How to open a shoe store? Instructions for starting a business. How to open a shoe store

A shoe store is a very profitable business, because people buy shoes all year round, be it fur-lined boots for the winter or light sandals for summer holiday. However, a beginner in this business may face obstacles that he is not even aware of. So how to open a shoe store and succeed in this business?

Studying the market

When you firmly decide to yourself that you want to open a shoe store, the second step for you will be to determine the format of your store: its size, target audience, trade format, type (sports, winter, men's, women's), class (elite, for the middle class or low) and so on. Regardless of which format you choose, you must evaluate the conditions for running a shoe business in your city, and this is exactly what market research is done for.

  • First, study in detail all the shoe stores in your city, namely their location, product range, price category and the number of buyers.
  • Highlight your strongest competitors.
  • From the information obtained, determine the most profitable areas in your city and note where your competitors are located nearby.
  • It is especially recommended to conduct a short survey of residents of profitable areas: where they prefer to buy shoes, how often and approximately at what price.
  • Select the market segment in which you are going to work: will your store be for customers with low income(constant sales), medium or high income (premium store). Evaluate the information you have collected for the selected segment.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the demand and competition in the footwear market, you can roughly estimate whether your business will generate income in such conditions. If your answer is “yes,” then you should determine the strategy and direction of business development. And to do this, you need to ask yourself how your shoe store will differ from other stores, that is, how you can attract customers.

Choosing a place

When choosing a location for your store, base it on the results of your market research. Most good option– rent of premises in mall. The advantages of such a rental: a constant flow of visitors and reduced costs for repairs and security. Disadvantages: high fees and difficulty in obtaining the lease itself, since usually shopping centers choose well-known brands as tenants, and negotiate a lease in the shopping center as early as possible, even at the stage of construction of the center.

If it is not possible to rent premises in a shopping center, then it is important to ensure that the premises you choose meet all the necessary requirements. sanitary standards and rules fire safety.

Also, you should not make the sales area small (less than 50 sq. m.), otherwise this will create inconvenience for customers when trying on shoes. The room should also have a small space for storage, where boxes of shoes will be hidden.

We resolve legal issues

To open any business, you first need to register with tax service as a subject of taxation, there will be your or. If you don't plan to work with legal entities and in the future to open a chain of stores, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough.

If you want to open a small enterprise (up to 100 employees), then you are subject to (STS) - 6% of income, or 15% of income minus expenses. Some experts, however, recommend (UTII). For retail trade, UTII is calculated depending on the area trading floor and the number of days of carrying out business activities in a month as a taxpayer. Both taxation systems are accepted on a voluntary basis, and you have the right to choose the most convenient one for your company or combine both.

From the documents, you will also need expert opinions from the SES and fire supervision to be able to conduct trade in a certain premises.

In addition, to trade some types of shoes, additional documents are required. Thus, certification is required for rubber and leather shoes (children's and special ones). For some other types, such as rubber (not counting children's), sports rubber, shoes with uppers made of artificial leather and so on, declarations of conformity are required.

We purchase equipment

The most important equipment Your store will have a cash register, which should be sealed and registered with the tax service. In addition to the cash register, you will need the following:

  • racks and podiums for shoes;
  • mirrors;
  • poufs, rugs, spoons for trying on;
  • display cases for other products (creams, brushes, accessories, etc.);
  • counter for cash register;
  • signboard.

We purchase products

Your product range will mainly depend on the results of your market research. As a rule, children's shoes are in greatest demand, followed by women's shoes. People buy men's shoes less often. In addition, your store may sell products such as bags, suitcases, shoe polishes and brushes, hosiery, and so on.

You can purchase products directly from shoe manufacturers. To do this, you need to establish an agreement with them business relationship. You can also buy shoes on the wholesale market and sell them in your store at retail prices, but this scheme will be less profitable.

We are recruiting employees

A medium-sized self-service shop with trading floor area of ​​about 50 sq. m. the following personnel will be required:

Accounting can be maintained by both the administrator and the business owner himself; or you can use the services of a third party.

We calculate costs and payback

Before opening shoe shop, you should calculate the initial costs and payback. Below are approximate calculations for a small store.

So, let's assume that you rent a separate premises with a sales area of ​​50 square meters. m., located not in a shopping center, but in a place with a constant flow of clients. The price segment is medium, the tax system is UTII.

The average revenue of a small shoe store can be about 1.5 million rubles. To calculate the cost, let’s take the average market markup for shoes of 90%. Hence the cost will be 1,052,000 rubles.

Based on the calculation that capital costs will be 4,200,000 rubles, and net profit– 235,000 rubles, the store will fully pay for itself in about 18 months.

As you may have noticed, the numbers have been averaged and rounded to give you a rough idea of ​​the costs and profitability of a shoe store. Thus, using this information, you can create a shoe store business plan that will help you in the step-by-step implementation of your idea.

This article will discuss what a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a shoe store will have to face.


Documents for the right to conduct activities

At the time of starting work, you must have the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the tax authority;
  • TIN certificate;
  • state registration certificate;
  • charter (for societies);
  • documents for the premises (ownership or lease agreement);
  • store assortment approved by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • opinion of fire safety experts;
  • conclusion of the SES confirming the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • waste removal agreement.

If you are going to rent premises in a shopping center, the administration has the right to require from you additional documents related to entrepreneurial activity.

Documents (certificates) for products

Do not forget that rubber (children's and special shoes) and leather (children's and special shoes) and leather (children's and special shoes) shoes are subject to mandatory certification, and declaration of conformity:

  • rubber (except for children);
  • sports (only rubber and rubber-textile);
  • felted (children's);
  • Yufteva (except for special and children's);
  • chrome (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of textile materials, felt or felt (except for special and children's);
  • with synthetic leather upper (casual, except army);
  • with an upper made of artificial leather (except for army and children's leather).

If your activity involves foreign trade activities (for example, you plan to purchase products from China), then you need to comply with the rules of interaction between counterparties within the customs union. The law on consumer protection should be a reference book for a novice entrepreneur. You should carefully study the rules for trading non-food products, in particular light industry products.

Studying the demand for shoes

If you are going to engage in trade, then you simply need to conduct your own marketing research to assess the demand for the product, select optimal location for store placement, as well as determining the main vectors of business development. This is the first thing you need to do, best of all on your own.

  • Look, where are the shoe stores located? in your city (or region, if you are going to work in a million-plus region), what is their range, price level, how many buyers are there?
  • Compose map of the most traveled places, pay attention to whether your competitors are in this territory.
  • Conduct a short survey residents of the area, find out where they buy shoes, how often, and how much they are willing to spend on the purchase.

Of course, after a preliminary assessment of all shoe outlets in the city (district), leave in your list only those that correspond to the selected segment. These could be stores:

  • constant sales aimed at people with lower average incomes;
  • mid-price segment;
  • premium.

Study them thoroughly to answer the most important question: can your business survive in such conditions (is there demand for the product, growth prospects, is there a lot of competition)? If the answer is yes, you can move on. Try to calculate market capacity using this method.

Selecting a location

Select a location for the store based on the results of the study marketing research. It is clear that it is better to locate where there are many people; as a last resort, consider remote but actively developing areas. The easiest option is to rent space in a shopping center. True, it is not always easy to “break into” them, especially for small private companies. Shopping centers prefer to work with well-known brands, and the list of tenants, as a rule, is formed at the development stage.

shoe store in a shopping center

Benefits of renting in a shopping center:

  • a constant flow of visitors, which is supported by the shopping center itself (you will have to attract customers yourself to a single store);
  • minimum costs for repairs (you don’t have to break down walls, install communications, or decorate the entrance area);
  • absence of certain categories of expenses (for example, you can do without a security guard).

There are two disadvantages here - high rent and the need to follow the shopping center regulations (for example, work from opening to closing). But if you have the opportunity to be located in a shopping center, take it.

Special requirements There is no need for a store premises, the main thing is that it complies with fire safety and sanitary standards. The area may vary, but it is not necessary to allocate less than 45-50 sq. m. for a sales area. m, otherwise it will be problematic to organize a fitting. A little less is needed for storage and utility rooms.

Necessary equipment for a shoe store

In your warehouse, you will need shelving to place your goods. Purchase for the sales area:

  • podiums for displaying shoes;
  • hanging shelves(installed on the wall);
  • showcases for placing accompanying goods (accessories, shoe care products, hosiery products);
  • trading systems;
  • mirrors (in sufficient quantities);
  • places for fitting (poufs, rugs, spoons).

Since retail trade involves accepting cash from customers, when working under the OSNO and the simplified tax system, there must be a cash register (sealed and registered with the tax authority).


For trade on 50 sq. m. 2-4 sellers (depending on turnover), 2 cashiers, a merchandiser (part-time purchasing specialist, administrator, senior cashier and, if possible, an accountant) are enough. These people will ensure the continuous operation of the store. To maintain order, you will need a cleaning lady, and the entrepreneur himself can take charge of communicating with the tax office. Other positions, such as security guard-controller, are optional.

Working with customers

You need to work with customers in two main areas: inside the store and outside it. In the first case it is proper placement products in the hall, consulting, organizing fittings, direct sales. The second is to attract clients.

The most attractive pairs that may interest buyers should be placed to the right of the entrance, because... Most people on the sales floor move clockwise. For the same reason, it is advisable to place the door to the store (boutique) on the left. To the fore, identify only current shoes according to the latest fashion trends and seasonality. The height of the racks should not greatly exceed the height of the average person, so that without outside help it was possible to reach any model.

Products should not be placed chaotically on the sales floor; group them according to different criteria (age, gender, size, season). Provide customers with mandatory fitting areas.

Where to buy products

It is difficult to give any advice regarding the choice of suppliers, because there are a huge number of options, among the priorities: cooperation directly with factories and importing products from abroad. However, you can purchase goods on the market, but this is not always justified.

Organization of shoe trade

Do not rush to purchase products, even if you have formed an assortment. Here you need to act extremely carefully, especially for a young enterprise. The fact is that shoes are a seasonal product. Few people buy fur-lined boots in the summer and sandals in the winter.

By the way, it is useful to know that while a man wears one pair of shoes, a woman manages to buy two, and a child gets all four. This is, of course, approximately. But among all the boots, the most popular ones will be children's ones - they always use 2 pairs per season. When you open a point selling shoes for adults, you willy-nilly begin to depend on fashion trends. The only exception is commission trading. The ability to quickly respond to changing consumer preferences is the main quality of any successful store.

You shouldn’t fill your warehouse to capacity; as you sell products, buy more, but in small quantities. Remember, shoes have a 1-month warranty, which starts from the start of the season. For Moscow, for example, the following seasonality limits have been established:

  • winter shoes- from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1.

According to the law on consumer protection, the buyer, for any reason, within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, has the right to return shoes that have not been worn to the store. In this case, the goods must be exchanged in accordance with the client's wishes (size, color, etc.) with an additional payment, if required. However, this does not mean that the seller is obliged to give money. But if the store cannot offer the product in accordance with the wishes of the buyer, then yes, the shoes must be accepted, and the money spent must be returned.

To summarize, I want to note that these are the main, but not all the subtleties associated with retail trade th shoes that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to know. A lot of questions may arise at the stage of organizing document flow, forming an assortment, searching for suppliers, and purchasing products.

  • Store location
  • Price policy
  • Suppliers
  • Conclusion
  • What equipment to choose for the store
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system to choose for a shoe store
  • Do you need permits to open a shoe store?
  • Shoe sales technology
        • Similar business ideas:

The shoe business will always exist - there is no doubt about it. A person cannot do without shoes and clothes, unless of course he is an “African resident”. Every person is forced to update their shoes at least 1-2 times a year. Those who pursue fashion traditions do this much more often. The demand for shoes, like food products, remains unchanged from season to season. Even in conditions of fierce competition, a shoe store can bring significant income to its owner.

How much money do you need to open a shoe store?

If you want to create a competitive shoe store, you need to be prepared to invest a considerable amount of money into the business. We are talking about 1.0 - 1.5 million rubles just for creating the assortment and design of the outlet. The “golden years” of the 90s, when the business grew from selling 20 pairs of shoes, are long gone.

As in any business, there are certain risks: poor location, lack of buyers, error in selecting the store’s assortment, high competition, opening outside the sales season, and so on. All this hits a novice entrepreneur very hard and discourages any desire to do business.

You can reduce the risk of losing funds at the start of a project by purchasing a franchise. Fortunately, today there are plenty of companies offering to work under their brand. The advantage of working under a franchise is obvious. The entrepreneur does not need to think about the design of the outlet, assortment, equipment, or train staff - the franchise company does everything for him. A businessman buys a business that is already ready and established in practice, generating income for its owner.

The downside of such cooperation is the lack of complete business freedom, which many entrepreneurs pursue. Any deviation from the franchisor's rules may result in deprivation of rights to the franchise.

However, if you decide to master the difficult path of the “shoe business” on your own, you need to start by drawing up a clear plan of action - from searching for investments to choosing suppliers of goods.

Store location

Having decided on the sources of financing for the project, you need to select the premises of the shoe store. And here many newcomers may have difficulty assessing the potential of a particular place. A successful retail outlet must have sufficient customer traffic. Assessing customer flow is an important stage in business planning.

In this regard, large shopping centers or street retail with high traffic are considered the most profitable places. The external environment of the store is also important, which includes ease of approach and access for vehicles, and the availability of parking spaces.

It’s difficult for budding businessmen to get into the city’s popular shopping centers - the rental price in such places is usually “prohibitively” high. Only chain stores and famous brands. And even if you manage to get a “golden” place, the policy of the property owners is such that at any moment the rental rate can be increased significantly. New shopping centers are also a risky option - there is a chance of getting a low customer flow.

For small shoe stores good option is the rental of the first floors multi-storey buildings. There are plenty of such places in the residential areas of the city. And although the attendance here is not the same as in the city center, the rent is much lower. Ideally, the premises for a store should be purchased as a property so as not to depend on the owner’s appetite. In this case, the residential premises must be converted into non-residential premises, in accordance with the type of permitted use.

It would be good if next to your store there is a grocery store, pharmacy, clothing store or bus stop. There is a great chance to lure visitors to these establishments into your outlet. Best advertisement in this case, it is an attractive showcase. It contains the most popular items of goods, for example women's boots at discounted prices.

Retail space and assortment

The assortment of a shoe store directly depends on the area of ​​the premises. Each quadrature has its own assortment matrix. When displayed, products are grouped into product groups: men's, women's shoes, children's shoes, bags and related products. Then within each group there is a division according to season, age and style.

The display cases located at the entrance to the store should be filled with the most popular products. These include women's shoe models for the current season. The main goal in this case is to make the client stay in your store and purchase the product he needs.

Experts do not recommend filling most of the shelf space with assorted goods. Since the main buyers of the shoe store are women, best places it is necessary to give to popular women's goods - boots, shoes, and so on. All other products, including men's shoes, must be placed away from the entrance.

It is also important to create a pleasant shopping atmosphere. The visitor should enjoy the process of choosing a product. Availability large number fitting rooms are a big plus for a shoe store. A comfortable atmosphere is created by installing soft sofas, rugs in the fitting area and musical accompaniment.

Price policy

When opening a shoe store, you should decide on the price segment. Who will be your main buyer, what is their income? The most popular stores in peripheral cities are economy format stores, which are aimed at “average” and “lower average” income levels. The choice of shoe suppliers depends on what price group you work in.

It wouldn’t hurt to hold all sorts of promotions, competitions with gift certificates and other loyalty programs. You can create club discount cards using a cumulative system - 5%, 7% and 10% depending on the number of purchases. This will increase the influx of regular customers and your profits accordingly.


It is not unimportant when opening a shoe store to choose suppliers of products.

As you know, most of the shoes on our market - about 50% - come from China. Chinese suppliers do not always offer high-quality products, but they captivate with their low prices. Among the well-known domestic factories, one can highlight the Chelyabinsk company Unichel and the Moscow factory Paris Commune. Footwear production is well developed in the Rostov region.

If you order shoes Russian manufacturers, then there should be no problems with delivery times. What can't be said about working with foreign companies, when delays can amount to weeks and even months. This can create some problems when preparing for the shoe store sales season. In this part it is necessary to optimize work with transport companies and calculate the entire logistics chain in advance.


The shoe business can generate stable income and develop only through constant optimization of costs and purchasing prices. It is also necessary to learn to increase sales volume - without it, no savings will help. Your store should focus on increasing sales volumes combined with increasing business efficiency. In this case, success will be in your hands.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a shoe store

If you decide to open a shoe store, the first step is to study consumer demand and competitive environment in this business and, based on this, determine the format of the future store. And then proceed to the next steps:

  1. Choose a favorable location for the store and the appropriate premises.
  2. Equip retail space.
  3. Purchase goods according to the assortment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Organize advertising of the store and product.

How much can you earn selling shoes?

The revenue of a small shoe store operating on average price segment, will amount to about one and a half million rubles (if the markup on the goods is on average 90%). Minus current expenses and net profit will approximately be about 250 thousand rubles. Business profitability is within 15-16%.

Having decided to open a shoe store from scratch, a future entrepreneur faces many questions. What assortment to choose and where to look for suppliers? What documents to collect and how to attract buyers in such a competitive niche?

This article describes everything important points, which will help you open a profitable shoe store: from market analysis and target audience to differentiation from competitors.

Market and target audience analysis

Market capacity and dynamics: is the game worth the candle?

At the very beginning, you need to evaluate the feasibility of opening a shoe store. To do this you will have to go through 4 stages:

  1. Calculate the potential market capacity and determine its dynamics.
  2. Assess the level of demand for shoes.
  3. Analyze competitors and identify the strongest players.
  4. Study external and internal factors that can influence the shoe business.

You don’t need to dive deep into the market to find out its real capacity. This is impossible to do, because competitors and strong players do not advertise sales statistics. Therefore, you need to calculate the potential capacity - this is enough to assess the feasibility of business in a particular region.

To study market dynamics, you need data for the last 4-5 years. Growth will mean positive dynamics, decrease - negative.

For and dynamics can be used open information Rosstat and marketing research.

Demand and target audience: who buys what

For analysis target audience you need to answer 4 questions:

  • Who is your potential buyer? (gender, age, income, level of education, Family status and other indicators).
  • Why will the target audience buy from you? (what needs can it satisfy with the product).
  • How does a buyer choose shoes? (what pays attention to what is the priority - price or quality, etc.).
  • What is the size of the target audience? (who is the potential buyer: men, women, children or the whole family).

That is, you need to create a clear portrait of the target audience.

To study demand, it is enough to observe the assortment of competitors and understand what they buy most often. You can pay attention to what kind of shoes city residents, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues wear.

Choosing a shoe store concept: who we sell for

At this stage you need to decide on the concept. That is, how the store will be positioned. There are several options.

  • Children's shoe store. One of the most profitable directions on the market, since children's shoes are purchased more often than adult ones. This is caused by the constant growth of children and, accordingly, an increase in shoe size.
  • Women's shoe store. This is also a profitable option, since women buy at least 2-4 pairs of shoes per year at the beginning of each season.
  • Men's shoe store. Men do not like to wear shoes as much as the two categories of buyers above. Therefore, it is not worth betting on this format.
  • Shoe store for the whole family. Most best option business that will allow you to achieve a decent profit. Because it is able to satisfy the needs of 3 categories of target audience at once due to its assortment.

The assortment of a shoe store should be distributed as follows: 60% women's, 20% children's and 15% men's shoes. The remaining 5% are non-seasonal models.

Defining the assortment: what we sell

When choosing an assortment, you need to remember that shoes are a seasonal product. Therefore, you shouldn’t immediately fill the warehouse to capacity.

You need to choose something that will be in demand, and not something that suppliers sell at a low price. You also cannot rely on your own taste and preferences.

The main rule at this stage is that the assortment is formed by the buyer.

To properly formulate an assortment, you need to adhere to five simple requirements.

  1. You need to choose those shoes and models that are in demand among buyers.
  2. Always follow fashion trends before the new season.
  3. For a product that is not in demand among the target audience, the price should be reduced.
  4. The assortment should include models of different sizes.
  5. Women's shoes should have high, medium, low heels and solid soles.

This way you can create an optimal assortment for every taste of your target audience.

Collection of documents and registration of shoe business

To open a shoe store from scratch, you will need the following documents:

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur (one store) or LLC (chain of stores).
  • TIN certificate.
  • Charter (only for LLC).
  • A rental agreement for premises or a certificate confirming ownership.
  • Permits from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES for the operation of the premises.
  • Assortment approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Certificates for goods subject to mandatory certification.

That is, before opening a store you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Register with tax office, having previously selected the appropriate one. Pass the inspection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. And also to approve the assortment in Rospotrebnadzor.

OKVED for a shoe store:
47.72 - in the retail trade of shoes and leather goods (for example, women's bags).
47.72.1 - in the retail trade of footwear only.

Shoe store taxation systems:
UTII is a fixed tax, depending on the area of ​​the store and other factors.
STS 15% - from net profit.
STS 6% - from income.

Choosing a room and its location

Premises requirements

With a modest range and limited budget, it is worth considering options for premises with an area of ​​up to 50-60 m2.

To save money, you need to choose retail space that does not require overhaul. This will reduce start-up costs.

The location for the store should be chosen in places with good traffic of the target audience. For example, you should not open a luxury shoe store in a residential area or near a university and student dormitories. The same is with cheap goods - it is undesirable to open such stores in business districts near business centers.

Requirements for the store location

It is not advisable to open a store next to a similar retail facility. Because you will have to constantly think about how to lure buyers away from competitors, and this means serious investments in marketing and an unreasonable reduction in prices for goods - dumping.

The store must be located in right place, based on its pricing policy. As noted above, there is no need to sell expensive shoes on the outskirts of the city and cheap ones near business centers.

Good traffic in a particular location does not guarantee a constant flow of customers. This also needs to be taken into account.

Clothing markets are also a bad option. Prices in a shoe store will be higher than those of sellers nearby. Even for an identical product.

The best option is to locate the store near bus stops. public transport, pharmacies, grocery stores, entertainment centers (or even inside them). And it doesn't have to be the city center.

Equipment and furniture for the trading floor


Since the store’s operation involves accepting payments in cash and by card, the availability cash register is a mandatory requirement.

For quick work of sellers, it is advisable to install on workplace a computer or laptop so that you can quickly see from the inventory whether the buyer needs the shoes of his size. It will be much better than a 15 minute salesman looking for goods in stock. The modern buyer always evaluates the quality and speed of service.

For poorly heated and ventilated rooms, it is imperative to install an air conditioner. This will ensure a comfortable stay for customers in the store and sellers at their workplaces.


For furniture you will need:

  • Showcases for displaying product samples.
  • Shelves or cabinets for storing boxes of shoes.
  • Upholstered furniture for trying on shoes - low sofas or poufs.
  • Mirrors - full length or for installation on the floor.
  • Tables, chairs, cabinets and cabinets for sellers.

The owner has the right to choose the furniture that the store will need. But when choosing, you must remember the comfort of not only customers, but also staff.

Organization of the hall and competent trade

Sales, interest and loyalty of the target audience depend on how the retail space is designed correctly. Therefore, you need to approach this task by thinking through every moment in detail.

Organization of the sales area

For example, the most expensive or popular product should be placed on the left side of the entrance. Because buyers almost always go clockwise. And if they first see expensive shoes, then the prices will seem more pleasant and profitable to them.

Or vice versa - put expensive shoes on the right side. Then buyers will be sure that the product they saw earlier is more affordable.

Also, do not place the goods close to each other. Let the buyer have the opportunity to look at it from all sides and take it in his hand without throwing his shoes next to him on the floor.

All shoes in the hall should be grouped, with each group located in a specific place in the hall. We are talking about women's, men's, children's, seasonal and non-seasonal shoes.

If you don’t want to delve into the psychology of influence, then just walk through your competitors’ stores and look at their organization of the sales floor and the placement of goods.

Working with customers

Organizing trade involves working with customers inside the store.

All conditions must be created for the buyer so that he can look at the shoes, try them on, and receive competent advice from the seller. At the same time, there should be no intrusive consultants on the sales floor who pounce on a person at the entrance with the question “Can I tell you something?”

Buyers are annoyed by salespeople who are insecure, nervous, rude, or talk non-stop. Therefore, the staff must first of all be able to listen to the client and only then competently advise.

Store promotion and marketing

To promote a shoe store, you can use both classic advertising methods and resort to integrated marketing.

There may be several promotion options.


  • Leaflets, booklets and business cards. Leaflets can be distributed to potential customers at the store, booklets can be distributed throughout mailboxes in nearby areas, and leave business cards in cafes and stores that are not direct competitors.
  • Advertisements in newspapers and magazines. It is worth publishing advertisements in local print media to attract the attention of only the target audience.
  • Advertising on radio and television. The most expensive offline advertising method, but with a good response.

In the Internet

  • Website. It is advisable to launch the official website immediately on the opening day of the store. It should contain a product catalog, information about promotions, contact information and a form for subscribing to store news.
  • Social media. In addition to the website, the store must be presented to its audience on social networks. Attention should be paid to VKontakte and Instagram - this is where the bulk of the solvent audience from Russia and the CIS is concentrated.
  • Online advertising. You can advertise your store in search engines Yandex and Google using or targeting on social networks. The first option is more expensive, the second is beneficial for a novice entrepreneur.

In the shoe business it is high in any city. Therefore, in order to differentiate yourself from competitors, you need to clearly think through how to attract and retain customers.

Here are a few important advice that will make competitors nervous.

  1. Stick to reasonable prices for goods and constantly hold promotions and sales on seasonal and mid-season shoes.
  2. Every client, regardless of gender, age, social status, must be served to the highest standard. Polite, calm and competent sales consultants should communicate with them.
  3. Offer discount cards with attractive discounts for regular customers.
  4. Always respond quickly to changes in customer preferences and replenish the assortment with products that interest them.
  5. Sellers should not lie to customers in order to “sell” the product. They are required to honestly answer customer questions about the shoes they are interested in.
  6. Work with several supplying factories to eliminate delivery disruptions and failure to meet deadlines.

In addition to shoes, offer shoe care products, laces and socks. This will increase sales by 5-10%.

Mistakes that cause shoe stores to fail

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. But it’s worth learning from other people’s mistakes.

There are 6 mistakes you need to know about before opening a shoe store from scratch.

Error 1. The location of the store is selected without preliminary analysis of the area and nearby shopping and entertainment facilities. The premises are rented without taking into account its location only because of the low rent.

Error 2. Rented to save money small room, which further harms the comfort of customers and their loyalty to the store.

Error 3. The flow of people passing by does not correspond to the concept of the store. For example, it is located in a residential area where average citizens live and offers luxury, expensive shoes. The opposite effect and from cheap shoes in expensive areas.

Error 4. Lack of shop windows and proper design of retail space.

Error 5. The store is located in a hard-to-reach place in the shopping center, and it is difficult to notice - customers will find it by accident.

Error 6. The store opening time is incorrect. For example, in the middle of the season, after the peak of purchasing activity for shoes has subsided.

By avoiding these 6 mistakes and using the recommendations from this article, you can open a profitable shoe store from scratch in any city and not go broke.

We offer you a detailed guide on how to open a shoe store from scratch. Useful tips, ready-made calculations and tables in the article.

♦ Capital investments – 450,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 6 months

Reading history books, many are horrified at how it was possible to live in those days when you had to wear boots or shoes to holes, and only then buy another pair.

Why go far: our grandmothers, and some even mothers, remember the Soviet era, when it was impossible to buy beautiful shoes, everything was somehow the same and eerie.

Today, the abundance of shoe boutiques is pleasing to the eye.

It is not for nothing that entrepreneurs often think about how to open a shoe store, because this startup can be turned into a profitable business.

Shoes are a hot commodity, no one walks barefoot these days, and every fashionista has a couple of dozen different types of shoes in her closet.

Conclusion - people will buy shoes regardless of the economic situation, which means you can open a shoe store from scratch.

All you need is to collect start-up capital, carry out specific calculations, think through all the nuances and avoid the main mistakes of novice businessmen.

Features of opening a shoe store

Don't start new business without understanding all its nuances.

In this way, you can avoid the main mistakes of entrepreneurs who have suffered financial failure.

Owning a shoe store has its own characteristics:

  1. According to statistics, it is women who most often visit shoe stores, even if they purchase shoes not for themselves personally, but for their husband or child, so in no case should we forget about the aesthetic design of the interior of a shoe store or display windows.
  2. Think through the concept of your shoe boutique from start to finish and stick to it in everything: choosing a place to sell, assortment of goods, pricing policy, etc.
    For example, if you dream of becoming the owner of a shop where expensive Italian shoes will be sold, then you should not rent a tent at the market.
    Despite the high traffic of people in this place, you will not find customers for your product.
  3. It is very important to create the right product range, taking into account the latest statistical data on consumer demand:
    60% – women’s shoes, according to the season,
    20% – children’s,
    15% – male,
    5% – out-of-season shoes.
  4. Design your store windows correctly.
    Post the most interesting samples on shop windows that are visible from the street, this will encourage buyers to come to your boutique.
    Many shoe store owners expand their product range with bags, hosiery, and belts.
    This makes sense, but remember that the star of your store is the shoes, so they need to be given the main place in the windows.
  5. Don't overprice.
    Remember that it is better to increase turnover due to a large number of pairs of shoes sold, and not due to a high markup on one pair.
    Reasonable prices will attract more customers to you.
  6. To sell shoes, you need to have quality certificates for different groups of goods and provide a guarantee to buyers.
    If the shoes do not pass the test in guarantee period, then you are obliged to refund its cost to the client or give him another pair.

Disadvantages of Opening a Shoe Store

Shoe store owners can't always turn a startup into a profitable business.

Quite often they have to close their shop because they failed to make it profitable.

Indeed, this business has its drawbacks:

  • opening a store from scratch is quite difficult to do popular place for shopping by residents of your city;
  • high level of competition in this sector - take a closer look and you will see how many shoe stores are located in shopping centers, markets and other places;
  • the profit from the sale of shoes is not always enough to cover the life of the entrepreneur himself, and to maintain the business and to purchase a new batch of goods;
  • it is difficult to calculate which particular product will be in demand among buyers, so often the utility room is filled with leftover shoes, which have to be sold much cheaper, just to get back the money spent on the purchase;
  • difficulty in choosing a concept: what kind of shoe store to open so that it makes a profit: women's, men's, children's, combined.

Competitive advantages and advertising of a shoe store

No formation competitive advantages and carrying out a successful advertising campaign, a business related to trade is impossible, the same applies to owning a shoe store.

You should think about both before you decide to open a boutique.

Competitive advantages

The level of competition in the shoe sales industry is incredibly high. There are so many shoe stores that it is difficult to attract customers to your own.

But if you don't, you will experience financial ruin.

The competitive advantages of a shoe boutique can be formed as follows:

  1. Maintaining a reasonable pricing policy.
    The price of the product you sell must correspond to the quality and financial condition your regular customers.
  2. Serving all clients without exception at the highest level.
    Your salespeople must be extremely polite to customers and answer their questions competently.
  3. Giving out regular customers discount cards, encouraging them to visit your store.
  4. Being honest with clients.
    There is no need to tell you that Chinese sandals for 800 rubles will be worn for ten years.
    It’s better to say honestly that the shelf life of such shoes is short and if the client is interested in wearing sandals for a long time, then it’s better for him to take a closer look at higher quality, but expensive samples.
  5. By locating your store in a place with the highest foot traffic, which will increase the number of random customers.
  6. We regularly hold various promotions and shoe sales - all customers love it.
  7. Constantly expanding the range of products in accordance with the tastes of our customers.

Advertising for a shoe store

Interesting fact:
Mongolian men were among the first to wear high heels to prevent their feet from slipping out of the stirrups while riding.

The turnover of goods and capital in such a shoe center will be large-scale, so the advertising campaign will pay for itself.

If you are opening a very modest shoe boutique with one sales area of ​​20–30 square meters, then the following steps will be sufficient:

  • order a bright sign that will immediately catch the eye;
  • print business cards to hand out to new clients;
  • register on the city forum and on social networks under the guise of a satisfied customer who has already made a purchase;
  • print small advertising leaflets and distribute them in some public place near your outlet.

Schedule plan for opening a shoe store

How quickly you can launch a startup depends on the scale of your plans.

If you open a huge market, it will take about six months to receive your first visitor.

If you decide to open a small shoe store in a shopping center, then in 3–4 months you can start working.

Registration and obtaining necessary permits
Rent of premises and repairs therein (if necessary)
Purchase of equipment and furniture
Purchase of the first batch of goods

How to open a shoe store: the beginning

Opening a shoe store from scratch consists of several mandatory steps that you should follow: registering a business, choosing an area and premises for trading, recruiting staff, purchasing the first batch of goods, etc.

Start with registration, while simultaneously searching for suitable premises.


In order to open a shoe store, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, although if you wish, you can draw up all the paperwork as an LLC.

Then you register with the tax service and choose a form of taxation, for example, a single tax on temporary income.

If you are going to open a shoe store in a separate room that you own, then get ready for long trips to the offices of the fire service and the SES.

This is why opening a shoe store in a shopping center looks so attractive.

The owner of the building takes on all the difficulties.


It is very important not only to find a suitable retail space, but to locate your shoe store in the right place with high traffic.

It is not so important whether you open your market in the center or in a densely populated residential area.

The main thing is that the range and price policy your product corresponds to the standard of living and tastes of the people living in the area.

If you are opening a store from scratch and doubt whether it is worth doing it in a particular location, then it would not be a bad idea to conduct a small survey.

Interview as many residents of the area in which you are going to open your shoe store as possible about:

  • what shoes they would like to see;
  • at what price;
  • how often do they buy shoes;
  • what should and should not be in your shoe store, etc.

Analyze the answers.

If people living in this area only buy Chinese consumer goods at a price of 800 rubles per pair, and you want to open a designer shoe store, then you should look for another place for your store, somewhere closer to the center.


If you don't have a big one starting capital, then for starters, a room of 35–50 square meters will be enough for you.

The most suitable premises for opening a shoe store:

  • trade stall at the market;
  • pavilion in a shopping and entertainment center;
  • a small room with a separate entrance on the ground floor of a multi-storey building.

It is advisable to choose a room that does not require major repairs or remodeling, which will help you reduce costs.

The ideal option is to rent a space that once housed a shoe store.

You should not open a shoe store next to a shop selling the same range of goods. You will have to fight for each client, which will negatively affect your profits.

But the proximity to grocery stores, pharmacies, boutiques and bus stops will be a blessing.

What else is needed to open a shoe store?

If you have already completed the registration procedure and rented suitable premises, then you should move on to at least important stages opening a shoe store: equipment, hiring staff, purchasing the first batch of goods.

We will explain how much all this costs and exactly how to proceed, using a specific example.

Let's say that you decide to rent a pavilion with an area of ​​40 square meters. meters in one of the shopping and entertainment centers in your city (not the capital).

The product range includes women's and children's shoes made in Russia, Poland and China, as well as expanding the product range to include belts and bags.

Pricing policy is average.

Equipment for opening a shoe store

One of the reasons that encourages businessmen to open a shoe store is that they do not need to purchase expensive equipment to set it up.

There are enough display cases and hanging cabinets located around the perimeter of the sales area, a rack for storing goods in utility room, plastic or glass display cases for windows so that the product can be seen from the street, poufs for clients, mirrors and a table with a chair for staff.

You will also need a cash register.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:100,000 rub.
40 000
10 000
Hanging cabinets for accessories
8 000
5 000
Poufs for clients
4 000
Staff table and chair
7 000
Cash machine
8 000
Other18 000

Shoe store staff

Before scheduling interviews with potential employees, decide exactly how your store will operate.

For example, if a shoe store's operating hours are 10:00–20:00, seven days a week, it is better to hire two salespeople to work in shifts.

To encourage them to make more sales, you should assign them a minimum fixed rate + a percentage of sales.

For example, assign sellers 5,000 rubles per month + 5% from each pair sold.

When it comes to cleaning your shoe store, you can hire a cleaner to clean the store every morning, or you can arrange for sales staff to clean the store before each shift for a fee.

If you decide to hire a cleaner, then your monthly expenses will increase by another 6,000–8,000 rubles.

Shoe store assortment

It is very important to bring into your shoe store the goods that will be in demand among consumers.

Very often, businessmen take those shoes that suppliers sell cheaper in the hope of earning more, or even rely only on their own taste.

This is wrong, because it is the client who should formulate the assortment of your boutique.

Here are some tips for creating a shoe store assortment:

  1. Look closely at what is in demand among customers.
  2. Follow fashion trends to be the first in town to bring sandals or shoes that will be worn this season.
  3. Don't be afraid to reduce the price of shoes that are not in demand among customers.
    This will help to constantly expand the range.
  4. Bring for sale not only high-heeled dress shoes, but also more comfortable models so as not to reduce the number of clients.
  5. Don't forget that not all women wear shoes size 37-39.
    There are those who need a size 35, as well as those who are even less fortunate and have a foot size of 42.

We invite you to watch the video

from an interview with the owner of a chain of shoe stores,

in which he shares his knowledge and experience.

Cost table for opening a shoe store

If you open a shoe store, how quickly will it pay for itself?

This is a very difficult question that cannot be answered unequivocally.

The success of your business depends on many things, the most important thing being the intensity of your turnover. The more pairs of shoes you sell, the more you earn.

Download a ready-made business plan for a shoe store with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Let’s say that by selling the entire first batch of goods purchased for 300 thousand rubles, you managed to earn 800,000 rubles. You sold this product in 3 months.

From this amount should be subtracted:

That is, you are left with 600,000 rubles.

You take 300,000 rubles from this amount to purchase the next batch of shoes, and 300,000 rubles is your profit.

If you manage to make your shoe boutique popular in the city, you will recoup your capital investment within six months.

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