A conspiracy to find a betrothed. Love magic: conspiracies and rituals to attract love

Some people find it difficult to make new acquaintances, so they for a long time remain alone. And others cannot keep a person close, although they do everything possible to do this. A conspiracy to meet your soulmate will help you get rid of loneliness, help you meet your destiny and keep it. Magic will help push you to a meeting and further action. After the long-awaited fateful meeting happiness will only be in your hands.

A meeting ritual will help get rid of loneliness

The rules must be followed

Many people suffer from their loneliness. Despite their beauty, wealth, intelligence, they cannot start a family. Why do people experience loneliness?

the person is very shy, he is unable to make new acquaintances or attract attention; they fail to be attractive; there are too high demands; cannot recover from a previous breakup; there are complexes and excessive self-doubt.

Every person can meet love, regardless of status, external data, or financial situation. In order for a plot to attract a betrothed to bring the desired result, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  1. Before performing any rituals, it is very important to tune in and prepare for it.
  2. You should make sure that the intervention of magic is really necessary, that without it it will not be possible to create a family.
  3. Confidence in own strength In order for the ritual to work, it is important to sincerely believe in the power of magic. Three days before the expected date of the conspiracy, you need to refrain from swearing, quarrels, fights and other negative emotional manifestations. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.
  4. You should also minimize the amount of meat products in your diet. It is better to eat only plant foods - this will help cleanse yourself spiritually and physically.
  5. You should never rush.
  6. All actions must be deliberate.
  7. All rituals should be taken only from verified sources.
  8. It is recommended to carry out rituals during the waxing moon.
  9. With the help of conspiracies, you can meet your soulmate in the near future, as well as strengthen the feelings of your existing betrothed, and make sure that he always wants to meet.

It is important to remember that if the desire to start a family is fleeting or appears under the influence of some external factors or the people around you, the result will not always be satisfactory. It is important to really want to find love and be determined.

Proven rituals

One of the simple but effective magical rituals carried out with the help of beer. Buy a bottle of the most expensive beer. Splash a little near your threshold, then take it to a vacant lot, pour the remaining liquid under a tree, while saying:

“Just as everyone is going, going and gathering for this beer, so let the suitors come to me, the servant of God (name), come, hurry, and gather. The matchmakers are rushing to me, getting ready, they will arrive very soon, they will bring their merchant. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

This ritual is very effective. Very soon you will meet your person.

Meet the groom

To meet your soulmate faster, it is recommended to use a spell on the groom. The instructions for the ritual indicate that you need to go out into the field. But if the girl lives in the city, you can perform it in a park or other deserted place. So, go out into the field, stand in the center, spread your arms to the sides, say the following words three times:

“As a burdock clings to my hem, so let a good groom cling to me. So let him fall in love with me, keep up with me, and ask me to marry him. Amen".

Sign yourself with the cross. Leave the field as quickly as possible, without turning around under any circumstances, even if they call and shout.

This ritual is very effective. Usually after a week it appears in life the right person.

After the ritual, the groom meets within a week

There is also a conspiracy to dream about your betrothed. To carry it out you will need a new scarf and a small handful of flax seeds. Take the seeds to left hand, read the following words above them:

“Where are you, my betrothed-mummer, come to me outside. I want to see your beauty, admire you, and then meet you and never let you go.”

Meet the bride

In addition to the fact that there is a conspiracy to meet your betrothed, there is also a conspiracy to meet your wife. This magical action is performed in order to attract your love and meet her soon. The ceremony is performed by a man who dreams of a bride. Buy 4 candles from the church, preferably thick ones. At night, place them in the corners of the room, stand in the center and say:

“My house has four sides, four corners, four walls. There are three wells in each corner. Their name is goodness, comfort and peace. They live here and guard my house. They will call their sister named love. Let her live forever in my house and bring my bride with her. I’ll give you a beauty mirror and beautiful ribbons for your braid.”

Then take the cinders to the intersection and leave them there. Leave without looking back. Soon a man will meet a person in his life who will become his destiny.

The cinders will have to be left at the intersection

To holy water

To meet your soulmate, you can also perform a holy water ritual. Many women found half with the help of this conspiracy. Read on Saturday evening for holy water:

“Mother Water, help. Let my lips be kissed, my breasts be pardoned. I will wash off the centuries-old hair and put on the wedding crown. Let the suitors see me, invite me to marry, and give me happiness.”

After the ritual, wash with water. This magical effect is very strong and effective, acting quickly.

For clean or spring water

Rituals with spring water are very powerful

To find your soul mate or see your betrothed in a dream, you need to perform rituals using spring water. They have great power. After such magical actions, the girl will be asked to marry. Collect water from any natural source. It must be clean. The ritual is carried out after sunset. Light a red candle and place a glass of spring or well water next to it. Read these words:

“I’ll tell you straight, I dream of getting married soon. May love come to me and bring me happiness. May my betrothed and I meet each other soon. My dear hurries to me, nothing can stop him, he doesn’t waste time. I’m waiting for him with all my heart, with all my soul, I’ll keep my love for him.”

After reading the hex, blow out the candle. Let it stand with water on the table. In the morning, bury the cinders, pour the water into the river, saying:

“Swim to the betrothed-mummer, bring him to me.”

After this, you will definitely meet a good guy who will not only ask you on a date, but will also become your husband. For a girl, this ritual is easiest to perform.

To the pear

The pear should be ripe and tasty

If girls or women are looking for a soul mate, magic can help with this. In order to find love, you need to buy a delicious ripe pear. You will also need aspen branches. Carefully cut the pear into two equal parts. Say these words:

“I divide the whole, I separate it. I am alone, like one half of a whole.”

“As a half looks for a half, so I look for my destiny. As these two parts unite, I find my love and drive away my loneliness. Let your wishes come true, let your words be steel.”

To dream about your future lover, there is also a dream book for your betrothed. Look for signs in dreams, remember numbers and faces. This will help you unravel the signals that your subconscious is sending you.

It is necessary to look for signs in dreams and remember them

In this article:

If you have problems with your personal life, you only have casual relationships, but there is no love, then it’s time to change that. Conspiracies will help you find “your person” in the crowd. Love comes into our lives suddenly, let's help it. Meeting a person with whom you can build a strong relationship and start a family is not so easy. Love magic will come to the rescue - it will become easier to find your betrothed or betrothed. Now all paths are open to you. To avoid being sad alone, look for a person who will give you happiness and love.

Why are you lonely?

There are so many questions - why is a person lonely? Beautiful, smart, rich and poor want one thing - to find their love. This can be difficult to do, because we are all so different. It is not always possible to see a person as he is at first sight. Maybe it's that:

  • the person is very shy, does not know how to make acquaintances, or attract attention;
  • believes that being attractive is a sin;
  • lives in a very conservative family;
  • dreams too much about the ideal man or a woman;
  • cannot recover from a past relationship;
  • too much preoccupied with thoughts of his own imperfections.

Meet true love everyone can. It doesn't really matter how perfect your figure is. We don’t always notice our betrothed in the crowd if we believe that we only like tall brunettes with blue eyes. Happiness has no eye color, does not depend on height and weight.

Love is somewhere nearby

Your love is near! It does not happen that the person who is destined by heaven will never meet you on the way. Universe, Higher Power, God will always guide you along the same path. Meeting him and understanding that this is the one is your concern. Conspiracies will help you here.

There is no sin in them, they will only help you to be in right place V right time, pay attention to the right person, push him to action.

He is looking for you too. Give you both a gift - say a spell that will help you find each other faster.

Spells to find your love

Conspiracies are pronounced at night on the waxing moon. As it grows, the power of your spell increases, and the effect gets closer. All these conspiracies are quick, the effect comes in a maximum of a week, and for some, faster.

Conspiracy to find the groom

In order for a girl to quickly find herself a good, decent groom, she will need to read this plot.

In urban conditions, you can work in a park, alley, square.

Go out alone into an open field. Stand in the very middle, say three times:

“Like a burdock clings to my hem,
So the suitors would cling to me,
People fell in love with me
And they didn’t lag behind, asking her to marry herself.
Amen". Cross yourself on all 4 sides. Run away from the field, don’t turn around, even if they call you by name.

This is an old country way. It always works. You will have to wait 5-6 days, and then the right person will appear. He is also looking for you, so meeting and getting to know each other will be joyful.

Beer spell

If men don’t pay any attention to you at all, then you need to buy a bottle of good, expensive beer. Splash it at the doorstep, and then take it under a tree. Pour out the beer there, repeating the spell:

“How everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers,
So it would be for me, God’s servant (name),
The matchmakers were traveling and getting ready.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is how you will attract a man to you. Don’t skimp, the drink should be of high quality, expensive, then your man will have money and good looks.

Plot to meet the bride

This plot is read by men to meet their soulmate. Let her be the way you want. A man must buy four candles in church. Place them in your home in the corners of the room. Stand in the middle and say:

“In my house there are four corners, in each corner there are three wells: Goodness, Comfort, Peace live, they guard the house from misfortune. A girl walks from corner to corner, her braid trailing along the ground. The girl's name is Lyubov, and my shelter rests on her. To prevent the girl from leaving, gifts must be brought - a ribbon for her braid, a mirror for her beauty.”

You should give the ribbon and mirror to your bride, or leave it in her house. Let the candles burn out completely, and take the cinders to the crossroads.

The success of the work depends on the intention of the performer

Very soon the woman you are destined to be with will appear. She will notice you too and will favor you. Conspiracies bring the right person to you, then it’s up to you. It is impossible to wish for the ideal beauty and meet her right away. Perhaps your betrothed is not ideal at all, but once you fall in love with her, you will understand that this is SHE.

Holy water spell

For a woman to meet her man, you need to read this plot. After him, your man will appear, and he will soon ask you to marry you:

“God’s water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown.
God's water - Ulyana, my blush - Maryana.
Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves.
Key. Lock. Language.

Read only once for holy water. Done on Saturday evening. After this, the woman must wash and pour water over her so that it gets everywhere. Don't repeat it too many times! It is done only once, it is very strong. If more than a week has passed and nothing has happened, then wait. Your betrothed is on his way to you.

Corruption “Crown of Celibacy”: what to do if you are cursed to loneliness

If none of these conspiracies work, then you should check with a specialist. Perhaps some time ago a terrible curse was placed on you - the Crown of Celibacy. She literally cuts off your path to happiness with another person.

It needs to be removed, otherwise you will never build a normal family.

Even the best, kindest, most beautiful and successful will remain lonely until the end of their days. It needs to be removed from a specialist in love magic, a healer. Before this, fast for 7 days without meat, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes. The body needs to be cleansed. A specialist removes such damage in just 2-3 sessions. This will give you the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams to find love.

Simple but effective conspiracy will help you meet your love. They are versatile so both men and women can try them. You won’t have to wait long for the effect, your love is somewhere nearby. You just have to call her correctly. There is happiness for everyone, take yours.

No matter how high the degree of emancipation modern girls, they all dream of finding a worthy representative of the opposite sex and marrying him. But sometimes it happens that fate does not want to give you such a pleasant surprise; in such a situation, magic will come to the rescue. We offer you a working one.

The introduction is important - never use slander to use magic to force a person who really has no feelings for you to be with you. For some time, the magic will be able to keep him close to you (although it may be that it will not work, but the person will be haunted by illness and failure), and then the spell will come to naught and your relationship, created by coercion, will soon fall apart.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“I’ll light a candle and burn some incense. I will tell the Almighty about my wish. I will tie two red threads in three knots. One knot is for love, the second is for passion, and the third is for fidelity. But I don’t tie threads, but I unite souls (names). They should now be together, live together, conduct business, and have children. Their relationship is made of friendship and respect. From the beginning of the century to the end. No one can untie those knots, but they cannot destroy the relationship, nor can they undo what has been done. Strong and tenacious."

First, the words of the conspiracy should be written on a blank piece of paper and either read them from it, or learn the text by heart.

Ritual two with a poplar sprig

We bring to your attention a cabalistic plot to get married soon. The ritual will help attract a worthy representative of the stronger sex to your home.

You will need to get a poplar sprig for him. And before going to bed, tie forty-eight snow-white ribbons to it. Then send it all under the mattress and say the slander directly:

“The merciful Lord, who gave Abraham your servant a husband and an obedient son, has made an amazing sign by choosing Rebekah as his wife! Show me, your servant, the person I am destined to marry. Order the secret spirits to help me: Baalibet, Assaibi, Abumostit. Amen!"

It is necessary to perform magical actions on the fifth day of the week. Repeat the described steps three times to achieve lasting results.

You will learn a lot of new and interesting things on the topic of attracting your soulmate from this video.

Ritual three on the threshold

If you would like to see your betrothed as soon as possible, you need to go to the threshold of your home. Spread your arms to the sides and lean them on door jambs. Then read the required hex three times:

“I summon to my doorstep the servant of God, the husband of my future. Just as this threshold is under my feet, the doorposts are under my hands, so you, servant of God, betrothed, walk under my will. Come to me! Amen!"

Ritual four with a well

Another effective method to lure the betrothed - a ritual of prayer with a well. It is important to find a time of day so that no one can disturb you. This is the most important condition of the ritual. In this case, there is no difference in the time frame - you can resort to this method both during the day and in the evening, morning or night.

Go to the well, go down to the water so that you can see your own reflection. While looking at the water, think about how you dream of getting married soon, as well as what kind of groom you would like to get.

After this, say the following hex:

“I’m not alone, we’re together, we’ve spent our entire lives with each other, one after another.”

If you do everything correctly, a second reflection should soon appear. This will be your future spouse. Then take some well water and drink it all down to the smallest drops - this is prerequisite effectiveness of the ritual.

Ritual five with the key

The key has always acted as a magical symbol, a talisman. And the next ritual, which is performed on a full moon or a new moon, will help you quickly create a happy family.

All actions are performed before dawn or at midnight. You will need to stock up on red, pink or blue laces. Their color depends on your idea of ​​future marriage:

  • if passion is important to you, take a red thread
  • If you dream of romance, stock up on pink
  • and if loyalty is most important to you, give your preference to blue.

There is also the option of a combination of all three threads. Prepare another key.

The key lies in the central part of the table from the candle and the girl pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. Then pick it up and continue reading. magic words, blow out the candle through the hole in the key - this is done three times.

They say the following magic words:

“The key to happiness, the key to the heart, a husband for happiness, a husband after my own heart. Me, (name)!”

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper.

Now you have at once five interesting and effective rituals that will ensure you a quick marriage. Important point– when resorting to magical actions, it is important to sincerely believe in their effectiveness and not at all doubt the result obtained.


This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help you speed up your meeting with your future husband.. This is a ritual of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting your soul mate, and it’s up to the two of you to decide whether to get married right away or wait a little. This ritual - love spell to meet true love I have already helped my friend meet a guy and in 2 weeks they will have a wedding. As soon as you do this love spell yourself and read the plot, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ritual, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home seven times under running water wash this stone by reading special love spell:

There was a simple stone, lying by the road and collecting dust.
And now the stone will become clean and will help the one whose hands washed it.
Forever and ever.

Next, the stone needs to be dried and warmed over an open fire (stove), but so that it can be picked up. Take the stone in your hand and walk around your house three times (clockwise), and then go due east. You need to find a good, strong tree: oak, birch or ash. Approaching the tree in a whisper say strong conspiracy to meet your betrothed and true and new love:

I will become a servant of God (servant of God name),
I'll go from door to door, from gate to door
To the east, to the eastern side,
To a tree strong and reliable, old and wise,
I’ll put a stone under the tree, a hard and clean stone,
And while the stone lies under the tree,
So I don’t know grief and loneliness.
How will the week pass from this day?
Meet me, the servant of God (servant of God), my love,
Not the one that comes and goes, floats past on the water,
And the one that will last for the rest of your life.
And my word will be stronger than this stone,
And as it is said, so it will come true.
My conspiracy is as strong as an alatyr stone.

Place the stone under the tree and go around it clockwise three times to your home. At home, pour into a transparent glass cold water and drink in three sips, after which you should read the “Our Father” prayer 9 times. Do you want to tell fortunes and find out about marriage, there is good . This magical ritual allowing you to meet love equates to a strong love spell. The effect of the love plot comes very quickly and you just have to wait a little to meet your betrothed, who will soon find you and propose to you.

© Copyright: Magician


All girls dream of meeting true love in life. The desire to find a person who will love and understand her is quite natural. But, unfortunately, making your dream come true is not always easy. And if no suitable candidate appears in your environment, you can turn to magic, that is, use a special conspiracy. This is a method that has been proven for centuries, but it can only be used if there is a strong and real desire to find your destiny.

Ritual at dawn and dusk

A strong conspiracy against a loved one is read for three days at dawn and sunset. To do this, you need to wear a clean white spacious shirt, let your hair down and be sure to remove any hairpins or elastic bands. Next, looking at the sky, you need to say the spell seven times expressively and with deep feeling. His words sound like this:

“Dawn, zoryushka, lightning, my heavenly beautiful sister, I am asking you with a big request. Bring your beloved betrothed to me, so that my life can be illuminated with joy and filled with happiness.”

Remember! This ritual, characterized by its simplicity, is very effective only if there is a strong sincere desire to meet your love. After the ceremony, within a few days there will be a chance meeting with a person who can become a companion for life.

Another conspiracy aimed at finding a loved one is pronounced on clean spring water. The ritual should be performed in the evening with a lit red candle. It is necessary to pour clean water into a deep bowl. Looking at her, you should say the words of the conspiracy:

“I speak about clear and clean water and, with the words of my betrothed, I call to myself. Let him find out about me and hurry to me quickly, without wasting time. I wait only for him with all my heart and soul, and only for him alone do I cherish deep and sincere love.”

After the plot, you need to put out the candle and go to bed. The container of water should be left untouched until the morning. And early the next morning with the first rays rising sun The charmed water must be thrown into a reservoir of running water. And say the following words:

“Swim to my betrothed and pour out my sorrow to him.”

There are conspiracies that need to be read on a specific day. For example, a popular ritual is held on September 27, the day of St. Paraskeva Friday, the patroness of well-being in the family. On this day, you can call your loved one into your life with a spell that needs to be pronounced during the morning dawn 12 times. His words are:

“Holy martyr, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, bring a real man’s beard to my house. Let my betrothed be a widower, just so as not to spend his whole life as a wench. I bow deeply to you, Mother Paraskeva, please command someone from the male family to marry me and be happy with me all my life. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will lead a righteous life, fast and glorify you, Benefactor, all Fridays. Amen".

It should be remembered that any conspiracy against a loved one helps to meet your betrothed, but cannot make you fall in love. Therefore, you will need to try to attract attention to yourself and interest a person who will take care of you in the future and become a faithful companion for life. All love spells relate to white magic. Therefore, using them, you cannot harm another person. They do not have any negative consequences. The desire to love is natural; it is always associated with sincere feelings. Therefore, these magical effects do not cause a reverse negative wave.