Slavery in the 21st century: human trafficking as a profitable business. Slaves and slave owners. Human trafficking in the modern world Voodoo magic in the service of pimps

Since the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime, trade in human goods has flourished in Libya. Representatives International organization on Migration (IOM) argue that human trafficking in Libya has become such a commonplace activity that it is done in broad daylight, openly and without hiding from anyone.

“Slave markets can now be added to the long list of outrages and crimes in Libya,” says Mohammed Abdiker, head of operations and emergency response at IOM. “The situation is catastrophic. The more IOM engages with Libya, the more we learn that for many migrants this country has become a vale of tears.”

Libya is considered the main transit point for refugees from other African countries intending to cross by sea to Europe. The north African country has descended into chaos and violence since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi.. The most vulnerable are migrants who have little money and usually no documents at all.

In the IOM materials you can find the story of a 34-year-old Senegalese man who was rescued by the organization and returned home. His name is kept secret so as not to endanger his family and friends. Smugglers took him across the desert from Niger to the southern Libyan city of Saba. They promised, for a lot of money for Africans, to take him by bus along with other similar migrants to the north of Libya and transport him to Europe. However, the bus driver said that he was underpaid and decided to sell the passengers.

The migrants were brought to a parking lot or square in Saba, where there was a brisk trade in human goods in broad daylight. Arabs came to this square every day to buy strangers from sub-Saharan African countries.

The buyer took the Senegalese man to a private prison. There, slaves were forced to work for free from morning until night. The food was very bad. Many could not withstand the inhumane conditions and died from hunger and disease caused by unsanitary living conditions.

The conditions in which modern slaves are kept in Libya are eloquently illustrated by the story of one of the Africans rescued by IOM representatives. Relatives collected the ransom for 9 months. When this man was taken to the hospital, he suffered from extreme malnutrition and weighed 35 kg.

Jailers regularly call the relatives of slaves and demand ransom. During these conversations, people are beaten and tortured so that they scream in pain and so that their screams can be heard by their relatives.

For a Senegalese, for example, they asked for 300 thousand West African francs (approx. $480). He was then transported to a large prison with more than 100 prisoners and where the ransom suddenly doubled.

According to the Senegalese, those for whom the ransom was not paid for a long time were often killed as having no prospects. However, thanks to the constant influx of new slaves, the total number of prisoners did not decrease. Women were more often taken as sex slaves.

As for the Senegalese, his knowledge of English, French and several African languages ​​saved him. Linguistic abilities allowed him to become a translator. This gave his family time to raise money for the ransom.

Information about the existence of slave markets and private prisons in Libya was also confirmed by other African migrants. Stories about the slave trade are also confirmed by many migrants who arrived in southern Italy.

The IOM has reliable information about criminals posing as a charity and luring migrants with promises of help. So sailing across the Mediterranean Sea on fragile boats is not the only and not the greatest danger facing migrants. Many risk being enslaved and sold in 21st century slave markets.

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The website published a very interesting translation of an article by a Canadian researcher from Montreal about white slaves in the American colonies. The original is on . Full text: "John Martin. (translation from English: Tatyana Budantseva)


They arrived as slaves: human cargo transported on British ships to the shores of the Americas. They were loaded with hundreds of thousands - men, women and even small children.

If they rebelled or disobeyed orders, they were punished in the most brutal manner. The master could hang his offending slave by the arms and set his arms or legs on fire as punishment. Some were burned alive, and their heads, mounted on stakes, were exhibited in the market square as a lesson to other slaves.

We don't need to go into all the horrific details, do we? We are well aware of the horrors of the African slave trade.

But are we talking about African slaves? Kings James VI and Charles I also worked hard to enslave the Irish. Britain's Oliver Cromwell continued this practice of dehumanizing his immediate neighbors.

The Irish slave trade began when James VI sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required that political prisoners be sent overseas and sold there to English settlers in the West Indies.

In the mid-1600s, the Irish made up the bulk of slaves sold to Antigua and Monsterrat. By that time, 70% of Monsterrat's total population were Irish slaves.

Very quickly, Ireland became the main source of human goods for English merchants. The first slaves of the New World were mostly white.

From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English, and another 300,000 were sold into slavery. The Irish population decreased from 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one decade.

Families were broken up because the British did not allow fathers of families to take their children and wives with them on trips across Atlantic Ocean. This has created an entire population of unprotected homeless women and children. The British decision was to auction them as well.

"Scientific" Racism From Harper's Weekly, 1899:
"The Iberians are of African origin, spreading over thousands of years through Spain through Western Europe. Their remains have been found in mounds, or burial places, in various points these lands. The skulls are of the low type. They came to Ireland and mixed with the natives of the South and West, who in turn are supposed to be of a lower type of origin, being the descendants of the savages of the Stone Age, who, due to their isolation from the outside world, were unable to develop in the healthy struggle for life, and therefore gave way, according to the laws of nature, to higher races."

During the 1650s, more than 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were separated from their parents and sold into slavery in the West Indies, Virginia, and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia.

Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also taken and sold to the highest bidders. In 1656, 2,000 Irish children, by order of Cromwell, were taken to Jamaica and there sold into slavery to English settlers.

Many people avoid calling the Irish slaves what they really were: slaves. Terms like "indentured laborer" are suggested to describe what happened to the Irish. In fact, in the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were, in most cases, little more than human commodities.

For example, the African slave trade was just beginning during the same time period. According to numerous documented accounts, African slaves, untainted by adherence to the hated Catholic doctrine, were often treated better than their Irish fellow sufferers.

African slaves were highly valued in the late 1600s (£50). Irish slaves were much cheaper (no more than £5). If a planter flogged, branded, or beat an Irish slave to death, it was not considered a crime. Death carried a financial loss, but much less than killing a more expensive African.

English slave owners very quickly began to breed Irish women, both for their own pleasure and for greater profit. The children of slaves were also slaves, which increased the free labor force of the owner.

Even if an Irish woman somehow managed to gain freedom, her children remained slaves to their master. Thus, Irish mothers, despite their newfound freedom, often could not leave their children and remained in service.

Over time, the British found best way using these women to improve their own market position: settlers began to cross Irish women and girls (in some cases no older than 12) with African men to breed slaves with a certain appearance. The new “mulatto” slaves brought more profit than the Irish, moreover, they saved the settlers the money that would have been required to purchase new African slaves.

The practice of mating Irish women and African men continued for several decades and became so widespread that in 1681 a law was passed “prohibiting the mating of Irish women and African men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, this ban was introduced solely because it hurt the profits of one large slave shipping company.

England continued to transport tens of thousands of enslaved Irish for over a century. According to evidence, after the Irish Rebellion in 1798, thousands of Irish prisoners were sold to both America and Australia.

There is no doubt that the Irish experienced the horrors of slavery to the same extent (if not more throughout the 17th century) as the Africans. There is also no doubt that dark-skinned local residents The people you meet on your trip to the West Indies are likely to have both Irish and African ancestors.

In 1839, Britain finally decided to abandon this satanic path and stopped supplying slaves. And although this decision did not in any way affect the activities of pirates, new law began to gradually bring the story of the suffering of the Irish to an end.

However, if anyone, black or white, believes that slavery was the preserve of Africans, they are deeply mistaken. Irish slavery must not be erased from our memory.

But why then is this topic so rarely discussed? Are the memories of hundreds of thousands of Irish victims not worthy of more than the mention of some unknown writer?

Or should their history become what their owners so desired - complete disappearance, as if it had never happened?

None of the Irish victims were able to return to their native shores to tell about their suffering. These are the lost slaves, those conveniently forgotten by time and erased history books."

Mikhail Delyagin noted: “This article is important not only for explaining the feelings that many Irish people still experience towards the British, but also for understanding social technologies, used by the Anglo-Saxon civilization. Its representatives have long been well aware that the wholesale extermination of the victims of their crimes will avoid publicity and provide them with complete impunity. This is especially true for modern Russia- to understand the prospects that are being prepared for us by the owners of the liberal clan that governs us and the offshore aristocracy class as a whole.”

“No dogs, no Irish” signs, as noted in the comments here, completely disappeared from English pubs already in the 90s.

The period from 1688 to 1700 has been completely erased from English history- BLACK HOLE! Strange? Let's figure it out.

SILENCE about the occupation of England by the Dutch Jews and the establishment of a dynasty of Dutch Jewish kings on the English throne with the simultaneous genocide of the Scots and Irish!

Today it is necessary to refresh some information on BRIT-ania for the current generation of faithologists,

Ireland said it would leave the EU!" ‘They SHAFTED us!’ Ireland will punish Brussels with shock EU exit, says Dublin think tank

In Great Britain in general, Watson, a Catastrophe is brewing! Soon she will be gone! Not only has the UK already voted to leave the EU and should already be leaving; but this is still a controversial issue, because there are very strong forces that don’t want BREXIT and don’t give a damn about referendums!

But Ireland will definitely leave, and the worst thing is that Scotland will definitely leave the UK! This was told to Holmes by a Scottish professor from Edinburgh, who said that this is now the main main process in Scotland.

You see, Watson, this is an unforgivable national grievance of the Scots against the English, and this grievance is 300 years old - at the turn of the 1600-1700s! Then, in order to subjugate Scotland, and Scotland before that was not part of England and there was no Great Britain, and Scotland had its own state flag in the form of a blue oblique CROSS on a white background and was, as they say now, “independent and independent”:
, then when Scotland disappeared, the British gave this flag to Peter 1 and he adapted it for the Russian fleet!

In order to colonize Scotland, and the Scots were freedom-loving highlanders, highland people! Throughout history, England had never been able to colonize Scotland! And then those who rule the country, that is, the Jews high level, invited Dutch troops to England.

The funny thing about that situation was that the English and the Dutch fought each other to the death in the recently discovered America - the New World, but in order to strangle the Scots, the English and Dutch Jews came to a consensus and Holland sent troops to England at the turn of the 1600-1700s; of course, with the consent of English traitor-Ivers like the Duke of MARLBORO, whose fame dates back to that time.

And the Dutch Jews, and Holland, it has a purely Jewish name - Holland is HOLILAND - that is, in Dutch, the purely Jewish concept of “PROMISE LAND” - “HOLY LAND”!

Holmes will remind you that when the Spanish Queen Isabella expelled her Hasidim, she made a fatal mistake, then the seat of the Evreonal moved to Holland, and the Jewish Clone began to explore the newfound America not from Spain, as at first, but from Holland!

Thus, from that moment on, the fate of the huge Spanish Empire was sealed, and the tiny country of Holland-Hollyland began to rapidly gain strength and the first country that the Jewish Dutch occupied under the wise leadership of the almighty Euronal was England.

In England, the Jew kings first cut off the head of the king, then they killed the entire Stuart dynasty, and a new dynasty of Jew kings was brought to England from Holland in the person of William of Orange!

Therefore, coups d'etat carried out in other countries, carried out under the leadership of Euroonal, began to be called “orange”, because Euroonal always installed his own “William of Orange”!

So the Dutch interventionists "Orangeists" under the leadership of William of Orange, of course with the addition of local English "Jewish Bolsheviks" - completely genocided Scotland! Since that time, since the beginning of the 18th century, the same Scots who lived before have lived in Scotland. But the national resentment towards the British remained. And now the Scots are preparing their forces to finally free themselves from the English yoke!
This is what the professor from Edinburgh told Holmes!

In general, this situation with the Intervention of the Dutch Jews in England and the extermination of the native Scots is very reminiscent of the revolution and the 1917 Intervention in Russia! And just like in Russia, the bloodiest events that lasted for many years and were accompanied by the extermination of tens of millions of Russians were nicely called the “Great Proletarian Revolution,” well, that is, Watson, almost something to be proud of!

So it is in England, this Intervention of the Jewish Dutch in England and the extermination of the Scots, and not only the Scots but also the Irish! Was named by the big-nosed English TORIKS


Whereas in reality it was Intervention and occupation by Dutch troops in internal conspiracy with the English Ivers and genocide of the Scots and Irish!

And very revealingly, Watson, Holmes will tell you an interesting detail. This WIKI article is the only thing you can find on this topic. No historians, including the English ones themselves, study or write at all on the topic of this “GLORIOUS REVOLUTION”. Nobody even touches her!

Here are all the histories of England, multi-volume, Holmes even has a history of England by David Hume - a classic work of the 18th century! So all English history courses graduate from the course "GLORIOUS REVOLUTION"! That is, one volume ends before 1688, that is, before the year of the Dutch Intervention, and the next volume begins AFTER the Dutch Intervention, that is, from the beginning of the 18th century! But this period of “GLORIOUS REVOLUTION” from 1688 to 1700 - it is completely removed from English history - black hole! Even David Hume's history of England does not concern him!

Holmes will also add that it is very interesting in this regard that while the Dutch were then very “busy”, exterminating the Scots, the Irish and the previous original English dynasty of kings and aristocracy and replacing it with their own!

Nevertheless, the Dutch Jews found money to finance Peter the Great's war against the Swedish Empire, because the Swedish Empire was at that time the strongest rival of Holland. But the Dutch no longer had the strength to fight against the Swedish Empire themselves! So they signed up for this one very young king of one wild and previously unknown little kingdom lost on eastern end Europe.
That is why Peter I visited Holland and England at that time at the end of 1600, and it was they who built his fleet!

The Jewish Dutch had just captured England and made a new state, Great Britain, under the new dynasty of their Dutch kings!

And guess what the first thing these “Dutch” did in New Great Britain? They returned the Hasidic Jews to England, who had previously been thrown out of England in 1290, that is, 400 years before, by King Edward II, that's dem.

Evidence shows that slavery, and with it the slave trade, constituted a noticeable, if not decisive, part of the economy of ancient states.

Arab slave trade in Africa

selling slaves at a market in Yemen

Golden Horde, Crimean Khanate, Ottoman Empire and other Central Asian states

The slave trade was an important part of the extensive economies of medieval states created by nomads, such as the Arab Caliphate, Golden Horde, Crimean Khanate and Ottoman Empire. The Mongol-Tatars, who converted huge masses of the conquered population into slavery, sold slaves to both Muslim merchants and Italian traders, who owned colonies in the northern Black Sea region from the mid-13th century (Kafa (now Feodosia) from 1266, Vosporo, Chembalo, Tana (Azov ), in the Constantinople market (to replenish the rowers on the galleys), etc.

One of the busiest slave trade routes led from Tana of Azov to Damietta in Egypt, at the mouth of the Nile. At the expense of slaves taken from the Black Sea region, the Mamluk guard of the Baghdad Abbasids and Cairo Ayyubids was replenished. The famous Mamluk Sultan Baybars I, who defeated the Mongols in , was a slave from the Black Sea region, presumably a Kipchak, sold by the Tatar-Mongols to Egypt. The Crimean Khanate, which replaced the Mongol-Tatars in the northern Black Sea region, was also active in the slave trade. The main slave market was in Cafe. Slaves captured by Crimean detachments in the Polish-Lithuanian state, in Muscovite Rus', and in the North Caucasus were sold mainly to the Muslim countries of Western Asia. After major raids on Rus', up to 100 thousand captives were sold into slavery. A major center of the slave trade was in the Astrakhan Khanate, where slaves captured by the Nogais and the Kazan Khanate were sold. A significant portion of the slaves captured by the nomads were sold to Ottoman Turkey. The Janissary Guard and the Sultan's administration were replenished from slaves.

In addition, in Ottoman Empire African slaves ended up transported to the centers of the Arab slave trade (such as Fez) or to the port cities of Abyssinia along trans-Saharan trade routes.


In 1698, the English Parliament allowed private individuals to engage in the slave trade.

Africa, North and South America

Trading the Golden Triangle

Little by little it developed the whole system slave trade; Hunting for slaves in Africa or buying them for next to nothing from coastal tribes became a special profession. Slaves were brought to the shore in caravans, their hands tied and with wooden forks placed on their necks; they were then loaded en masse onto ships and delivered to American ports. Many of them died from overcrowding, disease, and poor nutrition.

Prohibition of the slave trade

At the interstate level, the black trade was openly condemned for the first time on behalf of the international union at the Vienna () and Verona (-1823) congresses, but at that time the resolutions of the congresses did not lead to any positive results. All the efforts of Great Britain in this direction were defeated by the opposition of Spain and Portugal, who feared the ruin of their colonies from the immediate cessation of the supply of dark-skinned slaves, and partly by France, who did not want to strengthen the naval power of England and humiliate their own flag by granting, in peacetime, the right of inspection and inspection to English cruisers searching suspicious ships sailing in African waters. The moral significance of the condemnation of the black trade by two Congresses was, nevertheless, a significant achievement. It influenced the gradual conclusion by all maritime powers of treaties that organized observation squadrons and granted the contracting parties the right to inspect and arrest suspicious ships.

As part of the British fleet, a special West African squadron was formed, which, among other things, was engaged in the capture of slave traders' ships.

However, even after the signing of these agreements, control over their implementation was rather weak. According to Liebowitz, 39,645 slaves were taken from Zanzibar to the Persian Gulf region from 1867 to 1869, while British ships in the Indian Ocean freed only 2,645 people during the same time.

The difficulty of combating the slave trade in Africa was associated with a significant area of ​​territory inaccessible to large European detachments, confrontation between individual tribes, low level the culture of the inhabitants, among whom the warlike Arabs were, at the end of the 19th century, supporters of the institution of slavery, which continued to exist in Muslim states. The number of blacks annually taken into slavery was estimated at a million people. True, the situation of slaves among Muslims was considered tolerable, but the hunt for blacks inside Africa and their trade was accompanied by inhuman cruelties. However, the slave trading centers that remained in Africa could no longer match the scale of transactions with the slave markets that had previously been involved in the transatlantic slave trade.

When the siege of Constantinople ended, and the capital ancient Empire surrendered to the mercy of the victors of the Ottomans, the Sultan ordered that the city be plundered by his soldiers for three days, as was the custom among many nations.

Aziz convinced his comrades not to waste time searching those shacks that huddled on the outskirts of Constantinople. They hurried to the city center and captured a beautiful two-story mansion there. His owner was clearly very afraid for his life. Aziz promised to keep it for him if he showed all his caches of hidden treasures. And the cowardly patrician really laid out all the gold for them, which turned out to be quite a lot.

Aziz and his comrades divided the gold among themselves fraternally and began to rape three maids who were found in the house of this Tsargrad citizen. They were also scared and did not try to resist.

But Aziz didn’t like them. And he did not take part in the general orgy. He invited his comrades to play dice to see which of them would get this luxurious house, which they captured in the defeated Christian city.

Luck chose him. Then they played these gyaurok with dice. It was rare luck. They also went to Aziz. But he immediately sold them to his comrades, and he himself went to the slave market, which was full of young and beautiful slaves. During those three days during which the Ottomans sacked Constantinople, almost not a single Christian girl managed to escape this fate. Many of them were raped during these three days, and almost all of them were sold into slavery. Those whose virginity was preserved were charged much more. But Aziz was not looking for a virgin in the market, but simply a young and beautiful slave.

For sale, all slaves and slaves were exhibited completely naked, and prices, of course, fell fabulously with such an influx of slaves. Having chosen a slender girl with brown hair Aziz asked who she was before she fell into slavery. The girl replied that she was the daughter of a priest. Aziz also asked her if she was ready to renounce her Christian faith and accept Mohammedanism. The girl raised her gray eyes to Aziz and said one word - no. Then the buyer asked the last question:

If I buy you and you become my slave, will you obediently carry out all my orders?

The girl replied that her father taught her that the Christian faith requires slaves to obey their masters, just as they obey God himself, and she will obediently do everything that her master orders her, everything that is in her power.

And then Aziz bought it. He threw his cloak over her and took her to the house, which he now considered his own.

By that time, his comrades had gone further in search of prey, taking with them those three maids whom Aziz had sold to them. And Aziz decided that this luxurious house, the gold that he got and this lovely and obedient slave was already enough for him to be happy. You should not anger the Almighty and seek more prey for yourself than you should.

Having brought the slave to his home, Aziz took off his cloak from her. She stood naked before him again. Only a small cross hung on a cord between her beautiful breasts. And there was nothing else on her.

“You will be my slave, maid and concubine,” Aziz told her, “in my house you will walk naked so that I and my guests can admire your beautiful body.” Do you understand?

Yes, my lord,” answered the slave, “if you want it, I will serve you and your guests without clothes.”

“What a smart girl,” Aziz praised the slave, “a good, obedient girl.” What's your name?


For now, take a little rest, Anastasia, next room. This will be your room. And then, as soon as you’ve rested a little, come right here to my chambers. I can't wait to see what kind of concubine you will make. If you please me well, I will not punish you. If you fuck badly, I will sell you to my comrades. Understood?

Yes, my lord,” having said these words, Anastasia bowed to Aziz, and after finishing her bow she continued, “thank you for being so kind to me and allowing me to rest. I will come to you in an hour and will try to do everything to make you satisfied with me.

After that, the girl went to her room. This hour was not easy for Aziz; he was impatient to take possession of this girl, whose beautiful naked body he had already carefully examined. But he understood that after everything Anastasia had experienced, she really needed some time alone. After this she will probably fuck just better. and it is impossible for her to run away from home. There are forged bars on the windows, the door is tightly locked, Aziz has the key.

And so the girl entered Aziz’s chambers. She still remained completely naked as promised. Christian cross Of course, it cannot be considered clothing.

She fucked really great. She meekly followed all Aziz’s orders. Her tender lips tremblingly caressed his reproductive organ. Then Aziz turned her luxurious butt towards him and with great pleasure caressed her round hips and thin waist, thrusting his reproductive organ into her womb. Without waiting for orders, Anastasia caught the rhythm of her master and correctly waved her butt so that it would be more convenient for him to fuck her.

Then Aziz lay on his back, impaled the girl on his penis and ordered her to smile, which she immediately obediently did, giving him a charming smile.

Then Aziz ordered her to lie on her back and took possession of the girl in this position. He felt very good, Aziz was very pleased with his purchase.


A girl whose father is a priest will not do this. At that time, people died for the sake of faith, but did not renounce. Sex with a man in Christianity is fornication. The priest's daughter would never do this. The Christian faith never taught Christian slaves to obey their masters. Such heresy has been written.

    - ... Wikipedia

    Contents: Sources of slavery. Slavery among modern savages and barbarians. Slavery among the Aryans and in India. Slavery in China. Slavery in Egypt. Slavery in Assyro-Babylonia. Slavery among the Jews. Slavery in Media and Persia. Slavery in Greece. Slavery in Rome... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Selling and buying people into slavery. The most massive manifestation of the slave trade in history was the export of slaves from Africa. In this regard, the most common image is of a black slave. However, the slave trade is not directly related to racial... ... Wikipedia

    New story. Tropical Africa- States of Western and Central Sudan in the 16th century. To late XIX V. Africa served as a source of supply of slaves to the slave markets of America and the West Indies (see). Local African states in coastal areas increasingly played a role... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Africa"

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