How to choose a kitchen sink and which one is better - various options. How to choose a comfortable kitchen sink with a round bowl Kitchen sink options

Corner sets are installed quite often, complementing kitchen furniture corner sink. Let's consider possible options of a similar layout using specific examples, we will identify the pros and cons of such a solution, find out how to save money when buying or ordering furniture, and also advise how to find the most successful option.

The main advantage of such a layout is that the entire space can be used to the maximum. This advantage is especially noticeable in miniature kitchens, in which every centimeter usable area on account.

Even on an area of ​​6 square meters. m location kitchen cabinets along two walls is quite appropriate.

You can read in detail about what size a kitchen sink should be

In cabinets under the sink you can store many kitchen utensils (from dishes to various household appliances). For convenience, special retraction mechanisms are used: hidden metal carousels, magic corners. With the help of such systems, you can easily move the desired compartment towards you and take what you need, otherwise the useful space turns into a “dead zone” that is very difficult to reach.

The disadvantages include mandatory requirement: walls should be as smooth as possible. Only in this case will it be possible to install high-quality furniture.

Another disadvantage: most often corner kitchen they are made to order, which affects the final cost, increasing repair costs.

When choosing a sink, pay attention to the model with optimal depth- approximately 200 mm. At a shallower depth, the splashes will scatter; at a greater depth, you will have to bend down every time to wash the dishes, and this is very inconvenient.

For an L-shaped layout, the most rational placement option is if the sink is located between the refrigerator and hob. This way you maintain a logical sequence. After all, during the cooking process, you first need to take the food out of the refrigerator, then wash it and only then put it on the stove.

A small room of 8 square meters. m.

In this case, the sink and stove are located too close to each other. Maintain a minimum clearance of 600 mm between these modules. If the room area is small, it is better to place the sink near the refrigerator, but away from the “fire”.

In a small kitchen, one side of the set can be reduced in depth, instead of 600 mm make 350-500 mm. It is impossible to build into such cabinets household appliances, however, you will get additional free space for comfortable movement around the room. In the narrow part you can store household items, dishes, forks, spoons and various kitchen utensils.

In this case, the lower cabinets occupy the entire corner, and top part located along one wall. Thus, the interior does not look cluttered on 9 square meters. m, and the cost of furniture will decrease significantly. You can hang a stylish hood on a free wall, place beautiful decor, fix the railing or organize a TV zone in this part.

Please note that if you move the sink to a different location relative to the pipe outlet, this will increase the cost of repairs and the likelihood of leaks during the use of the kitchen.

With the angular layout of the modules, you can easily reduce movements in the work triangle (stove, sink, refrigerator) to a minimum, in which case you will spend much less time and effort. Comfortable conditions in the cooking process are very important for every housewife.

When installing a sink with a wing, point the wing towards the wall. This way you won't have to reach for the bowl to wash the dishes. In addition, minimal splashes will fall on the finished wall, even when washing dishes large sizes. If you have chosen a round-shaped sink, it is better to move it further from the wall (during installation).

Kitchen 10 sq. m.

Don't forget about the intersection of opening fronts and drawers if you are designing a kitchen yourself. In showrooms, designers take this point into account and include special strips in the design, thanks to which inconvenience when opening doors can be avoided.

Kitchen area 12 sq. m.

The price of the final configuration is greatly influenced by the cost of the sink itself. For example, an aluminum model is quite inexpensive, while the price of artificial stone sinks can start from $500 and up.

The cost of the headset can be reduced if you choose budget fittings. This method is not always obvious, but it allows you to save a decent amount. For example, instead of hinges with closers, you can install regular ones, and silent mechanisms for opening drawers can be replaced with ball guides.

Spacious kitchen of 13 sq. m.

Ordering kitchen production according to custom sizes, you will receive a set that takes into account all the nuances of the room. Standard furniture will have to be adjusted on site, adjusted to the specific geometry of the room (protrusions, niches, etc.). Even with such actions, there is no guarantee that the modules will fit perfectly.

With dimensions corner module It’s better to decide at the very beginning, at the headset design stage. The arrangement of the upper and lower tiers of furniture in the 3D program starts from the corner (the same as installation).

Corner set for 14 sq. m.

Corner module with dimensions 900x900 mm.

A kitchen sink is not bought for a day or two. It should last a long time, so you need to approach its choice with all responsibility and pay attention not only to Beautiful design. We have compiled a list of mandatory criteria that you should consider when purchasing and installing a kitchen sink.

Design to suit the overall space

You shouldn’t start updating your kitchen with the sink; first, it’s better to decide on the general style of the interior. When the task has been set, the concept of the future project has been determined, you can proceed to the choice of plumbing fixtures. In this case, when choosing a sink, it is necessary to take into account several criteria at once - color, material and style of fittings.

Sinks in warm and neutral shades look good in a classic style – color Ivory, white, beige, brown. The faucet and switches can have a sleek, beautiful design with carved details.

Scandinavian style requires extreme simplicity - a white or metal sink, a laconic faucet, functional hot and cold switches cold water.

In a loft, sinks made of natural stone, steel or black ceramics are appropriate. Such sinks are the highlight of the space and set a stylistic point in the design of the kitchen itself.

Minimalism and hi-tech love geometric, clear shapes, practical materials and discreet design.

When size matters

The size of the sink is also an important criterion when choosing it. Here, first of all, you need to build on the square footage of the kitchen itself. If it is spacious enough, then there is no need to save money - no one has ever refused a large sink. And there are a lot of such options on the plumbing market; sinks with two sections are especially popular. This way you can perform several tasks at the same time, for example, defrost some food in one, and wash fruits and vegetables in the other.

It's another matter if the kitchen is limited square meters and I want to make it as ergonomic as possible. In this case, it is better to stick to compact (but deep) options.

Remember that the depth of the sink, regardless of its size, should be at least 15 centimeters, ideally 16-20 centimeters.

Convenient form

The shape of the sink is inextricably linked with its size and the square footage of the kitchen. If you have enough space, you can choose a large rectangular sink. A square sink is considered traditional and fits almost any space. For small kitchen An excellent option would be a corner or round sink that does not take up much space. There are also pentagonal models; they will fit well into both the interior of a small and large kitchen.

Which material is more practical?

We have smoothly approached the most troubling question for many, which sink material to choose. The most popular today are stainless steel, ceramics, composite materials, artificial stone. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each of them:

Stainless steel. Sinks made from this material are inexpensive, easy to install, suitable for any interior, and last a long time. The downside is that it is scratched and also noisy. But these shortcomings can also be corrected. To make scratches less noticeable, you need to choose models with a rough surface rather than a polished one. Noise is eliminated using a special noise-absorbing substrate.

Ceramics. Such sinks fit perfectly into the classic style, are durable, and visually attractive. Cons: requires professional installation, heavy, can crack or chip from mechanical impact, costs more than steel.

Composite materials. These include regranite, agglomerate, silgranite, kerasil, fragranite, corian, tegranite, acrylic. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, are resistant to temperature changes, are very practical and quiet. The disadvantage of such materials is their inflated cost.

Fake diamond. Impact resistant, available in 10 different shades, great for loft and country styles, will look good in a classic and modern space, not noisy. Disadvantages: they stain from coffee, beets and similar products, and are afraid of hot objects, and also cost more than other materials.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Every housewife has to deal with washing dishes in the kitchen every day, which is sometimes a tedious task. To ensure that the process does not cause inconvenience, you need to carefully consider all the nuances in the work area, making the place for the sink and the sink itself as comfortable and practical as possible.

Read further in the article about what nuances you should know and take into account when choosing a durable, comfortable sink that matches the style of your interior.

Classification by type of material of manufacture

The initial and one of the main selection criteria is the material of the product. It must meet increased requirements for regular mechanical loads, not be afraid of constant humidity, and not lose its well-groomed appearance during operation.

The quality is also indicated by resistance to chemical influences. detergents, because the washbasin will have to be cleaned repeatedly. And, of course, to everyone style decision kitchen design have their own materials and color schemes, which must be combined with each other into an overall harmonious composition.

Get to know the most common modern types of materials to know all their strengths and weak sides for further selection.

Stainless steel sink

Stainless steel products lead among all other options due to some significant advantages, one of which is affordable price, so anyone can purchase them.

High-quality material is a durable alloy of steel with the addition of chromium and nickel, with a thickness of up to 1.2 mm. There are no harmful impurities in the composition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for health.

The surface texture can be glossy or with a matte effect. They also produce modern covering anti-graphics that can hide accidental scratches and water stains. This will keep it new longer and ensure a well-groomed appearance in the kitchen.

Stainless steel is quite elastic, flexible, and is not afraid of accidental impacts from falling objects. Such a sink will not rust over time and will not be damaged by high temperatures if you pour hot liquid into it. The downside is that there is a lot of noise when opening the tap; you will need to take care of a special lining. Salt deposits can also disturb you; after washing the dishes, you should wipe the bowl dry.

The stainless steel washbasin has a wide variety of shapes and designs, will fit perfectly into most modern species design. Kitchens in high-tech or loft style include chrome and steel elements. This material with a metallic sheen in gray color will harmoniously highlight the interior.

Composite material for sinks

Composite material is the basis of stone chips, and the polymer serves as the binding component. The strength and wear-resistant properties of the product directly depend on the type of base.

Granite sink with quartz sand provides the sink with high strength, exceeding the parameters natural materials, but its cost is quite high. A marble sink is a little cheaper, but is characterized by sensitivity to mechanical stress and does not tolerate temperature changes.

High-quality composite bowls can last up to 10 years, which is much longer than ceramic and stainless steel. It’s easy to care for them; you just need to wash the surface with a damp sponge, removing plaque and food residues. Artificial composite is not afraid of heavy dishes, sharp knives, or falling small items. For minor damage, repairs will not be a hassle; you will only need to sand the imperfections with sandpaper.

As for the disadvantages, besides the high price, aggressive abrasive agents should not be applied to such a product so as not to damage upper layer. It is better to purchase a soft gel and use it carefully.

Attention! If you place hot dishes that have just been removed from the stove into such a sink, you can get deformed, so avoid contact with hot objects.

These copies from composite material, both for classical and modern interior in the kitchen. Rich color palette allows you to choose a model to match kitchen set or in contrast to it, at the request of the owner.

A natural stone

Natural stone is incredibly attractive, it will give the interior a presentable, noble, expensive look, but the price of the model is not cheap. They make natural products from granite, basalt, marble, cutting out a solid shell from rock manually. Natural models have solid foundation, are not destroyed by high temperatures, and are also environmentally friendly when used.

They will look very beautiful in the kitchen, attracting the views of others. Some options on the surface have shiny inclusions of mica, graceful stains created by nature.

All kinds of colors will allow you to create an interior to suit every taste. In a kitchen in a classic or modern style, such a bowl will become a highlight of the design, but it is important to combine it with furnishings also made of natural stone, such as a countertop or bar counter.

The disadvantages include careful care without the use of harsh detergents, as well as mandatory coating with special impregnations that repel water and grease. It must be applied at least once a year.

Ceramic sink

Ceramic sinks have their own characteristics. Bowls are made from porcelain stoneware, which is impact-resistant and can easily withstand temperature changes and shocks. There are also options made of porcelain and earthenware.

Strength is determined by the production method from clay, additives and water. This composition is heated, pressed, and then coated with special components to improve performance. Next, a coating or decorative paint is applied to the sink.

During the washing process, the sound of water is practically inaudible. The material does not emit unpleasant odors, safe for food. The disadvantages are the heavy weight of the product, which can be destroyed if dropped, high price, and you should also avoid abrasive cleaning compounds that destroy the coating.

The ceramic material of the sink has a wide range of shapes and colors. If desired, you can order a model with an individual pattern or original color. For a country style, you can buy a sink with the effect of artistic aging.

What types of sink installation are there?

When choosing an installation method, pay attention to its complexity, as well as design features kitchen unit and the overall style of the room. The choice of option depends on the personal preferences of the owner, the size of the kitchen, and the furniture model.

Get to know existing types settings:

  • Countertop sink mounted on a separate module in the form of a cabinet, without entering the general work area. It is advisable that all furniture be the same height. Convenient type for corner kitchen layout. It is easy to do it yourself. The downside is the gaps between the cabinets, which can allow water to get in.
  • Mortise type can be mounted instead of a tabletop. The one-piece product is distinguished by its quality, protection from damage and the penetration of contaminants. Installed with standard furniture fasteners.
  • Under-desk option mounted under the countertop, diversifying the design, allowing you to observe the beauty of the material, often made of natural stone, in cross-section. This sink is easy to use and maintains hygiene at a high level.
  • Integrated type sink is mounted at the level of the countertop, thereby creating a single surface with work area. It is difficult to install and requires services experienced craftsman. But the interior is created chic, incredibly attractive, taking into account fashion trends design.

Different product shapes: how to choose the right geometry

The shape of the product is classic, that is, rectangular and square look, as well as rounded geometry in the form of an oval, circle. The classic type of sinks is more common because it is practical, can be of any size, with different designs. Round sinks are suitable for modern styles, will fit perfectly into the corner of the layout, but their dimensions must be roomy.

Advice! If you have a small kitchen and you have to wash a lot of dishes, then it is better to refrain from installing a small round sink on it. During operation, the sink may not fit pans with long handles, if the size of the sink is small.

A competent approach to choosing a design solution for a sink

There are sink models equipped with more than one bowl. There may be two, three or more. Of course, this is very convenient, because you can wash vegetables in one, dishes in another, and defrost food in a third. The question is whether such a structure will fit in your space. Therefore, base your choice on the area of ​​the room.

We equip the kitchen sink with additional accessories for convenience

Before purchasing a kitchen sink, you need to pay attention to the availability of components. Optional equipment simplifies work processes, saves time, adds convenience and comfort.

A mixer with a removable shower head is indispensable when planning a sink near a window. When opening, it is easy to turn or remove, which will not interfere with the ventilation of the room. Useful accessory is a holder for washcloths and cleaning products, allowing you to place everything you need at hand.

Also, built-in dispensers for liquid soap. They help you wash your hands quickly. A removable strainer is indispensable for the kitchen sink, trapping large food debris. All these details make life much easier and every housewife will certainly appreciate them.

How to achieve ergonomic kitchen sink: some expert advice

To organize the most comfortable, functional place for washing dishes, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions of the product that are suitable for your set, kitchen layout and room area.

The height and depth of the bowl is selected taking into account the number of family members and dishes. Do not forget about the size of the mixer, because it must be moderately high so that everything you need fits under it. The place for washing is most often determined next to the hob, separated from it by a countertop.

A thorough analysis of all factors, including convenient location sinks in the kitchen will make work processes in the kitchen optimally ergonomic, which will significantly save your effort and time.

If you need a sink in the kitchen, then its choice depends, first of all, on the capabilities of the furniture, and only then on your preferences.

Therefore, without wasting precious time looking at models that do not fit the kitchen space, accurately measure the countertops, baking trays (it is inconvenient to wash large baking trays in a miniature sink) and write down the results in order to choose the most suitable sink.


Modern sinks are presented on the market today in a variety of configurations, ranging from round models to rectangular shape.In addition, sinks come in single-bowl, double-bowl, one-and-a-half-bowl, and also three-bowl types.

Before choosing a suitable shape for a kitchen sink, evaluate all the possibilities of the work surface in the kitchen in order to determine very precisely which design is most suitable for the size of the countertop.

Remember that square and rectangular bowls are suitable for any headset configuration, plus round bowls at their maximum depth.

For a small kitchen space, a single-bowl sink and small appliances are suitable.

If you want to purchase a large stainless steel sink for the kitchen, but there is not enough space for it, then you can give preference to the one and a half bowl model.


An important nuance is the method of attaching the purchased sink. There is an overhead bowl type, or a mortise type. The first option is applied like a lid, the second one is cut directly into the tabletop itself.

The overhead type model will become optimal choice for those whose plans do not include global changes in the kitchen space. At the same time, mortise kitchen sinks look much more aesthetically pleasing, but there is much more hassle with their installation.

Before making a choice, consult with the seller about the installation method for the sink you like. This will give you the opportunity to imagine what the kitchen will look like after purchasing and installing the sink.

Materials used

Find out about the advantages and disadvantages modern materials kitchen sinks to eliminate unwanted problems that may arise during the operation of the sink in the future.

Before choosing suitable material It is advisable to determine the load level of the kitchen accessory. If you plan to use it actively, keep it in detergents, cold, hot water, Then the best solution will be a stainless steel model.

It’s not for nothing that this material is preferred by professional chefs; moreover, it is the main one when creating high-quality sinks.

European-level sinks are made from stainless steel, which is elastic, hygienic, and impact-resistant.


Such sinks are made from ceramics, which have the maximum degree of strength. Models of such sinks are not afraid of high temperature conditions, easy to care for, but very fragile.

At the same time they are attractive appearance and fit into every interior.

Fake diamond

Sinks made of artificial stone are environmentally friendly and attractive in appearance. They are easy to care for, are not afraid of chemical influences, and muffle the noise from the flowing stream of water.

These sinks are created from stone chips, as well as an acrylic mixture. The shade may resemble natural stone original colors.

Additional properties

When choosing a sink for the interior of a modern kitchen, pay attention to Special attention on a special waste disposal system and the condition of the drain grate.

In any case, the sink should be equipped with a mesh filter to prevent sewer blockage.

One of suitable options there will be a filter that not only retains food waste, but also removes it from the water, retaining it in a specially designated compartment.


When choosing a suitable sink for your kitchen space, it is important to focus not only on the recommendations discussed today in this article, but also pay attention to the manufacturer.

Give preference to the popular one, which has proven itself exclusively with positive side a brand that has its own center with customers in locality accommodation and, of course, provides guarantee period for your products.

Photo of kitchen sink

A round kitchen sink is not a classic of the genre, but it is not inferior to its square counterparts. It will organically fit into any design and add kitchen interior grace and lightness. The uncluttered and spacious round sink is no worse than its competitors in terms of functionality and durability.

A round sink in the kitchen will complement your interior very organically

Round sink: special functionality

Among the functional features, the excellent hygiene of the product deserves special attention. Rounded shapes do not allow dirt to accumulate in the corners, since there are none. This type of sink is easier to clean. No special care required.

To select the depth of the bowl, the same requirements apply as for the usual square or rectangular ones. Optimal height side walls - from 16 centimeters. The deeper the bowl, the less moisture will fall on work surface countertops.

The radius of the curvature of the side wall to the bottom plays an important role and affects the functionality of the product. The closer the angle is to a straight line, the more difficult it is to care for the sink. But this option looks very stylish.

A round sink is not limited to just one bowl. There may be more. When choosing a sink with two or three bowls, you need to remember that it will be more difficult to maintain. You need to think about the mixer in advance - a regular faucet will not work. It is better to purchase a faucet with a pull-out spout. This model is equipped with a special hose that can extend the tap from half a meter or more.

This sink will give your kitchen a personal touch.

What is it made of?

Kitchens can be made of stone, granite, stainless steel or ceramics. Which sink to choose depends not only on technical characteristics, but also kitchen design. The comparative characteristics will show the difference between the materials used for making wash basins.

Among the advantages of this material is abrasion resistance. If small cracks or scratches do appear during use, the sink is sanded. A simple procedure and the kitchen takes on its original appearance.

When choosing a stone product, you should pay attention to polygran sinks. This stone consists of 80% crumbs and 20% polymer binders. The strength of the stone is not inferior to natural stone, but it is cheaper.

The polygran kitchen sink is particularly resistant to moisture. This is due to the absence of pores on the surface of the product. This feature increases practicality and facilitates maintenance. Spilled liquid will not leave any traces on the polygran. Artificial stone does not limit design implementations at all. It can be given almost any shade and pattern.

Granite. Granite products have increased strength and are not afraid of shocks and temperature changes. These are very heavy and require special conditions for installation. Granite is a natural stone and, accordingly, is not very resistant to moisture. To improve this indicator, the product must be treated with a special water-repellent compound at least once a year.

The granite sink area fills the room with a chic response

Stainless steel. A round stainless steel kitchen sink is one of the budget and very common options. Obvious advantages:

  • Versatility: round stainless steel sinks will fit into any design. Of course, they won't turn snow-white or bright orange, but grey colour and a glossy surface are not strictly required. If it suits your interior better brown tint and modest matte finish, stainless steel will adapt to your requirements.
  • Durability: a round stainless steel kitchen sink is not afraid of temperature changes. Steel does not rust, stain or tarnish over time.
  • Easy care: stainless steel is hygienic and does not require special household chemicals. After use, it is better to wipe the product with a dry cloth, otherwise water stains will remain.
  • Budget-friendly: a round stainless steel kitchen sink is an excellent option. Compared to other materials, it is cheaper, and the design implementations are not inferior in quantity to other options.

A round stainless steel sink is not only full of advantages.

A steel sink does not muffle the sound of flowing water. It makes a lot of noise during use. To reduce noise, it is better to choose thick-walled products.

Ceramics. This material will turn an ordinary sink into a work of art and emphasize the elegance of a round sink. Ceramic sinks are rich in a variety of colors and shades. No matter how beautiful round ceramic kitchen sinks are, they gain strength, resistance to aggressive environments and hygiene thanks to special coatings. It is the enamel that plays a role in the functionality of the product. The main disadvantage of such a sink is its fragility.

Installation: features and secrets

The built-in round kitchen sink is easy to install. Necessary tool: pencil or chalk, Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver, jigsaw, self-tapping screws, silicone-based sealant to protect seams, tape measure, knife and construction corner.

A round sink is mounted on a countertop in several stages:

  1. Turn the bowl over and trace with a pencil or chalk.
  2. Measure the distance to the bolts and make appropriate markings.
  3. Draw an inner circle taking into account the distance to the bolts.
  4. Place the adhesive tape in the special recess under the top edge (the folded edge of the product).
  5. Apply sealant to the free space.
  6. Insert the bowl into the hole.

The hole for the sink must be smaller than its outer edge! The reference point is the bolts for fastening. During installation, the sink is fixed with special fasteners. The main thing is to pull the sink very tightly to the countertop.

TO installed sink you need to install water supply and sewerage. For drainage, you can use corrugated polypropylene pipes. A metal-plastic version is more suitable for supplying water.

Installation won't take long if done correctly

Round sink in the kitchen interior

I want to make the interior of a kitchen with a round sink especially cozy and comfortable. One of the design options is a sink near the window.

The advantages of this placement:

  • When working in the kitchen, daylight is used longer, which is pleasant and beneficial to the eyes.
  • Due to the relocation of sewer and water pipes kitchen work space is saved under the window sill.
  • The housewife's monotonous work of washing dishes will turn into a kind of relaxation.

The disadvantages of such a redevelopment of the kitchen space lie rather in the difficulties of implementing the project. In addition to the work of moving the sink under the window, you will have to spend a lot of time coordinating the transfer of sewerage, water supply and heating to a new location.

A kitchen with a window and a round sink next to it is an attractive idea for interior design. But in multi-storey buildings it is difficult to achieve. But in private property there are practically no restrictions on decorating the kitchen space.

For small spaces perfect solution– installation of a round sink in the corner. You won’t have to move the water supply and sewer system, because the standard kitchen layout assumes this exact placement of the sink.

An ergonomically round sink is convenient for washing dishes because it follows its shape. The main thing is to choose the right size of the product.


Just make the distance from the wall to the sink a little larger and the surface is ready for drying or storing constantly used household chemicals. It doesn't get in the way and is always at hand.