Correct outlook. The right worldview is the key to development The right worldview

Every seeker or person who is seriously engaged in self-exploration in one way or another is faced with the question of worldview. What is it, why is it and what to do with it? These questions arise in this or that volume and combinations inevitably.

Let's try to figure this out. And so the first question - what is a worldview? A worldview is knowledge or a set of knowledge about oneself, the world and reality that is structured (or not structured) in a certain way.

What influences this set of knowledge? It affects how we see ourselves, the world and reality and, accordingly, how we act and react to what is happening to us, within us and around us. In the case of a set of knowledge, we are talking about a worldview, in the case of our views, which follow from a worldview, we are talking about a worldview, and in the case of a feeling associated with this, a worldview and self-awareness.

As I said earlier, human experience is associated with which consists of three main blocks - discrimination, experience and interpretation. As we realize ourselves, so we experience, and as we experience, we interpret (describe and explain) this experience to ourselves and others, respectively.

The worldview refers mostly to the area of ​​work of the mind (more precisely, the intellect) and, accordingly, includes information from the blocks of discrimination and interpretation, allowing us, based on this information, to experience ourselves and the world in various situations exactly as we do.

If the worldview is conscious (reflected) and we have done appropriate work with it in this regard, then we experience ourselves and get the corresponding experience also consciously. If not, then it happens unconsciously i.e. automatically.

Now let's look at how we discover our worldview and the criterion for its "correctness". Since usually we are not aware of it and this is normal - it should be so, then we do not notice it, but find it only in those situations when we are faced with "suffering" and the fact that "something went wrong." In such situations, we may become interested (if we have the skill of such introspection and the corresponding desire) and find that some of our beliefs that are based on our views lead us to behave in such a way that this leads to situations of "suffering".

From this it is easy to discover the main criterion for the correctness of the worldview - adequacy. Those. such a worldview is good and adequate, which leads to a minimum of suffering (according to the plan and in the future). What does this really mean?

In reality, this means that at the moment of “contact” or participation in the situation or what is happening, our worldview conflict with it is minimal. Those. we perceive (more precisely, we perceive and interpret) everything exactly as it is, and accordingly, this does not cause frustration, conflict and other “negative” reactions in us - no matter what the situation is from the point of view of “good / bad”.

Based on what was stated in the previous paragraph, we can come to an awesome and unexpected conclusion - it is better not to have a worldview at all. Because in this case we see what is - we don’t interpret it in any way, and we don’t care.

Yes, that is right. This is ideal, and therefore abstract. But! why it doesn't fit in real situations and in real life. More precisely, at first we will see when it suits and when it is necessary to strive for such a perception as far as possible. This is suitable when we seem to be not interested in the situation and what is happening, and when we need to ensure maximum contact with it in order to gain new experience, and not interpret what is in the categories of the old. This will allow you to look at the world of yourself freshly and always in a new way and perhaps allow us to notice what we did not notice before and reconsider the worldview that we have.

Now let's see when it doesn't fit. Yes, almost always. Why? Because the main goal of the worldview is to develop a structure of views that will allow us to live and act automatically. After all, it is precisely such a response that we need in 99% of cases of life - when we do not have time to think, analyze and delve deeply. At such moments, we just need to know how to act and that's it. Those. one way or another, the worldview by this moment should be formed and should tell us how to act. And if it is "adequate" i.e. if it’s right, then with a high degree of probability we will do it in such a way that it will not lead to “suffering”, if not, then we will be upset sooner or later.

In fact, both the first option (the perception of a situation when the worldview is pushed aside does not participate in its awareness and interpretation) and the second (automatic perception and regalia based on an already existing worldview) can interact harmoniously complementing each other and each taking its place. When we need to look at the situation "openly" to be more open, gain new experience, reconsider our views, etc. we use the first one, and when we need a quick and "correct" response based on an adequately built worldview - the second one.

Well, I hope now everything is clear why it is important to have an “adequate” worldview and carry out appropriate work on it, and when it will be useful to put it aside and be more open and receptive to the new, which will allow you to more deeply engage in the situation and get new perceptions and experiences that can change us.

And now let's return to the question, how can we build this adequate worldview and what it means in essence. As I said, a worldview is a set of knowledge, and as I said earlier. What is this context? Here it is - for whom and in what situation is this knowledge true? Or in other words, from what point of view and in what context this knowledge is true. Those. the question of the adequacy of knowledge is based on two criteria - identification (perception and perceiver) and context (in which this knowledge is adequate).

Let's look at both the first and the second more closely. Once I said that (ie, somewhere in something each of us is a legion) is the total form through which many forces express themselves and manifest themselves. In short and for example, then a person is a manifestation potential, cosmic forces, a living thing, a biological species, a social unit, a part of culture and a soul. All these identifications provide for an appropriate point of view on reality and perception of the world, which can sometimes interact and sometimes conflict, and this should be distinguished and taken into account. And naturally, identifications provide for a goal, which in turn provides for the context of its implementation for a given identification.

Now about the context. Our life is a set (perhaps even infinite) of different situations of interaction which one way or another can be described by the appropriate contexts, which can form layers, layers, rows .. be nested, etc. etc. What is most important in this is to be able to clearly define the context of the situation (interactions, phenomena) and distinguish it from the “other” according to certain criteria and within certain limits. Why is it important? - because any knowledge is reliable, truthful and objective only in its context.

Let's generalize. It turns out that the work of building an adequate worldview is building a structure (or a direct hyperstructure or even a super-matrix) in which all knowledge takes its place in accordance with the identification and context in which they were obtained and for which they are, accordingly, “adequate”. Such a worldview will generally be adequate. Which of course does not mean that there will not be situations when it can lead to conflict and reveal its inadequacy, and then we will have to apply “Plan B” and put aside our worldview and gain new experience and integrate it and revise our worldview again.

Of course, it may seem to someone like this right off the bat that - “why then .. if all the time .. and always on a new one?”. And here's why a) because there are no options b) because an adequate worldview still significantly minimizes "suffering" c) it also allows you not to get confused in knowledge and situations, but always act most adequately.

Well, of course, you can not do all this. Because it will work without you - because it is an objective process. We are ignorant of reality and this is a fact - otherwise there would be no question of self-study and search for the path, and therefore one way or another you will “suffer” and “learn” - this is inevitable, just if you are aware of the mechanism of what is happening, you can do everything quickly, relatively painlessly, of good will and when it suits you, otherwise slowly, with "suffering" and at random. However, as usual, combinations are possible.

Yes .. and one more small but important point! No matter how wonderful your worldview is, you should always be aware that this is just knowledge .. information, and not reality and not. When you remember this, they are useful and help you, but if you suddenly forget and start thinking that this is how it really is ... then it’s better not to forget. Because knowledge is not, the world and ourselves, but simply serve a specific purpose. And your being and manifestation, as well as the being and manifestation of the whole world, determines the appearance of this knowledge (that is, it is their cause), and not knowledge determines being.

Well, now you know everything about the worldview.

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov's blog! Each person has a certain system of views and opinions, thanks to this basis, he understands how to behave in various situations and how to “build” life. Therefore, today we will touch upon such a topic as worldview and its types, the main types, in order to learn stability and confidence, both in ourselves and in our position.


To simplify understanding a bit, I want to draw an analogy with eyeglasses.

  • Most people buy glasses made to order, and despite the variety of models, some of which are unique, there is still something in common between them, which allows us to understand what kind of object is in front of us. As well as note a completely unique design idea.
  • For one brand, products will have at least one similar feature by which it will be easy to identify.
  • To become the owner of points, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: financial situation, preferred style of clothing, social environment in which a person is located, fashion trends of the season, preferences, and so on.

Functions, or what is it for us?

  1. behavioral function. And this means that the system of values ​​and views has a direct impact on our actions and determines behavior in specific situations. For example, a person with certain religious beliefs would never even kill a mosquito, let alone use violence even in a dangerous situation to protect himself.
  2. Cognitive. Do you know the expression: "You can't wash your pants once and for all"? So it is with views on the surrounding reality. In the process of life, we constantly learn something new, gain experience, knowledge and experience different feelings, and depending on this, the way of thinking is corrected, although there are beliefs that are unchanged, even if they harm the “owner”.
  3. predictive. Again, thanks to the experience and knowledge gained, we are sometimes able to predict the near future. This allows us to plan activities, life, and avoid unpleasant situations. For example, parents, fearing the undesirable consequences of a child's friendship with peers from a dysfunctional family who, for example, use drugs and alcohol, in every possible way prevent his communication with them. No matter how wonderful and kind people these children are, there is a risk that their son will share their views on addiction.
  4. value. Due to the fact that we are constantly in search of answers to the questions: “What is love?”, “What is good or bad?”, “Why do I live?” and so on, we form a certain system of values, based on which we build relationships, careers, and life in general. With the help of prioritization, it is easier for us to make choices, make decisions and act. They give us confidence in our opinions, actions, and are also a marker for our own self-esteem. After all, if I have done something that, in my opinion, is a noble deed, I will consider that I am a sympathetic and kind person, from which I will experience satisfaction.


With the development of society, the types of worldview also change, some lose their relevance, others completely become obsolete, and still others are the only guidelines for the majority of the population. So, let's look at what belief systems distinguish:

Mythological worldview

It is characterized by the identification of nature with a living intelligent being, the belief that any events are associated with the actions of mythical creatures, visible and invisible, but living among people. There is no separation between subjective and objective. Why knowledge and ideas about the world and the surrounding reality are completely limited or incorrect.

Despite the foregoing, in our modern world there is still room for a mythical belief system, no matter how absurd it may seem at times. This is what allows you to keep in touch with your ancestors and pass on the knowledge gained to the next generations.

Well, for example, when a black cat crosses your path, what do you do? Most people are still holding on to a button, or waiting for someone else to walk this "unfortunate" path.


This type is more developed than the previous one, at least it has a more meaningful approach that meets moral and ethical standards. It has a huge impact on humans, in fact, being the strongest and most effective among other species. It is based on the belief in supernatural forces that fairly control the fate of people.

Therefore, it has a huge influence on a person, controlling and managing him. A believing person lives within certain strict limits, she is obliged to follow the rules, otherwise she will anger the higher powers, and they will punish either her or her loved ones. But in the case of obedience and the right deeds, she will be encouraged.

For example, a woman does not put on makeup, she devotes all her attention to cleaning, children and prayer, she does not experience joy and pleasure, but after death, unlike women who follow their own interest, she will go to the promised paradise.


It is also called ordinary, and all because it is formed from childhood, gradually, in everyday conditions. Initially, adults introduce the baby to such concepts as the sun, water, fire, animals, and so on. Growing up, he begins to gradually understand the structure of the world, he has certain expectations and ideas.

Parents pass on their experience, introduce them to the traditions and forms of building relationships. Over time, getting access to the media, literature and cinema, such a child consolidates the information received from adults and receives new information, following his interests.

In this regard, he realizes what he is, and what characteristics he is endowed with, while developing, he is looking for the meaning of his existence and the work that succeeds best.


The more a person devotes time to self-development, the more often there is a need to analyze, theorize and categorize. I mean that, relying on the material and spiritual components of the world, she tries to discover the truth, giving meaning to every nuance and event that occurs in her life.


The main indicators of this type are: rationality, specificity, logic, realism, accuracy, objectivity and practicality. It is important for a modern person to rely on proven facts, and not speculation, and fantasies.

The ability to move away from subjectivism and the ability to argue one's point of view with the help of logical conclusions and arguments are signs of a progressive individual who can influence the development of mankind.


These are the ideals inherent in different eras. Values, aspirations, circumstances, needs, norms, desires, conditions, etc. It is time that leaves the main imprint on the formation of personality, the conditions in which it was born.

For example, in the Middle Ages it was not at all relevant to fight for freedom of thought and the right to self-expression, because everyone who differed from the masses was instantly accused of heresy and executed. Especially cruelly the inquisitors cracked down on those who wished to receive accurate knowledge by studying science, which, in Antiquity, on the contrary, was valued.


It is peculiar to people who perceive the surrounding reality as a miracle, and try to give meaning to even the smallest things, discovering in them the beauty and magnificence hidden for most eyes. They know how to truly admire simple things that an ordinary person will not pay attention to.

Thanks to people with a creative bent and perception, we are surrounded by unique creations that can deliver aesthetic pleasure.


Based on the principles of humanity. Adherents of humanism believe that each person, in addition to being perfect, also has the ability for self-development and internal changes for the better. The life given to us is the highest value, and no one in the world has the right to interrupt it.

I think it will not be a secret for you to know that a person achieves success not only thanks to favorable events and hard work. What matters is his way of thinking. Have you heard stories about people who won a million, but after a short period of time again became beggars?

And about how billionaires lost everything, getting into countless debts, but at the same time literally a year later they were again at the top?

The Right Questions

What matters is not how much you have at the moment, but how you manage it.

So take your time and ask yourself these questions:

  • Where I am? It seems to be a strange question that causes bewilderment, but before you go somewhere, you should look around and carefully look around. True, right? Otherwise, there is a risk of getting to the wrong place, or, choosing a completely unsafe road, not getting anywhere, receiving only injuries and injuries. Here the created and accumulated ideas and knowledge will be useful, they will serve as a guide.
  • Who am I? The essence of man has such forms of manifestation: spirit, body and mind. What are your development goals? What do you think, what prevails in you more and what characteristics are endowed with each component? And, of course, what is the purpose?
  • How do I interact with the surrounding reality? How do I build relationships, how do I compete, or get my way? How do I show interest, love and other feelings? What do I present to the world, what part of me? Do I trust others?
  • What am I? What do I enjoy and what makes me sad? Why do I get angry and how do I calm down? What do I think of myself? What are my main character traits? What am I grateful for? Why am I ashamed? It is these and similar questions that each person must ask himself, only with the help of them is he able to explore and know himself. Then there will be no need to grab onto the opinions of the people around you, trying on their assessments on yourself.
  • And the last, important question: "What do I want?". It’s not enough to look at the place where you are, it’s also important to understand what result you want to achieve at the end of the path, otherwise you can endlessly go with the flow, disappointed and angry every time because of the fact that you “washed up” on the wrong shore. This is the final stage of knowing myself, when I understand what I am, I can plan my activities depending on my skills and characteristics.


Good luck and accomplishments!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


The only correct mindset

Somehow, in Moscow, I ended up in an intelligent company. Sitting in the kitchen, we drank tea and, as usual, discussed all or almost all local and world problems and events. They talked about the recent arrest of two dissidents, about the search of a third, about the increase in the price of gold (it did not affect the interests of those present in any way), about the Reagan press conference, about Sakharov's last statement, about North Korea, about South Africa, were carried away into the future, returned in the past, they began to discuss the murder of Tsar Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya that happened a hundred years ago.

One of the participants in the conversation was an expansive and brave young woman. She had already served time for participating in some samizdat magazine, it seems they were going to put her in jail for the second time, dragged her to the KGB, interrogated her, she behaved boldly, was impudent to the investigator and did not give any evidence.

Now she spoke about the event of a hundred years ago as excitedly as about yesterday's interrogation in Lefortovo prison.

“Oh, these people of the people! Oh, this Perovskaya! If I had lived then, I would have strangled her with my own hands.

"You're talking about yourself," I said. - You would not strangle Perovskaya.

The woman became even more aroused.

- I? Her? This bastard? Which tsar-father with a bomb ... I swear, I would strangle it without hesitation.

- Yes you! - I said. - Why get so excited? You don't know yourself very well. At that time, not only would you not strangle Perovskaya, but, on the contrary, would throw bombs at the tsar-father with her.

She expected any objection, but not this one.

- I? In the king-father? bombs? Do you know that I am a convinced monarchist?

- I see that you are a convinced monarchist. Because now it is fashionable to be a convinced monarchist. And then it was fashionable to throw bombs at the tsar-priest. And you, with your character, would certainly be among the bombers.

I don't know exactly what ideas this lady would have had in the past, but I can guess.

A writer with whom we have been friends for twenty years still lives in Moscow. When we met, he was still a relatively young man, very passionate, romantic and convinced that he had deep convictions. In fact, he never had his own convictions, those convictions that he considered his own were obtained not from direct observation of life, but consisted of quotations from the founders of the creed, of which he was one of the many followers. The world for him was simple and easily cognizable, for any complex question asked by life, there was always an answer explaining everything in the form of a suitable quote.

As you can easily guess, his infallible dogma, his only correct worldview was Marxism, which captured the minds of millions, but at that time was already beginning to go out of fashion. By the time we met, my friend was already disappointed in Stalin, and "returned" to Lenin. A small framed portrait of Lenin stood on his desk, a portrait of Mayakovsky hung on the wall, and a large bust of Garibaldi stood on a flower stand.

My friend considered me a cynic, because I made fun of his idols, perceived my caustic remarks about Lenin as blasphemy, I was unprogressive, backward, could not correctly assess the phenomena in their complex interconnection, because I was only superficially familiar with Lenin's works. “If you read Lenin,” my friend told me instructively, “you would understand everything, because Lenin has answers to all questions.” I was not an anti-Leninist, but I did not believe that one person, even if he was thrice a genius, could answer all the questions that worried people decades after his death.

Years passed. My friend did not stand still, he developed. The portrait of Lenin once disappeared, its place was taken by the rose Luxembourg. Bertolt Brecht appeared next to Mayakovsky. Then, replacing each other, and sometimes adjoining in temporary combinations, portraits of Hemingway, Faulkner, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Solzhenitsyn appeared. Sakharov did not hang for long. Garibaldi lasted longer than others, perhaps because busts are more expensive to change. Once we had a fight.

When I arrived at my friend's house a few years later, I saw that the scenery had changed drastically. Icons hung on the walls, portraits of Nicholas II, Father Pavel Florensky, John of Kronstadt and other persons known and unknown to me in cassocks and monastic hoods. Garibaldi, covered with a thick layer of dust, I noticed behind the closet.

We talked about this and that, and when I expressed my backward views on some occasion, my friend condescendingly told me that I was mistaken, and my errors were due to the fact that I was not familiar with the writings of Father Pavel Florensky, who on this subject said... And then I was given a quotation that should have completely smitten me. And I realized that the years when we had not seen each other had not been in vain for my friend, he had already completely mastered the new, advanced and only correct worldview, and I would not catch up with him again.

My friend's pattern of development is characteristic of many people of my own and several previous generations. Former Marxists and atheists have now come to Orthodoxy, some to Buddhism, some to Zionism, and some to parapsychology or jogging.

And once it was romantic-minded boys and girls. With flaming eyes and brains full of quotes from the works of the classics of the only correct worldview. I personally feared them much more than professional Chekists or informers. Those, due to laziness or lack of orders, could have missed something. And these, devoted to ideals, with principled directness, could at best bring down a hail of quotes on you, and at worst, pull you out at a meeting, sparing neither your closest friend, nor your beloved teacher, either dad or mom. Now these former boys and girls have become disillusioned with their ideals. Some of them have retired from active work, concentrated on their work, they either do not seek the truth or are looking for it, but not in the works of their former idols. And they are being quiet.

Of course, all of us, or most of us, have undergone unprecedented processing. Ideology was hammered into us from the cradle. Some people truly believed in it. Others treated it like a religion with a mixture of faith and doubt: since such learned people (not like us) claim that Marxism is infallible, then maybe they know better. Most young people, if they did not grow up in families of religious sectarians, were pioneers and Komsomol members, because they did not know any other way. Even not joining the Komsomol was already a challenge to the all-powerful authorities (after all, whoever is not with us is against us). But, while joining the Komsomol (and sometimes even the party), attending meetings and paying membership dues, the majority still retained the ability to doubt. And the instinct of conscience did not allow everyone to pull out a comrade at a meeting who whispered a joke about Stalin or admitted that his father did not die in the war, but was shot as an enemy of the people. The majority, of course, did not object (those who objected were simply destroyed), but kept silent and evaded. Many people combined a sincere belief in Marxism-Leninism with quite decent personal behavior.

Former fiery boy-girls now sometimes seriously believe that before everyone was like that, because they did not hear anyone but themselves. Some of them, now proclaiming anti-communist slogans, are again shouting louder than others, although it is they who, if only out of a sense of taste, should have kept silent.

I know one middle-aged lady who, as a girl, fought so frantically in her higher educational institution against ideological heresy that even party organizers stopped her. In 1953, she accused her friend at a Komsomol meeting that she did not cry on the day of Stalin's death. And now, when this former girl writes in the émigré press: "we are Christians," this really jars me. For me, the concept of "Christian" has always been associated with the concept of "conscientious person", but not every one of our converts can be attributed to this category of people.

I'm not at all against people changing their beliefs. On the contrary, I completely agree with Leo Tolstoy, who once said something like this: “They say it's a shame to change your beliefs. And I say: it’s a shame not to change them.”

To adhere to beliefs that have become contrary to life or historical experience is stupid, and sometimes criminal. However, I personally (please forgive me for being categorical) do not trust any convictions if they are not accompanied by doubts. And I also do not believe that any teaching can be acceptable to everyone.

But my ex-friend believed it. Passing from one faith to another, he convinced that he had changed. In fact, what he was, remained so. I just threw some quotes out of my head and filled it with others. But he remained as belligerent as before. And, operating with new (for him) quotations, he intends to use them not only for self-satisfaction, not only in order to go towards a new goal himself, but also in order to drag others to it.

My friend and his like-minded people repeat the long-standing fiction that Russia is a special country, the experience of other nations does not suit it in any way, it must go its own way (as if it did not go to them). Democracy does not suit the creators of new teachings. Democratic societies, they say, decay from excessive freedom, are weak, they pay too much attention to human rights and too little of his duties, and these societies are actually led not by outstanding personalities, but by the gray majority. Democracy is opposed to authoritarianism not as a compromise, but as the most reasonable form of government. I asked many supporters of authoritarianism what it is. I am told quite unintelligibly that this is the power of authority, that is, of some wise person, whom everyone will consider the Authority. But if we discard the centuries-old practice of democratically electing an authoritative person through general and free elections for a limited time and with limited powers, then in what other way, by whom and for what time will anyone's authority be established? Will not this Authority appoint himself to this position? And won't society again, under the wise guidance of the Authority, turn into a herd of rabid adherents with quotations and machine guns? And were not Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao authorities (and not at all exaggerated) for hundreds of millions of people? And why is Khomeini not an authoritative person?

All this philosophizing about enlightened authoritarian rule may end in a new ideological madness. They are not based on any historical experience, nor on any real facts. Where, in what country is there at least one wise authoritarian ruler? How is he better than the rulers, elected democratically and controlled by the "gray" majority? Why are authoritarian countries better than democratic ones?

The preachers of authoritarianism who emigrated from the Soviet Union eloquently answer this question, choosing democratic and never authoritarian countries as their places of residence.

Authoritarians, like the creators of the only correct worldviews that preceded them, are very prone to rhetoric and demagogy. They say: “Well, well, well, democracy, what next? You can ask them: “Authoritarianism, what next?”

Some authoritarians already now, calling only themselves true patriots (which is at least immodest), declare all those who disagree with themselves slanderers and haters of Russia (in the same way that the Bolsheviks called their opponents enemies of the people), and it is not at all difficult for me to imagine how and against whom they will use the police apparatus of the future authoritarian regime, if one is ever created.

Until that happens, I will venture to say that no serious problems can be solved without democracy. The question "Democracy, what's next?" meaningless, because democracy is not a goal, but a mode of existence in which any people, any group of people, any individual person can live in accordance with their national, religious, cultural or other inclinations, without preventing others from showing their inclinations too. Democracy, in contrast to the only correct worldviews, does not deprive any people of their originality, with it the Germans remain Germans, the British remain British, and the Japanese remain Japanese.

I am not saying at all that Russia is already ready for democratic changes. I even suspect that she is not ready at all. I only know that if the body is ill with cancer, it is foolish to think that it can recover without any treatment or with treatment that is not appropriate for the disease.

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Man's worldview


Snezhana Ivanova

Not a single person lives in the world "just like that." Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad...

Not a single person lives in the world "just like that." Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad, what happens and what does not happen, how to do this or that job and build relationships with people. All of the above in the aggregate is called a worldview.

The concept and structure of the worldview

Scientists interpret the worldview as views, principles, ideas that determine a person's understanding of the world, ongoing events and their place among people. A well-formed worldview streamlines life, while the absence of such (the famous Bulgakov's "devastation in the minds") turns a person's existence into chaos, which in turn leads to psychological problems. The structure of the worldview includes the following components.


A person acquires knowledge all his life, even when he stops learning. The fact is that knowledge can be ordinary, scientific, religious, etc. Ordinary knowledge is formed on the basis of experience that is acquired in everyday life. For example, they grabbed the hot surface of the iron, burned themselves and realized that it was better not to do this. Thanks to ordinary knowledge, one can navigate the world around him, but the information obtained in this way is often erroneous and contradictory.

Scientific knowledge is logically substantiated, systematized and presented in the form of evidence. The results of such knowledge are reproducible and easily verified (“The earth is spherical”, “The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs”, etc.). Obtaining scientific knowledge is possible thanks to the theoretical, which allows you to sort of rise above the situation, resolve contradictions and draw conclusions.

Religious knowledge consists of dogmas (about the creation of the world, the earthly life of Jesus Christ, etc.) and understanding of these dogmas. The difference between scientific knowledge and religious knowledge is that the former can be verified, while the latter is accepted without evidence. In addition to these, there are intuitive, declarative, parascientific and other types of knowledge.


This component is based on the values, ideals, beliefs of the individual, as well as the norms and rules that govern the interaction of people. Values ​​are the property of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs of people. Values ​​are universal, national, material, spiritual, etc.

Thanks to beliefs, a person or a group of people is sure that they are right about their actions, their attitudes towards each other and about the events taking place in the world. Unlike suggestion, beliefs are formed on the basis of logical conclusions, and therefore are meaningful.


You can know that hardening strengthens the body, you can’t be rude to the elders, the street is switched to a green light, and it’s impolite to interrupt the interlocutor. But all this knowledge can be useless if a person does not accept it, or cannot make an effort to put it into practice.


Understanding the importance, the need to commit certain actions will not allow you to achieve the goal if a person does not begin to act. Also, the practical component of the worldview includes the ability to assess the situation and develop an action strategy in it.

The selection of worldview components is somewhat arbitrary, since none of them exists on its own. Each person thinks, feels and acts depending on the circumstances, and the ratio of these components varies significantly each time.

The main types of worldview

A person's worldview began to form along with self-consciousness. And since throughout history people have perceived and explained the world in different ways, over time the following types of worldview have developed:

  • Mythological. Myths arose due to the fact that people could not rationally explain the phenomena of nature or social life (rain, thunderstorm, change of day and night, causes of illness, death, etc.). At the heart of the myth is the predominance of fantastic explanations over reasonable ones. At the same time, moral and ethical problems, values, understanding of good and evil, the meaning of human actions are reflected in myths and legends. So the study of myths plays an important role in shaping the worldview of people;
  • Religious. Unlike myths, human religion contains dogmas that all followers of this teaching must adhere to. At the heart of any religion is the observance of moral standards and the conduct of a healthy lifestyle in every sense. Religion unites people, but at the same time can separate representatives of different faiths;
  • Philosophical. This type of worldview is based on theoretical thinking, that is, logic, system and generalization. If the mythological worldview is more based on feelings, then in philosophy the leading role is assigned to the mind. The difference between the philosophical worldview is that religious teachings do not imply alternative interpretations, and philosophers have the right to free thought.

Modern scientists believe that the worldview can also be of the following types:

  • Ordinary. The worldview of this type is based on common sense and the experience that a person receives during his lifetime. Ordinary worldview is formed spontaneously by trial and error. This type of worldview is rarely found in its pure form. Each of us forms our views of the world, based on scientific knowledge, common sense, myths and religious beliefs;
  • Scientific. It is a modern stage in the development of the philosophical worldview. There is also logic, generalizations and system. But over time, science moves further and further away from real human needs. In addition to useful products, weapons of mass destruction, means of manipulating people's minds, etc. are being actively developed today;
  • Humanistic. According to the ideas of humanists, a person is a value for society - he has the right to development, self-realization and satisfaction of his needs. No one should be humiliated or exploited by another person. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in real life.

Formation of a person's worldview

From childhood, a person’s worldview is influenced by various factors (family, kindergarten, media, cartoons, books, films, etc.). However, this way of forming a worldview is considered to be spontaneous. A person's worldview is purposefully formed in the process of education and training.

The domestic education system is focused on the formation of a dialectical-materialistic worldview in children, adolescents and young men. Under the dialectical-materialist worldview is meant the recognition that:

  • the world is material;
  • everything that is in the world exists independently of our consciousness;
  • everything in the world is interconnected and develops according to certain laws;
  • a person can and should receive reliable knowledge about the world.

Since the formation of a worldview is a long and complex process, and children, adolescents and young men perceive the world around them differently, the worldview is formed differently depending on the age of students and pupils.

preschool age

With regard to this age, it is appropriate to talk about the beginnings of the formation of a worldview. It is about the attitude of the child to the world and teaching the child how to exist in the world. At first, the child perceives reality as a whole, then learns to single out particulars and distinguish them. An important role in this is played by the activity of the crumbs and their communication with adults and peers. Parents and educators introduce the preschooler to the world around them, teach them to reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships (“Why are there puddles on the street?”, “What will happen if you go out into the yard without a hat in winter?”), Find ways to solve problems (“How to help the kids save yourself from the wolf?"). By communicating with friends, the child learns how to establish relationships with people, fulfill social roles, and follow the rules. Fiction plays an important role in shaping the beginnings of a preschooler's worldview.

Junior school age

At this age, the formation of a worldview takes place in the classroom and outside of them. Schoolchildren acquire knowledge about the world in the process of active cognitive activity. At this age, children can independently find the information they are interested in (in the library, the Internet), analyze the information with the help of an adult, and draw conclusions. The worldview is formed in the process of creating interdisciplinary connections, observing the principle of historicism when studying the program.

Work on the formation of a worldview is already being carried out with first-graders. At the same time, in relation to primary school age, it is still impossible to talk about the formation of beliefs, values, ideals, and the scientific picture of the world. Children are introduced to the phenomena of nature and social life at the level of representations. This creates the ground for the formation of a sustainable worldview at further stages of human development.


It is at this age that the formation of the gift of the worldview itself takes place. Guys and girls have a certain amount of knowledge, have life experience, are able to think and reason abstractly. Also, adolescents are characterized by a tendency to think about life, their place in it, the actions of people, literary heroes. Searching for oneself is one of the ways to form a worldview.

Adolescence is a time to think about who and what to be. Unfortunately, in the modern world, it is difficult for young people to choose moral and other guidelines that would help them grow up, teach them to distinguish good from bad. If, when committing certain actions, a guy or a girl is guided not by external prohibitions (possible or impossible), but by internal convictions, then this indicates the maturation of young people, their assimilation of moral standards.

The formation of the worldview in adolescents occurs in the process of conversations, lectures, excursions, laboratory work, discussions, competitions, intellectual games, etc.


At this age stage, young people form a worldview (mainly scientific) in its entirety and volume. Young men are not adults yet, however, at this age there is already a more or less clear system of knowledge about the world, beliefs, ideals, ideas about how to behave and how to successfully engage in one or another business. The ground for the emergence of all this is self-consciousness.

The specificity of the worldview in adolescence is that a guy or a girl is trying to understand his life not as a chain of random events, but as something holistic, logical, meaningful and perspective. And, if in Soviet times the meaning of life was more or less clear (to work for the good of society, build communism), now young people are somewhat disoriented in choosing a life path. Young men want not only to benefit others, but also to satisfy their own needs. Most often, such attitudes give rise to a contradiction between the desired and real state of affairs, which causes psychological problems.

As in the previous age stage, school lessons, classes at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, communication in social groups (family, school class, sports section), reading books and periodicals, watching movies have an impact on the formation of the worldview of young people. To all this, career guidance, pre-conscription training, and service in the armed forces are added.

The formation of the worldview of an adult occurs in the process of work, self-education and self-education, as well as under the influence of the circumstances of his life.

The role of worldview in human life

For all people, without exception, the worldview acts as a kind of beacon. It gives guidelines for almost everything: how to live, act, react to certain circumstances, what to strive for, what to consider true and what to be false.

The worldview allows you to be sure that the goals set and achieved are important, significant both for the individual and for society as a whole. Depending on one or another worldview, the structure of the world and the events taking place in it are explained, the achievements of science, art, and people's actions are evaluated.

Finally, the prevailing worldview provides peace of mind that everything is going as it should. A change in external events or internal beliefs can lead to a worldview crisis. This happened among representatives of the older generation during the collapse of the USSR. The only way to cope with the consequences of the “collapse of ideals” is to try to form new (legally and morally acceptable) worldview attitudes. A specialist can help with this.

The worldview of modern man

Unfortunately, in modern society there is a crisis of its spiritual sphere. Moral guidelines (duty, responsibility, mutual assistance, altruism, etc.) have lost their significance. In the first place is the receipt of pleasure, consumption. In some countries drugs, prostitution are legalized, the number of suicides is growing. Gradually, a different attitude towards marriage and the family, new views on the upbringing of children are being formed. Having satisfied material needs, people do not know what to do next. Life is like a train, in which the main thing is to get comfortable, but where and why to go is not clear.

Modern man lives in the era of globalization, when the importance of national culture is decreasing and alienation from its values ​​is observed. An individual becomes, as it were, a citizen of the world, but at the same time he loses his own roots, connection with his native land, members of his kind. At the same time, contradictions and armed conflicts on the basis of national, cultural and religious differences do not disappear in the world.

Throughout the 20th century, people had a consumerist attitude towards natural resources, they did not always reasonably implement projects to change biocenoses, which subsequently led to an ecological catastrophe. This continues today. The environmental problem is one of the global problems.

At the same time, a significant number of people are aware of the importance of change, the search for life guidelines, ways to achieve harmony with other members of society, nature and themselves. It is becoming popular to promote a humanistic worldview, focus on the individual and his needs, revealing the individuality of a person, establishing friendly relations with other people. Instead of an anthropocentric type of consciousness (a person is the crown of nature, which means that he can use everything that it gives with impunity), an ecocentric type begins to form (a person is not the king of nature, but a part of it, therefore he must take care of other living organisms). People visit temples, create charitable foundations and programs to protect the environment.

The humanistic worldview assumes that a person realizes himself as the master of his life, who must create himself and the world around him, and be responsible for his actions. Therefore, much attention is paid to the upbringing of the creative activity of the younger generation.

The worldview of modern man is in its infancy and is characterized by inconsistency. People are forced to choose between permissiveness and consumerism and caring for others, globalization and patriotism, the approach of a global catastrophe, or the search for ways to achieve harmony with the world. The future of all mankind depends on the choices made.

The answer to it can be found in the occult literature (highlighted bold authors):

“Thirty-two ways - wonderful, wise, outlined IA, IEBE, Sabaoth, the God of Israel, the Living God and the Eternal King, El Shaddai, the Merciful and Forgiving, the Exalted and Abiding in eternity - exalted and holy is His Name, - He created His world with three Seferim: Sefar, Sipur and Sefer"(Epigraph to one of the sections of V. Shmakov's book "The Holy Book of Thoth The Great Arcana of the Tarot", 1916, reprint 1993).

And this is explained in the footnote (emphasis bold and capital letters of the authors):

« First of these three terms (Sephar) must mean numbers, which alone give us the opportunity to determine the necessary purpose and relationship of each (according to the context, perhaps: a person) and a thing in order to understand the purpose for which it was created; And MEASURE length, and MEASURE capacity, and MEASURE weights, movement and harmony - ALL THESE THINGS ARE GOVERNED BY NUMBERS.

Second term (Sipur) expresses word and voice because it is the Divine word and voice, because it is the Divine Word, it is the Voice of the Living God, Who gave birth to beings under their various FORMS, be they external, be they internal; it must be meant in these words: "God said, 'Let there be Light,' and 'there was Light.'

Finally, third the term (Sipher) means scripture. God's Scripture is FRUIT OF CREATION. The Words of God are His Scripture, The Thought of God is the Word.

So Thought, word and writing are only one in God, while in man they are three.". - “Cuzary”, 4, § 25, op. according to the book V. Shmakov "The Holy Book of Thoth".

In general, as Aristotle once wrote to Alexander the Great, “although these teachings were made public, but at the same time, as it were, they were not made public”: pompous, verbose and without oral comments that “knowledgeable people” are able to give, is incomprehensible, which excludes the unambiguous understanding of what was said by the majority of unauthorized seekers of truth outside the system of initiations.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that everything quoted from " Holy Book of Thoth”- secondary retellings and reinterpretations, and not the fundamental principle of that worldview, which is not intended for everyone in modern civilization.

In order to understand what the quoted occultists were trying to talk about, it is better not to look for entrances to the systems of initiations biblical (Jewish) culture, especially since the highest of them are closed from the majority on the basis of inappropriate blood origin, and turn to sources containing the fundamental principle of this worldview.

One such source is the Quran. In it, sura (chapter) 25, is called "Discrimination", and it gives a system of primary differences in the extremely generalizing semantic category "Everything" . Let's turn to her:

"1. Blessed is the one who sent down "al-Furqan" ("Distinction") to His slave, so that he (i.e. Muhammad) would become a warner for the inhabitants of the worlds; 2. [blessed] He who has power<> over heaven and earth, who did not beget a child for Himself, and who did not share power with anyone<more precisely, sovereignty: - our clarification when quoting>. He created all things and gave them their [proper] measure.. 3. [Infidels] began to worship other gods instead of Him, who do not create anything, but are themselves created. Even for themselves, they are not subject to harm or benefit, neither death, nor life, nor resurrection are subject to them ”(translated by M.-N.O. Osmanov).

The same verses (verses) translated by G.S. Sablukov:

"1. Blessed is He who sent down Furqan to his servant so that he would be a teacher of the worlds, 2. - He who owns the reign in heaven and on earth; who never had children, who did not have an accomplice in the reign; who created all beings and predestined predestined their existence. 3. And they chose for themselves gods, besides Him, those who did not create anything, but were themselves created; 4. who have no power to do anything, either harmful or beneficial to themselves, have no power over death, or over life, or over the resurrection.”

The same in the translation of I.Yu. Krachkovsky:

“1(1). Blessed is the one who sent down the distinction to His servant, so that he becomes a preacher for the worlds - 2 (2). who has dominion over the heavens and the earth, and He did not take for Himself a child, and He did not have a partner in power. He created every thing and measured it by measure. 3.(3). And instead of Him they took the gods, who do not create anything, but are themselves created. 4. They do not own for themselves neither harm nor benefit, and they do not own either death, or life, or resurrection.

Different translations express different facets of the meaning contained in the words of the source language, which is why we have given several editions of the translations. What we highlighted in bold in the text are the keys to accessing the system invariably primary differences in the extremely generalizing category "Everything", corresponding to the Koranic views on the created Universe, sovereignty over which (as a whole and in fragments) belongs exclusively to God: “ … God grants His power to whom He wills”(Sura 2:248), and someone’s autocracy is illusory and acts only within the boundaries of God’s permission set for him.

First of all, it should be noted that the Qur'an everywhere proclaims a worldview that is different from all varieties of "I-centrism".

Through the Quran, people are invited to accept as a conscious norm of the organization of the psyche of individuals and societies, the WORLD VIEW GOING FROM GOD TO EVERY PERSON who comes into contact with the Quran and its translations.

A vision that comes from God in at least two complementary senses:

and as given in Revelation from Above,

and as determining the orderliness of the unfolding of the mosaic of the human mental tree in a uniquely defined order: firstly, the Image of God in the soul of everyone, and secondly, the images of the created Universe (given in the Distinction as a system of paired correlations “this” - “not this”), a part of which is the person himself, together with his mental organization and inner world.

Now let's move on to the question of invariably primary differences in the extremely generalizing category "Everything" corresponding to the Koranic views on the created Universe. As can be seen from the previously cited texts of translations of the Koran into Russian, some translators preferred to express in Russian the meaning predestination of being, others preferred to express the meaning measures, regularity of being and proportionality in the course of events.

That is, the Arabic word that they encountered contains both meanings, which in Russian can only be combined in a two-word combination " predetermined measure ”, which M.-N.O. Osmanov called "due" - a word expressing one of the shades of certainty, as a component Supreme Predestination.

Therefore, if we turn to the words we have highlighted in the above translations of ayat 25 of the sura of the Qur'an, then their generalized multifaceted meaning can be expressed in Russian in the following final phrase :

God created everything that exists in the Universe and gave it the darkness predetermined by Him.

In the language of modern science, then everything that exists in the created Universe is matter, in its various states of aggregation : vacuum, physical fields, plasma (a highly ionized gas in which electrons have such energy that they cannot stay in atoms in stable orbits), gaseous state of matter, liquid state of matter, solid (crystalline) state of matter. Aggregate states, ways and means of transition from one of them to others, properties of matter in each of them and in transient processes are predetermined for it from Above. And people's ideas about these various states of aggregation somehow correspond to the proverb "there is no thing without an image." But what is measure and what relation does it have to the images of matter? - this issue is not considered in "I-centric" philosophical systems.

The science about measure, numerical certainty in itself, that's math. But in the material universe measure - numerical certainty - ceases to be on its own: it is embodied in the objects and subjects of the Universe - everything created is given a measure predetermined from Above - numerical certainty. In the Universe, everything is material and the measures of some fragments are numerically comparable with the measures of other fragments, i.e., all fragments of the Universe are characterized by commensurability both among themselves and with their components.

A measure is, first of all, a numerical certainty: 2ґ2=4; one second - 9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the 133Cs atom (cesium frequency and time standard); 1 meter - 1650763.73 wavelengths in a vacuum of radiation corresponding to the transition between the levels 2p10 and 5d5 of the atom of krypton-86 (86Kr) (data on the standards of the second and meter are taken from the "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" edition of 1986); atoms of chemical elements differ from each other in the number of protons in their nuclei, which determine the serial number of each of them in the Periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev; Isotopes of the same element differ from each other in the number of neutrons in their nuclei. And so on: no matter what you pay attention to - everywhere numerical certainty will open - a measure: either single or multiple, which is a statistic that allows you to distinguish sets from each other and select subsets from sets.

In the process of conscious or unconscious correlation of one fragment of the Universe with others, identified on the basis of Distinction, two types of perception of proportionality are revealed:

Perception of space

perception of time.

Their perception gives rise to two types of numerical certainty: units of length and units of time, objectively related to each other through materiality at the hierarchical level of the microworld by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, which expresses the impossibility of a separate perception of either space without time, or time without space, because space and time are creations measured in all its aggregate states of matter (as a result, the perception of space and time is also impossible, outside of their conditionality by the material environment, no matter in what aggregate state the matter is).

In all cases, without exception, for the perception of space and time, a reference process is needed, with which all other times and spaces are compared and measured. This standard can be the person himself (an ancient aphorism: a person is the measure of all things) and some objects of the Universe.

The same is true with the measurement of time. Since any process that can be periodized can be chosen as a reference one, the unit of time measurement becomes the duration of the period of the reference process, with which all other processes that have their own flow of time are related.

In reality, what exists objectively is objectively knowable.. The abstract space and time of the four-hypostatic Amun - empty receptacles of the material Universe - turned out to be problems that science has not known for several thousand years, due to the fact that they do not objectively exist. But for the same thousand years objective financially conditioned space and time have always been measurable without problems: only the requirements of society for the reference base of measurements changed, the reference base itself and expanded with a variety of measurement methods.

The unknowability of space and time in the “I-centric” worldview of the four-hypostatic Amun, which dominates civilization throughout its history, - a consequence of the absence in the set of primary differences and limiting identifications measures. If the measure is included in the set of primary differences and ultimate identifications, then there are no abstract space and time, but specific spaces and times are always objectively measurable by any subject who wishes it: the only question is the choice of a reference base and measurement methods and their compliance with the goals of the subjects' activities.

Now you can consider the question of the connection between matter, measure and information. For thousands of years, the consciousness of the majority did not tend to see behind the image (painting or sculpture), behind the sound (melody, whatever it may be) a set of numbers. However, at the end of the 20th century, a laser compact disc (computer CD-ROM) became the only medium for recording both sound, images, and text in a digital code, which is a numerical certainty, i.e., a kind of measure. Although many coding systems, image, sound, text “digitization” formats can be built, each of them clearly defines the correspondence “a set of code groups of numbers - an image or a phonogram, or a record of some other kind of information”.

At the same time, objectively, information (an image, a melody, an idea, etc.) remains by itself, regardless of on what material carrier and in what code it is captured (recorded).

Although the compact disc is an artificial product of civilization (artifact), nevertheless, in the life of society, ONLY the laws of the existence of the entire Universe find their original expression; nothing that is not in the Highest predestination of being (the Highest measure) cannot appear in the culture of civilization.

Therefore, one should only see the numerical certainty (measure) in the images characteristic of Objective reality outside the civilization's creations, and use the civilization's generations as models, the functioning of which helps to understand more general objective laws of being.

To generate numerical certainty in spatial commensurability at the level of the macrocosm, a point, three directions that do not coincide with one another, and a standard of unit length are required. In this coordinate system, three numbers occupying the first, second and third places in some specific order (format) set the position of the point relative to the origin. If the coordinates of a set of points are assigned in spatial commensurability, then they define an image in space, whether it be a set of disparate points, a line, a surface, or a volume.

This is a spatial form, measured in matter-space, which is in some aggregate state (and not in an empty space-receptacle). If the task of giving numerical certainty is solved in relation to the aggregate state of matter-space, this means that it is necessary to give numerical characteristics to matter quanta (its structural units), as a result of which the aggregate state of matter outside and inside the spatial numerically defined form may turn out to be different and some object will appear in matter-space on the basis of the difference in the aggregate states of matter inside and outside the previously metrically given spatial form.

If, however, the aggregate state of matter-space is the same inside and outside the spatial form, then we will come to an aphorism attributed to different outstanding sculptors in different eras. When asked how he makes his masterpieces, the sculptor replied: “ I take a block of marble and cut off everything superfluous from it“Really, you can’t say it better.

This process of cutting off the superfluous from a block containing a spatial form can be described numerically as a program for the operation of a machine tool with numerical control. The sculptor acts on the basis of his eye gauge and thinks in images, as a result of which the process of numerical comparison of matter-space does not reach the level of his consciousness in the process of creativity, although the images of his inner world also contain numerical certainty, like all others. In the process of sculpting, carried out even by a numerically controlled machine (CNC), even by the creative efforts of a person, an image that objectively already existed as information recorded using some code is transferred to another material carrier. The difference is that one of the codes generated by the culture of society works in a CNC machine, and a human sculptor creates on the basis of a subset of the universal hierarchically multilevel code given to him from Above; in other words, the code for the machine began to work only after the culture had reached a certain level of development, and the code for a person has been working since ancient times since the emergence of the Homo sapiens species.

But after the sculptural image has been obtained, it remains to recall the ancient Greek legend about the sculptor Pygmalion and the sculpture he created (the future Galatea), which illustrates the process of changing the numerical certainty that determines the aggregate state of matter inside the spatial form, as a result of which the cold marble was transformed into flesh, and the statue turned into the girl Galatea, who became the wife of the sculptor. And as it has been repeatedly said in history, each person is in relation to himself and "unhewn marble" (or a pile of "clay"), and "Pygmalion", and "Galatea".

The movement of a spatial form relative to the chosen coordinate system turns the form into a melody, and the recording of a melody in space gives rise to a spatial form: this relationship in the culture of civilization is best manifested in gramophone records with mechanical sound recording as a track relief. Accordingly, the aphorism “architecture is frozen music” is essentially a correct aphorism.

These examples show that the numerical certainty and imagery of the world (naturally material) are mutually related. Other examples could be given to show that numerical certainty and "melodies and arrangements" are also mutually related, both in nature and in society. It will not be possible to show the absence of this relationship. But the worldview systems generated by mankind may differ in answering the question of whether What there is a consequence what:

· either an image (or other information) - an expression and a consequence of numerical certainty (quantitative and ordinal)?

· or numerical certainty (quantitative and ordinal) - a consequence of the existence of the image (or other information)?

In other words, is algebra at the basis of harmony, or is harmony at the basis of algebra?

Within the limits of the Universe, this dispute is fruitless, since matter always and in all cases carries a numerical certainty, inextricably linked with spatial images or other information. In relation to the Universe as a whole, God's predestination is the Highest Mhra, and it determines the existence of the Universe in the inseparable trinity of matter, numerical certainty (measure) quantitative and ordinal, images and melodies (information). The word is one of the measures: “In the beginning bh the word, and the word bh with God…” (John 1:1). And here is the continuation: “... and God bh the word”, in our opinion - from the four-hypostatic Amun, for “... and God bh the word” is an expression of the deification of the measure-predestination of being, since the word is one of many private measures of being.

All this allows us to understand that the second verse of the twenty-fifth sura of the Qur'an, called "Discrimination", indicates a system OBJECTIVE invariably primary differences(extremely generalizing identifications), which underlie the life of the Universe: matter, information, measure - in their inseparable trinity.

And this system triunity matter-information-measures- the most generalizing conceptual categories and their interconnections within the limits of the Universe - is united for understanding and describing everything in the hierarchy of the Universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm, including the life of civilization. Accordingly, in the Qur'anic worldview trinity matter-information-measure, characteristic of the Universe as a whole and its fragments, is the consubstantial and inseparable trinity, which the one God - the Creator and the Almighty - loves.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that from the point of view of a person who recognizes the act of creation of the Universe by God as objective true, given in Revelation from Above, the worldview of four hypostases is an expression not only I-centrism", but also godlessness, which, if it falls into the search for God, while retaining its quality, then becomes pantheism - the deification of the Universe, an example of which was the four-hypostatic ancient Egyptian Amun. Or, nevertheless, recognizing the act of creation of the Universe, he directly declares his unwillingness to enter the "dynamics of the Supreme Being", without thinking about the reasons or consequences of his kind of unwillingness to enter the "dynamics of the Supreme Being", which is usually called "God's Providence". ". In yet another version, the physical vacuum, penetrating the entire created Universe, is deified.

In comprehending and describing everything that happens in the Trinity Universe, a person needs to correlate everything given to him in the Distinction with the three, already designated, conceptual categories of primary differences and extremely generalizing identifications, understood in the present context as follows:

1. MATTER- something that is re-IMAGE-ed, passes from one state to another and has an order that changes in the process of the impact of some material objects (processes) on others. Matter specifically this:

substance in solid, liquid, gaseous states;

Plasma, i.e., a highly ionized gas in which the molecules of chemical compounds lose their stability and are destroyed, and the atoms of chemical elements lose electrons, whose energy is greater than the energy levels (energy capacity) of stable orbits;

elementary particles and quanta of various kinds of radiation, when viewed from the outside, appearing as particles, and when considering the essence of these particles, appearing as a sequence of waves in the physical natural vacuum or in matter in other states of aggregation;

· static and dynamic fields in the physical natural vacuum, capable of force impact of one kind or another on all types of matter;

· the physical vacuum itself in an unexcited state, giving rise to elementary particles (energy quanta) from “nothing” and absorbing them just as suddenly, for which the particles were called “virtual”. In this view, all of the above physical vacuum in an unexcited state - physical vacuum taken out of aggregate equilibrium, i.e. excited vacuum.

The latter is stated, since the generation and absorption of virtual particles by the physical vacuum can also be understood as an indication that all kinds of matter, except vacuum in an unexcited state, represent vacuum in excitation.

Matter passes from one stable states(balancing mode, equilibrium stable process), with internal dynamics, into another, radiating its own or absorbing energy from the outside into itself.

"Energy" in physics is defined as the ability to perform mechanical work, and all types of energy pass one into another to a certain extent, which is expressed in the form of numerical constants and coefficients in the mathematical notation of the laws of physics, as a result of which all types of energy are equivalent in this sense to each other. But since the aggregate states of matter (stable equilibrium processes) differ in energy potential (the energy intensity of their internal dynamics), and energy flows in and out of any structure in the Universe as a flow of some kind of matter (radiation quanta, fields, etc.), then in worldview of the trinity "energy" and "matter" are equivalents. The difference in the use of both terms is that the term "matter" is used mainly in relation to stable equilibrium processes (aggregate states of matter), and "energy" - to various kinds of transient processes, since it determines the possibility or impossibility of their implementation.

2. IMAGE, INFORMATION, IDEA- in itself not a material “something”, which does not depend either on the quality of its material carrier, or on the amount of matter (energy) of its carrier. But without a material carrier, this “something” in the Universe itself does not exist, is not perceived, is not transmitted.

3. MhPA(through “yat”) - a multidimensional matrix of possible states and transformations of matter predetermined by God, which stores information in all processes; including information about the past and about the predetermined direction of their objectively possible course, that is, about cause-and-effect conditions in their proportionality.

In relation to the information that gives it an image, all matter, all material objects, act as a carrier of a single universal hierarchically organized multilevel information code - universal measures.

Relative to to measure information- code (human language is a particular measure, because it is one of the information codes belonging to the universal information coding system). Towards matter this universal measure acts as a multidimensional (containing particular measures) probabilistic the matrix of its possible states, images and transformations, i.e. the “matrix” of probabilities and statistical predeterminations of possible states; it's kind of " multivariate scenario of the existence of the Universe”, predetermined from Above. It statistically predetermines the orderliness of particular material structures (their information capacity) and the ways of their change when information is absorbed from the outside and when information is lost (of course, carried by matter).

Both that, and another can be followed by violation of ideal proportionality, harmony as separate fragments of structure, and its hierarchy as a whole. The loss of proportionality is degradation, but in relation to the embracing structures and systems embracing many structures, the degradation of some of their particular fragments can be the development of the structure (system) as a whole. This is how a flower bud travels the path: bud, bud, flower, fruit, seed, plant: and the degradation of elements is inseparable from the development of the system as a whole and its enclosing (in this sense, hierarchically higher) systems.

The system of extremely generalizing identifications and primary differences in the Universe - trinity of matter-information-measure, excludes the kaleidoscopic worldview to the greater extent, the less deaf a person is to the one given to him from Above sense of proportion .

« Knowing of limits ”- these are not empty words and not allegorical words, vaguely understood as being, and therefore sometimes pronounced out of place. They directly indicate that a person has been given a sixth sense from Above, which in essence is his personal means of perceiving the measure - God's predestination.

But this feeling is worthless for the bearer of the “I-centric” worldview, which he builds from himself in the direction of the visible and imaginary limits of the Universe in empty receptacles of space and time, since the information brought by a sense of proportion puts the individual before the need to abandon “I-centrism”. With the transition to thinking on the basis of invariably primary differences in the trinity of matter-information-measure knowing of limits takes on special significance because the mental tree and the mosaic nature of the worldview are largely due to its development.

The transition from “I-centrism” in a mosaic or kaleidoscopic form to a personal culture of thinking based on the categories of the trinity of matter-information-measure is not always carried out at once, but may require some subjectively determined time, during which the individual remains practically without a workable worldview, since the former has already lost stability, and the new has not yet gained stability.

Judging by the entire experience of mankind, the probabilistic matrix of possible states - measure, has "holographic" properties in the sense that any of its fragments contains in some way all its other fragments in their entire informational completeness. Measure abides in everything, and everything abides in measure. Thanks to this property measures the world is whole and complete. Fall out of measures- death.

Sliding in this direction is a threat to life and the need for survival (existence in conditions of constant danger of threats). The exhaustion of a particular measure is the transition to another particular measure, the acquisition of some new quality. The sense of proportion, referring to the "holographic" properties of the measure of being, allows objectively proportionate correlate private semantic units (set of pairs "this" - "not this") with each other, forming a stable mosaic of worldview, unfolding from the source of the Universe towards itself.

The question may arise: what is the advantage of this God-originating worldview, based on the system invariably primary differences in the trinity of matter-information-measures in comparison with the "I-centric" worldview of the four-hypostatic Universe substance-spirit-space-time?

Firstly, in the worldview of the trinity, information is perceived as an objective category common to the entire Objective reality, the development of which is subjective. In other worldview systems, awareness of the objectivity of information as one of the categories of the system of primary differences in the extremely generalizing category "Everything" is excluded.

Since in "I-centric" worldviews categories are recognized as primary, derivatives from objectively primary, then the process of mosaic formation is accompanied by internal "echoes" - the own noises of the psyche, distorting useful signal - understanding of the world. At the same time, something may be lost in the worldview due to the absence of objective information-meaning among the primary categories; something may look like objectively inseparable due to the inseparability of information and matter in other worldviews, as well as the lack of measure; and something can be seen as objectively different objects, although in reality there is only one object, multiplied by all kinds of internal "echoes" and transformed into different images, which are given different names and relationships that do not correspond to the objective differences "this" - "not this" given from Above in Discrimination.

All these internal "echoes" and other errors in the transformation of information give rise to an internally conflicting psyche of the "many-headed monster in one human head" type. When each of these "virtual" heads, found in the unconscious levels of the inner world of the individual, creates "its own", preventing everyone else from creating "their own", in the life of the same "I" is lost really own the more, the more internal “virtual” heads he has, the manifestations of the activity of each of which his consciousness does not distinguish from each other and therefore does not know which of them to identify with the “I”, and which ones to evaluate as glamours, from which it is necessary defend yourself. " A double minded man is not firm in all his ways”(Conciliar Epistle of the Apostle James, 1:8).

And the type of psyche of the “many-headed monster in one human head” is more or less clearly expressed in the behavior of any bearer of a kaleidoscopic or mosaic “I-centric” worldview.

Secondly, the worldview of the trinity of matter-information-measures is not an "I-centric" worldview. Since the bearer of the “I-centric” worldview can find himself in different circumstances, from his point of view, the same thing can look and be comprehended mutually exclusive at different moments of the same period of time, depending on what position it occupies in each of them. “I am the center”, and in what structure of the psyche the individual is at that moment, which has a decisive influence on his goal-setting and his choice of a line of behavior.

It is impossible for the subject himself to compare these different points of view, since they “sit” on different trunks of the “mental bush”, between the trunks and branches of which there are no connections and transitions (this is the absence of direct connections and transitions between the trunks and branches of the “mental bush” and generates the effect of a "virtual" internal multi-headedness of the carriers of the "I-centric" kaleidoscopic or mosaic worldview).

These changes in the “zero of the coordinate system”, which sets the beginning of laying out the mosaic (the root of the mental tree), belong to relatively high-frequency ranges (short in duration), as a result of which a change in the position of the beginning of the “I-centric” coordinate system is the interception of control over the behavior of some kind of “virtual” head or their coalition in other "virtual" heads - is one of the factors that can shake out the subject-bearer of the "I-centric" worldview from managing processes belonging to low-frequency ranges (long in time), the perception of which requires a long time and the immutability of subjective measures of what is happening .

In the worldview of the trinity, the beginning of the mental tree is unchanged: God and the created Universe, which is a trinity of matter-information-measure, as a result of which the world outlook does not fluctuate and does not crumble into a kaleidoscope under the influence of a stream of circumstances, but only refined in detail and expanded thematically. This gives rise to two peculiar features of the God-originating worldview of the trinity.

1. First of all, if by the time of the transition to the worldview of the trinity the subject was the bearer of the “virtual” internal multi-headedness, then the “virtual” head, which was the first to switch to this worldview, begins to unite with others, whom it manages to convince, into one “virtual” head ; the activity of those “virtual” heads that remain with their “I-centrism”, is evaluated by it as a glamour, the information of which needs to be rethought in the categories of trinity, and thus the corresponding “virtual” head, as the information inherent in it is rethought, loses its “life force” and is absorbed. So, on the basis of the worldview of the trinity, the internal conflict of the individual's psyche “by itself” disappears without splashing these conflicts into the world common to all.

2. In addition, the immutability of the beginning of the mental tree in the worldview of the trinity opens up another way of seeing everything: the possibility of a “holographic” look at any object that can simultaneously appear before the inner eye, shown both from the inside and outside, and from many different points of view, at different moments of its time, under different lighting conditions. Moreover, we are talking about both real objects and fictional products of human creativity - various kinds of scientific abstractions and abstractions of artistic creativity.

And the difference in the possibilities of these two types of worldview creates the basis for the formation of a pyramid of understanding and misunderstanding in society, in which each individual, to the extent of his understanding, works to achieve his goals, to the extent of the difference in understanding, to the implementation of the goals of those who understand better.


4 Exegesis(from the Greek exegetikos - explaining), the same as hermeneutics.

hermeneutics(from the Greek hermeneutikos - explaining, interpreting), the art of interpreting texts.

5 Patristics(from Greek pater, Latin pater - father), a term denoting a set of theological, philosophical and political-sociological doctrines of Christian thinkers of the 2nd-8th centuries. the so-called Church Fathers.

47 Questions also arise: how, in turn, is this system of primary distinctions “not for everyone” adequate to the world, and what does the programming of the behavior of “initiates” by this system lead to in the sense of the description of the concept of “logic” in Section 1.1?

This system of concepts for the “initiates”, although true in its worldview basis, is so confused by the “higher initiates” for the lower ones that the latter (and the entire crowd-“elitist” hierarchy of “managers” consists of them) look at the world not adequately even the fundamental principle of the correct system of primary differences: each link of the crowd-“elitist” hierarchy has its own “dedication”.

But the “higher initiates” are also inadequate to the Universe, and most importantly, to God’s logic: they own the management tools, but do not know “where to go” (the goal of management), which means they have deprived themselves of support from Above. Without support from Above, none of the people is given the right worldview, to live guided by which is safe in all cases.

48 In ancient Russian writing, where each letter was not only a sign denoting a sound in oral speech, but also a hieroglyph, “measure” through “e” is a word with the same root as death, abomination, scoundrel. The “measure” referred to in the text is correctly spelled through “h” (yat): mhra. Having made this reservation, however, we will remain basically in the orthography of our time, the construction of which came not from the meaning, but from the sound.

49 Those who do not agree to recognize vacuum as matter capable of interacting with matter in its other states of aggregation, let them explain to everyone else how waves (electromagnetic, gravitational, etc. oscillations) propagate in ideal nothingness. Vacuum is not nothing, but something - matter in one of its states of aggregation.

50 Nothing, except for international agreements on the choice of standards and some technical aspects, prevents us from determining the duration of a second based on the frequency of the emission of a reference lamp that sets the length of the meter, or to do the opposite: to determine the length of the meter based on the wavelength corresponding to the radiation of the standard that sets the duration of the second . But in any case, without a material standard, there will be neither a unit of measurement of space, nor a unit of measurement of time, regardless of whether the reference processes belong to the micro- or macrocosm.

51 Numerical ratio of errors in the measurement of position and momentum (mass multiplied by speed) of microparticles: uncertainty in the measurement of the position, multiplied by the uncertainty in the measurement of the momentum, in absolute value not less than the value of Planck's constant.

52 Also, the transition to the God-centered worldview of the trinity can be carried out in the mode of first accepting the God-centered worldview on faith (from the level of consciousness) as one of the “glasses of the kaleidoscope”, after which God, by faith of a person, can help to gain stability of the God-centered worldview in the psyche of a believing person.

But it can be otherwise: the owner of a “lifelong” kaleidoscopic worldview will constantly wander in his “kaleidoscope”, moving from one of his pictures to another, being sure that he is becoming “God-centered”, because he believes in God. Such people represent their lives as if the “stability” of a kaleidoscopic worldview (pictures change, but the “kaleidoscope” remains), and seem to be “searching” people. However, they are not able to manage long-term processes in which a mosaic worldview is needed: others manage these processes for them.