How many points do you need to have on the Unified State Exam? What to do if you didn't pass the exam well. Fashionable trends in the educational process

The 2018 Unified State Exam campaign is coming to an end in Russia, and even the second wave of exams is coming to an end. However, checking exams takes time, and at the moment graduates are waiting latest results Unified State Exam of the first wave. Some people already realize that they did not score enough points - much less than the student expected before taking the exams. Some people haven’t received all the results and are worried about what to do if they don’t have enough points. What if I didn’t get the required points on the Unified State Exam, is it possible to enter the institute, what other options remain for the applicant in 2018.

What do you mean you didn't get the required points?

First of all, it’s worth, of course, understanding what “few points for the Unified State Exam” means. Some of the graduates studied excellently all their lives and hoped for at least 80-90 points for each Unified State Exam, scored an average of 77 and considered that life was over. And someone has completely failed the Russian language or mathematics and risks being left without a certificate of education as such, even before college here at all.

Two situations can be considered a minor disaster:

  • the student was unable to pass one of the mandatory exams (Russian language or mathematics) and risks being left without an education document,
  • The student did not achieve the minimum Unified State Exam scores set by Rosobrnadzor (we have a table of minimum scores for each Unified State Exam on our website earlier).

The way out of the first situation is to retake. At the moment, those schoolchildren who were unable to pass the mandatory Unified State Exam in 2018 in the first wave know about this and even managed to retake the exams in the additional stage of the Unified State Exam. The results of these Unified State Examinations will come on July 10-11.

If, based on the results of retaking the mandatory Unified State Examination, a graduate gains enough points, and his Unified State Examination results for his choice are in perfect order, he can try to enroll in a university in the same year. If the exams are failed again, retaking is possible only in September. Of course, you can forget about the institute, at least in 2018.

If a graduate has successfully completed the mandatory Unified State Exam, but failed in one of the elective exams, and the number of points scored is below the minimum, he will not be able to enter the institute. Universities simply do not have the right to accept applicants if they provide Unified State Exam results below the minimum threshold from Rosobrnadzor. Even for paid training.

The first option is to enroll in a year.

There is nothing wrong with this option. Retreat before the first small difficulty, refusing higher education due to a minor setback - not the best start adult life. Even if a student is accustomed to having everything easily and simply, it’s time to learn how to achieve his goal.

A graduate needs to understand that missing a year is not a big deal at all. It is better to receive a higher education diploma a year later than not to have one at all. Unless, of course, it really is that important.

What you do during this year is up to you to decide depending on the situation. Most likely, young people are taking the risk of joining the army, and it will be a little easier for girls.

But the main thing you need to do this year, if you are not in the army, is to prepare diligently for retaking the Unified State Exam. The results of the exams that suit you will be valid for four years, so you can focus on a problematic subject, in which the Unified State Exam was passed with too low scores.

Remember that graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam earlier than the main wave - in the spring. So you will have less than one year to prepare.

The second option is to enroll in a paid department at the institute

This is a way out for those who scored few points on the Unified State Exam, but still more than the minimum that closes the way to universities.

If all options for enrolling on a budget are impossible or uninteresting, enroll in a paid department. Of course, there must be financial opportunities for this. You may have to study and work at the same time.

The third way out is to get a secondary specialized education

This solution is suitable for everyone. Even if you failed both mandatory Unified State Examinations and retaking it is impossible (and if you fail to pass two mandatory Unified State Examinations at once, this is exactly the situation), you can always use your ninth grade certificate.

With this certificate you can enter a college, technical school or other secondary educational institution. We advise you to pay attention to colleges at universities. Quite often, such colleges associated with institutes or universities are the suppliers of applicants for them.

Whether a college or technical school operates at a university or on its own, in any case, the road to a university upon completion is not closed to you.

Whatever the situation you find yourself in and how hopeless it may seem to you, in fact, if you set yourself the goal of getting a higher education, you will get it. And it remains to be seen which university graduate will achieve greater success - an excellent student who is used to getting everything easily or one who, by the time he received his diploma, has learned to overcome life's difficulties.

Future graduates, not to mention their concerned parents, are following all the changes that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation generously showers on the Unified State Exam every year. Schoolchildren naturally think about a difficult but eternal question - who to become? - and, for the most part, they already know the direction in which they will step on the path to their desired profession.

This is extremely important, because by focusing on specialized subjects (future doctors should focus on chemistry and biology, those who dream of becoming translators into a foreign language, etc.), boys and girls will be able to get a higher overall score.

When passing the Unified State Exam special place assigned to the threshold of knowledge in points of the Unified state exam. It is on the basis of overcoming the minimum score that the Unified State Examination certificate is issued. We can say that these are Unified State Examination points in compulsory subjects that meet the mark “satisfactory”.

If a student receives a score below the threshold in elective subjects, nothing is added to the certificate. At the moment, every future graduate is interested in minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores in all subjects.

Some changes in the Unified State Exam in 2017

Changes in the conduct and the Unified State Exam 2017 itself are almost the most hot topic for many. Every year, eleventh grade graduates expect news about some innovations, innovations and corrections in the Unified State Examination, sometimes not in a positive direction.

So, in 2017, a third will be added to the two mandatory exams. In addition to mathematics and the Russian language, eleventh graders will need to take another mandatory exam. There is no final decision yet on what the subject selected for the Unified State Exam will be, however, according to unconfirmed data, it is most likely that it will be history.

According to education officials and due to the fact that it is in this discipline that students show low knowledge, make history mandatory the best option. It is expected that schoolchildren will take a stronger grip on learning the basics of this science.

In addition, even the form of the history exam (if this subject is included in the list of mandatory ones for the annual test of graduates’ knowledge) will be changed: the oral part will become much longer, while the test part of the exam is planned to be significantly reduced.

An oral block will be added to the Russian language exam. This is done to test the communication abilities of graduates. The changes will also affect essays - if previously a student could receive a “pass” or “fail” for a written essay, then when passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in 2017, they plan to give grades for the final essay.

Provided that the third compulsory subject is history, students will be offered the following disciplines to choose from, and they will only need to choose one:

  • Informatics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Physics;
  • Geography;
  • Biology;
  • Social science;
  • Literature;
  • Foreign language (English, Spanish, German or French).

Minimum passing scores for the Unified State Exam in 2017

Upon admission to the university, all graduates high school are required to provide admissions committee, in addition to the certificate, there is also a certificate with the results of the Unified State Exam. According to the latest data, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not intend to change the threshold Unified State Exam scores for now.

The minimum scores of the Unified State Exam in all disciplines in 2017 were formed as follows:

  • Russian language – 24 points;
  • Mathematics, profile level– 27 points (this result is accepted at universities);
  • Mathematics basic level – 3 points ( this result gives the right to receive a certificate, but is not accepted at universities);
  • Physics – 36 points;
  • Social studies – 42 points;
  • Biology – 36 points;
  • Geography – 37 points;
  • Chemistry – 36 points;
  • Computer Science – 40 points;
  • Foreign language – 22 points;
  • Literature – 32 points.

It is gratifying that the results that a graduate will receive at the Unified State Exam can be used within three years.

Upon admission, an additional 10 points may be added to an applicant for an excellent certificate, special academic achievements (scientific competitions, olympiads, etc.), as well as for high achievements in the field of sports.

It may be interesting for graduates to familiarize themselves with the statistics of passing Unified State Exam scores in all disciplines over the past years.

Item Minimum threshold Unified State Exam score
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Russian language 37 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 24 points 36 points 36 points
Mathematics 21 points 21 points 24 points 24 points 24 points 20 points 27 points 27 points (P)
3 points (B)
Physics 32 points 34 points 33 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Social science 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 42 points 42 points
Biology 35 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Geography 34 points 35 points 35 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points
Chemistry 33 points 33 points 32 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Informatics 36 points 41 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points
Foreign language 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 22 points
Literature 30 points 29 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points

In case of unsatisfactory USE results, the student has the right to retake the exam twice. Even if the threshold score is exceeded, the graduate can take the opportunity to improve his grade in order to gain the required score for admission to the chosen university.

Summer time has come. For some, these are warm days, a long-awaited vacation or an upcoming session, but for graduates this is the first step into a new, unknown world. And the first step into the adult world is the Unified State Exam. Every student, regardless of their level of knowledge, puts a lot of effort and diligently prepares for the upcoming exams. And now the exciting day comes when the results become known. Unfortunately, they do not always live up to expectations, and sometimes turn into a real tragedy. Some were hampered by pathological laziness, others by excessive confidence, but this is only the beginning of a long journey, and there is no need to despair.

Don't be discouraged and ashamed of your feelings

First and most important advice, this is not to give up. Talk to your loved ones and think about the situation. It is important to maintain a calm and clear mind. You need to concentrate and decide what to do next. If you feel that you cannot control yourself, do not hesitate to contact specialists. Psychologists will help you deal with your feelings.

Can be retaken

If the number of points scored does not allow you to enter the desired university, the exam can be taken again. The elective exam can be retaken at next year, in the meantime, take a mental rest and learn the subject better so as not to repeat past mistakes.

But mandatory exams can be retaken in an additional period of the same year. Reserve days for repeated attempts are indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar. If the subject was not passed the second time, the last opportunity to retake will be in the fall of 2018.

You can only retake one of the required subjects. If both Russian and mathematics were not passed, you are deprived of the right to retake the test.

You can go to college

If things are really bad with the Unified State Exam, you can go to college at the institute. You only need to have a certificate and a desire to learn the desired profession. Most colleges give students the opportunity to enroll directly into the second year of college after graduation.

Make peace with your points

If the scores turned out to be not quite low, but simply not what you expected, you should accept it (unless, of course, you want to spend another year preparing - which is also possible). Remember that in addition to the university and faculty you have chosen, there are other educational institutions and areas. Additionally, consider evening, part-time, or paid study options. If something happens, you can always transfer.

Go to work

If it doesn’t work out with admission immediately after university, then it doesn’t matter. You can go to work. There are two options here. Either get a job in a profession that interests you (most likely, it will be a low-paid or unpaid internship), or go into the service sector - as a waiter, a store consultant, and so on.

One way or another, don't despair. We make mistakes, but we also learn from them. They help us grow up and rethink something important. It is by overcoming obstacles that we become more resilient and wiser.

Diana Pechorina