Which enhances metabolism. Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss - foods and drugs to improve metabolism. Hot peppers and jalapeno peppers

Metabolism is the chemical process to sustain life. In this article, we will tell you how to speed up metabolism for weight loss, what foods speed up metabolism and what else can be done to increase the rate of fat breakdown in the body.

The speed at which it proceeds depends on the individual person. Those with a slow metabolism tend to have more of their remaining calories stored as fat.

On the other hand, people with a fast metabolism burn more calories and are less likely to store fat.

In this article, we'll look at why some people have a fast metabolism and how you can speed up your metabolism to burn more calories.

Metabolism is a term that refers to the totality of all chemical processes in the body. The faster your metabolism, the more calories your body needs.

In simple terms, metabolism is the process of converting the food we eat into energy. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals that we consume, are absorbed and processed by the body to build new cells, hormonal and enzyme metabolism. The metabolic rate depends on many factors: on heredity, on the state of health, but the main role is on eating habits and proper nutrition. If you watch your diet, do not consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, but still cannot lose weight, most likely you have a slow metabolism. With age, metabolism slows down and the body accumulates fat deposits.

Metabolism can be improved by eating small, frequent meals, exercising, eating metabolism-boosting foods such as citrus fruits, bran bread, oatmeal, green vegetables, nuts, hot peppers, ginger, cinnamon, fish, low-fat dairy products, drink green tea, coffee.

It is for this reason that some people can eat a lot without gaining weight, while others eat less but gain fat.

Thus, the "metabolic rate" is the number of calories that you burn in a given period of time, i.e. calorie consumption.

The metabolic rate can be divided into several categories:

  • Basal metabolic rate(BMR): Metabolic rate when you are sleeping or in deep rest. This is the minimum metabolic rate. Energy is spent on breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat, brain function.
  • BX(RMR): The minimum metabolic rate required to keep the body alive and functioning. On average, it is 50-75% of total calorie consumption.
  • The thermal effect of food(TEF): The number of calories needed for digestion and digestion. The increase in metabolic rate after a meal typically accounts for about 10% of total energy expenditure.
  • The thermal effect of exercise(TEE): The number of calories burned during exercise.
  • Thermogenesis of daily activities(NEAT): The number of calories burned during physical activities other than exercise and sports. This is fidgeting in a chair, walking down the street, various standing poses.

Conclusion: Metabolic rate is also known as calorie expenditure. This is the number of calories used by the body in a given period of time.

What factors affect metabolic rate?

Numerous factors affect the metabolic rate. Here are a few of them:

  • Age: The older you get, the slower your metabolic rate becomes. This is one of the reasons why people tend to gain weight as they age.
  • Muscle mass:H the more your muscle mass, the more calories you consume.
  • body size: The bigger you are, the more calories you burn.
  • Ambient temperature: When your body is exposed to cold, it needs more calories to keep your body temperature from dropping.
  • Physical activity: All body movements require calories. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn. Metabolism will speed up accordingly.
  • Hormonal disorders:Cushing's syndrome and hypothyroidism slow down the metabolic rate and increase the risk of weight gain.

Conclusion: Several factors affect the metabolic rate. These include age, lean body mass, body size, and physical activity.

Are some people really born with a fast metabolism?

The metabolic rate is different in all people, even in newborns.

In other words, some people are born with a faster metabolism than others.

While genetics may contribute to these differences, scientists cannot reach a general conclusion about its effect on metabolic rate, weight gain, and obesity.

However, most studies show that obese people have a higher overall metabolic rate than people of average weight.

The researchers noted that this is because obese people have more muscles, which provide extra weight.

However, studies show that obese people have higher metabolic rates, regardless of the amount of muscle mass they have.

In contrast, other studies show that obese people have an average 3-8% lower metabolic rate than those who have never been obese.

One thing is clear - everyone is different when it comes to metabolic rate.

Most of these differences are due to people's age, as well as their environment and behaviour. However, the role of genetics in these individual differences needs to be further explored in more detail.

Conclusion:m speed metabolism varies by individual, even among newborns. However, the influence of genetics on these differences remains unclear.

Metabolic adaptation

Metabolic adaptation, also known as adaptive thermogenesis or "fasting mode", may also play a role in the development of obesity.

Fasting is the body's response to a calorie deficit. When your body is not getting enough food, it tries to compensate by lowering the metabolic rate and the number of calories burned.

The degree of metabolic rate reduction varies greatly between different people.

This metabolic slowdown is more pronounced in obese people. The greater the slowdown, the more difficult it is to lose weight through dieting or fasting.

The fasting regimen is likely partly down to genetics, but previous attempts at weight loss or exercise may also play a role.

Conclusion: Metabolic adaptation or fasting occurs when the metabolic rate slows down during a low-calorie diet. It varies between people, but is more noticeable in obese individuals.

How to improve the metabolism in the body to lose weight?

Losing weight isn't just about eating fewer calories. Effective weight loss programs also include strategies to speed up your metabolism.

Fortunately, there are several ways to speed up your metabolism and lose weight. Here are eight simple methods.

1. Move more

All body movements lead to the burning of calories. The more active you are, the higher your metabolic rate will be.

Even very simple activities, such as standing, walking, or doing housework, give good results in the long run.

This increase in metabolic rate is known as daily activity thermogenesis (NEAT).

In severely obese individuals, NEAT may represent a significant portion of daily caloric expenditure.

There are several ways you can increase NEAT. Here are some suggestions if you spend a lot of time sitting:

  • Get up and walk regularly;
  • If possible, walk only up the stairs;
  • Do housework;
  • Move more, swing your leg, tap your fingers;
  • Chew low-calorie chewing gum;
  • Use a high desk for standing work.

If you have an office job, using a standing desk can increase calories burned by 16%.

Another study found that using a standing desk burned an additional 174 calories compared to sitting.

Even seemingly insignificant activities, such as typing on a computer, will help increase your metabolic rate by 8% compared to doing nothing.

In the same way, restlessness can make a significant difference.

One study found that people who sat still for 20 minutes increased their calorie expenditure by 4% compared to when they lay down. Also, fidgeting in a chair increases calorie expenditure by as much as 54%.

Regular exercise is highly recommended for those looking to lose weight or improve their health. But even light activities like walking, housework, or mobility can give you an edge later on.

Conclusion: The more you move, the faster your metabolic rate becomes. If you have a sedentary job, you can improve your metabolic rate by walking regularly, chewing gum, or using a high desk.

2. Do High Intensity Workouts

The most effective form of exercise is high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Their essence lies in the fact that the exercises are built from fast and very intense approaches, such as sprints or quick push-ups.

It really speeds up the metabolism, even when the workout is over.

Conclusion:High Intensity Interval Training are one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolic rate and burn more calories.

3. Strength training

Strength training is another great way to improve your metabolism.

Strength training promotes muscle growth, which is a great bonus to the immediate effect of the exercise itself.

The amount of muscle in the body is directly related to the metabolic rate. Unlike fat mass, muscle mass significantly increases the number of calories you burn at rest.

The study showed that doing strength training for 11 minutes a day, three times a week, increased metabolic rate by an average of 7.4% after six months at rest. That is, 125 additional calories are burned per day.

In old age, as a rule, muscle mass decreases, and, accordingly, the metabolic rate decreases, but regular strength exercises can partially counteract this unfavorable process.

Similarly, dietary weight loss often results in muscle loss and a decrease in metabolic rate. But strength training can help prevent this.

In fact, a study done on overweight women found that strength training on a low-calorie diet of 800 calories daily prevented the reduction in muscle mass and metabolic rate compared to those who did not exercise or did only aerobic exercise.

Conclusion: Strength training can increase your metabolic rate by stimulating muscle growth. It may even counteract the decrease in metabolic rate associated with the aging process and a low-calorie diet.

4. Eat protein

Eating enough protein is essential if you want to build or maintain muscle mass. But dietary protein also has other benefits, such as boosting your metabolism for weight loss.

All food results in a temporary increase in metabolic rate. A process known as the thermal effect of food (TEF). However, this effect is much stronger after eating a protein meal than after a meal rich in carbohydrates and fats.

In fact, protein increases the metabolic rate by 20-30%, while carbohydrates and fat only increase by 3-10% or even less.

This increase in calorie expenditure may contribute to weight loss or prevent weight gain after weight loss.

TEF is highest in the morning or within the first few hours after you wake up. For this reason, try to consume the majority of your daily calories early in the day to maximize this effect.

Eating plenty of protein can also help counteract the loss of muscle mass and slow metabolism associated with weight loss.

Conclusion: Eating enough protein is essential for gaining or maintaining muscle mass and metabolic rate.

5. Don't Starve Yourself

While people start eating less to lose weight, this tends to backfire later on.

The fact is that calorie restriction leads to a decrease in metabolic rate and, consequently, the number of calories burned.

This effect is known as metabolic adaptation. It is the body's way of protecting itself from potential starvation and death.

Studies show that consuming less than 1000 calories per day leads to a significant decrease in metabolic rate.

Studies in obese people show that metabolic adaptation can significantly reduce calories burned, sometimes as much as 504 calories per day. It is better to consume foods that improve metabolism without feeling hungry.

Conclusion: Prolonged calorie restriction slows down the metabolic rate. This effect is called metabolic adaptation.

6. Drink water

Raising your metabolic rate for a short time is not so difficult. It's as simple as going for a walk or drinking a glass of cold water.

Many studies show that water leads to an increase in calories burned.

Cold drinking water has an even greater effect than warm water, as the body needs energy first to warm it up to body temperature.

Studies on this phenomenon have yielded varying results. About half a liter of cold water can cause a 5-30% increase in calories burned within 60-90 minutes afterward.

Increasing your water intake is also good for your waist. Some studies have shown that 1-1.5 liters of water per day can lead to significant weight loss over time.

To maximize the benefits of drinking water, drink it before meals as it promotes satiety and reduces calorie intake.

Conclusion: Water will help improve metabolism and may even lead to weight loss over time. Cold water is the most effective.

7. Drink Caffeinated Drinks

While plain water is good in its own way, low-calorie caffeinated drinks such as coffee or green tea are also healthy.

Numerous studies have shown that drinking caffeinated beverages can temporarily boost your metabolic rate by 3-11%.

However, in people with obesity, as well as in older people, this effect is less pronounced. In addition, longtime coffee drinkers may have become resistant to its effects.

In order to lose weight, it is best to drink drinks such as plain black coffee without sugar. Like water, cold coffee can be even more beneficial.

Conclusion: Drinking caffeinated drinks can temporarily increase your metabolic rate.

8. Get good sleep

Not only is unreasonably little sleep bad for your overall health, but it can also slow down your metabolic rate and increase your risk of gaining weight.

One study found that metabolic rate decreased by 2.6% when healthy adults slept only four hours a night for five consecutive days.

Another five-week study showed that long-term sleep disturbance, along with irregular sleep times, reduced metabolic rate by an average of 8%.

Conclusion: Lack and poor quality of sleep can reduce the metabolic rate. For proper metabolism, you must strive to get enough healthy sleep.

Thought Message

While your basal metabolic rate is largely out of your control, there are various ways to increase the amount of calories you burn.

The 8 ways above can go a long way in helping you lose weight.

Video - how much to eat and lose weight?

In simple words, metabolism is the process that turns the food you eat and the liquid you drink into energy. Calories obtained from food give us energy for the normal functioning of the body.

Very often, the cause of excess weight is called a slow metabolism. This is not entirely true. Although overweight people do have a slow metabolism, the main reason for weight gain is a calorie surplus.

Nevertheless, you can and should speed up your metabolism. And today we will talk about ways that will help speed up your metabolism.

1. Eat enough

To weigh less, you need to eat less, right? Not this way! If you will consume too few calories, then you will begin to lose muscle mass, which will lead to a slowdown in metabolism. Plus, with an excessive calorie deficit, your body begins to burn less of them in order to conserve the "fuel for the body" that you received from food. Nutrient deficiencies occur and in the end you will get the exact opposite effect. At the slightest overeating, your dropped kilograms will return, adding new ones. Therefore, you do not need to exhaust yourself with strict diets. Proper regular nutrition and exercise will help you lose weight much faster and safer, as well as boost your metabolism.

2. Drink green tea

Green tea improves metabolism. Study participants who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day and spent 25 minutes exercising lost more weight than non-tea drinkers. Magic? Not at all. Green tea contains catechins - antioxidants that trigger fat burning processes.

3. Use unrefined olive oil, Extra Virgin.

Our body must receive fats, especially those found in olive oil. The right fats will help suppress hunger and boost your metabolism. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil will really help you burn calories. Extra virgin olive oil can increase blood levels of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel full. Olive oil also contains polyphenols and antioxidants that prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and depression of brain function.

4. Eat egg yolks

Many people neglect yolks in favor of egg whites for their low calorie content and high protein content. However, the yolk will be good for your metabolism. It contains many nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and choline (vitamin B4), which improves liver function. But what about cholesterol, you ask? Recent studies have shown that eating two eggs a day will not have any negative effect of fat on your body.

5. Don't Skimp on Fatty Milk

Skim milk contains less calcium, which helps the body burn fat more efficiently.

6. Eat enough protein per day

The bigger your muscles, the more calories your body burns to support them, even if you're not exercising. The gym will help you build muscle, and protein will improve this process. Try to include protein in every meal throughout the day.

7. Eat Whole Grains

Our bodies work harder to digest and break down whole grains, such as durum wheat pasta or whole grain bread. You will improve your metabolism by consuming these foods. Brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread - all this should be included in the diet.

8. Eat garlic

Garlic maintains blood sugar balance and improves fat metabolism. Add garlic to your meals, especially those rich in fats and carbohydrates. We have known since childhood that garlic boosts immunity.

9. Don't drink soda, even if it contains "zero calories"

Yes, yes, diet cola and other diet sodas can play tricks on you and become a real obstacle to a flat stomach. The artificial sweeteners used in soda can mess with the body's normal metabolic response to sugars and increase appetite. Today, diet drinks are already directly linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases.

10. Eat chocolate

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate will lower stress hormones and improve metabolism. All this is achieved thanks to the flavonoids contained in cocoa, which play an important role in regulating metabolism and relieving stress. If you think that this is a green light for uncontrolled consumption of chocolate, we dare to stop you. First, you should eat no more than 40 grams of chocolate per day. Secondly, we are talking about dark bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content (at least 70%).

11. Drink oolong tea

This traditional Chinese tea is rich in antioxidants and not only helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, but also aids in digestion and helps boost metabolism. Like green tea, oolong contains catechins that improve metabolic processes. Thus, oolong tea is one of the best types of tea for weight loss.

12. Eat lentils

Iron deficiency can be directly linked to being overweight. After all, with a lack of iron, your body cannot run all the resources that help burn calories. A cup of lentils is one-third of your daily iron intake. This also includes other legumes.

13. Eat nuts

Especially almonds, which can be included in any diet. Nuts contain healthy monosaturated fats and make you feel full.

14. Eat salmon

There are many types of sea and river fish, but it is salmon that is the best choice for speeding up metabolism. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland, which produces iodine-containing hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism.

15. Eat apples

Eating apples every day can help prevent metabolic syndrome (an increase in visceral fat mass). Apples are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber.

16. Avoiding alcohol will increase fat burning by 73%.

If you cannot completely give up alcohol, then you should at least reduce its consumption. Drinking alcohol slows down your metabolism. Why? The body begins to spend energy on removing toxins, and not on the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates received from food. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, which stops muscle growth.

17. Snack on yogurt

Probiotics in foods like yogurt improve bowel function. Yogurt is also rich in protein and calcium.

18. Eat oysters

Of course, this is not the most common and by no means the cheapest product. But if you have the opportunity to eat oysters - do not refuse. Oyster is one of the best dietary sources of zinc, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland, which is involved in metabolism.

19. Eat an avocado

Avocados can safely be called the oil that grows on trees. But instead of cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats, avocados contain monounsaturated fats that improve metabolic processes.

20. Eat cheese

Cheese contains calcium and vitamin D, as well as protein. Calcium, as we have already found out, contributes to weight loss, and protein will help maintain muscle mass, which helps maintain a normal metabolism.

21. Eat beans

Not only is it an excellent source of vegetable protein, but it is also rich in coarse fiber. The process of digesting coarse fiber along with proteins will improve your metabolism.

22. Eat Broccoli

Calcium and vitamin C work together to boost your metabolism. Broccoli also contains many nutrients and coarse fiber.

23. Eat hot peppers

Cayenne pepper, chili, jalapeno and just hot sauce will help increase the metabolic rate.

24. Drink more water

Fluid intake is the cornerstone of proper nutrition. Just drink more water. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. Follow this recommendation and you will see how the extra pounds go.

25. Make a cup of coffee

In addition to green tea, coffee is also one of the best drinks to lose weight and boost your metabolism. People who regularly drink coffee have a 16% higher metabolic rate than those who neglect this drink. It is enough to drink 2-4 cups a day. No more! A large amount of caffeine will start to strongly suppress your appetite, which slows down your metabolism.

26. Add mustard

Add mustard to your meals. One teaspoon of mustard can boost metabolism by 25% within hours of eating. It's all about the capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanates found in mustard.

27. Eat Lean Meat

Iron deficiency can slow down metabolism. Where is a lot of iron? In lean meat. Plus, you get a high protein content for your muscles.

28. Drink water after waking up

This is one of the best and cheapest ways to get your metabolism going. During sleep, your body's metabolic functions slow down. Drinking a glass of water after waking up gives your metabolism a boost.

Many people notice that gradually their metabolism or metabolism slows down. Extra pounds, fatigue begin to appear. In order to speed it up, improve the condition of the body and lose weight without harm to health, you need to figure out what affects the slowdown in metabolism, and how to speed it up with natural methods.

What slows down metabolism

There are dozens of factors that slow down metabolism. Some of them can be influenced, and significantly speed up the metabolism.

Lack of thyroid hormones and other hormonal disorders. Thyroid diseases can both speed up and slow down the metabolism. This is especially evident in women when they sit on various diets for a long time and hardly lose a couple of kilos. So, for example, undiagnosed polycystic ovaries can make it difficult to lose weight. In such cases, correction with drugs and medical supervision is necessary.

Age and gender. Due to the difference in the volume of muscle mass, the metabolic rate in men is slightly higher. With age, due to the accumulated toxins, a sedentary lifestyle, the metabolism slows down by an average of 5% for every 10 years of life.

Excess weight. Different tissue types affect the metabolic rate. Muscle improves metabolism compared to body fat. Due to the fact that they are denser in structure and move more, their need for burning calories is higher. With weight gain due to fat, calorie burning slows down.

Lack of protein and fiber intake. The lack of fiber from fruits and vegetables in the diet can increase a person's weight by 5-7%. And animal protein from fish and meat dishes is a building material for muscles, which activates metabolic processes. It is also found in poultry, mushrooms, nuts, and dairy products.

Lack of iron, calcium and vitaminD. Calcium and iron allow fats to be absorbed faster. Iron is also responsible for transporting oxygen to the muscles where calories are burned. Completing the lack of iron and calcium from natural sources - meat, seafood, greens, oatmeal, sour-milk products will help improve metabolic processes. Vitamin D is directly involved in metabolism. Bran, oily fish such as mackerel, trout, and salmon fillets help to fill its shortage.

What helps speed up metabolism

  • Physical activity, namely strength training aimed at developing, increasing and activating muscle mass. Aerobic long-term cardio workouts affect the vascular system and cause calories to be burned faster.
  • Daily breakfast. At night, metabolic processes slow down. The body needs to be "started" again with a morning meal. Cells need to get enough energy and healthy nutrients in the morning to work efficiently throughout the day and not accumulate more excess fat.
  • Separate food. Three daily meals are best divided into 5-6. Long periods of time between meals reduce the metabolic rate. Feeding calories in small portions throughout the day will keep the metabolism at a certain level. More about separate meals -.
  • Food must be healthy. Ordinary snacks and fast food as mini-snacks will not work. You need a complete source of protein, as well as a large portion of fiber-rich vegetables. The body uses a lot of energy to break down these nutrients. Ideal foods for this are leafy and green vegetables, sea or river fish, blueberries, fresh tomatoes, whole grains, and unsweetened fruits.

  • Sufficient liquid. A dehydrated body slows down metabolic processes, affecting the temperature of the body, and it begins to store fat. This metabolic trap can be avoided by drinking at least 2 liters of plain water per day.
  • B group vitamins. The lack of such important vitamins for the body causes fatigue, decreased muscle function, and disorders of the nervous system. Metabolism is largely supported by the work of the muscles, which absorb glucose as an energy source and digest it. If muscle function is impaired due to a lack of vitamins, metabolic processes slow down accordingly.
  • Visiting a bath or sauna. Such thermal procedures can increase the metabolism of fats. An increase in body temperature activates fat metabolism. The breakdown of body fat accelerates, and body weight gradually decreases if you visit a bath or sauna regularly. But in order to make up for the loss of fluid that comes out with sweat, it is necessary to drink more fluids during thermal procedures.
  • Rejection of strict diets and starvation. With a sharp lack of energy in the form of food, the body begins to accumulate it, slowing down metabolic processes. Studies have shown that basal metabolism during fasting is reduced by 25-30%.

Video on how to speed up metabolism and lose weight

What is metabolism and what affects its intensity? What foods affect active metabolism? We learn from the video.

Foods that speed up metabolism

There are a number of products, introducing into the diet that can accelerate the burning of fat and excess calories.

Coconut milk. The special structure of the fats contained in this product requires enhanced splitting. They do not accumulate in cells, but are sent directly to the liver for digestion, providing the body with energy.

Mustard. This is not only a classic seasoning for dishes. In oriental medicine, its therapeutic use is known, especially to promote digestion and proper metabolism of nutrients. Mustard seeds are steamed in boiling water and taken for weight loss.

Apple vinegar. It effectively helps to burn excess. Japanese studies have shown that with sufficient use of acetic acid, a person does not gain much weight, even if he does not adhere to a diet, but allows himself both fatty foods and meat delicacies.

Milk. This drink does not particularly affect the burning of calories, but during low-calorie diets it allows you to keep your metabolism at a stable level. It provokes the body to stop accumulating energy and start spending it on life.

Coffee or green tea. The caffeine in these favorite morning drinks is a mild metabolic booster. It increases endurance during active sports, invigorates and gives strength. Green tea additionally contains catechins, which help to improve thermogenesis, which causes cells to burn more calories. But do not overexcite the nervous system, and drink a large amount of these drinks. A day to speed up fat metabolism is enough 1 cup of coffee or freshly brewed green tea.

Red pepper. This is a product with a negative calorie content, more precisely a spice that causes the body to spend more energy on its digestion. Often treated with red pepper, as it contains a special substance - capsaicin, which helps to remove excess fat accumulation.

Protein food. Food rich in proteins and proteins has an increased thermal effect. That is, the digestive tract spends a lot of energy on its digestion and assimilation. In order to "start" metabolic mechanisms and maintain them all day, it is worth including animal or natural protein in every meal - fish, meat, eggs, something from dairy.

Additional Information. Vegetable proteins are filled with nuts and legumes (lentils, as well as peas and beans). The latter contain both fiber and useful potassium and iron, which help maintain the healthy functioning of the entire body.

Grapefruit and other citrus fruits. According to scientists, this exotic fruit or its freshly squeezed juice helps to lose weight. Its fibers and acids normalize digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as the elimination of toxins. Other citrus fruits are also useful, as they contain long-digestible fiber and vitamins involved in metabolism.

Ginger. It contains a special enzyme that helps digest food and effectively speeds up metabolism. Scientists have noticed that ginger root contributes to a better supply of oxygen to muscle tissue, and it is there that glucose is mainly converted directly into energy.

Seafood and fish. Squid, mussels, fatty fish, especially red, contain Omega-3 acids and protein, which improve metabolism and reduce leptin levels. If there is no desire to cook them, then you can replace them with capsular fish oil, as well as flaxseed or walnuts.

Cinnamon. This oriental spice is able to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, which in turn increases metabolism, prompting cells to consume fats and digest them into energy.

Almond. This nut is rich in minerals and vitamins that have a positive effect on vision, metabolism, and the cardiovascular system. It is a source of natural protein, rare trace elements and healthy fats. As a nutritious snack, there is nothing better than a handful of toasted almonds.

Cabbage. Many varieties of this vegetable are useful for weight loss. This is cauliflower, and white cabbage, and broccoli, and kohlrabi. They have everything to fully accelerate the metabolism - calcium, vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins.

Spinach. Spinach leaves contain manganese, necessary for healthy fat burning, and useful for bone tissue, normal functioning of the thyroid gland, brain, blood formation, and hormone production.

Note! This healing vegetable is in the first position among the products that burn fat due to the high content of natural protein, fiber and beneficial trace elements.

Herbs that speed up the metabolism

The following folk remedies help to cleanse the body, enhance metabolic processes and lose weight:
  • decoction of marsh blueberry leaves;
  • knotweed herb infusion;
  • infusion of linden or blueberry leaves;
  • a decoction of plantain leaves (see also -).

Drugs to speed up metabolism

  • Stimulants, the most harmless of which is caffeine. Starting to take such drugs, a person becomes addicted. They have many negative side effects, such as heart rhythm disturbance, trembling in the hands, increased pressure, nervous overexcitation and insomnia.
  • Anabolic steroid. Used widely by bodybuilders. Of course, they activate the metabolism, but the male sex hormones that are part of them disrupt the normal functioning of many organs, undermining health. After their abolition, metabolism is disturbed, and obesity appears.
  • somatropin, i.e. growth hormone. Its long-term use speeds up metabolism, leads to fat loss and muscle building. This drug has a lot of side effects.

Important! People who take such unsafe fat burners harm their body. It is better to go to the goal of losing weight using natural methods, even if they do not immediately lead to instant results.

Safe natural stimulants are:
  • echinacea purpurea;
  • ginseng;
  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • radiola pink;
  • eleutherococcus.
A special place in fat burning is played by mineral and vitamin complexes:
  • Alfa Vita;
  • "Vita Zeolite";
  • Vita Minerals;
  • "Mono Oxi";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Elevit";
  • vitamin and mineral preparations of the German brand "Doppel Herz".
They effectively affect metabolic cellular processes, remove toxic substances and strengthen the immune system.

Physical activity to speed up metabolism

Muscle fibers weigh more than body fat and require more energy to work. Strengthened workouts in the gym a couple of times a week for 30-40 minutes speed up the metabolism per day by an average of 100 calories. This effect continues even on non-training days.

Running helps a lot, namely the alternation of speed. The interval strategy, as it were, “turns on” the body, helping the cells to be saturated with oxygen. Running speed may be small at first, after 5-10 minutes it is better to accelerate, and then switch back to easy running. And so several times.

Daily aerobics for 30 minutes helps burn calories. You can do it at home, taking small breaks to start. After a workout, you usually feel hungry. So the body reacts to the burning of calories, requiring their replenishment. But don't be in a hurry to eat.

Calorie consumption can vary significantly depending on the time of day, type of activity and human biological rhythms. In this regard, metabolism is usually divided into five categories.

  1. basal level. The rate of metabolic processes at rest or during sleep. Energy is spent only on breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation and brain work.
  2. BX. The minimum energy consumption to maintain the normal functioning of the body. It accounts for up to 75% of the calories ingested with food.
  3. Thermal effect of digestion. It is 10% of the total amount of energy consumed. Used to process food. This indicator is highest in the morning, within a few hours after waking up. Therefore, it is breakfast that should account for the lion's share of the daily calorie intake (35%).
  4. The thermal effect of exercise. The number of calories that are burned during sports training.
  5. Exchange of daily activities. Energy burned during all physical activities, except for sports training. This is walking, and household chores, and mental work, and a static position.

What is metabolism

The normal operation of all body systems largely depends on the metabolic rate. The vital activity of each internal organ is accompanied by energy consumption, therefore, resources must be supplied to the body regularly, and spent uninterruptedly.

Key Factors

To understand how to speed up metabolism, you need to understand what factors affect it. There are nine key points worth highlighting.

  1. Age. The older a person becomes, the slower the calories that enter the body are consumed. That is why the vast majority of older people are overweight.
  2. Muscle mass. Muscle growth is accompanied by increased energy consumption.
  3. body parameters. A person with a large physique burns more calories than people with miniature parameters. According to statistics, short people are more likely to be overweight than tall people.
  4. Air temperature. Being in the cold, the body spends more energy to maintain normal functioning.
  5. Lifestyle. The more active a person is, the more energy he needs during the day. It is not only about physical activity, but also about mental activity.
  6. Food culture. The main source of energy for the body is food. Depending on its quality and frequency of receipt, the rate of metabolic processes can vary significantly.
  7. Genetics. As a rule, children inherit the metabolic rate from their parents. The indicator can differ by about 10%.
  8. Hormonal background. Deviations can cause a slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, an increase in body weight. First of all, it concerns thyroid hormones and the reproductive system.
  9. Floor. In women, unlike men, the body is more prone to the accumulation of resources. That is why the fair sex is more likely to face the problem of excess weight.

According to statistics, only 2% of all cases of metabolic disorders are hormonal in nature. The remaining 98% are caused by improper lifestyle and hereditary factors.

3 myths and their debunking

Many myths have been created around the specifics of metabolic processes. The most widespread are three misconceptions that have no basis.

  1. Fasting promotes weight loss. Indeed, the first few days you will rapidly lose weight. But as you return to a normal diet, the weight will increase at a double rate. In addition, rigid diets are a sure way to anorexia and bulimia.
  2. A lazy stomach means a bad metabolism. Digestion should not be confused with metabolic processes. If you feel that your stomach is slowly processing food, it is enough to adjust the diet towards lighter foods.
  3. You can't change your metabolic rate. In most cases, a person can independently pump up the metabolism. All you need to do is eat right and move more.

Interestingly, regular physical activity leads to an acceleration of metabolism not only during activity, but also in a passive state. So, if you give ten minutes of exercise three times a week for six months, calorie consumption at rest will increase by almost 8%.

Physical activity

Increasing physical activity is the surest way to improve metabolism. The fact is that any body movement is accompanied by the consumption of calories. Therefore, it is necessary to start fighting stagnation in this direction.

The phrase "physical activity" in most people causes associations with the gym. In fact, this concept combines any motor activity during the day. It is worth highlighting four tips on how to disperse the metabolism at home.

  1. Walk more often. If possible, avoid public transport and elevators. Be sure to take walks between work. In your free time, do not miss the opportunity to take a walk in the fresh air.
  2. Do housework. Make it a rule to do a spring cleaning every weekend. Or distribute the processes evenly throughout the week.
  3. Move without moving. If you have to sit a lot, ensure at least minimal activity. For example, tap your fingers on the table, shake your leg, turn your head.
  4. Work standing. Write, type, read, watch TV, cook - do it all in a standing position. This will allow you to expend almost 200 kcal more than if you were doing the same activity while sitting.

The results depend, in particular, on the speed of movements. When doing this or that work, periodically (every 40 minutes) increase the pace, keeping it for about 40-60 seconds. Then gradually return to normal.

5 exercises

If you are serious about restoring your metabolism, you can not do without training. In this regard, strength exercises and cardio loads are most effective. You can disperse a low metabolism thanks to five tricks. The number of repetitions is ten or more, depending on how you feel.

  1. Squats. With your feet wide apart and arms extended forward for balance, slowly squat down and also slowly return to the starting position. Focus on your heels. People with good physical shape can squat with weights (for example, with dumbbells).
  2. Push ups. Rest your toes and palms on the floor, keeping your torso straight. Bending your elbows, press your chest to the floor and come back. If your muscles are weak, push up against the wall.
  3. Press. Lying on your back, put your hands under your head and bend your knees. Raising your head and shoulder girdle, reach for your knees.
  4. Body lifting. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, raise your arms, head and body off the floor, fixing the position for five seconds. The hips and legs should remain on the floor.
  5. Run in place. Run in place for three to five minutes, working with half-bent legs. If your fitness allows, do the exercise by raising your knees as high as possible.

For people suffering from a lack of time, a four-minute complex is recommended, replacing a full hour-long workout. For four minutes, do the exercises at the fastest pace. Activity for 20 seconds alternates with 10-second breaks. Contraindication - diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


To lose weight and improve well-being, do not set rigid limits in nutrition. Just adjust the menu for healthy food.

Activator products

Foods that speed up metabolism are probably on your menu. It's just that now they should become the basis of the diet, and not an addition to it. There are nine key activators.

  1. Coffee and green tea. These drinks are characterized by a high content of caffeine, which, in turn, can increase the rate of metabolic processes by up to 11%.
  2. Whole wheat bread. The assimilation of such a product requires a lot of energy. In addition, it contains many trace elements and dietary fiber.
  3. Red beans. B vitamins accelerate the course of biochemical processes in the body, and zinc takes part in the formation of muscle fibers. Also, the product has a beneficial effect on the intestines.
  4. Poultry meat. This is the main source of protein, which, in turn, acts as a building material for muscles.
  5. Seafood. Suppress leptin synthesis. This hormone plays a key role in the formation of adipose tissue.
  6. Citrus. Ascorbic acid contained in fruits stimulates digestion and has a fat-burning effect. Citrus fruits also tend to neutralize cholesterol and strengthen the immune system.
  7. Fruits and vegetables. It is the most valuable source of vitamins. But most importantly, fruits are an indispensable source of fiber, which naturally cleanses the body.
  8. Spices. Hot pepper, ginger, and other spices warm the body from the inside, making all its systems work faster.
  9. Dairy products. They saturate the body with calcium, which, in turn, acts as a catalyst for the process of splitting fats.

The basis of the diet should be protein foods. And all because the body spends twice as much energy on its processing than on fats and carbohydrates. The daily norm is 2 g of protein for every 1 kg of body weight.

3 smoothie recipes

Smoothies are the perfect option for breakfast or a snack that will help satisfy your hunger without stuffing your stomach and normalize your metabolism. Just beat all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. The table shows three recipes for those who want to lose weight, build muscle and disperse the metabolism at the same time.

Table - Smoothie Recipes for Metabolism

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About eating habits

By neglecting the rules of healthy eating, a person harms himself on his own. Not only the diet is important, but also the mode of consumption of food. Six tips will help regulate metabolic processes.

  1. Refusal of a low-calorie diet. You should consume as many calories as your body asks for. If he feels a lack of energy for several days, the “economy mode” is activated. The body will reduce energy costs and accumulate resources in the form of body fat.
  2. Reduce breaks between meals. Don't let your body feel hungry. Even if you can’t eat a full meal, consider at least small snacks. If you leave the body without food for five or more hours, the metabolism will slow down in order to save energy resources.
  3. Don't skip breakfast. It is the morning meal that sets the tone for metabolic processes and the work of the whole organism, and therefore it should have a high content of carbohydrates. In addition, food eaten in the morning is best absorbed.
  4. Eat and drink cold. If the product does not lose its taste when cold, do not reheat it. So you force the body to spend more energy on food processing.
  5. Drink liquid. It is best to do this before meals. First, water will start the digestive process. Secondly, the liquid will partially fill the stomach cavity, reducing the feeling of hunger.
  6. Eat at the same time. Eating disorderly is stressful for the body. Without a clear schedule for food intake, the metabolism begins to work in accumulation mode.

If you still prefer to stick to a diet, once a week allow yourself to deviate from the established diet and eat more high-calorie foods. Thus, you will not allow the metabolism to go into "energy-saving mode", due to insufficient intake of nutrients.

6 more rules for a good metabolism

A fast metabolism is the result of a whole range of measures that relate to nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle. As for the last point, follow the six rules.

  1. Get enough sleep. Constant lack of sleep is fraught not only with chronic fatigue, but also with metabolic disorders. If you sleep less than seven or eight hours within five days, the rate of metabolic processes will drop by 5%. And this is not the limit. Remember that proper sleep is especially important. The optimal time is from 23:00 to 07:00.
  2. Do not be nervous. In a state of nervous tension, the body synthesizes cortisol. It is a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue. In addition, stress increases appetite.
  3. Do not take questionable drugs. After studying the reviews of doctors, you will understand that there are no medicines or dietary supplements that can normalize metabolism without additional effort. Moreover, they can further slow down the metabolism.
  4. Do a massage. The procedure tones the body and accelerates blood circulation. It is not only about professional therapy, but also about self-massage.
  5. Take a contrast shower. Change the water temperature every 30 seconds. At the end of the procedure, rub yourself well with a hard towel.
  6. Do aromatherapy sessions. If you are not allergic, turn on the aroma lamp with esters of orange, cypress, rosemary, cinnamon, grapefruit or juniper every day for 15-20 minutes. Inhaling vapors, you will increase blood circulation, speed up lymph flow and eliminate stagnant processes.

Scientists have found that laughter increases the production of heat in the body. Thus, ten minutes of laughter a day will greatly enhance the effectiveness of diets and workouts.

After 20 years, in all people, without exception, the metabolism begins to slow down. This is due to the completion of the stage of active cell growth and a decrease in motor activity. In addition, the cell mass of the internal organs gradually decreases, which reduces the energy consumption for maintaining their vital functions. If you want to keep your slimness and well-being for many years, you should do everything possible to speed up the body's metabolism for weight loss.

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