Washing machine between bathroom and toilet. How to place a washing machine in the bathroom interior (53 photos). The best place for a washing machine

A small bathroom can become a wonderful design project if you approach its design wisely. IN small room there is nowhere to roam, but it can be made multifunctional and comfortable. It is better to choose white as the main color for the interior. With it, the space will expand visually. may be under the sink. Another convenient option– place it opposite the washbasin.

If the room has a shower instead of a bath, then the number of installation options increases. But no matter where the washing machine is located, it will take up a significant area of ​​free space. Its installation should be given close attention. It is difficult to place all the necessary items in a miniature room. Much depends on the layout, but with a shortage of free space, it is difficult to come up with a fundamentally new solution. Items must be arranged in such a way as to save space as much as possible.

There are no strictly defined design rules. When decorating a miniature room, you need to use common sense. For example, a shower or bathtub should be located close to the walls. If the bathtub is installed in the center, then there will be no room for other things in the room. In a small room you need to place a shower (bathtub), washbasin, toilet, washing machine, wardrobe, and laundry basket. Installing a washing machine is especially problematic, since the standard model has impressive dimensions. But this problem can be eliminated if you think through the interior to the smallest detail.

Most often in a small bathroom the washing machine is placed under the sink. This convenient way installation of a household appliance. In older houses, there is no space for this unit in the bathroom. Therefore, apartment owners have to come up with interesting layouts that save space. In this case, the washbasin should not hang over the car. This rule must be followed based on personal safety.

Proper installation of the machine will prevent injuries when loading and unloading laundry. An overhanging sink is a dangerous factor.

If you hide the sink in the wall, you can come up with another placement method. So that the room does not seem cluttered household appliances and accessories, choose things in one color scheme. Then the interior will be harmonious. When buying a washing machine, take into account the style of the room and the design of other household appliances. It should be combined with technology and fit into the interior.

Which washing machine to choose

The best option for a small bathroom is a front-loading washing machine. Then you can make good use of the free space above the machine. IN small room its top panel will serve as a shelf.

The narrow washing machine will easily fit in a small bathroom or small kitchen. The narrowest front-loading model has a depth of 33 cm. It is designed for 3.5-4.5 kg of laundry per wash. Moreover, such a unit is in no way inferior to products with standard sizes. Therefore, narrow washing machines have high prices, which is their only drawback. Front-loading models are available in stores at the widest range. They are made by different manufacturers, so they have different features and prices.

It is quite difficult to choose a washing machine, since you need to have a good understanding of the types of units on the market. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the parameters of the equipment. Manufacturers offer small-sized, narrow and standard models. If your family has 2-3 people, then it is better to take a machine with a load of 3 kg. For medium and big family a more massive household unit is required.

The built-in model will fit perfectly into a cramped room. But it can only be made to order.

If you are satisfied with the option of installing a household appliance under the sink, then you need to think about how communications will flow. Quite often, designers install the machine under the countertop. It can be made from chipboard, natural or artificial stone, as well as from other materials.

For convenience, you can place a basket or laundry box next to the machine. If possible, build a niche for the washing machine. Then you can place a drying device or other device above it. useful accessory. Using creative thinking, the designer creates an interesting functional and aesthetic design for the bathroom.

To prevent the room from seeming too cramped, the floor should be left open. Get rid of things that clutter the room: a cabinet under the sink, washing accessories, etc. All these items should be kept out of sight, then the room will seem more spacious. In some cases, small rooms use zoning using a contrasting color. Then the washing unit must be placed on a light background.

A suitable idea for a small bathroom is a model with vertical loading. Machines of this type have a number of features. They are preferred by people who find it difficult to bend over.

Such devices are compact in size. They are well suited for rooms with a narrow opening. Each model has its own pros and cons. When choosing, pay attention not only to capacity, but also to the control method. The presence of a display also matters. User comfort and ease of operation depend on these factors.

How to install

Regardless of size, the bathroom should be safe and comfortable. This is a room associated with traumatic situations. In some cases floor tiles or slippery shower bottoms can cause falls. The room must be decorated so that no objects interfere with water procedures. The interior should be not only aesthetically pleasing, but also safe.

All bathroom parts must be placed in a certain order so that people do not injure themselves when operating household appliances. This rule also applies to the washing machine. It must be placed in such a way as not to injure your back or head on the sink when loading laundry. The installation of a washing machine in a small bathroom should be carried out in a place where the most convenient loading of laundry is possible.

If you choose a top-loading model, then this problem will not arise for you. Typically, such a machine is placed near a free wall. A machine with a horizontal loading type, as a rule, is also installed near the wall. If you put it in a corner or in the center, the interior becomes uncomfortable.

When performing installation, pay attention to communications. Water hoses and electrical wires should not be under tension. Otherwise, they will pose a danger to people. When determining the installation location, consider how the machine will be connected to the water supply. Consider how far away the pipe is sewer drain, power supply network. Steel parts“Washers” should not touch heating pipes, water supply, radiators, or bathtubs. By following this rule, you will avoid a short circuit.

Trendy accommodation options

The most popular design projects involve the use of built-in household appliances. But such options are expensive. Another common installation method is an under-sink “washer” and a composite countertop.

The table top made of cast marble looks beautiful and noble. Even in a small room it has an aesthetic appearance. Interesting options can be created using laminated chipboard countertops. As a rule, their scope of application is the kitchen. Using creativity, you can install such a countertop in the bathroom. Laminated chipboard has a wide selection of textures and shades. Therefore, you can easily choose the desired design.

A good design method involves zoned installation of plumbing fixtures. In this case, the washing machine and sink can be separated from the rest of the room by a partition. To prevent the room from seeming too narrow, use a cabinet with mirror panels. If you install corner furniture, you can free up the central part of the room. In some cases, the “washing machine” does not match the plumbing fixtures and furniture. Then designers advise hiding it behind the door of a bedside table or closet.


In order to limited area place everything you need, you can develop design project. Experienced craftsmen know how to equip a small bathroom with a washing machine. To do this, you need to use the product as efficiently as possible. We’ll talk further about where exactly you need to install the washing unit.

Accommodation options

The impressive dimensions of automatic machines frankly frighten the owners of small rooms. Because placing such a large device takes up some of the valuable space. To cope with this problem, designers use various methods. Indirect methods, for example, include the use in finishing white. It visually expands the space. Compliance with a single color palette It also allows you to create a harmonious decor and neutralize the effect of cluttering the space with household appliances.

It is extremely important to take into account the style of the room when choosing a suitable washing machine. It should fit well so as not to draw attention to itself.

You should pay attention to the general style of the room: the washing machine should not stand out

Often, a small bathroom forces owners to install a washing machine under the plumbing. However, this option is not possible in all houses. Old buildings abound in this place, making it difficult to approach the wall. In addition, a sink hanging over the machine is not recommended by experts from a safety point of view.

Attention! Proper installation of the unit should make it easier to handle laundry.
Therefore, the sink is usually hidden in the wall.

Choosing a washing machine

The preferred option seems to be a front-loading device, since in this case the upper plane can be used at your discretion. For example, use a countertop made of chipboard or marble. The choice should be made on narrow models with small laundry capacity (up to 5 kg). The dimensions of such a machine are not much inferior to standard products, sometimes exceeding them in cost. The range of available products allows you to choose the best option according to the required parameters. You can focus on the following points:

  1. You should focus not only on the size of the room, but also on the composition of the family. If for bachelors suitable option becomes a small-sized machine, then a larger unit of society will require a larger unit;
  2. For arrangement small space you can take advantage individual order: Purchase a built-in model. A niche for a washing machine allows designers to effectively decorate the interior of the bathroom;
  3. Among other methods to save usable space, experts note the importance of a free floor. It should be kept open. To do this, do not place household items on the floor;
  4. To make the room less cramped, designers also use zoning technology using contrast. A light background is optimal for the typewriter;
  5. Various partitions are used in cases where the device does not fit into the decor.

When buying a washing machine for a small bathroom, first of all you should decide on the type of load.

Some owners prefer devices with a vertical loading type. This is often convenient for older people who are unable to bend low. The compact dimensions of the products allow them to be placed even in the most narrow room. You can expand the space using a cabinet with mirror inserts. Installation of corner furniture set also frees usable area in the center of the room. Some designers manage to hide the machine behind the doors of furniture pieces.

Installation Features

The main principle of installation should always be the comfort and safety of the owners. Because the bathroom environment is characterized by increased risks of injury. Materials that are slippery from moisture can cause a person to fall. Therefore, even the most aesthetic flooring should be chosen with an anti-slip effect. Nothing should stop you from taking water procedures and use household appliances in the bathroom.
That's why important point arrangement is compliance with a certain order.

  • The operation of the washing machine will be all the more efficient if it is positioned as conveniently as possible.
  • Loading laundry should be easy and relaxed, and the owner should not hit his head on the sink.

The top-loading option fully meets these requirements. Placing such a model near a wall can be considered a successful installation method. Horizontal loading, in turn, has some limitations: it is not recommended to place the machine in the center, as in the photo, or in the corner of the room, since such a design causes discomfort.

A good option would be to place the washing machine in the corner.

Installation work is carried out taking into account engineering communications. Electrical wires or pipes must be in a free position. Any other option poses a threat to human health. The connection to the water supply sometimes plays a decisive role in determining the installation location. Equally important is the distance to sewers and electrical outlets.

Attention! Do not lean the machine against heating elements or a bathtub. Because hot temperature and moisture may cause short circuit.

Even in a cramped room, you can successfully place a washing machine. For this purpose, clever design techniques and compact models of units are purchased. It is important to follow safety precautions.

Video: Washing machine in a small bathroom

“I want everything to fit in the bathroom and not be cramped!” You often hear this wish from apartment owners who are furnishing a bathroom. Installing a washing machine in the bathroom is a responsible procedure. Indeed, it is quite difficult to fit all the necessary things in a small bathroom. A lot depends on the layout of the room, but when there is little space, it is difficult to come up with something fundamentally new. Many people believe that a washing machine in a small bathroom can be placed either below the sink or opposite it. But this is far from true. If you approach this issue more constructively, the washing machine will fit perfectly into the functional and aesthetic space of a small bathroom. The only thing we must not forget: even in the most ergonomic version, it will take up a significant amount of space if the bathroom is characterized by small dimensions.

About the principles of design and the basics of life and health safety

Arranging things in the bathroom, like any other, has its own rules. We are talking here not about the high art of Feng Shui, but about practicality and ordinary common sense. The shower stall or tank in a small bathroom should be as close to the walls as possible. If the bath is placed in the middle, as dictated for large rooms fashion styles interior design, there is simply no room left in the room for other vital items.

We should not forget: in terms of ensuring safe operation, the bathroom must be given Special attention. There are no insignificant trifles in resolving this issue. The same slippery floor or tiles can cause a lot of trouble and become a serious threat to the health of people living in the apartment.

Therefore, when placing a washing machine in the bathroom, care must be taken to ensure that even the smallest room has comfortable and safe approaches to all equipment. Today on the Internet it is not a problem to find a lot of photographs with creative options location of the washing machine in the bathroom. On the one hand, this is great, because thanks to them you can try to arrange plumbing and furniture in your apartment in a similar way. But on the other hand: how safe are the proposed ideas for placing a washing machine in the bathroom?

That is why, before adopting any idea, it is best to remember the main rule of arranging objects in the bathroom: they should be located so that a person does not get injured while using them. If there is a small cabinet hanging on the wall at a close distance next to the washing machine, someone will certainly hit its open doors. So does it make sense to post things in this way, copying a photo you saw on the Internet? Washing machine in the bathroom should be located in such a way that, after loading laundry items into it, a person, when getting up, will not hit the sink or washbasin. The place for it in the bathroom should be determined so that loading things is as comfortable as possible.

Does it all depend on the type of car?

On the Russian market of household appliances these days, there are mainly front-loading and horizontal-loading washing machine models. For a small bathroom, a vertical top washing machine is best. If you choose it when purchasing, it will immediately solve by 50% the problem of placing a washing machine in a bathroom that has small area. The washing machine is installed near the wall so that the person nearby can operate it comfortably.

If you want to place a horizontal type of machine in the bathroom, when purchasing it is better to choose its narrow version with a depth of no more than 40 centimeters. Its location in the room will be the same: against the wall. If a place is allocated for the washing machine in the middle or in the corner, the room will look untidy and disharmonious. It is also necessary to pay attention to electrical wire and the water hoses were under no circumstances under tension, otherwise they would endanger people’s health and safe operation household appliances.

You can install the washing machine, for example, under the sink. This move is considered the most practical, convenient and concise from the point of view of organizing the functional and aesthetic space of the room. It is great for front loading machines. Here it is necessary to take into account color scheme and the design of the rest of the equipment: the washing machine should look harmonious next to it and not stand out from general style. From a safety point of view, it is necessary to choose the right shape of the washbasin, which should not hang over the washing machine like a visor, otherwise the person leaning towards it and loading laundry will be injured.

The installation of a washing machine is closely related to the location of communications and plumbing in the bathroom. When choosing a location, it is necessary to consider how the “washing machine” will be connected to the water supply, at what distance from it it is located sewage pipe, availability of power supply network and its design features. It is important to remember: the steel parts of the washing machine should not come into contact with the bathtub, radiators, water supply and heating pipes. Compliance with such simple requirements when installing a washing machine will help avoid electrical short circuits.

Little tricks for comfort and coziness

Installing a washing machine in a small bathroom is a very exciting process if you approach it creatively.

Strict adherence to safety rules is not a hindrance to showing your individualism and creativity. Very fashionable and the best option These days it is considered when household appliances are built into the furniture. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure, because such things are made to order according to an individual project.

In options for installing a washing machine under the sink, it is best to take care of purchasing a countertop made of composite materials. For example: from cast marble, which will last a long time and give a small room a very presentable look. Countertops made of laminated chipboard are also very interesting option. They are usually used in the kitchen, but they will fit perfectly into the functional and stylistic space of the bathroom. These have a wide range of colors and textures; their combination with a washing machine, if chosen correctly, will turn out to be practical and always fashionable. In the countertop where the washing machine is built in, you can also provide a drawer for linen. Usually, when arranging bathrooms, such options are not given much importance, as a result of which the washing machine always gets in the way and looks like an alien element.

The best option is to place furniture and plumbing fixtures in the room according to the zoning principle. Then the washstand and washing machine are separated from the rest of the room by small partitions. A cabinet with mirrored doors located next to them will visually expand the space of a small bathroom. This task will perform perfectly and match any color of the washing machine white ceramic tile. Corner furniture, a countertop and a shower stall will free up the central part of the room. There is another creative, original " corner option": combination of a washing machine and shelves for linen. It is very economical and practical in terms of developing interior space. What if the washing machine absolutely does not match the surrounding furniture and plumbing? What to do then? It’s very simple: hide the washing machine behind the door small closet or bedside tables where it will be placed.

How smaller area apartments, the more fruitfully your ingenuity works. Many of our compatriots, especially residents of the so-called, managed to verify the validity of this conclusion from their own experience. Khrushchev. It's time to stop complaining about small living space, because with a reasonable approach on a modest amount square meters you can arrange everything you need. Particular difficulties often arise with the placement of the washing machine. Many people fundamentally do not want to install it in the kitchen, complaining about unwanted noise during dinner and other inconveniences. Others would be happy to endure all these disadvantages, but the machine just doesn’t fit in the kitchen. Going through various options, many come to the conclusion that the best place for a washing machine is the bathroom, no matter how compact it may be. But even at this stage, difficulties await many, so we decided to figure out where it is better to put a washing machine in a small bathroom in order to get the most functional room, in which there would still be room for free movement.

No. 1. Placement under the countertop

This classic version, which is used in bathrooms of any size. By placing the washing machine under the countertop, we immediately get many benefits. Firstly, you won’t have to worry about connecting communications. Secondly, everything will look harmonious and complete. Thirdly, the space under the sink or countertop often remains unused, and this way it will be used to great advantage.

If the bathroom area is very small, then it is better to choose compact washing machine about 45 cm deep. Its capacity is small, you will have to wash it in several passes - not very convenient, but if the apartment is of a modest size, and washing by hand is not part of your plans, then you will have to make compromises. Washing machine standard sizes it will be more difficult to position, but this does not mean that it is impossible to do it in principle - you will just have to resort to tricks.

Despite the fact that we all have a good idea of ​​what it means to install a washing machine under a countertop or under a sink, there are several ways to do this. Some of them are quite standard, others belong to the category of design secrets:

  • washing machine under the sink. The latter does not rest on your foot and does not have a bedside table, but it is equipped with a drain to the side and not down. The drain elbow should not become an obstacle. A machine that is the same width and depth as the sink will look most attractive. Standard height machines with horizontal loading of laundry allow you to mount the washbasin at a comfortable height, so this should not be a problem. In this case, it is possible to achieve significant space savings, so this is an option for the smallest bathrooms. If selected this method placement of the washing machine, then you should think through the connection diagram for water, sewerage and electricity especially carefully. By the way, they are available for sale sets of washing machines and matching water lily sinks. It is better to pay attention to them, since you can independently select elements with given parameters it will be hard;

  • washing machine under the countertop. Many people prefer to embed the washbasin or place it on a countertop whose size is larger than the sink itself. The space around the washbasin is used to place hygiene items and decor. As a rule, shelves and bedside tables are hidden under the tabletop. You can sacrifice some of the space for a washing machine. It will turn out beautiful, comfortable and functional. Whether to cover the washing machine with the door or not, decide for yourself. In the first case, we get a more harmonious look. Many people prefer to place the machine under the countertop, but not directly under the sink. The space directly under the washbasin can be left free so as not to hit your knees. However, it is also permissible to organize a small pull-out shelf in this case;

  • under a multi-level tabletop. It is not always convenient to make a countertop of the same height as the washing machine. This is especially true for short people. In this case, there is no need to make sacrifices - just make the part of the tabletop above the machine a little higher. The resulting space can be used to place things;
  • drawer typewriter. Someone may encounter the exact opposite problem, when the machine does not reach the level of the countertop. One could easily turn a blind eye to this nuance, but if you are the owner of a small bathroom, then you don’t want to just miss the opportunity to organize additional storage space. Designers recommend placing the machine on a small drawer, and you’ll figure out what to store in it without us;
  • the washing machine under the countertop is of irregular shape. This is probably one of the most ingenious solutions for a small bathroom. At the same time, this method allows you to show your imagination and take into account the configuration of your bathroom. The essence of the idea is to make the tabletop unequal across the entire width. In the place above the machine it can be wide, and then gradually narrow (clearly visible in the photo). Why is this solution interesting? The fact that it is possible to fit the washing machine as harmoniously as possible (it is completely hidden by the countertop) and at the same time, due to the narrowing of the countertop, obtain more space for free movement, so that no one hits corners trying to turn around in a modest-sized bathroom.

No. 2. Top loading washing machine

Top-loading washing machines seem to have been invented for modern small bathrooms. They are narrow and take up minimal space. The ideal area for them is next to the shower stall. There is hardly enough space for a full bath in a small bathroom, and even if you put a shower tray, a small sink (can be a corner one), a toilet and a top-loading machine on a modest 2-2.5 m2, there will be room even for shelves.

Despite their compactness, vertical machines have one big drawback - it will be impossible to organize a tabletop or permanent place storage of some bath accessories. But this is not a reason to give up on storage areas in principle. See how much space is needed to easily open the lid of the machine. Mark this place on the wall - it can be considered the lower boundary of a hanging cabinet or shelf. You can hang a corner cabinet above the machine - this will fit a lot of useful things.

No. 3. Washing machine in a niche

If there is a niche in the bathroom or it is realistic to equip it, then we can consider that you have won the jackpot. This perfect place for a washing machine. Above it you can arrange a system of shelves for storing towels, bathrobes, other hygiene items or household chemicals. The niche with the machine can remain open, which is especially important when the depth of the niche is less than the depth of the machine, or can be covered. The last option will be appreciated by those who like to camouflage. household appliances. You can do this in a number of simple ways:

If the bathroom borders on a miniature storage room, then consider combining the rooms. You will end up with just a niche in which you can easily fit a typewriter, and use the space above it to great advantage.

No. 4. Washing machine in the closet

This option is best suited for combined bathrooms. The essence of the method is to select one of the walls or part of it to accommodate a high open cabinet. Depending on how large a cabinet you can afford, you can say that the washing machine will occupy the entire lower section or only part of it. All top part can be used for storage.

However, the closet can be closed, and the washing machine can be placed not near the floor, but slightly higher (examples in the photo). It all depends on your tastes, preferences and bathroom configuration.

No. 5. Washing machine on the wall

This option is to place a washing machine in a small bathroom designed for brave people with non-trivial thinking. You will have to climb the wall in the literal sense of the word. Designers often use this trick when there are simply no options left. For such installation, you can only use a compact washing machine. You should not be afraid that the unit will fall or damage the tiles due to constant vibrations - if the installation was carried out in accordance with all the rules provided for in this case, then operation will be absolutely safe. Naturally, you shouldn’t hang the machine on a plasterboard partition, but an ordinary wall can handle such a load. The disadvantage of this solution is that the choice will be limited only to machines with a small tank volume. If you hang the unit at a sufficient height, the space underneath can be used in the usual way.

If the bathroom configuration allows, the washing machine can be placed at a height in a niche.

No. 6. Washing machine in the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathrooms in Khrushchev buildings are a separate issue. Some call the very fact of the existence of Khrushchev apartments an act of exquisite torture on a person, but for some, a small apartment is an opportunity to have their own home and show ingenuity.

Especially for the millions of inhabitants of Khrushchev, the designers have collected a lot original ways get out and put the washing machine in the bathroom. In addition to all the options listed, the following methods will be useful:

In conclusion

Furniture facades can be absolutely anything. It is desirable that the machine fits into the interior of the bathroom, but if this does not work out, then you can cover it with a door and not worry. If there is very little space, you will have to put up with compact machines with horizontal loading or look only towards models with vertical loading. For a family of 2-3 people, a tank with a volume of 3-3.5 kg will be enough. To ensure that a tiny bathroom, filled with plumbing fixtures, cabinets and appliances, does not seem like a complete clutter, you will have to use some design tricks: use light shades, glossy and mirror surfaces, and also abandon unnecessary pieces of furniture and decor.

The smaller the area of ​​the apartment, the more fruitfully your ingenuity works. Many of our compatriots, especially residents of the so-called, managed to verify the validity of this conclusion from their own experience. . It's time to stop complaining about a small living space, because with a reasonable approach, you can arrange everything you need on a modest amount of square meters. Particular difficulties often arise with the placement of the washing machine. Many people fundamentally do not want to install it in the kitchen, complaining about unwanted noise during dinner and other inconveniences. Others would be happy to endure all these disadvantages, but the machine just doesn’t fit in the kitchen. Looking through various options, many come to the conclusion that the best place for a washing machine is the bathroom, no matter how compact it may be. But even at this stage, difficulties await many, so we decided to figure out where it is better to put a washing machine in a small bathroom in order to get the most functional room, which still has room for free movement.

No. 1. Placement under the countertop

This is a classic option that is used in bathrooms of any size. By placing the washing machine under, we immediately get many benefits. Firstly, you won’t have to worry about connecting communications. Secondly, everything will look harmonious and complete. Thirdly, the space under the sink or countertop often remains unused, and this way it will be used to great advantage.

If the bathroom area is very small, then it is better to choose compact washing machine about 45 cm deep. Its capacity is small, you will have to wash it in several passes - not very convenient, but if the apartment is of a modest size, and washing by hand is not part of your plans, then you will have to make compromises. It will be more difficult to position a standard-sized washing machine, but this does not mean that it is impossible to do it in principle - you just have to resort to tricks.

Despite the fact that we all have a good idea of ​​what it means to install a washing machine under a countertop or under, there are several ways to do this. Some of them are quite standard, others belong to the category of design secrets:

  • washing machine under the sink. The latter does not rest on your foot and does not have a bedside table, but it is equipped with a drain to the side and not down. The drain elbow should not become an obstacle. A machine that is the same width and depth as the sink will look most attractive. The standard height of machines with horizontal loading of laundry allows you to mount the washbasin at a comfortable height, so this should not be a problem. In this case, it is possible to achieve significant space savings, so this is an option for the most. If this method of placing the washing machine is chosen, then water, sewerage and electricity should be considered especially carefully. By the way, they are available for sale sets of washing machines and matching water lily sinks. It is better to pay attention to them, since it will be difficult to independently select elements with the given parameters;

  • washing machine under the countertop. Many people prefer to embed the washbasin or place it on a countertop whose size is larger than the sink itself. The space around the washbasin is used to place hygiene items and decor. As a rule, bedside tables are hidden under the tabletop. You can sacrifice some of the space for a washing machine. It will turn out beautiful, comfortable and functional. Whether to cover the washing machine with the door or not, decide for yourself. In the first case, we get a more harmonious look. Many people prefer to place the machine under the countertop, but not directly under the sink. The space directly under the washbasin can be left free so as not to hit your knees. However, it is also permissible to organize a small pull-out shelf in this case;

  • under a multi-level tabletop. It is not always convenient to make a countertop of the same height as the washing machine. This is especially true for short people. In this case, there is no need to make sacrifices - just make the part of the tabletop above the machine a little higher. The resulting space can be used to place things;
  • drawer typewriter. Someone may encounter the exact opposite problem, when the machine does not reach the level of the countertop. One could easily turn a blind eye to this nuance, but if you are the owner of a small bathroom, then you don’t want to just miss the opportunity to organize additional storage space. Designers recommend placing the machine on a small drawer, and you’ll figure out what to store in it without us;
  • the washing machine under the countertop is of irregular shape. This is probably one of the most ingenious solutions for a small bathroom. At the same time, this method allows you to show your imagination and take into account the configuration of your bathroom. The essence of the idea is to make the tabletop unequal across the entire width. In the place above the machine it can be wide, and then gradually narrow (clearly visible in the photo). Why is this solution interesting? Because it is possible to fit the washing machine in as harmoniously as possible (it is completely hidden by the countertop) and at the same time, by narrowing the countertop, get more space for free movement, so that no one hits the corners trying to turn around in a modest-sized bathroom.

No. 2. Top loading washing machine

Top-loading washing machines seem to have been invented for modern small bathrooms. They are narrow and take up minimal space. The ideal area for them is next to. There is hardly enough space for a full-fledged bath in a small bathroom, and even if you put a small sink (can be a corner one) and a top-loading machine on a modest 2-2.5 m2, there will be room even for shelves.

Despite their compactness, vertical machines have one big drawback - it will be impossible to organize a countertop or a permanent place to store some bath accessories right above it. But this is not a reason to give up on storage areas in principle. See how much space is needed to easily open the lid of the machine. Mark this place on the wall - it can be considered the lower boundary of a hanging cabinet or shelf. You can hang it above the machine - this will fit a lot of useful things.

No. 3. Washing machine in a niche

If the bathroom is present or can actually be equipped, then you can consider that you have won the jackpot. This is an ideal place for a washing machine. Above it you can arrange a system of shelves for storing towels, bathrobes, other hygiene items or household chemicals. The niche with the machine can remain open, which is especially important when the depth of the niche is less than the depth of the machine, or can be covered. The latter option will be appreciated by those who like to disguise household appliances. You can do this in a number of simple ways:

If the bathroom borders on a miniature storage room, then consider combining the rooms. You will end up with just a niche in which you can easily fit a typewriter, and use the space above it to great advantage.

No. 4. Washing machine in the closet

This option is best suited for combined bathrooms. The essence of the method is to select one of the walls or part of it to accommodate a tall open cabinet. Depending on how large a cabinet you can afford, you can say that the washing machine will occupy the entire lower section or only part of it. The entire top can be used for storage.

However, the closet can be closed, and the washing machine can be placed not near the floor, but slightly higher (examples in the photo). It all depends on your tastes, preferences and bathroom configuration.

No. 5. Washing machine on the wall

This option is to place a washing machine in a small bathroom designed for brave people with non-trivial thinking. You will have to climb the wall in the literal sense of the word. Designers often use this trick when there are simply no options left. For such installation, you can only use a compact washing machine. You should not be afraid that the unit will fall or damage the tiles due to constant vibrations - if the installation was carried out in accordance with all the rules provided for in this case, then operation will be absolutely safe. Naturally, you shouldn’t hang the machine on a partition, but an ordinary wall can handle such a load. The disadvantage of this solution is that the choice will be limited only to machines with a small tank volume. If you hang the unit at a sufficient height, the space underneath can be used in the usual way.

If the bathroom configuration allows, the washing machine can be placed at a height in a niche.

No. 6. Washing machine in the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathrooms in Khrushchev buildings are a separate issue. Some call the very fact of the existence of Khrushchev apartments an act of exquisite torture on a person, but for some, a small apartment is an opportunity to have their own home and show ingenuity.

Especially for the millions of inhabitants of Khrushchev, designers have put together a lot of original ways to get out and still put a washing machine in the bathroom. In addition to all the options listed, the following methods will be useful:

In conclusion

They can be absolutely anything. It is desirable that the machine fits into the interior of the bathroom, but if this does not work out, then you can cover it with a door and not worry. If there is very little space, you will have to put up with compact machines with horizontal loading or look only towards models with vertical loading. For a family of 2-3 people, a tank with a volume of 3-3.5 kg will be enough. To ensure that a tiny bathroom, filled with plumbing fixtures, cabinets and appliances, does not seem like a complete clutter, you will have to use some design tricks: use light shades, glossy and mirror surfaces, and also abandon unnecessary pieces of furniture and decor.