What fairy-tale hero are you according to your horoscope? Fairytale horoscope

Even when childhood is far behind us, each of us, to one degree or another, continues to believe in fairy tales. Today our fairy-tale horoscope, albeit for a very short time, will still take you into the world of a fairy tale.

So, who are you according to your fairytale zodiac sign? Baba Yaga, Mermaid, or maybe Kikimora? Let's find out.

In each representative of this sign lives a real Serpent Gorynych. The character is hot in every sense of the word. One wrong step in his direction is enough, and you will no longer be saved from his fire-breathing maw.

Despite the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads, he often thinks of none. That's why he often does stupid things, especially when he's angry. If he suddenly thinks that a person is wrong in something, he will definitely announce it to the whole world.

Zmey Gorynych always speaks straightforwardly and sharply what he thinks about. But the three-headed one has good qualities. Such a person always thinks globally, he is courageous and decisive. The most important thing is to direct his huge supply of energy in the right direction.

Advice to the Gorynych Snakes: you don’t need to be led by your emotions. Take a deep breath, calm down, and only then think about giving the offender an answer.

Everyone knows that if there is a Brownie in the house, then there is happiness in the family. All the flowers are watered, the house is clean and comfortable, and the household is well-fed. But all this happens only when you don’t contradict Domovoy, because he is an incredibly powerful evil spirit.

The brownie is a stubborn, jealous creature who loves to argue. He has such a character that when he begins to defend his point of view, in addition to assertiveness, he may also become rude.

Advice to Brownies: if there is another Brownie in your family, then it is better to decide on the shore who will be the master of the house.

Comic horoscope by signs

The goblin is sure that no one knows anything about life except him. In addition to such confidence, he also has a large supply of energy and talkativeness. He knows how to prove to someone for several hours in a row that he is wrong, and, interestingly, he will never repeat himself.

The goblin is very eloquent, and at the same time he knows how to confuse his tracks so much that later he himself does not understand how he ended up in such a situation.

Advice to Leshim: you are all very good manipulators and intriguers, so you will make an excellent critic or talented politician.

Kikimora is an affectionate, sensitive, emotional and rather sentimental evil spirit. However, with all this, it is quite difficult to communicate with her, because, as a rule, she herself does not know what she needs. She lives her entire life in contradictions. Either she wants to be a free swamp creature, or she suddenly wants to be a homely and caring Kikimora.

So she, poor thing, lives, running from one bank to the other. Kikimora – great friend. She will listen to you carefully, sing you a lullaby and cover you with leaves under the marsh bushes. And also good advice will give. In general, Kikimora is a gift of fate, especially if she is a good psychologist.

Advice to Kikimoras: it is better not to build relationships with Leshy and Vodyany, since in the vast majority of cases they turn out unsuccessfully.

Funny horoscope

This representative of the cat family knows how to lull and charm anyone. Even the one who had no intention of going to bed at all. The cat is endowed with a very special magnetism. Despite the fact that the cat is stubborn, selfish and quite narcissistic, people still admire his virtues and talents.

He, in turn, sweetly allows others to do this, because he has incredible self-confidence and crazy charisma. The cat can sing songs out of tune or blatantly distort stories, but he will do this with such incredible self-esteem that no one will even think of reprimanding him.

His tone is uncompromising, so he can easily convince you that you are wrong, especially if you are right.

Advice to cats: try to use your oratorical abilities to the point and exclusively for good purposes.

At one time, Baba Yaga was Helen the Beautiful, however life experience made her become cynical, pragmatic and very secretive. Now Granny constantly sits in her hut, drying fly agaric mushrooms for unexpected guests and brewing a potion. Until the guests pass all the difficult tests, she will not even think of showing the way to Koshchei. And the tasks are incredibly difficult!

You can even try to deceive Yaga, it is useless. She herself is a master at tricking anyone around her finger. Moreover, grandma has a natural instinct for deception. Every speck and speck of dust lies in its place, and flies and mosquitoes move around the room along a strictly defined trajectory.

Advice to the Yags: you are very demanding, both of yourself and of others. However, sometimes it’s worth forgetting about everything and just rising into the sky on a stupa.

Humorous horoscope

The mysterious Mara often sits idle, but not because she is lazy. She wanders aimlessly through the empty corridors of the old castle, suffering and making those around her suffer. What's the matter? She is simply unable to make any firm decisions.

Before doing anything, she needs to weigh the pros and cons for a very long time and carefully. This just takes a ton of time!

Among other things, Mara really likes to talk with everyone around her about the topic of life and death. She easily makes a huge elephant out of any fly. If this evil spirit is present in your environment, then get ready to listen to its whining for hours.

Advice to Maram: if your loved ones do not help you decide to take some action, then you will spend your whole life in sadness and thoughts.

The mermaid prefers to swim in the pool of her emotions, and she swims out quite rarely. This is a very nervous, complex and mysterious nature, which is often thrown from one extreme to another. This lady may well fall head over heels in love with a sailor whom she saw once in her life. She can give the sea witch her vote for him, and then use her tail to kill him.

And all because she was in a bad mood. Not that one lunar phase. The internal struggle between base desires and high ideals does not stop there. Definitely, Freud would have turned around!

At first glance, these are very selfish creatures, but at heart they are kind and sympathetic.

Advice for Mermaids: try not to swim too deep into your emotional pool. If you are being dragged to the bottom, then it’s time to suppress your pity.

Comic horoscope

This creature is a real big baby. It is very energetic, cheerful and contains an inexhaustible supply of optimism. Dashingly, he will get burned hundreds of times, but he will still not give up his faith in people. So Dashing goes through life, with a lot of wounds and a constant smile under one eye.

Dashing is quite a romantic person. The creature believes in eternal love at first sight. This is an idealist and a very dreamy specimen.

Advice: everything leads to the fact that you will spend your whole life searching ideal partner, but you just need to take a closer look at the one who really loves you.

This evil spirit is a born leader with powerful authority. Even his enemies respect Koschei, but this is not surprising, since he has a steely character and a strong will.

Often Koschey tries to hide his cruelty by putting on a mask of care and tenderness, but under certain circumstances he becomes a real tyrant.

Koscheyushka is a mature and integral person; he always knows exactly who and what he wants. It’s not for nothing that he has such a nickname, because neither fire, nor water, nor copper pipes. For this reason, he endures all life's troubles and disasters with his head held high.

Advice to Koshchei: no one knows how to achieve a goal better than you. The most important thing in your case is to place it correctly.

Cool horoscope

This is the most charming and irresponsible evil spirits. He rarely thinks about such boring things as family, home, career, etc. The nightingale dreams of living in her beautiful castle and flying in the clouds. But the reality is that now he has to be content with a tree branch, whistling and pestering passers-by with robberies.

But, despite this lifestyle, Nightingale is a fairly popular person. He knows how to win you over from the very first moments of meeting you. Moreover, this creature firmly believes in its luck, which is why it rarely lets it down. Probably for this reason he lives very freely, not really worrying about the future.

Advice to Nightingale the Robber: with the help of your resourcefulness and creativity, you can find a way out of absolutely any situation. After all, these features are inherent to you more than anyone else.

The merman rules in a small puddle, but this does not stop him from dreaming about the big ocean, coral reefs, long journeys and crazy adventures. However, there is no need to be afraid, because Vodyanoy is unlikely to swim away anywhere, because deep down in his soul he is very strongly attached to his favorite puddle.

Often fantasies replace real life for Vodyanoy. But with the help of fantasies he escapes from gray everyday life. Other fairy-tale characters in most cases do not understand his vulnerable and sublime nature. For this reason, Vodyanoy looks for interlocutors among random visitors to his puddle.

Advice to the Vodyanoi: don’t try to prove something to someone, just swim around the obstacles.

As children, we all imagined ourselves as heroes of fairy tales. Someone was a beautiful princess, and someone was an inquisitive Alice. I wonder what kind of character you would become if you found yourself in the world of ancient Russian folklore? Perhaps your character has traits of a grumpy brownie or a mysterious mermaid? Your zodiac sign can answer this question.

Aries – Serpent Gorynych

As you know, people born under this sign are protected by Mars. Consequently, the Serpent Gorynych lives in each of them. Impulsive, domineering and very hot character (in every sense of the word).

Gorynych will not be the first to get into a fight, but it is very easy to offend him. One wrong step in his direction, and you will not be able to escape from the fire-breathing mouth. This is one of the most hot-tempered animals. Even though Zmey Gorynych has three heads, he rarely thinks of at least one before doing something stupid in the heat of the moment. Especially when he's angry. Therefore, our advice to all Aries: learn not to be led by your emotions, it is better to calm down, take a deep breath and only then give an answer to the offender. By then, he may no longer seem so angry to you.

Despite his touchiness, Zmey Gorynych himself will not spare anyone’s feelings. If it seems to him that you are wrong in something, he will definitely say so. After all, this character is more inclined than others to express his own opinion sharply and straightforwardly.

But at the same time, Gorynych also has good qualities. He is decisive, courageous and used to thinking globally. It is enough just to direct his energy in the right direction.

Taurus – Brownie

A brownie in a family is simply happiness. Everything around is sparkling clean, the apartment is tidy, the flowers are watered, the cat is fed. But only as long as you agree with him on everything and don’t contradict anything. After all, this is not only a caring, but also a very powerful representative of evil spirits. He is used to considering himself and no one else the master of the house.

The brownie is very jealous, stubborn and extremely practical. At the same time, he loves to argue. But he hates losing in arguments. When defending his point of view, he will be assertive and perhaps even rude. But as soon as you agree with him, he will become a good boy again. That's his character.

This character should always be the sole and rightful owner in the house. He will not tolerate competition. If two Taurus live with you at once, expect eternal disputes about who is in charge here.

Gemini – Leshy

You are calmly walking through the forest, suddenly someone runs up to you and says that you are doing it completely wrong. Congratulations, you have found Leshy. Now you will be provided with criticism and “helpful” advice 24 hours a day.

Have you met people who are absolutely sincerely confident that no one knows life except them? Add to this confidence amazing talkativeness and energy - you get Leshy. He is able to prove to you for hours that you are wrong, without ever repeating himself. After all, whatever you say, nature did not deprive him of the gift of words. Therefore, it is better to stop doing anything as soon as possible, apologize and run away. Although... You can wait a little, since the Leshy-Gemini is very changeable. A minute ago he was beside himself with indignation, but now he looks at you lovingly with his big eyes and carefully offers you wild berries. Don't be surprised by anything. That's his nature.

Among other things, Leshy are excellent intriguers. They can confuse their tracks so much that you yourself won’t understand how you ended up here. Therefore, they make excellent politicians and, of course, talented critics.

Cancer – Kikimora

It’s hard to imagine such sentimental evil spirits. She is very sensitive, affectionate and emotional. But with all these qualities, Kikimora is not easy to communicate with. After all, this is precisely the person who never knows what she wants. All her life she has been torn apart by contradictions. Either you want to be a caring and gentle domestic Kikimora, or you want to be free and unapproachable, like a swamp. This is how she lives, running from one thing to another. And this happens in all areas, including love. This is why personal relationships with all sorts of Water and Lesha people often turn out unsuccessfully.

But Kikimora is a wonderful friend. She is very sympathetic and will never leave anyone in trouble. He will definitely come at your first request, listen, wrap you up, sing a lullaby and lay you down to rest under a marsh bush. He will also reward you with valuable advice thanks to his gift of foresight. In general, Kikimora is a real gift of fate. Especially if you work as a psychologist.

Leo - Cat Bayun

Capable of charming and putting anyone to sleep. Even the one who had no intention of sleeping at all, but was quietly going about his business.

The cat Bayun is endowed with a special magnetism that only representatives of the cat family can boast of. He is selfish, narcissistic and stubborn, but you will still idolize him, admire his talents and virtues. And he will graciously allow you to do this.

What is so special about this Cat? Many of his rivals are asking this question. It's all about charisma and, of course, amazing self-confidence. No one can take the latter away from him. He can twist fairy tales and sing songs out of tune, but he will do it with such self-esteem that no one will dare to make a remark.

For the same reason, arguing with Cat Bayun is very difficult and even dangerous. With his uncompromising tone, he will undoubtedly convince you that you are wrong. Even if before that you were completely confident that you would win. And even if you really are right.

In addition, Cat Bayun boasts direct intelligence and excellent memory. Although one can still forget something: “Who promised? I promised? This can’t happen!”

Virgo - Baba Yaga

She was once Vasilisa the Wise, but life experience made her cynical and distrustful. Now Yaga sits in her hut, stirring potions and drying fly agaric mushrooms for unexpected guests. She is extremely distrustful and even overly cautious. At the same time, she is also secretive. Until you pass all the tests, you will never show the way to Koshchei. And they will be very heavy. After all, Baba Yaga is demanding both of herself and of others. It won't let you down until you do everything right.

Trying to deceive or outwit Yaga is useless. She will fool anyone you want around her finger. Corrosive and meticulous, she will not miss a single detail. In addition, she simply has a natural gift for catching lies.

The old lady is very practical. Loves cleanliness and order. It’s only at first glance that everything in her hut is cluttered. In fact, every speck of dust lies in its place, and the flies fly along a strictly defined trajectory. Therefore, we do not recommend touching anything unnecessarily.

Libra – Mara

A mysterious, strange and very incomprehensible creature. Mara wanders through ancient castles, suffers herself and makes others suffer. Often sits idle. But not because I'm lazy. She just needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons before starting anything. And this sometimes takes a lot of time.

Mara is not one of those creatures who are able to quickly make a firm decision and follow it. She will be tormented by doubts and choose for a long time. Then he will understand what he wants. But in a second he will doubt it. In general, if she is not pushed to action, she will spend her entire eternal life in thoughts and melancholy.

At the same time, Mara absolutely loves to share her questions of “life and death” with others. She can make a story out of absolutely any problem. Therefore, if you are caught by this evil spirits, be prepared to listen for hours about problems (“I have nothing to wear” or “where to go tonight”). And even after much thought and obtaining mass valuable advice From her friends, she most likely won’t wear anything and won’t go anywhere.

Scorpio – Mermaid

The Rusalka lives in her own whirlpool of emotions and leaves it extremely rarely. A very complex, mysterious and nervous nature. Often goes from one extreme to another. She may fall in love with a sailor whom she saw only once in her life. Give your voice to a witch for him, and then... beat it with a comb. Because I was in a bad mood.

All her inconsistency is due to internal conflict. In this being there is a continuous struggle between high ideals and base desires, which are caused by a hundred complexes. Freud would certainly have something to study here.

What can be advised to those who, willingly or unwillingly, communicate with Mermaids? Don't swim deep into their pool. And if a beautiful maiden begins to drag you down, start putting pressure on pity. After all, Mermaids are not as selfish as they might seem at first glance. At heart they are very sympathetic and kind.

Sagittarius – Dashing One-Eyed

Dashing is a big kid. He is incredibly cheerful and energetic. In addition, she has a huge reserve of optimism and faith in people. Having been burned even for the hundredth time, it will still not lose these qualities. He will go through life with a huge number of wounds and an eternal smile.

This is a very romantic nature. Believes in love at first sight and forever. He can spend his whole life searching for his ideal soul mate (perhaps this is why Likho is so often mistaken).

In general, a dreamy creature and a 100 percent idealist.

Capricorn – Koschey the Immortal

Koschey is a born leader. He knows how to be an authority. Usually even those who don't like him treat him with respect. And this is not surprising. Capricorns are distinguished by a strong will and steely character. Sometimes they are even tyrants, but most often they try to hide their toughness under the guise of tenderness and affection.

No one knows how to achieve their goals better than Koshchei. In addition, these are very integral individuals who always know exactly what they want. He saw a beautiful maiden - he stole and married, all without much thought.

It was not for nothing that Koschey the Capricorn received the nickname Immortal. Neither fire, nor water, nor copper pipes can take it. He endures all life's disasters with steadfastness and dignity.

Koschey the Immortal appreciates very much material goods. Therefore, I am ready to languish over gold for the rest of my life. This is just a joy for him.

Aquarius – Nightingale the Robber

The most irresponsible and charming evil spirits. The nightingale rarely thinks about such boring things as a career, home, family, etc. He is used to flying in the clouds and living in his castles in the air. Sitting on a tree, whistling and robbing passers-by is his dream. However, this does not prevent the Nightingale from being loved by everyone and very popular. He puts you at ease from the very first minute of meeting you. And all thanks to sociability and innate optimism. Therefore, it is never completely clear whether this is an ordinary thief or an honest Robin Hood.

The nightingale firmly believes in his luck. And, it must be said, she rarely lets him down. That's why he lives freely, without worrying about tomorrow. But you shouldn’t think that the Robber stays afloat only thanks to fortune. Creativity and resourcefulness, which Nightingale is endowed with beyond measure, help him find a way out of any situation.

Pisces – Water

A typical Merman is a creature that lives in a small puddle and dreams of a big ocean. He can dream about coral reefs, long journeys and reckless adventures all day long. But don't worry, he won't go anywhere in the end. After all, deep down, he loves his native puddle most of all. Patriotism in him is as deep as his romantic inclinations.

Fantasies are often replaced by Vodyanoy real life. And this saves him from the dullness of everyday life. Other residents of the puddle usually do not understand the sublime nature of the Vodyanoy. That’s why he has to look for interlocutors in the form of random guests of the swamp.

The merman is very vulnerable. Literally anyone can hurt his feelings. Therefore, evil spirits prefer not to argue with anyone, and simply swim around obstacles in their path.

Aries – Serpent Gorynych

As you know, people born under this sign are protected by Mars. Consequently, the Serpent Gorynych lives in each of them. Impulsive, domineering and very hot character (in every sense of the word). Gorynych will not be the first to get into a fight, but it is very easy to offend him. One wrong step in his direction, and you will not be able to escape from the fire-breathing mouth. This is one of the most hot-tempered animals. Even though Zmey Gorynych has three heads, he rarely thinks of at least one before doing something stupid in the heat of the moment. Especially when he's angry. Therefore, our advice to all Aries: learn not to be led by your emotions, it is better to calm down, take a deep breath and only then give an answer to the offender. By then, he may no longer seem so angry to you. Despite his touchiness, Zmey Gorynych himself will not spare anyone’s feelings. If it seems to him that you are wrong in something, he will definitely say so. After all, this character is more inclined than others to express his own opinion sharply and straightforwardly. But at the same time, Gorynych also has good qualities. He is decisive, courageous and used to thinking globally. It is enough just to direct his energy in the right direction.
Taurus – Brownie

A brownie in a family is simply happiness. Everything around is sparkling clean, the apartment is tidy, the flowers are watered, the cat is fed. But only as long as you agree with him on everything and don’t contradict anything. After all, this is not only a caring, but also a very powerful representative of evil spirits. He is used to considering himself and no one else the master of the house. The brownie is very jealous, stubborn and extremely practical. At the same time, he loves to argue. But he hates losing in arguments. When defending his point of view, he will be assertive and perhaps even rude. But as soon as you agree with him, he will become a good boy again. That's his character. This character should always be the sole and rightful owner in the house. He will not tolerate competition. If two Taurus live with you at once, expect eternal disputes about who is in charge here.
Gemini – Leshy

You are calmly walking through the forest, suddenly someone runs up to you and says that you are doing it completely wrong. Congratulations, you have found Leshy. Now you will be provided with criticism and “helpful” advice 24 hours a day. Have you met people who are absolutely sincerely confident that no one knows life except them? Add to this confidence amazing talkativeness and energy - you get Leshy. He is able to prove to you for hours that you are wrong, without ever repeating himself. After all, whatever you say, nature did not deprive him of the gift of words. Therefore, it is better to stop doing anything as soon as possible, apologize and run away. Although... You can wait a little, since the Leshy-Gemini is very changeable. A minute ago he was beside himself with indignation, but now he looks at you lovingly with his big eyes and carefully offers you wild berries. Don't be surprised by anything. That's his nature. Among other things, Leshy are excellent intriguers. They can confuse their tracks so much that you yourself won’t understand how you ended up here. Therefore, they make excellent politicians and, of course, talented critics.
Cancer – Kikimora

It’s hard to imagine such sentimental evil spirits. She is very sensitive, affectionate and emotional. But with all these qualities, Kikimora is not easy to communicate with. After all, this is precisely the person who never knows what she wants. All her life she has been torn apart by contradictions. Either you want to be a caring and gentle domestic Kikimora, or you want to be free and unapproachable, like a swamp. This is how she lives, running from one thing to another. And this happens in all areas, including love. This is why personal relationships with all sorts of Water and Lesha people often turn out unsuccessfully. But Kikimora is a wonderful friend. She is very sympathetic and will never leave anyone in trouble. He will definitely come at your first request, listen, wrap you up, sing a lullaby and lay you down to rest under a marsh bush. He will also reward you with valuable advice thanks to his gift of foresight. In general, Kikimora is a real gift of fate. Especially if you work as a psychologist.
Leo - Cat Bayun

Capable of charming and putting anyone to sleep. Even the one who had no intention of sleeping at all, but was quietly going about his business. The cat Bayun is endowed with a special magnetism that only representatives of the cat family can boast of. He is selfish, narcissistic and stubborn, but you will still idolize him, admire his talents and virtues. And he will graciously allow you to do this. What is so special about this Cat? Many of his rivals are asking this question. It's all about charisma and, of course, amazing self-confidence. No one can take the latter away from him. He can twist fairy tales and sing songs out of tune, but he will do it with such self-esteem that no one will dare to make a remark. For the same reason, arguing with Cat Bayun is very difficult and even dangerous. With his uncompromising tone, he will undoubtedly convince you that you are wrong. Even if before that you were completely confident that you would win. And even if you really are right. In addition, Cat Bayun boasts direct intelligence and excellent memory. Although one can still forget something: “Who promised? I promised? This can’t happen!”
Virgo - Baba Yaga

She was once Vasilisa the Wise, but life experience made her cynical and distrustful. Now Yaga sits in her hut, stirring potions and drying fly agaric mushrooms for unexpected guests. She is extremely distrustful and even overly cautious. At the same time, she is also secretive. Until you pass all the tests, you will never show the way to Koshchei. And they will be very heavy. After all, Baba Yaga is demanding both of herself and of others. It won't let you down until you do everything right. Trying to deceive or outwit Yaga is useless. She will fool anyone you want around her finger. Corrosive and meticulous, she will not miss a single detail. In addition, she simply has a natural gift for catching lies. The old lady is very practical. Loves cleanliness and order. It’s only at first glance that everything in her hut is cluttered. In fact, every speck of dust lies in its place, and the flies fly along a strictly defined trajectory. Therefore, we do not recommend touching anything unnecessarily.
Libra – Mara

A mysterious, strange and very incomprehensible creature. Mara wanders through ancient castles, suffers herself and makes others suffer. Often sits idle. But not because I'm lazy. She just needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons before starting anything. And this sometimes takes a lot of time. Mara is not one of those creatures who are able to quickly make a firm decision and follow it. She will be tormented by doubts and choose for a long time. Then he will understand what he wants. But in a second he will doubt it. In general, if she is not pushed to action, she will spend her entire eternal life in thoughts and melancholy. At the same time, Mara absolutely loves to share her questions of “life and death” with others. She can make a story out of absolutely any problem. Therefore, if you are caught by this evil spirits, be prepared to listen for hours about problems (“I have nothing to wear” or “where to go tonight”). And even after much thought and receiving a lot of valuable advice from friends, she most likely will not wear anything and will not go anywhere.
Scorpio – Mermaid

The Rusalka lives in her own whirlpool of emotions and leaves it extremely rarely. A very complex, mysterious and nervous nature. Often goes from one extreme to another. She may fall in love with a sailor whom she saw only once in her life. Give your voice to a witch for him, and then... beat it with a comb. Because I was in a bad mood. All her inconsistency is due to internal conflict. In this being there is a continuous struggle between high ideals and base desires, which are caused by a hundred complexes. Freud would certainly have something to study here. What can be advised to those who, willingly or unwillingly, communicate with Mermaids? Don't swim deep into their pool. And if a beautiful maiden begins to drag you down, start putting pressure on pity. After all, Mermaids are not as selfish as they might seem at first glance. At heart they are very sympathetic and kind.
Sagittarius – Dashing One-Eyed

Dashing is a big kid. He is incredibly cheerful and energetic. In addition, she has a huge reserve of optimism and faith in people. Having been burned even for the hundredth time, it will still not lose these qualities. He will go through life with a huge number of wounds and an eternal smile. This is a very romantic nature. Believes in love at first sight and forever. He can spend his whole life searching for his ideal soul mate (perhaps this is why Likho is so often mistaken). In general, a dreamy creature and a 100 percent idealist.
Capricorn – Koschey the Immortal

Koschey is a born leader. He knows how to be an authority. Usually even those who don't like him treat him with respect. And this is not surprising. Capricorns are distinguished by a strong will and steely character. Sometimes they are even tyrants, but most often they try to hide their toughness under the guise of tenderness and affection. No one knows how to achieve their goals better than Koshchei. In addition, these are very integral individuals who always know exactly what they want. He saw a beautiful maiden - he stole and married, all without much thought. It was not for nothing that Koschey the Capricorn received the nickname Immortal. Neither fire, nor water, nor copper pipes can take it. He endures all life's disasters with steadfastness and dignity. Koschey the Immortal greatly values ​​material wealth. Therefore, I am ready to languish over gold for the rest of my life. This is just a joy for him.
Aquarius – Nightingale the Robber

The most irresponsible and charming evil spirits. The nightingale rarely thinks about such boring things as a career, home, family, etc. He is used to flying in the clouds and living in his castles in the air. Sitting on a tree, whistling and robbing passers-by is his dream. However, this does not prevent the Nightingale from being loved by everyone and very popular. He puts you at ease from the very first minute of meeting you. And all thanks to sociability and innate optimism. Therefore, it is never completely clear whether this is an ordinary thief or an honest Robin Hood. The nightingale firmly believes in his luck. And, it must be said, she rarely lets him down. That's why he lives freely, without worrying about tomorrow. But you shouldn’t think that the Robber stays afloat only thanks to fortune. Creativity and resourcefulness, which Nightingale is endowed with beyond measure, help him find a way out of any situation.
Pisces – Water

A typical Merman is a creature that lives in a small puddle and dreams of a big ocean. He can dream about coral reefs, long journeys and reckless adventures all day long. But don't worry, he won't go anywhere in the end. After all, deep down, he loves his native puddle most of all. Patriotism in him is as deep as his romantic inclinations. Fantasies often replace real life for Vodyanoy. And this saves him from the dullness of everyday life. Other residents of the puddle usually do not understand the sublime nature of the Vodyanoy. That’s why he has to look for interlocutors in the form of random guests of the swamp. The merman is very vulnerable. Literally anyone can hurt his feelings. Therefore, evil spirits prefer not to argue with anyone, and simply swim around obstacles in their path.

In the video there is another fabulous horoscope:

This unusual horoscope can be called a humorous horoscope. But it will allow you and your partner to immerse yourself in a pleasant, funny time of childhood, and besides, it can be considered a completely real horoscope of character traits.

Firebird - Aries

She is light and beautiful. Her fiery plumage shines with silver and gold and attracts mere mortals to her like a magnet. The feathers dropped by her attract no less than she herself. Sometimes they drive greedy and evil heroes crazy, but for the honest and kind they turn into real gold over time. Catching this free bird with bare hands is too dangerous - you can get burned in no time. However, this is not her fault. Her fiery feathers burn on their own, although the Firebird is a completely benevolent creature. She loves freedom bright colors, light and beauty. Inhabited in garden of paradise Iria, she lives in an unlocked golden cage and eats rejuvenating apples, for the sake of which she is ready to go on the most dangerous and long-distance flight. The firebird is trusting, and it won’t be difficult to lure it into a golden cage and onto rejuvenating apples. After all, she is sure that the cells are not locked. Millet and wine can also help the catcher. It is almost impossible for the Firebird to escape from captivity. Because of this, she can be sad and shine less, because her life is a flight.

The Enchanted Prince - Taurus

He appears under the guise of a frog, a dog, a falcon, and even just an animal of an unknown breed. If you find such a handsome man and cast a spell, then the brave girl will get a ruler in five minutes or, at worst, a charming owner of a castle and a bank account at the nearest Gringotts. Even at a young age he already has beautiful palace, which speaks of this guy’s thriftiness and ability to do business. He either received an inheritance, or - what is even more honorable - conquered his patrimony on his own. The enchanted prince is smart and interesting, he knows about his merits and loves when he says them. After the spell is lifted, he is calm and confident. It is difficult to unbalance him, however, not in the case when spoiling with attention and recognition takes over. Before the spell, a spoiled prince may persist in his delusions. It is possible to force him to retreat from the wrong path, but to do this you will have to convincingly prove him wrong. For example, using transformation. The second reason for a sudden curse may be external attractiveness. At the Enchanted Prince's good taste and he knows a lot about beauty. It costs him nothing to win the favor of not only princesses, but also fairies, but fairies are not used to being rejected and punish for frivolity and narcissism right there. The ability to debunk his misconceptions and patience helps the prince after his transformation. He can wait for his beloved for years and even centuries, methodically and stubbornly bringing princess after princess to his enchanted castle, sending out the next “uncaught” young lady and again waiting until he gets lucky. The enchanted prince is easily charmed and attracted, but falls in love for a long time. Who knows how many beautiful girls manage to visit his palace before he truly falls in love. However, having found his one and only, he will turn out to be a very sensual, faithful and devoted lover.

Bird-maiden Gamayun - Gemini

The dual nature of the twins coexists perfectly in such a legendary creature as Gamayun - the bird maiden who brings happiness with singing, and the news of an imminent storm on her wings. It is imperceptible and changeable. Her songs are sometimes sad, sometimes joyful. Her face is human and at the same time she is covered with the wonderful plumage of a bird. Gamayuna combines opposite qualities and her mood is very changeable. A mortal who encroaches on her freedom and rights may experience her claws on himself, but with someone who is worthy of respect, she will be affectionate and supportive. Gamayun always gives what he deserves. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to deceive her. She feels people well and almost accurately guesses their intentions. Gamayun loves to fly around the world. She finds joy in traveling and learning, knows a lot and is always ready to share with anyone who wants to listen. Her wisdom helps solve many problems if you turn to her for advice, because she is not only smart, but also impartial and objective.

Nesmeyana-Princess - Cancer

She rarely laughs, and because of this, she is often considered gloomy and unresponsive, and people try to make her laugh without realizing that she is simply looking at the world realistically or even shy. Nesmeyana is very careful, and therefore will not give even her laughter to someone she doesn’t know. She has good self-control and who knows what plans she is contemplating while sitting in silence. In any case, Nesmeyana will never tell anyone about them, even if they ask. There are always enough people around the Princess who love her. A friendly environment does not allow her to become gloomily sad, although sometimes her realism still develops into pessimism. It is impossible to stir Nesmeyana against her will. Despite her outward passivity, she is in control of the situation and will pay attention to the world when she needs it. There will be no chance for anyone not to notice this fact; however, Nesmeyana may change her mind at the very last moment. No matter who tries to achieve her smile, in fact, only the Princess herself chooses her savior. She can be pleased by someone who is in tune with her inner world and to whom she can open her vulnerable soul. When this man appears, she will not miss her chance and will love him as if he had saved her not from melancholy, but from a real voracious dragon.

Tsar Father - Leo

Born ruler, military leader. He is wise and knows not only who to give his daughter as a wife, but also who to call so that she can be saved from the Serpent Gorynych. Father Tsar strives for the best. His courtyard is the most magnificent, the jesters are the most cheerful, and the feasts are always the noisiest. And if there are better wonders somewhere, then it’s not a sin to send your sons for them - to serve the royal service. He always has everything to do. The Tsar Father steadfastly defends his own. His army is ready to defeat any enemy, and the epic heroes will always come to its aid. The Tsar Father generously gives gifts to those he loves and those in favor. His kindness and nobility often end up in legends, and his sincerity in actions deprives evil courtiers of the chance to intrigue against others. But it happens that the Tsar is also visited by doubts, and then the wise and most chosen advisers help him, which fortunately he always has. This ruler is more endearing than anyone else. Many heroes strive to enter his domain - to amuse the heroic strength, and the red maidens - for protection and patronage. Often the Tsar Father is married more than once, because society beautiful ladies he is very pleased. His repeated choice is even more prestigious and beautiful, but is not always clear to children from his first marriage. Prove to him that his stepmother is not the best best woman unlikely in the world. He is stubborn and does not like to leave his chosen path. Often the Tsar Father thinks about prestige more than about the inconveniences of his offspring, which should strengthen their will.

Ivan Tsarevich - Virgo

Being the youngest in the family, this young man is the most trainable and inquisitive. He enjoys reading the inscriptions on the sign stones and thinking about where he should direct his horse. He will carefully and patiently listen to all the wise advisers that he meets on the way, even if it is Baba Yaga. Fame and wealth have little attraction for Ivan Tsarevich. He performs his exploits not out of self-interest, but in the name of goodness, justice or love. Ivan is modest, but because of this it is very easy to identify him. If you happen to meet a shoemaker's apprentice who looks and speaks like a noble gentleman, but at the same time is diligently learning from the master, then you can be sure that this is Ivan Tsarevich. Essentially, he is a hard worker and a loner, and maybe that’s why he doesn’t really strive to get home from the next trip, having more and more adventures in it. And this is all with consistency and accuracy. This fellow is also phenomenally lucky. Keep in mind that even if you are a gray wolf and ate his horse, then it is not him who has the problem, but rather you. However, it is very difficult to call Ivan Tsarevich a slacker; he himself suffers from his mistakes and often torments himself with worries, treating himself as critically as he does others. He is sincere in his feelings and will always rush to the aid of both his friend and his beloved.

Vasilisa the Wise - Libra

She knows how to understand and sympathize with everyone like no one else. Vasilisa is welcome in any society; her sincerity, sincerity and sacrifice captivate both arrogant crowned heads and hardened villains like Koshchei. Vasilisa is ready to help, she cares about Ivan Tsarevich’s problems more than anyone else and expects the same from him. When, in response to all the benefits, the unlucky Vanya burns her frog skin, she is very disappointed and may even go to Koshchei in frustration. Vasilisa the Wise has a talent for communication. She has friends among flora, fauna, and sea creatures. She knows countless bird and animal languages ​​and is a real intellectual, understanding things that her Ivanushka would never have thought of. Because of all this, Vasilisa sometimes feels a well-deserved sense of superiority, but since she is the Wise One, she does not openly show it. Vasilisa the Wise is a master of transformation, so imagining herself in the place of someone else doesn’t cost her anything. This is where her understanding of people comes from and her ability to adapt to circumstances. Even in frog skin and in a swamp, she will not betray herself. In this long-suffering, Vasilisa the Wise is very similar to the Enchanted Prince. Sometimes Vasilisa the Wise chooses not the best acquaintances for herself - such as Koschey. Despite the fact that she has a strong mind and sixth sense, Vasilisa trusts her intuition more easily than her reason. But intuition can be misleading, and first impressions often turn out to be deceiving. Fortunately, the heroine has quite a few reliable friends who are ready to help her.

Koschey the Immortal - Scorpio

He despises death itself and believes that he has conquered it by locking it in a chest on a tall oak tree. Koshchei the Immortal has reason to consider himself omnipotent, because it is indeed very difficult to defeat him. He knows how to go one step ahead of his opponents and not give in to emotions when making decisions. His actions are thoughtful and devoid of blind rage. Koschey the Immortal always chooses the most opportune moment to regain Vasilisa the Wise, waiting for the next Ivan Tsarevich to make a mistake. He is confident of success, and, in his opinion, not a single beauty can refuse him - the owner of a hypnotic look, immortality and countless treasures. Other people's opinions are of little interest to him; he lives only by his own laws, seeing the truth, no matter how unsightly it may be. He is always happy with himself, no matter what others think about him. The love of wealth constantly spurs Koshchei's financial genius. Gold is always found in his chests and is strictly accounted for. His experience and magical insight allow him to win many battles, but self-confidence sometimes does not bring him any good. Koschey the Immortal achieves what everyone wants available means. He is firm and adamant in his aspirations and is ready to fight for them to the end, however, from the height of his power, he sometimes underestimates the enemy. Time of Koshchei the Immortal night. His passion and ardor know no bounds. Being at the mercy of his feelings and desires, the Immortal expects complete devotion and obedience from the next Vasilisa, and not receiving what he wants, he can become cruel, evil, and turn the rebellious one into a frog or even lull her into an enchanted sleep. As a passionate nature, he is ready to do anything, as long as his beloved is completely in his power.

Sadko - Sagittarius

He is a true leader and mentor who needs to live for people and big goals. He likes to appear at royal feasts and be included in the best society. Sitting on the throne is boring for him, but he knows how to dominate minds very well and does it more willingly. He wants to transform the world and make it a better place. Always passionate about something, Sadko is able to inspire others with his ideas. He has a kind heart and a broad soul, he is an optimist and therefore is almost always cheerful. Sadko is always sincere in his speeches and feelings. He is not familiar with cunning malice. He can express everything he thinks to anyone, be it a noble boyar or a mere mortal. Sadko is a real adventurer. He is able to go on a campaign for Happiness, surrounded by followers, and open the barns of the city to distribute all available supplies to the poor. New knowledge and impressions attract Sadko every minute; he can visit the most different countries from Africa to North Pole and collect a variety of magical items. Over time, he gets a samogud harp, a wonderful horse, and riches. He cannot be called a money-grubber, because everything that Sadko gets does not serve him, but the great cause of spiritual growth. He attracts women with his charm, adventurism and easy character. It is pleasant for him to be a ladies' man, but due to the fact that he is an addicted person, it is difficult for Sadko to make a choice between his beloved and all his interests.

Gray wolf - Capricorn

He knows how to achieve his goals, even if the most dissolute of the Prince Ivanovs travels with him. Together with the Gray Wolf, the result will be achieved. When they stroke his fur, appreciating his merits, the wolf feels contented like no one else. Gratitude to Gray is always very pleasant, but he is too proud to clearly show it. This mysterious hero does not like to attract attention to himself and interfere in conversations. He keeps himself apart even from other fairy-tale characters, probably because he considers them not the most the best company(and this is true, if you remember Baba Yaga, Koshchei and Gorynych). Moreover, among the Gray Wolf’s acquaintances and friends there are quite a few royals, and other good fellows and red maidens.
The gray wolf can hardly be called a charmer, charming everyone. On the contrary, his sharp teeth, burning eyes and protruding fur do not make the best impression at first. In addition to this, Gray Wolf is quite critical. He will not forget to remind Ivan Tsarevich of his mistakes, but when a difficult situation arises, the wolf is able to take on any task and complete it with honor, because he is very hardworking, perspicacious and thinks sensibly. That is why those around him always respect the Gray Wolf and trust his organizational abilities.

Alyosha Popovich - Aquarius

Service is his path, although he is a completely peaceful hero and not very militant. His strength lies more in curiosity, eloquence and cunning than in strength. However, Alyosha is ready to make the world a better place and perform any tasks that contribute to this, just like his older friends. Having defeated Tugarin's next snake, the hero is truly happy. Friendliness always helps Alyosha Popovich get closer to people. Under the roof of his house the most different people, whom, due to their easy character, Alyosha is ready to consider friends and rarely changes his opinion about anyone. He is shrewd enough to choose his friends correctly. But all this is far from military affairs. Often Alyosha Popovich has to communicate only with like-minded people, comrades in arms, and this is why they have the same way of thinking. Sometimes Alyosha likes to brag about his achievements.

Aquatic - Pisces

Even if Vodyanoy was born in a swamp, he at least dreams of flying. It is not surprising that he was the one who knew how to build a flying ship. This hero is very artistic and dreamy. He is talented in creativity, loves to sing something, compose something and is happy when he finds someone who understands his aspirations and dreams. The merman does not shy away from communicating with people. People reach out to him, come for advice, and unlike Baba Yaga, he will never try to eat the newcomer first. The merman is a calm and quite peaceful character. It is little bothered by the presence of a fish tail and is not bothered by gills. If you tactlessly mention this difference, Vodyanoy will be able to sarcasticly in retaliation like no one more masterly. He is used to seeing the best in the world around him and is quite pleased with it. It is unlikely that the Vodyanoi will ever want to leave his body of water, but if he decides to fight for the best, he will be able to find everything he wants, including the love of a beautiful maiden and a pair of legs in addition. The merman may also be the King of the Sea, but in the case when the crown was inherited by him. He doesn't like to fight with his neighbors. The maximum harm that can be suffered from him is his persistent invitation of girls from the nearest seaside village to the underwater palace, and then only for the sake of art, dedication and company. The merman is very inquisitive, but does not want to cause inconvenience due to his natural delicacy and sentimentality. He will easily release his captives after touching story about relatives, friends and loved ones left on earth.


Aries is a “tank girl.” On the way to her cherished goal, she is not afraid of either hurricanes or ice hummocks. Her warm heart and courage make her similar to the heroine from Andersen's fairy tale - Gerda. Sooner or later she will find her Kai, which can mean any life goal. Moreover, Aries herself can rob the robbers and drag the Snow Queen by the hair, after opening the door to her chambers with her foot.

The rebel Cipollino is a storehouse of character. Aries, although not a fighter for the rights of fruits and vegetables, is a born leader, fighter and oppositionist. He spends a lot of his unbridled fiery energy seeking the favor of the lady he likes. The main thing is that in the future he has enough tenderness and nobility to become a knight and protector for her, and not “an onion grief.”


She is not only a fabulous beauty, but also a material girl, knowledgeable in the fashion and sources of pleasure of this world. And somehow he understands very early that all issues can be resolved by themselves when there is money. Therefore, he can consider his charms and other virtues (with the exception of stubbornness) as capital for a successful life. Cinderella with her humility, mops, dirty work and risky trips, she is no match. Goldilocks prefers that happiness “comes into her own hands” and that men achieve it themselves. She is so dependent on peace and comfort that if she had her way, she would seduce men without leaving her home, with just one look, a gesture and a wave of her beautiful hair, standing at the window. But a gentleman who is too quick can cause her disapproval. Courting Goldilocks involves a long siege and often considerable expense.

Taurus's well-known craving for money and luxury can supply the first half of his life with all sorts of searches for enrichment, almost like Pinocchio. He is busy with methods of increasing wealth, developing business plans and strategies, looking for reliable partners, occasionally bumping into rogues, like the dishonest tandem of a fox and a cat. He himself often lacks flexibility of thinking, cunning and cunning. Money has a magical effect on him, but for the most part he is indifferent to women’s charms; whims and erotic tricks do not affect him. This “insensitive log” is not for romantic ladies, and he himself chooses what is easier, and especially for a girl with blue hair, nothing shines...


Little Red Riding Hood
It’s good if the Gemini woman’s passion for communication does not play the same cruel joke on her as it did on Little Red Riding Hood. She dislikes loneliness so much that she is ready to chat with the first person she meets, even if he... Gray wolf. But if you look closely, Little Red Riding Hood is not such a naive person, she just likes drive and thrills. Or maybe erotic flirting is to blame for everything?.. After all, the Wolf is a man, after all, and Gemini is such a flirt...

A man with a propeller, whose age stops somewhere around the “30” mark, a restless rake, an unsurpassed inventor, an extraordinary speaker and an absorber of the buns of housekeepers... Carlson takes third place in the astrological gallery of fairy-tale male types, most of all reflecting the energy of the representative air sign. Carlson is so sociable that he is not himself without communication. If one relationship is broken, instead of two old friends he will find a hundred new ones.

Fragile as a flower, Thumbelina is the predominant type among Cancer women, known for their psychological vulnerability, childlike spontaneity, emotionality and mental blues. In amorous affairs, Thumbelina practices ostentatious shyness, interpreting an immodest glance in her direction as harassment. And vice versa, she can be so trusting that she hears only what she wants. But in any case, she is a gentle creature and needs special affection and care.

Cancer men often pale skin, expressive eyes and sometimes such a sad expression on their face, as if they had just recently been beaten with a stick and rewarded with slaps in the face. Pierrot is a subtle personality, easily vulnerable, and in amorous affairs he is a completely recognizable hero, prone to lyricism and romance. One strong love disappointment can make him a neurasthenic or a complete pessimist. But even when he looks miserable and rejected, he is charming!

She wants to shine and feel like a “prom queen”! She would like to become happy and prosperous as quickly as possible and with as little loss as possible. Her material appetites are sometimes very great, but pills for greed have not yet been invented. Perhaps, in some fairy-tale delirium, she will exclaim: “Hey, fairy, where are my gilded carriage and crystal shoes?!..”, but in reality, all her problems should be solved by profitable connections or a noble husband. And in anticipation of triumph, you shouldn’t strain yourself, staining your hands and face with soot. However, she is able to perform her part of the “work” in the category “home, family, children” flawlessly.

Puss in Boots
This fairy-tale character is an extremely enterprising fellow, thanks to whose business acumen and dexterity, his owner received everything he could dream of. Gold, titles, castles, the love of princesses... all this belongs to the sphere of the sun sign. Not a cat, but a real good luck talisman! A more or less purposeful and ambitious Leo man also very often attracts success. For some, he is a fanfare cat, boastful and overly self-confident, for others he is a bastard cat who walks to the left, and for others, Puss in Boots is a breadwinner and the best, handsome and sexy man in the world!


Virgo, with her inherent severity, elegance and developed intellect, is Malvina. Her manners are honed like that of a prim English aristocrat, her reasoning is balanced and reasonable, but with her moralizing, which she delivers in an official, unchallenged tone, she will annoy anyone. However, even the most notorious “bullies” are lost in her presence. With great pleasure she comes up with new rules, a step to the right - a step to the left - execution! In the company of her friends she is considered quite boring, but she can attract so many lustful male glances if she goes out on the “path of love.” Being in the flow of erotic flirtation, she no longer tries to re-educate anyone and “put them in the closet.” It’s enough to at least not blow your nose on the tablecloth in her presence!

The hero from Hoffmann's fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” has a strange frozen expression on his face, and few people understand that an enchanted prince lives in this doll. The Nutcracker-Virgo is in a frozen prototype, even the atmosphere of the fairy tale is saturated with winter and cold, but in all this there is a preparation for something new, giving strength and inspiration. And sometimes only a real feeling can make the Nutcracker brave and help him free himself from any shackles and obstacles.


Snow White
Venus, the ruler of Libra, gives women of this sign a rather calm disposition, proportional feminine forms and beautiful facial features, just like Snow White (it’s not for nothing that the theme of beauty in appearance is very relevant in this fairy tale). And no matter how many villains and envious people her fate brings her together, harmony with the world around her remains one of her main life priorities, of course, after her family. And while her “prince” is galloping somewhere out there, she is successfully establishing contacts with representatives of harsh reality - from forest animals to gnomes. In the image of the gnomes, of course, one can discern her many fans.

Cheshire cat
Many Libras are literally created for social life. They always take into account the personality of the person with whom they communicate and maintain their distance. - a snob, an esthete, the owner of pleasant manners, a lover of leisurely conversations, and no imposition of his “I”. Just like the Cheshire Cat. In the love sphere, he is still a ladies' man, but subtle flirting sometimes gives him more pleasure than "full-fledged" intimacy. In general, the shades of his character and, in general, any of his feelings, thoughts and intentions can be elusive, and he himself knows how to dissolve in space when he doesn’t like something, without unnecessary clarifications or disputes.


Vasilisa the Wise
A master of magic and transformation, no one can argue that this heroine is a witch. It is important to recognize in her the clever and beautiful Vasilisa the Wise, and not the Frog Princess, a poisonous toad with a dubious past. In addition, witches are desperately amorous people, at the same time treacherous and unpredictable. On the one hand, Vasilisa is not inclined to assert herself at the expense of men and is ready to throw the whole world at the feet of her lover, on the other hand, if she doesn’t like something, it’s not a fact that she won’t flare up and turn into a stump or the same toad, and then completely forget reverse spell.

Koschei the Deathless
Scorpio is the most resilient zodiac sign in terms of energy. Why not Koschey? His energy is enough for the extraction of treasures, and for a tough fight, and for a lustful hunt for girls. And Koshchei’s magical insight is like a scorpion’s intuition. He easily calculates human weaknesses, which cannot be said about his own weaknesses, identifying which is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most of all, he hates losing, and if he fails, then after a certain period of heartbreaking torment, he is able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes.


The Sagittarius woman’s love for variety, travel and adventure makes her similar to the main character of the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz,” because all the main events take place while traveling and on the road. Ellie constantly visits distant countries, respects foreign culture and traditions, she is kind, simple-minded, ready to help her friends, but knows how to stand up for herself.

Winnie the Pooh
Charming Winnie the Pooh, reasonable, but slightly childish, good-natured, but open to the point of tactlessness, prone to wandering (his head does not give him peace) and often finds himself in absurd situations, always having a reserve interesting ideas(the method of their implementation is not yet clear), an idealist and a born optimist (the reason for failure is the “wrong bees”). This combination of qualities reflects the common type of Sagittarius man.


The Snow Queen
Not everyone manages to melt this ice. She hides a lot under the mask of indifference, coldness and inaccessibility. The only thing she does not hide is her clear, practical mind and career considerations. The Snow Queen fits the image of an emotionally cool person or a successful business woman, even in the distant future. In relationships with men, she is often “strict but fair,” but in their understanding there are other options.

Tin Woodman
Capricorn, with his natural conservatism, restraint and brevity, can easily become a callous and heartless person. Nerves of iron are not such an advantage, especially when it comes to mutual love or caring for others. For this reason, he is identified with the character of the cycle about the Magic Land and the Emerald City - the Tin Woodman. Its main goal is to acquire a sensitive, responsive heart.


Alice in Wonderland
A great originalist, a dreamer and a lover of everything new and unusual - the Aquarius woman, just like Alice in Wonderland with all the ensuing consequences. Dullness and routine are not for her, the main thing is that everything should be as “wonderful and wonderful” as possible! When she is bored and cannot find allies, she plays her own “games”, creating her own unique worlds: from an individual image to bright creative hobbies. No matter how curious and sociable she is, she always maintains a distance between herself and the team, while trying to avoid conflicts. She is condescendingly friendly even to her enemies, and the most unflattering epithets in her mouth sound like poetry.

Mad Hatter
– from the same “opera” as Alice – The Mad Hatter, charming, sociable and a little absent-minded. A little crazy, but at the same time honest and noble. Loves to shock the public. He is inclined to build castles in the air, and descends to the sinful Earth only to conduct business from which he can no longer escape.


Kind, sympathetic and a little shy, the Little Mermaid is a godsend for a connoisseur of femininity and sacrifice. We can say that she was created for love and marriage. However, in reality, sometimes it is not the prince who gets involved, but the “octopus”! And instead of kissing him every evening, she prefers to sob into her pillow. But even if there is no reason for sadness and sadness, she will always find them, because she is a sensitive nature, with a great imagination.

Just as the Vodyanoy strives to fly, even if he is registered in a swamp for life, the Pisces man is also a dreamer and romantic. Over time, his worldview takes on dark philosophical or religious overtones, but he never loses hope for a better future. Its characteristic feature is the desire to complement and decorate the surrounding reality with the richness of its inner world: from illusions to artistic expression and demonstration of all kinds of creative talents.