The concept of representation. Representation functions and their essence. Types of representations and their main features. Representation as a mental process, types of representations

A person receives primary information about the world around him through sensation and perception. However, a person can, long after he has perceived an object, evoke (accidentally or intentionally) the image of this object again. This phenomenon is called "performance".

All ideas also differ in the degree of generalization. Representations are usually divided into individual and general. One of the main differences between ideas and images of perception is that images of perception are always only single, that is, they contain information only about a specific object, and ideas are very often generalized.

Single representations- These are ideas based on the observation of one object.

General views- these are representations that generally reflect the properties of a number of similar objects.

All ideas differ in the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts. In this case, it is customary to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary representations. Involuntary representations- these are ideas that arise spontaneously, without activating the will and memory of a person. Arbitrary representations- these are ideas that arise in a person as a result of volitional effort, in the interests of a set goal.

It is also necessary to distinguish representations (their individual types) from primary memory images and persevering images.

Primary memory images These are the images that directly follow the perception of an object and are retained for a very short period of time, measured in seconds.

Persevering images These are those involuntary images that emerge with exceptional vividness in consciousness after a prolonged perception of homogeneous objects or after such a perception of an object that has had a strong emotional impact. For example, everyone who has picked mushrooms or walked for a long time in the forest knows that when you go to bed and close your eyes, quite bright pictures of the forest, images of leaves, grass pop up in your mind.

The same phenomenon is characteristic of auditory images. For example, after a person hears some melody, it “sounds in the ears” for a long time and intrusively. Most often, this is the melody that caused a strong emotional experience.

It should be noted that perseverative images are similar to sequential images in their concreteness and clarity, as well as their complete involuntariness, as if intrusiveness, and the fact that they are almost a simple copy of perception, without carrying a noticeable element of generalization. But they differ from sequential images in that they can be separated in time from perception by several hours, and sometimes even days.

All people differ from each other in the role that representations of one kind or another play in their lives. For some, visual representations predominate, for others, auditory representations predominate, and for others, motor representations predominate. The existence of differences between people in the quality of ideas is reflected in the doctrine of the types of ideas.

84. Individual characteristics of performance and its development

All people differ from each other in the role that representations of one kind or another play in their lives. For some, visual representations predominate, for others, auditory representations predominate, and for others, motor representations predominate. The existence of differences between people in the quality of ideas is reflected in the doctrine of the types of ideas. In accordance with this theory, all people can be divided depending on the prevailing type of ideas into four groups:

1) people with a predominance of visual ideas;

2) people with a predominance of auditory ideas;

3) people with a predominance of motor ideas;

4) people with mixed ideas.

The last group includes people who use representations of any kind to approximately the same extent.

visual type, remembering the text, imagines the page of the book where this text is printed, as if reading it mentally. If he needs to remember some numbers, for example a telephone number, he imagines it written or printed.

A person with a predominance of ideas auditory type, remembering the text, it is as if he hears the spoken words. They also remember numbers in the form of an auditory image.

A person with a predominance of ideas motor type, remembering the text or trying to remember some numbers, pronounces them to himself.

It should be noted that people with pronounced types of ideas are extremely rare.

Most people, to one degree or another, have ideas of all these types, and it can be quite difficult to determine which of them play in their minds. this person leading role. Moreover, individual differences in this case are expressed not only in the predominance of ideas of a certain type, but also in the characteristics of ideas. Thus, in some people, ideas of all types are very bright, lively and complete, while in others they are more or less pale and schematic. People who have a predominance of vivid and lively ideas are usually referred to as the so-called figurative type. Such people are characterized not only by the great clarity of their ideas, but also by the fact that ideas play an extremely important role in their mental life. For example, when remembering any events, they mentally “see” pictures of individual episodes related to these events; when thinking or talking about something, they widely use visual images, etc.

The increase in the generalizing value of ideas can go in two directions. One way is the way schematization. As a result of schematization, the representation gradually loses a number of private individual features and details, approaching the scheme. For example, the development of spatial geometric concepts follows this path. Another way is the way of development typical images. In this case, ideas, without losing their individuality, on the contrary, become more and more specific and visual and reflect a whole group of objects and phenomena. This path leads to the creation of artistic images, which, being as concrete and individual as possible, can contain very broad generalizations.

Exists various ways classification of representations (Fig. 7.3).

By leading analyzers (by modalities)

In accordance with the division of representations according to representational systems(By modalities leading analyzer) the following types of representations are distinguished:

  • visual (image of a person, place, landscape);
  • auditory (playing a musical melody);
  • olfactory (imagination of some characteristic smell - for example, cucumber or perfume);
  • gustatory (ideas about the taste of food - sweet, bitter, etc.)
  • tactile (idea of ​​the smoothness, roughness, softness, hardness of an object);
  • temperature (idea of ​​cold and heat);

However, often several analyzers are involved in the formation of representations. So, imagining a cucumber in one’s mind, a person simultaneously imagines it green and pimpled surface, its hardness, characteristic taste and smell.

Ideas are formed in the process of human activity, therefore, depending on the profession, predominantly one type of ideas develops: for an artist - visual, for a composer - auditory, for an athlete and ballerina - motor, for a chemist - olfactory, etc.

By degree of generality

Representations also differ in the degree of generalization. In this case, we talk about single, general and schematized representations (in contrast to perceptions, which are always single).

Single representations are representations based on the perception of one specific object or phenomenon. They are often accompanied by emotions. These ideas underlie such a memory phenomenon as recognition.

General ideas are ideas that generally reflect a number of similar objects. This type of ideas is most often formed with the participation of the second signaling system and verbal concepts.

Schematic representations represent objects or phenomena in the form of conventional figures, graphic images, pictograms, etc. An example would be charts or graphs depicting economic or demographic processes.

By origin

The third classification of ideas is by origin. Within this typology, they are divided into ideas that arose on the basis sensations , perception , thinking And imagination.

Most of a person’s ideas are images arising from perception- that is, the primary sensory reflection of reality. From these images, in the process of individual life, a picture of the world each specific person.

Ideas formed on the basis of thinking are highly abstract and may have few concrete features. Thus, most people have ideas of such concepts as “justice” or “happiness,” but it is difficult for them to fill these images with specific features.

Ideas can also be formed on the basis imagination, and this type of ideas forms the basis of creativity - both artistic and scientific.

According to the degree of volitional effort

Ideas also differ in the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts. In this case, they are divided into involuntary and voluntary.

Involuntary ideas are ideas that arise spontaneously, without activating the will and memory of a person, for example, dreams.

Arbitrary ideas are ideas that arise in a person under the influence of the will, in the interests of the goal he has set. These ideas are controlled by the human consciousness and play big role in his professional activities.



Shcherbatykh Yu.V. General psychology" - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

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Representations play their role in the life of each person - for some people visual representations predominate, for others - auditory representations, for others - motor representations. People differ from each other in the role that representations play. Depending on the predominant type of ideas, they are divided into 4 groups. In addition to the three groups mentioned above, there is a group of people with mixed types of ideas.

If past perceptual experience underlies ideas, then the main classification of ideas is based on the classification of types of sensation and perception. Based on this, the following types of representations are distinguished:

  • Visual performances;
  • Auditory representations;
  • Motor performance;
  • Tactile representations;
  • Olfactory perceptions;
  • Taste presentations;
  • Temperature representations;
  • Organic views.

This is not a single approach to the classification of representations; for example, B.M. Teplov believes that the classification of representations can be presented according to the following criteria:

  1. By content. In this regard, mathematical, geographical, technical, musical, etc. concepts can be distinguished.
  2. According to the degree of generality. Here we can talk about particular and general ideas;
  3. According to the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts - involuntary and voluntary representations. Classification of representations according to B.M. Teplov is shown in the diagram.

Visual representations

In some cases, visual representations can be very specific and convey all the visible qualities of a particular object - its color, shape, volume. In all other cases of visual representations, one quality will predominate, while others may be absent. As a rule, visual representations do not have three-dimensionality and are reproduced in the form of a two-dimensional picture, which can be either colorful or colorless. The nature of visual representations depends on the content and practical activity during which they arise.

For example, in the process of drawing, artists develop vivid, detailed and stable visual images. In order to transfer this visual image to paper, representation is necessary, so they can be superimposed on sensations and combined with them. The artist combines an imaginary image with a sheet of paper.

Representation is classified as a cognitive mental process, so it plays an important role in education. The assimilation of any material is associated with visual representations, for example, in geography lessons, a student imagines the natural zone or sea area in question; in physical education lessons, he imagines the action that needs to be carried out, etc.

Visual memory images in people who have lost their vision at an early age will be few in number. They reflect only those objects and phenomena that caused strong emotional experiences in them.

Auditory representations

Auditory representations include speech and musical representations. Speech representations include phonetic and timbre-intonation. Representations of a word without reference to intonation or sound coloring are phonetic representations. Here we are talking about the representation of “the word in general.”

Representations are timbre-intonation, associated with the timbre of the voice, with the intonation features of a particular person. Concepts of this kind are very important for a number of professions - actors, teachers, etc.

Such auditory representations as musical ones are a representation of a sequence of sounds, their relationship to each other in height and duration, in rhythm. Of course, musical performance will be very well developed among composers and musicians who are able to imagine the sound of an entire orchestra of instruments.

Motor representations

Motor ideas include images of movements of varying degrees of complexity. They are always associated with real sensations and muscle tone. Any motor performance, as experiments have shown, is accompanied by muscle contraction. If, for example, you imagine that you are bending your arm at the elbow, then the devices record the contraction occurring in the biceps. Moreover, even a mentally spoken word leads to contraction in the muscles of the tongue, lips, and larynx. It turns out, therefore, that the entire human body is a model of itself.

The material basis of motor ideas is weak motor sensations.

Motor representations can be divided into groups:

  • Ideas about the movement of the whole body;
  • Ideas about the movement of individual parts. As a rule, these ideas are the result of the fusion of motor sensations with visual images;
  • Speech motor representations. These ideas are the result of the fusion of speech-motor sensations with auditory images of words.

The first two types are differently called visual-motor, the third type is auditory-motor. More complex are the ideas about the movement of the whole body, in comparison with individual parts of the body.

All main types of representations are to some extent related to each other, so dividing them into classes and types is very arbitrary.

Spatiotemporal representations

IN separate group spatiotemporal representations were identified. This is because they clearly represent the spatial form and placement of objects, changes in shape and placement over time. With this representation, objects can be presented schematically and colorlessly, so the concept of “visual image” is not applicable to them. You can call them “schematic representations”.

Basically, these representations are visuomotor, which are based on visual and motor representations. Spatiotemporal representations are typical for chess players who calculate different options party development. They are also typical for football team coaches presenting attack and defense schemes during the game, and drivers assessing the road situation.

When studying physical and technical disciplines, space-time concepts are also very important. Theoretical physicists operate precisely with space-time concepts. There are flat and three-dimensional spatial representations.

According to the degree of generalization, ideas are divided into general ones, reflecting the properties of a number of similar objects, and individual ones, based on the observation of one object. According to volitional efforts, they can be involuntary and voluntary. The classification of the main types of representations is shown in the diagram.

Presentation is mental process, in which there is a reflection of phenomena or objects that are not currently perceived, but are recreated on the basis of past experience.

This is an image of something previously perceived.

Types of Views

Memory representations – occur on the basis of perception

Representations of the imagination - based on the information received.

Ideas arise as a result of practical activity and are associated with other mental processes (thinking, memory, speech, imagination)


1.Visibility - clarity of the image of the external world


3. Impermanence and instability - the image either disappears or appears

4. Representation – generalizing images.

Types of presentation

By analyzer type:



3. Tactile

4. Flavoring

5. Temperature

6. Olfactory

By degree of generality:

1.Private presentations (single)

2.General concepts (geographical, mathematical)

According to the degree of volitional effort:


2. Free

View Functions

1. Signaling, associated with receiving signals

2.Adjustable, connected with signal

Hello readers!
Our team of experts is pleased to welcome you to educational portal, where we provide assistance in matters related to the most popular disciplines, such as Russian, physics, psychology, etc. Are you interested in the following question: “What types of representation exist in psychology?” Give clear definitions of these concepts. I'm waiting for your opinion.

At the beginning, I would like to note that this discipline, psychology, is large-scale and complex. Therefore, for a deep and thorough understanding of the topic, let’s figure out what is commonly called psychology? PSYCHOLOGY is a science that studies the patterns of emergence, development, and functioning of the human psyche, as well as a group of people. After we have clarified the basic principles of the science being studied, we move on to a systematic consideration of the following terms that will often appear in today's topic: PERSONALITY, PSYCHOLOGY, THEORY, ATTENTION, REPRESENTATION, APPEARANCE.

PERSONALITY- it is relatively stable complete system intellectual, moral-volitional and socio-cultural qualities of a person, expressed in individual characteristics his consciousness and activity. THEORY is a doctrine, a system of ideas or principles. It is a set of generalized provisions that form a science or its section. WARNING – this is selective direction of perception to this or that object. A change in attention is expressed in a change in the experience of the degree of clarity and distinctness of the content that is the subject of human activity. PERFORMANCE- this is a complex process and the result of the mental recreation of images of objects and phenomena that currently do not affect the human senses. VIEW– is a variety (industry, subset, etc.) of something or someone.

So, what is commonly understood by representation and what are the main types? It is worth noting that activity is meaningful and purposeful actions that produce something significant for the person himself or other people. The ideas are based on past perceptual experience, therefore, the natural basis for the classification of ideas is the modality of sensations and perception:
- visual,
- auditory,
- motor (kinesthetic),
- tactile,
- olfactory,
- taste,
- temperature,
- organic.

It is worth adding that visual representations in some cases can be extremely specific and convey all the visible qualities of objects: color, shape, volume. This may be the end of our lesson. I believe that you have mastered the topic of today's lesson. If something remains unclear from this topic, you can always ask a question that concerns you.
We wish you success in your studies and creative activities!