Strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and uterus. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis in women: yoga, exercises, exercise therapy, basic, using simulators, Kegel gymnastics. A set of exercises for prolapse of the uterus according to Yunusov

Pelvic muscle training is associated with intimate gymnastics, which strengthens and develops parts of the muscles that are involved during intercourse, as well as to improve the reproductive system. Previously, it was believed that such activities were important only for women. This was probably only because women traditionally take more care of their health. But men can also benefit from simple exercises.

Gymnastics according to the Kegel method (an American gynecologist of the last century) is the most famous complex for training the muscles of the pelvic organs.

Although the exercises were originally developed for women, this technique can also be used by men.

What are useful

Troubles in the sexual sphere in men and women have a different origin, but exercises using the same method help both sexes to solve them.

For men training can provide the following benefits:

  • strengthening the bladder;
  • prevention of hemorrhoids in the postoperative period;
  • control of the muscles of the penis;
  • normal urination;
  • increase in erection due to blood flow.

Did you know? Intimate gymnastics helps women get rid of one of the problems of adulthood - involuntary urination. This is due to incontinence of the urogenital diaphragm, due to prolapse of the uterus.

For women training can bring the following benefits:

  • preparation for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth;
  • development of the muscles responsible for pushing the fetus;
  • prevention of spontaneous urination and fecal incontinence;
  • restoration of muscle tissue that was deformed during childbirth;
  • maintaining sexual health and countering the aging of the genital area of ​​the body;
  • prevention of age-related or acquired changes (for example, prolapse of the uterus).

Possible harm and contraindications

With all the benefits of charging for the small pelvis, there are contraindications associated with the need to stop physical activity.

Important!During exercises for the small pelvis, you do not need to strain other muscles - this increases abdominal pressure, which can harm other organs during exercise.

men you should refrain from gymnastics in such cases:

  • malignant tumors in the genital area;
  • any inflammation in the pelvis;
  • progressive hemorrhoids;
  • blockage of the veins of the small pelvis;
  • prostatitis;
  • period after the operation.

For women contraindications are in many ways similar to men - here is the presence of cancerous tumors, and various inflammatory processes, and thrombophlebitis. But for the female body, harm from classes can also be in such cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • postoperative and uterine bleeding;
  • acute pains of various origin during movements;
  • postpartum period (3-4 months for natural childbirth, 5-6 months after caesarean section);
  • prohibition of sexual intercourse by a gynecologist.

Exercise technique

There are no special requirements for the methodology of classes, therefore, there is no verified technique for their implementation:

  • physical training - no difference;
  • time of day - does not matter;
  • after or before meals - it does not matter;
  • setting (office, home, public place) - no difference.
The fact that at the moment some exercises are being performed, even in a public place, none of the people around will guess.

Important!Before starting exercises for the muscles of the small pelvis, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines.

There are three techniques for doing exercises:

  • compression - the muscles of the small pelvis tense for a few seconds, and then relax;
  • contractions - rapid contractions and relaxation of the muscles;
  • pushing - actions that imitate attempts at the birth of a child.

Training system for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis

The complex of classes does not have any special differences for representatives of different sexes. As a basis, you can take basic exercises:

  1. Muscles tense for a short time (up to 10 seconds), and then relax for the same amount. Repeat - 10-15 times, the time of tension-relaxation increases with training up to 1-1.5 minutes.
  2. Alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles for 5 seconds, followed by rest for the same time. Repeated 3-5 times.
  3. Alternate tension of the muscles of the genitals and anus (5-20 seconds, 5-10 times).
  4. Gradual tension of the muscles of the perineum (5-10 seconds). It is necessary to contract the muscles a little, holding them in this state for several seconds, then contract more strongly, etc. There should be 4-5 such gains. When the maximum effort is reached, it is also necessary to “reset” it step by step.
  5. Performing pushing, as if in childbirth, for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times with medium effort.

Video: strengthening the pelvic floor muscles Exercises are done daily several times (4-5) with an intensity of repetitions from 5 times at the initial stage to 30-40 as physical readiness. At the initial stage, you need to strain the muscles for a short period of a few seconds with a gradual increase for a longer period. The positive effect of classes usually occurs a month after their start.

Did you know? Regular gymnastics of the pelvic muscles can help in the fight against excess weight. The gradual normalization of blood circulation and hormonal levels can bring the body to its “normal” weight and keep it within this framework.

Any gymnastics is beneficial only if the exercises are performed correctly, regularly practiced and responsibly approached. Here are some recommendations for those who are going to start training the muscles of the small pelvis:

  • uniform breathing - without delay, normal frequency and depth;
  • regularity of classes - the training complex should be carried out several times a day, with a systematic increase in load;
  • lack of excessive loads - any exercise should be performed no more than 200 times a day;
  • training only the muscles of the perineum - without the participation of the muscles of the hips, abdomen and buttocks.

The pelvic organs are supported by the muscles of the pelvic floor. Training these muscles helps to resist blood stasis, varicose veins, prostatitis, prolapse of organs, and promotes proper blood circulation. And the simplicity of classes and the lack of need for special rooms and simulators make such gymnastics publicly available.

However, with all the simplicity of the exercises, the complex (or its individual elements) have contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting classes.

The pelvic floor muscles in both sexes perform the same functions:

  1. They hold the pelvic organs in place: the bladder, rectum and small intestine.
  2. They help control urination, that is, they protect against accidental “leaks” during stress or, say, sneezing.

But for men there is another nice bonus. The pelvic floor muscles include a small but extremely important muscle for sexual life - the so-called bulbocavernosus, which covers the base ("bulb") of the penis. It is she who provides a stable erection and powerful ejaculation.

Study Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction, conducted by the University of the West of England, demonstrated how important the muscles of the pelvic floor are in sex.

40% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction, after a course of Kegel exercises, returned a normal erection, and 33.5% improved it significantly.

Also, Kegel exercises are prescribed to men who have been treated for to restore sexual function.

How to Find Kegel Muscles

It's simple. Imagine that you really want to write, but right now you can’t. Squeeze your muscles as if trying to hold back urination. Contracted muscles are Kegel muscles.

How to do the classic Kegel exercise for men

The classic of the genre looks Exercises to Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction So. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold them tight for 5 seconds. Then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times. Ideally, do 2-3 such approaches per day.

Most likely, in the first few workouts, you will not be able to complete 10-20 exercises at once. This is fine. Keep exercising to strengthen your muscles.

A big plus of Kegel exercises is that they do not require special conditions to perform. You can train anywhere.

How to diversify your workout

If you're bored with the same classic Kegel exercise, here are a few variations. Choose one of them or combine several - the result will be the same.

1. Squeeze your anus muscles

Squeeze your muscles as you inhale, hold for 5-10 seconds, exhale and relax. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

2. Increase the speed of muscle contractions

The classic Kegel exercise is static: squeeze the muscles, hold them in tension for a while, let go. Add dynamics: squeeze and unclench your pelvic floor muscles as fast as you can. Do 10 quick contractions, then rest for 15-20 seconds and repeat the set a couple more times.

3. Perform a squeeze and hold

Squeeze your Kegel muscles as hard as you can and hold them at maximum tension for 10-15 seconds. Then slowly relax. Do 2-3 reps.

4. Do a glute bridge

This is one of the most popular and effective variations of Kegel exercises. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Without lifting your feet, shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor, raise your pelvis as high as possible. In this position, you do not need to compress the Kegel muscles: they will already be under load.

  • Static: hold the pelvis at the highest point for 5-10 seconds, then lower it to the floor. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • Dynamics: Raise and lower your pelvis as quickly as possible. Again, do 10-15 repetitions.

The pelvic floor refers to all the anatomical structures located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. It consists of three layers of muscles: external, middle and internal. They form circular connections (sphincters) of the anus, the entrance to the vagina and the urethra. In men, they are found around the pubic bone and prostate. The function of the pelvic floor muscles is to hold the organs in the correct position, to prevent prolapse. The general well-being of a person, the health of the genitourinary system and rectum, and the labor activity of a woman depend on the state of all three layers of muscles.

Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist, developed a course of exercises in the mid-20th century to maintain the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.

Initially, Kegel gymnastics was aimed exclusively at women. It helps the development of the muscles of the perineum, in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and rectum. It also supports the regulation of sexual functions.

The problems of weakening the pelvic muscles are familiar not only to women. Kegel exercises will also be useful for men, especially those who want to prevent impotence. Such gymnastics strengthens the muscles and makes them elastic.

  1. Some types of urinary incontinence in women and men (stress, drip, functional, partially mixed and total).
  2. Diseases of the rectum and fecal incontinence, prevention and improvement of hemorrhoids.
  3. Prevention of prolapse of the pelvic organs and treatment of prolapse (including the bladder and uterus).
  4. Prevention of erectile dysfunction and recurrent erection problems.
  5. Women planning a pregnancy (for successful delivery).
  6. Pregnant women (muscle relaxation is needed to relieve attempts).
  7. Restoration of elasticity, firmness, strength of muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor after childbirth.
  8. Prevention of the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
  9. Support sexual activity, health and improve the quality of sex.
  10. Delaying the action of aging.

Differential diagnosis of various forms of urinary incontinence

Symptomsoveractive bladderstress incontinencemixed incontinence
Imperativity (strong sudden urge to urinate)+ - +
Number of urges to urinate (>8 times in 24 hours)+ - +
Urine output during physical activity (coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting weights)- + +
The amount of urine produced for each episode of incontinenceLarge (in case of non-hold)smallvariable
The ability to "run" to the toilet after the urge to urinateOften notYesVariable
Nighttime awakening to urinateUsuallyRarelyMaybe

Women's technique of performing Kegel gymnastics

The principles of exercise are muscle contraction, muscle contraction and muscle pushing.

1. Stop

An exercise for beginners to help determine exactly where the muscles are. When urinating, you should stop and start urine several times (at least four) without using the hips and lower press. It is necessary to completely block the jet, avoiding leakage and dripping.

Involves the muscles responsible for the cessation of urination. Breathing is even.

Option 1. The muscles are compressed as much as possible and held in this position for 5 to 20 seconds (as long as there is enough patience). Repeat 10 times.

Option 2. Muscles contract and hold for three counts, relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

Option 3. Muscles are compressed for 5 seconds and unclenched. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Compression / decompression 5 seconds. Rest 5 seconds. Repeat 9 times. Compression for 30 seconds, then 30 seconds of relaxation. Repeat 2-3 times. At the end, repeat the first step of the exercise.

Refers to slow muscle contractions. Squeeze the outer muscles and fix for 3 seconds. Then squeeze the muscles harder to achieve an average level. Count to three and squeeze the muscles as much as possible to engage the last (inner) layer.

Upon reaching the "top floor" (maximum degree of compression), you should keep the muscles clamped for about 3-5 seconds. Then gradually, in reverse order, all layers of the muscles relax. The last step is the complete relaxation of all muscles.

This exercise is most effective for the muscles of the vagina, which form "floors" in the form of a ring.

Rapid muscle contraction/relaxation. Breathing should be monophonic and constant: INHALE - compression, EXHALE - relaxation (or vice versa). You need to perform the exercise with maximum speed.

5. Flashing

Alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina and anus. The muscles of the vagina contract, delay from 2 to 5 seconds, relax. Then the contraction of the muscles of the anus, a delay of 2-5 seconds and relaxation. Repeat 10-15 complete flashing cycles. Breathing: EXHALE, breath holding, muscle contraction, INHALE, relaxation, EXHALE.

The muscles with which a person pushes are involved. In a sitting position, with medium effort, you need to push (as well as during a bowel movement or during attempts in childbirth). Delay with muscle tension - as long as possible. Repeat 10 times.

1. Volitional stop

The exercise is aimed at finding the lower abdominal muscles, which are then worked out. It is difficult to feel them, because they are almost atrophied. During urination, stop and start the stream again without resorting to the legs and the press. At the same time, the pelvic floor muscle will tense at a distance between the scrotum and anus. Breathing: INHALE - contraction, EXHAUST - relaxation. Repeat exercises for beginners from 10 to 15 times. It is necessary to block the jet sharply, avoiding leakage and drops.

2. Compression

Slow muscle contraction, delay for 10-15 seconds, relaxation. Repeat 15 times.

Squeeze the muscle with little effort, hold for 10 seconds. Then contraction with medium effort and hold for 10 seconds. The last "floor" is the third. Compression with maximum effort, maximum possible delay.

With subsequent sessions, the number of "floors" and the duration of the delay gradually increase. Such an activity expands and increases the controllability of the muscle.

With the maximum possible force, squeeze the muscle and hold for as long as the body can withstand. Repeat 10 times. Muscle strength increases.

5. Vibration

Quickly compress and relax the muscle, getting the effect of its vibration. Execution time from 30 to 60 seconds. Subsequently, a few seconds are added.

Exercise Features

A set of exercises must be repeated at least three times a day (morning-afternoon-evening). The best result will be when doing repetitions up to five times a day, every day.

The practicality of Kegel gymnastics is to perform anywhere, in any position and unnoticed by others. You can do compressions and contractions in public transport, at work, in front of the TV, in the car, lying on the couch or before going to bed. Starting positions: standing, sitting or lying down. Exercise can be done before coughing, sneezing, and standing up to prevent drip incontinence.

Beginners should not exceed the recommended number of repetitions, because this will not give a greater result, but may cause muscle fatigue and aggravate existing problems. First, when doing gymnastics, you can get a workout of the pelvic floor muscles along with the surrounding muscles (abs, hips). Correct execution largely depends on the time and frequency of classes. Retracting the abdomen and holding the breath, followed by a slowing down of the IN-EXhalation rhythm, pushing the muscles down with the lower abdomen, instead of pushing them out with the pelvic muscles. When the body gets used to and understands which particular muscle needs to be strained, then the exercises will turn out better.

Breathing should be even, not confused. It is necessary to press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate (for the redistribution of energy so that headaches do not appear). Proper breathing provides half the success of these exercises. Breathing in through the nose, EXHALE through the mouth (slowly, lips folded into a tube) helps not to go astray.

After mastering all the exercises with the recommended number of repetitions to the proper extent, you need to add 5 pieces to each approach. The delay time is also increased by 3-5 seconds. The number of repetitions for a moderate workout is 30 pieces, for a complex workout of advanced and strengthened muscles - 50 pieces. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions, to the advanced level of performing Kegel exercises, a person does up to 150 repetitions of one circle or up to 300 compressions every day.

Verification of correct execution

It is possible to check whether the gymnastics of the pelvic floor muscles is performed correctly only after a month of regular classes, because they are not pronounced. If the muscles are almost atrophied, then the process of the appearance of training results is doubled.

Muscle strength is tested only with a specially designed device (perineum meter), which is inserted into the vagina in women and into the rectum in men. Feedback allows you to see on the monitor how active the pelvic floor muscles are. For regular exercise and to maintain a high degree of motivation, Arthur Kegel insists on constantly measuring the strength of the device.

Video - About Kegel exercise machines

The absence of even the smallest result within three or four months indicates an erroneous determination of the pelvic floor muscles by a person or an incorrect performance of gymnastics. If such a problem arises, do not be ashamed of your inexperience and try to find a solution to the problem on the Internet or on medical sites. You should contact a gynecologist or urologist for an internal consultation. The doctor will help to correctly determine the location of the muscle and give personalized recommendations on the performance of Kegel exercises for your body type and muscle fitness.

Gymnastics results

More than half of the people who perform pelvic floor exercises note a positive trend in the treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs and the genitourinary system. In 70-80% of patients, drip urinary incontinence decreases and disappears, because bladder support is enhanced.

The effect of gymnastics is manifested from a month to three or four (in cases where the muscle has practically atrophied). Classes should be held every day, not interrupted for a day, because. irregular execution can spoil all the efforts made.

In addition to enhancing the positive dynamics in the treatment of fecal and urinary incontinence, such gymnastics has a good effect on moral and sexual health. Knowing that every day he takes a small step towards controlling his sexual flows, a person becomes more confident in himself, learns to get new sensations from sex and looks for new ways to give pleasure to a partner using the muscles being worked out.

In men, the inclination of the penis decreases, controllability increases. In women, the circular muscles of the vagina become stronger and more elastic, which allows you to control the intimate process.

Kegel exercises are shown not only to treat existing diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. Preventive exercises are no different from therapeutic exercises and exercises to control sexual energy. The number of repetitions and the delay time are the same.

Exercise can be performed at all stages of pregnancy. This will not only not interfere with gestation, but will also help to give birth to a child quickly, painlessly and without breaks. Women who have practiced daily Kegel exercises during pregnancy report rapid recovery in the postpartum period.

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Muscles, like bricks, build a beautiful and toned body. In a woman's body there are muscles that are invisible, but they require careful study. It's about the pelvic floor muscles. You can do pelvic floor exercises for women anywhere. Let's discuss this topic in more detail.

General aspects

The muscle tissue of the pelvic floor plays an important role in the female body. With its help, internal organs are supported, in particular, the bladder, vagina, intestines. A number of factors can provoke prolapse of the pelvic organs in women.

Many women are familiar with Kegel exercises. You can perform them anywhere, at any time of the day. The contraction of intimate muscle tissue is imperceptible. It is important to follow three main steps:

  • reduction;
  • compression;
  • extrusion.

It is in this order that all the exercises described by the American doctor Kegel are performed. By the way, pushing out according to the execution technique is similar to attempts during childbirth, and contraction is a quick contraction and relaxation of intimate muscles.

On a note! Weakening of the muscles can lead to the development of serious ailments, in particular, the prolapse of internal organs. Many women who are faced with such a problem complain of a decrease in sexual desire and loss of sensitivity.

To understand whether the exercises for the pelvic muscles for women are performed correctly, first of all, you need to determine which muscles should be involved in the process of work. You can easily check this by urinating. Try to interrupt urination and hold the stream of urine. Do this with the efforts of the muscles, and not with the reduction of the legs. These are the muscles, and you will feel them, and you need to work them out.

Let's talk about contraindications

Before performing pelvic circulation exercises for women, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications. It is best to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Performing such a specific set of exercises is contraindicated in the presence of the following pathological conditions and ailments:

  • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
  • inflammatory processes in small pelvic organs;
  • erosive processes in the cervical region of the uterus;
  • bleeding of acute or chronic type;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • elevated body temperature due to the development of infectious or inflammatory processes;
  • surgical interventions.

Important! In some cases, doctors advise performing a set of exercises during the period of gestation. But often this is contraindicated for expectant mothers, especially if there is a threat of premature delivery, hypertonicity of the reproductive organ, preeclampsia, or the likelihood of spontaneous abortion.

If you have already consulted with a specialized doctor and you have no contraindications to performing a set of exercises to work out the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor, then start training.

Let's start with the basics. Immediately, let's conduct an experiment and determine which muscles work:

  1. Lie down on a horizontal flat surface on your back.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees.
  3. We place a hand in the crotch area.
  4. Now we squeeze the muscles, as if we are trying to delay the process of urination.
  5. By palpation, we determine which part of the muscle tissue is tense at this moment.

On a note! All exercises are based on the Kegel technique. You don't need to hold your breath. Such exercises can be performed statically or progressively, for example, we pull the muscles up for several counts, and then also gradually relax.

Exercise #1

It is best to use a gymnastic mat for classes:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet parallel to each other.
  2. We place a hand on the stomach.
  3. We begin to gradually contract the muscles and at the point of maximum tension we linger for a couple of seconds.
  4. Now let's relax. You can do this smoothly or with a push. Breathing should be abdominal. Try to breathe, as they say, with your stomach.

Exercise #2

We perform this exercise in the following sequence:

Exercise #3

We remain in the same starting position:

  1. Now we have to complete the bridge with support on the shoulders. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, focus on the feet, and the shoulders become the reference point.
  2. In this position, we contract and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  3. Then we return to the starting position and repeat the pelvic lifts again.

Exercise #4

We complicate the task. By the way, when performing such a set of exercises, you can work out not only invisible muscle tissue, but also the abdominal muscles. We perform the exercise according to the following algorithm:

Exercise #5

To complete this exercise, we need a fitball. We do it in the following order:

Exercise #6

This exercise is called "Frog":

Gymnastics to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle, once developed by the gynecologist Kegel (USA), is actively used in the treatment of various medical problems in women and men of any age. Effectively solving the problems of preventing ruptures and prolapses, as well as urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, impotence, these exercises improve the quality of life and increase libido.

Determining where the pelvic floor muscles are located is the first step to starting the exercises. To detect them, you should suspend the jet during urination, and then relax, restoring it. The muscles that were involved during this manipulation are precisely the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Its fibers, depending on the location, can be called:

  • pubovaginal (PV);
  • pubic-urethral (LU);
  • pubic-prostatic (LP);
  • pubic-rectal (LR).

It is designed to support the rectum, internal genital organs, urethra, in addition, it ensures the normal functioning of the prostate, urethral and anus sphincters, participates in the process of delivery, provides pleasure during sex. It must be practiced in everyday life. You should not try to combine training with the process of urination, as this can cause dysfunction of the urethra.
To understand more precisely which muscles need to be used during training, you can insert a clean finger into the vagina and make a squeezing movement of the pelvis, and then relax. Thus, it is best to feel how the pelvic floor rises and falls, which muscles are involved.
Squeezing and unclenching movements of the pelvic floor muscles are the basis of Kegel gymnastics. Performing them, you should concentrate and use only the muscles of the perineum, leaving the abdominal and gluteal muscles inactive. Kegel exercises are done with an empty bladder and intestines. The complete absence of any discomfort or pain indicates the correct performance of the exercises.

To study the basic exercise, it is recommended to lie on your back, pulling up your legs, relax your stomach. If desired, hands can be placed on the stomach. While inhaling, squeeze the pubococcygeal muscle, as if drawing it inward for up to 5 seconds and exhale, relaxing, and as if pushing it out. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times in 1 run, in total it is recommended to perform 3-4 runs during the day.

The Kegel technique is contraindicated in the case of:

  • pathologies of the small pelvis or inflammation;
  • neoplasms and bleeding;
  • hyperthermia;
  • venous insufficiency and other vascular diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • risks and threats to pregnancy

Before you start exercising, you should consult your doctor for contraindications and restrictions.

Kegel exercises for men

Initially, Kegel gymnastics was developed to solve typical female medical problems:

  • stress urinary incontinence;
  • weakening of the tissues of the pelvic floor and genital prolapse;
  • breaks during delivery.

Over time, medical practice has shown that this complex copes well with some male, as well as common medical problems for both sexes.
The main direction of application of the Kegel technique for men is the prevention and treatment of prostate pathologies, the prevention of hemorrhoids.
The technique for performing Kegel exercises for men is no different from women's. Like women, they can feel where the muscle is being worked out when they urinate, interrupting and then releasing the stream of urine. In addition, they can also determine the necessary muscle during an erection, twitching the penis.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women

The use of the Kegel technique during pregnancy allows you to learn how to control the pubovaginal muscles in order to:

  • facilitate the process of childbirth;
  • prevent the appearance of tears during attempts;
  • accelerate recovery in the postpartum period.

Regular implementation of this complex for several months helps to activate the blood supply to the pelvic tissues, and, accordingly, increase their tone and elasticity, and improve well-being. You can perform it anywhere and anytime.

Since the implementation of the Kegel complex is not recommended if there is a threat of premature birth, miscarriage, or the presence of hemorrhoids, it should be studied only after consulting a gynecologist.

It is recommended to start practicing even in the period of preparation for pregnancy or in its early stages. At the initial stage, it is enough to perform each exercise 5 times. Over time, subject to good health, the load can be increased, bringing up to 20-30 repetitions.

The main thing is to do it daily. Until the 16th week of pregnancy, Kegel exercises are performed in any position - standing upright or on all fours, sitting or lying down, after this period, gymnastics is recommended to be done exclusively standing or sitting.

  1. Exercise 1. While sitting or lying down, bend your legs, spread them apart. Contract the pubococcygeal muscle as if urination is stopped. Hold for 5 sec. Relax her.
  2. Exercise 2. Being in a sitting or lying position with legs bent and spread apart, alternately squeeze and unclench the pubococcygeal muscle for 10 seconds.
  3. Exercise 3. Being in the same starting position, gradually squeeze the muscles of the vagina for 3-5 seconds, going from bottom to top. Having reached the very top, continue moving back to the bottom, also squeezing the vaginal muscles alternately, for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Exercise 4. Quickly squeeze and unclench the intimate muscles, as if rolling a wave from the vagina to the anus and back.
  5. Exercise 5. Being in a lying position or sitting with legs spread apart, push, simulating a bowel movement.

If you put your hand on the perineum while doing these exercises, you can feel how the PC muscles move.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence

This problem is most often encountered by women after childbirth or during menopause.

However, the cause of the pathology may also be a weakening of the pelvic muscles, surgery on the pelvic organs, trauma, or other causes. Not representing a threat to health, however, such a condition significantly affects the quality of a woman, giving her a lot of unpleasant moments.

The treatment regimen for incontinence necessarily includes gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The use of the Kegel technique for this purpose is an easy and affordable way to train the pubourethral muscle.
The Kegel complex against urinary incontinence includes exercises for alternate contraction and relaxation of the pubourethral muscle. Exercises can be done on their own or with vaginal trainers - PelvicToner, Kegel balls, vaginal egg. Before starting classes, be sure to empty the bladder. The following video demonstrates how these exercises are performed correctly.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor

The muscles located between the pubic bone and the coccyx are the muscles of the pelvic floor. Their loss of elasticity leads to:

  • to the problems of uncontrolled urination caused by an attack of coughing or laughing, sneezing, lifting weights;
  • to reduce the brightness of sensations during sex, loss of orgasm;
  • to genital prolapse;
  • to the appearance of inflammation and pain in the perineal area.

Classes according to the Kegel method strengthen the intimate muscles, allow them to restore their lost elasticity.

Exercises to strengthen them are built on alternately squeezing and relaxing the pubic-coccygeal muscles.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your side, pulling up, bent legs, put your hand on the perineum. Slowly strain the intimate muscles, hold them for up to 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5-15 times. Having mastered this exercise, it can be performed throughout the day in various poses - standing on all fours or in full growth, sitting in Turkish style, lying on your back and other positions.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

As an effective way to prevent the progression of uterine prolapse, the Kegel training complex is used in medical practice. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to perform basic exercises using vaginal simulators - special silicone balls and cones with different weights, muscle stimulators.

For those who have just begun to master the exercises, it is recommended to use the lightest balls and cones in weight - they are painted in light shades.

Before inserting the selected simulator into the vagina, it should be treated with an antiseptic. If necessary, a little lubricant or lubricant can also be applied to its surface to facilitate the insertion process.
Kegel exercises can be done in a variety of positions.

It is most convenient for beginners to do them while in the position:

  • lying or reclining on the back;
  • sitting, placing a roller or leaning back;
  • lying on your stomach, pulling your knees and lifting your pelvis.

Having taken a position lying on your back, for convenience, you can put a small roller under your back. Then, spreading your legs to the sides, insert the simulator into the vagina. Holding it with the muscles of the perineum, it is easy to pull on the loop for 10 seconds. For 1 approach, perform from 5 to 15 repetitions. The purpose of the exercise is to strain the pubo-vaginal, try to keep the simulator inside yourself. Thanks to regular training, this simple exercise will quickly bring the muscle tone of the pelvic floor tissues back to normal. Having achieved certain results, the exercise can be complicated by performing it while standing or squatting, after placing a roller under the knees, using exercise machines with different weights for training.

Kegel exercises for prostatitis

Complex therapy used in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, identified at the initial stage, gives an effective result. Therapeutic gymnastics, carried out according to the Kegel method, is an effective tool that allows you to eliminate congestion in the genitourinary organs and strengthen the pubo-prostatic muscle. As a prophylaxis for the prostate, it is recommended to use it for men with a sedentary lifestyle.

Exercise 1. Having taken a convenient IP - lying, sitting or standing, for 10 seconds. simultaneously squeeze the muscles of the anus and urethra, performing movements that mimic the interruption of the process of urination and defecation, relax.
Exercise 2. Being in the same position, alternately strain, as if rolling a wave over the anus and urethra.
Each exercise should be done up to 15 times three times a day. When performing exercises, it is necessary to monitor breathing, breathing in when squeezing and exhaling when relaxing the muscles.

With regular classes, the result from the use of Kegel gymnastics can be observed in a month.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth often lead to the fact that the pubovaginal muscles lose their elasticity, stretch, creating the preconditions for the uterus to lower.

In order to prevent the development of such a situation and quickly recover from childbirth, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises daily, starting from 30-40 days after childbirth. You can start classes only after consulting with a gynecologist.
The exercises performed involve the alternation of slow and fast compressive and unclenching movements of the vaginal muscles, performed at different intervals. The frequency of approaches is 3-4 times throughout the day.

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

Performed according to the Kegel method, therapeutic exercises strengthen the puborectal (LR) muscle, activate the blood flow of the inguinal region, preventing the formation of hemorrhoids. Its implementation involves 5 approaches during the day for 10-30 exercises, including slow or fast compression, and then relaxation of the pubococcygeal muscles.
Exercise 1. IP - lying on your back, pulling up your bent legs. While inhaling, tighten the LR muscle, exhale - relax.
Exercise 2. Without changing the PI, raise the hips and squeeze the muscles of the perineum, maintaining this position for several seconds. Get down on the floor and relax the LR muscle.
Exercise 3. Without changing the PI, raise your legs and tighten the internal muscles. Then spread your legs apart, relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor. Bring the legs together again, tensing the muscles, then spread them again, relaxing the pelvic muscles.
Exercise 4. Without changing the PI, slowly raise your legs, tighten the LR muscle, and then relax it, lowering your legs to the floor.
Exercise 5. IP standing on all fours. Inhale while tensing the LR muscle, exhale - relaxing it.
The implementation of this complex will improve blood circulation, prevent congestion. Exercise 1. IP - lying on your back, with an emphasis on bent legs. While inhaling, raise the pelvis and tighten the pubovaginal muscle. On the exhale, lowering the pelvis, relax it.
Exercise 2. Without changing the PI, connect the feet together, push the knees apart, as if opening up. Inhale and bring your knees together, squeezing the pubovaginal muscle. Then, exhaling, spread your knees to the sides, relaxing it.

Exercise 3 Without changing the PI, inhale, raising one leg and straining the pubovaginal muscle. On the exhale, lowering the leg, relax it. Repeat the same, but with the second leg.
Exercise 4
IP sitting on the floor, spread legs extended in front of you and rest your hands behind you. Take a breath and bring your legs together, without lifting them off the floor, while simultaneously squeezing the pubovaginal muscle. As you exhale, relax it by spreading your legs.

Exercise 5. Standing, stretch your arms in front of you, inhale and perform a semi-squat, squeezing the pubovaginal muscle. Exhaling, rise, relaxing it.

A set of exercises for men

A complex of 4 exercises performed according to Kegel will allow you to tone the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle in men, improving erection. You can perform the exercises standing or being in another position, repeating each exercise 10 times.
Exercise 1. Squeeze the PC muscle as much as possible, straining it while inhaling. As you exhale, relax sharply.
Exercise 2. While inhaling, strain the PC muscle, holding it for a few seconds, then slowly relax, exhaling.
Exercise 3. While inhaling, slowly compress the PC muscle, and then slowly relax it, exhaling the air.
Exercise 4. Inhale and exhale quickly, simultaneously tensing and relaxing the PC muscle, achieving the effect of twitching the penis.

Do Kegel exercises help?

Data presented by the National Institutes of Health (USA) confirm the effectiveness of the Kegel technique. Its positive effect is noted by gynecologists, urologists and even sexologists. The following figures indicate the results of regular Kegel classes for 6 months:

  • 100% of women talk about the absence of ruptures during childbirth and problems with the uterus in the postpartum period;
  • 85% of women indicate improvement in the presence of problems with urinary incontinence;
  • 75% of men note an improvement in the condition of the prostate;
  • 75% of men and women indicate an aggravation of sensations during sex.

The Kegel technique is in demand all over the world and, when used correctly, is absolutely safe. This is evidenced by the fact that on its basis a complex of therapeutic exercises for children was created.