Flower "Mother-in-law's tongue": photos, signs, superstitions. Growing Sansevieria - planting and caring for mother-in-law's tongue How to plant mother-in-law's tongue correctly

Mother-in-law's tongue flower (sansevieria, sansevieria, pike tail) – house plant, producing large amounts of oxygen while absorbing harmful substances from outside. Novice flower growers appreciate this flower for its decorative appearance and ease of care.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: care at home

This flower, like many others, is demanding of its environment.


Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower that does not need bright light, but keeping it in obvious shade is not recommended. Provided there is moderate illumination, preferably natural, the leaves of the flower will be beautiful, thick and bright. To avoid burns, do not place the plant in the sun. Also, varieties with yellow stripes on the leaves do not need sunbathing - they will fade.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower will feel quite comfortable at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. It tolerates heat well, but only for a short time. Drafts and low temperatures (at least +5 degrees) will also not cause serious harm to the plant. But then you need to water it as little as possible.


Mother-in-law's tongue, which must be properly cared for, is capable of storing liquid in its tissues, and therefore it needs to be watered little by little even after the soil dries out. The flower can remain without moisture for a long time. There is no need to spray it, but to remove dust from the leaves and give the plant a more attractive appearance, it is recommended to wipe it with a damp cloth as necessary.

A rosette is a part of a plant where water should not get in, otherwise it will rot. This is important to pay attention to. If this cannot be avoided, healthy leaves should be trimmed and used for propagation.


Caring for the mother-in-law's tongue flower also implies timely replanting. As soon as it grows and there is not enough space in the pot, care should be taken to expand the “territory”. The roots of the plant are shallow, so the container for replanting should be similar. The soil should be light and low in nutrition, it is better to give preference soil mixtures, intended for the growth of succulents.

Top dressing

During the spring-summer period home flower Mother-in-law's tongue needs regular feeding - 2-3 times a month. In the fall, this should be done less often - once a month. And in winter there is no need to feed the plant at all. A universal product rich in minerals is suitable as a fertilizer.


Breeding the mother-in-law's tongue flower is possible by dividing the rhizomes or leaf cuttings. This is called vegetative propagation.

To divide the bush, you need to carefully cut the rhizome, which connects the “parent” and the shoot, with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal, plant in fresh soil, water and care for it, following the recommendations described above. There is no need to feed the plant for about 1 month. Layings most often take root without problems.

Leaf propagation can only be done if there are mature and healthy leaves. Cut cuttings up to 10 centimeters long, dry on outdoors(no more than 2 days), plant in moderately damp sand no deeper than 2 centimeters and cover with a bag. Ventilate the leaves every day and water if necessary. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will produce roots, after another 1-2 months, children will appear, and after 2-3 months, stems will appear. Plant young flowers in pots.

The peculiarity of variegated varieties is that when propagated by dividing the leaves, the characteristics of an adult plant - stripes - are not transmitted to the children, so it is better to propagate such species by dividing the root system.


Even with good care At home, the mother-in-law's tongue flower blooms quite rarely. The plant produces a long arrow (15-20 centimeters) on which flowers form in the form of a brush. white with a pleasant and quite rich aroma.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower: signs

The indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue, according to popular belief, is a symbol of well-being. This plant is incompatible with quarrels, disagreements and scandals. All negativity is caught and intercepted by pointed leaves. Signs with the mother-in-law's tongue flower are associated only with positive aspects. It is believed that its bloom is a sign of new beginnings. The buds will wither to warn household members about imminent problems and troubles.

Before believing in signs, you should pay attention to the time of year and the characteristics of care. Care, timely feeding and following the watering rules will allow you to correctly evaluate the “hints” of the mother-in-law’s tongue flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the spiritual atmosphere in the house and has excellent healing properties. Its leaves have antiseptic qualities and are widely used in folk medicine to treat wounds, abrasions and burns.


The mother-in-law's tongue flower reacts very sensitively to the attitude towards it. He will reward you for competent care and attention with beauty and attractiveness, as well as positive energy that will fill the apartment and give to the household good mood and positive.

Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria)- a plant known to many gardeners. It is believed that with its help you can create good relationships in the family. Quarrels and misunderstandings will disappear after this plant appears in the house.

U different nations there are several more names. This plant requires little care and is very durable. Proper care helps the mother-in-law's tongue not only look good, but also bloom.

Types of Sansevieria

    It is impossible to list all types, the most popular are Sansevieria:
  • big- leaves are thick, broadly ovoid in shape (reach 60 cm), their color is light green, dark stripes across and a reddish border along the edges, flowers are greenish or white;
  • three-lane- leaves are directed straight, xiphoid in shape, hard (light background and dark horizontal stripes), grow from a thick rhizome, small whitish-green flowers;
  • Liberian- with flat, lanceolate, dark green leaves (light green stripes running across them) leaves growing parallel to the ground, single erect white flowers with a strong scent;
  • hyacinth- with lanceolate leaves in bunches, their color is dark green with light green transverse strokes, the flowers are small;
  • Duneri- with flat, directly directed green leaves and dark green stripes located across them, white flowers;
  • graceful- with short leaves covering the base of gray-green color (with stripes of grayish-beige color located transversely) oval shape, pointed towards the top;
  • pick- with green leaves and white-green, sometimes whitish spots on them), reaching a length of 1.8 m, white flowers;
  • cylindrical- with dark green cylindrical leaves (up to 2 cm in diameter), tapering upward, creamy-brown flowers.

Mother-in-law's tongue is very hardy and can grow equally well in shade and partial shade. Bright sun can lead to burns of leaves; the plant will be most comfortable on a window facing east or west side . The plant has variegated leaves, so it requires bright light, otherwise the variegated color disappears.

Temperatures in summer are allowed up to 25 degrees, but can tolerate higher temperatures. In winter - up to 10 degrees, in case of prolonged storage in a room with low temperature may get sick.

Easily tolerates dry air, preferably with a damp cloth from the leaves remove dust or just wipe them more often for no particular reason.

Plant nutrition

During the growing season (spring and summer), monthly application is required. mineral fertilizers. Suitable fertilizers, intended for indoor plants and cacti (it is necessary to reduce the recommended dosage by half).

It is necessary to ensure that there is less nitrogen than other elements (its excess leads to rotting of the roots).

The tips of the leaves sometimes dry out, they are cut off, leaving a narrow dry strip(then the sheet will not dry further and will not become limp).

In spring and until autumn, moderate watering is required; in winter it is limited. Water must not be allowed to enter center of the socket(may cause rotting).

Necessary as the pot becomes small. The pot needs to be wide and shallow (the roots grow wider). It is placed at the bottom drainage layer or its equivalent.

The plant is undemanding to soil, but feels better in a soil mixture of turf soil, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 4:2:1. Grows well in hydroponics. It is possible to purchase a substrate intended for geraniums and add sand to it(30% creates better drainage).

    Use several methods:
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the sheet;
  • seeds;
  • dividing the rhizome.

Seeds are sown in fertile soil and placed in a greenhouse until shoots appear. After seed germination, 3 weeks later, the seedlings dive in separate pots.

It is recommended to propagate by dividing the rhizomes during transplantation. The rhizome is removed from the soil, washed, cut with a knife, separating root system with leaves and placed in prepared pots. It is necessary to provide watering, fertilizer and missing lighting.

Less popular is the method of cutting a leaf. The leaves are cut into several pieces and allowed to dry. Then they are planted in pots with sand (to a depth of 2 cm). After final rooting (lasts 6 weeks), the plant is planted in a pot with prepared soil mixture, remember this nuance.

The most common pests that attack the plant are thrips and spider mite. To combat them they use insecticidal preparations.

Due to excessive soil moisture or if water gets into the rosette, the leaves become yellow and soft at the base. To save the flower, the affected leaves are removed, the plant is replanted to another place.

A low room temperature causes the leaves to look limp and may rot (even if there is no waterlogging). The plant must be moved to a warm place, removed affected leaves.

At high humidity soil leaves suffer: spots appear dark brown. Infection with fungal diseases is characterized by the formation of red-brown spots.

Mother-in-law's tongue, in addition to decorative qualities, also has healing properties. He has an antiseptic wound healing effect, helps with cystitis, inflammation of the appendages and many other diseases.

Known to many houseplant Mother-in-law's tongue. Its official name is Sansevieria. In common parlance, a flower has several original titles: pike tail, cuckoo tail, Americans call it snakeskin, the British - leopard lily and devil's tongue. We have a more common name - mother-in-law's tongue. People called it that for a reason, because the leaves of the flower really look like a long tongue.

Sansevieria belongs to the Dracaena family. In India, Sri Lanka and tropical Africa, the plant can be found in natural conditions. Mother-in-law's tongue has about 60 types.

In indoor floriculture, the most popular type is the cylindrical and three-strip sansevieria. This herbaceous plant, which has a creeping rhizome and long, vertical, leathery leaves up to 1 m high and up to 5 cm wide. There are light and dark horizontal stripes on both sides of the leaves.

It is believed that the plant blooms under unfavorable circumstances. The flowers are white with a characteristic pleasant smell, collected in racemes.

Mother-in-law's tongue is the most unpretentious plant, grows well both in the sun and in the shade, is not afraid of drafts, and tolerates lack of watering and dry air. The only thing is to be careful not to overwater the soil. The flower most often reproduces by dividing the rhizomes. For planting you need to use a wide and low pot.
Few people know that in addition to its decorative and unpretentiousness, mother-in-law's tongue is also a medicinal plant.

Pharmacological composition

The leaves of the flower contain the following substances: hemolytic sapogenin, abamagenin, several organic acids. And most importantly active substance are saponins. They are part of many medicinal plants.

This substance is considered poisonous. In pharmacology, laxatives, choleretic and diuretic drugs are produced from it.

When administered intravenously, in small concentrations they contribute to the destruction of red blood cells. And when taken orally, they are not toxic at all, because they are destroyed in the intestines.

Medicinal properties and uses of mother-in-law's tongue

The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time. Sansevieria is primarily valued for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, its ability to heal wounds, cuts, and stop bleeding. It is used in the treatment of otitis media, tonsillitis, inflammation of the appendages, cystitis, gastrointestinal diseases and other ailments. The smoke from this burning plant is believed to help relieve headaches.

  • For periodontal disease The juice from the leaves of mother-in-law's tongue will help, which should be rubbed into the gums, or you can simply chew the leaves.
  • For inflammation of the appendages, cystitis use the following tincture: fill 1/3 of a glass with crushed leaves of the plant, pour vodka. Insist in the dark glass bottle in the refrigerator for three weeks. Then the tincture should be filtered and stored in the same bottle. Take 2 weeks, twice a day, 1 tbsp. spoon after eating.
  • At infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis, enteritis, colitis, gastritis and others) The tincture is used as follows: 50 ml. dilute tinctures (according to the recipe above) in 50 ml. boiled water. Consume after two hours, approximately 7-8 times a day. To achieve better effect treatment, it is advisable to also do enemas using a decoction of sansevieria: pour 50 g of leaves with one and a half liters of boiling water and boil for two minutes over low heat, let it brew for 2 hours.
  • For otitis You should put fresh juice in your ears, which will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The course of treatment is 7 days, you need to instill the ear canal three times a day, 1-2 drops.
  • For cuts, scratches, bruises and hematomas Mother-in-law's tongue will help. You need to secure the fresh sheet with a bandage on the damaged area. Thanks to medicinal properties flower, the wound is disinfected, the bleeding will stop, the swelling of the bruise will disappear, and the size of the hematoma will also decrease.
  • Get rid of scabies and itching A decoction will help: pour 1 cup of fresh chopped leaf hot water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day. You can make lotions from the decoction for external use.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a wonderful air purifier

Even if we do not use infusions and decoctions from this plant and it is simply present in our room, then in this way it improves our living conditions. The thing is that mother-in-law's tongue is recognized as a very effective natural filter for purifying indoor air; it is simply a champion in oxygen production.

The plant is capable of absorbing harmful radiation TV and computer. Sansevieria has a positive effect on office employees working at computers, improving their well-being and ability to work. The leaves of the “dust collector” should be cleaned of dust at least occasionally so that this ideal filter does not stop working.

Benefits of mother-in-law's tongue in the home

In addition to the fact that the plant itself filters the air, it helps clear the space of bad energy, can absorb the energy of negative evil thoughts and create a cozy atmosphere. Mother-in-law’s language also helps a person achieve his goals and inspires him to move forward. Promotes rapid assimilation of knowledge, especially useful for those who complain of frequent forgetfulness.

The plant is a real talisman for students and teachers. Mother-in-law's tongue, having the ability to survive in poor conditions and having an unassuming character, transfers these properties to its owners, increasing our adaptive abilities and resistance to viral, colds and other diseases.

“Mother-in-law’s tongue”, “pike tail”, “tongue of dragons” is the name of the same plant, called Sansevieria. A favorite of all forgetful flower growers, the flower is easy to maintain. Due to its unpretentiousness, it is often grown in offices and other public spaces. Homeland -
tropical and subtropical regions of Africa.

exists in nature more than 200. Varieties reach a height of 1 m, some species are compact rosettes, others have erect, flat, pointed leaves, some species are thick and round. Sansevierias are succulents that store water.

The main species cultivated in our region: the most popular is called three-lane– has yellow stripes on the sides; sansevieria cylinder with rounded leaves that look like pointed tubes; pick has small rosettes and a red-brown edging along the edge; Liberian It has light blurry spots on the dark green background of the leaf.

Liberian Sansevieria in its homeland in West Africa reaches a height of 100 cm, the flowers have a pungent odorous aroma.

The species consists of low rosettes with narrow green leaves; large sansevieria is so named because of its wide, up to 15 cm, leaves, creating the impression of a massive plant, the average length is 50 cm.

Popular varieties in home floriculture

Sylvan Khan patented a low rosette variety in 1941. This variety stands out due to its short, recurved, dark green leaves. Depending on the color of the leaves, its subspecies are distinguished: with green or yellow stripes.

Golden Hunny has longitudinal yellow stripes, Silver Honey It is distinguished by its silver color with transverse stripes.

Moonshine has dark green silvery leaves with a thin green edge. With a lack of light it gets dark.

Distinctive feature of the variety Laurenti– a wide yellow stripe along the edge. Depending on the conditions of detention, the stripe can be light yellow, beige or white. Most popular variety for growing at home.

Sensation Bentle grows with narrow, tall, pointed leaves and has vertical silvery stripes.

bantel's sensation

This is a small part of the varieties that are grown by flower growers. Any of the varieties can be taken as a basis for the selection of other varieties.

Keeping at home

Sansevieria is a succulent, the moisture reserve is in the fleshy leaves, so watering is rare. During a period of active growth watering is carried out only after the top layer of soil has completely dried, about once a week.

For irrigation, you need to use settled water at room temperature. It is better to dry Sansevieria than to over-moisten it. When the temperature drops, the plant is watered less often; in winter, watering can be done once a month. Watering is not done directly, but in a tray, the plant itself absorbs required quantity moisture.

To keep sansevieria leaves bright, arrange additional lighting

The lighting is diffuse and direct sunlight can cause burns. With a lack of light, the colors become more faded and the yellow stripes darken. It is accustomed to the dry climate of savannahs, so it is tolerant of low humidity.

In winter, Sansevieria should not touch cold glass, this leads to frostbite and death of the leaves, and when the temperature drops to +5 degrees, it freezes and dies.

Fertilizing in the spring-summer period is carried out once a month. phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, an excess of nitrogen leads to rotting of the root system. If the plant grows at low temperatures, fertilizing is not carried out.

The pot is selected to be wide, and replanting is carried out rarely. It does not like loose pots, but blooms only in a cramped container.

Benefits of the plant

In addition to the unpretentiousness and attractive decorativeness of sansevieria release a large volume of oxygen into the room, destroy bacteria, purifying the air in the room, and absorb chemical fumes.

In the Feng Shui tradition, it is believed that a plant absorbs negative energy, and also absorbs radiation from a computer and TV.

IN classroom or in a room where they study, sansevieria will help to acquire new knowledge and fill the room with an atmosphere of learning new material.

Sanseviera is a warrior plant, with sword-like leaves it helps to resist failures, strengthens morale and mood.

Sanseviera improves metabolism in people who are constantly in the same room with the plant.
It is believed that Sansevieria is similar in properties to aloe. For abscesses on the skin, the Sansevieria leaf is dissolved, washed and firmly applied to the site of damage. Sansevieria heals and disinfects wounds on the human body.

Sansevieria is one of the favorite flowers of designers and decorators. Greenery fits organically into modern interior, and given that it persistently maintains an attractive appearance, it can multiply quickly if planted in time.

Strong ropes are made from sansevieria leaves that are not damaged by sea waves. In some eastern countries“Pike tail” is used in folk medicine.

Harm to humans

Sansevieria safe for humans and is not harmful, but the plant should not be placed in a child's room.

Saponins, substances found in sansevieria leaves, are not recommended for pregnant women and children. Best place for a flower - living room, loggia.

The plant is dangerous only when consumed orally, therefore the various tinctures that are offered to drink traditional medicine should be used with caution.

It is also believed that the powerful energy of the plant may interfere with the sleep of adults and children. When consumed in domestic animals, it causes stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. If children are poisoned, induce vomiting, give activated charcoal, and call a specialist.

When transplanting a plant, be sure to use gloves; you can use glasses to protect your eyes from the juice. Trimmed parts of sansevieria are disposed of in a bag or destroyed.


The main signs are associated with the saber-shaped shape of the plant. Many people believe that Sansevieria brings quarrels and squabbles into the house and grows actively only in a house with negative energy. There are also opposite signs that say that the “pike tail” absorbs negative energy and emits the energy of calm and tranquility.

Ideal for families in which conflicts occur, “mother-in-law’s language” neutralizes and takes on all the negative, turning it into positive moments.

It is believed that the plant stabilizes nervous tension in the home. And sudden death or drying of leaves will bring bad news.

Blooming sansevieria in winter means trouble or a major quarrel in the house, and if in summer, then this is a symbol of the right beginnings in business. Special superstitions concern the leaves of the plant.

Unusual ornamental plant, which decorates any room and purifies the air, destroying bacteria and microbes, is unpretentious in cultivation. For the plant to be beneficial, it must be kept away from children and animals. Everyone decides for themselves whether to grow sansevieria at home or in the office or not.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is a worthy candidate with which to start floriculture. He has high decorative qualities, unpretentious, purifies the air and produces a lot of oxygen. But this does not mean that the plant does not need care at all. Moderate light, watering and fertilizing will allow you to grow a beautiful and healthy flower.

Plant characteristics

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is one of the names of the Sansevieria plant from the Agave family. In nature, it lives in the subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, America, and is found in savannas. The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is also common in household use. His beautiful leaves, collected in a rosette, can be flat and long, oval and thick, wide, sword-shaped, round, spoon- or pencil-shaped. Most often the leaves are oriented upward, but there are species that bloom in different directions or grow parallel to the ground. Sansevieria leaves usually have a point at the tip, but if this is broken off, growth will be impaired.


In total, there are about 200 varieties of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. The most common species is Sansevieria three-lane with flat oval leaves. They have a characteristic pattern - a light green stripe on a dark green background.

IN flower shop You can also find other varieties of Sansevieria, for example, Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii with green and yellow stripes.

Or Sansevieria Zeylanica, whose leaves are variegated dark green.

If you prefer plants with short leaves, consider Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii Compacta.

Fans of exotic colors will appreciate Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii with silver stripes.

In cases where very tall plant, you can purchase the species Sansevieria robusta, the length of which reaches 180 cm. Its leaves are green, pointed, growing straight upward.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower comes from hot regions, and at home it also needs sun. The plant feels good in excess light, but in summer it will need shading on southern windows.

The amount of light that variegated varieties require is determined by the natural color of the leaf. If the share yellow large, less light is required, otherwise the leaf will lose its variegation and become a normal green color. But if there is too little light, the flower will slow down in development. In any case, the sansevier needs to be protected from direct rays, otherwise the colored areas will get sunburn. Ideal place- a window sill that allows light to enter in the evening.


The plant does not require strict temperature conditions. It feels comfortable at night at +16 ... +20 °C and during the day at +21 ... +28 °C. It will also withstand greater temperature variations, but in this case the microclimate must be leveled by watering. If the flower lives in the cold, for example in an office building, then it is important to reduce the frequency of watering.


Sansevieria does not like spraying, does not tolerate well when water gets inside the outlet, and this can even rot. But the plant survives drought well.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is watered lightly and only after the soil has dried out. For some time he feels great without water. As mentioned above, at low temperatures, water the plant less often, the same applies to sansevierias placed in the shade.

Wipe the plant from dust from time to time. Use a cloth or a special broom.

Top dressing

The need for fertilizer is determined by the season. During the wintering period, feeding should be abandoned. From May to September, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower needs to be fertilized every two weeks, using fertilizers for cacti and succulents, or mineral compounds. If the variety is variegated, make sure that the fertilizer does not contain a lot of nitrogen: this provokes increased production of chlorophyll, and the colorful beauty will turn into ordinary green. During other periods, apply fertilizer once a month.


The need for replanting depends on the growth rate of the flower. In young plants it is higher, and they need to annually change the pot to dishes with a diameter 2 cm larger. Mature plants can live in one pot for several years.

When transplanting, choose shallow containers. Sansevieria does not need a large volume of soil; its roots are located on the surface.

A young “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower should be replanted every year, an adult – once every few years.

When choosing soil, give preference to soil that is low in nutrition, light, and that dries out faster. Ideally, this should be a specialized mixture for cacti and succulents. But you can mix equal parts of soil from leaf and turf land, as well as sand and obtain a suitable substrate. Before planting the plant, it is better to calcine the soil that you mixed yourself.


Sansevieria can be propagated by lateral layering, dividing the rhizome or leaf cuttings.

Side shoots are developed mainly in low-growing rosette plants. It is better to plant them in the spring when transplanting the mother plant. To do this, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the shoot, capturing part of the rhizome. The separation points on the mother and young bushes should be sprinkled with powder made from activated carbon. After this, it is enough to place the plants in separate pots. In order for sansevieria to take root faster, it is better to keep it warm with moderate watering.

Rhizome division is the most preferred type of propagation of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. With this method, all species characteristics of the plant are preserved. The rhizome is separated early spring in an adult plant. Remove the sansevieria from the pot, disinfect the knife, and divide the root into 3-4 parts depending on the size. Each division should have its own growth point. Treat all cuts with crushed coal, then plant the plants in a sandy substrate. Rooting takes place with moderate watering. If you did everything correctly, the plant will have new shoots, and when this happens, you can transplant the young bushes into a new pot.

Tall species of sansevieria of uniform color are propagated by leaf cuttings. Species characteristics, however, are not preserved - the plants will be monochromatic and without stripes. Take an old strong leaf, disinfect a knife or pruning shears, cut the workpiece into several pieces 4–5 cm long and lay them out in the direction of leaf growth so as not to forget where the top and bottom are. The cuttings need to be air-dried for 24 hours or treated with crushed activated carbon. Then plant the segments bottom into wet sand for about a third of its length. In order for the cuttings to take root better, they need to be covered. glass jar, add water to the tray and place in a warm place. Rooting will take 1–1.5 months.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower rarely gets sick, but if the rules of care are grossly violated, it can develop defects.

  • When overwatered and at low temperatures, dark spots appear on the leaves.
  • If there is not enough light or in a too crowded pot, the leaves turn yellow.
  • Insufficient lighting also leads to the fact that the plant weakens, its leaves become soft, stretch out and deviate vertically, or bend in half.
  • When water gets into the center of the rosette, the plant rots at the base, the leaves become soft and turn yellow.
  • When freezing, overwatering or lack of light, the tips of sansevieria leaves may wither, turn yellow and dry out.
  • If the plant is not watered for too long, the leaves lose their elasticity.

Basically, defects can be corrected with proper care.

In all other respects, the plant is quite unpretentious and survives where others give up. With proper care, the flower will retain its attractive colors and strict shape.