle of the column, a terrible massacre begins, because the Chechens are agile and merciless like tigers,” writes V.A. Potto in the book “ Caucasian War in separate essays, episodes, legends and biographies" (1887). When, during one of the battles, the Russians asked the Chechens to surrender, they replied: “We do not want mercy, we ask one favor from the Russians - let them let our families know that we died as we lived - without submitting to someone else’s power.”

"Wild Division"

During Civil War many Chechens and Ingush went to serve in the “Wild Division” under the command of General Denikin. In 1919, this “division” carried out a real massacre in Ukraine, where it went to suppress Makhno’s uprising. True, in the very first battle with the Makhnovists, the “savages” were defeated. After which the Chechens announced that they no longer wanted to fight with Denikin and voluntarily returned to their Caucasus. Soon, Soviet power was formally established in the Caucasus. However, from 1920 to 1941, 12 large armed uprisings against the Bolsheviks and more than 50 smaller-scale riots took place on the territory of Chechnya and Ingushetia. During the war years, the number of sabotages by local population led to the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the deportation of local residents.

“Come free!”

Why has it always been so difficult with the Chechens? Because the foundations of their culture are fundamentally different from ours. Yes, they are still in use blood feud. In addition, a Chechen does not have the right to admit his mistakes. Having made a mistake, he will still insist until the very end that he is right. It is also forbidden to forgive your enemies. At the same time, the Chechen people have the concept of “nokhchalla,” which means “to be a Chechen.” It includes a set of ethical rules accepted in Chechen society. According to him, a Chechen should be restrained, taciturn, unhurried, and careful in his statements and assessments. The norm is considered to be offering help to those who need it, mutual assistance, hospitality, respect for any person, regardless of his kinship, faith or origin. But at the same time, “nokhchalla” implies rejection of any coercion. From childhood, Chechens are raised to be warriors and defenders. Even the ancient Chechen greeting says: “Come free!” Nokhchalla is not only an internal feeling of freedom, but also a willingness to defend it at any cost.4 The old Chechen song, which later became the anthem of “free Ichkeria,” says: Rather, granite rocks, like lead, will melt, Than hordes of enemies will force us to bow! Rather, the earth will ignite in flames, Than we will appear to the grave, having sold our honor! We will never submit to anyone. Death or Freedom - we will achieve one of the two. The Chechens themselves claim that among them there are true bearers of the “holy traditions of the Vainakhs” - adats - and there are those who have deviated from these canons. By the way, the word “Vainakh” means “our people.” And once upon a time, a person of any nationality could become “one of our own” for the Chechens. But, of course, subject to compliance with their customs. Those Chechens who engage in robbery and robbery, who become terrorists, are not “true Vainakhs.” They use their powerful temperament for unworthy purposes. But judging the entire Chechen people by them is a big mistake.

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In the last 2 issues of MK, an article “Conversation with a Barbarian” was published, written in the form of an interview with an unknown Chechen ( otherwise someone else will be offended).

This Chechen is still relatively young, because he graduated from college under Dudayev, and his son is 8 years old. He lives in Moscow, and as is usual with new Muscovites from the Caucasus, he tells how he is offended and disrespected here. Of course, it’s not easy to distinguish a Chechen from a Russian or something else, but people try. So in the house where he lives, no one knew that he was a Chechen until his mother arrived and told him that she was from Grozny. After that, everyone recoiled from them, and the local police officer began to call him to his place and ask if he was hiding terrorists. The proud son of the mountains now pays him a quitrent - 200 rubles a month. When asked by a doubtful journalist whether the mentioned amount is not ridiculous, the Chechen reasonably replies that one Chechen is 200 rubles, and five are already 1000. One senses knowledge of life and arithmetic. ( It’s only interesting that earlier, before the arrival of the chatty mother, the selfish local police officer did not know where the Chechens lived with him, because people don’t register, don’t indicate their nationality, their previous place of residence, right?)

And when his son went to school, all the children found out that he was a Chechen and stopped playing with him ( But what about the previous terrible story with the disclosure of incognito?) Now our hero looks with longing as the children in the yard beat his boy. One time he saw his son running shamefully. Then his blood began to boil, and he hit the child and kicked him out into the street so that he would behave like a man. The son began to fight, since then he has only one friend left, and he, according to his father, is a traitor because he ran away from the battlefield. But the boy does not give in to his father’s instigations and does not want to quarrel with him. “I understand,” the father sighs bitterly, “he needs at least one friend, because he is still small.”

The journalist finds his father's behavior cruel. “But, perhaps, this is a real Chechen upbringing?” - “No, Chechen upbringing is completely different.” When the hero was just over three years old, his father gave him a toy machine gun. ( Let's face it: Dad was a bit greedy, he could have given a real one.) Children in the yard broke a toy out of envy ( What am I saying? The greedy one pays twice: the real one would probably not have been broken.) He came home in tears. His father not only did not console him, but also beat him and gave him a large knife so that he would take revenge. The child pressed the knife to his right thigh ( Please note: how extraordinary Chechen children are. An ordinary child would have already been injured by this knife, like, for example, my uncle, who in those same years fell into the hands of his father’s dirk) “My abusers were older than me: they were 5, 6 and 7 years old.” Yes, a respectable age. Our three-year-old caught up with one of them and began to poke him in the back with a knife, but he was wearing a sheepskin coat and the boy still couldn’t stab him with a knife. ( Yes, the sheepskin coats in Chechnya are apparently good, but the knives are bad. Take note) A neighbor noticed this scene and took the prankster to his father. The boy expected his father to scold him for not killing his adversary, but his father slapped him on the head. Then the hero of the interview realized that real Chechen he must solve his problems himself, not complain, take revenge, and if he is caught, then not rat out his partner. ( I really liked this story. Let's assume that this is not a blatant lie with the aim of presenting the Chechens as very scary people, but the truth. Let's assume that the narrator's father was not mentally ill, but that these are the real rules for raising children in Chechnya. But if this three-year-old child had killed his five-year-old offender, and what if he wouldn’t have had anything to do with it? Shouldn't the murdered man's six-year-old brother have killed him in order to take revenge in turn? And so on? And how many people are left in Chechnya? I can just imagine a wonderful picture of Chechen children playing in the sandbox and each with a large knife. “Oh, you took my cookie cutter, did you step on my little cake?” Die, you unfortunate thing!”)

But what’s interesting is that the same dad did not allow his son to participate in the war with the Russians in the 90s. What happened to him? Have you gotten wiser? Our hero moved to Moscow in those years and has been suffering ever since. True, he also built a house in his homeland, but the evil Russians blew it up because they said that a mortar was firing from it. “Did the mortar fire?” - "Don't know".

The hero approves of those Chechens who go to Manezhnaya Square to dance lezginka. ( True, they dance. No matter how I go there, I see them.) “I would go myself, but I don’t know how to dance.” ( What about the folk dance club?) It turned out that they were dancing there so that the enemies would not cowardly attack them in the gateways, but would attack them right there. ( But this is reasonable: there are a lot of police there, if something happens - all the skinheads will be sent to the monkey bar - and you can dance for yourself. Dancing is not prohibited here.)

In conclusion, the Chechen says that he has no plans to leave Moscow because he likes it here. He will tolerate his boy being beaten, but if something more serious than a child’s fight happens, he cannot vouch for himself. ( So what will happen? Reminds me of a joke about how a man is being robbed, and he shouts: “Oh, don’t come near me, otherwise it will be like yesterday! Oh, give it all back, otherwise it will be like yesterday!” - “What happened yesterday?” - “Yesterday they took it and didn’t give it back.”)

In general, the author of this interview wanted to scare people with the image of a Chechen barbarian, but it turned out somehow stupid. And there are a lot of lies and distortions. For example, I have a Chechen woman working at my place of work. Everyone treats her well. Her daughter studied normally at school, no one bullied her, she had many friends, and the boys were courting her. Now she has another one small child. Everything is fine too. Although they are real Chechens, they were born there and regularly visit their relatives. And for that matter, the murder rate in the Caucasus is lower than in traditional Russian regions, and much lower. So we still need to figure out where the really dangerous people live.