Fortune telling with pen and paper. Interesting and truthful fortune telling using paper and pen. By paired letters

Man has long been attracted by everything unusual. And there is no guy or girl who, in the event of possible failures in love, would not want to resort to magic to tell their fortunes. Some people decide to turn to professional fortune tellers. And some find a way to curb their curiosity about the future using fortune telling on paper. In order to learn this, a lot of work and great knowledge are not required. But at the same time, many claim that all the predictions for them with the help of fortune telling on a piece of paper came true.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for the future

It is very simple to carry out fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen. But if a person decides to do fortune-telling, then this process must be approached as seriously as possible. After all, if you spend time, then with the greatest benefit. First you need to study the process algorithm and prepare the necessary materials.

The main factors on which the reliability of predictions depends:

Preparing for fortune telling on a piece of paper requires following these rules and having paper and pen.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen involves answering questions not only about matters of the heart, but also about success in life in general. There are many ways to tell fortunes on a piece of paper. The main ones are:

  • questions about various problems;
  • prediction of the near and distant future;
  • fortune telling for a guy.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen based on questions

In order to get an answer to a question of interest, you need to state it concisely on a piece of paper. The question should be briefly worded. Then you need to count the number of letters in the question without taking into account punctuation marks. If you get a number with two or more digits, you need to add them up to ultimately get just a digit. After this you need to turn to decoding.

As an example, you can consider the following question: “Will I buy an apartment this year?” Let's sum up all the letters of the question: k+y+p+l+yu+ya+k+v+a+p+t+i+p+y+v+e+t+o+m+g+o+d+y =23. Since the number turned out to be ambiguous, we add up the numbers in the number 23: 2+3=5. The answer to this question will be the decoding of the five.

Interpretation of answers:

  • Listen to your subconscious. Only it gives the correct answers to your questions.
  • Yes. Favorable result. The outcome will be beneficial for you.
  • No. This is impossible. New difficulties may arise.
  • Fortune is favorable to you. Everything you plan will come true.
  • Ambiguous answer. The wish may come true, but it will not lead to anything good. Or it won’t come true, but that’s for the best.
  • To achieve what you want, you need to make a lot of effort. The saying “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself” is appropriate here.
  • Your intentions will be fulfilled. But this will happen when it is no longer important to you.
  • You need to look around - the answer is in a visible place. Be careful.
  • It is unlikely that the situation will be resolved in the way you want. The percentage of wish fulfillment is very low.

Predicting the future

In order to find out about the events that await you, you can perform fortune telling rituals on a piece of paper with a pen, asking questions about the future. The main ones are: fortune telling using ten leaves and fortune telling for a specific date.

Fortune telling 10 sheets

With the help of ten pieces of paper you can predict your near future or get an answer to a nagging question. For this fortune telling, on each piece of paper it is necessary to draw pictures: a house, a door, a fence, a tree, a river, a flower, a cat, a bird, a man, a woman. Then fold each sheet several times, shuffle it and, thinking about your question, pull out the first piece of paper.

Explanation of the selected picture:

For events of a specific day

Many people know that dates play a role in everyone’s life. big role. But few people know on which days they are lucky. If a person needs information about what awaits him in a specific period, he can resort to simple fortune telling on paper with a pen for a certain date.

The essence of this divination is that on the top of the piece of paper the date, month and day of the week are written in words, and on the bottom - the person’s full name. Abbreviations and initials are not allowed. Then cross out the letters that are repeated in the words of both the date and the surname of the first and patronymic.

Example: Ivanova Zhanna Grigorievna is interested in the events in her life on Tuesday, April twenty-fourth.

After crossing out identical letters, the entry will look like:

The letters c, ch, e, p, l, i, k, zh are not repeated. Total - 8 pieces.

Explanation of the meaning of the obtained numbers:

Based on Ivanov’s interpretation, Zhanna Grigorievna can expect romantic events on Tuesday, April 24.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for a guy's name

The surname, first name and patronymic of the girl and guy are written down on a piece of paper. After this, you need to write down the letters that are repeated in each name. Then count the number of letters that are repeated the same number of times.

Example: Vasilyeva Glafira Dmitrievna, Prokhorov Arkhip Vadimovich

Letters that appear more than once in a girl’s full name:

B - 3, A - 5, I - 4, L - 2, E - 2, R - 2.

Letters that are repeated in the guy's name:

P - 2, R - 3, O - 4, X - 2, V - 3, A - 2, I - 3.

Thus, only the letter B appears the same number of times (namely three times). The result of fortune telling is the number one.

Interpretation of numbers:

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for feelings

Girls love to guess about a guy both in school times and in more recent times. mature age. It is very important for a woman to know how the man she likes feels immediately after meeting her. They can tell you about it interesting fortune telling to feelings. The main methods in this type of divination are: quick fortune telling by cells and fortune telling with the strange name Rodnistle.

By cells

For quick fortune telling, you need not a simple piece of white paper, but one from a notebook in a box. With a certain hand (left-handed - left, right-handed - right), you need to draw a heart of any size on a piece of paper, while thinking about a certain person. Then cross out all the cells in the heart that were not affected by the lines. Count the number of cells along which the line was drawn. If the number of these cells is more than one digit, then the numbers in it need to be added so that the result is a single digit number.

Interpretation of the number of cells that were affected into the feelings of the partner:

  • 0 - love and a quick date;
  • 1 - partner doubts;
  • 2 - only friendship;
  • 3 - modesty interferes with the expression of feelings;
  • 4 - loves, but is very jealous;
  • 5 - all his romantic thoughts are connected with you;
  • 6 - indifference;
  • 7 - there is another person in the partner’s thoughts;
  • 8 - you can quickly attract his attention, but soon you yourself will not be happy about it;
  • 9 - relationships will soon begin to develop at lightning speed.

The advantage of this fortune telling on a piece of paper is that you do not need to know full name and the name of the person you liked. It is enough to imagine his image during the sacrament.

Method native

The method is more complex than other fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen. To do this, first of all, you need to know the last name, first name and patronymic of the person of interest. Then on paper in one line you need to write your full name. Below is the name of the person you are interested in.

Without haste, you need to carefully cross out the letters in your name, patronymic and surname, which are also found in your partner. For example, Zhanna Grigorievna Ivanova wants to know how Tihomir Andreevich Polyakov treats her. Step by step, you need to cross out the paired letters that match between the partners.

The meaning of the letters in the word rodnistle:

No one knows why some people’s predictions are true, while for others everything happens exactly the opposite. Perhaps it’s just the subconscious transmitting the necessary information. It is generally accepted that the “placebo effect” plays a large role in the success of fortune telling. Therefore, if you tune in and fully believe in the prophecy, then it will definitely come true.

Fortune telling on paper is notable for the fact that it does not require special tools. This is a combination of numerology and classical fortune telling, which can be done anywhere.

In the article:

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen

If a girl wants to know whether the relationship will be successful, ask her for real, ask other questions, and tell fortunes. You need to clearly formulate the question and write it down on a piece of paper. Count the number of letters (and punctuation is not included in the calculation). Example:

Does he love me?

L+yu+b+i+t+l+i+o+n+m+e+n+i = 13

If the number is two-digit, then you need to add its components together. Example:

13 = 1 + 3 = 4, Result - 4.

Interpretation of the results:

  • 1 - the fortuneteller understands the answer to the question. Events will develop as intuition suggests now.
  • 2 or 4 - yes, the answer to the question is positive. If there cannot be a definite answer, the situation will develop as we would like, the wish will come true, the problem will become luck.
  • 3 - no, the answer to the question is negative. The dream is unattainable. The situation will develop for the worst, the wish will not come true, and new problems can be expected to appear.
  • 5 - Both positive and negative answers are possible. On the one hand, the wish will come true or the problem will disappear, but on the other hand - possible consequences.
  • 6 - what you want will happen only if you put in the effort. You should not rely on luck, but on the results of your own actions.
  • 7 - the wish will come true, but not as quickly as we would like. Perhaps, when the dream comes true, the girl will forget about it.
  • 8 - the answer to the question will become clear very soon without the help of fortune telling. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, because most likely the necessary information is hidden nearby.
  • 9 - a suitable development of events is extremely unlikely. There are chances, but they are negligible. You should not hope for a positive answer. There is a high probability of problems arising due to a matter about which the Higher Powers are asked.

Fortune telling for the future

If you want to know what, use the following type of fortune telling. You will need a sheet of paper and a pen. On the top of the sheet write the day of the week on which you want to know future events. Below write your last name, first name and patronymic. Not initials, but full version name. Write down on the side all the letters that appear more than once. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, N - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 6,

Cross out repeated letters and write out the remaining ones. Count the number of letters appearing once. If there are more than 10 of them, add the components together, as in the previous fortune telling. Example:

M + L + I + E + K + S + D = 7, Result - 7.

Interpretation of numbers when fortune telling for the future:

  • 0 or 9 - An unremarkable day, no bright events are expected. No different from everyday life, but you shouldn’t expect any serious problems either.
  • 1 - the day will be distinguished by good news from friends or relatives. It is possible to receive a gift or buy a new thing.
  • 2 - severe disappointment or failure awaits. It is possible to receive bad news or problems associated with gossip.
  • 3 - there is a high probability of a trip, excursion or other event that goes beyond everyday life. The day may also be distinguished by a pleasant surprise.
  • 4 - you will have to change plans because of a stupid accident, which can either slightly adjust the idea of ​​spending time or completely cancel out what was planned.
  • 5 or 8 - The day will be successful for communicating with the opposite sex. The girl will attract attention young man, Maybe. A date or interesting revenge awaits.
  • 6 - meeting with an old friend from whom I have not heard from for a long time. A repetition of an event from the past or a return of old problems is possible.
  • 7 - an unfavorable day that threatens the fortuneteller with apathy, bad mood and minor difficulties.

Fortune telling for love

You need to write down your own personal data (first name, patronymic and last name) and information about your lover. Select letters that appear more than once and see how many match. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 6, N - 2.

Petrov Alexey Vladimirovich

O - 2, I - 2, R - 2, B - 3, A - 2, E - 3, L - 2.

In the example, 5 pairs of letters matched. So the result is 5.

Interpretation of the obtained meanings of fortune telling for love:

  • 1 - In a couple, everyone thinks only about their own well-being. If you find the strength to abandon selfishness, the union will be strong and full of love.
  • 2 - disappointment in your partner in the future, perhaps this has already happened. You shouldn’t hold on to the past; a lot has changed since you met the person. The girl probably grew out of the relationship.
  • 3 - real mutual love, the ability to overcome difficulties together. You don't have to be afraid of rivals and quarrels.
  • 4 - The relationship is not bad, but quarrels often arise for minor reasons. You should be more tolerant, learn to find compromises and look at the situation from the side of your loved one.
  • 5 - the girl is forced to give in to her partner and sacrifice her own interests.
  • 6 - the fortuneteller dominates the relationship. If the situation suits your partner, everything is fine, but if not, you need to look for a compromise and give your loved one more freedom.
  • 7 or 9 - love and harmony reign in relationships. Such couples make happy families.
  • 8 - Harmony and mutual understanding reign between partners. And without fortune telling, the girl knows that her beloved lives up to expectations, and the relationship is almost ideal.

Fortune telling for a guy

To find out who a certain young man is, you will need a piece of checkered paper and a pen or pencil. Draw a heart on a piece of paper with your dominant hand. Image dimensions don't matter. Carefully cross out all intact cells inside the heart. The uncrossed cells are counted, the number of which will indicate the person’s secret feelings. If the number of cells is two digits, add the 2 digits together.


  • 0 or 9 - if a girl crosses out all the boxes, the guy loves her and is likely to ask her out on a date soon.
  • 1 - 1 cell remains uncrossed - the young man himself does not understand how he feels towards the fortuneteller. The guy is not sure of his feelings, he needs time to sort out his feelings.
  • 2 - They don’t like fortunetellers, but you can become good friends thanks to common interests and compatibility of characters.
  • 3 - the guy feels sympathy, but excessive shyness does not allow him to admit his feelings.
  • 4 - the object reciprocates, is very jealous of the mutual ones.
  • 5 - The image of a girl often visits his thoughts; the guy loves and dreams of asking him out on a date.
  • 6 - complete indifference.
  • 7 - a young man is interested in another girl. If they are guessing about who they are dating, a rival has appeared.
  • 8 - it’s easy to win a guy’s sympathy, but the union will be unhappy and will only bring problems.

Fortune telling from drawings

Fortune telling will give accurate answers to questions, tell whether the wish will come true and how soon.

They take 10 identical leaves, on each they draw 1 of 10 things: a girl, a fence, a river, a flower, a tree, a bird, a cat, a house, a door and a man. Fold the paper in half and mix thoroughly.

You need to pull out one of the drawings at random. The symbol depicted on the note will tell you about the future.

Interpretation of the meanings of drawings on paper:

  • Young woman- symbolizes high expectations and demands. If you moderate your ardor, your desire will soon come true. This means that there is an enemy surrounded: you need to be careful in your statements, you shouldn’t trust just anyone.
  • Man- a symbol of safety and security. The wish will certainly come true, albeit with the help of another person.
  • Image birds denotes a flight of fancy. The wish can come true if the girl makes every effort. You can't have your head in the clouds and hope for lucky chance, but you should take the situation into your own hands.
  • Fence says everything will be fine. Problems will be solved, obstacles will be overcome. You cannot refuse the help of friends who are very worried.
  • Image tree- financial troubles. Avoid making unnecessary purchases and entering into dubious deals. The wish will not come true.
  • House- a symbol of care and support for relatives. With their help you will be able to make your wish come true. If the dream concerns the family or home, it will 100% come true.
  • Cat- will start soon black stripe. The image speaks of emerging victorious from a difficult situation, although something will have to be sacrificed. The wish will not come true.
  • Flower - that the clouds are gathering. Some event will dramatically change your life forever. A rival will appear on the personal front. Not everything is so bad: the symbol can mean a large sum. With proper luck, your wish will come true.
  • River- a quick trip or meeting someone from afar. Possible homage with a foreigner. To make your wish come true, you will have to try, but everything will work out.
  • Door- a symbol of new perspectives. With the right amount of activity, many doors will open. The wish will come true provided that the girl is ahead of the competition.

Fortune telling on paper for your betrothed

Fortune telling will help you find out how guys feel about a fortune teller. You will need a piece of paper, preferably in a checkered pattern, and a pen.

Draw a 7x7 table. Random names of the months are written at the top. On the right side of the table there are 7 names of guys, on the left - the days of the week (not necessarily in order).

Below they put from 1 to 7 in any order. In the empty cells in the center, put any numbers from 1 to 31. It should look like this:

Take the calendar for the current year and check if the dates exist. If so, look at which guy the numbers refer to and look at the corresponding number in the very bottom row, which will tell you how the young man feels about the girl.

Interpretation of the results:

  • 1 - sympathy, soon the girl will be convinced of his feelings.
  • 2 - indifference.
  • 3 - the guy dreams of a relationship and is ready to take active steps.
  • 4 - the other one is interesting, most likely a friend. It is possible to win the attention of your lover.
  • 5 - the guy likes the girl, a quick meeting is most likely accidental.
  • 6 - the young man will break his heart. It will be possible to start a relationship, but the result will only be problems.
  • 7 - destined to become good friends, friendship will last long.

Despite the simplicity of fortune telling, rituals help to find out answers to questions and even figure out the future. If the answers are upsetting, put in a little effort and everything will work out.

Everyone wants to look into their own future, and those who say they don’t want to just want it in secret.

To find out whether the tender feeling is mutual, whether happiness is expected soon, whether a dream will come true - all this can only be done with the help of mysticism and fortune telling. It is not necessary to perform complex rituals at midnight, burn candles and cast spells, because ordinary paper and pen can help you find out the probable future.

Fortune telling on paper is ideal for girls who are tormented by important questions - should they expect the first step from their beloved guy, will their plans come true, and what fate awaits them. All you need is a notebook sheet and a simple pen.

Numbers will help

Numerology is a serious science, and it is what is used most often in “paper” fortune telling. With the help of simple mathematical combinations, you can find out the near future and get an answer to an exciting question.

What will happen today?

This is a simple and pleasant fortune telling on paper, which will allow you to understand what events are coming up today. You need to write your first name, last name and patronymic, as well as today’s date (day and month) in words. You can write another date - a day that you are waiting for in the future.

Then you cross out the repeated letters in what you wrote, and count all the remaining, not crossed out, letters to get a simple number. The meaning of the numbers is as follows:

  • 0 – the day will be normal.
  • 1 – joy awaits.
  • 2 – you will be sad.
  • 3 – an interesting walk or trip.
  • 4 – there will be news.
  • 5 – you will hear something pleasant.
  • 6 – meeting.
  • 7 - you will be sad.
  • 8 – wait for love.
  • 9 – beware of betrayal.

Will what you want come true?

An interesting fortune telling on paper - with a “li” particle. Write down your current question, one that requires a “yes” or “no” answer. Does Sasha love me, will I pass the test, and so on.

After this, we count the letters in each word you write, and write the resulting numbers below, under the words. We add all these numbers in pairs, then repeat the procedure until we get one simple number - it will give the answer.

  • 1 – you know the answer.
  • 2 – probably yes.
  • 3 - don't wait.
  • 4 – definitely.
  • 5 – most likely yes.
  • 6 – there is interference.
  • 7 – unlikely.
  • 8 – yes, but later.
  • 9 is not the time for this.


A heart is not only a symbol of love, but also a good tool for fortune telling. possible love, on plain checkered paper. You need to close your eyes and imagine your beloved guy, and draw a heart on a piece of paper, using your non-dominant hand (a left-handed person draws with his right, a right-handed person with his left).

Then we look at what happened and cross out entire cells in the heart. Cross out 6 cells at a time and count how many are left. Let's find out the future!

  • 1 – the guy has feelings for you.
  • 2 – only friendship is possible.
  • 3 – the guy has sympathy.
  • 4 – he is jealous.
  • 5 – sees you in dreams.
  • 6 – no feelings.

No math

If fortune telling, which is done on paper with a regular pen using numbers, is not suitable for you, and you do not like to count, there are other good options for finding out the future.

1. A game of tic-tac-toe will help answer the question! For this simple fortune telling On paper you need a piece of paper in a cage and a pen.

You make a wish and simply play tic-tac-toe with yourself, relying on intuition and without thinking about each next move. It is important to put X's and O's without thinking. If the cross wins, the wish will come true, if the zero wins, then not.

2. From time immemorial, chamomile has answered the question that torments girls: “whether she loves or not.” There is a simple and interesting love fortune telling for girls on paper using a drawn chamomile.

Make a wish for a guy. Draw a flower with the same number of petals as there are letters in your lover’s full name. Draw a stem, and begin writing the letters of the young man's full name into the petals, moving clockwise, starting from the stem.

Then write your own full name in the same way, in each drawn petal with a letter. If there is no space, write the name incompletely. You will get exactly 2 letters in each petal.

Then see if there are petals in which one vowel and any one consonant letter stand side by side. If there are no such people, you are unlikely to have a great future with this guy. The more there are, the greater the chances for romance and love!

3. There is an interesting fortune telling with plain paper and ballpoint pen, to a desire or question. This is fortune telling with sticks (dashes).

Make a wish or ask a yes or no question and start drawing lines. Stop when you feel it and start crossing out two lines at a time.

If a line remains, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question is positive. If there is nothing left uncrossed out on the sticks, then the wish will not yet come true, and the answer is negative.

4. There is one more fortune telling with sticks, but we will have to return to mathematics. But this fortune-telling with plain paper and a simple pen will help you learn a lot of interesting things on sticks and look into the future.

The sticks are drawn not in one row, but in six, stopping by intuition. Then cross out three lines and count the remaining ones in each row. We add the resulting numbers until we get one simple number. She is the answer to the question of what the future holds.

  • 0 – in the near future everything will be calm, no changes should be expected.
  • 1 – something not very pleasant will happen soon.
  • 2 – your lover or girlfriend will bring some trouble or make you worry, be careful.
  • 3 – there will be an unexpected and very pleasant surprise.
  • 4 – you will be forced to break the rules and take risks.
  • 5 - they are waiting for a change of place, you will find yourself in new circumstances.
  • 6 – there is a walk, a journey or a trip ahead.
  • 7 - an important meeting awaits you with a new person who will change your destiny.
  • 8 – important news will come.
  • 9 – open up to great love – it’s nearby!

Many people like fortune telling using paper because of its simplicity and the fact that it often comes true. Believe only in the best and do not be afraid if you experience a not very favorable event. Remember that the paper predicts only probable developments in the plot of your destiny, and everything is ultimately in your hands.

You yourself, knowing the probability of the future, can contribute to good luck or avoid difficulties and troubles.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen is a method that replaces almost all other ways to find out something about love. Tarot cards, wax or daisy fortune telling can be easily replaced with a pencil, pen and ordinary notebook paper.

Fortune telling with pen and paper for a guy's love

Tell fortunes with only a piece of paper, a pen (pencil), free time, maybe for a guy's love. Is this fortune-telling comic or serious? It’s an open question. It’s always interesting to check from your own experience how serious they are.

The most common fortune telling is writing down, drawing with a pen on paper “loves - doesn’t love”, similar to fortune telling on a daisy flower. You need to write down with a pen on paper your full name, middle name, last name, and the guy’s full name separated by a “+” sign. Then, as in the process of fortune-telling with a chamomile, they read the rhyme “loves - loves not.” Each letter is a counting point; the “+” sign is not taken into account. The word that appears on the last letter means how the guy treats the fortuneteller.

An alternative option “loves - does not love” with strokes. They take paper and pen and introduce their loved one. They draw vertical lines when it is necessary to stop, they determine instinctively. Then the strokes are crossed out in pairs. 1 remains - he doesn’t love, but if he is in a relationship with a fortuneteller, it means he is deceiving, he has another. There are no extra sticks left - he loves, wants to be together.

Fortune telling using pen and paper by name

In addition to pen and paper for fortune telling, you will need to know the person's full name. Write down the guy's name and your full name in a line. Then they begin to tell fortunes:

  • the guy’s name and his own are written out in a line, placing repeating letters under each other;
  • count how many letters are in the columns, an even number is written down as 0, an odd number as 1;
  • numbers are added in pairs, written down in a line, repeated until a single digit number is obtained;
  • the final number is the answer to how likely a union with a loved one is - 1 is the minimum chance, 9 is the maximum.

The result is considered inaccurate when the name is indicated in a short form (Sasha instead of Alexander), the last name, patronymic is missing. It makes sense to take results seriously when the reality is known. The person ignores him and treats him badly, but the number turns out to be 9 - this is not a reason for optimism, just a coincidence.

In the process of fortune telling, writing with a pen, it is important to avoid accidental mistakes - missing letters, typos (wrong letter, rearranged). Then you will have to start the fortune telling again.

Important! It is advisable to find out unknown details in advance: what is the full form of the name.

Vlad may be a short form of Vladislav, Vladlen, occasionally Vladimir, Slava is a derivative of Yaroslav, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Mitya - Dmitry or an independent name.

Fortune telling on paper for girls in the name of the betrothed

To find out the name of your future lover, you don’t need anything other than a pen and paper:

  1. Use a pen to write down your own full name (including middle name, last name).
  2. They count the number of letters first in the full version, write it down, then only in the name, also write it down (denoted, for convenience, by N and n).
  3. Letters that are repeated 2 or more times should be written down for each result separately (for convenience, denoted n1, n2, and so on).
  4. Calculate the final number (formula – N-(n+n1+n2+…nn)), you should get a single digit number.
  5. Decipher the resulting result.

Number meanings:

  • 1 – Sergey, Alexander, Evgeny, Dmitry;
  • 2 – Grigory, Semyon, Alexey, Nikolay, Denis;
  • 3 – Gennady, Ruslan, Anton, Egor, Konstantin;
  • 4 – Ilya, Andrey, Oleg, Vasily, Timofey;
  • 5 – Vladimir, Fedor, Arkady, Ivan, Maxim;
  • 6 – Kirill, Bogdan, Pavel, Vyacheslav, Philip;
  • 7 – Victor, Peter, Anatoly, Mikhail;
  • 8 – Yuri, Artem, Mark, Rudolf, Vitaly;
  • 9 – Matvey, Arseny, Yaroslav, Boris, Roman.

When there is a boyfriend, it is interesting to compare the result to see if the name drawn matches the name of your loved one. It may turn out that fate is preparing a different future than it seems.

Important! Fortune telling with paper or pen does not include all existing names. For those not on the list, it is expected to rely on luck.

Fortune telling on a sheet of paper for girls “Hundred”

For fortune telling “Hundred” it is better to take checkered paper. You will need to write down the numbers in lines, the cells guarantee uniformity of arrangement.

  1. They guess the name of their beloved.
  2. Write numbers from 1 to 100 on a line, without using zeros.
  3. The first row can be any length (from 1 to 9, from 1 to 20, it doesn’t matter), but the next one must be the same.
  4. Having written down all the numbers, write at the end full date fortune telling (without zeros).
  5. Cross out numbers equal in sum to 10 (5-5, 6-4, 2-8), identical. Only the numbers next to each other are crossed out, vertically or horizontally, without touching those that have already been crossed out.
  6. The remaining numbers are written down in order again. The length of the line should be equal to the number of letters of the guy's name.
  7. Cross out the same numbers again, giving a total of 10.
  8. Based on the number of remaining numbers, they look at the guy’s attitude.
  • 1, 10, 19 – strong love, deep devotion;
  • 2, 11, 20 – jealousy;
  • 3, 12, 21 - complete indifference, indifference, there can be no talk of any relationship;
  • 4, 13, 22 – the guy already likes him, but doesn’t love him yet;
  • 5, 14, 23 - in the near future the guy will pay attention;
  • 6, 15, 24 – no feelings;
  • 7, 16, 25 – after a while there will be communication, but it’s too early to talk about love;
  • 8, 17, 26 – the guy loves and wants to propose meeting, but circumstances interfere;
  • 9, 18, 27 - to be together is fate, if people are not yet a couple, the numbers predict that after a while they will end up together.

Exists alternative option fortune telling, which implies everything too, but allows you to cross out already crossed out numbers. The interpretation will be different:

  • 1 – there is nothing ahead except loneliness and boredom;
  • 2 – the mysterious person is destined to become a couple for the fortuneteller;
  • 3 – is in other relationships;
  • 4 – does not experience any feelings;
  • 5 – loves, respects, appreciates;
  • 6 – loves another girl, there is no chance;
  • 7 – the guy is jealous of the fortuneteller for someone;
  • 8 – there is a road ahead connected with a loved one, a joint journey, a trip to him;
  • 9 – does not expect anything except parting, separation;
  • 11 – quick meeting, planned, casual, alone, in company;
  • 12 – there is a serious conversation ahead that will take a lot of time;
  • 13 – soon (one day) there will be a battle between the fortuneteller and the guy in the dream;
  • 14 – strong love for the fortuneteller;
  • 15 – the guy constantly remembers, gets bored;
  • 16 – there are no feelings, the chances of love appearing are extremely low, there is nothing to hope for.

Important! Both fortune telling are more entertaining than serious. It might be better to talk to the person and clarify the relationship.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen for girls “Heart”

For fortune telling you will need a pen or pencil and checkered paper. Draw a heart on a sheet of paper by taking a pencil or pen of a right-hander to the left, and a left-hander to right hand. It is advisable to draw evenly, in the process representing your favorite person.

Then all the complete cells are circled inside the drawing. Those that are “circumcised” are not touched. When everyone is circled, they begin to cross out in groups of 6 cells. At the end they look at how many are left uncrossed out:

  • 0 – the person is completely indifferent, no chance;
  • 1 – the guy is in love, but is embarrassed to admit it;
  • 2 – considers her a friend, without considering her in a romantic context;
  • 3 – feels sympathy, there is a small chance that he will fall in love;
  • 4 – the person experiences strong jealousy;
  • 5 – the fortuneteller appears to the guy in a dream.

If the result is not satisfactory, the fortune telling is not repeated. The answer is believed to be final. However, it is permissible to tell fortunes about a different name; it is advisable to choose a different day.

Fortune telling on scraps of paper

There are two types of fortune telling using scraps of paper. One involves choosing from several candidates, the second is the answer to whether the fortuneteller will be with her loved one.

Option one. A sheet of paper is torn into shreds, different names are written on all but one with a pen, mixed, and placed under the pillow before going to bed. In the morning, take out 1 piece. If it comes up empty, none of the guys listed are suitable. If the name comes up, this is the one with whom you should connect your fate.

The second option is to tear the paper into pieces, write the name of your loved one on one part with a pen, and leave the second piece blank. They also place them under the pillow before going to bed and take out 1 of them in the morning. If the name comes up, the person will become a couple with the fortuneteller. An empty sheet - there is no future together.

Important! Some consider fortune telling a sin. Then it is permissible to tell fortunes on Christmas time, it is considered - Christmas fortune telling are not counted as sins, there is an opinion that fortune telling at Christmas time is more accurate. However, in fact, the time of year does not affect the result of fortune telling with pen and paper.

Fortune telling LURDNISTEKHB

Fortune telling on paper with a pen in this way is based on intuition. Often the correct answer is simply a lucky coincidence:

  1. On paper, with a pen in a column, write the letters LURDNISTEKHB, this is an abbreviation for Loves, Respects, Jealous, Thinks, Likes, Interested, Suffering, Attracts to you, There is another, Wants to be friends, Will be friends.
  2. They make a wish for three guys, each of them is given a number - 0, 1, 2.
  3. Draw lines opposite each letter with a pen, intuitively stopping when it seems enough.
  4. Cross out sticks in threes in each row.
  5. As a result, at the end of each row there remains 1 stick, 2, 0.
  6. The guy's number is written opposite the line where the same number of sticks remain.

As a result, the guy experiences the feelings indicated by the letter in the line. It is permissible to repeat the fortune telling, using pen and paper, for the other three guys. However, if the names different people coincide, it is necessary to indicate this fact at least mentally.

Fortune telling for the near future

You can tell fortunes for the next day, two or three, to find out what will happen in a relationship with a quick fortune-telling. On a piece of paper, write down your full name and date of birth with a pen (not in numbers, but in words, for example, “December twenty-fifth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five”). Then cross out the repeated letters and count how many are left. A two-digit number should be reduced to a single-digit form by addition (for example, 18 is 1+8=9). Then begin the interpretation:

  • 0 – meeting an interesting person;
  • 1 – fun, laughter, joy, spending time together, giving pleasure;
  • 2 – strong disappointment, cheating boyfriend, gossip;
  • 3 – a road connected with a loved one, a trip to him, a joint trip;
  • 4 – news from an unexpected source;
  • 5 – pleasant surprise from your loved one;
  • 6 – success, successful relationships, joy;
  • 7 – a stranger will greatly offend, upset;
  • 8 – resentment from a loved one, quarrel, discord, termination of relationships;
  • 9 – love.

Important! You can predict the future with a pen and paper for a maximum of 4 days. It is advised to avoid daily fortune-telling in order to maintain contact with reality.


Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen, despite its simplicity, is relatively accurate. The results are often questioned, but in practice 90% of the answers turn out to be correct. The key to success is concentration, imagination, faith in the result.

Many girls are interested in answers to hidden questions and ways to find out the future. You can get reliable information using magic. Fortune telling on paper is accessible to beginners; it makes it possible to discover the secret of the future and receive hints from fate. Fortune telling of this type cannot involve calling spirits or attracting evil spirits. They only show how successful your choice of partner is.

Basic rules

Any work with magic requires attention and respect. Beginners use simple rituals, where the probability of receiving a rollback is minimal. But incorrect execution of the ritual can lead to serious problems. To avoid them, you must follow the rules:

  • believe in the existence of magic, you cannot perform rituals for fun;
  • be alone during fortune telling;
  • turn off electrical appliances that cause interference;
  • light candles and create a mysterious atmosphere;
  • formulate your request or desire as accurately as possible;
  • do not talk about the fact of fortune telling and its results.

Rituals with predictions can be performed no more than once a day. The first answer is the most correct and clear, even if it does not suit the fortuneteller.

It is important to remember that such rituals are not always for children. Magic cannot be neglected. Date of birth is not important for fortune telling. Both girls and adult women can perform the rituals.

There are different interesting rituals by lines, on hearts, using origami. But the most popular and reliable of them are those that operate with images.

Let's find out the future

Fortune telling allows you to determine upcoming events and prepare for them. At the time of performing rituals, you need to focus on your destiny, ask higher powers about insight and help.

For the coming day

A simple ritual that will help determine the course of the next day and prepare for the twists of fate. To complete it, you only need paper and a pen.

The ritual is performed like this:

  1. Write down the last name, first name and patronymic of the fortuneteller on one line. The date of interest is written next to it in cursive, without affecting the year. Date of birth is not important here.
  2. Repeating letters are written under the first one, forming columns.
  3. Repeated symbols are deleted from the phrase in pairs.
  4. The remaining letters from last names, first names and patronymics in the matrix are counted, reducing the value in numbers to one digit by addition.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper is interpreted as follows:

  • 0 - a standard day ahead, not eventful;
  • 1 - a pleasant surprise, a meeting is expected;
  • 2 - sad news, a quarrel with a loved one;
  • 3 - long journey, work trip;
  • 4 - good news;
  • 5 - admiration of others;
  • 6 - pleasant meeting, date;
  • 7 - unreasonable sadness;
  • 8 - the beginning of a new love relationship or the development of existing ones;
  • 9 - betrayal or betrayal of a friend.

According to the drawing

Easy fortune telling with pen and paper that allows you to look into the future. It will require 10 sheets of paper and a pen or pencil. The girl sketches one of the 10 required drawings on each piece of paper, then folds them and mixes them. Next, the conductor closes her eyes and takes out one sheet at random.

Required drawings and interpretation of figures:

  1. Man - means safety and comfort, symbolizes the fulfillment of desire.
  2. Woman - you should be more careful and careful, learn to recognize lies. It is important to stop expecting more from others than they can give.
  3. Home - setting up family relations, a dream connected with family will come true.
  4. Fence - good events ahead, goal achievement. Relatives will provide support not only in words.
  5. Door - you need to become more active, make efforts to fulfill your dreams.
  6. River - there is a journey ahead or a meeting with a person who has not been seen for a long time. It will turn out to be fateful.
  7. - problems in the material sphere.
  8. Flower - your financial status will increase, changes will come in life and in love relationships.
  9. - there are challenges ahead that are destined to be easily overcome.
  10. - you won’t be able to achieve your goal soon, but you should continue on the path towards it. In the future everything will come true.

In the process of fortune telling, it is not necessary to carefully draw all the details. It is enough to sketch a schematic image.

We cast a spell on love relationships

Romantic relationships don't always go smoothly. And sometimes it’s just interesting to know how events will develop. Magic and interesting things will help with this. With the help of rituals, you can determine the degree, clarify probable problems, and choose the right line of behavior.

By cells

The ritual is also called school fortune-telling; it makes it possible to learn about the feelings of a loved one and understand his motives. To carry it out, you need a squared notebook and a pencil or marker. Fortune telling with a pen on a piece of paper is carried out alone, imagining the image of a guy in your thoughts:

  1. The girl draws a heart on a piece of paper with the hand that usually holds a pen. The size of the image doesn't matter.
  2. Crosses out all the cells that remain intact.
  3. Counts the exact number of cells broken by the heart line.

If the number turns out to be two digits, it is reduced to one digit by addition. Fortune telling about a guy with a pen on paper in numbers is interpreted as follows:

  • 0 - the one who likes, experiences reciprocal feelings, you should expect an invitation to a date;
  • 1 - the guy hasn’t figured out his thoughts and desires, you need to wait;
  • 2 - love relationship It won’t work out, but you can start a great friendship;
  • 3 - the beloved is too shy, it is necessary to take the initiative; 4 - someone you like, is in love, but is very jealous, you should talk, express your emotions in words;
  • 5 - the man experiences deep feelings, there is a possibility of a strong marriage in the future;
  • 6 - the chosen one does not want a relationship, it is better to forget about him;
  • 7 - the guy is seriously interested in another;
  • 8 - relationships can develop, but not for long; this union will not bring happiness to anyone;
  • 9 - the man is sincerely in love.

Ritual for the Old New Year

This kind of love fortune telling with pen on paper is performed to clarify the name of the betrothed, with whom it will be possible to create a strong family.

On the evening of January 13, the girl takes leaves and writes on squared pieces of paper any names of men that come to the fortune teller’s mind. Stirs and places under the pillow.

The next day, you need to take out one of the sheets at random. The name indicated there will correspond to the name of the future husband. The fortune-telling girl will be able to try again only after a year. But you can tell fortunes by hand even on the same day.

A ritual for the opportunity to be together

The ritual allows you to determine the possibility of a relationship with the man of interest. To carry out fortune telling for love on paper, you need to write your own dates of birth, surnames, first names and patronymics of the guy and girl next to each other on a piece of notebook paper. It is better to take paper in a cage.

In each line, count the number of repeating letters, writing them down for convenience. It is important to find matches of the same letters in the boy and girl data. The number of such pairs is the result of the ritual. It is interpreted as follows:

  • 1 - the couple has no common interests, each partner cares only about himself;
  • 2 - you should not continue the relationship, the man will not live up to expectations and will break your heart;
  • 3 - strong love will develop into a strong marriage that no one can destroy;
  • 4 - petty quarrels overshadow romance, you need to learn to seek compromises;
  • 5 - the partner will demand complete submission;
  • 6 - the fortuneteller needs a leadership position, you should discuss the situation with your loved one;
  • 7 - a harmonious union that will last a lifetime;
  • 8 - complete mutual understanding, the opportunity to start a family;
  • 9 is a perfect pair.

How to get an answer from fate

Classic fortune telling with a pen on paper, which allows you to find a solution to a situation, get information about the future, and clarify problematic issues. Perfect time its commission -, but girls also guess on other dates, receiving reliable information.

To perform the ritual you will need a candle, a small container and a piece of paper with a pencil.

Late in the evening, the girl remains at home alone and begins fortune telling on paper for her betrothed:

  1. Place a lit candle next to a white wall so that you can observe the shadow.
  2. Write a clearly formulated question on a piece of paper.
  3. With a sharp movement, you need to crumple the paper, place it on a saucer and light it with a candle. Wait until the leaf dissolves in the fire.

Then they begin to interpret the results. To do this, place the container between the wall and the candle, look at the ashes and reflections of the shadow. There are several generally accepted meanings with predictions.