Strong thoughts quotes in Odnoklassniki. Smart statuses. Statuses for Odnoklassniki: wise thoughts with meaning

Let me guess...

You often overload yourself with work, but it feels like the days are the same.

You may feel like you are living on autopilot.

There are even times when you begin to feel like your life has no meaning and you lose a clear sense of purpose.

Am I right?

Well, sometimes all you need is to read some inspirational quotes that will give you... new look for life.

You can come across many wise words and many of them are really good, but life does not change.

These 29 are carefully selected wise quotes, can even be called the most powerful quotes of all time, because they contain centuries-old wisdom of famous and intelligent people.

Here they are...

Each of us is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its entire life thinking it is stupid. Albert Einstein

Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by fools. Sigmund Freud

By seeking happiness for others, you will find it within yourself. Unknown author

Love is a verb. Love is a feeling that is the fruit of love. Stephen Covey

Everything can be taken away from a person except one thing: human freedom - the ability to choose one’s attitude to the current situation and choose one’s own path. Viktor Frankl

Success is the ability to fail again and again without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

You must change yourself if you want to see change in the world. Gandhi

Challenges are what make life interesting and meaningful, giving it meaning. Joshua J Marin

If you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for the day, go fishing. If you want to be happy within a year, inherit a fortune. If you want to make your whole life happy, help someone else. Chinese proverb

Circumstances will never make life unbearable, but a lack of purpose and meaning can. Viktor Frankl

A mind that is expanded by new experiences can never return to its old dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes

Life is very simple, but we insist that it is complex. Confucius

People are very passionate beings, but because they have limited beliefs about who they are and what they can do, they don't take the actions that can make their dreams come true. Anthony Robins

True success is overcoming the fear of failure. Paul Sweeney

The only way we can live is through growth. The only way to grow is when we change. The only way to change is to learn. The only way to find out is to be open. And the only way to be open is to go through yourself and open up. Joybel

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your thoughts about it. Mary Engelbreit

A life spent making mistakes is not only honorable, but also much more rewarding than a life spent doing nothing. George Bernard Shaw

I would rather die a meaningful death than live a life devoid of any meaning. Corazon Aquino

Time goes too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who mourn, it is too short for those who rejoice and eternal for those who love. Henry Van Dyke

Lord, give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr

Most people don't listen to understand, they listen to respond. Stephen Covey

We believe that poverty is the lack of clothes, home and food. However, when you are not loved, you are abandoned and no one needs you - this is the greatest poverty. We must start with own home to correct the last kind of poverty.Mother Teresa

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. Bill Keane

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but we often look so long at closed door that we do not notice the one that has opened. Helen Keller

He who is afraid that he will suffer is already suffering because he is afraid. Michel de Munten

As for you now. Feeling inspired and a little wisdom? Great!

It's all too easy to read these inspiring and powerful quotes and then forget them.

So I invite you to challenge yourself a little and ask yourself, what can you do differently in your life, starting today, to bring more happiness, success and fulfillment into your life?

This may require a little more effort on your part, but you will definitely reap the rewards of the effort.

You can compare it to reading a book on weight loss. Just reading a book will not help you lose weight. You need to get up and do something!

Are you ready to take on this challenge?

3) Levomekol for sinusitis and ear disease. If you have a chronic runny nose, lubricate your nasal passages with a cotton swab containing Levomekol 1 – 2 times a day. Are you trying to cure sinusitis? Make a gauze turunda, soak it generously in ointment and insert it into the nasal passages. Then lie down, tilt your head back and stay in this position for about 30 minutes. After the procedure, remove them from your nose. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times during the day. The course of treatment is 5–7 days. Before administering turunda, rinse your nose with salt water or regular saline. The same turundas soaked in Levomekol can be used for boils or purulent inflammation of the external auditory canal. You can leave them in your ear all night. The course of treatment lasts 5–10 days. 4) Levomekol for acne. Judging by the reviews, Levomekol is very effective remedy in the fight against acne. It has powerful antibacterial properties and perfectly eliminates inflammation. Use the ointment spot on. The use of Levomekol on large areas of skin can lead to a decrease in local immunity. Unfortunately, the ointment has only a temporary effect and does not cure the problem. In addition, the skin gets used to Levomekol very quickly. Therefore, you will have to alternate it with other means. The maximum period of use of Levomekol for the treatment of acne is no more than 10 days. 5. Levomekol for gums. Levomekol is also suitable for treating gums. One of the most problematic diseases in dentistry is periodontal disease. During an exacerbation, the gums become too soft and loose. Bacteria enter the opened periodontal pockets and cause inflammation. In this case, Levomekol is applied to the gums in the form of applications. Here's how to do it right: Rinse first. oral cavity anti-inflammatory liquid or sage decoction; twist small tourniquets soaked in ointment from sterile cotton wool; Apply them to the reddened areas in the mouth, leave for several hours; repeat the procedure twice a day. Continue treatment until painful symptoms disappear. Remember: the use of levomekol to treat gums is only an adjuvant. To cure the problem, consult a doctor. Have you heard about miraculous properties Levomekol ointment? In what other cases do you use it? 2) Purulent wounds and ulcers on the skin. Levomekol can be used to treat any wounds - insect bites, cuts, cuts, scratches, abrasions, etc. If the wound has not festered: treat the affected area with 3% hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol; apply Levomekol directly to the wound surface; if necessary, cover the treated area with a gauze cloth and bandage it; Perform treatment once a day until the wound heals. If the wound has become suppurated: first remove everything that separates from the wound using cotton-gauze swabs moistened with an antiseptic; then place Levomekol directly into the wound; cover it on top with a gauze cloth, also soaked in ointment; if a lot of pus is released, then change the bandage with ointment several times a day; Treat the wound with Levomekol until the separation of pus stops. 2) Hemorrhoids. Levomekol can be used for hemorrhoids only during periods of exacerbation and only for 10 days. The anus should be lubricated every day before going to bed. Before the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse the anus with warm water and dry with a towel. The ointment helps relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic bacteria. Remember: the ointment copes well with the inflammatory process, but for a complete cure you should take special medications that can only be prescribed by a doctor. 1) Burns of varying degrees. Levomekol effectively cleanses a burn wound of dead tissue. Here's how to properly treat the wound surface: first, wash the burn with cold water; apply the ointment to a sterile gauze pad; apply it to the wound surface; do dressings every day; Treat the burn with ointment until complete healing. For minor household burns, the course of treatment is usually 5–14 days. Levomekol is a powerful medicine, but the pharmacy won’t tell you about it! That's why That's what it cures. Levomekol is in the medicine cabinet of almost every family. This external remedy enjoys well-deserved popularity. Thanks to its powerful antibacterial effect, it easily copes with any skin problems. The ointment contains only two active substances: chloramphenicol (active against staphylococci and E. coli) and methyluracil (accelerates the healing process of wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect). Excipients contribute to the uniform distribution of the active ingredients and facilitate the penetration of the drug into the tissue. The issue price is from 12 to 18 hryvnia. Here are the cases in which Levomekol ointment will be very useful to you:


Classes 45

These 13 Cruel Rules for Women May Make You Sick, But They Really Work We are a continuation of the “tolerated” generation. This is how our grandmothers taught our mothers, and our mothers raised us in the appropriate spirit. Although we are already a generation that has managed to take a sip of freedom. It's like we're between two fires. Therefore, the easiest way is to pretend to be weak, hide under the table and free yourself from unnecessary responsibilities. This is why most modern women choose the position of victim in relationships with men. Of course, not without that, you need to give yourself some slack from time to time. Each of us is capable of holding the whole world in our thin, fragile hands. This is a whole art - to be, on the one hand, vulnerable, affectionate and tender, and on the other, to hold the helm of your life. These are 13 cruel rules of life for women from famous politician and publicist Irina Khakamada. The truth hurts your eyes... 1. The most important thing is to get it right on your nose once and for all: a prince on a white horse is clean water fiction. No one is obliged to make you happy and save you from all the vicissitudes of fate. Over time, a man will simply get tired of dragging this heavy suitcase of your whining and complaints about life. To avoid the sad fate of an abandoned suitcase, you should concentrate not on finding a man, but on realizing your own dreams. 2. Samurai follow this philosophical principle: die in advance. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in a mortal battle, the samurai who is already dead wins. Just think through in detail the worst-case scenario for the situation that is haunting you at the moment. And imagine what will happen after that. Describe your steps after the defeat. And then, like in a movie, mentally scroll the film to the first frame. One or two - and you are no longer afraid of anything. You can safely go into battle! 3. When they say to me: “Ira, you’re a fool,” I answer: “Yes, I agree.” And I go and do what I think is necessary. They came at me - I missed it and went to do it. Never prove anything. There is no need to measure yourself against anything. Especially in a male team. This won't end well. 4. To build a harmonious relationship with anyone, you must first find harmony with yourself and love yourself. 5. What to do? I'll tell you. Learn to dream, set goals for yourself high goals and go to them. At the same time, getting a thrill not from the final result, but from the process. And if you manage to find and develop this energy in yourself, no more effort will be required, everything will work out by itself - dreams, career, and love. 6. A rocket woman, that is, one who rushes forward, realizing her goals and dreams, will definitely be appreciated by a smart man. There is always something to unravel in such a woman. And this turns on... 7. A woman who is able to harmoniously develop and combine feminine and masculine who uses everything that is in the world for her self-realization, becomes a unique woman. This was, for example, Coco Chanel. And if desired, anyone can become like this. Tested for yourself! 8. A man should not be our whole world, but should be one of its parts, standing in the general row. 9. Always learn, receive new information. This is insurance, the base that will help you survive in the most difficult times. Once in Oxford I gave a lecture and met a girl from Russia there. She herself entered there and is studying to become a philologist. And at the same time he works in the most famous bank. She says: “You have no idea what an experience this is. Now I can do everything! I will never disappear anywhere." 10. When meeting a man, you need to be able to speak brightly, and then turn into a fool. Moreover, it is important to unexpectedly and very diplomatically move from one state to another. The man is immensely timid, he is always afraid of something. Sometimes a woman is too rich, sometimes too poor, sometimes too beautiful, or vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to become unpredictable, build communication with ease and humor. 11. Money comes second in achieving success. You need just enough money to realize your ideas. And so as not to wake up every day thinking: God, I hate this job, but I will die of hunger if I don’t do it. 12. Don't be afraid of despair. Fall to the bottom. I went to the dacha, lay flat for a week, didn’t communicate with anyone. I told myself that I was terrible, that I was a loser, and stuff like that. I felt sorry for myself, and I even began to like being unhappy. But at some point the body gets tired of it, and it says: life goes on! I'm not dead, the sun is shining. Everything is fine! And you get up and move on. 13. But fate is like a lion. If you are afraid, she will attack you, and if there is no fear, then she will turn where you want. ** Really sobering advice! How difficult it is to be a woman, but good advice, which was given to you at the right time, can greatly facilitate this work. Surely it will be useful for your friends to read these rules. I'm sure something will come in handy!

We are drawn to another reality. Dreams, memories... 63

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot be solved, there is no point in worrying about it. 60

Take care of your relationships so that you don’t have to take care of your memories later. 137

The best kept secret is the one who doesn't know it at all. 107

Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated. 58

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions. 63

Time is an amazing phenomenon. There is so little of it when you are late and so much of it when you are waiting. 93

Everyone tends to see their own reflection in the world. To a tired person, everyone seems tired. To the sick - sick. To the loser - losers. 27

Look forward with hope. Back - with gratitude. Up - with faith. On the sides - with love. 53

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, like in the text, there will be no meaning. 45

It's too late to go back to start things right, but it's not too late to rush forward to finish things right. 31

What is more difficult to obtain is more valuable. 107

If you have nothing to do, take care of yourself! 76

A person is worth something only when he has his own point of view. 33

Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice at what does not yet exist. 35

We think one thing, say another, mean a third, do a fourth and are surprised when the fifth comes out... 60

Imagine how quiet it would be if people only said what they knew. 76

Everything will not be the way we decide. Everything will happen when we decide. 49

You are so eager to judge the shortcomings of others, start with your own - and you won’t get to others. 63

A person can do anything. Only he is usually hampered by laziness, fear and low self-esteem. 88

and let’s not stir up the past, that’s why it’s the past, so that they don’t live anymore. 19

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do and to insist on your own. 44

If you missed something, don't miss the lesson from it. 46

We do not see everything as it is - we see everything as we are. 31

Humans are 80% water. If a person has no dreams or goals in life, then he is just a puddle. 36

Learning to say “NO” decisively to small things will give you the strength to say “YES” to something truly worthwhile. 19

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. 23

What irritates us in others is not the lack of perfection, but the lack of similarity to us... 23

You laugh at me because I am different from you, and I laugh at you because you are not different from each other. Mikhail Bulgakov 41

A master at making excuses is rarely a master at anything else. 30

It's possible if you believe in it. © Alice in Wonderland 32

Everything a girl does around the house is unnoticeable. It becomes noticeable when she doesn't do this. 47

The best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke? Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why bother your loved ones with your problems? But is this right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times if not our dearest people. They will support you in word and deed, your loved ones will be by your side, and everything that has been bothering you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses- this is also a kind of advice about the most important things in every person’s life. Go to and choose the most interesting statements of great people. The wisdom of humanity is collected in great books such as the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude towards every living creature - all this worried people both in ancient times and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary of those great sayings that even today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous personalities!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern megacities, it is difficult to discern when day turns to night; the light of thousands of lanterns and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you just want to watch starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or simply count the stars. But we are always in a hurry, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the very tall house in the city. And in the summer, falling in the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who care!

Most statuses in social networks either cool and humorous, or dedicated to the theme of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a decent status without jokes. Interesting statements and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical discussions about the future of modern civilization. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person cannot be satisfied with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of “loving pranksters” and find worthy “food for thought,” then the wise statuses collected here will help you with this. Truly significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away without leaving a trace. Wise sayings great people make us think, stick into our consciousness and can help solve a particular problem. We have collected a wide variety of statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.

We will never forget our wonderful school years. It is at school that we meet friends, learn from our mistakes, enrich our knowledge and, of course, meet true friends. Quotes about classmates and meeting them after graduation can be found in this article.

School reunion: a get-together where you discover that almost all of your classmates look a little older than you.

A reunion of school friends: a few old faces and a lot of new teeth.

You are truly famous if hundreds of your classmates remember you warmly.
Dmitry Pashkov

School meetings are holidays,
On the path of everyday life,
So meet, classmates,
More often than not, everything together!

Real happiness: going to a meeting of school friends and finding out that the classmate who was predicted to have the most brilliant future turned out to be the biggest loser.

At a school reunion, nothing is more annoying than an ex-classmate who has both money and hair.

A woman never feels so old as when she meets a bald man who studied at the same school with her and was two grades younger.

My classmates became so fat and bald that they didn’t even recognize me at the anniversary meeting.
Bennett Surf

Very interesting site
“Odnoklassniki” - they don’t say hello on the street, but they ask to be friends!!!

Let's not play hopscotch anymore! - We don’t read classics anymore! Everyone scattered around the globe and gathered in Odnoklassniki!!!

If you win a zillion rubles, even your cousins’ classmates will ring the doorbell.

My husband went to meet his classmates. I am waiting. Prepared: a song about school, a selection of it school photos, aspirin, beer, frying pan...

Today classmates
We joyfully welcome
You need to drink to this!
And we don't mind!

Meetings with classmates: first you want to look good, then - to be recognized, then - as long as everyone is alive...

If a classmate can be recognized on the street 10 years after graduating from school, it means she is not married!

Classmates are those people who
they remember you as a little girl in colored tights,
without makeup and with pigtails!