How to introduce changes in the kaizen approach. Kaizen is the art of small steps. How not to give up on your endeavors

In Japanese, the word "kaizen" means continuous improvement. The kaizen system is based on a scientific approach: first, individual elements are analyzed production process, and then suggests ways to improve these elements. Lean manufacturing is permeated with the idea of ​​kaizen or continuous improvement - small, gradual and consistent changes made continuously and having a positive impact on the overall health of production.

What do you need to know in order to constantly improve production?

Before embarking on a continuous improvement program, it is important to understand that even the simplest ideas can lead to big results. All lean manufacturing methods are based on kaizen; Continuous improvement is the basis of production process improvement methods. Below are ten principles, the observance of which guarantees success in improving production.

Ten Basic Principles for Manufacturing Improvement

  1. Drop the stereotypes.
  2. Think about what needs to be done to make a method work, not why it won't work.
  3. Don't accept excuses. Don't be satisfied with the status quo.
  4. Don't strive for perfection. If you implement your plan by 50%, but immediately, this is an excellent indicator.
  5. Correct errors on the spot.
  6. Don't spend a lot of money on improvements.
  7. See problems as opportunities to improve.
  8. To find out the root cause of a problem, ask the question “why?” at least five times.
  9. Please note: one is good, but ten is better.
  10. Remember that there is no limit to perfection.

How can kaizen improve your operations?

If your company has never practiced kaizen before, then this system will significantly influence approaches to organizing work. Kaizen involves a meaningful attitude towards performing operations and requires some time in order to learn to make conscious choices best methods work. You will have to use new tools to analyze ideas for improving production. When starting to implement kaizen, write down these ideas on special cards or in a notebook (always carry it with you in your overalls pocket). Over time, you will learn many new techniques that will help you better understand the essence of all production stages and individual operations. You will be able to better understand the operation of machines and mechanisms and feel the relationship between all the processes that make up the value stream.

A value stream is all the activities involved in making and delivering a product to the consumer. By improving the execution of operations and processes, you will “add value” and “eliminate waste” in the value stream. The figure below shows a diagram of such a flow.

What is the purpose of kaizen?

Kaizen actions aim to eliminate waste from every operation and every process and increase the time it takes to add value. Let's look at these concepts in more detail.

Process and operation

A process is a series of operations carried out in a strict sequence to provide services or create a product and deliver it to the consumer. To carry out the process, you must have the personnel, equipment, and materials available, as well as the appropriate techniques.

An operation is a specific action to create a product or provide a service, performed by one machine or worker.

Value and adding value

Value is beneficial features product or service from the consumer's point of view.

Value-adding activities are any activities that, in the process of transforming raw materials into finished product increase its attractiveness and usefulness for the consumer.


Waste is any activity that adds cost or wastes time without adding value to the product. the main task Lean manufacturing is the complete elimination of waste.

The creators of the Toyota production system identified seven main types of losses:

  1. Overproduction is the production of products in greater quantities than the consumer requires.
  2. Inventories - storage of products and work in progress.
  3. Transportation and materials.
  4. Idle time - waiting for an operation to complete.
  5. Unnecessary processing steps that arise when using low-quality tools or caused by the characteristics of the workpiece.
  6. Unnecessary movements of workers, i.e. ill-considered movements when performing operations or searching for tools, materials, etc.
  7. Rework and marriage.

The main goal of kaizen and lean manufacturing in general is to eliminate all types of losses that arise during the production process.

Thinking about how you do your work and how you can improve it helps you understand the interconnectedness of processes and how your work affects other operations. After analyzing how workers perform operations, you can begin to organize the work of kaizen teams. Kaizen teams play an important role in lean manufacturing and continuous improvement of enterprise operations. By working as a team with colleagues, you can identify weaknesses in your operations and the processes you share with other workers. Discussing production problems in kaizen teams helps to better understand the specifics of work in different production areas and determine the optimal ways of interaction. In addition, teamwork in kaizen blitzes allows you to solve current issues (for example, how best to arrange equipment in work areas) and develop ideas for improving operations and processes.

The role of kaizen blitz

One of the forms of involving workers in the continuous improvement of production is the kaizen blitz (storm-breakthrough), which is carried out regularly and each time has specific goals. The whole team takes part in the kaizen blitz, which provides the opportunity to make important decisions and at the same time implement these decisions into practice (when starting changes, it is necessary to stop the operation of a cell or line at a specific production site). Each kaizen blitz must be carefully thought out and prepared; The success of a kaizen blitz depends on how coordinated all actions are and whether they are completed.

Business is a constant movement. Setting new goals and daily monitoring of the competitiveness of the enterprise are the main tasks of company leaders. They can do this either personally or involve professionals to perform these functions. - not an easy matter. Right choice can decide the fate of the company: either it will take high positions in the market, or will disappear into the stream of competitors. Every entrepreneur wants the business he created to develop and generate income. But how to achieve this? Strategic planning allows you to calculate many business parameters and increase its viability. The Kaizen system offers a measured and philosophical approach to building your own business. Read about Japanese views on doing business in our article.

Philosophy, goals and overall motivation

The centuries-old Kaizen system is based on continuous improvement. This is how its name can be translated. Imperceptible progressive changes over a long period of time. The philosophy of this system is aimed at systematic, verified solutions for the overall increase in the commercial potential of the company. Kaizen is characterized by small but constant changes. The system is based on five main principles:

  • searching for opportunities to improve existing positions in all areas of activity;
  • awareness of the company’s problem areas and making targeted decisions to eliminate them;
  • self-discipline – daily analysis of decisions made and being prepared, assessment of the results of certain actions;
  • self-improvement - comprehending new methods and using acquired knowledge to improve one’s own business;
  • restraint and intellectual approach to doing business.

The principles of Kaizen were first introduced to the world in 1986. Masaaki Imai wrote and published a book in England called “Kaizen: The Key to the Success of Japanese Companies.” Author - founder consulting company and the Kaizen Institute. In 1997, he published a second book on production aspects. Its title is “Gemba Kaizen: The Path to Reducing Costs and Improving Quality.” Education effective application methods of this system to achieve high-quality results are the main activity of Imai and his followers. Providing consulting assistance to companies allows them to implement the principles of the system and prove its effectiveness in business. Books and articles currently being published are based on the works of Masaaki Imai.

The company's activities are built on the principle of meeting customer requirements. The consumer is the main focus of Kaizen. The philosophy of the system is based on the fact that each company has certain problems. Identifying and combating them is an integral part of the movement towards a harmonious company. Activities should be structured in such a way that employees strive to avoid making mistakes, and not just fear penalties for them.

The system assumes permanent job over every area of ​​activity. A comprehensive approach allows us to systematically develop and improve the company in many respects. The application of Kaizen involves the implementation of the most important strategic goals. These include:

  • increase in productivity;
  • improving product quality;
  • corporate management style;
  • establishing closer communication between workers and management;
  • increasing the level of qualifications of management and employees (continuous improvement);
  • production optimization.

Kaizen is characterized by contemplation. The system is focused more on the process than the result. The bulk of the resources are allocated to him. Before applying the action, a thorough analysis is carried out possible consequences. A change in thinking leads to a gradual restructuring of a problematic business. The new philosophy should cover all levels of the company: from managers to general workers. The involvement of each participant in the process is especially important when implementing this system. Timely elimination of possible material or intangible losses, costs, and unproductive use of resources is important when systematically moving towards the goal.

Kaizen is a system aimed at the long term. Attention to the process plays an important role in achieving results.

Basic methods

Eliminating problems in the production process is one of the main directions of the Kaizen system. The head of the enterprise must take an active part in the creation of products. His place is not in the office, but in the gambe (production). It is production that is the heart of the company, the main engine of progress and all improvements. Kaizen uses three fundamental techniques to improve productivity.

  1. Five Whys Rule

If a problem arises, it is necessary to answer the question - “Why did this happen?” And do this five times. This will help you come to interesting conclusions about what happened and choose optimal solution. Failure of any part may well lead to a change in equipment suppliers. After all, it is not enough to simply fix the breakdown; you need to discover the causes. This approach helps not only to solve temporary problems, but also to eliminate the hidden cause that can undermine the well-functioning process in the future. Careful analysis, careful attention to detail - building the foundation for a business is akin to the art of bonsai. Precision and confidence are required.

  1. The One Minute Rule

It can be described as training a positive perception of the time that is allocated for completing small tasks. One minute is a small period of time, so you can spend it painlessly and profitably. For example, go through papers, learn a new foreign word, do a warm-up, draw. In the first stages, this rule will help you gain confidence in your abilities, feel control over the situation, and free yourself from the feeling of helplessness. Gradually, a person learns to devote more time to small, but at the same time important and relaxing actions without emotional discomfort. You need to build up the pace slowly. And after some time, half an hour will be allotted for self-improvement and personality harmonization. After all, the success of a business directly depends on a person’s inner comfort.

  1. Five Step Rule

This includes compliance with a set of measures to achieve harmonious and streamlined production. Little things that can increase productivity:

  • clearing the space of everything unnecessary and faulty (old papers and documents, broken equipment, unused items, etc.);
  • maintaining order (cleaning equipment, timely repairs, organizing the storage of documentation and other things necessary for work);
  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • cleanliness of the workplace (functionality and organization);
  • personal cleanliness and organization (the company begins with the leader).

Kaizen principles

To work productively, you must not only use correct techniques, but also follow the basic rules of the system. The principles of Kaizen are very simple, but following them is the most difficult. This requires a change in thinking and a complete restructuring of the perception of business. Main principle– management. This is one of the pillars on which the prosperity of the future business is built. The top management of the company should pay equal attention to the development of each area. Employees, teamwork, discipline - improving and maintaining the performance of an enterprise falls on the shoulders of management structures. It is important to pay attention to organization human resource, involving him in general philosophy companies. Every employee should strive to develop and improve the business, regardless of what position they hold.

The system's focus on the process allows problems to be eliminated at the stage of their inception. The result is of secondary importance. A smooth and planned path is the basis of business. Employees must understand the need to immediately correct errors that occur. Conscious desire to make the company better - main idea fruitful work.

Kaizen uses a specific cycle that increases the efficiency of each employee. This is a kind of action plan that promotes the involvement of each employee in the life of the company. It includes:

  • planning - searching and forming goals for improvement;
  • action – implementation of the plan;
  • verification – analysis and control of the result (comparison of positive and negative changes that have occurred);
  • impact – application of innovations, creation and implementation fresh ideas, which are aimed at eliminating existing problems.

Besides the staff big role is given to the quality of the product. Systematic improvement and search for new production technologies with subsequent implementation are the second pillar that maintains the company’s balance. It is possible to cut many costs, but saving on production is unacceptable. Only reliable equipment can produce quality products. Only proven raw materials will produce a high-quality sample that meets the client’s needs.

The system involves constant analysis and data collection. The non-stop process of decision making and problem solving is characteristic of Kaizen. Information is the engine that helps a company overcome competitive trends and occupy a leading position in its industry.

The third pillar of Kaizen is the consumer. He is an important link in the company's improvement chain. Each stage of production contains its own “supplier” and “consumer”. Organizing work according to this scheme guarantees the involvement of each subject in the process. Each employee performs the functions of a “supplier” and a “consumer” for different stages of its activities. This allows you to avoid defects due to the employee’s responsibility for every action. He will strive to do the job efficiently and with maximum efficiency. And the final consumer completes this chain of interactions. All achievements and results of the company’s activities are aimed at it. He is the judge who sums up the work done.

Kaizen costing

To ensure a certain cost of production, Kaizen costing is used. This is a tool that allows you to increase production payback and save money. The financial level, just like others, is involved in the implementation of Kaizen. Elimination of unprofitable activities and introduction of profit-generating tools allows the system to successfully bring companies to new level. Constant analysis and gradual reduction of costs by improving production. The final product must maintain its existing quality or become better. Reducing the cost of production by reducing product characteristics is not allowed.

Innovations in the Kaizen system do not affect any specific department, but affect the company as a whole. Each goal is realized at all levels. This allows you to systematically move towards the intended result with the constant involvement of each employee in the process. Interaction between managers and employees. Responsibility for the result. This system allows you to harmoniously develop not only your business, but also improve the personal characteristics of the people involved in building the company.

Video - “Japanese Kaizen system”

It's no secret that Japan has achieved outstanding success in business. Japanese manufacturers occupy leading positions in many areas; in terms of GDP, the country is in 4th place in the ranking of countries, second only to such giants as China, the USA and India, and unlike these countries, Japan does not have huge natural resources. Many people believe that the secret of success is the high productivity of the population. But besides this, in Japan there is a very interesting philosophy that very few people know about - kaizen.

What is Kaizen?

Kaizen (kaizen, from Japanese 改善, Kaizen) is a Japanese concept that consists of continuous improvement of both work processes: management, production, development, and other aspects of human life. The term received wide use after the publication of Masaaki Imai’s book “Kaizen. The key to the success of Japanese companies" (1986, Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success). After the publication of the book, the term kaizen began to mean one of the most important competencies of a manager.

Apply this technology began after the Second World War during the period of economic recovery. In particular, the kaizen strategy was and is used by Toyota, the world leader in car sales.

Kaizen in business.

In Western business, everything is based on profit, and any innovation is assessed in terms of costs and income. The concept of kaizen in business means continuous improvement of work processes, aimed primarily at the consumer and the work team. The concept of Kaizen states that nothing is perfect and everything needs constant improvement.

It is worth noting that the concept of kaizen does not take root well in Western companies due to the difference in the mentalities of civilizations. This is most clearly visible when setting goals for subordinates; the kaizen strategy teaches not to punish or order employees. They are asked for advice, they are involved, they are consulted and decisions are made together with them. It is the high involvement and dedication of each employee to the common cause that helps achieve efficiency close to 100%. That is why, to fully implement the kaizen concept, highly qualified managers are required who are ready to implement kaizen practices.

Kaizen principles.

The concept of kaizen itself is quite new and each author identifies different principles; the main ones are listed below:

  1. Customer orientation. If a company works according to the principles of kaizen, then customer satisfaction is its top priority.
  2. Continuous change is a fundamental principle of the Kaizen philosophy.
  3. Open recognition of the problem, where there is no problem, improvement is impossible
  4. Close communication between all departments and services, maximum transparency and openness. Compared to Western companies, there is less separation of divisions.
  5. All employees are busy improving quality; working groups are formed to solve what they consider important problems.
  6. Creation of cross-functional teams. Such teams do not break up after solving a problem; they can exist for decades.
  7. Developing supportive relationships. It is important for a company to cultivate staff involvement in work; this will inevitably lead the company to success, even if not in the short term. For Western companies priority is given to current financial indicators.
  8. Horizontal exchange of experience and knowledge.
  9. Self-discipline of employees. It is important to be able to control yourself and respect team members.
  10. Always start with solving your problems, improve yourself on the personal front of work.
  11. Single information space, uniformity of information delivery. All employees must have equally accurate and complete information about the company.
  12. Develop the system. Train employees in many specialties.
  13. Draw conclusions based on facts, separate the emotional component.
  14. Do not confuse cause and effect, solve the cause of the problem, and not fight the consequences.
  15. Control does not improve quality; quality improvement must be included in the work process.
  16. Standardization of best practices. The best practices are standardized in order not to lose the achieved success.
  17. Automation of everything that can be automated.

In general, you need to take into account the completely different psychologies of people in the West and in Japan. While in the West personality and individuality are widely valued, in Japan employees are much more focused on the success of the team.

People often set goals for themselves, and just as often, in the end, they do not achieve them. A lazy person constantly finds new excuses: sick, tired, not ready yet, I’ll do it at next week, next month or even next year.

Why do people give up so easily? The answer is quite simple: a person strives to achieve too much and too quickly, but such responsibility quickly tires. Changing old habits and trying something new is not easy, and as a result, working on yourself quickly becomes boring.

How to get rid of laziness

Exists perfect solution to fight laziness and achieve anything. The exercise takes less than a minute, and the results are simply impressive. This technique is called Kaizen, or the 1-minute principle.

Kaizen technique is the key to success

The birthplace of this technique is Japan, it was invented by Masaaki Imai. The word itself contains 2 roots - “kai” (“change”) and “zen” (“wisdom”). This means that a person should change his life not spontaneously, but slowly and wisely. New habits should be the result of your thoughts and life experiences.

Masaaki Imai believes that the Kaizen philosophy can be applied to all areas human life, that is, in family relationships, everyday life, business, etc. For example, the Japanese often use technology to improve management techniques.

Kaizen technique, or the 1 minute principle

How does this method work? It is based on the idea that you should do something specific for 1 minute, every day at the same time. Just 1 minute, no more! Following such a principle is not difficult for anyone, right? Even the laziest person can complete a task for only so long. It's easy to slack off on tasks that take half an hour or an hour, but if it only takes 60 seconds, no excuses.

Why does the Kaizen method work?

At first, many people have doubts about the Japanese method. We have always been taught that achieving our goals is possible only with great effort, so it is difficult to believe in the effectiveness of the 1 minute principle. However, this is not at all true. Some efforts can slow down the process. Over-engineered and complicated self-improvement exercises can ultimately become exhausting and fail to produce tangible results. And with the Kaizen technique, any activity (press pumping, studying foreign language, building a business, etc.) will not seem unpleasant. Instead, it will bring you pleasure and satisfaction. You will feel joy from your actions. Do 1 small step at a time, and you will move on to the path of self-improvement.

The 1 minute principle allows you to track your progress, and this is a very important part in the process of forming new habits. It is important to overcome self-doubt and also free yourself from feelings of guilt and helplessness.

With the Kaizen technique, you will experience a sense of success that will help you move forward. This will also inspire you to gradually increase the amount of time you spend on your goal. Maybe at first it will only be 5 minutes more, but soon you will start giving yourself half an hour, and then an hour, etc. Thanks to this, the results will only improve.

It turns out that you just need to figure out what you want to achieve and start doing it for just 1 minute every day.

Have you already tried the Kaizen method? How do you like the result? Share your experience in the comments, it will help others improve their lives and finally stop procrastinating. ;)

Lean manufacturing technology kaizen (Kaizen, Japanese for continuous improvement) - a comprehensive concept covering philosophy, theory and management tools, allowing you to achieve an advantage in competition at the present stage.

In management system practice, this concept has a synonym - continuous improvement process (German - KVP, Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungs Prozess, English - CIP, Continuous Improvement Process). In an economic sense, the concept generally refers to actions to continuously improve all functions of an enterprise, from production to management. Kaizen is a concept derived from the Japanese words kai = change, and zen = good or for the better. Kaizen was first introduced in a few Japanese factories during the economic recovery after World War II and has since spread to factories around the world. The most famous practical application of this concept was developed for the Japanese corporation Toyota Motor Corporation. It is the basis of the method Total Quality Management(English - TQM, Total Quality Management) and includes measures to prevent waste (), innovative activity and working with new standards.

The ideas of the kaizen system () are set out by Masaaki Imaia in the book of the same name, which was published in England in 1986. The main ones:

“Kaizen is based on the fact that no enterprise is without problems. Kaizen helps solve these problems by developing a work culture where each employee is not fined for a problem, but guarantees that it will not happen.”

  • “Kaizen strategy is based on the recognition that management, whose goal is to make a profit, must set as its goal the satisfaction of the customer and his requirements.”
  • “Kaizen is a customer-focused improvement strategy.”
  • “Kaizen is based on the premise that all enterprise activities should ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction. At the same time, the philosophy of the internal and external clients differs.”

Convincing evidence of the effectiveness of the lean concept is a comparison of the level of innovation in enterprises in Japan and in Western countries. For comparison: in 1989, 83% of all innovation proposals were implemented in Japan, while in Germany - 40%, and in the USA - only 30%. In Germany, there are 0.15 innovation proposals per employee per year, while in Japan this figure is over 30.

With NPU, at the center there is a person with abilities and knowledge, which are the most important capital of the company. To this we can add a positive perception of problems by the organization, since they are an incentive for improvement. What is at the forefront is not the question of who is causing the problems, but the common effort to fundamentally solve them. It is not punishment for the mistakes of the past, but the possibility of improvement for the benefit of a common future that should guide the company's thinking. The desire to recognize real problems and eliminate them for a long time is decisive!

Thus, the team of employees is seen as a source of motivation, identification, mental energy, synergy and increasing creativity. NPU means continuous, systematic and consistent work on:

  • setting and pursuing goals,
  • eliminating interference,
  • looking for opportunities for improvement,
  • preventing waste with the help of all employees at all levels, in all departments, workshops and offices.

Elements of Kaizen

For normal and efficient work appropriate conditions must be created in production. Therefore, Kaizen is based on 5 important points.

  1. Teamwork. All employees must work as a team to achieve a common goal. They are obligated to do whatever is necessary for the benefit of their colleagues and their employer company. Provides for constant information exchange, mutual training, fulfillment of duties on time, etc.
  2. Personal discipline. In any enterprise, discipline is important. It ensures success. The basis of kaizen is self-discipline, which includes managing your working time, the level of quality of work, fulfilling requirements, complying with regulations, etc.
  3. Moral condition. It is essential that employees maintain their high morale. Therefore, management is obliged to implement a system of effective motivation, create good conditions for work, provide for all aspects related to providing your employees with everything they need.
  4. Quality mugs. The enterprise needs to organize quality circles, which include employees of different levels. Such circles allow for the exchange of ideas, skills, and everything that is required for teamwork. The functioning of quality circles allows employees to evaluate their achievements when exchanging information and strive for more high results in your work.
  5. Suggestions for improvement. Management needs to ensure that every employee can make suggestions, regardless of position. Even absurd proposals must be accepted and considered.

Kaizen principles


1.Organization of the workplace (gemba), for which 5S methods are used:

  • Seiri – definition of what is not needed in work;
  • Seiso – ensuring the cleanliness of the workplace and equipment used;
  • Seiton - putting in order everything that is used in work;
  • Seiketsu – actions to standardize the first 3 steps;
  • Shitsuke – support for established workplace management.

2. Elimination of unjustified losses related to:

  • Unnecessary movement;
  • Unnecessary waiting;
  • Incorrect organization of technical processes;
  • Transportation;
  • Defects, defects;
  • Excess inventory;
  • Overproduction.

3. Standardization, which allows you to create the basis for stability in work. The implementation of standards must occur at all levels. Their improvement is carried out according to the PDCA cycle.

Important! To effectively implement a kaizen system, it is necessary to use other lean manufacturing tools, including the kanban technique.

Continuous improvement process

Continuous improvement process- This is not only the study of new methods and, but also a different form of cooperation. More local self-organization with the help of capable employees, more personal responsibility for all participants, more development of innovative potential in the enterprise. Moreover, management requirements acquire additional importance. Along with professional and methodological competence, success depends on managers having social competence. The process of changing attitudes occurs from the top down, and the best guarantee of success through NPM is exemplary leadership management. Necessary changes in the approach to work are carried out by management, setting an example for employees who learn about these changes and adopt them. The economic and social goals of the kaizen (lean manufacturing) process are the goals.

In enterprises using kaizen technology, the continuous process of improvement is a vital part of the operation. production management. It covers:

  • organization ( organizational structure, distribution of responsibility, coordination, control mechanism);
  • management (delimiting goals, choosing topics, forming a team);
  • qualifying activities (behavioral training, methodological training);
  • systematics (regularity, documentation, coverage of work teams, tools);
  • incentive system (encouragement of innovation, special systems of moral and material incentives).