State Law College. Law and social organization provision. Educational institutions located at the institutes

This is a stage of the continuous education system at the University of Justice, which will allow students to easily enter the higher education system, having experience in studying legal disciplines.

Studying at the College of Law, which is a structural unit of the University of Law, opens up broad prospects for people wishing to receive secondary vocational education in the field of jurisprudence. Classes with college students are conducted by highly qualified University specialists who teach in the higher education system. The teaching staff includes a large number of candidates and doctors of science in legal, medical, technical and other fields. In the process of teaching students, the latest methods of teaching legal disciplines are used: teachers conduct “business games”, introduce students to real materials of different categories of cases (criminal, civil, etc.), arrange viewings of educational films, and also help them master legal technology, which is important part of the legal profession. The emphasis of college education is on preparing a legal practitioner.

The training also addresses issues of managing legal structures (both private and public) and interaction between organizations. In the process of studying at a law college, teachers focus special attention on studying the features of document circulation.

In addition to the practical aspect of training, teachers also draw students' attention to theoretical problems of jurisprudence. Students, under the guidance of teachers, have the opportunity to study an issue of interest to them in the legal environment, conduct research and speak at a conference.

A graduate of the VGUYU Law College (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), which is located in Moscow, after graduation receives a wide range of skills necessary for introduction into the profession, such as:

  • practical skills of working in various departments of government bodies;
  • ability to maintain documentation and develop your own projects;
  • the ability to make responsible decisions in the implementation of one’s professional activities;
  • ability to use management programs and legal reference systems.

After graduation, a law college graduate can go to work in the legal profession: government agencies willingly hire graduates of the VSUYU Law College (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice). A college graduate can work in ministries, services, agencies, and can also become an assistant to a lawyer or notary.

Having a wealth of legal knowledge, a graduate can continue to receive education both in a legal specialty (bachelor's degree: jurisprudence, specialty: law enforcement and legal support of national security) and in another specialty. It will be much easier for a law college graduate to master any other profession, since in the 21st century the legal aspect appears everywhere: in medicine, in technical professions, in the field of information technology and many other areas. Today, any professional who additionally has a legal education will be more in demand than a professional in one narrow field.

Another important advantage of receiving secondary vocational legal education is the opportunity to personally defend your rights, both administratively and in court.

Students of the VSUYU College (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) study in the center of Moscow near the Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station.

The extracurricular life of college students and students at the higher education level is closely connected: they participate in the same creative events, sports competitions, and scientific conferences.

By contacting senior students at the University of Law, college students have the opportunity to become more familiar with the practical application of law. This is due to the fact that senior students are already working in areas of the legal profession: in the courts, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, advocacy groups and other structures, or are doing internships in various government bodies.

Law colleges in Moscow after grades 9-11 on a budget basis

Rating of Moscow law colleges after 9th grade on a budget basis. List of the best law colleges, vocational schools, schools and technical schools in Moscow after 9th grade at state institutions

Search results:
(establishments found: 19 )


10 20 30

    British business education in Moscow after grades 8 - 11. 8 hours of English per week. Daytime and evening programs. British state diploma.

    The educational space of the college includes a training and laboratory base, as well as enterprises of thermal stations and networks - branches of OJSC "MOEK".

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Moscow State Academy of Business Administration was founded in 1992.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Admission of applicants for training in secondary vocational education programs is carried out on the basis of the results of mastering secondary (complete) general education.

    Specialties: 1 Cost:

    Admission conditions:
    - based on 9th grade - interview
    - based on 11 grades - Unified State Examination certificate
    in Russian language and mathematics; interview

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

Recently, the demand for legal education in Russia has been falling. This is due to the huge number of university graduates who received diplomas in this specialty. But most have no practical experience and do not know what to do in the workplace. This is what sets law college graduates apart. While studying at college, the student gets the opportunity to work while studying and undergoes real work practice in existing law firms.

The advantage of Moscow law colleges

Getting an education in Moscow has always been considered prestigious. Especially when it comes to legal education. In addition, this expands the opportunities for internship, since a large number of organizations that provide legal services are concentrated in Moscow. But such a large number of legal consultations arose due to the emerging demand for these services. There are a huge number of companies and people in Moscow that need legal advice. In this regard, graduates of Moscow law colleges will not be left without work.

With a college degree, it is difficult to apply for a high position right away. But such applicants have an advantage - it’s easier to find a job in a lower position, but once settled, it’s easy to prove yourself and earn a promotion. A law school student will have to graduate from university for several more years and try to go to work, while a college graduate will get a job and manage to get a promotion to the position for which a graduate of the institute will only apply.

Prospects for studying at a law college

A lawyer checks various documents and drafts them. This type of work is considered one of the most risky due to constant cases of fraud. In this regard, the lawyer needs to carefully check all documentation. A lawyer, in the workplace, advises clients, draws up contracts and documents for them, and also communicates with the judicial authorities.

These skills can be developed within the walls of a law college. The first steps in this profession are best taken under the supervision of professionals. Students will learn from leading lawyers who, in addition to educational activities, conduct their own professional service. In this area, a thorough knowledge of all existing laws and regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, including international agreements, is mandatory.

In addition to notary offices, a Lawyer can find employment in courts and law enforcement agencies. If a graduate does not want to work for someone, he himself can open a legal consultation or a lawyer's office. In modern Russia, the demand for the services of lawyers is growing, as the legal field begins to develop.

Graduates of law colleges not only have a large number of competitors during employment, but also a huge number of prospects and various areas of application of their knowledge. Even if the graduate does not go to work in the legal field, such an education will always be useful. Knowledge of the laws will help in any situation and is simply necessary when organizing your own business.

Law colleges provide their graduates with, on the one hand, quite good, but on the other hand, somewhat limited opportunities. Lawyers with secondary vocational education can work as assistants to notaries and lawyers, in the passport office, in social welfare committees, and in pension funds. College students do not study judicial procedure or criminal law among the disciplines they study. In colleges, more attention is paid to aspects of working with the population who have minimal social protection - orphans, pensioners, and the disabled.

Lawyers with secondary vocational education are readily accepted by government organizations and services. Young people begin their careers as junior specialists, whose salary is approximately 25,000 rubles. In the process of professional growth, a lawyer can improve his category, which means an increase in salary. Lawyers working in the pension fund are responsible for monitoring the assignment, payment and recalculation of pensions. Lawyers working in the field of social protection look for citizens who need social assistance and determine the degree of protection required. The average salary of a lawyer who works in a pension fund and has more than three years of experience is 35,000 rubles. Another good place for a graduate of a secondary educational institution may be the position of a legal assistant or notary assistant in a private company. According to statistics, the average salary of such specialists is at least 30,000 rubles.

However, despite good job prospects, most college graduates consider studying at such institutions as the first step in the process of obtaining higher education in a legal specialty. After graduating from college, students can, bypassing the Unified State Exam, continue their studies at a university. Moreover, while engaging in professional activities, you can simultaneously obtain a higher education by studying in the evening department. Let's look at the best educational institutions in Moscow that offer specialized secondary education and with it a ticket to a promising legal life.

1. Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina

This law school is the leading one in Russia. Graduates of ninth grade can enroll here in a program designed to obtain secondary education. The university has 25 free and 100 paid places. On a paid basis, the cost of training will cost you 120,000 rubles per year. In 2013, the competition for budget places was 2.8 people. In addition to special and general education disciplines, students study English in depth with an emphasis on professional activities. Students undergo practical training in regional departments of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation, in the Department of Social Protection in Moscow, in various branches of the Pension Fund. Graduates can then continue their studies and receive a bachelor's degree in law. Training is paid only. Duration of training is 3 years.

2. College of Law. RAP.

This college, founded at the university, offers continuing education programs to its applicants. Graduates of the ninth grade can enroll for free, and for graduates of the 11th grade, education is only on a paid basis. Tuition fee is 110,000 per year. After completing secondary education programs, students can enter the Russian Academy of Justice. To enter, they will need to pass an exam on the fundamentals of state and law. The training lasts 3 years, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree. The college also has an international department, for which tuition is paid. Students in this department undergo language and pre-university training in London at King's College. Graduates of this department can continue their studies at

University of London in absentia, while simultaneously studying at RAP. Upon completion of training, graduates are issued two law diplomas at once - Russian and international.

3. Moscow State College of Technology, Economics and Law named after. L.B. Krasina

Although this technical school is state-owned, legal education here is paid. When compared with other Moscow colleges, the cost of training here is 40,000 rubles per year. Students of this technical school study social security law, administrative, civil, constitutional, labor law, and have the opportunity to practice in social security agencies. The technical school cooperates with many organizations. The technical school’s partners are the Moscow Property Department, the Presnenskoye municipality, etc. Therefore, the technical school guarantees 100% employment to its graduates. Students undergo practical training in the same organizations. As follows from statistics, 70% of graduates of this technical school subsequently receive higher education at universities in Moscow.

4. Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. College.

Future lawyers studying at this college, in parallel with their studies, participate in international educational programs. In addition, students have the opportunity to study foreign languages ​​(English and German) and do internships abroad. College students have the opportunity to receive initial vocational education in Germany. In addition, here you can study in one of the following professions: consultant for registration of medium and small enterprises (internship takes place in Berlin), technical assistant to a notary (internship takes place in Hamburg), assistant real estate valuation expert (internship takes place in Berlin). Most of the graduates enter the RPA and receive a bachelor's degree. 20 budget places have been allocated for them.

5. Law College

This educational institution was previously called Police College No. 2. Currently, at the college you can get a specialty in the field of internal affairs and security. Training is carried out in the specialties “Lawyer”, “Law Enforcement”, “Law and Social Security Organization”. Students undergo internships at the prosecutor's office, the Moscow City Court, and the bailiff service. The competition for admission is based on the average score of the certificate. To enroll in the specialty “Law Enforcement,” you must additionally pass an exam in physical education. This exam consists of three standards: cross-country, pull-up, shuttle run. According to 2013 data, 6 people applied for one budget place in this college. Those applicants who did not pass the competition can enter the paid department. The cost of training in the paid department is 95,000 rubles.

Over the past centuries, the work of a lawyer has been prestigious, in demand and, importantly, highly paid. Jurisprudence is a difficult but interesting science. A specialist must have office management skills, know the current legislation, and understand the order of organization and activities of the authorities of his country. This knowledge can be obtained at Galaxy College.

When entering a law college in Moscow after 11th grade, you need to keep in mind that in order to obtain a higher education you need to continue your studies at a university. Be sure to pay attention to the teachers of the educational institution, because these are the people who will guide you in your professional development. The Galaktika teaching staff includes lawyers of the highest category from various branches of law:

  • constitutional
  • administrative
  • criminal
  • civil
  • family
  • financial
  • international

Lectures are held with the participation of candidates of sciences, professors and the best scientists of Moscow. People with extensive experience will be happy to share their knowledge and skills with students.

College with Faculty of Law

College with a law faculty is an excellent opportunity to get the desired profession. The modern labor market offers vacancies for young legal professionals. College graduates will have no difficulty finding a job. Young people often set a goal to obtain a higher education. You can enroll in a university after graduating from college without passing the Unified State Exam. “Galaktika” provides an extensive knowledge base sufficient for further development in the “Law” specialization.

Our educational institution uses the latest methods and technologies, making learning as interesting, accessible and effective as possible. The college has a library where a young lawyer will find all the necessary teaching materials. There is also an electronic library that only college students have access to.

Law College after 9th grade

Modern youth are in a hurry to live, and this is expressed in the desire to quickly get a profession. Many finish their schooling after 9th grade and go in search of their desired specialty. On this path, applicants often encounter colleges and schools with a low level of education, a poor team of teachers, and a complicated admission system.

"Galaktika" invites applicants to receive an education in the specialty "Law". College of Law after 9th grade is exactly the place where you will begin to learn the intricacies of your chosen profession before your peers. Agreements were signed with several practice bases in Moscow, thanks to which each student can choose the desired place of internship.

Law College in Moscow after 11th grade

College of Law - Quality Legal Education

Enter the College of Law after 9th or 11th grade, transferring from another college.

The main questions that applicants and their parents have when choosing an educational institution.

Why is it better to go to college after 9th grade?

1. Opportunity to obtain a specialized specialty and education in 3 years.

2. for a shortened training program.

3. Possibility to combine work and study.

4. Deferment from the army.

Where to go to study after 9th grade in Moscow?

First of all, when choosing a college or technical school for admission, you need to make sure that you have a valid license to conduct educational activities. Next, familiarize yourself with the accreditation of the educational institution and its annex. These legal documents are a guarantee of receiving a quality education.

Where and how to get an education in law?

02/40/01 Law and organization of social security Graduate qualification - “lawyer”.

Qualification characteristics of the graduate. The graduate must be ready for professional activities aimed at implementing legal norms and ensuring law and order in various areas of social protection of the population as a lawyer in the social protection authorities, in the bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia, and non-state pension funds. The main activities of a lawyer: organizational and legal - work on organizing and monitoring compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation; informing and consulting citizens and officials on the application of legislative acts in the field of social protection of the population. Bases of practice: district courts, lawyer and notary offices, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social protection services.

What form of study should I choose for admission?

The choice of form of study depends on the desires and capabilities of each individual applicant.

For admission to the College of Law, we offer the following forms of training

full-time training(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution)

evening training

weekend group(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age

distance learning(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age

distance learning(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age.