Human evolutionary chain social science presentation. Human evolutionary chain. Cultural components of evolution. The process of formation and development of society

Lesson No. 5-6

Social studies, 10

Human nature

D.Z.: § 3, ?? (p. 34), tasks (p. 35)

© Kulikov R.V.

© ed. A.I. Kolmakov

Concepts, terms

  • Category;
  • human existence;
  • Man is a product of a biological, social, cultural revolution;
  • Individual;
  • Individuality;
  • Personality

Learning new material on questions

  • Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.
  • The purpose and meaning of human life.
  • Human Sciences.

1. Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.

They say that the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, on a bright sunny day, holding a lit lantern high above his head, walked around the city and peered intently at people. He was asked:

-Who are you looking for, Diogenes?

“I’m looking for a person,” answered the philosopher.

Man is made up of paradoxes:

  • Man is an animal, but he exists not in nature, but in society
  • He has instincts, but he is guided primarily by reason
  • Man is born in nature, but tries to subjugate it to himself
  • A person has a mind, but there is also an unconscious
  • Who is a person?
  • What are its features?

Theories of human origins

Cosmic origin of man (the origin of all life from space or the theory that we are all the ancestors of space aliens)

Divine origin - the whole world, including man, is the creation of God, God created man in his own image and likeness


from the animal world

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. .

Science is dominated by the theory of the origin of man from the animal world, based on Charles Darwin’s theory of the origin of species, as well as the version that labor and the evolution of the labor process led to the emergence of homo sapiens - F. Engels “The role of labor in the process of turning a monkey into person"

Anthropogenesis - process of human formation and development


(14-20 million years ago)


(5-8 million years ago)


homo habilis

(homo habilis) about 2 million years ago

homo erectus , homo erectus,

1-1.3 million years ago

The process of anthropogenesis is completed by a species called Cro-Magnon ( homo sapiens ) - a reasonable person

How do you understand the biological and social principles in a person?

Biological principles - those signs that are inherent in man as part of the animal world, that which makes him similar to animals

Social principles - those characteristics that distinguish a person from any animal, which gave him interaction with other people.

Make a table!

Biological principles in man

Instincts, needs for food, sleep, air, presence of a body,

Social principles in man

Biological and social principles in man

Human being biosocial

Man like biological creature belongs to higher mammals, forming a special species homo sapiens . Human nature is manifested in its anatomy and physiology: circulatory, muscular, nervous and other systems.

Man like social creature inextricably linked with society. A person becomes a person only by entering into social relations, into communication with others. The social essence of a person is manifested through such properties as the ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness, reason, freedom and responsibility.



The process of human formation and development

The process of formation and development of society



Goals and meaning of life Why me? The meaning of life is understood as a belief, that life is worth living.

It is human nature

plan your life


to society?




Goals and meaning of life

Describe the main approaches to determining the meaning of life

P. 3 p. 30 textbook, table

Point of view

Which approach to understanding the meaning of life is closest to you?

Approaches to understanding the meaning of life

  • Hedonistic: the desire for pleasure (Epicurus (341-270 BC)).
  • Ascetic: suppression of drives and desires (Cynics, Diogenes (400-325 BC)).
  • Humble-stoic: submission to necessity, fate (Stoics, Zeno (336-264 BC)).
  • Religious: selfless service to God.
  • Categorical-imperative: live in accordance with the moral law: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always become the principle of universal legislation” (I. Kant (1724-1804).
  • Effectively humanistic: a person must realize his inner potential.

What will happen after me?

We value life because it is not endless

Mortal man-

part of the "immortal"

human race





3. Human Sciences

Essence of Man

Practical conclusions:

1. Man is a historical being. Each of us, as it were, “stands on the shoulders” of many generations of our ancestors. Man bears the responsibility for life on Earth and the future of humanity.

2. It is necessary to realize the significance of a person, understand what the meaning of life is, choose worthy goals, consciously make a choice of a life path, for what it is worth living.

3. It is important to understand that human life is valuable in itself, and the prospect of humanity lies in the development of the individual in harmony with nature, society and one’s own inner world.

  • Today I found out...
  • It was interesting...
  • It was difficult...
  • I learned...
  • I was able...
  • I was surprised...
  • I wanted...

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    Slide 2

    Origin of man

    One of the most interesting and complex topics studied in the course of general biology is the origin of man. Where, when and how did the human race arise? How did he spread across the Earth?
    In the last century, there were two answers in European culture: one was given in the Bible, the other in the theory of Charles Darwin. Therefore, it was this question - whether man was created by God or descended from a monkey - that attracted the attention of the general public.

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    Charles Darwin did not deny the existence of God, but believed that God created only the initial species, while the rest arose under the influence of natural selection. Alfred Wallace, who came to the discovery of the principle of natural selection almost simultaneously with Darwin, unlike the latter, argued that there is a sharp line between man and animals in relation to mental activity. He came to the conclusion that the human brain cannot be considered the result of natural selection.
    Man is an animal interested in its origins. Interest in one's own origins has been characteristic of man since ancient times. The longer scientists study the fossil record, the clearer the picture of the transformation of ape into man emerges.

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    Many primate species followed the path of hominization, and Homosapiens, at the time of its emergence, was simply a representative of one of several competing lineages. It was not predetermined that he would succeed in the arena of evolution.
    Today, most scientists adhere to the theory of the African origin of man and believe that the future winner in the evolutionary race arose in Southeast Africa about 200 thousand years ago and settled from there throughout the planet.
    Homoerectus appeared in Africa about 1.8 million years ago. He made more advanced stone tools, which were found by paleontologists. Over several hundred thousand years, Homoerectus spread first across the Middle East, then to Europe and to the Pacific Ocean.

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    Human ancestry

    The earliest people (Sinanthropus, Pithecanthropus)
    Ancient people (Neanderthal)
    New people (Cro-Magnon)

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    Factors of anthropogenesis

    Biological Social
    1. Heredity
    4.Struggle for existence
    5.Natural selection
    4.Social life

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    Possible resettlement map

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    Main stages of human evolution

    Man upright
    The Man from the Solo River
    Rhodesian man
    Neanderthal man
    Cro-Magnon man
    Modern man

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    Pithecanthropus (ape-man) - was found in 1891 on the island of Java. Pithecanthropus was significantly larger than Australopithecus: he had a height of at least 170 cm, a brain volume of 850-900 cubic meters. cm. Thus, Pithecanthropus can be considered a transitional link from monkey to man. He lived on earth 500 - 800 thousand years ago.

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    Pithecanthropus tool

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    Sinanthropus lived at approximately the same time as Pithecanthropus, but the brain volume was slightly larger. Next to the remains of synanthropes, various tools made of quartz, silicon pebbles, deer antler and bones were discovered.

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    Tools of Sinanthropus.

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    Neanderthal, named after the Neanderthal Valley (Germany), where the remains of these people were first found in 1856. They lived in groups of 50 - 100 people in caves, where they constantly maintained a fire, dressed in skins, made primitive tools, painted their bodies with patterns, had religious beliefs and funeral rituals. Neanderthal tools were more advanced and had some specialization. The last Neanderthals lived among the first modern humans, and were then finally supplanted by them.

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    Modern type of people.

    The emergence of people of the modern physical type occurred about 50 thousand years ago. Their remains have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. In the Cro-Magnon Grotto (France), several fossil skeletons of modern people were discovered; they were called Cro-Magnons. They possessed the whole complex of features: articulate speech, as indicated by a developed chin protuberance, the construction of dwellings, the first rudiments of art (rock paintings), clothing, jewelry, perfect bone and stone tools, the first domesticated animals - everything indicates that this is a real a man who has completely separated himself from his bestial ancestors. Cro-Magnons and modern people form one species - Homosapiens - Homo sapiens; this species was formed no later than 100 - 40 thousand years ago.

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    Homo sapiens - Cro-Magnon, named after the place of the first discovery (Cro-Magnon Cave in France). These were large people - up to 180 cm in height, with a skull volume of up to 1600 cubic cm. They lived approximately from 50,000 to 15,000 years ago, and were noticeably different in appearance from Neanderthals. They made tools from stone, bone and horn, including composite tools, which indicates significant progress in this field.

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    Cro-Magnon Bison Hunt

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    Systematic position of man

    Overkingdom–Nuclear (Eucaryota)
    Animal Kingdom
    Subkingdom–Multicellular (Metazoa)
    Subphylum – Vertebrates (Vertebrata)
    Class – Mammals (Mammalia)
    Superorder – Placentals (Placentabia)
    Squad – Primates
    Suborder – Narrow-nosed monkeys (Catarhina)
    Family – People (Hominidae)
    Superfamily – Hominoids (Hominoidea)
    Genus – Man (Homo)
    Species – Homo sapiens

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    Evidence of animal origins for humans

    Comparative anatomical - a unified plan of the structure of human and animal bodies, the presence of rudiments and atavisms in humans.
    Physiological – the similarity of processes occurring in human and animal organisms.
    Embryological – similar stages of embryonic development in humans and animals.
    Paleontological - finds of the remains of ancient humanoid creatures.
    Biochemical - the similarity of the chemical composition of the intracellular environment of humans and animals.
    Genetic – similarity in the number of chromosomes in humans and apes.

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    Scientists about man

    Heraclitus - organisms develop according to the laws of nature.
    Aristotle - compared and studied the development of organs, introduced the concept of “organism”.
    Hippocrates - studied the influence of natural factors on human health.
    Claudius Galen - compared the structure of human and animal organs.
    Leonardo da Vinci - studied, described and sketched the structure of the human body.
    Andreas Vesalius - accurately described the internal organs of the human body and skeleton.
    William Harvey - discovered two circles of blood circulation.

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    Scientists about man

    Rene Descartes discovered the reflex.
    Sechenov I.M., Pavlov I.P. -developed the doctrine of reflex.
    Pirogov N.I. –Founder of military field surgery.
    Louis Pasteur - development of the science of immunity, developed a method of preventive vaccinations.
    Mechnikov I.I. is the founder of the phagocytic theory of immunity. Thanks to the development of immunology and surgical technology, organ transplant operations have become possible.

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    Methods for studying man

    Observation Measurement
    Experiment Statistics
    Ultrasound X-ray

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    Human Sciences

    Anatomy: studies the structure of the body, its organs, tissues, cells.
    Physiology is a science that studies the functions of the whole organism, individual organs and their systems.
    Psychology is a science that studies the general patterns of mental processes and the individual personal properties of a particular person.
    Hygiene is a science that studies the conditions for maintaining human health, the proper organization of his life, work and rest.

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    In human evolution, the most important role is played not only by biological factors, but also by social ones (speech, work activity and social behavior). Human characteristics determined by social factors are transmitted in the process of education and training. Subsequently, social patterns became important in human evolution. Since man is a biological and social being, this determines his special position.

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