What does the St. George's ribbon mean, its color and how to wear it correctly. Why is the Guards Ribbon called “St. George’s Ribbon”

More precisely, the truth about her. In short, we are clearing out the mess that was created by liars and demagogues.

The other day, a man who considers himself a communist reproached me: “You replaced the symbols of Victory with your ribbon, and now you want your neighbors to swear allegiance to this fake,” it was said about.

And he cited as evidence Nevzorov’s exemplary performance, which can be considered the quintessence of all the lies on this matter. Below is an excerpt of the recording and text, and full version you can read and watch:

“The definition of the ribbon that people tie to themselves on May 9 as "Colorado" , based on the color of the Colorado potato beetle, I actually gave once on Channel Five. Naturally, I have nothing against May 9th. But if you take this so seriously, if it is extremely important for you, then you must be extremely neat and serious, including in symbolism .

St. George's Ribbon, was unknown in the Soviet Army . The Order of Glory was established only in 43, was not particularly popular, did not even enjoy fame at the front , the award must have a certain historical path in order for it to become popular and famous, and just the opposite, General Shkuro, General Vlasov, many The highest ranks of the SS supported the cult of the St. George's ribbon . It was a tape of both the Vlasovites and the highest ranks of the SS.

Understand, no matter how we treat the Soviet state, the color of victory, and we must treat this calmly and courageously, victory color - red . The red color was raised banner over the Reichstag , under the red banners people marched into the Patriotic War, not under any others. And anyone who pays attention and pain to this holiday should probably be precise in observing this symbolism too.”

Now let's clear up this nonsense. By the way, we can say “thank you” to Alexander Glebovich for so briefly and sensibly summing up almost all the main distortions, omissions and outright lies about the St. George’s ribbon.

And I know, of course, that in the Soviet system of awards and badges there was no concept of “ St. George's ribbon».

But do we every time want to plunge into the jungle of faleristics like: “the ribbon is a silk rep moiré ribbon of golden-orange color with three longitudinal black stripes applied to it with edging 1 mm wide”?

Therefore, for simplicity of presentation, let’s conventionally call it “St. George’s ribbon” - after all, everyone understands what we are talking about? So…

Victory symbol

Question: When did your St. George ribbon become a symbol of Victory?

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

It looked like this:

and like this:

Soviet naval guards at the Victory Parade

Guards ribbon on a USSR post stamp ( 1973 !!!)

and, for example, like this:

Guards ribbon on the Guards naval flag of the destroyer "Gremyashchiy"

Order of Glory

My friend Minaev, don’t forget about mine former profession. I was once a reporter, after all. That is, I must be absolutely shameless and unprincipled.
And one more thing:
Listen, this is amazing, because you are completely cynical in answering questions around which everyone usually starts picking at their fingertips and saying that it was just such a time.

There was no such time. We were all, to one degree or another, on gold chains from various oligarchs, they boasted about us, they outbid us. We tried to escape, taking with us, if possible, the gold chain.

And finally, to dot the i's - one more quote:
“That Berendey hut, which was built on the ruins of my homeland, is not a shrine for me.”
Therefore, listening to discussions about orders, about glory, about war and exploits, about Colorado potato beetles and “serious attitude to symbolism” - do not forget (just for the sake of objectivity) WHO EXACTLY talks about all this.

"Vlasov ribbon"

Like many inspired liars, Nevzorov, looking for numbers to confirm his speculations, forgot about common sense.

He himself said that the Order of Glory was established in 1943. And the guards ribbon came even earlier, in the summer of ’42. And the so-called “Russian Liberation Army” was only officially established six months later, and operated mainly in 43-44, while officially subordinate to the Third Reich.

Tell me, can you imagine that the official military orders and insignia of the Wehrmacht coincided with the awards of the enemy army? For German generals to create military units and formalize the use of the insignia of the Soviet army in them?

It is reliably known that the “Russian Liberation Army” fought under the tricolor, and used a parody of St. Andrew’s flag as symbolism.

The land fleet in the steppes of Ukraine turned out to be, as you can see, not a joke at all... :)

And it looked like this:

And that's all. They received awards from the German Wehrmacht in accordance with the regulations established by it.

Order of the Patriotic War

During the war this order were awarded 1.276 million people , including about 350 thousand - Order of the 1st degree.

Think about it: also more than a million! It is not surprising that it has become one of the most popular and recognizable symbols of Victory. It was this order, together with the Order of Glory and the medal “For Victory,” that was almost always seen on front-line soldiers returning from the war.

It was with him that orders of various degrees were returned (for the first time during Soviet rule): the Order of the Patriotic War (I and II degrees) and later - the Order of Glory (I, II and III degree), which has already been discussed.

Order "Victory"

The name is telling. And why it became one of the symbols of victory later, after 1945, is also understandable. One of the three main symbols.

His ribbon combines the colors of 6 other Soviet orders, separated by white spaces half a millimeter wide:

  • Orange with black in the middle - Order of Glory (along the edges of the tape; those same colors hated by Nevzorov and some modern “communists”)

  • Blue - Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky

  • Dark red (Bordeaux) - Order of Alexander Nevsky

  • Dark blue - Order of Kutuzov

  • Green - Order of Suvorov

  • Red (central section), 15 mm wide - Order of Lenin (the highest award in the Soviet Union, if anyone doesn’t remember)

Let me remind you historical fact, that the first to receive this order was Marshal Zhukov (he was twice a holder of this order), the second went to Vasilevsky (he was also twice a holder of this order), and Stalin had only No. 3.

Today, when people like to rewrite history, it would not hurt to remember with what respect these orders awarded to the allies are kept abroad:

  • The Eisenhower Award is in Memorial Library 34th President of the United States in his hometown Abilene (Kansas);

  • Marshal Tito's award is on display at the 25 May Museum in Belgrade (Serbia);

  • Field Marshal Montgomery's decoration is on display at the Imperial War Museum in London;

You can evaluate the wording for the award from the statute of the order yourself:
“The Order of Victory, as the highest military order, is awarded to members of the senior command staff of the Red Army for successful implementation such military operations on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army.”
Victory symbols

Now let's draw simple and obvious conclusions.

Tens of millions of soldiers are returning home from the front. There is some percentage of senior officers, a little more of junior officers, but mostly privates and sergeants.

Everyone has the Victory Medal. Many have the Order of Glory, and some also have 2-3 degrees. It is clear that full gentlemen are especially honored, namely their portraits in the press and at meetings, concerts and other public events - there they are, too, with all their orders.

The naval guardsmen also, naturally, wear their insignia with pride. Like, they're not cut out for it - the guards!

So, pray tell, is it surprising that three symbols become the main, most popular and recognizable: the Order of Victory, the Order of the Patriotic War and the St. George Ribbon?

Who is not happy with the St. George ribbon on today's posters? Well, let's all come here, let's watch the Soviet ones. Let's look at how they "replaced history."

“We’ve arrived!”

One of the most famous posters. Drawn shortly after the Victory. And it already contains the symbolism of this Victory. There was a little background.

In 1944, Leonid Golovanov on his poster “Let's get to Berlin!” portrayed a laughing warrior. The prototype of the smiling hero on the march was a real hero - the sniper Golosov, whose front-line portraits formed the basis of the famous sheet.

And in 1945 the already legendary “Glory to the Red Army!” appeared, in the upper left corner of which the artist’s previous work is quoted:

So, here they are - the true symbols of Victory. On the legendary poster.

On the right side of the Red Army soldier’s chest is the Order of the Patriotic War.

On the left is the Order of Glory (“unpopular,” yeah), the medal “For Victory” (with the same St. George’s ribbon on the block) and the medal “For the Capture of Berlin.”

The whole country knew this poster! He is still recognized today. Perhaps only “The Motherland is Calling!” is more popular than him. Irakli Toidze.

Now someone will say: “It’s not difficult to draw a poster, but in life it wasn’t like that.” Okay, here you go"in life"

Ivanov, Viktor Sergeevich. Photo from 1945.

Here's another poster. How is the star edged?

Okay, this is the end of the 70s, someone will say that it’s not true. Let's take something from the Stalin years:

Well? "Vlasov ribbon", yes? Under Stalin? Seriously?!!

How did Nevzorov lie? “The ribbon was unknown in the Soviet Army.”

Well, we see how she “wasn’t famous.” Already under Stalin it became both a symbol of the Red Army and a symbol of Victory.

And here is a poster from the Brezhnev era:

What's on the fighter's chest? Only one only “an unpopular and even little-known order,” as far as I can see. And nothing more. By the way, this emphasizes that the fighter is a private. There is no cult of "commanders", this was a feat of the people.
(By the way, most of the posters are clickable).

And here’s another one, for the 25th anniversary of the Victory. The year 1970 is written on the poster:

And the glorious date is written “an unknown ribbon in the Soviet army”, which"is not a symbol of Victory."

Look what's going on! What is our current government like? And it reached 1945, and in the 60s She slipped “fake” ones into the 70s!

And here they are again! “Their” ribbon again:

“USSR postcard for May 9
"May 9 - Victory Day"
Publishing house "Planet". Photo by E. Savalov, 1974 .
Order of the Patriotic War, II degree"

And here's another one again:

The St. George's ribbon is a symbol of the Second World War. The black and orange ribbon has become the main attribute of modern Victory Day. But as statistics show, unfortunately, not all citizens of the Russian Federation know its history, what it means, and how to wear it.

St. George's Ribbon: what it means, its colors, history

The St. George's ribbon, bicolor orange and black, appeared simultaneously with the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, which was established on November 26, 1769 by Empress Catherine II. This award was given only for feats in battle in the form of encouraging loyalty and courage for the good Russian Empire. Along with it, the recipient received a considerable lifelong allowance.

There are several versions of color decoding. According to the first, black symbolizes smoke or gunpowder, and orange symbolizes fire. According to another version, the colors were taken from the old coat of arms of Russia. Historians also say that black and orange colors were imperial and state, this is a symbol of a black double-headed eagle and a yellow field.

The first to receive the Order of St. George were the participants sea ​​battle in Chesme Bay. Medals on the St. George's ribbon were first awarded in August 1787, when Suvorov's army defeated the Turks.

The ribbon changed slightly and during the Soviet era began to be called the “Guards Ribbon”.

During the Great Patriotic War, the block of the very honorable “soldier’s” Order of Glory was covered with it.

How to wear the St. George's ribbon?

For 13 years in a row, on the eve of May 9, the “St. George Ribbon” campaign has started, during which volunteers hand out ribbons and tell people how to wear it correctly.

Nowadays, there is a tradition of decorating clothes with the St. George Ribbon as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with Russian soldiers. However, there are currently no official rules for wearing it. It is important to remember that this is not fashion accessory, but a sign of respect for the fallen soldiers. Therefore, the St. George Ribbon must be treated with care and respect.

It is recommended to wear the St. George ribbon on the left side near the heart - as a sign that the feat of the ancestors will forever remain in it. You can attach it in the form of different shapes using a pin. You should not use the ribbon as a decoration on the head, below the waist, on a bag, or on the body of a car (including on the car’s antenna). It would be indecent to use it as shoelaces or lacing for a corset. If the St. George ribbon has deteriorated, it is best to remove it.

There are several ways to tie a St. George's ribbon so that it looks beautiful and meets the bounds of decency. To do this, the main thing is to use your imagination, or use the Internet, where you can find step-by-step instructions.

The standard and easiest way is a loop. To do this, the ribbon is folded crosswise and attached with a pin.

Lightning or zigzag. The tape will need to be folded in the form of the English letter “N”.

A simple bow is most often used to tie a ribbon in kindergartens and schools.

A person with a St. George's ribbon tied in a tie will look elegant. It will need to be wrapped around the neck so that the ends are of different lengths. Afterwards you need to cross them and thread the right one around the left one to make a loop. Next, you need to pull the end out of the loop and thread it through the eyelet.

04.05.2016 | 14:18:34

Distribution will begin tomorrow, May 5th St. George ribbons in Irkutsk. You can receive ribbons from 12.00 to 14.00 at the Kirov Square (near the fountain), at the Angara Hotel, at bus stops public transport "Linguistic University" and "Art Museum", as well as at the tank "Irkutsk Komsomolets" on 1st Sovetskaya Street.

Therefore, from tomorrow on the streets of the city you will be able to see pictures like this:

Or this one:

And in stores we will begin to be greeted and are already greeted with the following promotions:

We decided to find out how and when the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign was born and why it has become so firmly established in our lives. And also, how to wear the St. George ribbon correctly and what to do with people who wear it everywhere.

The film received its name from the name of St. George the Victorious. Established by Catherine II in 1769 during Russian-Turkish war together with the military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This was the highest military award of the Russian Empire, which was used to reward officers for their merits on the battlefield, as well as for loyalty and prudence. The ribbon came with a lifetime salary. After the death of the owner, it was inherited, but could be confiscated due to the commission of a shameful offense.

One of the symbols of victory “St. George’s Ribbon” was precisely May 9, 1945 on the day of the establishment of the medal by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” It was this medal that became the symbol of the victory of the Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, because it was received by about 15 million people who fought against the German occupiers, as well as those who dropped out of the ranks Soviet army due to health reasons.

There was also the “Order of Glory,” established in November 1943 and awarded to junior military personnel only for personal merit. He could also be considered the progenitor of the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign, but he did not receive that widespread, because it was issued only 1 million times versus 15 million medals “For Victory over Germany,” however, it was therefore valued much more highly.

IN modern Russia On the eve of May 9, starting in 2005, a large-scale event called “St. George’s Ribbon” has been held. The campaign was invented for the 60th anniversary of the Victory by Natalya Loseva - employee news agency"RIA Novosti". The organizers of the action are RIA Novosti and the Student Community. Funding for the purchase of ribbons is provided by regional and local authorities.

The action begins with volunteers distributing among the population small pieces of ribbons identical in shape and color to the St. George Ribbon. According to the terms of the promotion, the ribbon must be attached to the lapel of clothing, tied to a hand, to a bag or to a car antenna. Something like this:

Purpose of this event, according to the initiators of the project, is “the creation of a symbol of the holiday,” “an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.”

This is where it lies main problem throughout the action - the use of a victory symbol tied to a car antenna would hardly have pleased the veterans who shed their blood, for which they received a medal with a St. George ribbon. But, as they say, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” We, of course, must say “thank you” to the organizers that for 11 years now we have had a symbol that binds everyone together at the beginning of May. The organizers did a tremendous job of disseminating this symbol, but at the same time, no work was done to convey the sacred meaning of this action. Now we have a rather strange situation - all Russians have St. George ribbons, but they do not know what to do with them, how to put them on correctly, and what they ultimately mean. There are three ways out of this situation: 1. Stop holding the action. 2. Introduce administrative liability for wearing a ribbon other than on the chest. 3. Conduct an educational program among the population.

The first option, of course, is not suitable, because the “St. George’s Ribbon” is not only a symbol of victory over fascism, but also of all victories ever achieved by a Russian person. The second option was already considered last year, then State Duma deputies already proposed to amend Article 329 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Desecration of the coat of arms or flag of Russia,” which currently provides for administrative liability for violating the procedure for using state symbols and criminal liability for desecration of the flag or coat of arms countries. Well, the third option, the most correct in this situation, since the state has various mechanisms its implementation - from state television channels to activists of youth movements, who could talk about the action, as we do today.

This promotion even has its own code, which most people, unfortunately, are not even aware of:

1. The “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign is non-commercial and non-political.

2. The purpose of the action is to create a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

4. “St. George’s Ribbon” is not a heraldic symbol. This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon.

5. The use of original St. George's or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.

6. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be an object of purchase and sale.

7. “St. George’s Ribbon” cannot be used to promote goods and services. The use of tape as an accompanying product or element of product packaging is not allowed.

8. “St. George’s Ribbon” is distributed free of charge. It is not permitted to issue a ribbon to a visitor to a retail establishment in exchange for a purchase.

9. The use of the “St. George Ribbon” for political purposes by any parties or movements is not permitted.

10. Inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.

Summarizing everything that was written above - the only true way of wearing the St. George ribbon is to attach it to the lapel of the jacket on the left side at heart level. This best way show memory and respect to the people who gave their lives for the future of our country.

Ilya Galkov, Irkutsk

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In 1769, Russian Empress Catherine II established the Order of St. George. Having four degrees, this distinctive sign served to reward those who demonstrated valor in battle and performed a military feat. The order of the first degree was made in the form of a set of, a star and a special ribbon, which had two orange and three black stripes. Such a ribbon was worn under the uniform over the right shoulder. It received the name “Georgievskaya”.

Since these times, the two colors of the St. George ribbon in Russia began to symbolize glory and valor. Subsequently, this was assigned to the signs that military units had, in particular, banners. State awards were often worn on this ribbon. IN early XIX centuries, certain parts of the Russian Empire received the award St. George banners, to which a black and orange ribbon and tassels were attached.

Half a century later, in years Crimean War, the colors of the St. George ribbon began to appear on awards belonging to the officers. An award of this kind was no less honorable than the Order of St. George. Black and orange ribbons existed as an award attribute in the Russian army until the empire ceased to exist.

St. George's Ribbon: continuation of traditions

During the war with fascist invaders management Soviet Union decided to partially restore the traditions of the old Russian army. In 1943, the government of the USSR established the Order of Glory, which had three degrees. It looked like a five-pointed star and had a block covered with a yellow-black ribbon. This combination of colors was reminiscent of the Order of St. George. The two-color ribbon also served as a symbol of courage, military valor and continuity of traditions.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the leadership of the renewed Russia decided to restore the former Russian St. George. The distinctive sign “ St. George's Cross" So in modern Russia it reappeared, which was destined to unite the traditions of different eras, separated from each other by more than two centuries.

Today, many who are patriotically inclined, on public holidays or during significant socio-political events, proudly attach a bright ribbon to their clothes or hang it on their cars. The St. George's ribbon has become a unique symbol of the unity of the nation and a way to express one's patriotic feelings.

Why is the ribbon called St. George's ribbon?.
As a result of a spontaneous action in 2005, a “St. George’s” ribbon, painted orange and black, appeared in all cities of Russia. The participants of this action set themselves the main goal: to restore the memory of the traditions of Soviet and Russian army. Since then, the “St. George” ribbon has become an indispensable attribute of special events, dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War - the victory over the Nazis. Why is a two-color ribbon called “St. George’s”?
A little from the history of the “St. George” ribbon.
The Russian Empress Catherine II in 1769 established the Order of St. George, which has four degrees, in order to reward those who accomplished feats in battle and demonstrated their valor. The order of the first degree is made in the form of sets, which include a cross, stars and a special ribbon with two orange and three black stripes, which was worn under the uniform over the shoulder. This tape was called “St. George’s”.
Since then, these two colors of the St. George ribbon have become symbols of valor and military glory in Russia. Later, this ribbon was assigned to military units as a sign of distinction, for example, to banners. Also, state awards were worn on this ribbon. At the beginning of the 19th century, individual units of the Russian army received the award St. George Banners. St. George's ribbon and tassels were attached to these banners.
Half a century later, during the Crimean War, the colors of the “St. George” ribbon began to appear on award weapons that belonged to officers. This award became as honorable as the Order of St. George. Until the Empire ceased to exist, the St. George ribbon existed in the Russian army as an award attribute.
Continuation of the tradition.
The leadership of the Soviet Union decided to partially restore the traditions of the Russian army during the war with Nazi Germany. Thus, the government of the USSR in 1943 established the Order of Glory, which had three degrees and was a five-pointed star and a block covered with a yellow-black ribbon, which was reminiscent of the Order of St. George. The two-color ribbon also symbolized courage, valor and continuity of tradition.
The decision to restore the former Russian order was made by the Russian government after the collapse of the USSR. It was then that the distinctive sign “St. George's Cross” was introduced. This is how a symbol appeared in modern Russia, uniting the traditions of different eras, which are more than two centuries apart from each other.
Currently, Russians with pride and patriotism attach the orange-red ribbon to their clothes or hang it on their cars on public holidays or during socio-political events. You definitely need to know how to tie a St. George's ribbon. After all, the St. George Ribbon is not only a symbol of the unity of the nation, but also a way to express one’s patriotic feelings.