Ireland national dishes. Features of Irish cuisine. Typical Irish breakfast

There are many cooking options. Below you will find recipes on how to cook thin pancakes using water with holes.

Recipe for thin pancakes on water


  • drinking water – 500 ml;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 45 g;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade, sifted – 270 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 60 ml.


  1. Break the eggs, add salt and sugar. Beat all this until fluffy foam.
  2. Pour in about 150 ml of water, add flour, baking powder and beat with a mixer.
  3. Add the remaining water and oil and stir well again.
  4. For the first pancake, grease the pan with oil, pour out a little batter, level it over the surface and fry the pancake.
  5. Place the pancakes in a stack on a plate and cover with a lid. Then they steam well and become soft.

Thin water pancakes without eggs - recipe


  • boiled water – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • premium wheat flour – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • baking soda– a pinch;
  • salt.


  1. Add sugar, salt, soda and butter to half the water. Mix it all thoroughly and add flour.
  2. Gradually add the remaining water without stopping stirring.
  3. Leave the finished dough for an hour, covered with a lid or towel. This is a mandatory procedure, thanks to which the pancakes will be more elastic.
  4. Heat the frying pan well, grease it with oil, and scoop out a portion of dough with a ladle. Pour it onto a hot frying pan and, turning it in different directions, level the dough over the surface.
  5. Fry the pancake on both sides.

Thin custard pancakes on the water


  • boiling water – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • chicken eggs– 3 pcs.;
  • baking soda - a pinch;
  • sifted flour of the highest grade – 250 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt.


  1. Beat the eggs for about 5 minutes with the addition of salt and sugar.
  2. Add 1 cup of boiling water without stopping the whisking process. Next, add all the flour and mix with a mixer until all the lumps are separated.
  3. Pour the soda into the second glass of boiling water and pour the mixture into the dough, stir again. Pour in the oil and leave the choux pastry for 20 minutes.
  4. Fry the pancakes until golden brown on both sides. The pan must be well heated.

Pancakes are thin on mineral water- recipe


  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • – 500 ml;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - ½ teaspoon;
  • sugar – 30 g;
  • refined sunflower oil – 70 ml;
  • sifted wheat flour of the highest grade – 300 g;
  • salt.


  1. We combine mineral water with salt, sugar, soda slaked with vinegar.
  2. Beat in the eggs and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add all the flour.
  4. Add oil and rub the dough until smooth.
  5. For the first time, coat a hot frying pan with oil, pour out a portion of the dough, level it over the surface and fry the pancake on one and the other side.
  6. We fry all subsequent thin pancakes in water with holes without additional greasing of the pan, since the oil contained in the dough will be quite sufficient.

Delicious thin pancakes on the water

When time for cooking is limited, but you want to pamper yourself and your family with something tasty, housewives prefer to feed their household with delicious and well-loved pancakes, for which there are a great many recipes. This topic becomes especially relevant on the eve of Maslenitsa, when water pancakes with all kinds of fillings become the main delicacy on any holiday table.

Immediately after the end of Maslenitsa week, the Great Orthodox Lent comes into force, which excludes any possibility of eating meat and fish products, as well as butter, milk and eggs. But if you don’t want to say goodbye to delicious pancakes immediately after the holiday, and strict prohibitions do not allow you to use certain food products, then you will have to tell you the secrets of making tender and flavorful pancakes in water, which are ideal for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Classic pancakes on the water

Simple pancakes do not require a large number of ingredients, and they can always be prepared in a short period of time, especially if you are sorely short of free minutes. Many of us are accustomed to the classic version of the dish, in which milk is one of the main ingredients. We suggest you replace this ingredient with plain water and try making pancakes without milk and kefir using classic recipe treats.

You will need:

Let's start the cooking process:

It is the presence of lumps in the dough that is main mistake in the process of preparing pancakes. To avoid such an incident, the housewife should add flour in small portions, thoroughly stirring all the ingredients. If desired, you can use a mixer.

Pancakes on the water - video

Following these simple rules, prepare pancakes from the remaining dough in the same way. Such flour pancakes on water are absolutely no different in taste from products with milk, which we have become accustomed to since childhood.

Buckwheat pancakes on water

To cook pancakes with water, you don't have to use regular flour. And if earlier our ancestors cooked pancakes with oatmeal, now they use both wheat and buckwheat, creating new interesting recipes for mouth-watering delicacies.

Thin buckwheat pancakes made with water turn out to be really very light and airy, and besides, this dish is much healthier and much easier to digest than any other flour products. The cooking process will not require much time, and the result will delight you with aromatic and very tasty homemade pancakes.

You will need:

  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 cup buckwheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Preparing buckwheat pancakes:

Openwork pancakes “Especially soft”

Openwork pancakes on water are prepared with the addition of a small amount of milk. As a result, you get very soft and delicate pancakes “a la lace”, which will not leave lovers of delicious food indifferent.

You will need the following ingredients:


All the benefits of lean pancakes

People observing the Great Orthodox Lent are prohibited from eating animal products, as well as eggs and milk. However, the classic pancake recipe involves the use of these ingredients, so during Lent many people have to limit their consumption of their favorite dish. In order not to infringe on your own taste needs, you can cook lean pancakes with water, which do not contain any prohibited foods.

Such pancakes are absolutely no different from their “brothers” - classic pancakes with eggs, which we are used to preparing with the addition of milk or kefir. They look just as appetizing and have the same delicate taste, but, unlike classic version, such a dish can be consumed without a twinge of conscience during the Great Orthodox Lent.

Pancakes made with water without milk will fit perfectly into the diet of anyone who wants to lose weight and will be an excellent alternative for those people who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

To prepare delicious openwork pancakes with mineral water, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • a glass of sparkling mineral water;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 3 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

The entire cooking process consists of several stages:

Lenten pancakes with yeast

Lenten pancakes on water, cooked with yeast, turn out very airy and incredibly tasty. To bake them you will need the following ingredients:

The whole cooking process is slightly different from cooking regular pancakes and consists of the following steps:

Moroccan pancakes

If you are already bored with classic cooking variations, then you will definitely like Moroccan pancakes with semolina flour.

All you need:


Any housewife can bake pancakes using water without much difficulty, and the presented recipes will definitely appeal to all lovers of mouth-watering delicacies.

Recipes for delicious pancakes

It's time to cook pancakes in water. You will need eggs and a little magic. Delicious recipes are hidden in this article. Hostesses - come on in before they're taken apart

40 min

100 kcal

4.88/5 (8)

Pancakes are a true masterpiece of Russian cuisine. Sweet, dietary, vegetarian - you can find a lot. To make pancakes on the water tasty and golden brown, you should follow a few simple rules. Let's talk about the most economical type of this dish - thin pancakes on water with eggs.

How are pancakes on the water different from other types of pancakes?

Pancakes made with water and eggs turn out much thinner than others, for example. The turning process rarely creates lumps, they separate better from the pan, look smoother and require less oil. Plus, pancakes with water instead of milk will contain fewer calories. In addition, pancakes on the water are undoubtedly delicious. You can do this on the water. In this case, pancakes on the water will be simpler and more dietary. And if you replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, the result will be even more useful option this dish.

Test structure

The dough for pancakes on water should not be too liquid - the consistency is approximately like low-fat sour cream or thick cream. After kneading, to improve the structure, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. You can beat with a mixer only at low speed, or even better - stir by hand. Otherwise, the dough will become too viscous and will not flow well into the pan.

Recipes for making pancake dough with water

Sweeter dough

Mix the ingredients according to the rules (first liquid, then dry), let it brew for half an hour.

More fresh (for sweet fillings)


Mix the ingredients and let them sit. Add oil just before frying. There is no need to add oil to the pan itself.

Pancakes as cake sheets

Pancakes for the cake are made from standard unleavened or yeast dough. How to prepare unleavened dough is indicated above.

For yeast dough you will need:

Yeast dissolves in 100 g of heated (but not hot!) water. Mix the rest of the water with salt and sugar, pour in the yeast. Add egg and flour. Let the dough sit for at least 3 hours, kneading it occasionally. The thickness of such pancakes is at least 3 mm.

Depending on the fillings and taste preferences, both dough options are used. They are laid in layers: 1 pancake – filling – next pancake. There can be any number of layers.

Features of baking pancakes

  1. It is most convenient to bake pancakes on pancake maker(a special frying pan with low sides), but you can take any other one, preferably with a thick bottom. First, the pan is heated to big fire, then the heat is reduced to medium. It must be warmed up every time after adding oil. The more eggs in the dough, the lower the fire should be.
  2. Start pouring the batter from one side of the pan, tilt it and rotate it to let it drip, but don't stop pouring. It is more convenient to do this with a scoop.
  3. Turn the pancake over when its edges have slightly moved away from the pan and have browned. It is very convenient to insert a spatula under this edge. Average frying time per side: 1-2 minutes.

Possible problems when baking pancakes:

  • If the edges burn, there is too much sugar in the dough;
  • The pancake is falling apart. This happens due to too many eggs.
  • An unpleasant taste appears due to a large amount of soda;
  • If there is a lack of flour, pancakes tear and cook poorly;
  • Brittleness occurs due to a lack of eggs.

The above problems are solved by adding the missing ingredient or diluting the dough.

To summarize, we can say that pancakes with regular or mineral water are a tasty and simple dish that even a novice cook can prepare. In addition, they are very economical and do not spoil the figure. Please your loved ones with a tasty and light treat!

It would seem that winter has just begun. And we just celebrated New Year and Christmas. But very soon, already in February, we will be seeing off the winter. After all, that's when it really begins happy holiday – .

Traditionally, Maslenitsa week lasts for 7 days. The holiday is celebrated widely and cheerfully throughout the week! And the most important treat these days is pancakes. That is, the holiday is not only fun, but also “delicious”.

Pancakes, as you know, personify the Sun. We are all waiting for it to warm and awaken our earth from hibernation. That’s why we try to bake these little “suns” throughout the holiday week. And every housewife has her own favorite recipes, according to which she prepares them for her family.

However, it must be said that this is not at all a simple matter. It requires some skill and experience. And also needed good recipe. Not all young housewives have all these skills and abilities. And our task is to help them with this.

We have already prepared. prepared them according to various modern and old recipes. In another they were baked thin and lacy. Those beloved by many were not ignored either. And today I will tell you how you can cook them using regular water.

Pancakes on the water - a simple classic recipe for making thin pancakes with holes

These pancakes have Russian name"Precocious" or "Quick-thinking". Easy and simple to prepare. They can be prepared with either milk or water.

And we will prepare them exactly in accordance with today’s stated topic.

We will need:

  • water – 1 liter
  • flour – 0.5 kg
  • eggs – 3 – 4 pcs.
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt – 1 teaspoon
  • citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon
  • soda - a pinch
  • vegetable oil – 5–6 tbsp. spoons + oil for frying


1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Add all bulk ingredients at once, namely salt, sugar, soda and citric acid. If finished goods If they are not sweet, you can use only two tablespoons of sugar.

If you want to make them sweeter, you can take three or four spoons.

2. Mix all ingredients immediately. It is best to use a whisk for this. You can also use a mixer at low speed.

3. Prepare water in advance. It should be boiled and cooled to room temperature, or better yet, slightly warm. Then add it to the resulting mixture. You can pour in all of it at once, or you can only pour in half, or a little more.

4. Gradually add flour sifted through a sieve.

This must be done. During this action, the flour is saturated with oxygen, which allows you to obtain more delicate finished products.

Mix the contents. And here it will play a role whether you poured out all the water, or only part of it. If you pour it all at once, it will be more difficult to mix. Lumps will form and will need to be broken up. Therefore, if you stir the dough with a spoon, then pour only half, or a little more. Then, after adding and mixing the flour, you can add everything else.

And if you use a mixer or a whisk, you can pour in all the water at once. The mechanical method will allow you to deal with lumps faster.

5. Add vegetable oil and mix again. The result should be a dough similar in consistency to thick kefir, fermented baked milk, or liquid sour cream.

This test does not need to stand for long. That's why it's premature.

6. Immediately heat a frying pan, or even better, two. Lubricate them with vegetable oil using a silicone brush, or with half a peeled potato, as you did before. And bake thin pancakes with holes.

Choose the “rosiness” according to your taste. It is possible for the products to be pale, or for them to be crispier. Here someone already loves it more. For me, they are the medium “brown” color that is best. They are both beautiful and tasty.

Before each subsequent portion of dough, you can grease the frying pan with a new portion of oil in a small amount. This way the finished products will have more holes and a more beautiful blush.

I like to brush each baked piece with butter. Then eat them like that, washed down with hot tea. And some people like to drink it with milk.

These pancakes are good to cook with different nutritious fillings. For example, when you make, or with caviar. In this case, milk is not necessary in the dough. The finished dish is already very tasty.

And sometimes there is simply no milk in the refrigerator. And hot, piping hot little “suns” - oh, how I want them, but I don’t feel like running to the store to get them. That's when this method comes to the rescue. And no one even notices that we did not use milk or kefir in the ingredients.

A delicious recipe for making pancakes from dough with warm milk and water (with the addition of nut flour)

This is very delicious recipe, which, as a rule, does not leave anyone indifferent. Everyone asks what kind of component is used that allows you to get such an amazing taste.

And there really is such a component here. This is nut flour.

We will need:

  • water – 100 ml
  • milk – 1 glass
  • egg – 2 pcs
  • flour – 0.5 cups
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • walnut kernels – 2/3 cup
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons + oil for frying
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon


1. Walnuts grind into flour. You can use a blender for this.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl and add salt and sugar to them. Beat with a mixer.

4. Combine flour, soda and starch and sift it all through a sieve. You can use any starch – potato or corn. Moreover, using the second one is even better, it makes the flour lighter and more airy.

And soda can be completely replaced with baking powder. But take it not 0.5 teaspoon, like soda, but one teaspoon.

5. Stir the bulk mixture into the liquid mixture and knead the dough. You can do this with a whisk, or use a mixer while working at low speed.

6. The next step is to pour the resulting nut flour into the liquid component. And mix again. Let stand and brew for 15 - 20 minutes. It is necessary that all components come together into one.

7. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and grease it with oil. It is better to use a frying pan with a small bottom diameter. This will make it easier to flip the pancakes. Bake small-sized products, frying them on both sides. For speed, you can bake in two pans at once.

8. Each time before a new batch of dough, grease the bottom and walls of the dish.

You can serve the finished products with sour cream or sour cream whipped with sugar. We can already do this sour cream. And if you add berries to it, it will be super tasty! Or you can simply pour honey over the prepared treats. And this will make them even tastier.

Instead of walnuts, you can use peanuts, almonds, or other varieties of this product dried in a frying pan.

These pancakes are also prepared with rice flour.

Thick, thin pancakes with holes, made with water and eggs - step-by-step recipe

This recipe can be used to prepare both sweet and non-sweet products. Although they turn out tender, they are quite dense. Therefore, they are great for wrapping various types of fillings.

Our recipe today is made with water, but you can also cook it with milk.

We will need:

  • water – 500 ml
  • flour – 1.5 – 2 cups
  • eggs – 2 pcs
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon (for sweets - 3 tablespoons)
  • vanilla sugar – 0.5 teaspoon (for sweet products)
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Break two eggs into a bowl convenient for kneading dough.

Add salt and sugar and whisk until smooth.

As you already understood, if you want to get sweet products, then you need to add 3 tbsp. spoons and plus vanilla sugar.

2. Pour water into a bowl. It can be used both raw and boiled. If the water is at room temperature, or slightly warm, it will be even better.

Continue stirring the mixture with a whisk. We will need a homogeneous mass with a small cap of bubbles on top.

3. Prepare two glasses of flour. If you have a 300 ml glass, you will need about one and a half glasses. If it is smaller, then accordingly you will need a little more flour.

In any case, add it in small portions. And it’s better if it is sifted. This should always be done when kneading dough.

Stir the mixture as you add flour. You can use a mixer for this, but a whisk will also work. If you can handle it and the mixture turns out homogeneous and without lumps, then everything is fine.

If not, then take a mixer and beat the mass with it.

4. The dough should be quite liquid. About the same as fermented baked milk, or kefir, or like liquid sour cream. The thinner it is, the thinner the ruddy products will turn out. However, if there is not enough flour and the dough turns out to be too liquid, then the finished pancakes will be difficult to turn over. They will simply tear.

5. We still have butter left. It will need to be melted first. Then pour into the mixture. Mix again and let the dough rest for 5 - 10 minutes.

The oil gives a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Therefore, adding it is always recommended.

6. Prepare the frying pan. To do this, you need to warm it thoroughly and lubricate it with vegetable oil - both the bottom and the sides. For this you can use a silicone brush or, in the old fashioned way, half a peeled potato. Using a ladle, pour the dough onto the prepared surface. Let me remind you that it must be thoroughly warmed up.

When you pour the dough, it should immediately grab. This means that on back side The surface of the liquid mass is almost instantly covered as if by a film. Bake the product until golden brown.

Then turn it over to the other side. If you have warmed up and greased the frying pan well, this will be easy to do.

The total baking time on both sides will take no more than 2 minutes. There is no need to “brown” the product much. They should be pleasing to the eye and there is no need to bake them until they turn brown.

7. Before each new batch of dough, it is better to grease the frying pan with oil. Keep the fire high to work surface didn't cool down.

8. Place the finished goodies on a plate in a heap so that they do not cool down quickly. You can additionally lubricate each of them with butter.

And if you serve them later with sour cream or fruit, you can leave them in this form.

A simple recipe for lean lace pancakes without using eggs (with tea leaves)

I would like to bring to your attention another very interesting recipe. In it we will use not only water, but also tea leaves.

We will need:

  • water – 500 ml
  • flour - 8 - 9 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt – 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • black tea bag – 1 pc.


1. Place a tea bag in a glass and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to brew for 5 minutes. Periodically moving it up and down so that the color has time to appear. Then remove the bag.

2. Prepare a bowl and pour the tea into it. Add 300 ml cold water.

3. Then add salt and sugar and stir until they are completely dissolved.

4. Sift the flour and add to the resulting liquid mixture. Mix the contents with a spoon or whisk. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass, similar in consistency to fermented baked milk.

5. Pour in vegetable oil. Quench the soda with lemon juice and add to the contents. Mix everything, again using a whisk. Let stand for 5 - 10 minutes.

6. Then heat the frying pan. If its surface allows, then you can bake products without oil. If not, then lubricate frying surface a small amount, at least for the first copy.

7. Place the finished pancakes in a stack. They turned out to be lace, thin, with holes, slightly golden in color. This tea brew contributed to this! Both tasty and beautiful!

Serve with sour cream or butter. Who likes it more?

Yeast pancakes with holes, on water without eggs

You can also bake pancakes with holes using yeast lean dough. There is no milk or eggs in the composition. And our little “suns” turn out very tasty and beautiful. And they will be perfectly received on the Lenten table. After all, after Maslenitsa, Great Lent will begin.

We will need:

  • water – 1 liter
  • flour – 300 gr
  • fresh yeast – 15 g
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt – 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml


1. Pour water into a large bowl or basin. For better rise and kneading of the dough, it should be warm. Add fresh raw yeast there and stir until completely dissolved. It is advisable that there are no lumps left.

2. Pour salt and sugar into a bowl, stir until dissolved.

3. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the resulting mixture. We need a little less than two glasses. We remember that a glass contains 160 grams, but we need only 300. In any case, when adding flour, you will need to look at the resulting consistency.

And determine whether it’s worth adding more or not. The dough should be quite liquid.

This batter allows you to bake very thin and beautiful finished products. And if we want to get these, then we don’t need to add too much flour.

It is best to mix the contents using a whisk. There should be no lumps left in it.

4. As soon as you can achieve this consistency, you can add vegetable oil. It should also be mixed. And you can leave the dough to infuse. It is best to place it in a warm place and cover with a lid or towel. The test time can be determined to be 30 - 40 minutes. This is if you have good fresh yeast.

If not, then you can increase the time by half.

As we can see even without infusion, small bubbles began to appear on the surface. This means that the yeast has started working.

5. After the allotted time, the dough should rise and increase in volume by one and a half to two times. It also thickened a little. You can start baking.

6. To do this, you need to warm up the frying pan thoroughly and then pour a thin layer of dough into it.

The dishes do not need to be greased with oil; we already have it in the composition. However, if the frying pan does not bake very well... then you can grease the surface. At least for the first pancake, which, as you know, can be lumpy.

7. Before each pouring the dough into the frying pan, it must be stirred. Pour thin layer and turn over in time so that our products do not brown too much.

As you can see, the pancakes turned out thin, with holes and very beautiful. And of course delicious. It can’t be otherwise!

Custard pancakes with milk and boiling water

Many times I asked myself the question “Why exactly does this recipe produce the most “holey” pancakes?” And I never found an answer. I remember when I first came across this recipe, I was so afraid to cook it. It seemed to me that I would simply pour boiling water over the components and throw it all away.

But everything turned out to be completely wrong! Everything worked out at the highest level.

We will need:

  • boiling water – 250 ml
  • warm milk – 500 ml
  • flour – 320 g (2 glasses of 250 ml)
  • egg – 3 pcs
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon without slide


1. In a bowl for kneading the dough, mix the flour, salt and sugar sifted through a sieve.

2. Add milk. It should be neither hot nor cold. The most comfortable temperature for this is room temperature. This means that it needs to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance. However, like eggs.

Mix the liquid component of the dough with the dry one so that not a single lump remains in it. Speed ​​is important here. Kneading must be done quickly.

3. Then add all the eggs one at a time, mixing the whole mass each time.

4. The latest ingredient on at this stage we will have boiling water. Just the coolest thing there is. Feel free to pour it into the bowl and also feel free to stir with a whisk.

Then the bowl will need to be covered. Either a lid, a towel, or cling film. Leave in this position for at least 30 minutes.

5. During this time, the dough will sit and cool. And you can pour melted butter and vegetable oil into it.

The added butter makes the finished products soft, tender and with a very pleasant smell and taste.

6. Pancakes should be fried in a well-heated frying pan. Can be done without oil. Provided that your frying pan is used only for baking them.

If not, then you need to grease it with oil and let it warm up, and only then start baking.

Video on how to cook very thin, perfect pancakes using mineral water and milk

Very tasty and tender pancakes can be prepared with mineral water. And we will cook the next two recipes using it.

And as the first recipe, I decided to include a video so that you don’t get bored reading. Moreover, he is very good!

As you can see, everything is quite simple! And how delicious it turns out! Just lick your fingers!

So cook and eat for your health!

Thin delicious pancakes made with sparkling water and flour

For this recipe, use highly carbonated bottled water to mix the dough.

We will need:

  • sparkling water – 500 ml
  • flour – 250 gr
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil – 75 ml


1. Prepare a deep bowl for kneading the dough. Sift flour into it, add salt and sugar. Mix.

2. It is better and easier to use a mixer for kneading. Although if it is not there, then it is not a problem at all. It will just take a little more time to knead. Prepare water as well. It is best to have it at room temperature, or even slightly warm. With this water the finished products will be more tender.

3. Slowly pour water from the bottle with one hand, while stirring with the other. Do not pour out all the liquid at once so as to easily break up all the lumps.

When the mass becomes completely homogeneous, you can pour out all the remaining water. Then mix again.

The dough will turn out like liquid sour cream.

4. To prevent the pieces from sticking to the pan when frying, you need to add vegetable oil to the dough. Mix again. Let sit for a while to allow the ingredients to separate.

5. Meanwhile, heat the frying pan thoroughly. Its working surface should be very hot. It should also be lubricated with an additional portion of oil and allowed to warm up. However, not to the point where it starts to smoke.

6. Scoop up a little more than half a ladle of dough and pour it into the middle of the frying pan. Then, rotating the pan from side to side, allow the mixture to spread into a thin layer.

Don't hesitate. The thickness of the pancake as a whole will depend on this. If you like them thin, then pour less dough and have time to rotate the pan.

7. Bake until the edges begin to dry out a little and brown. On visible side There should be no liquid dough left in the product. And as you can see, it's covered in beautiful little holes.

This means it’s time to turn the product over to the other side. We bake there for 20 - 25 seconds, or even less. The time depends on the material your frying pan is made of and the heat you are baking on.

8. Bake all pancakes this way. You no longer need to grease the frying pan with oil. But if you want them to be more beautiful, you can grease them a little.

9. Fold them better friend on a friend. This way they will cool more slowly and will not dry out prematurely.

You can serve it with anything, or eat it just like that, that is, at your own discretion. They turn out not loose, but rather dense. Therefore, they are also quite suitable for wrapping the filling inside. Or you can simply serve them with honey, butter or sour cream.

With hot tea or milk it will be simply delicious!

These are the recipes we got today. Based on them, we baked delicious treats using plain water, mineral water, boiling water, and even tea leaves. We got both unleavened and yeast pancakes, with and without eggs. There is also a recipe where, in addition to regular flour, we used nut flour.

That is, I believe that today we have covered a lot of information on this topic. And I also hope that it will be useful for you!

Bake pancakes and make your family happy.

Bon appetit!

Thin pancakes on water are an excellent cooking option quick breakfast and more. You can prepare them for Maslenitsa or for a regular snack for your family. Great addition There will be different jams for these pancakes, sour cream sauces, fruits, vegetables. The shape of the pancakes can vary from your imagination - they can be either openwork or standard round. If you're short on time and don't have the ingredients you need, like milk, in the fridge, this recipe is perfect for you.

Usually we are used to cooking pancakes with milk, but preparing thin pancakes with water with holes is also not difficult. This recipe is especially suitable for those who do not have milk, but really want to cook pancakes. To make the pancakes covered with small holes, we will use baking soda. Pancakes can be stuffed with sweet and savory fillings. If you are using a savory filling, reduce the amount of sugar in the dough to one teaspoon.

Even empty, these pancakes turn out great, especially if you serve them with something sweet, such as chocolate spread, honey, or make.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Water 250 ml;
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • Salt 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp;
  • Soda 0.5 tsp;
  • Wheat flour 125 g;
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.

How to cook thin pancakes on water recipe with holes

Break the egg into a convenient mixing bowl. Beat until omelette mass is formed using a whisk or mixer. Leave in a cool place for 3 minutes.

Add white sugar, vanilla sugar and salt to the egg liquid. Beat with a blender until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

Add required quantity boiled warm water. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous liquid forms. If you don't like water, you can add hot milk or whey.

You can also use carbonated mineral water, this is also one of the techniques for making pancake dough and getting a lot of small holes in the pancakes.

Add sifted wheat flour. Add flour gradually so that the dough does not form lumps. Stir with a whisk and let it sit for 5-7 minutes.

Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Mix with a whisk and leave in a cool place for 5 minutes.

Add vegetable oil to the chilled dough. Try replacing vegetable oil with melted butter. This will make your pancakes more tender and appetizing.

Add a drop of vegetable oil to a hot frying pan. Pour the batter into a ladle and let the pancake brown on one side. Turn over to the other side once the dough has formed holes.

By the way, you know that pancakes turn out to be the most delicious if you don’t bake them on vegetable oil, and on melted butter. Our grandmothers also used this technique.

Thin pancakes on water recipe with holes are ready! Enjoy your tea!