How to properly store walnuts without shells. How to store peeled walnuts at home? We decide on the timing: how much to store

Walnuts are loved by many, have high nutritional value and a large supply of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. However, not everyone knows how to properly store peeled walnuts. Our article will talk about how to stock up on healthy products in the fall and store them until the next harvest.

Choosing nuts for storage

Not everyone has the opportunity to independently harvest nuts directly from the tree. Most people buy the product from the market. Here the consumer is faced with a choice: buy nuts in shell or shelled, ready to eat. It is more difficult to choose high-quality nuts in shell, because the contents are not visible behind the shell. But storing walnuts in shell at home is easier.

With the purchase of peeled kernels, everything is much simpler, because you can immediately determine the condition of the fruit by appearance. What should you consider when choosing? Pay attention to the following parameters:

  • choose clean, dry nuts, without darkening or stains;
  • the kernels should not have foreign odors, especially chemical ones;
  • taste the nut. If it has an unpleasant bitter taste or the kernel inside turns out to be darkened, you should refuse to purchase.

If everything is nuts same color, which means they were collected during one season and not mixed with last year’s harvest. Best choice for storage whole kernels, since broken pieces deteriorate faster. You need to make sure that the nut has no mustiness smell or whitish coating. If it is a little rotten, even airing and drying will not help. Spoiled fruits not only cannot be stored for long periods of time, but can also be hazardous to health.

Basic principles of storage

In order for nuts to remain tasty and of high quality longer, you need to remember the following factors that affect their shelf life:

  • temperature regime. The higher the temperature at the storage location, the shorter the shelf life of the fruit;
  • ripeness. Unripe kernels are not suitable for saving;
  • presence of additives. Peeled nuts must be carefully sorted before storage. Among the kernels there should be no pieces of shell or bridges, as well as low-quality fruits. You should not save nuts by mixing them with sugar, honey or other ingredients - this will shorten their shelf life significantly;
  • processing. Nuts should not be cooked before storage. People often confuse drying and frying and make an irreparable mistake. You can dry the peeled fruits a little, but it is best to do this immediately before using them for food. Only unshelled nuts can be roasted;
  • storage container. Avoid plastic bags as containers except for freezer storage;
  • storage location. Only if stored in the freezer and maintained at a constant temperature can you count on a long shelf life - about a year. Thawed fruits cannot be re-frozen.

If you keep these factors in mind, it will be much easier to preserve nuts not only until winter or spring, but also until the next harvest.

Storage methods

Next, let's talk about how to store shelled walnuts at home. The shelf life of peeled nuts directly depends on the storage method. If you need to save kernels for daily use for a month, you can place them in a glass jar, tightly close with a plastic lid and place on a kitchen cabinet shelf. How long can nuts be stored in this form? This method is appropriate when storing a small amount of fruit that will be used within 20-30 days.

Glass or metal dishes will help keep nuts fresh for up to 1 year; they can be stored in wooden boxes or fabric bags for 3-4 months.

Do not store kernels at room temperature for a long time. Regardless of whether you bought peeled fruits at the market or prepared them yourself, you won’t be able to store them for a year in your apartment. After lying in a warm place for a long time, the nuts acquire a bitter taste, dry out and lose their appetizing appearance. They will not only become tasteless, but can also be harmful to health.

Before putting the nuts in the refrigerator, you can keep them in a hot oven for a short time, avoiding the release of oil.

To eat healthy nuts all year round, it's best to save them in the refrigerator, they will stay fresh there within 6 months. For containers, be sure to use sealed containers made of glass, ceramics or food-grade plastic. For convenience, some housewives immediately chop the product in order to get ready-to-use nut crumbs out of the refrigerator. If you are confident in the quality of the nuts, they can be stored in the refrigerator in any form.

Alternatively, you can store the fruits in the cellar or on the balcony, but in this case you need to monitor the humidity level in the room. If it exceeds 70%, the nuts will soon become moldy.

Another proven storage method is freezing. Place the peeled kernels in sealed bags and place in the freezer. Food foil or film is also suitable for packaging. It is not recommended to store kernels near strong-smelling foods to prevent the absorption of foreign odors. The shelf life of frozen walnuts is up to 12 months.

To learn all the intricacies of storing walnuts, it is better to read the reviews of gardeners involved in growing and selling them. The main condition for long-term storage is a high-quality starting product. If you have selected fresh fruits, use our tips to enjoy the valuable kernels longer.


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Walnut (scientific name Júglans régia) has other names - royal, Voloshsky and Greek. It grows naturally in Transcaucasia, China, India, the Tien Shan Mountains, and Asia Minor. In Europe, it is distributed in the Balkans, Greece and Ukraine. It has many varieties and is a valuable source of unsaturated fats, vitamins, microelements, amino acids and protein.

At first glance, storing such a product should not raise any questions, but in fact, under the wrong conditions, it deteriorates quite quickly and also becomes food for moths. In this article we will tell you how you actually need to store walnuts.

How long to store walnuts

    Unripe walnuts in shell can be stored at room temperature for no longer than 7-10 days.

    Dried whole walnuts will last in a dry, relatively cool room for up to 6 months.

    Shelled walnuts can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months.

How to prepare walnuts for storage

Walnut kernels retain their beneficial properties for a long time. They become most useful in early autumn, when they gain milk maturity, but do not yet contain 70% fat.

The collection is carried out in dry weather, manually removing green fruits from the tree that have begun to crack slightly. Ripe fruits are harvested in the fall, when they begin to fall. A cloth or plastic film is spread under the tree, after which the tree is shaken and dry, clean and unbroken nuts are collected. You can also collect them from the ground in dry weather.

After collection they need to be dried. To do this, spread a blanket in a dry and well-ventilated place and pour the fruits in one layer. Drying unshelled nuts will take 3-4 days at room temperature, during the process you need to find and remove blackened fruits.

Important to know:

  • they need to be collected at least 1-2 days after the rain;
  • To properly peel nuts you need to use a special device that leaves the center intact;
  • peeled fruits need to be dried in the oven for longer storage;
  • the crushed ones can be collected in a bag and the crumbs can be used to prepare confectionery;
  • if you decide to collect them for sale, the whole peeled fruit is most highly valued, not halves;
  • Unpeeled ones are stored longer at a temperature of 5°C to 10°C;
  • In the cold, nuts do not lose their beneficial properties.

How to store green walnuts in shell

After collecting, spread a blanket at home and dry them. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature from 10°C to 20°C;
  • Shelf life – up to 7 days.

There is no need to wash green walnut kernels, as the white coating will be washed off and they will quickly turn black. It is also not worth storing them for a long time, because fermentation will occur in the picked fruits, and already in 2-3 days the valuable “milkiness” will be lost.

You can make jam from completely green nuts whose shells have not yet ossified. Its taste is pleasant and goes well with fruit and honey. In winter it is a valuable source of vitamins during the cold season.

Sealed jars can be kept at room temperature for 6 months. Under a nylon cover – 3 months in a cool place (refrigerator, cellar). You can also package the finished product in portions in bags or trays and freeze. Store at temperatures from -18°C and below for up to 1 year.

How to preserve walnuts for the winter

There are two ways to store these healthy fruits in winter: peeled and unchopped. Each of them has its own advantages, which are worth discussing in more detail.

The most important thing is to protect the nuts from moths. This is her favorite treat!

How to store unshelled walnuts

The fruits will remain healthy longer if you do not peel them but leave them in the shell.

In a city apartment, prepared nuts can be stored on the balcony. To do this, they are poured into a plastic or fabric bag and tied tightly. It is important that they do not get wet, so it is preferable to keep them in a dry place.

Also suitable for storing this product in an apartment:

  • dry cool pantry;
  • mezzanine;
  • kitchen cabinet;
  • drawer for fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

Storing walnuts in shell requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • humidity not higher than 70%;
  • temperature from 5°C to 20°C.

It should be remembered that until spring you need to periodically check stocks for spoiled fruits. And also make sure that there are no moths or other insects in the container.

How to store shelled walnuts

Peeled fruit is convenient for the housewife, as she will not waste time preparing the ingredient for baking and other dishes. To prevent them from going rancid and from getting kitchen moths, you should know how to store walnuts at home :

  • dried nuts can be stored in a hermetically sealed dry glass jar;
  • in the freezer, ripe fruits retain their taste and beneficial qualities for 2 years;
  • The optimal storage temperature should not exceed 20°C with a humidity of 70%.

Storing nuts in the refrigerator

It is worth noting that these are the best conditions to ensure that the fruits do not spoil for a long time. The most important thing is that there will definitely be no moths or bugs in the refrigerator. It is also important what to keep the nuts in. The best containers would be:

  • glass jar with an airtight lid;
  • plastic bag with zip fastener;
  • vacuum bags (can be packaged in portions).

The choice of shelf where the product should be stored is also important. A basket for vegetables and fruits is ideal, or on the middle shelf at a temperature of 5°-7°C.

The period for which unshelled walnuts are stored under such conditions is no more than 6 months.

These fruits tolerate freezing well. Simply pack the peeled and dried nuts into convenient containers (bags, plastic cups or trays) and put them in the freezer.

At a temperature of -18, nuts can be stored for up to 12 months.

Defrost them correctly gradually at room temperature.

It is a rare natural product that can boast such a unique composition that is equally suitable for athletes, pregnant women, children, and patients with diabetes, like walnuts.

Nutritionists around the world recommend eating it regularly for those who adhere to diets, have given up eating meat and are experiencing constant physical and mental stress. However, few people know how to properly store shelled walnuts so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

Why walnuts are indispensable in nutrition

Walnuts contain not only a unique complex of vitamins and minerals, but also protein, which can completely replace its animal counterpart in nutrition, and fats. However, despite the fact that more than half of the percentage is fat,

The secret lies in the fact that these fats are unsaturated. The only disadvantage of their high content is that they cause a high calorie content of the product.

Due to their high nutritional properties, the presence of a vitamin-mineral complex and biologically active components, walnuts are indispensable for nervous and physical exhaustion, for vitamin deficiencies, and for increasing the body's defenses. Their regular use reduces the likelihood of many diseases and allows you to maintain an optimal balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Walnuts are an invaluable source of energy and have no contraindications for consumption. But all these comments are valid if they are stored correctly.

How to choose correctly

Walnuts are sold in shells and shelled. They last longer in the shell, but if you buy the product at the market, there is no guarantee of good quality and pleasant taste, since it is difficult to determine through the shell which nut is inside. Buying shelled nuts, although more expensive, is more convenient.

  1. First of all, they don't need to be cleaned.
  2. Secondly, whether it is good or bad can be seen immediately in the purified version. But there is also a secret here: it is preferable to choose whole, shelled nuts rather than scrap.

Nut crumbs and pieces of kernels cannot be stored. Whole kernels are stored longer. But even when buying peeled whole nut kernels, it is important not to let your guard down. A good product should not have a musty smell or a whitish coating. A product with these signs is unsafe for health.

How to properly store shelled walnuts

Since walnuts are perishable products, it is important not to buy them for future use and ensure proper storage conditions. To prevent them from going rancid, the kernels should be stored in a dark, hermetically sealed container. Plastic bags in which goods are hung must be immediately excluded.

Nuts are not only a tasty food product, but also a source of a number of useful components. Only if you know how to store nuts can you count on their therapeutic effect on the body and their stated nutritional value. While shelled products are not too demanding on maintenance conditions, cleaned components require a special approach. When organizing the process at home, you should pay attention not only to the universal rules, but also not to forget about specific points.

Features of the preparatory stage

Not all nuts can be stored for a long time. Therefore, first of all, you need to learn how to choose a product. Here you should be guided by the following nuances:

  • You should never buy shelled nuts. Firstly, it is impossible to determine their expiration date. Secondly, they could have been fumigated or sprayed with something, which would negatively affect not only their storage, but also their taste characteristics. Thirdly, the features of self-processing can extend the shelf life of products.
  • Nuts, whether shelled or in shell, should emit a subtle, characteristic odor. If there is even a suspicion of mold, rancidity, or excessive moisture, you should not buy them.

Advice: It would be a good idea to inspect the bag in which the products were stored or transported. The burlap should be free of traces of larvae, insects, dirt, mold and suspicious stains.

  • You should try the nuts before you make a purchase. At the same time, we use not the product that is on the window, but the one that is in the bag. We open the shell with our own hands and taste the kernel. If it is very soft, bitter or wrinkled, you shouldn't even try it again. It's better to abandon the entire batch and find another one.

At home, you should not try to store nuts that were in a plastic bag until the time of sale. They can look very fresh and appetizing due to prolonged lack of contact with oxygen. When exposed to new conditions, products quickly begin to rot, no matter what they are stored in or how they are cared for.

Regardless of what nuts are to be stored, there are several universal rules for their content. Compliance with them will maximize the preservation of nutrients and beneficial substances in the components and reduce the risk of spoilage.

  1. Immediately after purchase, the components must be sorted out and dried a little on a horizontal surface with access to fresh air. If the products are very dirty, they should also be washed. By the way, nuts that float can be thrown away; they are empty inside.
  2. Even if you know how to store nuts according to all the rules, you should not immediately collect a large amount of product that will be used for preparation. Ideally, nuts should be eaten within 2-4 months. They, of course, can sit for more than a year, but their taste will definitely change.
  3. While in-shell products should be kept in bags that allow air circulation for the components, cleaned kernels should be stored in sealed zip bags, glass jars or plastic containers. The presence of air affects them in the most detrimental way.
  4. Product storage temperature can be room temperature, humidity – average. The main thing is that these indicators are stable and that direct sunlight does not fall on the nuts.
  5. Peeled nuts can be stored unchanged for six months. To do this, they need to be frozen quickly using plastic containers or bags. After defrosting the products, re-freezing them is prohibited.

Ideally, it is better to even dry nuts yourself, at home. This will slightly extend their shelf life and guarantee a pleasant taste of the product during this time.

Specifics of storing walnuts and hazelnuts

Walnuts are famous for their high content of healthy fats, due to which the components begin to deteriorate faster than many other nuts - they develop a rancid taste. To prevent this from happening, when storing them you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Fry fresh peeled kernels in a hot frying pan without adding oil for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Then we cool the product naturally and send it for storage.
  • If you plan to use the product within a couple of weeks, place it in a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid. Place in a dry, dark and warm place. If you place the container in too humid conditions, mold may grow inside the container.

  • When you need to save nuts for 2-3 months, put them in a very dry container, close them and place them on the top shelf of the refrigerator (away from the freezer).
  • Frozen walnuts are best stored wrapped in cling film. As needed, defrost them and warm them in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then they will be even tastier.
  • Contrary to popular tradition, walnuts are not stored in shells!

When it comes to hazelnuts, things are a little different. The product in the shell can be stored for 2-3 years, however, over time, its taste properties will begin to deteriorate. To obtain optimal results, the component should be kept at a temperature of 10-12ºС and a minimum humidity of about 20%. Peeled nuts are stored in exactly the same conditions, but they need to be eaten no more than 3 months in advance. After this, the products become not only not very tasty, but also dangerous.

Points to pay attention to when working with pine nuts

Pine nut kernels are approximately 65% ​​oil, so they also cannot be stored at home for a long time. Practice shows that even the use of a vacuum in this case will not significantly increase the shelf life of products.

You can expect optimal results if you follow these rules:

  • It is best to buy products in early autumn, this is when they are collected. Before purchasing, be sure to try the core. Its pleasant and delicate taste without the slightest sign of bitterness will help make sure that this is not last year’s product.
  • Fry the nuts in the shell for a quarter of an hour in a clean, hot frying pan, stirring constantly. Cool the mixture, pour it onto a horizontal surface and dry it for a couple of days.
  • We put the finished product in the shell into canvas bags and place it in a dark, dry and warm place. It is better to put the peeled kernels in a glass or tin jar and put them in the kitchen cabinet.

If the situation is such that you have to purchase products packaged in bags, be sure to check the expiration date of the product. If it was packaged more than 6 months ago, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.

Most people love nuts for their beneficial qualities and tart aftertaste. The product contains a lot of useful elements for the body: vitamins A, B, D, E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron. In addition to the fact that walnuts can be consumed on their own, they are also used to prepare culinary masterpieces. Hobbyists buy products in large quantities, and later rack their brains over how to store them at home. Let's consider the important aspects in order and provide practical recommendations.

How to choose walnuts for storage

  1. On sale you can find products in purified and unpurified forms. As a rule, shelled nuts are stored much longer due to their hard shell.
  2. In cases where the product is purchased on the market, there is no guarantee of quality and rich taste. It is important to understand that it is better to purchase peeled nuts for storage. This move will allow you to immediately identify shortcomings, if any. In this case, it is worth considering one feature: do not buy crushed fruits, give preference to whole kernels, on which flaws will be immediately visible.
  3. Nut grains (crumbs, flour) cannot be stored because they quickly become damp and moldy. When purchasing whole nuts, pay attention to the smell; it should not cause disgust or a gag reflex.
  4. The ideal fruit has a hard, crunchy structure and a mild bitterness. Among other things, there should be no white or gray coating on the shell. Beware of sellers who are trying to sell out-of-date goods, such walnuts are dangerous to health.
  5. Give preference only to fresh nuts to increase shelf life. It's good if you can try the product before you buy. It’s even better if the nuts grow in the country (grown yourself). A heavily stale and stale product has high bitterness, while fresh kernels are soft and tart.

Features of storing walnuts

There is no need to buy nuts for six months in advance; choose an amount that will last for 2-3 months. Otherwise, you risk that after a short period of time the product will become rancid, soft, and moldy. Regarding the storage of purified products, they oxidize and spoil much faster.

Walnuts have a large number of useful macro- and microelements, so they are recommended to be added to desserts, salads, first and second courses. For lovers of newfangled diets, nuts will help fight increased appetite, as they normalize digestion. The product is not a light food; you should not eat more than one handful per day.

Walnuts spoil quickly due to their high fat content. For this reason, it is important to select optimal storage conditions, taking into account living conditions and general nutritional rules.

Method number 1. Freezer
This technology involves storing large portions of walnuts. The period varies from 4 to 6 months. For certain reasons, people buy products in bags, so this option needs to be considered. The method differs in that it is quite easy to implement.

The main storage condition is the presence of plastic packaging with the possible creation of a vacuum. Bags of this kind can be purchased at large hardware stores of the Okey, Auchan, Assorti, etc. chains. Moisture should not be allowed to enter the cavity, since such a development of events reduces the exposure time by 50-70%. It is important to understand that even a drop of water will spoil the nuts; mold will begin to develop at an incredible speed.

Method number 2. Bags
The main feature of storing walnuts in bags is considered to be the availability of suitable premises. Find a place where the air circulates without sudden changes. It is important that the room is dry and well ventilated. Such actions will not allow the composition to become moldy, since moisture is completely eliminated.

To avoid product spoilage, make sure there are no foreign odors. A different outcome will contribute to the aroma of the nuts. The best option is to have a glazed loggia in a house or apartment. A pantry with ventilation (artificial or natural) is also suitable.

It is not recommended to place walnuts on a balcony without glazing; this place is unsafe in terms of temperature conditions. Sharp changes from cold to warm (day-night, summer-winter) will subject the product to rapid deterioration. If you neglect this recommendation, condensation will begin to accumulate in the bags, causing mold.

You can use both ready-made fabric bags for herbs and homemade designs. If you prefer the latter option, fold the gauze fabric in 3-4 layers, then secure the 3 free edges. The result will be a square bag in which you need to place the kernels. Tie the free edge with thread or rope, and then store it.

Method number 3. Glass jars

Housewives have long been putting pickles, jam, mushrooms and other “delicacies” in ordinary glass jars, follow their recommendations.

Depending on the total volume of the product, select the right size jars. Sterilize: place the containers in a pan of boiling water, wait about 10 minutes. After this, rinse and dry thoroughly to remove any suspicion of moisture.
Next, place the nuts, cleared of partitions and shells, into the cavity and screw on the lid, creating a vacuum. Wrap each jar in a black bag or paper and take it to a room with a temperature of 10-20 degrees for storage.

If desired, you can replace glass jars with plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Regular containers for food, cereals, flour or sugar are suitable.

Method number 4. Attic or cellar
The option is rightfully considered risky, but this fact does not mean that it is impossible to implement. If you decide to store walnuts in a cellar or attic, monitor the humidity level and general temperature readings.

In cases where the room is constantly either cold or warm, abandon this technique. Pay attention to the penetration of insects into the cavity of the package; they can lay larvae, exposing the nuts to spoilage. When storing product in this manner, the packaging should be opened regularly to ensure that there are no pests present.

If you do not want to resort to such desperate methods, preserve the nuts in glass jars. This move will help keep the kernels intact for 2 years. You can also use bags made of gauze or cotton fabric, but the duration will be reduced to 30-60 days.

Walnuts are rightfully considered a gift from nature. However, in order to fully enjoy the beneficial properties of the product, it is important to store it correctly. Use hermetically sealed containers, glass jars, vacuum-sealed plastic bags. Consider placing the product in the attic or loggia.

Video: how to buy walnuts correctly