How to open a spa salon without medical education. Which taxation system to choose for a spa salon. Documents and licenses

A spa usually generates more income than a regular beauty salon. Here the emphasis is on relaxation, rejuvenation, and healing of the body. In addition to hairdressing and cosmetology services, you can provide visitors with massage services, a sauna, and a fitness center.

Spa salon: niche analysis

The types of spa salons are as follows:

  • urban;
  • country;
  • Oriental;
  • maternal.

Country spas at sanatoriums and city spas are in great demand. In a large populated area where people have little time to visit different specialists different parts city, the spa salon is popular because here you can visit several specialists at once.

The difficulty in starting this type of business is finding suitable premises, purchasing expensive equipment, products for procedures provided by the salon, as well as searching for employees.

Due to the need for large investments at first, entrepreneurs do not often turn to this species business. That's why There is little competition in this area.

The income from this business at first is on average 5-10% of the investment, which is a definite plus. Not every business starts making a profit from the first month.

When the client base grows, regular visitors appear, income will increase significantly. True, this requires a lot of work to create a reputation for yourself. The spa salon will begin to pay for itself in 2-3 years; this should be taken into account when calculating the amount of expenses.

How to open a spa salon from scratch?

Opening of this business requires large investments:

  1. Buying or renting premises, finishing. The purchase in this case is more profitable because the repairs can be done to your taste, in accordance with the requirements for the spa. If the premises are rented, at the end of the contract there may be conflict situation with the owner of the building. As practice shows, in major cities preference is given to salons that are located on the outskirts of the city, where the rhythm of life is calmer. You can get there by private car, public transport or taxi. Moreover, the price for such premises is several times cheaper than for buildings in the center of the metropolis.
  2. Purchasing an expensive equipment. It is important that all devices have quality certificates and licenses.
  3. Hiring specialists with the appropriate qualifications.
  4. Purchase care products for the skin, body, hair that will be needed for the procedures.

How to open a spa salon in a small town

You can also open a spa in a small town, but there will be some differences from a salon in a metropolis.

The first thing to do is to analyze how many similar establishments are open in the city. Some services that are provided in a spa are offered in regular beauty salons. In addition to relaxation procedures, you can add fitness and sauna.

Distinctive feature SPA in small town is that 70% of their visitors are middle-aged ladies and only 30% are young people. This should be taken into account when compiling a list of services. Most likely, the demand will largely come from rejuvenation procedures.

There are three types of spa salons:

  1. Economy class. These are small centers, there are few services, they are often opened on the basis of a cosmetology salon.
  2. Middle class. This is already an independent spa, which requires a decent investment.
  3. Elite class. They require even greater investments and require visits from wealthy people.

In a small town, the income of the population is low, so elite salons with expensive procedures will not be in demand. Opening such spas is not practical in the province.

Middle-class salons will attract visitors with high incomes; demand will be small, but the cost of the procedures performed will be higher than in a simple spa salon. It is worth considering that the middle class needs expensive means care and equipment.

Economy class is the most profitable type of cabin in a small city. Many inexpensive procedures will attract residents with high and average salaries. There will be greater traffic here, due to which the payback will be higher. Demand increases in the summer, before the New Year and March 8, when women especially want to look beautiful and well-groomed.

In a small town, it is better to locate the salon in the city center, as opposed to large populated areas. This will make it easier to get to it from different points. Also, people with high incomes usually live in the center, and they will be potential clients.

Registration and taxes

The spa salon, in addition to the usual cosmetology and hairdressing services, provides medical services. In this regard, you can register a SPA only as entity. A license to provide medical services is also required.

When opening a spa salon, you cannot register as an individual entrepreneur, only a limited liability company.

Absolutely all medical services offered by the salon must be licensed. Wellness procedures can be carried out only certified dermatologists.

Registration and paperwork takes up to six months, so you shouldn’t put the paperwork on the back burner. If it is difficult to obtain a license on your own, you can contact an experienced lawyer, but this service is not cheap. The cost of registration in different cities ranges from 50 to 70 thousand rubles.

Taxes are paid according to a simplified or general scheme.

The beauty industry is a very profitable type of business. If you want to organize your own business in this area, you can consider a business plan for a spa salon, which takes into account all important factors enterprise organization.

Documents and premises

When opening your own business, you must first look for suitable premises. It can be purchased or rented. The company must be located in such a way that communications (water supply, sewerage, electricity) are available. Having convenient access to your building is welcome. It is desirable that it be in the city center, and there are no competitors nearby.

Before opening a spa salon, you need to register as a legal entity and register with the tax authorities. In addition, to open a salon, it is necessary to obtain approval to work from the city administration, the sanitary-epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate. Can't do without constituent documents to the company, placement of advertising and outdoor signage, permission to trade related goods.

How much does it cost to open a spa? When solving this issue, you will need to take into account many nuances, but the main expense item is the acquisition of things and tools necessary for its functioning. It is better to entrust this issue to a company specializing in equipment for spa treatments. Its employees will install and put it into operation.

What is SPA

The history of SPA services began back in Ancient Rome. These include physiotherapy in the form of baths using sea, mineral or thermal water.

Modern spa business also includes the provision of the following services: peeling (cleansing the skin using sea ​​salts), wrapping after a bath in therapeutic mud and massage.

As a rule, all these procedures are quite expensive, but, nevertheless, they are in demand among women aged twenty-five to forty years. It is at this time that ladies are busy with their own careers, and a well-groomed and beautiful view promotes career advancement.

Not to mention the fact that this circumstance helps arrange her personal life and simply increases a woman’s self-esteem. In addition to the procedures already listed, the salon offers the services of a cosmetologist, makeup artist, fitness trainer, pedicure and manicure specialist, etc. In general, these are cosmetic procedures, rejuvenating and wellness. It is worthwhile to periodically add to the list of services offered to clients.

Financial investments

The main costs that need to be included in the business plan of a spa salon include renting premises, interior decoration, repairs, utilities, purchase of equipment and small tools. Don’t forget about the costs of salon registration, approvals, advertising and employee salaries.

In order for your salon to function successfully and be popular, you should not skimp on consumables. It is better to purchase well-known professional lines of cosmetics. After all, you can win clientele precisely thanks to the effectiveness of the procedures performed, and high-quality products will help you achieve desired result. You will need to spend about 150 thousand dollars to purchase equipment for spa salons. In general, setting up a business will require an investment of two hundred and forty thousand in US currency.


To decorate the room you need to invite a designer. He will be able to choose such a palette of colors and such an interior that creates a calm atmosphere that is inviting and allows you to relax and feel peace. It is necessary to purchase equipment for spa salons from a specialized company: furniture (chairs, cabinets, tables, sofas) and special devices, such as beauty devices, hydromassage baths, computers.

The offered range can be viewed at industry exhibitions, where you will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with equipment suppliers. At such events you can learn necessary information, take an advertising brochure, study it in a calm environment, and only then contact the supplier and conclude an agreement.


A necessary item that includes a business plan for a spa salon is staffing. You need to type it very carefully. Professionals in the field of medicine and cosmetology will be required. Naturally, they all must have medical records. Employees must not only be competent specialists, they must be able to communicate with people: be polite, tactful, be able to listen, and work unobtrusively.

The owner of the enterprise must provide them with comfortable conditions for work and decent wages. In addition to the main specialists, maintenance personnel will be required to clean the premises and technical maintenance equipment.

Promotion of the company

Advertising is one of the most important components that a spa salon business plan should include, because without it, few people will know about your company. This means that advertisements should be placed in the media (newspapers, radio, television). On your own website you can post information about the salon, talk about services and procedures, and new products in the field of professional cosmetics.

Advertising is placed on city vehicles, on banners, and flyers are distributed on the streets. Very good effect has the so-called word of mouth, when clients who have already visited you will tell their friends about the company. The right step will merge with a well-known beauty salon or large hairdressing salon.

Special marketing events help attract visitors, for example, free services when opening a salon, discounts, and a system of discount cards. In this way, you can solve the problem of how to promote a spa salon and increase the flow of clients.

Project payback

Beginning businessmen who are just thinking about how to open a spa salon are interested in the return on investment of the project. Note that the company’s income is calculated from the difference in funds invested in opening a business (variable costs, fixed costs) and the profit received. Prices for services are set based on several factors.

Here it is necessary to take into account both the cost of such events from competitors and your own costs. The amount will directly depend on the volume of procedures provided and how many clients you were able to serve over a certain period of time, for example, a month.

If you correctly calculate all the risks and investments in the business, the project will pay for itself within three or four years and will generate a consistently high income. The salon is busiest on weekends and holidays (70%). Monthly income from one square meter can reach 200 dollars.

Attractive appearance occupies a paramount place in everyone's life modern man. That is why the demand for various specialized beauty salons is growing rapidly. The relevance of such salons is the first step towards successful business development in this area.

Before opening a spa salon, it is very important to determine the concept of the establishment. A spa salon is a place where a woman can completely relieve emotional stress, relax, improve her health, and take a range of caring procedures. A spa salon differs from an ordinary beauty salon in the wide range of services provided.

What steps should a beginner take to open a spa salon? All required documentation for salon registration must be completed in accordance with the requirements current legislation. When registering such a specialized salon, you need to register it as a JSC; registering an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur is impossible, since medical services will be provided here.

To operate, you will need an official license, which can be obtained with the help of experienced lawyers. To fully resolve all the paperwork, a beginner must be prepared to spend 70 thousand rubles. The process of obtaining a license is quite long, so you should not delay in starting it.

Choosing a well-located premises is an integral part of any business plan. The location of a spa plays an important role in its success. It is advisable to choose a quiet place, for example, a building outside the city, which offers a beautiful view of nature. A small cottage against the backdrop of nature can also become great place to open a spa salon. You can arrange a basement or residential apartment for the salon. Specialized salons inside are divided into several different zones: a wet zone - where all water procedures are carried out, a dry zone, where procedures related to figure correction are carried out. Also in the salon you need to provide a place for image, where standard beauty salon services will be provided. After this, you need to rebuild the selected premises, adjusting it to the needs of the new business.

In addition, when drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to estimate the approximate level of demand for your services. In order for your business to pay off well, you need to create an offer on the market taking into account the needs, age and solvency of the selected audience. During a thorough market analysis, you can simultaneously find out whether you need to purchase this or that cosmetology equipment or not. Before the opening of the spa salon, you need to carry out serious preparation. A correctly written business plan that takes into account everything important points project will be a good basis for future business. This is the only way to take into account all the nuances and predict your actions.

If you are new to this area, then it is better to open a small spa salon in order to reduce financial investments in the business and get to know it from the inside. As the client base and overall profit turnover increases, it can be expanded to a salon. On initial stage It is important to determine the range of services provided.

There are quite strict requirements for the room where the profiled salon will be located. Suitable for creating such a salon: residential apartment, transferred to non-residential stock. When arranging ventilation, everything must be carefully thought out; it must be completely separate from the rest of the apartments. The salon room must be equipped with water supply and sewerage.

Such a profiled beauty salon can provide many healing and rejuvenating procedures. The following services are most popular among the population:

  • Aromatic peeling;
  • Body wrap with natural clay;
  • Chocolate wrap;
  • Diamond peeling;
  • Radiofrequency lifting;
  • Hydromassage;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • SPA pedicure;
  • Sauna and spacious swimming pool.

Medical services include cosmetic procedures related to depilation or mechanical cleaning faces. To conduct them you need to obtain a license. In addition, the salon needs to create SPA programs that include several procedures. We calculate the approximate cost of such a program for the client. You can also issue various gift certificates for visiting a spa. In such a salon, it is important to observe etiquette: provide the client with warm welcome, pay attention to him on holidays, sending Greeting Cards. Employees should be polite, simply explain all services and technologies and give valuable recommendations.

Any business plan should detail the costs of each item that needs to be purchased for the salon. Since you are new to this business, it is better to first purchase the most necessary equipment. Approximate diagram procurement will look like this:

  • New reception - 200 thousand rubles;
  • A small soft sofa and coffee table- 60 thousand rubles;
  • Dressing room - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Infrared saunas and all related parts - 190 thousand rubles;
  • Hydromassage bath - 600 thousand rubles;
  • SPA capsule - 800 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment for the massage room - 135 thousand rubles. ;
  • Purchase of cosmetology equipment - 250 thousand rubles;
  • Mud baths and furniture - 130 thousand rubles;
  • Autoclaves - 15 thousand rubles.

In addition, do not forget about purchasing equipment for the image sector and plumbing. This will require 300 thousand rubles.

This is a very important moment in opening any type of business, since the success and recognition of a new spa salon depends on the competence of employees. The salon must employ certain narrow specialists who have higher education in the field of medicine, as well as a manicurist and pedicurist. In order for the salon to function smoothly, it is necessary to hire the following employees:

  • An administrator who monitors all stages of work;
  • Experienced accountant;
  • Technical staff;
  • Universal hairdressers - 2 people;
  • Qualified nail technician;
  • Fitness trainer;
  • Cosmetologist with higher medical education.

In addition, you can hire a nurse and an experienced massage therapist. The entrepreneur will spend 300 thousand rubles to pay salaries to staff. The average staff of such an establishment is 10-15 people. A properly drawn up business plan will help you really see the whole picture of starting a business, make the necessary calculations, and assess all the risks.

Choosing a tax system

After we have decided on the culture of behavior of employees in the salon, we need to decide on the choice of taxation system for the new enterprise. Such a salon is registered as a JSC with 3 founders. It is most convenient to work according to the simplified tax system; in this case, the tax rate will be 15% of the organization’s total income.

The majority of clients of spa salons are women of middle age and above with an average income level. Many of them are housewives. By suitable means statements about their business for this category of the population are considered to be the following: advertising in local periodical media, messages in image programs, outdoor advertising, promotions and advertising on the Internet. Average monthly expenses for organizing advertising will not exceed 40 thousand rubles. Organization of advertising - important nuance for every entrepreneur. Many clients determine the level of an establishment based on the opinions of other people and advertising. At the initial stage, you need to hire specialists who will organize high-quality advertising for the new spa salon.

Conducting detailed market analysis

In addition to previous general points, a market analysis must be included in the business plan. This need is due high level competition in this area. Before opening your own spa, you need to find out all the strengths and weaknesses of your direct competitors in order to take them into account in the organization further work. The best option There will be a location of a specialized salon in an area of ​​the city where there are no similar establishments yet.

After which it is necessary to give competent advertising. The loan must be negotiated with sports or entertainment centers located nearby so that they give their clients a recommendation to use the services of the new spa and vice versa. A discount system and flexible pricing will help stabilize the profits of a new beauty salon. The number of clients who will provide the salon with excellent profitability must be at least 500 people. In order to attract new customers, it is necessary to organize various preferential programs, for example, the possibility of family service, weekend discounts, new club cards, gift certificates. All these measures will help attract a client, and then make him a regular visitor.

Assessment of possible business risks for organizing a spa salon

Among the possible risks, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Rising prices for consumables;
  • Increased competition with the emergence of a larger player on the horizon;
  • Increase in rental prices;
  • Reduced demand for services due to crises in the economy.

All these risks must be taken into account when organizing a new business.

Financial plan for opening a spa salon

Any business plan must contain this point, because without planning expenses and payback of the business, it is impossible to get a complete picture of launching a particular type of business. Here is a short list of organizational costs:

  • Obtaining documents - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of premises for the period of redevelopment - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Acquisition the necessary equipment- 2.5 million rubles;
  • Expenses for materials and cosmetics - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses - transport advertising - 150 thousand rubles.

To start a business in this niche, a beginner will need 3 million rubles. In order for the establishment to function normally in the future, the newcomer incurs the following expenses during the year:

  • Annual rent - 420 thousand. R.;
  • Payment of utility costs - 120 thousand rubles;
  • Acquisition Supplies- 900 thousand rubles;
  • Payment of wages to employees - 25 million rubles;
  • Advertising expenses - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Payment of mandatory taxes - 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

With similar expenses for maintaining the work process, this salon will recoup all the invested funds in 2-3 years.

Principles of opening a spa salon

Spa- this is a place where complete harmony and silence reigns, pleasant music promotes relaxation, and skillful hands A massage therapist will help relieve muscle tension accumulated over a full day of work. The hydromassage cabin will help you relax and take your mind off everyday problems. A place organized in this way will develop and bring stable profits. When creating a business at a spa salon, you must be guided by these principles, then the business will be relatively stable. A pleasant environment will help the client tune in to complete relaxation, unity with nature and finding harmony with his own body.

Business profitability

Business income comes from the services provided and the sale of professional cosmetics. The average entrance fee for a visit to the spa is 350 rubles; the salon serves 20 people per day. Monthly profit can be up to 220 thousand rubles. After deducting all expenses, the entrepreneur will have 60 thousand rubles left. This means that a profiled salon will pay for itself after 1.5 years of continuous operation. Such indicators are considered good for this type of business.


A spa salon is a fairly profitable type of business, which, with skillful organization, can bring a decent profit. If you are an expert in this field, then you can safely start organizing a new business. If you are new to this business, then first you should consult with experienced specialists in the field of design, salon equipment, and pricing. Their valuable recommendations will help you avoid many of the pitfalls of this business.

After the business plan is completed, it is worth thinking about the design of the salon. It is advisable to think through the interior down to the smallest detail. The presence of a heated floor will be a big plus for the image of the salon. The interior should not contain bright colors or any extremes. Only muted pastel colors, cleanliness and comfort should reign there. The interior decoration of the salon should pacify visitors and calm them down. It is necessary to abandon cheerful tones in the design of the salon - they will not allow visitors to fully tune in to relaxation.

For your clients, you can offer a spa menu that includes exclusively healthy food - herbal teas, fresh fruits, lean meats, dishes that take care of your figure.

You should forget about loud rhythmic music. Gentle, relaxing music should sound, classics are suitable as such.

Don’t forget about all the details of the spa’s image: slippers, robes and towels should be made of soft, pleasant-to-touch fabrics; these are the things that are the hallmark of the establishment. By changing ordinary clothes to a fluffy robe and soft slippers, the client is in the mood for relaxation.

You should not use rough towels, hard rubber slates and other things that are very rough to the touch in your salon. It’s best to always keep towels slightly warm, and the pedicure chair can temporarily turn into a cozy lounge chair.

It is impossible to imagine a spa without the natural scents of aromatherapy. Just one drop of this oil can give an atmosphere of calm and tranquility to the inhabitants of the room. Aromatherapy is an indispensable companion of a SPA salon; the smell of other people's perfumes and cigarettes can completely deprive it of the privilege of being called a “SPA”. This point should always be remembered. Properly selected music, beautiful interior decoration, soft accessories for visitors - these are all important moments that the client will remember. A businessman must take care of the comfortable stay of his clients in the salon. In combination with a thoughtful design, a well-written business plan will help lead a new business to quick payback and the expected success. For a SPA salon, you need to purchase additional raw materials, for example, Israeli salts, natural essential oils, bath additives, mud, algae. All this is necessary for the procedures. Here you can make mud and seaweed wraps. As your financial capabilities expand, you can expand the range of beauty services of the salon. You need to think about the value that your salon will provide to people, evaluate your own merits and competitive advantages.

Before you start, you need to carefully study your business, look at all the nuances, and only then decide to open it. Assessing financial risks and your own capabilities will also help you avoid many mistakes.

The niche for providing spa services in Russia is still relatively free, but in megacities services of this nature are becoming increasingly popular, since there spa salons are actually the only place, where you can not only relax and unwind, but also improve your health and appearance.

SPA salons, although they have many common features with traditional beauty salons, they still have a wider range of services. As a rule, beauty salons provide mainly cosmetic and image services. SPA salons, in addition to them, also provide relaxation and wellness services. Actually, that’s why opening a spa salon is a larger-scale event. Naturally, the capital costs for opening require much more, and the provision of medical services also requires the availability of medical personnel appropriate qualifications.

The main clients of spa salons are:

  1. Professional athletes;
  2. People recovering health after various injuries;
  3. People who do not want to be treated in hospitals and prefer alternative methods;
  4. People who want to relax after working days.


To open a spa salon, you need to register an LLC or CJSC. Conducting this activity in the status individual entrepreneur is impossible, since the provision of medical services is inherent in the very idea of ​​business. Also, to provide a number of services you will need a license, which you can obtain either yourself or with the help of qualified lawyers. The cost of intermediary services can fluctuate around 50-70 thousand rubles. The process of obtaining all the necessary documents takes about six months, so registration and obtaining a license should not be delayed.


The entire range of services provided by spa salons can be divided into two large categories:

  • Cosmetology services;
  • Domestic services.

Cosmetology services come in two categories:

  1. Services provided by people with secondary medical education, and services that only cosmetologists have the right to perform.
  2. Household services can be provided by specialists who do not have a medical education. Such services, in particular, include manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction, etc.


The area of ​​the premises for a spa directly depends on the volume of services offered. Statistics show that to open a salon, the area must be at least 120 square meters. m., but if you open a beauty salon with only some spa services, then the area can be halved.

It is worth mentioning that one of the most promising formats for providing spa services is the opening of a country spa salon. However, to arrange a country salon, the area of ​​the room must be much larger. Running a business in a residential area will be less expensive. Cost of one sq. m. in a residential area fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

It is legally prohibited to set up spa salons in basements; however, an apartment can be converted into a salon, having first removed it from the housing stock. In this case, it is better to focus on the “at home” format, then the main target audience will become residents of the house, so it is advisable to refurbish the apartment in a respectable area.

The entire rented area must be divided into such locations as:

  • Wet area, which should include cabinets using various techniques based on healing properties water;
  • The dry zone, which should include spa treatments without the use of hydrotherapy techniques, that is, various massages, hardware methods of figure correction;
  • The image zone, which should include rooms with health treatments for the scalp and skin, manicure and pedicure rooms, and a hairdressing salon;
  • Aquazone, which should be represented by a sauna, swimming pool or bathhouse.
  • The administrative area, which should include administrator workstations, staff rooms, etc.


When choosing equipment for a spa salon, you need to pay attention to the availability of all certificates. The fact is that some companies import equipment without the appropriate accompanying documents, which subsequently leads to problems for the end buyer. What you need to buy is professional equipment, which is from household equipment features better build quality and the ability to long work at maximum loads. You should also ask the seller about the warranty period for the equipment during intensive use. It is advisable to purchase equipment if guarantee period is at least one year. In addition to the above, it is necessary to clarify the availability service center, whose specialists can be called in case of unforeseen circumstances. Statistics show that to equip one square. m. SPA salon needs 30 - 60 thousand rubles.


Naturally, in staffing table A spa salon may provide quite a lot of positions, and not all of them require medical education. mandatory requirement. However, it is important that licensed medical services are provided only by specialists who have the appropriate certificates.

In principle, 17 people are needed to operate a spa:

  • Administrator – 1 person;
  • Technical staff – 2 people;
  • Accountant – 1 person;
  • Hairdresser – 3 people;
  • Fitness instructor – 2 people;
  • Cosmetologist – 5 people;
  • Nurse – 3 people.

Costs and payback

To open a spa salon you need approximately 4.25-7.97 million rubles, which will be distributed as follows:

  • Law firm services – 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment 3.6-7.2 million rubles;
  • Renovation of the premises - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – 200 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will include:

  1. Staff salaries – 750 thousand rubles;
  2. Rent of premises – 120 thousand rubles;
  3. Utility costs – 50 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising – 15 thousand rubles;
  5. Other expenses – 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 985 thousand rubles.

When fully occupied, a spa salon can generate income of about 1.65 million rubles, but such occupancy can only be achieved within 1.5-2 years of continuous operation. Thus, we can assume that the approximate payback period for the initial costs of opening a spa salon will be 4-4.5 years.

In a fast paced life, when most of the time is spent at work, great importance has recuperation. It is not surprising that nowadays the services of spa salons are becoming increasingly popular, where you can not only get yourself in order, but also undergo a course of healing and relax. The idea of ​​such a business is relevant for Russia, since the niche is still free, and demand among the population is growing. A spa business plan with calculations will help you implement it.

The object of the business plan is a SPA salon on the ground floor of a non-residential building with a set of procedures for healing, cleansing, relaxation and regeneration. There will be a beauty salon here, bath complex With water treatments, massage room and Ayurvedic program, as well as a cafe and children's room. The goals of the enterprise are to create a highly profitable business, make a profit and satisfy consumer demand for health, relaxation, and personal care services.

SPA salons appeared in Russia relatively recently, so the demand for such services is growing every year by an average of 5-10%. All this thanks to the expansion of the service sector, the emergence of affordable and original ways restoration of the body. At the same time, the niche for providing these services is relatively free; if in megacities there may be several spa salons within the city limits, then in small towns there may not be such establishments at all. Additional services will include wraps, peelings, drainage and other cosmetic body care, facial treatments: scrubs, masks, massage, eyebrow and eyelash correction. The beauty salon will offer hairdressing, manicure, pedicure, hair removal and facials.

Start-up costs for the project will amount to 4.33 million rubles, the funds will be used to repair rented premises, purchase equipment and cosmetics, and promote the enterprise. Investments will be your own. The project is expected to be repaid in 22 months; the spa center will generate a minimum monthly profit of 200 thousand rubles.

Project concept development

For a SPA salon you will need to find a room with a total area of ​​200 square meters. meters, which is located on the ground floor of a non-residential building in a large residential area. Priority is given to places near shopping centers, bus stops public transport, fitness clubs, business centers. It is important that the premises comply with SanPiN standards, have a separate entrance, sewerage, ventilation, water, and electricity supply.

The premises will include an administration area with a waiting room, an aqua zone with saunas, baths and Jacuzzis, a wet area with wrapping and peeling, a massage room, a beauty salon room, a room for facial and body care, a cafe with a children's room. play area. Services are divided into general health, beauty, relaxation and comprehensive. The salon will be open daily from 10:00 to 22:00.

Example price list for services:

  • Russian bath: from 1,400 rubles for a 20-minute steam bath.
  • Steaming in a Russian bath with aromatic oils, brooms and rubbing: 4500 rubles/hour.
  • Turkish bath hammam with scrubs and peelings: 2200 rubles 40 min.
  • Bathhouse rental: from 2000 rubles/hour.
  • Cedar barrel or Charcot shower: 950 rubles per session.
  • Hydromassage bath: from 2000 rubles/30 min.
  • Facial care (cleansing, masks, scrubs, massages, cream): from 3000 rubles/hour.
  • Body care (peelings, wraps, drainage, mud): from 5000 rubles/hour.
  • Massage (general, sports, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, cupping, Chinese, oil pouring, hot stones): from 1500 rubles/30 min.
  • Comprehensive Ayurveda services: from 9,000 rubles/3 hours, individual procedures from 2,000 rubles/30 min.
  • Figure correction programs: from 6,000 rubles/session (2 hours).
  • SPA day: from 5000 rubles/session (3 hours).
  • SPA for two: from 5,000 rubles/session (2 hours).
  • Hen and stag parties for 6 people: from 16,000 rubles.
  • Epilation: from 400 rubles.
  • Depilation: from 1000 rubles/procedure.
  • Nail service: from 800 rubles.
  • Haircut: from 1000 rubles.

Market analysis

The target audience of our salon: men and women 30-60 years old with average and higher incomes, office workers, entrepreneurs who take care of themselves - go to the gym, clinics, clothing stores.

If previously the main clients of SPA salons were women from high society, now such establishments attract clients over 25 years old, including those with average incomes, and men over 30 years old, who also want to look well-groomed.

There is little competition in the SPA market, but various beauty salons, hotels and fitness centers offer separate SPA procedures, so you have to fight for clients as well. Most the best option– find a densely populated area of ​​the city where there are no such establishments yet, there are few of them or the level of service leaves much to be desired. Competition in large cities is higher than in the regions, where, on average, 2-3 beauty salons are opened every month. But the market in our country is far from completely filled. In addition, salons often differ from a hairdresser only in the presence of a solarium and a massage room. There are still few full-fledged salons in Russia; over the next 10-15 years, up to 5-10% growth in this segment is expected annually.

Marketing plan

The main methods of promoting a spa salon: a bright sign at the entrance, signs to the salon and advertising stands in nearby crowded places, distribution of leaflets, information cooperation with fitness clubs without SPA areas, medical clinics, high-end clothing stores, wedding salons, restaurants ( flyers, discount coupons when purchasing a product or service). It is also planned to create and promote a website and a group on social networks.

To attract the first customers, sweepstakes and promotions will be held on social networks; similar events can also be held in nearby shopping centers. Since the main profit of the salon comes from regular customers, club cards with the possibility of accumulating points, loyalty programs, discounts for birthdays or other holidays, and subscriptions will be developed for them.

  • Outdoor advertising, leaflets (150 thousand rubles monthly).
  • Website, groups on social networks and their advertising: 200 thousand rubles for creation, then 50 thousand rubles monthly.

Total for the first year: 2.6 million rubles.

Organizational plan

The staff of a spa salon is an important component of it successful work. The better and more qualified the employees, the more satisfied customers there will be who will want to constantly use the company’s services themselves and recommend the salon to their friends. SPA therapy specialists must have special certification, some of them must have licenses to conduct medical activities.

Employee Quantity in state Expenses
Administrator 2 40 000
Cosmetologist 4 80 000
Masseur 4 80 000
Hairdresser 2 40 000
Master of manicure and pedicure 2 30 000
Cafe staff 6 100 000
Bath attendant 2 30 000
Cleaning woman 2 20 000
Outsourced employees 30 000

Total costs: 460 rubles per month.

Production plan

Our project assumes the presence of a water zone, which will require additional waterproofing and tiling. All procedures (cosmetology, massage, image) require the design of the premises and the installation of special equipment, the cost of which is quite high, since it is not worth saving on it. Equipment and tools must also comply with state standards and meet safety, sanitation and aesthetic requirements.

Monthly expenses

  • Renting premises with utilities: 300 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes: 6% on income (96 thousand rubles), 33% on payroll (151.8 thousand rubles).
  • Payroll fund: 460 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising: 200 thousand rubles.
  • Expenses on cosmetics: 150 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses: 50 thousand rubles.

Total monthly project costs: 1.4 million rubles (for the year 16.9 million rubles).

Thus, variable costs SPA business will amount to 4.33 million rubles, permanent – ​​1.4 million rubles per month. Total expenses for the year: 21.23 million rubles.

Financial plan

Considering that a spa salon largely involves receiving a range of services and spending several hours in the establishment, most clients take a SPA package or a program for health improvement, weight loss and rejuvenation. However, there are clients who simply use the services of a beauty salon, cosmetologist or massage therapist. In addition, the spa salon being developed has a cafe, which also increases the average bill. The average bill is 2000 rubles, monthly attendance is 800 people.

Thus, monthly revenue will be 1.6 million rubles, annual revenue – 19.2 million rubles. Monthly profit - 200 thousand rubles, profit for the year - 2.4 million rubles. The break-even point for the first year is calculated using the formula: (revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs). We get:

(19.2 million rubles x 1.4 million rubles) / (19.2 million rubles – 4.33 million rubles) = 12 million rubles.

Profitability = profit / revenue x 100% = 2.4 million rubles / 19.2 million rubles x 100% = 12.5% . The profitability level of a spa salon varies from 10 to 25%. Considering that the first year is the most difficult for an establishment, since it is necessary to attract the first clients and find regular ones, the figure of 12.5% ​​will be normal for the project. You can then increase traffic, increasing revenue and profitability. Payback = starting investment / profit for the year = 4.33 million rubles / 2.4 million rubles = 1.8 years, 20-22 months.

Assessments and risks

TO strengths The project can be attributed to: the presence of highly qualified specialists with their own client base and experience, the installation of modern and high-quality equipment, the use of popular and effective procedures, high-quality service, individual work with the client, and the demand for the service.

Business opportunities: favorable location of the project, easy to establish cooperation with suppliers of equipment and cosmetics, the possibility of opening new points in other areas of the city, profit growth due to an increase in the flow of visitors and the average check.

The weaknesses of the project include: competition with beauty salons and establishments with some spa treatments, difficulties in determining the professionalism of employees, a long search for the right personnel, lack of reputation in the market.

Threats: incorrect assessment of costs and risks, increased competition, loss of customers, increased rental costs, unexpected losses, changes in legislation, economic crisis, rising prices for materials.


According to experts, competition in the spa sector in Russia as a whole is insignificant. Despite the fact that there are risks and threats, the presented business plan for a spa salon with calculations looks promising. Demand for the service among Russians is gradually growing, which also suggests that the idea of ​​opening a spa salon is an interesting one to develop. The initial investment in the project will amount to 4.33 million, most of which will be spent on equipping the establishment with special equipment and repairs. Monthly expenses, most of which will be spent on renting premises, will amount to 1.4 million rubles. The project's profitability is at least 200 thousand rubles, profitability is 12.5%, payback is 22 months.

To attract more visitors, increase the average check and monthly income, it is planned to expand the range of services, include original procedures, develop attractive package offers, and loyalty program promotions. In addition, the possibility of increasing the number of branches in the city and throughout the country, as well as developing the business through franchising, is being considered.