“on a visit to a fairy-tale kingdom - to an unprecedented state” outline of a lesson on the development of speech on the topic. Fairy tale “In a certain kingdom, in a small preschool state... A certain kingdom in an unprecedented state

“Rituals and ritual folklore” - Ivan Kupala. What is a ritual? Youth. Meeting. Winter songs. Trinity day. Autumn songs. Folklore. Carols. They arrange games. Genres of folklore. Songs of spring. Carnival. Grandfather. Larks. Ritual folklore. Some signs of Christmas time. Martin. Rite. Songs of the Trinity. A generous day. Stoneflies. A cheerful farewell to winter.

“Russian folk art” - Why are Russian folk songs called that. Project goal. Russian folk lyrical song. Project competencies. What Russian folk tales do you know? Pestushki. Folklore. Russian folk tales. Questions to be studied. Methodological task of the project. Russian folk art. Designation of the artistic activity of the masses.

“Folklore” - A folklore work. Review what you have learned about folklore. Moral ideals of the people. Research work. Performance of folklore works. Artists. Genres of folklore. Name folklore genres. We thought about work and rest. Oral folk art. Life situations.

“Genres of Russian folklore” - Proverbs. Guess the riddles. Counting books. Dark-skinned. Riddles. Fairy tales. Jokes. Song. Nursery rhymes. Tongue twisters. Small genres of folklore.

“Small genres of Russian folklore” - A saying is part of a judgment, and a proverb is a complete statement. A living flower of Russian folklore. Mystery. The sun paints the earth. Kuban riddles. Relate. Comparison riddles. Speech without a proverb is like food without salt. Four brothers are walking towards the eldest. Small genres of folklore. Dal Vladimir Ivanovich.

“Russian folklore” - Nursery rhymes. Folk. Songs. Genres. Folklore. Created as a result of labor. Creation. The diversity of Russian folklore. Sayings. Games. Riddles. The author is the people. Proverbs. Fairy tales. Tales. Word of mouth. Counting books. Calls and sentences. The word “folklore” appeared in the 19th century, coming from the English language.

There are 18 presentations in total

Princess Frog. In some kingdom. Fairy tale!!


IN In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen, he had three sons - all young, single, such daredevils that you can’t tell in a fairy tale or write with a pen, the youngest was called Ivan Tsarevich.

GThe king will say these words to them:

- DMy dear children, take an arrow for yourself, draw tight bows and shoot them in different directions, in whose yard the arrow will fall, and make a match there.

PThe elder brother shot the arrow - it fell into the boyar's yard, right opposite the maiden's mansion, the middle brother fired - the arrow flew to the merchant's yard and stopped at the red porch, and on that porch stood the maiden soul, the merchant's daughter, the younger brother shot - the arrow hit into a dirty swamp, and was picked up by a frog frog.

GIvan Tsarevich says:

- TOHow should I take the frog for myself? The frog is no match for me!

- Beri! - The king answers him. - You know, this is your fate.

INThe princes got married: the eldest to a hawthorn tree, the middle to a merchant’s daughter, and Ivan Tsarevich to a frog.

PThe king calls them and orders:

- HSo that your wives bake me soft white bread for tomorrow.

INIvan Tsarevich turned to his chambers sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- TOwa-qua, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? - The frog asks him. - Did Al hear an unpleasant word from his father?

- TOHow can I not freak out? My lord, my father, ordered you to make soft white bread by tomorrow.

- NTough, Tsarevich! Go to bed and rest, the morning is wiser than the evening!

UShe put the prince to bed and threw off her frog skin - and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- MAmki-nannies! Get ready, get ready, prepare soft white bread, the kind I ate, ate at my dear father’s.

Noutro Tsarevich Ivan woke up, the frog’s bread was ready long ago - and so delicious that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! The bread is decorated with various tricks, on the sides you can see royal cities and outposts.

BThe king thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that bread and immediately gave the order to his three sons:

- Hso that your wives weave me a carpet in one night.

INIvan Tsarevich turned around sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.

- TOwa-qua, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? Did Al hear a harsh, unpleasant word from his father?

- TOHow can I not freak out? My sovereign father ordered a silk carpet to be woven for him in one night.

- NTough, Tsarevich! Go to bed and rest, the morning is wiser than the evening! −

UShe put him to bed, and she shed her frog skin - and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice:

- MAmki-nannies! Get ready, get ready to weave a silk carpet - so that it will be like the one I sat on with my dear father! - As said, so done.

Noutro Tsarevich Ivan woke up, the frog’s carpet was ready long ago - and so wonderful that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, except say it in a fairy tale.

ANDThe carpet is decorated with gold and silver and intricate patterns.

BThe tsar thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that carpet and immediately gave a new order for all three princes to come to him for inspection together with their wives.

ABOUTAt five o'clock Ivan Tsarevich returned sadly, hanging his head below his violent shoulders.

- TOwa-qua, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you freaking out? Did Ali hear an unfriendly word from his father?

- TOHow can I not freak out? My lord, my father, ordered me to come with you to the inspection, how I will show you to the people!

- NTough, Tsarevich! Go alone to visit the king, and I will follow you. When you hear knocking and thunder, say: it’s my little frog on his way in the box.

INthe older brothers came to the review with their wives, dressed up, all dressed up, standing and laughing at Ivan Tsarevich:

- Hthen, brother, you came without a wife? At least bring it in a handkerchief! And where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps came from?

INfriend, there was a great knock and thunder - the whole palace shook, the guests were very frightened, jumped up from their seats and did not know what to do, and Ivan Tsarevich said:

- NFear not, gentlemen! This is my little frog in a box that has arrived.

PA gilded carriage, harnessed to six horses, flew up to the royal porch, and out came Vasilisa the Wise - such a beauty that you couldn’t even imagine it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led him to the oak tables and the stained tablecloths.

WITHAs the guests began to eat, drink and have fun, Vasilisa the Wise drank from a glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve, ate it with a swan and hid the bones behind her right sleeve.

ANDThe wives of the older princes saw her tricks, let’s do the same for ourselves.

PAs soon as Vasilisa the Wise went to dance with Ivan Tsarevich, she waved her left hand - a lake became, waved her right - and white swans swam across the water, the king and guests were amazed.

AThe older daughters-in-law went to dance, waved their left hands - they splashed, waved their right hands - the bone hit the king right in the eye! The king got angry and drove them away.

TMeanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it over a high fire.

PVasilisa the Wise arrives, she missed it - there is no frog skin, she became despondent, sad and said to the prince:

- ABOUTx, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? If you had waited a little, I would have been yours forever, but now goodbye! Look for me far away, in the thirtieth kingdom - near Koshchei the Immortal.

ABOUTturned into a white swan and flew out the window. Ivan Tsarevich cried bitterly, prayed to God in all four directions and went wherever his eyes led him.

ShWhether he was eating close, or far, for a long time, or for a short time, an old old man came across him:

- Z“Hello,” he says, “good fellow!” What are you looking for, where are you going?

- CArevich told him his misfortune.

- Ehx, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn the frog's skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t yours to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father, for which he became angry with her and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Here is a ball for you, where it will roll - follow it boldly.

ANDPrince Van thanked the old man and went to get the ball. He walks through an open field and comes across a bear.

- D“Oh,” he says, “I’ll kill the beast!”

Athe bear told him:

- NBeat me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you someday.

- NBeat me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you myself.

ABOUTI regretted it and moved on.

BThe hare was hedgehogging, the prince took his gun again, began to take aim, and the hare announced to him in a human voice:

- NBeat me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be of use to you myself.

ANDPrince Van felt sorry and went further - to the blue sea, he saw a pike fish lying on the sand, dying.

- Ax, Ivan Tsarevich, - the pike proclaimed, - have mercy on me, let me into the sea.

ABOUTHe threw it into the sea and walked along the shore.

DHow long, how short - the ball rolled up to the hut, the hut stands on chicken legs, spinning around. Ivan Tsarevich says:

- ANDhut, hut! Stand in the old way, as your mother did - with your front to me and your back to the sea.

ANDThe zbushka turned its back to the sea, and its front to it. The prince entered it and saw: on the stove, on the ninth brick, Baba Yaga’s bone leg was lying, her nose had grown into the ceiling, snot was hanging over the threshold, her tits were wrapped on a hook, she herself was sharpening her teeth.

- Goh, good fellow! Why did you come to me? - Baba Yaga asks Ivan Tsarevich.

- Ax you, old bastard! You should have fed me, a good fellow, and given me something to drink, steamed me in a bathhouse, and then you would have asked.

BAba Yaga fed him, gave him something to drink, steamed him in a bathhouse, and the prince told her that he was looking for his wife Vasilisa the Wise.

- A, I know! - Said Baba Yaga. - She is now with Koshchei the Immortal, it is difficult to get her, it is not easy to deal with Koshchei: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, that egg is in a duck, that duck is in a hare, that hare is in a chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree, and the Koschey tree protects itself like its own eye.

UYaga said where this oak grows, Ivan Tsarevich came there and doesn’t know what to do, how to get the chest? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the tree, the chest fell and broke into pieces, a hare ran out of the chest and took off at full speed, lo and behold, another hare was chasing after it, caught up, grabbed it and tore it to shreds.

INA duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high, flying, and the drake rushed after her, when he hit her, the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea.

ANDVan Tsarevich, seeing the inevitable trouble, burst into tears, suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth, he took that egg, broke it, took out a needle and broke off the tip: no matter how Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed in all directions, he had to die!

ANDTsarevich Van went to Koshchei's house, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home.

PAfter that they lived together happily ever after.


In a certain kingdom, in an unprecedented state, once the snow was burning,
They extinguished it with straw, they crushed a lot of people... This is not a fairy tale, but a saying.
The fairy tale will be ahead when we eat bread, bread and pie, and hold the bull
by the horns... Without a saying, a fairy tale is like pancakes without grease!
And that was a long time ago, when rivers of milk flowed, the banks were
jelly, steamed turnips grew in the garden, and fried partridges flew in the yard.
Once upon a time there lived a grandmother, Fedosya, with gray hair. And she had a son, Mishka -
sharp mind.
Mishka was a good guy, he took care of his mother and fed his mother. Every
every day he went into the forest to hunt: he would shoot a bird, then a bunny, then a grouse
will bring. That's what they fed on.
One day Mishka went into the forest and Mishka got a hare. So good
fat, fat bunny. I brought it home.
Grandmother Fedosya - she tore off the gray hair of the bunny, put the skin in the closet
she hid it, and took the carcass and cut it in half. I put one half in
The cauldron was boiling for lunch, and I put the other one in a basket for tomorrow under the bench.
The bunny was cooked and they sat down to dinner. They are sitting, eating a hare, and suddenly - how
something will crash! Mishka looked around - oh, my dears! Zaitsev's hind legs
They jumped out of the basket from under the bench, out the door, and ran into the forest! Marvels
- Look, mother, what a wonderful miracle: we have a hare running along the road!
And Grandma Fedosya answers:
- And, child, this is not a miracle yet! But I heard good people say,
Lives somewhere in the world Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful... But I don’t know where he lives!
They finished dinner, Mishka pulled on his sheepskin coat, felt boots, and mittens.
He put on his cap and said to his mother:
- Goodbye, mother. I'll go search around the world where the Wonderful One lives,
And off he went.
Let's go, my dears, he was such a brave guy, he wasn't afraid of anything - let's go!
Mishka goes through the forests, Mishka goes through the mountains, through villages. And there are people everywhere
asks if you have seen or heard where the Miracle-Wonderful lives,
Wonderful, wonderful. And the people laugh:
- We don’t know, we haven’t heard!
So Mishka walked and walked and came to a small village. Walking down the street and
old grandfather meets him. The eyes are so gentle, the beard is long.
“Hello, grandfather,” Mishka says.
Grandfather smiled.
- Hello, boy, hello. Look how polite you are. Apparently not
local. Where are you from?
- Yes, grandpa, I walk around the world, looking for wonderful, wonderful, wonderful things.
And Mishka told his grandfather how it happened. And grandfather laughs:
“It’s okay, Misha, that he came to see us.” Let's go, because it's a miracle,
A wonderful thing lives in my house.
- Oh, grandpa, is it really true? And will you show me?
- Come with me - I’ll show you!
He brought Mishka to a small hut. And says:
- Come on, Misha, look out the window.
Mishka looked into the yard - and there was a goose walking in the yard. Big, fat,
- Grandfather, it’s a simple goose!
- Eh, child, it’s a goose, but not an ordinary one. Come on, goose, come here.
Grandfather opened the window, and the goose - frrrrr! - flew straight into the hut.
Grandfather tells him:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself and lie down on the frying pan. Ay, my dears! The goose stood up in the middle of the hut, shook himself, threw off his feathers, and
in the frying pan - and in the oven. The bear marvels, and the grandfather laughs and says:
- Wait a minute, there will be more!
The goose was roasted, they took it out of the oven, put it on the table for dinner
sat down. And the old man says to Mishka:
- You, Misha, eat the goose, but don’t throw away the bones. All the bones together
put it together - it will come in handy!
So they ate the goose, grandfather took all the bones, put them in a napkin and
- Well, goose, stand in front of me again as if alive! He shook
a napkin - and the goose went around the hut again: alive, healthy, fat, as it was,
as if he had not been eaten. Mishka is even more amazed, and grandfather says:
- You, Misha, are a good guy, you take care of your mother, mother
if you feed, take the goose as a gift. May you have something fried every day
goose for dinner.
Mishka was delighted, hugs his grandfather, and thanks him. Took the goose home
He comes running home, and Grandma Fedosya - gray hairs on his porch
- Well, child, did you find what you were looking for?
- Found it, mother! Look!
- Misha! But this is a simple goose?
- No, mother, it’s a goose, but not a simple one. Let's go to the hut. They entered the hut,
Mishka says:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself, lie down on the frying pan.
Gusek stood up, shook himself, and climbed into the frying pan and into the stove.
Grandmother Fedosya was delighted and began to eat roast goose almost every day.
cook dinner
Only one day he and Mishenka were sitting having lunch, and passed the window
a rich neighbor passes by, a fat-bellied merchant. He looked into
- What is this?! Does the poor old lady have roast goose for dinner?
He enters the porch, and from the porch into the hut.
- Hello, Grandma Fedosya. Is this roast goose on your table? A
where did you, poor people, get such an expensive bird?
And Grandma Fedosya was a kind old woman. Speaks:
- Maybe you haven’t had lunch yet? Sit down with us, eat, and then that's it.
you'll find out.
So they sat the merchant down at the table like a man, gave him a big goose
piece, with potatoes, with gravy. The merchant ate, and Grandma Fedosya had all the bones
put it together and says:
- Come on, goose, stand in front of me again as if alive. shook
a napkin - and the goose went along the hut - again alive, healthy, fat, as it was,
as if it wasn’t him who was eaten.
Ay, my mothers! The merchant's eyes and teeth flared up.
- Grandmother! Give me a goose!
- No, neighbor, I won’t give it to you. We need it ourselves.
- Well, then sell it. I'm rich, I'll give you a lot of money.
“We don’t need your money either.” Gifts are not sold. Don't ask, I won't give it.
She didn’t give it. No, my dears, I didn’t! The merchant went home. He walks and thinks about the goose.
The night came and it got dark. Grandmother Fedosya went to bed, (Mishka -
the sharp mind went to bed - and the merchant took, my darlings, a bag and
in the sack to grandma's yard. Yes, to the barn where the goose spent the night. The lock broke, the goose
pulled it out - and put it in a bag: stole it) And go home quickly.
In the morning Grandma Fedosya wakes up, Mishka wakes up - but there is no goose. Where
gone? Nowhere to be seen!
Grandmother Fedosya became pregnant with grief, Mishka trampled all his heels - he runs,
looking for. There is no goose, as if it had failed.
Meanwhile, the merchant called the whole family to the upper room. He had
wife Alena Ivanovna and three daughters - Mashenka, Dashenka and Sashenka. Yes he called
the cook Aksinya, the janitor Andrey, and the clerk Timofey.
- Everyone come here! Now I will show the Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!
And the daughters ask:
- And you, darling, where did you get it?
- Where did you get it? Yes, of course, I bought it - with my capital, anything is possible! Took it
The merchant sack released the goose and said:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself, lie down in the frying pan! And the goose
looks at the merchant with all his eyes, does not move from his place, only shouts:
- Ha-ha-ha!
The merchant got angry and stamped his foot on the floor.
- What kind of “ha-ha-ha”! To whom I say: get up, shake yourself and get into the frying pan
lie down!
And the goose looks at the merchant again, and even louder:
- Ha-ha-ha! Ga-ha-ha-ga!
And he himself didn’t move.
At this point the merchant became completely angry. He grabbed the frying pan
very long, wants to hit the goose. Only he swung his hand towards the goose
touched it - and take the frying pan and stick it: one end to the goose, and
others - to the merchant, to his hand. The merchant got scared and wants to throw the frying pan -
Yes, you won’t leave it: it’s stuck, it won’t come off!
The merchant shouted to his wife with fear in a voice that was not his own:
- Wife! Alena Ivanovna! Run here quickly, drag me away from the frying pan,
frying pan - from the goose!
The merchant's wife Alena Ivanovna ran up, grabbed her husband across the stomach,
dragging him, dragging him - and not dragging him away! They stuck to the merchant's hand right there.
The merchant's wife got scared and screamed:
- Daughter, Mashenka! Run here quickly, drag mother from father, father
from the frying pan, the frying pan from the goose!
My daughter Mashenka ran up, grabbed her across her stomach, and dragged her,
dragging - don't pull away! They stuck to my mother’s hand right there.
Mashenka got scared and screamed:
- Sister Dashenka, run here quickly, quickly drag Mashenka away from mother,
mother from the priest, father from the frying pan, frying pan from the goose!
Sister Dashenka ran up, grabbed Mashenka across her stomach, dragged her,
drags - not pulled away. She stuck to Mashenka herself!
And behind Dashenka is Sashenka, and behind Sashenka is the cook Aksinya, behind
Aksinya - Andrey, behind Andrey - Timofey. Everyone is standing next to each other
stuck. And the goose turned around, looked, and shouted:
- Ha-ha-ha! And with all of them - at the door.
He runs down the street, and behind him is a merchant in a frying pan, and behind the merchant is everything
family. Goose to the right - and they all go to the right, goose to the left - and they follow it. A
people look out of the windows, point with their fingers, laugh:
- Hey, look, the thief is running! Aw, what a shame! Our poor
The old woman stole the last goose. Ay, thief, thief! And not ashamed!
But the merchant is ashamed, they all could at least fall into the ground. How
will you fail? The goose drags them all over the village from end to end, to everyone
The goose came running to Grandma Fedosya. Grandmother Fedosya comes out onto the porch,
hugs the goose, rejoices... Well, if the goose is now at home - okay, he let them go
everyone, they are unstuck... They are running home. And the people look out of the windows and laugh:
- Oh, shame, shame! Ay, unscrupulous thieves!
So they all ran home and settled down at home. They say not for a whole week
They came out - it was a shame to appear in front of people. And then, they say,
completely left that village somewhere.
Well, they left and left, so be it. No one began to catch up with them. But
only a fairy tale remains about them...

This tale was about a goose.
And now - the whole fairy tale.
The fairy tale is over

The fairy tale is over.
Who listened, well done.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a beautiful princess. Everyone admired her doll-like face, thick golden hair, and pleasant voice. And now our princess turns eighteen. In the evening there will be a ball in honor of this event. Everyone is invited. At the ball, the princess will be presented with princes from other countries.
In the same kingdom-state there lived a witch, an ordinary witch neither evil nor good, with a huge black cat familiar. She brewed potions for herself in the hut and, if they didn’t bother her, she usually didn’t bother anyone.
But the day did not go well in the morning. The cat knocked over a cauldron with a witch's potion, the witch broke her nail while trying to catch the cauldron and save the potion, which, by the way, had a rejuvenating effect, since she was going on a date with the sorcerer. Moreover, a wart popped up on my nose. And in the witch’s mirror she saw how the sorcerer, who had so sworn his love to her, was courting another witch. Well, in her hearts she wished for him to become a goat, which, oddly enough, had an effect, apparently his inner essence was not much different from this goat. The witch looked in the mirror again, saw the beautiful princess, then remembered the wart on her nose, became generally upset and wished the princess that every prince she kissed would turn into a toad.
And once upon a time there lived a prince, whom an evil witch turned into a toad, and the curse should only be lifted after a kiss from a beautiful princess, well, that’s how it is. And the unfortunate prince wandered around the world, looking for a beautiful princess to break his spell. How long and short, but the toad prince jumped to the garden where our beautiful princess was walking.
And the beautiful princess sees a toad with a crown on his head, as he agreed on a kiss - this is the corporate secret of all toad princes, and they do not give it away. But the prince lost his spell. He was young, handsome, and handsome. At the ball, the princess danced only with him.
And now the wedding of the beautiful princess with the disenchanted prince is scheduled. All noble people of the kingdom and neighboring powers are invited to the palace.
The wedding ceremony goes on as usual, the older generation cries with emotion, wiping their tears with handkerchiefs. A kiss and... the prince turns into a toad! The guests are shocked, the princess and parents faint. And the toad prince runs away from the defective princess.
How much time has passed, but the princess must be married off. They again called the princes, princes, and kings to the ball. But they are not eager to turn into a toad. And among the invited princes there was one very cunning one. He dressed his young servant in his own dress, and the servant grew up with him from childhood, was brought up at court, and was taught manners. In general, the servant passed himself off as a visiting prince, there was nothing to do, he could not disobey the order, and he married the princess. But since he was not a prince, he was not in danger of turning into a toad. They lived happily ever after. This is how the witch’s curse was defeated through forgery and deception.

For sale from 11/18/2018, 11:28

Chapter 2 The Tale of Hardworking Fairies

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived fairies. Everyone is different - fairies of flowers, clothes, sweets, dishes - mostly hardworking and talented.
Once the princess of this country ordered a dress from the fairies for a ball. Everyone knows that they have the very best.
To get the job done faster, the fairies divided the responsibilities - some sewed the dress, others decorated it. One embroidered the sleeves, the other the hem, the third the bodice. They worked for a long time, did not sleep at night, embroidered the dress for the ball with pearls and precious stones. An outside fairy asked to join their company and let them demand the most basic work - embroidering the bodice. The fairies did not trust her with this matter. But they themselves are trying, the work must be completed on time. And then, as luck would have it, the pearls will run out, or the cat will drop the hot iron. It burned such a hole that the hem had to be redone. What a misfortune it is.
And now, finally, the work is almost complete - all that remains is to assemble the parts of the dress into a single whole and show it to the princess. There was a week left before the ball. Such an important matter was postponed until the morning.
Fairies come to the workshop in the morning, but there is no dress, and there is no other fairy either... And she stole all the parts of the dress, slowly put it together, added flounces on her own and went to the palace to hand over the dress to the princess. He goes and boasts to everyone around him about how well it turned out. She took credit for all the work.
Now the fairies will not prove anything that they did the main work, the princess only needs the result, and who did what is not important to her. They had to sew the dress again so that the style would be even better and the embroidery even more beautiful.
But in this world, no good deed goes unpunished... The Queen Mother liked the dress brought by someone else's fairy, and she decided to order a new dress for herself too. It is impossible to refuse the queen. The alien fairy had to get down to business. But it’s one thing to go out with a finished job, and another to do something of your own. And it all went this way and that, and awry. She didn't cope with the task. Now the rest of the residents will think ten times before entrusting her with work.
And the hardworking fairies, tirelessly, sewed and decorated a new dress for the princess, even better than the previous one.

For sale from 12/01/2018, 18:07

Chapter 3 The Tale of the Good Elephant

Far, far away in warm countries, by the very blue sea, there lived an elephant. He had a big and very kind heart, he always tried to help others.
An elephant walks and sees that people are carrying heavy logs, straining themselves and falling from fatigue. He came up and helped them drag all the logs. The people thanked the elephant and fed it. The elephant's soul rejoices.
He goes further, sees that a log has fallen and crushed a man, and there is no way for him to get out. The elephant lifted the log and threw it away. But the man cannot walk on his own - he broke his leg, and the elephant carried him home. The man thanked the kind elephant, and the victim’s wife gave him a beautiful embroidered blanket. The elephant is happy with his new clothes.
An elephant walks past a china shop and sees pots on the floor, and all the upper shelves are free. He remembered that the potter was already old, had a bad back, and was left all alone, since all the children had gone elsewhere.
“Let me,” the elephant thinks, “let me help him put the pots on the shelves.”
The elephant quickly mastered the arrangement, they stand beautifully, it pleases the eye. He didn’t break a single pot, he tried, he wanted so much to help the old master. And the elephant moved on with a calm soul.
The potter came to the bench, and all the pots were ranked in order on the top shelves. Yes, they stand beautifully, it’s pleasing to the eye, but the pots were prepared for sale, and the master is old and has a bad back. Before that, he had been filming them all day, since there was no one to help him. And the buyer will soon come to pick up the pots, the master was sad, but he had to carry a ladder and take the pots back.
And the elephant goes on to do good, he likes to help people, and not only people.
An elephant walks along the river bank, sees crocodiles dragging a cow into the water, they will eat the poor thing. An elephant flew into the river, scattered the crocodiles, trampled one, and trampled the tails of the others to discourage them. He pulled the cow out of the water and put it on the shore.
The cow is happy - she was saved from certain death, the owner of the cow is happy - she got a crocodile for her bag, even though it was trampled, only the crocodiles are upset - the tails were trampled, the dinner was taken away. This is such a good elephant.

For sale from 03.12.2018, 19:46

Chapter 4 The Tale of an Unexpected Helper

In a forest far, far away, near the bluest mountains, there lived a beautiful fox. And the fox’s anniversary came, she invited animals of all stripes and types to visit. The table was set as expected. What was on it: pies and porridge, fried and steamed meat, jellied fish, cheese and sausage, as well as streaky bacon, vodka with herring, cranberry infusion, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms, pickled apples, about ten salads and other small things.
Guests came to the fox - a bear and a she-bear, and gave him a down shawl and a honey cake. A wolf and a she-wolf and a lion and a lioness came and presented him with pearl beads and yakhon earrings. What would it be like without the wild boar and the wild boar, they also came and gave us cups. Yes, all the other guests had a full house.
The guests sat down at the table, congratulated the hostess and did not forget to eat on both cheeks. And when they drank well, they began to sing in different voices. And then some people got drunk, some people grunted, and the festive tablecloth was worn down to the point of impossibility. And the guests fell into bed, some with their faces in the salad, some with a bottle in their arms, and some even under the table. The wives just can’t shake them off so they can take them home. So they abandoned it.
The next morning the animals woke up, hung over with brine, ate, drank everything that was left, and went home.
And the fox will clean up everything after them and wash them. The fox washed the dishes, it’s true, but she doesn’t know what to do with the tablecloth, she doesn’t have a washing machine, and for some reason Aunt Asya isn’t coming. But a way out was found. She went to bow to the raccoon.
“Help me, raccoon, wash the festive tablecloth that was spoiled by the guests, and I will pay you according to my conscience.”
The raccoon looked at the tablecloth, assessed the scope of the work, was horrified, but had nowhere to go. He agreed, since the roof of the house needed to be re-roofed, and he needed all the money.
The raccoon went to the river to wash the tablecloth. He rubs and rinses so much that he stirs up all the water. And at the bottom of the river a catfish was sleeping. The raccoon woke him up with his washing, took the catfish from him and snatched the tablecloth from his paws and shoved it under a piece of driftwood to the very bottom, and then went to sleep.
The raccoon cried, now he couldn’t get a tablecloth, he became sad. The fox will scold you, the tablecloth is your favorite, there will be no money for repairs. And an otter swims past, plays in the water, catches a fish. The otter asks:
-Why are you crying?
- Yes, the catfish stole the tablecloth from me and hid it.
- Don't worry, I'll help you.
The otter dived under the water, found a tablecloth, and brought it to the raccoon. The raccoon thanked the assistant from the bottom of his heart. He went away from the catfish to wash the tablecloth.
The fox did not deceive, he paid for the laundry according to his conscience. Now the raccoon will have a warm house, and the otter will be the most welcome guest in it.

MADOU combined type kindergarten "Firefly"

P. Komsomolets Tambov district


events for the regional competition

"Best teacher in the Tambov region - 2011"

in the middle group on the topic:

“On a visit to the Fairytale Kingdom - an unprecedented state”

Educator: O.V. Kuzmenko


Head: S.L. Machikhina


Target: help children remember the fairy tale “Kolobok”; involve children in an imaginary situation with the help of a fairy-tale character - Kolobok, develop imagination and fantasy, stimulate role-playing behavior, expand children's ideas about fairy-tale images, and develop the skill of building a game together.

Integration of educational areas.





The teacher starts the game:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes.)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, he lived and was... And who lived there? (Children's answers.)

Where is this fairy-tale kingdom, this unprecedented state? Maybe you can find it in our kindergarten? Let's try to do this! And magic arrows will show us the way to the fairy-tale kingdom. So we need to be very careful. Here is the first magic arrow. Where it points, there the kingdom-state is located. Well, let's go!

The children follow the arrows to the music room.


Oh guys! Yes, we are already at the very gates of the magical kingdom-state.

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Open everything, don’t hide it,

Don't you see? We are our own.


Guys, look how interesting it is here! Fairytale houses, paths...

What kind of fairy-tale characters do you think we could meet here? (Children's answers). Could we meet Kolobok here? Help me remember the beginning of the fairy tale.

On the window he... (getting cold),

He…(rolled) along the path

It was baked from flour,

It was made with sour cream...(mixed)

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he song... (sang).

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray...(wolf) and brown...(bear),

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red...(fox),

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale? (“Kolobok”)

Guys, do you want to play the fairy tale “Kolobok”? (Yes).

Let's come up with our own fairy tale about Kolobok, in which no one will eat him, in which Kolobok will find new friends! (Yes).

What characters do you want to make Kolobok friends with in your fairy tale?

(With a cockerel, with a dog, with a cat).

Let us draw up a diagram of our new fairy tale using pictures.

(Grandfather, grandmother, bun; bun, kittens; bun, puppy; bun, cockerel).

Children choose the roles of fairy tale heroes at will.

Further telling of the tale involves dramatization. The role of Kolobok is played by the teacher using a story toy.

Educator. Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. The old man asks: “Bake a bun, old woman.”

The old woman scraped the box, swept the bottom of the barrel, and scooped up flour. I kneaded the dough with sour cream, fried it in oil and put it on the window to let it sit. Kolobok lay there and lay there, he became bored, and he decided to look for friends. Kolobok rolled from the window onto the bench, from the bench onto the floor, jumped over the threshold, rolled into the entryway, from the entryway onto the porch, from the porch into the yard. Kolobok is rolling around the yard and sees the kittens playing with a ball. The kittens saw Kolobok.


Oh, who's that rolling down the path?


I am a cheerful Kolobok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I am baked from flour,

I'm crazy about sour cream.

It’s boring for me to sit alone at the window, I’m going to look for friends. Who are you?


1. You know me closely.

I'm a friendly pussy.

At the top are tassels on the ears,

The claws are hidden in the pillows.

2. Clean, neat,

If they stroke me, I am pleased.

I don’t hide my habits -

I love mice and birds.

3. In the dark I see clearly

I won't offend you in vain.

But teasing me is dangerous -

I scratch terribly.

4. I know how to wash myself clean:

Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk!

We also love to have fun, sing, dance, and play.

The dance “I am a cat, cat, cat...” is performed.



Certainly! Catch the ball!

Educator . The kittens and Kolobok began to play ball. But suddenly, rain started dripping from a cloud that had crossed the sun.

The sound of rain is heard.

Let's run! – the kittens shouted and ran into the house.


Oh! Who is that rolling down the path?


I am a cheerful Kolobok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I am baked from flour,

I'm crazy about sour cream.


I am an important dog

Beautiful, brave.

I'm wagging my tail,

I bark loudly and loudly.



You little dog don't bark

Better play with me!


Go stand under an umbrella, otherwise you'll get wet!


What about you? You can get wet too.


And I like to walk without an umbrella.

The song “A Puppy Was Walking Without an Umbrella” is performed.


You have a good song! Can I play with you?


Certainly! The rain has stopped and the sun is shining again. Let's jump over puddles!


And the puppy and Kolobok began to happily jump around the yard, jumping over puddles. Having played enough with the puppy, Kolobok rolled on. Kolobok rolls and rolls, and Cockerel comes towards him.


Who is that rolling down the path?


I am a cheerful Kolobok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I am baked from flour,

I'm crazy about sour cream.

It’s boring for me to sit alone at the window, I’m going to look for friends. Who are you?


I am Petya the Cockerel!

I have a scarlet comb

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard, important gait.

I'm calling the chickens to my place.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Chickens,

Is it nice outside?

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ten times

I'm worried about you.

I'm worried, I'm busy,

I beat my wings loudly.

I'm screaming at the top of my lungs

Because I'm a rooster.


Stop bawling! Ko-ko-ko...

We are all here... Not far...

The dance “Ko-ko-ko” is performed


Can I play with you?


Certainly! Come to us, I will teach you to crow. Repeat after me: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” (Kolobok repeats, the chickens clap joyfully).

All the heroes of the fairy tale approach Kolobok.


This is such a good fairy tale. Kolobok found many new friends in his yard. This is the end of our fairy tale, and whoever watched and listened - well done! Guys, did you like playing in the fairy tale kingdom? (Children's answers). Then we will visit the fairy tale kingdom more than once and play fairy tales with other heroes.


1.M.Yu.Kartushina “Fun for Kids” “Sphere Shopping Center” Moscow 2010

2. T.N. Doronova “Adults and children play” “LINK-PRESS Moscow 2006

3.S.I.Merzlyakova “Folklore – music – theater” “GITS VLADOS” 1999