Perfumery with the aroma of verbena. Perfume lemongrass and verbena. Verbena-Scented Fragrances Well-Known Facts

Lemon verbenaperennial shrub, which is widely used in folk medicine. Verbena is common in almost all components, and South America is considered its homeland. The shrub was brought to Europe in the 18th century by the Spaniards. Fragrant plant Europeans were so captivated that they almost immediately began to use it in the perfume industry. Verbena was very popular in the 20th century, it was used as ornamental plant, shrubs were planted in all European gardens. The decorativeness and aroma of verbena receded into the background when valuable essential oil began to be obtained from this plant at an industrial level. Today, large-scale verbena plantations are concentrated in Madagascar, the south of France, and also in the territory North Africa and the USA.

The plant is evergreen shrub with a large crown (see photo). It blooms in small inflorescences of light purple color. The word "verbena" is of Latin origin and means "vine". Verbena received this name due to its characteristic appearance: at the bottom it is lush, but closer to the top you can see twig-like stems that look more like wire than part of the plant. The shrub is also called “lemon Louise” and “bee bush.” The plant received its first name in honor of the Spanish Princess Louise.

Among the people, lemon verbena has long been considered magical plant. People believed that the evergreen shrub could protect against the evil eye and damage, as well as curses. Verbena was considered a plant that fulfills all desires. Traditional medicine used the leaves of the plant for many diseases (at one time, verbena was even considered a real panacea).

There are many legends associated with verbena. The Druids revered this evergreen shrub and called it a cure for all diseases. They prepared miraculous drinks from the leaves of the plant, the recipes of which were hidden from other people. Collecting verbena turned into a real sacrament: it was prepared on a moonless night exclusively in iron bowls; it was not recommended to touch the collected plant with your hands. The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed in the magical origins of the plant. They dedicated vervain to Mars and Venus. A wreath made of bush stems was a symbol of marriage and protected against conspiracies. Christians called the plant “grass of the cross” because, according to legend, it was watered with the blood of Jesus Christ. In Italy, verbena was considered a witchcraft herb, and the goddess Diana, the ruler of witches, was named its patron.

Collection and storage

Lemon verbena is collected in several stages. The leaves are collected for the first time in June, and the second time during the flowering period of the bush. The aerial part of verbena is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is dried in special dryers.

Store dried raw materials in a cool place in paper bags.

Verbena essential oil is obtained from flowering shoots by steam distillation. Store it in a cool place in a tightly closed container.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of lemon verbena are due to the presence of essential oil in its composition, which is produced by modern industry as a separate preparation. The high cost of this product is explained by the low yield of verbena. The essential oil is a yellow-green liquid with a fresh, sweet aroma. In aromatherapy it is used to treat and normalize digestive processes. Verbena essential oil acts on nervous system as a tonic. It is indicated to inhale for hysteria, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.

The medicinal properties of lemon verbena are widely used in homeopathy. The plant contains aldehydes, glycosides, terpene ketones, essential oils, alcohols, and polyphenols. Verbena is used as decoctions and infusions. Such drugs are a natural remedy for normalizing food processes in the intestines.

The valuable properties of the plant also lie in its calming effect. The plant contains verbenamine, which has an astringent and healing effect. Verbenamine is one of the most valuable components of the essential oil of this shrub.

In cosmetology, verbena is used as a real beauty elixir. Plant extract is added to creams to relieve redness and cure rashes. Verbena copes well with skin problems, boils, boils. Its essential oil is recommended for treatment problem skin. Before applying to the skin, a few drops of essential oil are diluted in base oil, since it is a concentrated product and pure form may cause burns. Regular use of products based on lemon verbena extracts refreshes and evens out the skin of the face, and also has a pronounced rejuvenating property. Verbena oil perfectly eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin. It can often be found in anti-cellulite mixtures. It not only improves skin elasticity, but also deodorizes and eliminates sweating.

Highly purified essential oil can be taken orally to get a beautiful tan in a short time. Verbena oil protects the skin from age spots caused by solar activity, as well as from burns. In addition, it is a known aphrodosiac. The aroma of the oil relieves fatigue, smoothes out the effects of stress, and normalizes the emotional state. Verbena is sometimes called “food for the mind” because its smell improves blood circulation in the brain and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. The tonic properties of the oil are important for creative people, students, and scientists.

Verbena has high antiviral activity, so the plant is recommended for use during flu epidemics and colds.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lemon verbena is used as a natural flavoring. Tea with verbena is very popular in Spain. The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma. Residents of Spain love to drink chilled tea with verbena and mint. Such the drink perfectly quenches thirst and is very refreshing during the hot season. In North Africa, verbena is often found in herbal teas.

The plant retains almost all of its beneficial properties in dried form, which allows the leaves to be stored for a long time. Verbena can be added to various mousses, soufflés, creams, jellies, and puddings. Dried leaves of the plant are often used to prepare desserts. Marinades and sauces will sound new if you add some leaves of this shrub to them.

Thanks to its rich aroma, lemon verbena can be an excellent seasoning for many dishes. Its smell is much fresher and richer compared to other herbs. The plant goes well with strawberries, some types of cheeses, fish products, and poultry. Cooks call the combination of verbena with seafood or meat an interesting culinary solution. For example, pork ham goes well with a sauce seasoned with garlic and verbena.

The plant has the fame of “punch grass”. It is used to flavor alcoholic and soft drinks.

Lemon verbena benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant are known to folk and official medicine in many countries. Preparations based on verbena are used for low blood pressure, anemia, headaches, hepatitis, liver and spleen diseases. Externally, decoctions of the plant are used for sore throats, stomatitis, and rashes. Gargle a sore throat or mouth with a decoction of verbena several times a day until complete recovery.

Lemon verbena is in great demand in folk medicine, healing many diseases.


Lemon verbena treatment method

Atherosclerosis, thrombosis

Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over one and a half tablespoons of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to steep for about sixty minutes. Take two teaspoons of the infusion every hour.


At the pharmacy you need to purchase a package of lemon verbena leaves. The leaves of the plant should be brewed with two hundred milliliters of boiling water (one glass will require the entire package) and let stand for about five minutes. Drink twice a day after you eat (for lunch and dinner). The infusion must be drunk until the disease disappears completely.

Diseases of the liver, spleen

You should prepare the following infusion: pour five glasses of boiling water over about sixty grams of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to infuse for about sixty minutes. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion.

For increased anxiety

You need to pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over a collection of herbs from verbena (two parts), St. John's wort (three parts), lemon balm and ground valerian root (one part each), let stand for about sixty minutes, and then strain. It is recommended to take the infusion before meals, two tablespoons three times within twenty-four hours.

Stomatitis, sore throat

Treatment with lemon verbena is as follows. Steam two teaspoons of ground leaves of the plant with two hundred milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for about sixty minutes, and then strain. You need to take the infusion sixty-five milliliters no more than four times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

If you doubt the effectiveness of lemon verbena treatment, it is better to consult a doctor for advice..

Lemon verbena harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Verbena essential oil is phototoxic, meaning it should not be used before sunbathing. It is contraindicated to use the oil during pregnancy, because... verbena increases uterine tone. Like any other essential oil, it should not be used if allergic reactions occur. If you feel discomfort during aromatherapy, it is better to cancel the procedure.

Growing: planting and care

Lemon verbena is grown by cuttings or from seeds. The seed method is the easiest and does not require much cost or effort. Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seeds must germinate in wooden boxes filled with mineral substrate (peat, sand and turf soil).

To do this, you will first need to put the seeds on a damp cloth for about a couple of hours (this will allow the seeds to germinate quickly), and then plant them directly in boxes, cover with film and put them in a warm room where the temperature will not exceed twenty degrees. The boxes should be ventilated daily and the seeds should be watered as needed.

After twenty days, sprouts will appear. Then the boxes are transferred to a cool room with good lighting and the film is removed. It is best to plant sprouts in open ground when it is already warm enough outside. Sprouted seeds must be replanted together with the soil in which they grew, at a distance of no more than three centimeters from each other.

Lemon verbena does not require special watering conditions. It will be enough to water once every seven days. At the end of July, the interval between waterings should be increased to thirteen days.

As for care, the plant is fertilized only once - during the flowering period of verbena. Also, as necessary, you need to loosen the ground (especially in very hot times), remove weeds, and pick off dried leaves.

Harvesting occurs after the verbena has faded and is covered with pods of dry seeds.

What do essential oils smell like, and can you put it into words? We'll try.

Find an essential oil that interests you and it will reveal its scent secrets to you.

What does Calamus oil smell like?
Strong warm, woody-spicy scent with a peculiar camphor note.

what does amber oil smell like?
Soft, musky, resinous tobacco with a subtle sea trail. One of its features is the attractiveness of the smell. It acts as an aphrodisiac, stimulating the senses. Its second important purpose is to make perfumes lasting. Just a tenth of a drop is enough for the perfume to last for a day.
One of the most common ambergris substitutes is ambroxan. It gives the bouquet a woody-musky hue with fresh and velvety undertones and opens gently and softly on the skin.

What does Anise oil smell like?
The smell of anise oil has a characteristic pleasant smell of anise fruit; spicy-sweet, cheerful, warm. The childish aesthetics of this fragrance are usually not perceived at first sniff; a longer penetration into the cheerful world of anise is required, children can help with this, as well as an aromatic compliment - petitgrain.

Bitter orange
What does bitter orange essential oil smell like?
The smell of essential oil is fresh, bitter, peculiar, characteristic of orange fruit.

What does Orange oil smell like?
Orange oil has a light, warm, sweet, zesty and refreshing scent. The joyful and unpretentious aroma is light and clear. Usually absolutely everyone likes him.

What does Basil oil smell like?
Strong, pleasant, fresh, spicy-sweet, herbaceous scent.
The chilling, solemn slowness of the aroma of basil does not immediately penetrate into the depths of the concept with an enthusiastic “Like!” Therefore, at the beginning of studying the complex basil “syllable”, you should add a complimentary aroma - ginger.

What does Bay essential oil smell like?
The smell is fresh, spicy, bitter-pepper, similar to the smell of cloves.
The combination of peppery and sweetish tones is initially very difficult for the perception of smell, causing unconscious antagonism in many. Therefore, to get used to the complex dynamics of the aroma, you can add a complimentary aroma, for example, verbena or limette.

What does bergamot oil smell like?
Light, smoky-bitter, tart, refined, refreshing, mysterious scent. Reminds me of the aroma of orange or lemon with light floral notes. The fresh nebulosity of the scent is so attractive that it is usually easily perceived.
what does valerian oil smell like

Valerian essential oil has a characteristic tart, woody-balsamic, sour, dense, persistent, and deep smell. People are unfair to the smell of valerian, perceiving it with the common connotation of “female nervousness,” but this persistent oil has the sophistication of both the first and second tones; only in the third does light moisture appear, which can be neutralized by “marrying” this oil with a complimentary aroma - rosewood.

Verbena essential oil scent
The smell of verbena is intense lemon with pleasant floral and fruity notes, slightly tart and fresh. The aroma of verbena always deceives with its “icy” and first tone, demonstrating “nationality” and simplicity; it can be associated with the aroma of Leuzea and Limetta. The crystalline ringing specularity of the middle and lower tones provides a true pleasure for olfactory “gourmets” and “sommeliers”.

What does Vetiver oil smell like?
The smell of vetiver is woody, smoky, earthy, deep, dry, sweet, tart.
It is impossible to forget the complex “shamanic”, exciting aroma of vetiver, carrying the heat and dryness of the sun. But sometimes, upon first contact, this aroma is perceived as heavy. To “lighten” the top tone of vetiver, use a complimentary scent - grapefruit. The mixture of vetiver and grapefruit bears the symbolic name “Aphrodite’s mixture”.

What does clove oil smell like?
The smell is strong, pungent, spicy, tart; warm, buttery, sober.
This scent falls into the category of boring, and it also evokes frightening associations with a dentist's office. However, there is a charming warmth and aesthetic complexity in the scent of the lower tones of cloves. To eliminate the “upper” associations, you should add a drop of a complementary aroma - juniper.

What does Geranium oil smell like?
The smell of geranium oil is fresh, sweet, oily, herbaceous with a distinct fruity note, bitter-floral, reminiscent of the aroma of a rose with a hint of mint. The sharp sweet florality of a persistent aromatic shade sometimes makes it difficult to perceive; You can correct the situation by adding 1-2 drops of complementary eucalyptus.

What does Grapefruit oil smell like?
The aroma is so light, sunny and airy that everyone always likes its tone. The smell of grapefruit oil is pleasant, delicate, bittersweet, refreshing, reminiscent at the same time of the smell of orange and lemon with notes of grass and bitterness.

What does Oregano essential oil smell like?
The smell of the oil is herbal with a hint of wood, warm, fresh, spicy, somewhat tart, reminiscent of camphor.
To lighten the “character” of the aroma, it can be “married” with a complementary oil - orange.

What does Angelica essential oil smell like?
Has a strong herbaceous odor.

What does Spruce essential oil smell like?
The smell of the food was pleasant, resinous, bitter, pine, refreshing.
If you don’t really like some straightforwardness and sharpness of the aroma, then you can give it transparency by adding a complementary oil - petitgrain.

The scent of Jasmine essential oil
The smell of the oil is characteristic of living jasmine flowers, intense, refined, delicate, sweetish honey, floral with a hint of fresh greenery, exotic, slightly intoxicating.
Unfortunately, the top tone of jasmine is very bright, thick and somewhat secretory, and it is this that interferes with the perception of all the subtle charm of this perfect scent.
To lighten the top tone, you can add a compliment oil - lemon.

What does Ylang-Ylang essential oil smell like?
The smell of ylang-ylang is strong, pleasant, sweet, deep, warm, exotic, alluring, affectionate, represented by various combinations of floral, fruity, woody and medicinal scents with a spicy-balsamic tint.
The aroma of ylang-ylang is quite bright and sweet.
In order to make it less candy-like and lighter, you should add complementary oil - lemon.

What does Ginger essential oil smell like?
A pleasant, sharp, delicate, lively, fresh, exotic, warm, tart, spicy scent with a distinct citrus and pepper note. Usually, the aroma of ginger is easily perceived, being a source of aesthetic pleasure.

What does Iris oil smell like?
The aroma of iris is sweet, sophisticated, floral and powdery, shimmering with herbal and floral shades. Orris root in perfume adds royal sophistication and sophistication, with a hint of superiority. In its minimum concentration it takes on a powdery tint.

What does Hyssop essential oil smell like?
The smell of hyssop is warm, sweet, dense, spicy,
penetrating, with sourness. The aroma, due to its moist, dense and soapy substance, is difficult to perceive; a good “drying” complementary oil that creates a spicy, radiant aromatic fireworks is Limette.

What does Cassia oil smell like?
The smell is spicy-woody, sweetish.

What does Kayaput essential oil smell like?
The smell is fresh, cold, herbaceous, tart, sweet, floral, penetrating. The aroma is easily perceived as it reminds many of eucalyptus. The combination with complementary palm rose oil will give it sophistication.

The smell of the oil is woody, fresh, bitter, balsamic, reminiscent of the smell of cedar santhal essential oil, but drier. The first impression of cedar is always deceptive because of the unexpressed, “suppressed” top tone, in which you can even detect sour notes uncharacteristic for this aroma. The complementary grapefruit perfectly “awakens” the cedar pulsation.

What does Cypress essential oil smell like?
Clean, deep, refreshing, woody, resinous, slightly spicy, sweetish, balsamy and smoky. The aroma is solemn and complex; to facilitate the perception of its aesthetics, you can add a compliment oil - bergamot - the first two or three times.

What does Cinnamon essential oil smell like?
The smell of cinnamon is strong, pleasant, balsamic, spicy, sweet, warm, cozy, soft.
Easy, accessible and very rewarding. However, if you add complementary citronella, it will cause flashes of brilliant lightning in the rounded cinnamon sky.

What does Lavender essential oil smell like?
Lavender has a soft, fresh, subtle, light, clean, floral scent, like fresh lavender flowers with a woody undertone.
The perception of smell is always perfectly calm.

What does Frankincense essential oil smell like?
The scent of frankincense oil is warm, resinous, smoky, woody, sweet, spicy, balsamic with a lemony note.
The rigor and deep philosophy of this fragrance is difficult to take in vain, because they require from us a greater depth of inhalation, a greater capacity of the soul and less dispersion in the world. Therefore, to comprehend the Great Aesthetics of incense, you need to begin your acquaintance with it alone.
The aroma that masterfully sings in a “third” with incense and draws out an associative series of terry bass notes is complementary rosewood.

What does Leuzea essential oil smell like?
If you conduct a survey of the opinions of people who use fragrances, then exactly half of them are not fans of the smell of Leuzea, while for the other half this aroma evokes enthusiastic feelings. We can say that some disadvantage of Leuzea in the eyes of people who prefer tart smells is the length and candy-like quality of the two upper tones. The addition of a complementary ylang aroma transforms the naive candy “babble” of the aroma into gourmand and seductive eloquence.

Limette (lime)
What does Lyme essential oil smell like?
The aroma is characteristic of fresh fruits; Quite sharp, bittersweet, slightly tart, memorable, fresh, cool, revealing & inviting. Limette is a frank, memorable and attractive aroma. Usually there is no difficulty in understanding it.

What does Lemon essential oil smell like?
Lemon essential oil produces a unique fruity smell of fresh lemons, fresh, cool, bitter. Light, accessible, since the aroma of lemon is generally accepted in everyday life. To eliminate the hint of oxidized metal in the lower tone, a complementary addition of ylang is recommended.

What does Lotus oil smell like?
Lotus oil has a light sweet floral aroma with spicy herbal notes, a touch of freshness and a hint of honey. The aroma of lotus unfolds gradually - the first slightly pungent earthy and watery notes are replaced by a delicate hearty aroma.

What does marjoram oil smell like?
The scent of marjoram is evening, warm, spicy, woody-tart with a hint of camphor. The slowness and heaviness of the aroma can be “amused” if you combine it with a compliment from grapefruit.

The smell of Mandarin essential oil
The smell is light, cheerful, festive, gentle, warm, piquant, fruity-sweet, with floral notes, arousing sympathy from the first sniff. And Mandarin is a light, cheerful aroma that arouses sympathy from the first sniff. Some aromatic gourmands complain about the lack of depth in this scent, which can be corrected by adding a drop of complimentary vetiver.

What does Melissa essential oil smell like?
Melissa has a fresh, cool, morning, tonic, sweet scent, reminiscent of the aroma of lemon with floral tones, explosive, gusty, sharp, concentrated, very stormy for the delicate sense of smell.
The complementary addition of ginger gives this fragrance an aristocratic sophistication.

What does Myrrh oil smell like?
The smell of myrrh essential oil is sweet-balsamic with a slight spicy tint, warm, smoky-tart, resinous, slightly musky; This is a great aroma - complex, refined, multifaceted, philosophical. Great aroma, it’s a shame if the length and smoky astringency are hard to perceive, but in this case a grapefruit compliment is always ready to help.

What does Myrtle oil smell like?
The smell of the oil is fresh, clean, transparent, penetrating, delicate, spiritual, herbaceous, camphor-spicy, somewhat tart and bitter. The aroma envelops you with its tenderness and purity, evoking the brightest and most spiritual associations. The only difficulty in the aroma of myrtle is the slight camphority of the first note, which can be neutralized by adding complementary cloves.
The combination of myrtle and cloves can be called “magical charm”, since this aroma gives rise to the music of flight in the soul, gives sharpness and sophistication to thoughts and movements.

What does Juniper essential oil smell like?
Refreshing, tart, smoky, balsamic, slightly woody. The main aroma is resinous, tart, smoky, balsamic.
Shades of tonality: top - fresh, “gin”; medium - the stickiness of spring buds; the bottom one is prune-spicy.

What does Nutmeg essential oil smell like?
The smell of essential oil is warm, warming, pulsating, intoxicating, intoxicatingly spicy, sweetish-tart, slightly musky, slightly peppery. The harmony of warmth given by the aroma of nutmeg easily and gently envelops the consciousness. This scent is usually a delight. But if spicy smells are not very close to you, combining nutmeg with a compliment aroma - limette - can help you discover the source of pleasure in them.

What does Uskus smell like?
Musk aroma is very complex, multifaceted and often described using contradictory characteristics. Some will say that musk has a sweetish, creamy aroma, others will point to woody and leathery notes. However, the aroma of musk is still the most exciting aroma, capable of arousing passion and desire.

What does mint oil smell like?
Mint has a very strong, dominant, fresh, ringing, invigorating, menthol, minty smell with a hint of camphor. Mint has very long, strong, simple and “worn out” top tones, which are associated with relatives who took Valocordin on occasion. Suppress the dominant mint flavor to give it a more interesting drawing, very difficult, perhaps dotted, this is only possible with the help of complementary ylang.

What does Naioli essential oil smell like?
The smell is strong, penetrating, clean, fresh, cold, sweetish, spicy with camphor tones. The aroma of Naioli is exotic, although in the first tones you can catch light eucalyptus notes. To frame the freshness of its woody pattern in a mirrored mystery, you should add verbena as a compliment.

The scent of Neroli essential oil
Neroli essential oil has a five-tone aroma with a complex and multi-component aromatic pattern, very pleasant, fresh, spicy-aromatic, floral, evening, dry, pulsating, magical, hypnotically elusive.
Among many peoples, this magical scent is called gypsy because of its hypnotic elusiveness. The complexity and multi-composition of aromatic patterns often deceive even those who constantly use them. The presence of two additional tones, which our consciousness does not fixate on during prolonged perception of the aroma, introduces “deceptive” shades into its perception. The scent of neroli is always new. Usually everyone likes him. If associatively this scent is not yours, you can combine it with a complimentary scent.

What does Osmanthus essential oil smell like?
Osmanthus is valued for its noble and multifaceted aroma. This is one of the magical aromatic notes, giving a stunning apricot-peach, almost velor sound. The aroma of osmanthus is used in the most expensive perfume compositions. It is not cloying and unobtrusive, but a very deep smell that evokes a feeling of happiness, joy and euphoria. This scent is like light beautiful dance in the warm summer, among flowers and fragrant fruits.

What does Palmarosa essential oil smell like?
And palmarosa oil has a subtle, elegant, alluring, morning, candy-spicy, sweet, floral aroma, with hints of the aroma of rose and geranium. The aroma is easy to perceive, despite even some bass timbre in the upper tone, which can be slightly enhanced by complementary grapefruit.

What does Patchouli essential oil smell like?
Patchouli essential oil has a strong, penetrating, oriental, nocturnal, mysterious, intimate, earthy, exotic, bitter-smoky, resinous-tart, woody-balsamic scent, at the same time sweet and spicy with a hint of rotten leaves, damp wood and green grass; The aroma is complex, has an additional fourth tone - the tone of heat.
For Europeans, the ability to easily perceive it is a whole science. The first touch into the wise world of patchouli can begin with the addition of complementary ginger to dry out the swampy shade of the first tone.

What does Petitgrain essential oil smell like?
The aroma is strong, soft, delicate, pleasant, bittersweet, floral-citrus with a woody undertone, transparent, refreshing. During summer heat The aroma allows you to create a cool, fresh atmosphere and quickly relieve dizziness, drowsiness, and a feeling of heaviness. For people who avoid green, soft odors, complimentary sage “forges” a steely and light “chain mail”.

What does Fir essential oil smell like?
Fir has a clean, fresh, cold, rich, spicy, tart, balsamic, resinous-coniferous smell, reminiscent of a fresh coniferous forest. The first two tones of fir are overly dense, oily and harsh, which usually does not attract fans of this scent. However, the dense “latex” fabric of the fir scent becomes a necessary element of the denim scented aesthetic of complimentary cinnamon.

What does Rosemary essential oil smell like?
The scent of rosemary oil is strong, fresh, clean, penetrating, warm, cozy, bitter, spicy, herbaceous-minty with a woody-camphor balsamic undertone, refreshing and stimulating.
The spicy twilight bitterness of rosemary can be painted with cheerful colors and whirled in the cheerful dance of a verbena complimentary carousel.

What does Rosewood essential oil smell like?
This oil has a fresh, forest, floral scent with a hint of lily of the valley, sweet, slightly bitter-spicy, piquant. As a rule, the aroma of rosewood evokes admiration and a joyful mood. Fans of cold scents can add a small complimentary ice flake of verbena.

What does Rose essential oil smell like?
Rose oil has a strong and pungent floral-pink aroma, slightly sweet, somewhat spicy, tart, smoky, low, deep, bluesy, honey, delicate. The perception is perfect. If rose is too “dry” a floral scent, you can lightly water it with a shower of complimentary palmarosa.

Blue chamomile
What does Chamomile essential oil smell like?
Chamomile has a deep balsamic scent, sweetish-herbaceous with a blue fruity note, a hint of hay, tobacco and sweet spices, very persistent. The aroma is very viscous, dense and dried. The first tone usually gets boring quickly. Only one complementary oil - petitgrain - can transform the felt fabric of a fragrance into the finest lace.

What does Sandalwood essential oil smell like?
The smell of sandalwood essential oil is not very strong, but very persistent; does not have a single sharp and loud note, it grows slowly, refined, deep, soft, gentle, exotic, hazy-musky, sweet-woody balsamic, delicate, complex philosophical, with two additional tones - a tone of heat and a tone of cold.
The aroma is very persistent and refined, it does not have a single sharp or loud note and grows slowly, like trees grow. For people with an ordinary sense of smell, who prefer loud scents, the aroma of sandalwood may at first seem weak, like a whisper, but brilliant thoughts are usually also uttered quietly. As a compliment, sandalwood can be combined with neroli, enhancing its sound.

What does Pine oil smell like?
The smell of pine is fresh, forest, coniferous, resinous, cool, balsamic. The aroma inspires confidence and is easily perceived; the only drawback of the pine aroma is a slight camphor-like “flattening”. If you add a compliment - myrtle, the aroma becomes aesthetically subtle, acquiring an insinuating gentle melody and heavenly depth.

Styrax (Benzoin)
Styrax has a sweet, vanilla, and very rich aroma. The vanillin in the composition gives the thick woody amber aroma a sweet, but barely noticeable hint of warm vanilla. Benzoin is an excellent odor fixer. Possessing a pleasant resinous aroma, styrax goes well with the scents of rose, myrrh, cypress, lemon, orange, bergamot, lavender and coriander.

Thyme (thyme)
What does Thyme oil smell like?
The smell is strong, warm, sweetish, oily, spicy-herbaceous, with a note of damp tree bark. The reality of rich, fertile earth felt in this fragrance is very difficult for city dwellers to perceive. The transformation of the modest thyme “Cinderella” into a slender princess is helped by a complimentary fairy - ginger.

What does Thuja essential oil smell like?
The scent of the thuja seems to be enhanced by the aroma characteristic of the tree itself. Camphor, strong and bright base with a fresh, sharp character complemented by volatile, resinous top notes typical of conifers and a woody base. The aroma of thuja is perfectly felt even at very low concentrations in mixtures. Sharp, intense, it seems to symbolize the powerful effect of the oil itself.

Oud (Agar)
What does Agar oil smell like?
The smell of natural oud is a magical warm aura of smoky, balsamic, woody tones with sweet and sour nuances. This is a complex, deep, harmonious, balsamic aroma, slightly reminiscent of sandalwood and styrax. This is an intense, warm, sensual, attractive, even slightly intoxicating oil, which is why oud fragrances are considered aphrodisiacs.

What does Fennel essential oil smell like?
The smell of fennel essential oil is honey-sweet, warm, herbaceous-earthy, slightly spicy, camphorous, slightly bitter with an overtone of pepper, similar to the smell of anise. The medicinal undertone of the aroma is somewhat dull and is often associated with a pharmacy. Complimentary lemon balm will easily change the atmosphere of this fragrance, giving it cozy and sweet notes of evenings in the country.

What does Hops oil smell like?
The smell of Hops is fresh, strong, spicy, sweet and heavy, but very pleasant.
The spicy scent combines well with fir oil, citrus esters (tangerine oil, orange ester, grapefruit oil and others), nutmeg and hyacinth esters.

What does Henna oil smell like?
The aroma of the oil is woody, strong, warm, spicy, medicinal, with a leafy undertone, phenolic. The essential oil from the flowers has a tea rose aroma. Goes well with sandalwood, aloe, rose, jatamsi.

What does Citronella essential oil smell like?
Strong, sharp, fresh, sweet, herbaceous and lemony with a hint of fresh earth. The smell is too asymmetrical and active, the compliment of patchouli cools its “temperament” a little.
The combination of citronella and patchouli is one of the most refined, delicate and irresistibly attractive scents.

tea tree
What does Tea Tree essential oil smell like?
Tea tree essential oil has a fresh, cool, bitter, balsamic, camphorous, slightly spicy scent with hints of cardamom and nutmeg.
The active bitterness of the first tones of tea tree becomes transparent and gentle if you add complimentary rosewood.

What does Sage essential oil smell like?
The smell is fresh, cold, smoky, tart, spicy-herbal, camphorous.
If you add a compliment aroma - limette, then the light “doctoral” shade of sage disappears, turning into the aroma of air, filled with the acute emotions of free fall during parachute jumping.
Schisandra what does schizandra essential oil smell like?
The smell of schizandra oil is delightful when highlighting the magnificent pattern of the second tone. For this purpose, ginger is the perfect compliment.

What does Saffron essential oil smell like?
Saffron oil, obtained by steam distillation, is one of the most expensive essential oils, and it is rarely found in the public market. The aroma of the oil is very unique, extremely sweet, spicy, floral-aldehydic smell; The lower tone is fatty and grassy.

What does Eucalyptus oil smell like?
The smell is strong, penetrating, light, fresh, cooling, resinous-tart, spicy, reminiscent of camphor. The aroma of eucalyptus is characterized by a certain “simplicity” and monosyllabicity. To create a hazy, blurry pattern, you can add complimentary neroli.

What does Elemi essential oil smell like?
The scent of elemi essential oil is light, fresh, herbal, spicy-balsamic, combining lemon, woody, pepper and balsamic notes.

I hope our article helped and you found the scent that suits you! ! !
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Knowledge regarding the properties and use of plants by humans greatly facilitates solving important problems: prevention and treatment of certain diseases, home beauty treatments, cooking.

One of nature's amazing gifts is Verbena is the heroine of legends, bearer of unique advantages and simply aesthetically beautiful, graceful flower. Below you will see an indoor verbena flower, perennial in the photo.


The entire appearance of verbena is permeated with modest dignity. Behind the unobtrusiveness lies Lots of opportunities and influence. It is no coincidence that over many centuries man has endowed this plant with such epithets as “cast iron grass”, “iron grass”, “grass of Grace”, “pigeon grass”, “witchcraft plant”, “tears of Juno”. You can see a photo of a verbena flower in the photo below.

Description and photo

What does verbena look like?

The height limit to which the plant grows is from 1 to 1.2 m (depending on the type).

The stems of different species are:

  • creeping, prostrate, erect;
  • pubescent or smooth.

Verbena leaves and their arrangement are also varied:

  • whole, dissected or feathery incised;
  • serrated or oval-elongated;
  • with alternate placement or rarely whorled.


  • in the form of a 5-toothed cup;
  • 5-bladed corolla;
  • collected by brush, spikes or paniculate inflorescences;
  • color ranges from dark blue and light blue to yellow, white, dark red, salmon and pink.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the Verbena plant in the photo below:

Verbena herb (verbena) photo:

Verbena perennial

Along with annuals, there are also verbena flower perennial- quite popular in Russia, serving as decoration for gardens and flower beds. At one time, wild verbena was subjected to intensive “refinements” by breeders. Cultivated varieties are distinguished by their hardiness and resistance to freezing.

Verbena perennial photo:

Well known facts:

  • the perennial flower thrives with light autumn frosts;
  • maintains color saturation and richness of green parts for a long time;
  • practically does not cause trouble in terms of diseases.

To the disadvantages It should be noted that the seeds of perennial verbena have a rather difficult time germinating. Germination is far from the desired 100%. But if we keep this circumstance in mind, it is enough:

  • do not miss the time of planting seedlings, start already in February, and do not delay;
  • plant more seeds in the soil. Those plants that do sprout are guaranteed to delight with flowering and the growth process, and will become the real pride of the gardener.


What does verbena smell like, what is its aroma and smell?

To be fair, we note that the genus Verbena includes more than 200 species.

And not all of them are worthy of deep human attention. But there are also those who are famous for their wonderful delicate lemon aroma.

Moreover, in different species they add to the lemon note delicately fruity, sweetish-tart mood. All of them are of great interest in different fields.

Geographical origin

Where does verbena grow?

According to biologists, the plant arose around the same time on two continents– American (from Chile to Canada) and Eurasian (Caucasus, Central Asia). Today, numerous species of verbena are found up to Far East, as well as in almost all European countries.

Climate of the subtropics and tropics of South and Central America most favorable for most verbena species. We are talking primarily about a wild plant.

Russia can boast of it only in more southern regions. But, as mentioned above, long-term cultivation has given rise to a lot of stronger, frost-resistant varieties, the cultivation and care of which delight gardeners with an abundance of positivity and the effectiveness of the efforts expended.

Places of growth

Most favorable conditions for most verbena species are:

  • open sunny places;
  • soils are light, moderately fertile;
  • group plantings.

Verbena feels great surrounded by their own kind.

Experiments flower growers and gardeners it is recommended to mix to ensure that verbena stays:

  • in flower beds;
  • in discounts;
  • in border plantings.

In addition to group plantings, single plantings are also possible, but be sure to check for each specific species - what is more preferable, what should be avoided.

Time and duration of flowering

How verbena blooms:

  • long-lasting;
  • abundantly;
  • bright;
  • in waves (in flower beds of different varieties, one flowering gives way to another);
  • until late autumn in warm years. In cold years, flowering gradually fades away in October, as soon as the weather begins to move from the first frost to temperatures below -2...-3 °C in open ground.

It is advisable to plant seedlings in mid to late February. This will speed up flowering, starting it in early to mid-May.

Useful properties and contraindications

The fruits, verbena roots, plant stems, and flowers are used for various purposes (collection is required only during flowering).

Let's figure out what beneficial properties the plant - verbena herb - has, consider the areas of its use and what contraindications there are.

What are the benefits of verbena and its beneficial properties?

Scientists have discovered that verbena contains the following active substances: verbelin, tannins, carotene, verbenamine, bitterness, glycoside, essential oil.

Verbena herb, main medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • regenerating;
  • antifungal;
  • antihistamine;
  • antitussive;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antipyretic.

It shouldn't be surprising wide application in various fields, which is characteristic of the verbena herb:

  • perfumery and cosmetology(verbena often plays a central role in the aromatic bouquet when developing perfumes and eau de toilette, and is widely used in the compositions of age creams, emulsions, and tonics);
  • cooking(delights gourmets with an exquisite flavor accent when added to sauces, broths, and drinks);
  • aromatherapy(harmonizes the psyche, relieves panic and anxiety, is an aphrodisiac);
  • esoteric practices, as well as ritual-ceremonial, magical cults (plays the role of a protective amulet against the “evil eye”, participates in the composition of love potions, is considered a barrier against the black forces of evil, is positioned as an amplifier of spells for the fulfillment of desires, etc.);
  • medicine(colds, neuropsychiatric, gastroenterological, skin, joint, infectious diseases).

The list of ailments susceptible to the action of verbena cannot fail to impress, and that is why it was called “medicinal verbena”:

Also featuring Verbena effectively eliminated toothache, hypotension, various tissue damage - scratches, abrasions, cuts, bruises, ulcers.


In some cases, the use of verbena and drugs based on it contraindicated:

  • children's age (under 11-12 years of age is not recommended in any form);
  • low stomach acidity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance.

Verbena oil

For centuries the plant studied and applied.

The results were analyzed. This is how a stable information base has accumulated about the properties of verbena essential oil.

Verbena oil: properties and applications.

Having studied them thoroughly, you will be able use effectively this gift of nature for your own personal purposes:

  • relieving skin itching (for allergies, insect bites, fungal cultures);
  • healing of wounds, cuts, bruises;
  • normalization of blood pressure (increasing);
  • relief from nausea, dizziness, headaches;
  • improving blood supply to the head;
  • intoxication;
  • increasing immunity;
  • calming depression, fatigue, stress;
  • toning for apathy, low libido;
  • elimination of insomnia, irritability, anxiety.


Undoubtedly, different types of verbena are interesting in their own way, and it is physically impossible to cover them all. However good news The fact is that these days, growing and caring for cultivated species of this wonderful plant has turned into an entire industry, has become a real hobby, and for some, a form of creativity (color combinations in plantings, photography, discussion in the blogosphere).

For those who are far from gardening and earthworks, it is useful to have in your home medicine cabinet either the dried plant or its aromatic oil. As soon as at least one of the above problems arises, you can always brew healing tea, make an external lotion, aromatize a room or a warm bath.

The Noran brand (or Norana, both spellings are allowed) comes from the United Arab Emirates, according to legend, its history began in 1929. However, considering what exactly was happening on the territory of the modern UAE at that time, this statement does not seem so honest. The brand specializes in producing analogues of the most popular fragrances. The brand gained popularity a couple of years ago with the release of the Suzana fragrance, a clone of Baccara Rouge, damn similar to the original source, only more sweet and saccharine.


The Acqua Di Parma brand began its history at the beginning of the last century and, in fact, was one of the first Italian perfume houses to gain popularity outside its homeland. At the end of the 90s, the brand experienced its rebirth; one after another, different fragrances began to be released, which are united by the spirit and culture of their country, and, at the same time, can please lovers of various directions. Today we will talk about fresh, citrus, colonial aromas that are or could be included in the Blue Mediterraneo line, dedicated to the Mediterranean.


Spring seems to have finally overcome winter. The wind is already warm and gives hope, the sun remains in the sky longer, birds have returned to the cities, the snow is gradually retreating, hiding in the shady lowlands, warm boots are replaced by light ankle boots, and hats move to the mezzanine for a long time. And the scents on our shelves are changing. I want to wear more flowers, greenery, suede, chypre. Today we have universal selection, in which everyone will find a scent to their liking.


Boucheron is a French jewelry house created in 1858 by Frédéric Boucheron. Crowned and simply famous clients, such as Queen Mother Elizabeth, mother of the reigning Queen of England and the wife of King George VI, and Elizabeth II herself, the first rich man Russian Empire Prince Felix Yusupov, boutiques in Moscow and St. Petersburg, opened at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and disappeared during the revolution, boutiques in New York and London. After the death of Frédéric Boucheron in 1902, his descendants took over the business, and only in 1994 the Boucheron brand ceased to be a family business, becoming part of the Gucci Group. Since 1988, the brand began producing fragrances along with jewelry. The first of them was called Boucheron, it was created by Francis Delemamont and Jean-Pierre Betoir - a floral waltz around amber, civet and oakmoss. In 2017, the brand presented its boutique collection. We will tell you about it.


During New Year's holidays The online perfume store Perfumery.rf has the following work schedule...

- popular annual plant with beautiful fragrant (especially in the evenings) inflorescences. This wonderful plant blooms from June until autumn. It is distinguished by a variety of bright colors: pink, cherry, red, pale blue, lilac, white. Small flowers with a white throat are collected at the tops of the stems in dense spherical inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. Plant height can reach from 15 to 55 cm.

A genus of plants in the Verbenaceae family, containing about 250 species, native to the tropics and subtropics of America. Many varieties, hybrids and cultures of verbena, especially those of South American origin, are widely used in ornamental gardening, most often as long-flowering annuals of various colors. There are 40 species known in culture, but only the hybrid one, obtained from crossing several species, is widespread. Gardeners paid attention to this plant in the 19th century.

Hybrid verbena (Verbena xhybrida hort.)
The most famous in ornamental gardening is hybrid verbena; under this name numerous garden forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin that arose after 1830. In nature, it is a perennial herbaceous plant used as an annual plant. When grown in pots, verbena can be considered a perennial. The main varietal differences of hybrid verbena are the size and color of the flowers, the presence of an eye in the center and its shape. The flowers are right various shades colors, from white to purple-red or dark purple, fragrant, often with a light eye in the center. The inflorescences are complex, consisting of 30-50 flowers, umbrella-shaped, stretching into a multi-flowered spike. Blooms from June to October.

Back in the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans, verbena was called the herb that “brings health to humanity.” It is clear that verbena does not cure all diseases, but has an antispasmodic effect, improves blood microcirculation, and eliminates headaches and dizziness. This is an effective remedy against vegetative-vascular dystonia, normalizes blood pressure, facilitates drainage and removal of fluid retained in tissues, as well as substances that cause inflammation.

It has now been scientifically proven that the active substances of verbena have the rare ability to capture cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels and remove it from the body, saving blood vessels from disasters. These valuable properties of verbena officinalis have long attracted the attention of pharmacists. In Europe, a special preparation was even developed for the comprehensive healing and cleansing of blood vessels - Verbena drops - “clean vessels”.

Thanks to its tannins, this plant is used for mild stomach diseases, diarrhea and lack of appetite. If you have a cold, you can drink verbena tea or gargle with it.

Everything that is sold under the names: “Fragrant verbena tea”, “Verbena”, is prepared from the leaves of Lippia triphylla (L"Herit.) O. Kuntze. They contain aromatic essential oil, and in France and Switzerland these teas are readily replaced ordinary black tea. The leaves of this plant are credited with a strengthening, diuretic, weight-reducing and tonic effect. Lippia trifolia belongs to the verbena family. Its homeland is Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. It is grown in gardens in Southern Europe.

Fragrant verbena, or lemon verbena, is a shrub reaching 2 meters in height. The leaves are pointed, many small flowers form an inflorescence-spike. Verbena blooms from July to September. From the dried leaves, verbena oil is obtained by steam distillation, which has a lemon scent and a yellow-green color. The oil is mainly concentrated in the leaves. Has antiseptic properties.

History of Verbena

Verbena fragrant... How often does the name of this plant appear. This very word exudes the subtle aroma of dried flowers, the aroma of times long past. What secrets are associated with this modest flower?

The name "Verbena" is of ancient Roman origin, "verbum" translated from Latin means "word". Verbena is considered a magical flower, which also has healing properties. In ancient Egypt, verbena was the flower of Isis, and in Ancient Rome this plant was associated with Venus - the goddess of love. They were called the tear of Isis, the tear of Juno, the vein of Venus, the blood of Mercury, the herb of Hercules, the herb of Mercy and even the holy herb.

The first Christians called verbena "the herb of the cross" because it was watered with the blood of the crucified Christ. After all, according to Christian legend, it was first found on Calvary at the foot of the Cross and was used to stop the bleeding from the Savior’s wounds. For this reason, it was sometimes called the “holy herb” and was given the power to ward off all kinds of evil, stop bleeding and heal deep wounds.

The Druids revered verbena and were sure that it healed all diseases, ignited the dark flame of love, reconciled enemies, and removed spirits. And if you put it in the house, garden, field or garden, then there will be “profit”. Priests prepared magical and secret drinks from fragrant verbena. The ancient Greeks and Romans also considered this plant sacred, bringing happiness, and the verbena wreath symbolized marriage and protected against conspiracies and spells, cleansed homes and temples.


Modest in appearance and almost odorless, the small flower nevertheless has great power and hidden potential. The name of this plant comes from the phrase Veneris vena - vein of Venus. Verbena has long been considered the flower of the zodiac sign Libra, which is characterized by love, beauty, seduction, as well as protection of hair and veins.

Since ancient times, Verbena has been called the herb of Hercules (oh, this hidden power!), the herb of Mercy, the holy herb, the tear of Isis, the tear of Juno, the vein of Venus.

The glorious Druids were filled with reverence for the little vervain. They believed that she kindles the flame of love, expels spirits, reconciles enemies, and has no equal in healing the body from all diseases. Egyptian priests prepared witchcraft drinks from the plant, and the ancient Greeks and Romans expected happiness and good luck from it.

True passion raged in the leaves, stems and delicate flowers. In the Middle Ages, people believed that it was enough to rub your palms with verbena juice and touch the skin of a loved one, and it would immediately glow reciprocal feelings, will be imbued with your charm. Verbena leaves contain essential oils and tannins. In past centuries, it was widely used in medicine, magic, for preparing love potions and healing the soul from adversity, bad mood and despondency. In the twentieth century, the glory of verbena faded, the plant - strong and mysterious - was undeservedly forgotten. Or the verbena has gone into the shadows, so that today new strength shine for us?

Nowadays, verbena is widely used in perfumery. Its delightful notes are included in the most prestigious compositions to enchant, to lead through the test of temptation, to awaken the desire to change the life around you for the better, to become attractive and loved. Verbena most often gives us its beauty in its heart notes. In the miniature for men “Green Irish Tweed” it combines perfectly with iris and gives luxury and tenderness, and in the perfume “CK One Summer 2006” from Calvin Klein it amazes with its sophistication and sensual flair in harmony with lemon and blue freesia.

Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. It is a yellowish or greenish liquid with a fresh lemon odor, which is characterized as subtle, high-pitched, candy-like, with a fruity-floral flavor.

Verbena oil is quite expensive. One liter of liquid French made back in the late 90s it cost about 9 thousand French francs. Verbena oil is combined with palmarosa, petitgrain, neroli, geranium, chamomile, basil, bergamot, rose and rosemary. Exquisite and delicate taste with a refreshing effect allows you to use verbena to prepare very expensive and valuable liqueurs.

“4711 Aqua Colognia Melissa & Verbena”, unisex eau de parfum from Maurer & Wirtz, Germany, published 2009

The seductive gentle and playful scent of lemon balm and verbena will again and again return us to the cool summer twilight, filled with peace and the subtle aroma of herbs. The miniature will refresh your senses, drive away all worries, surrounding you with tenderness and a veil of shimmering seductive shades. The composition contains lemon balm and verbena.

“A Scent by Issey Miyake”, eau de toilette for women from Issey Miyake, Japan, year of publication

A proud, self-sufficient aroma that absorbed the smells of rain, freshly cut greenery in the slightly bitter haze of unruly and tenacious stems. The base contains delicate floral shades with a tempting transparent powdery overtone, while remaining stylish and expensive. The perfume contains citruses, jasmine, hyacinth, cedar wood, galbanum, moss and verbena.

“Rosissimo”, eau de parfum for men by Les Parfums de Rosine, France, published 2010

A stylish, interesting and luxurious aroma of a beautiful rose, which the perfumers surrounded with exquisite components. Green, juicy, tart notes smoothly flow into delightful shades of leather, moss and vetiver with floral undertones, which generously give their tenderness to the man, rewarding him with the features of youth, charm and a real warrior. The composition contains bitter orange, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, jasmine, fir, moss, leather, vetiver, benzoin and verbena.

“Sonia”, perfume for women from Rasasi, UAE

Sweet and fresh fruity-floral shades vibrate and flicker as if alive. Delicate violet in cool splashes of lime and tangerine combines perfectly with the luxurious velvety tones of rose framed with woody motifs. This aroma wafts through the sea breeze and envelops you in the rustle of trembling cypress leaves, rustling on a delightful summer evening. The miniature contains bergamot, lime, mandarin, cypress, honeysuckle, rose, saffron, amber, sandalwood, vanilla, musk and verbena.

“Verbenas of Provence”, unisex cologne from Jo Malone, England, published 1995

Bright citrus aroma like a sip fresh air like a burst of sunny and joyful emotions. Orange and absolutely natural lemon are intertwined with slightly sweet and very feminine shades of rose, tempting motifs of juniper and oak moss, and through them the crafty verbena sounds invitingly and tenderly. The composition also contains jasmine and sandalwood.

“Very Irresistible Electric Rose”, eau de toilette for women from Givenchy, France, published 2012

The aroma of blooming verbena and rose, the aroma of fresh blueberries and white cedar... Bright and delightfully light on a cool day, it sounds warm and aristocratic when the sun shines in the sky. It also shines and exudes amazing vibes with a soft musky undertone, tempting you with all its intoxicating notes. The composition contains citruses, basil, rose, violet, anise, blueberry, musk, cedar and verbena.

“Eau de Reglisse Liquorice”, eau de toilette for women from Caron, France, published 2006

The aroma beautifully and loudly reveals pure shades of mandarin and basil, lemon balm and licorice. It will refresh you on a summer day and give you a wonderful smell of tea with green herbs. The fragrance ends with sharp and seductive tones of ginger combined with sensual and passion-filled musk. The composition also contains patchouli, vanilla, nutmeg and verbena.

"Citron", unisex eau de toilette from Fragonard, France

A refreshing aroma like a light breath of spring breeze. He will bring fragrance blooming gardens, wet herbs. Bright expressive notes will always be nearby and fill your day with positive emotions, decorate your image with beautiful shades of exciting verbena and sunny lemon. The miniature also contains a citron.

“Eau du Sud”, unisex eau de toilette from Annick Goutal, France, published 1996

The perfume was created under the influence of travels in Tuscany and Provence. Like the fragrant gardens of the beautiful provinces, it is full of fresh and spicy aromas of herbs and citrus fruits, subtle hints of the warm tones of jasmine, sandalwood and vanilla. All notes merge into an amazing and harmonious miniature, evoking the most pleasant and intimate memories. The composition contains citruses, basil, mint, patchouli, jasmine, vanilla, vetiver, sandalwood, oakmoss and verbena.