Methodological development "New Year's games at the Christmas tree." Holiday scenarios with Baba Yaga

Irina Puzikova

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old

Russian folk games»

Tasks: 1. Create children joyful and cheerful mood.

2. Involve children to Russian folk games.

3. Teach how to follow the rules of the game.

4. Develop agility, muscle strength, endurance, strong-willed qualities in achieving the goal.

Cheerful music is playing. Children enter the gym. Baba Yaga appears on a broom.

Baba Yaga: Phew-phew! It smells like the human spirit, who's making noise here? (children answer) Oh, how much I love meeting new people! (she offers her hand and introduces herself to each child)

Baba Yaga: Name a fairy tale where one of the heroes is me, Baba Yaga?

("Geese-swans", "Ivan Tsarevich", "Morozko", "Gray Wolf").

(Children call).

Since you're here, delicious kids, would you like to have a little fun? (children agree). That's great. Let's play folk game"Baba Yaga's Fifteen".

1. Folk game"Tag"

A circle is drawn and the players stand behind the circle. The driver with a broom in his hand stands behind the line of the circle inward. Children pronounce words:

Baba Yaga, bone leg

She fell from the stove and broke her leg.

One, two, three – catch it!”

Children jump over the line into the circle and back, trying not to touch the driver with the broom. If the driver touches the broom when the children are in a circle, then they leave the game and complete the tasks (5 squats, 5 jumps on one leg, etc.) after which they return to the game.

Baba Yaga: Ugh, we jumped, we jumped

And, of course, we got hungry.

So, we select a dozen well-fed

And for a shovel, brown it, and for dinner.

Oh, just kidding, just kidding! You, my dear guests, must be treated. I’ll cook a soup for you from mice, dried and smoked frogs. Will you eat this?? No? What do you eat your soup from? (children answer that from vegetables). Where can I find vegetables for you, where can I get them? (children suggest that in the garden, in the garden).

Then you must help me, I, an old woman, cannot cope alone.

2. Relay "Collect vegetables"

Children are formed into 2-3 teams. They are invited to select vegetables from a large basket containing vegetables and fruits and place them in pots. The team that finishes first and collects only vegetables wins.

Baba Yaga: Oh, something I cheered up. Let's fly on brooms, guys.

3. Relay "Flying the Broom"(to cartoon music "Flying Ship")

Children run with a broom between their legs, running around a landmark at a distance of 7-8 meters.

Baba Yaga: (With a saucepan and ladle)

After a sweet lunch,

According to Archimedes' law,

Even in fairy tales you are supposed to sleep.

And for sweet dreams

The best riddles to tell.

Who were these

Little children?

(Seven kids)

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess.


Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (mortar)

He is a robber, he is a villain,

He scared people with his whistle.

(nightingale the robber)

She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents.


With whom does Frost play hide and seek?

In a white fur coat, in a white hat?

Everyone knows his daughter

And her name is...

(Snow Maiden)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house

Who were these

Little children?

(Seven kids)

Baba Yaga: Do you guys know that Russian people say, that I’m almost 700 years old! And who says that the whole thousand! However, a woman’s age is always a mystery. The secret of my longevity is not solved: rejuvenating apples helped me, or living water, or some other magical means - unknown. But the fact is that I have lived to see our time! And since you’ve made it, let’s have fun!

4. Russian folk game“Tea, tea, help out!”

The driver is selected from among children. Those children whom he touched are considered caught. They stand with their legs spread wide apart, arms to the sides and say “Tea, tea, help out!” Any player can help the caught person if he crawls between his legs.

Complication: two drivers are selected

5. Folk game"Crows and Sparrows"

Boys team "sparrows", girls team – "crows". By command "Sparrows!" boys catch girls on command "Crows!" girls catch boys. "Greased" leave the game.

6. Folk game"Blind Man's Bluff"

"Dead Man's Bluff" blindfolded, taking them to the middle of the platform, and turning them around several times, then ask:

Where are you standing?

At the pillar.

What are you selling?

Look for us for three years.

After these words, the game participants scatter, and "blind man's buff" catches them. Caught it becomes "blind man's buff" only if the driver recognizes him and calls him by name. If he doesn't guess correctly, he'll have to drive again.

Baba Yaga: You and I had a lot of fun and even, in my opinion, became friends! (children agree)

I'm sorry to say goodbye to you, but I have to. I'm tired, it's time for me to go to the stove to sleep! Goodbye, friends!

Scenario New Year's party“The pranks of Baba Yaga and Buyan”

New Year's holiday for children 7-10 years old with games, fun, songs and dances.

Today we have gathered as a guest
Your acquaintances and friends,
To celebrate in this hall
New Year's Day soon!
Now let everyone be happy
And the lights are burning all around.
For laughter, joy and songs
We called the guys here!

Zimushka enters the stage.

ZIMUSHKA: Hello, guys! My name is Zimushka-winter.
I'm tough and everyone loves me
I'm frosty, and everyone is waiting for me,
And, of course, on New Year's Day
Guests will come to my party for the holiday!
Come in quickly, I'm glad to see you.
It will be a fun holiday for us!
Show me masks, outfits,
I will delight you with a fairy tale.

Let's hold hands, friends,
And let's dance in a circle!
Not every day, but once a year
Comes New Year!

/Children sing the song “The White Blizzard is Sweeping”

ZIMUSHKA: Well done, guys! Do you know how to dance? (Yes) Even like little ducklings? (Yes) Great! Then let's dance.

/dance “Little Ducklings”

ZIMUSHKA: And now we will play with you. Complete all my tasks, and make sure you don’t make mistakes!
And it's frosty outside,
Well, everyone put their hands to their noses!
There is no need for us to beat our heads,
Well, everyone grabbed their ears,
Twisted, turned,
So your ears are warmed up.
They knocked on my knees,
They shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And they sank a little.

ZIMUSHKA: Because you sang so well and danced so wonderfully, I will give everyone a surprise.

/Number of amateur performances.

ZIMUSHKA: Guys, who do you think is the most long-awaited guest at the New Year's party? That's right, this is Santa Claus and, of course, his granddaughter……. (Snow Maiden)
Let's call them loudly and loudly together.

/Suddenly Baba Yaga appears with her cat Buyan.
The cat is holding a large box of matches

BABA YAGA: Oh, have you forgotten me, beauty? You sing here about winter, and about the Christmas tree! What's good about it? All long, prickly, angry. Now we'll have fireworks here. Brawler, set it on fire!

ZIMUSHKA: What are you doing?! Why did they bring matches?! Don't you know that matches are not a toy?

BABA YAGA: Oh, it turns out it’s not just little children here. (He and Buyan try to hide the matches.) And I say, here again the old lady was offended, she was not invited to the holiday.

ZIMUSHKA: Of course, they didn’t invite you, because, as usual, you’ll do something. Who did you come with this time? (Looks behind Yaga and sees that Buyan has matches). Oh, you bastards! What are you planning on doing? (Baba Yaga and Buyan make a reservation with Zimushka)

ZIMUSHKA: Children, is it really possible to leave such guests at the holiday? (No!) Well, go away. (They refuse). Oh, won't you leave?! (No) Then the guys and I will call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and they will kick you out of the holiday.

BABA YAGA: (scared): Who-who? Oh, don't! We’d better leave on our own, voluntarily. But we will show you more! (shakes his fist). Buyasha, follow me! (Leave)

ZIMUSHKA: Guys, you all know that Father Frost and Snegurochka come to us on reindeer. Let's play a game together. Repeat everything after me, just make sure you don’t make a mistake!

/Game “The deer has a big house”

/The noise of an engine is heard, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom with her friend Cat Buyan. Baba Yaga has toy Santa Claus and Snow Maiden under her arm, and Buyan has a small backpack (bag) over his shoulders.

ZIMUSHKA: Is it you again?

BABA YAGA: Yes we are. What are you waiting for grandfather and Snow Maiden? Here's Santa Claus for you.
(Puts down the toy). Here's the Snow Maiden (Places another toy)

CAT: And here is a bag of gifts for you (Takes off the backpack).

ZIMUSHKA: I don’t understand anything.

BABA YAGA: There’s nothing to understand here. Buyan and I turned your grandfather and the Snow Maiden into dolls.

CAT: Just a couple of little things.

ZIMUSHKA: We don’t believe you. The guys and I know what needs to be done so that Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden come to the holiday.

CAT: What do you know?

BABA YAGA: They don’t know anything. And in general, we will call our friend Chufindra for help.
Mumriki, chumbriki, scat
Chufyndra come to us now!

/Chufyndra appears in the hall with a roar.

CHUFINDRA: Who called me?

BABA YAGA: Hello, Chufyndra! It was the cat and I who called you for help. Here the kids want to invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but we want to stop them.
CAT: Help us, will you?

CHUFINDRA: Yes, with great pleasure. You know that doing nasty things is my favorite thing! So, what are we going to do?

CAT: Let's confuse them, so much so that they forget all the words in the world!

CHUFINDRA: Exactly! Let's hold a competition
Attention to winter-winter “white”!
I will name a lot of things
And you will only recognize “white”.
As I say about white and snow - clap,
And what about - what else - stomp.
Winter (cotton) Snowball (cotton)
Chanterelle (top) Snowdrift (clap)
Icicle (clap) Bunny (clap)
Herringbone (top) Sausage (top)
Ice cream (pop) Apple (top)
Candy (top) Grass (top)
Santa Claus beard (clap)

/During the game, the Cat and Baba Yaga try to confuse the children.

BABA YAGA: Oh, yes! Well, it’s okay, we’ll do some more nasty things to you now!

CHUFYNDRA: And now we’ll cut down the tree!

CAT: Exactly! Where's my axe?

WINTER: Guys, Santa Claus has a favorite song. Let's all sing it together now. Grandfather will hear and come to us for the holiday. I don’t believe that these evil people could turn Father Frost and the Snow Maiden into dolls, they don’t have such power!

BABA YAGA: You don’t even have to try! (Unsure) You won’t succeed!

SANTA CLAUS: I hear, I hear, guys!
It took us a long time to get to you
Across the sea, across the rivers,
Through forests and mountains.
Happy New Year to you, kids!
Be happy, friends!
We sincerely congratulate you -
Both the Snow Maiden and me!

SNOW Maiden: If there are blizzards and blizzards,
It's snowing outside the window,
If the river is covered with ice -
We are celebrating the New Year!
And in our spacious hall
The beauty spruce stands
Lights hang on the branches,
The star is burning above.

/At this time, Baba Yaga, Chufyndra and Buyan are trying to hide somewhere.

ZIMUSHKA: How glad we are to see you! After all, Baba Yaga and the cat deceived us.

SANTA CLAUS: What happened to you?

ZIMUSHKA: Look, grandpa. Baba Yaga and the cat Buyan deceived us, they said that they turned you and the Snow Maiden into dolls.

SANTA CLAUS: Into dolls? In these? Oh you hooligans!

ZIMUSHKA: Yes, and they also called their friend Chufyndra and wanted to cut down the Christmas tree.

SANTA CLAUS: Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed, Baba Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Not at all.

SANTA CLAUS: And you, Chufindra?

CHUFINDRA: No. Be! (sticks his tongue out at Santa Claus)

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, you furious ones!
Oh you old ones!
Guys, let's punish them. They don’t like to dance, but we will force them.

/ Claps his hands

One-two-three! Come on, grandmothers, dance!

/Music sounds, B.Ya. starts dancing

BABA YAGA: Oh, I can’t dance.
Oh, now I'm going to fall.
CHUFYNDRA: Let us go, Frost,
Oh, we are tired to the point of tears!

SANTA CLAUS: One, two, three! Music stop!

BABA YAGA: Oh, well, we’ll be kinder,

CHUFINDRA: And we will love all children.

SANTA CLAUS: Aren't you ashamed of the cat? After all, you are a symbol of the coming year!

CAT: Who? I? Seriously? Baba Yaga, Chufyndra have you heard? Wow! Well, then I will behave decently, just don’t kick us out of the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Please, huh?

SANTA CLAUS: Okay, we'll believe you.
And now on our Christmas tree
It's time to light the lights!
Let her become elegant
And it shines until the morning!
Come on, together, one, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!

/Children repeat three times magic words, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

SNOW Maiden: Let's celebrate the New Year, friends
We can't live without a song,
Now we’ll sing about the Christmas tree,
And we'll go around it.

Come, honest people!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

/ Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

BABA YAGA: And I invite the guys to play.

Game “Clap and Stomp”
Everyone can take part in the game. Children take turns jumping on a broom around the Christmas tree to see who is faster. The winner receives a prize from a bag of gifts.

SNOW Maiden: Tell us, guys, are you cold in winter?
Aren't you afraid of Frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.

/Game “I’ll Freeze”

WINTER: That's how Grandfather Frost -
I seriously froze everyone.
Look at the guys
They all stand like icicles.

SNOW Maiden: Louder, music, play -
Invite everyone to the dance!

/Performed “The Lady”. Prizes are awarded for the best performance.

CAT: Old year ends.
Good old year!
We won't be sad
After all, a new one will come to us!

WINTER: I suggest not standing, but dancing with the cat!

SANTA CLAUS: Our holiday has come to an end,
And we need to say goodbye.
But there is no need to be sad about him -
He walks home.

SNOW Maiden: At home - Christmas tree and fun,
And mom has a day off,
And by New Year's Eve -
Guests, jokes, feast!

WINTER: And when the new one comes,
The best New Year,

CHUFINDRA: Definitely with him
New happiness will come.

BABA YAGA: It will come silently
And he whispers in your ear:

CAT: “The best and happiest
New Year is coming!”

/Song " New Year's toys" The heroes leave.

Objectives of the holiday:

    create a joyful mood in children, evoke a positive emotional response in them. development of children's creative potential; uniting the children's team; introduction to the culture of New Year celebrations.
Characters: Presenter, Father Frost, Pseudo-Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden.

Host: The Christmas tree and winter holiday has come to us again today. We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday. - Dear friends, I welcome you to the New Year's ball. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus promised to come, but for some reason I don’t see them in the hall yet, maybe we can start dancing without them?
All: yes!
Presenter: Then we open the first dance department without delay! We all perform the “Boogie-Woogie” dance together.
Host: What would a Christmas tree be without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? Let's invite them to our holiday. (Everyone calls Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Father Frost enters to the music).
Santa Claus: A year has flown by since the last meeting, You came to me again. Stronger arms, broader shoulders. They have matured and grown up. The clock on the Spasskaya Tower is striking, The whole country is rushing forward, Today we have become older by one happy year. I see right away that you were all waiting for Santa Claus to come to you and bring your granddaughter.
Host: Our ball is going great, the guests love to dance.
Santa Claus: Really? Can you dance the most fashionable dance for me?
Host: What dance, Grandfather Frost?
Santa Claus: Yes, I forgot what it is called: bird dance? No, chicken? No, oh, I remembered - duck.
Host: Not a duck dance, but a dance of little ducklings. We'll show you. How do we know how to dance it? (children dance). - Well, how did you like it?
Santa Claus: Well done, guys. You dance well!
Host: Grandfather, where is your granddaughter Snegurochka? Why isn't she with you?
Santa Claus: Didn't she come? Where is my granddaughter? Snow Maiden! I don't see. Granddaughter, oh! Aw! I don’t understand what it is. Oh my granddaughter, what a naughty girl! She's hiding somewhere and teasing! What kind of order is this? Don't play hide and seek with me! Is this how they behave? (Pseudo-Snow Maiden enters the hall)
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: Hello, grandpa! Good evening, friends! I'm so glad to see you all! How beautiful you are. And I've gotten better, haven't I?
Santa Claus: What are we talking about?
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: We need to light the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus: Let's say together: one, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn! Come on, everyone is in harmony! (the tree lights up).
Presenter: Throughout the country, Christmas trees are burning, thousands of children are celebrating the New Year. So let’s get into a round dance and celebrate the New Year with a cheerful song. - Let’s sing the song about the Christmas tree “Miracle Tree.”
Santa Claus: Oh, it’s fun here, and I want to dance and play.
Presenter: Grandfather Frost. So come into our circle closer to the Christmas tree. (comes in). So you're caught. We won't let you out of the circle... Come play with us!
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: Yes, yes, hold hands tightly and don’t let my grandpa out. Game “We won’t let go.”
Host: Let him go, little children, he still loves to dance more than anyone else in the world. The legs are shaking, they don’t stand still. Eh, come on, friends, Let's all dance together! (dance “my hands are good”).
Santa Claus: Guys, our Christmas tree is sad and bored. Let's dance around the tree and in honor of the guest from the forest, sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” about her.
(Baba Yaga runs in). Baba Yaga: Why are you crying? They sang: New Year, New Year! Happiness will come to every home...
Host: So today is a holiday, grandma!
Baba Yaga: What kind of holiday are you having, grandfather?
Host: What kind of grandfather am I?
Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I? Baba Yaga sings a song: I’m only about 300 years old. I want to live, I want to do mischief. I walk through the dense forest, I look at myself as a beauty. Who is my beloved? Me, me, me! I don’t like girls and boys. I don’t read any books. I walk through the dense forest, I look at myself as a beauty. Who is my beloved? Me, me, me!
Baba Yaga: Well, now do you understand what I should be called?
Children: Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: No. Wrong. You should call me like this: Babusenka-Yagusenka, Vredina-Priveredina, Greedy-Beef, Yabeda-Koryabeda! Host: Well, why did you come to us? We have a holiday, and here you are being mischievous, making faces, and interfering with the matinee.
Baba Yaga: Is it really a holiday? With dancing? With songs? I can't hear anything.
Host: Guys, let's all sing the song “New Year” together.
Baba Yaga: But you won’t have a holiday! There will be no dancing, no songs, no gifts - nothing!
Host: How can this not happen? Why won't it happen?
Baba Yaga: And because I have magical felt boots, in which Santa Claus should dance and give gifts, here they are on me, and Santa Claus - ha ha ha - in slippers! Do you want to receive gifts? Then here’s a task for you - sing me a song about the Christmas tree. Only after that will I give away my felt boots. Here they are. Felt boots. Yagushi has an old one. Well. Will you sing? (The song “Little Christmas Tree” is performed). Host: Can you sing yourself, Grandma Yagusenka?
Baba Yaga: Oh! I am the best singer in the world! (Baba Yaga sings ditties): I didn’t want to dance, I stood there and was shy. And the harmonica started playing, I couldn’t resist.
I danced with three legs and lost my boots. I looked back, My boots were lying there.
A hedgehog is sitting on a birch tree, wearing a white shirt, a boot on his head, and a cap on his leg.
There is a cart on the mountain, Tears are dripping from the arc. A cow is standing under the mountain, Putting on her boots.
If there was no water, there would be no mug. If there were no me, there would be no ditty.
(to the last sounds of the ditty, the real Snow Maiden enters).
Snow Maiden: Hello, dear friends, Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, children! On New Year's Day, dance and have fun. Don't be bored. Always be healthy, And stop being lazy, Adults need help and study well.
- Grandpa, how I miss you. Did I really miss everything? Am I really not going to hear a song about my beloved grandfather, about how kind and good he is? (children sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus”).
Baba Yaga: Mind you. Chur! Where did you come from? I hid you with my own hands.
Santa Claus: Wait, granddaughter. Oh, so you wanted to deceive me? Come on, where is this impostor? (Baba Yaga brings the Pseudo-Snow Maiden by the hand, she fights back).
Baba Yaga: Here she is, she wanted to run away, but I caught her. See, I helped you. Take me to the holiday too. I want to dance with you, play, I won’t be mischievous anymore. Well, please!
Santa Claus: Shall we take her with us to the holiday, guys? Let's take her and dance together as a sign of reconciliation. (dance “forward 4 steps.”)
Snow Maiden: Let's let the fake Snow Maiden go, because we are having a costume masquerade ball. And her carnival costume is so good that you confused her with me. Grandfather, let's forget about this New Year's joke and wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Baba Yaga is crying Presenter: What happened, Babusenka?
Baba Yaga: Yes, we still sing and dance, but they still don’t give us gifts. It's a disgrace, I'll complain.
Host: You shouldn’t have been upset, Baba Yaga! I was just about to announce a poetry and song competition.
Snow Maiden: Who will tell us a poem? Or will he sing a song? Who wants to dance? Who can show me the suit? Stand closely in a round dance, Santa Claus has been waiting for you for a long time. (A poetry competition is being held among children). Pseudo-Snow Maiden: I know interesting riddles, but I won’t tell you.
Host: Well, tell me. Please!
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: No. I won't tell.
Snow Maiden: Well, don’t talk!
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: I'll tell you!
Snow Maiden: Don't talk!
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: I’ll say it anyway! Here! I know the riddles that my grandmother told me when I was little.
1 He lies in his den all winter, He loves to roar loudly. He loves to taste honey, Guess who... Bear.
2 I put slats on the skates and the sleds raced down the hills. Skis
3 He is big and bearded. With a long white beard. From under the hat there is a red nose. Who is this? Father Frost.
4 She doesn’t need a hot stove, she doesn’t care about frost, cold and cold. The cheerful ...... Snow Maiden sends you greetings
5 With a red and large tail, With an elongated nose, Neither a tigress nor a wolf, Guess who.... Fox
6 The wooden boy walks to school with an ABC book. Instead of school, he ends up in a wooden booth. What is the name of this book? What's that boy's name? Pinocchio
Baba Yaga: Well then. Are you tired? It's time to stretch your legs. Get up in a round dance and sing the song “Yolka-Yolochka.”
Santa Claus: Baba Yaga, are you up to something again?
Baba Yaga: we came up with a game. It's called "Dance". You need to choose the most dexterous and fastest. (Dance with chairs).
Santa Claus: Well done, guys, we had a lot of fun and played.
Snow Maiden: Here comes the New Year's holiday. It's time to end. We wish you a lot of happiness today, children.
Santa Claus: I wish you success in the new year, more cheerful ringing laughter. More cheerful friends and girlfriends, so that everyone around you laughs.
Baba Yaga: So that you grow big, So that you don’t know worries.
Pseudo-Snow Maiden: And our Father Frost will come to you in a whole year.
Presenter: So that you are not afraid of Santa Claus, go skiing and sledding more.
All participants in chorus: So be healthy, Farewell, guys. Bearded Frost wishes you happiness.

New Year's holiday for children 6-10 years old with games, fun, songs and dances.

Today we have gathered our acquaintances and friends to celebrate New Year's Day in this hall as soon as possible! Now let everyone be cheerful, and let the lights burn all around. We invited the guys here for laughter, joy and songs!

Today we have gathered as a guest
Your acquaintances and friends,
To celebrate in this hall
New Year's Day soon!
Now let everyone be happy
And the lights are burning all around.
For laughter, joy and songs
We called the guys here!

(Number of amateur performances.
Zimushka enters the stage.)

WINTER: Hello guys! My name is Zimushka-winter.
I'm tough and everyone loves me
I'm frosty, and everyone is waiting for me,
And, of course, on New Year's Day
Guests will come to my party for the holiday!
Come in quickly, I'm glad to see you.
It will be a fun holiday for us!
Show me masks, outfits,
I will delight you with a fairy tale.
Let's hold hands, friends,
And let's dance in a circle!
Not every day, but once a year
New Year is coming!

WINTER: Well done, guys! Do you know how to dance? (Yes) Even like little ducklings? (Yes) Great! Then let's dance.

(dance "Little Ducklings")

ZIMUSHKA: And now we will play with you. Complete all my tasks, and make sure you don’t make mistakes!
And it's frosty outside,
Well, everyone put their hands to their noses!
There is no need for us to beat our heads,
Well, everyone grabbed their ears,
Twisted, turned,
So your ears are warmed up.
They knocked on my knees,
They shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And they sank a little.

WINTER: Because you sang so well and danced so wonderfully, I will give everyone a surprise.

(Amateur performance number)

WINTER: Guys, who do you think is the most long-awaited guest at the New Year's party? That's right, this is Santa Claus and, of course, his granddaughter……. (Snow Maiden) Let's call them loudly and loudly together.

/Suddenly Baba Yaga appears with her cat Buyan. The cat is holding a large box of matches.

BABA YAGA: Oh, have you forgotten me, my beauty? You sing here about winter, and about the Christmas tree! What's good about it? All long, prickly, angry. Now we'll have fireworks here. Brawler, set it on fire!

WINTER: What are you doing?! Why did they bring matches?! Don't you know that matches are not a toy?

BABA YAGA: Oh, it turns out it's not just little kids here. (He and Buyan try to hide the matches.) And I say, here again the old lady was offended, she was not invited to the holiday.

WINTER: Of course, they didn’t invite you, because, as usual, you’ll do something. Who did you come with this time? (Looks behind Yaga and sees that Buyan has matches). Oh, you bastards! What are you planning on doing? (Baba Yaga and Buyan make a reservation with Zimushka)

WINTER: Children, is it really possible to leave such guests at a party? (No!) Well, go away. (They refuse). Oh, won't you leave?! (No) Then the guys and I will call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and they will kick you out of the holiday.

BABA YAGA: (scared): Who? Oh, don't! We’d better leave on our own, voluntarily. But we will show you more! (shakes his fist). Buyasha, follow me! (Leave)

WINTER: Guys, you all know that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come to us on reindeer. Let's play a game together. Repeat everything after me, just make sure you don’t make a mistake!

(The noise of an engine is heard, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom with her friend Cat Buyan. Baba Yaga has toy Santa Claus and Snow Maiden under her arm, and Buyan has a small backpack or bag over his shoulders).

WINTER: Is it you again?

BABA YAGA: Yes we are. What are you waiting for grandfather and Snow Maiden? Here's Santa Claus for you. (Puts down the toy). Here's the Snow Maiden for you (Places another toy)

CAT: And here is a bag of gifts for you (Takes off the backpack).

WINTER: I don't understand anything.

BABA YAGA: There is nothing to understand here. Buyan and I turned your grandfather and the Snow Maiden into dolls.

CAT: Just a couple of little things.

WINTER: And we don't believe you. The guys and I know what needs to be done so that Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden come to the holiday.

CAT: What do you know?

BABA YAGA: They don't know anything. And in general, we will call our friend Chufindra for help. Mumriks, chumbriks, scat - Chufyndra come to us now!

(Chufyndra appears in the hall with a roar)

CHUFINDRA: Who called me?

BABA YAGA: Hello, Chufyndra! It was the cat and I who called you for help. Here the kids want to invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but we want to stop them.

CAT: Help us, will you?

CHUFINDRA: Yes, with great pleasure. You know that doing nasty things is my favorite thing! So, what are we going to do?

CAT: Let's confuse them so much that they forget all the words in the world!

CHUFINDRA: Exactly! Let's hold a competition
Attention to winter-winter “white”!
I will name a lot of things
And you will only recognize “white”.
As I say about white and snow - clap,
And what about - what else - stomp.
Winter (cotton) Snowball (cotton)
Chanterelle (top) Snowdrift (clap)
Icicle (clap) Bunny (clap)
Herringbone (top) Sausage (top)
Ice cream (clap) Apple (top)
Candy (top) Grass (top)
Santa Claus beard (clap)

(During the game, the Cat and Baba Yaga try to confuse the children)

(Baba Yaga holds a competition “Put your nose in!”)

(The cat plays the game "Snowballs")

BABA YAGA: Oh, yes! Well, it’s okay, we’ll do some more nasty things to you now!

CHUFINDRA: Now we’re going to cut down the tree!

CAT: Exactly! Where's my axe?

WINTER: Guys, Santa Claus has a favorite song. Let's all sing it together now. Grandfather will hear and come to us for the holiday. I don’t believe that these evil people could turn Father Frost and the Snow Maiden into dolls, they don’t have such power!

BABA YAGA: You don't even have to try! (Unsure) You won't succeed!

(After the song, the ringing of bells is heard. Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall)

FATHER FROST: I hear, I hear, guys!
It took us a long time to get to you
Across the sea, across the rivers,
Through forests and mountains.
Happy New Year to you, kids!
Be happy, friends!
We sincerely congratulate you -
Both the Snow Maiden and me!

SNOW MAIDEN: If there are blizzards and blizzards,
It's snowing outside the window,
If the river is covered with ice -
We are celebrating the New Year!
And in our spacious hall
The beauty spruce stands
Lights hang on the branches,
The star is burning above.

(At this time, Baba Yaga, Chufyndra and Buyan are trying to hide somewhere)

WINTER: We are so glad to see you! After all, Baba Yaga and the cat deceived us.

FATHER FROST: What happened to you?

WINTER: Look, grandpa. Baba Yaga and the cat Buyan deceived us, they said that they turned you and the Snow Maiden into dolls.

FATHER FROST: In dolls? In these? Oh you hooligans!

WINTER: Yes, and they also called their friend Chufindra and wanted to cut down a Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST: Aren't you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed, Baba Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Not at all.

FATHER FROST: What about you, Chufyndra?

CHUFINDRA: No. Be! (sticks his tongue out at Santa Claus)

FATHER FROST: Oh, you furious ones! Oh you old ones! Guys, let's punish them. They don’t like to dance, but we will force them. (Claps hands) One-two-three! Come on, grandmothers, dance!

(Music sounds, B.Ya. starts dancing)

BABA YAGA: Oh, I can't dance. Oh, now I'm going to fall.

CHUFINDRA: Let us go, Frost, Oh, we are tired to the point of tears!

FATHER FROST: One, two, three! Music stop!

BABA YAGA: Oh, well, let's be kinder

CHUFINDRA: And we will love all children.

FATHER FROST: Aren't you ashamed, cat?

CAT: Ashamed. Well, then I will behave decently, just don’t kick us out of the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Please, huh?

FATHER FROST: Okay, we'll believe you.
And now on our Christmas tree
It's time to light the lights!
Let her become elegant
And it shines until the morning!
Come on, together, one, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!

(Children repeat the magic words three times, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Let's celebrate the New Year, friends.
We can't live without a song,
Now we’ll sing about the Christmas tree,
And we'll go around it.
Come, honest people!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

BABA YAGA: And I invite the guys to play.

WINTER: That's how Grandfather Frost -
I seriously froze everyone.
Look at the guys
They all stand like icicles.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now let's listen to the song "Silver Snowflakes"

(Children recite New Year’s poems. Santa Claus gives gifts to those who recited them.)

CAT: The old year is ending.
Good old year!
We won't be sad
After all, a new one will come to us!

WINTER: I suggest not standing, but dancing with the cat!

FATHER FROST: Our holiday has come to an end,
And we need to say goodbye.
But there is no need to be sad about him -
He walks home.

SNOW MAIDEN: At home - Christmas tree and fun,
And mom has a day off,
And by New Year's Eve -
Guests, jokes, feast!

WINTER: And when the new one comes,
The best New Year,

CHUFINDRA: Definitely go with him
New happiness will come.

BABA YAGA: It will come silently
And he whispers in your ear:

CAT:“The best and happiest
(all together) New Year is coming!”

(Song “New Year’s Toys.” The heroes leave.)

Songs and games for the script

Game “The deer has a big house”

At the deer (we depict horns by placing our hands to our head with fingers spread)
House (connect the tips of your fingers on your palms at an angle, depicting a roof over your head)
Big (we spread our arms to the sides, showing how big his house is)
He looks out his window. (hold one hand horizontally at chest level, support the head with the palm of the second hand, the elbow is on the first hand)
Bunny runs through the forest (we use our fingers to depict a running hare)
There's a knock on his door:
- Knock-knock, open the door, (pretend to knock on the door)
There in the forest (point over the shoulder behind the back with the thumb of a clenched fist)
Hunter (we show how a hunter takes aim with a gun)
Wicked (makes a scary face)
- Hurry up and run (simulate opening the door)
Give me your paw. (shake the baby's hand)

Game "Clap and Stomp"

Children sit or stand in any order. The leader or one of the older guys begins to sing. Everyone picks up the chorus. After the words, “Clap - stomp!” The guys clap their hands twice and stamp their feet twice. After the words “Stomp - clap!” - two stamps of feet and two claps of hands.

Better than the “Clap and Stomp” dance
There is nothing in the world!
Just clap! Just stomp!
If only the parquet could withstand it.


Oh time! Again!
The whole class started dancing!
Clap - stomp! Stomp - clap!
There are no happier guys than us!

We dance "Clap and Stomp"
Morning, afternoon and evening!
Best Dance –
"Clap - stomp"
When there is nothing to do.


Head teacher, nanny and director
Start dancing with us!
For such behavior
You can give them five!


No matter who you are - an excellent student,
Or quite the opposite,
Learn this dance
And dance all year long!


Game "I'll freeze"

The game “I’ll Freeze” is more suitable for a noisy group of children at a children’s party or on a walk. I remember my childhood: good children's New Year holidays, when the Snow Maiden and Father Frost danced around the Christmas tree, and the children's imagination was not yet spoiled by Smeshariki and Luntik. That's when we first learned about this game. Father Frost and Snow Maiden lined up the children in a circle, while they themselves remained inside this cheerful circle. Children in a circle put their hands forward, and when someone approached them, they hid them behind their backs or lowered them down. Father Frost in his red mittens and the Snow Maiden in white gloves ran in a circle in different directions, trying to touch the children's hands and thereby freeze them. The kids whose hands were frozen dropped out of the game, and the rest continued the game until the circle narrowed to a few people who could rightfully be called the most dexterous and fastest. And in the end, these kids received gifts from Father Frost who stopped by for their efforts and quick reaction. There can be many variations of this game: after all, you can play on the street, and Mom and Dad can be Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, so change the conditions of this game for your company. The most important thing is to have a significant goal, such as gifts!

White blizzard blowing

White blizzard blowing
This winter is coming:
She led with her sleeve
All the roads were covered. (2 times)

Hello, winter-winter,
The long-awaited winter!
Don't feel sorry for the snowball
Have fun! (2 times)


Past the fir trees and birches
Grandfather Frost is coming
In a blue casing
Together with the Snow Maiden. (2 times)


A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer,
It was green.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost covered with snow:
“Make sure you don’t freeze!”

Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
I ran at a trot.

Chu! Snow in the dense forest
It creaks under the runner
Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying wood
And in the logs there is a man
He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.

Now she's dressed up
She came to us for the holiday,
And much, much joy
I brought it for the kids.

Song “Silver Snowflakes!”

The glades are covered with fluffy snow,
Santa Claus is knocking with an ice staff.
And the branches of the trees shine like crystal,
And the snowflakes melt in the palms, which is a pity.

Silvery snowflakes are circling and circling above me.
Silvery snowflakes - New Year's snowfall.
Silver snowflakes, like good friends,
It’s just a pity, the snow in the house is melting, and he can’t stay warm.

But I'm not sad and I'm not sad
Snowflakes, I won’t let you melt into the house.
I’ll come out to meet you and, spinning in a waltz,
Let the snowflakes fall on your shoulders, sparkling.


New Year's Eve with its magic,
He will probably be able to help the snowflakes.
And they will fly up to the stars in the night,
And their life will continue in the Milky Way.


Game-dance “Lavata”

Children, standing in a circle and not holding hands, move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating the words - in the other direction, saying:

We dance together - tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
Our favorite dance is “lavata”.

The presenter says:

“My fingers are good, but my neighbor’s are better.”

Children take each other's little fingers and repeat the words with movements left and right.

Then, one by one, the driver gives other tasks:

My shoulders are good, but my neighbor’s are better;
My ears are good, but my neighbor's are better;
My cheeks are good, but my neighbor’s are better;
My waist is good, but my neighbor's is better;
My knees are good, but my neighbor’s are better;
My heels are good, but my neighbor's are better.

Baba Yaga's song from the cartoon "The Flying Ship"

Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play, have fun.
Sing ditties, grandma hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk.

I was tipsy
And flew on a broom,
Even though I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions.

I walked along the forest side,
The devil followed me
I thought the man
What the hell is this?

I turned home
The devil is coming after me again
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil.

The most harmful of people
This is a villain storyteller,
A very skilled liar
It's a shame it's not tasty.

Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play, have fun.
Sing ditties, grandma hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk.

or colleagues can be arranged anywhere (even at home), the main thing is that there are four who want to be presenters, and the rest have a great desire to have fun together. To organize a New Year's party according to this scenario, you will need: costumes (or elements of costumes) for Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga, prizes for all guests, props for competitions, lottery tickets, toast cards, friendly feast and good music.

Scenario for a New Year's party with friends designed for close company, and therefore assumes that each guest ( alone or teaming up with someone) will prepare some number or surprise for friends (song “live” or with a soundtrack, a funny story, dramatization of an anecdote, showing magic tricks, etc.).

New Year's party scenario for friends.

The hall where the New Year's ball will be held is decorated with garlands, snowflakes, posters: “Today the law here is: sing and dance, dance and sing,” “Whoever likes to have fun and gets bored without friendly company, hurry to where there are songs, dances, jokes - to the New Year's ball!", "Citizens! Don’t get drunk individually - let’s get drunk collectively!” etc. The hall is decorated with a decorated Christmas tree. On the table, text down, there are toasts marked *, which the guests read out at the sign of the host. All the props needed are also prepared in advance.

Characters (festival hosts):

- Presenter (presenter)

- Father Frost;

- Snow Maiden;

- Baba Yaga.

Leading: Good evening, my friends! Today we are all gathered for this festive table, so that, as is customary with us, we can celebrate the New Year together and say goodbye to the old one. Let's fill our glasses and plates and listen carefully...

"Rules of behavior for a normal person in New Year's Eve»:

1. Today, anything you do with a smile is not considered a mistake.

2. Be cheerful, attentive, joyful, so that boredom is afraid to look into the hall!

3. Laugh quickly - the law is this: don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.

4. Also pay attention: you can litter here, but only with streamers and confetti.

5. Bad omen This is considered, and therefore silence is prohibited during the evening!

6. You need to pour clearly and accurately - don’t make your neighbor get bored.

(banquet break and toast from the host)

Leading: Also, friends, at the holiday, as at any public event, I am obliged to introduce you to another important document, or rather, instructions.

“Safety rules for the New Year’s holiday”:

1. Do not call the Snow Maiden by name in the presence of your wife!

2. If you made a wish on New Year’s Eve, but it didn’t come true, don’t be upset - make the same wish on next year!

3. Don’t hug Santa Claus too much and squeeze him in the corner - he might get burned at work!

4. You can’t be late, you should note, the New Year should be celebrated exactly at midnight.

5. Remember: alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.

6. It’s very dangerous to be bored today; you can drive away your luck.

The presenter takes out the lottery tickets prepared in advance, i.e. leaflets with numbers (according to the number of guests). They can be decorated in the form of a vase with napkins.

Leading: Now I will spend in our big company short interview. Let each of you answer the question: “Why do I love the New Year holiday?” Now I'll pass the microphone around (the presenter takes out a microphone or its imitation). After each person answers the question, he can choose any lottery ticket. I'll tell you a secret: the winnings are especially valuable.

(Win-win option New Year's lottery look )

Guest speeches (interviews) are interrupted by the following toasts, which are also written in beautiful cards and read one by one throughout the entire feast

- *I wish that life for everyone present throughout the next year will also be seething, as mysterious and light as this champagne that fills our glasses!

- *Without preamble and categorically, I declare my requirements for the New Year: to drink and sing, to laugh and dream, to live happily!

- *So that the stars brightly illuminate the heights with their rays. Let us all say together: “Our Christmas tree, light up!”

- *What can we say about the old year?... What’s past is past, let’s forget about it. We will neither grumble nor regret about him. He worked hard, sang, skipped, caroused, was a dandy and drank a lot... Let us remember, friends, kind words his! Let the next one be no worse!

After everyone has spoken and sorted out all the lottery tickets, the Presenter continues.

Leading: And now, as is customary, you need to invite Santa Claus. Let's call everyone together. Remember how in childhood - three, four... Santa Claus! (all in chorus). Snow Maiden!... Just a minute, a little hitch.

Game moment "Baba Yaga on new year party".

The presenter leaves the room. At this time, a picturesquely dressed Baba Yaga runs into the room. She jumps joyfully, examines her surroundings with interest, and sniffs drinks and snacks. The presenter returns.

Leading: Who else is this?

Baba Yaga: It's me - Snow Maiden!

Leading: Well, get out of here, you forest scum!

Baba Yaga: Well, well! No culture! They immediately start calling names!

I am no evil spirit, and I have had a first name and patronymic for a long time.

Madame Yadviga Kostyantinovna ! (bows).

Leading: Well, okay, tell me why you came? What can you do?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my dear, I can do anything!

Leading: Then tell us what is expected at the holiday today?

Baba Yaga: I think... uh... there will be dancing.

Leading(sarcastically): Fabulous!

Baba Yaga(perking up): still be there!

Leading: Perfect!

Baba Yaga: Well, this one will come again, with a beard. The girl with him is blonde.

Leading: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, or what?

Baba Yaga: Yeah! They are the best!

Leading: Well it's simple brilliant prediction! (kisses her hand, turns away and spits).

Baba Yaga: What did you think! Not a bunch of crap... Well, there are also different games, fun, riddles, jokes... In general, let's get started right now! I will ask riddles. Let them guess for prizes. (Takes 2 tangerines out of his pocket, carefully wipes them on the hem, smells them, wipes them again). So, listen: Who brought us gifts? Good grandfather... (all in chorus: Frost). The same grandfather froze the children's noses... (all in chorus: Frost).

Baba Yaga: What a high intelligence our people have! They answer in unison! And yet, this lady and this guy answered most correctly, give them prizes! (tags one of the guests)

Leading: You should go, Yadviga better prepared for the holiday!

Baba Yaga: I'll go, but I'll be back! (leaves)

Leading: Let's call Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden again, everyone!

Everyone calls in unison: Father Frost!

Father Frost comes out, rubbing his eyes, with Snow Maiden leading him by the arm.

(Watch another game moment with Baba Yaga at the New Year's party

Games with guests of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Oh, I dozed off here, in the warmth. Forgive me, I'm old, I dozed off. I’m getting old, it’s time to retire, but I can’t get enough experience... Oh! Does something need to be said? I forgot...

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what are you doing! How many years have you been celebrating the holiday? You need to say hello, greetings!

Father Frost: Wait a minute! I remembered! Hello, dear guys! Happy New Year! I’ve been to all over the world, seen a lot of Christmas trees, and came here to you. You are happy to see me, children, right?!

Leading: Father Frost! Not here kindergarten! All adults are here, they came to the holiday. Eh! Pour it for grandpa... Let's go and rehearse. And you, Snow Maiden, come up with some fun so that the guests don’t get bored.

Game "Get the Prize"

A 1.5 - 2 m stick is suspended from the ceiling or in a doorway parallel to the floor, on which small prizes - pencils, notepads, hair clips, candies, crackers - are tied at different heights on strings or threads from the rain (this must be prepared in advance). (for greater mystery, they can be packed in multi-colored bags). The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participant, gives them scissors, and everyone “cuts off” the prize for themselves.

After some time, the Presenter and Santa Claus reappear.

Father Frost:(swaying slightly and slurring his tongue): What is significant about the past year for me? Numerals! I was beaten twice, thrashed three times, heated four times, burned 5 times, cheated 6 times, cheated 7 times, I was stunned 50 times and stunned 100 times. For wonderful memories and interesting year! (raises his glass).

Leading: All. No more pouring for Grandpa! (shakes him by the shoulders): Well, give a speech!

Father Frost:(cheering up):

May misfortunes pass you by.

May trouble pass you by.

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!

Happy New Year, gentlemen!

Leading: That's better. And now it's time to choose the prom queen.

New Year's party competition program

"Prom Queen"

Baba Yaga: I! I! I am the queen! Where is the crown?

Leading: What a queen you are, God forgive me! You are Baba, how are you...

Baba Yaga: Be gentle, please, actually, I'm not married.

Father Frost: Yes, it’s difficult to find a groom for such a beauty!

Baba Yaga: And, by the way, Koschey and the Serpent Gorynych fought a duel because of me!

Snow Maiden: Yes?! And who won?

Baba Yaga(proudly): I!

Father Frost: How so?

Baba Yaga: It’s very simple, they fought in magic. Koschey turned into a mouse, and the Serpent turned into a sparrow. I sent the cat Vaska, but he couldn’t resist... And here I am again, a girl of marriageable age, a bride... ( embarrassedly fiddling with his apron).

Father Frost: Why is it so cruel?

Baba Yaga: Fi! They are not modern! They cannot distinguish Kirkorov from Ukupnik. And they don't have jeans. I like men here better! Especially this one (heads towards one man, notices another, a third, rushes about). Maestro, white dance!

Everyone is dancing.

Leading: Baba Yaga! I'm not happy with you! Where is your organizational work? How much time has passed! If you decide that you have become the main decoration of the holiday, then excuse me - the external data is not the same!

Baba Yaga(turning up his nose): I have an original and piquant appearance. Look around - not a single lady is like me!

Leading: Yes, I don’t care about your appearance! Where are your tricks?

Baba Yaga: What kind of tricks? I don't understand you... (flirts with a man).

Leading: (shaking Baba Yaga decisively): Come on, fantasize, you’re Baba Yaga!

Prank game at the holiday.

Santa Claus warming up

Father Frost: And now I want to check if everyone knows the multiplication table. I will ask you examples, and you will answer me in unison. Five five? (at the same time he waves his hands 2 times for both words). Five six? (also waves his hands 2 times. Usually they answer 36). Well, why don’t you guys know the multiplication table? Let's first. Five five ? (waves hands 2 times) Five six? ( swings 1 time). Right! Five seven ? (waves 2 times) Five eight? (waves 2 times, usually answer 48). No, five eight is forty! Let's start over! (repeats everything from the beginning, no longer confusing the guests).

Snow Maiden: Well done, grandpa, you made the guests happy. If only Baba Yaga would say a toast!

Baba Yaga: I want fun, joyful singing, wild conversations, laughter and witticisms! Fauna and flora, youthful enthusiasm, vodka and sausages and a tennis court. For my humble wishes for the New Year!

Game "On the count of three - take the prize"

Father Frost: Well, guys, you got me going. Come out if you want, I'll play a game with you. It's called "Number 3".

The game involves 4-6 people. They stand around the chair on which the prize lies.

Father Frost: I'll tell you a story now. But if you hear a separate number 3 in it, then immediately grab the prize. Whoever takes it first will get it. So... This morning I woke up very early, my lower back hurt terribly, and I tossed and turned until 1 o'clock in the morning, until two o'clock, until... the morning I tossed and turned. And then I went to the hospital. There the doctor prescribed me drops and said: “Rub your back until it turns red.” I went home and did just that. I rubbed my back, and naturally I felt better. And I fell asleep. I slept for an hour, I slept for two, I slept... for 4 hours, and then I went shopping. We have a lot of shops in our city: a department store - one, perfumery - two, three... there is a clothing store, but I went to the bookstore, I needed to buy textbooks, and I bought: physics - one, botany - two, I bought trigonometry and ran to hockey. Today there were 2 teams playing: “Cooperator” and “Transformer”. And then the transformer scores one goal, two,... three... the booms are noisy! And in the second half, “Koperator” is unrecognizable, he scores one goal, two... Thirty-five thousand fans watched this wonderful match! But why spend so much time talking about this number... when you can simply say: 1, 2, you need to clarify - do you want to earn a prize? Three!!!

Baba Yaga(addressing the losers): Well, have you hung your heads, falcons? Or did you want to drink, alcoholics?

The presenter tries to catch Baba Yaga, she runs away, then returns.

Baba Yaga: Eh! You didn't understand me! I'm new game came up with it.

Relay race with alcohol from Baba Yaga