How to make a New Year's candlestick from a jar. How to make a New Year's candlestick with your own hands, master class with photos Make a candlestick with your own hands for the New Year

Interesting and beautiful items for interior decoration can be made from unnecessary old things. A familiar situation: there are a few glasses left from a set of glasses, they are now unsuitable for table setting, and it’s a pity to throw away good dishes. What can you make from unnecessary glasses? Don’t rush to put them away on the far shelf in the closet; we bring to your attention a few interesting ideas How to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands.

Miracles under the glass dome

If you still have one or several unnecessary glasses/glasses on the stem, you can make a very original candlestick. Turn the existing container upside down. Now its leg is on top - and it is on it that the candle will be installed. The bowl of the glass magically turned into a container for placing decor. Take a fairly thick piece of cardboard, draw a circle around the edges of the glass and cut it out. If desired, the “plug” can be painted or even painted. Now you can start the most interesting part - decorating. Degrease and rub well inner surface bowls. You can place any small figurines, souvenirs and simply beautiful little things in it. These can be sea pebbles and shells, artificial flowers, multi-colored beads or buttons. Using this technique, you can make candlesticks from glasses. Just choose the desired decor - voluminous snowflakes, miniature Christmas trees, a Santa Claus figurine, or just a mountain of gifts.

Lace motifs

You can make an interesting romantic candlestick from a glass with your own hands using lace or openwork braid for decoration. Theoretically, any translucent or highly openwork fabric is suitable for such decor. In this case, the candle will be located in the bowl of the glass. Carefully cover the wine glass with the selected material. Start by trying it on and then glue on the lace. Theoretically, your candlestick is ready, but you can further decorate it with rhinestones and beads. Tip: using lace or fabric different colors, you can make the craft more colorful and festive. To ensure that a finished glass candlestick made with your own hands using this technique does not burst during use, choose small candles that minimally heat the walls of the bowl.

Candlestick using decoupage technique

Don't know how to turn an unnecessary glass into an interesting decorative item? Try to transform it using the decoupage technique. Choose three-ply paper napkins with beautiful designs. For the work you will also need acrylic paint, PVA glue, varnish and special contours at your request for the final part of the decor. Degrease the surface of the glass glass and apply the first layer as a primer acrylic paint. The most convenient way to do this is with a sponge; one layer is enough, but if you think that the result is not even enough, repeat the manipulation. While the paint is drying, it's time to choose the designs that you will stick on. Cut out the most interesting and beautiful motifs from a napkin. Think about their location based on. After the paint has dried, glue the selected elements to the bowl of the glass using PVA glue. Gently smooth the napkin with a brush, try to glue the drawings without folds or wrinkles. When the glue dries, the craft can be tinted with paints and individual lines can be emphasized with a special outline. Finally, don't forget to coat your work with varnish.

in glasses

Do you want to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands, but you still don’t know whether you will need the selected container for its intended purpose? Original decor using cups or wine glasses can be done in a matter of minutes. And, best of all, the proposed method will allow you to disassemble the composition after some time and use the glasses again for drinks. So, you will need floating candles and decor to suit your mood. Fill the glasses half or 2/3 full with water. Place some decorations inside - small flowers, beads or something else. Decor can be chosen according to at will, solid small figures that sink under their weight to the bottom or simply a scattering of large curly sparkles that float on the surface are also suitable for it.

Glass painting

If you are good at drawing, you can try painting an unnecessary wine glass. First, come up with a drawing, you can draw a sketch on paper. Some techniques, for example, are performed immediately on the object. Select the colors you need and get to work. It’s not at all difficult to make New Year’s candlesticks with your own hands from glasses, painting them with thematic designs. You don’t even need to be an artist to do this - anyone can draw frosty patterns, snowflakes or traditional Christmas symbols, like a Christmas tree and toy bells. Check out the application guidelines for your chosen paint. Some compositions do not require additional processing, while others require varnishing after drying.

Do-it-yourself candlestick from a glass: master class “drawing using stencils”

What to do if you like them, but you don’t know how to draw at all? Interesting painting on glass can be done using stencils. Come up with a design in advance and make a paper template. In order to get a painted silhouette against the background, you need to cut out the desired shape and leave paper around it. Another drawing technique involves cutting out a template of the shape we are interested in along the contour. Glue the finished figurine to the surface of the glass and apply paint on top. Using this technique, you can also make a candlestick from an inverted glass with your own hands. Try to experiment, combine several colors and layers of paint, draw different shapes and complement them with hand-made strokes. An interesting idea: you can use real plant leaves or flowers as stencils.

Glitter and chic

One of the simplest and most effective options for decorating candlesticks is to cover them with sparkles. To do this you will need clear glue and decorative glitter dust. You can buy these glitters at a craft store or cosmetics department. How to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands using this technique? It's very simple - rinse and degrease the wine glass or glass. Next, apply glue to the surface in patterns or a continuous layer and sprinkle with glitter. Carefully shake off excess and leave to dry. If desired, you can repeat this step. If you want your candlestick to remain beautiful for as long as possible and be washable, coat the product with a clear varnish.

How else can you decorate candlesticks made from glasses?

In fact, there are many more ways to turn boring dishes into accessories for setting candles than are described in our article. If you are seriously interested in some kind of creativity, try using it to decorate candlesticks. For example, glass glasses can be tied with beads or even beautiful yarn using a crochet hook. The outside of the glass can be covered with artificial flowers or rhinestones. What is the easiest way to make candlesticks from glasses with your own hands? You can see photos of various ideas in our article; choose those that seem most interesting and simple to you personally. Don't be afraid to use non-standard materials. Rejected beads, scrap jewelry and many other little things that can be found in every home are perfect for decoration.

Bright flickering candle lights create a magical atmosphere and help you to be transported to winter's tale. And candlesticks made by yourself exude warmth and comfort. Here we have collected some interesting ideas for making them.

Candlesticks in the Provence style look unusual. They can be easily made from glass cups, and natural materials: cones, cinnamon and birch bark. When a candle burns, cinnamon will emit a subtle aroma, filling the house with warmth and comfort.

Find a few cones and decorate glass jars with them and place candles inside. After sprinkling with glue, sprinkle all this magic artificial snow.

The photo below shows a master class on making a candlestick decorated with nuts. On the base ring using glue gun nuts and small ones are glued Christmas balls. In this case, it is necessary to leave space for candles. The product is coated with silver paint.

The birch bark decor looks very unusual.

If you have paints for painting on glass, then by decorating a small glass jar with them, you will get a magical candlestick that will not hide the flickering of the candle.

Children will like New Year's candlesticks in the form. Let little artists decorate the cookies themselves. This decor will become real.

Another option is to knit a New Year's outfit for glass jars.

If you fill a small jar with water, partially fill it decorative elements, it will turn out unusual unusual.

Magical and very delicate candlesticks can be made from lace.

You will need:

  • inflatable ball,
  • glue;
  • lace.

Inflate the balloon, cover half of it with lace and leave to dry. When the fabric has hardened, pierce the ball with a needle or simply lower it, the lace will retain its shape. Be careful when placing the candle inside so that the flame does not light the candlestick. From a safety point of view, a more acceptable option is to cover a glass cup with lace.

The magical aroma of the holiday will spread throughout the apartment if you place a lit candle inside an orange peel.

If you can find small logs, they also make great stands for playful lights.

By pasting the jars with colored paper you will get candlesticks that give different shades glow.

Use any materials - pine needles, wood, fabric, paper! Experiment, create and may the New Year be joyful!

New Year is a wonderful time for which we prepare in advance. By this time, many various crafts which are used for home decoration or for gifts. The most original decoration for the New Year - this is a candlestick made from a glass, which is very easy to make with your own hands on New Year. Indeed, this interesting craft will be able to cheer up everyone and decorate the New Year's table.

How to make a candlestick for the New Year

Candlestick with thuja branches.

If you study our master class, you can easily make New Year's candlesticks from glasses. Now we will offer you a simple option for making a candlestick. We hope that you will like this craft and that you will enjoy making it. To make this candlestick, prepare:

  • small thuja branches,
  • newspaper or paper
  • tall glass,
  • scissors and glue.


  1. Making a glass should start by cutting the thuja branches to the required size.
  2. Lay them out on paper.
  3. Next, apply glue to them with a brush.
  4. Now you should paste these branches around the glass in a circle. Do the work quickly. The glue should not dry out.
  5. If the glue has dried, carefully trim off any excess with scissors.
  6. Now you must find a suitable size candle to place in the glass. As a result, you can get a beautiful candlestick that will perfectly decorate your interior.

An inverted candlestick.

If you don’t know how to make a candlestick from a glass with your own hands, but really want to decorate your interior with a similar product, then you should pay attention to the following original product.

An original table decoration is easy to make. You must turn the glass upside down. You should place a candle of a suitable size on the base of the glass. In this case, the glass can be decorated in any way. It could be some twigs or New Year's balls. Look how many options you can make with your own hands.

But to make this composition, take an old CD to which you glue 3 glasses. Place small Christmas balls inside the glasses.

Glass painted with paints.

If you looked at the photo carefully. Then we realized that candlesticks made from inverted glasses look very beautiful in New Year’s decor.

If you use acrylic paints, simple glasses will become a real work of art. You just use your imagination and paint these glasses at your own discretion. These could be: snowmen and Santa Clauses, as well as other fairy-tale characters. Take a look at all the options we offer you.

Candlestick with a candle that floats.

A candlestick with a floating candle looks romantic and very unusual. In this case, you place a variety of balls, berries and twigs in the middle of such a candlestick. Fill everything with water, and put a small candle tablet on the surface.

Many people associate the New Year with a lot of lanterns, lit candles, sparkles, tangerines and Christmas tree decorations. Well, where there are holiday candles, there should also be elegant candlesticks. You can make fabulous candlesticks with your own hands for the New Year, which will delight your household and create a warm, cozy atmosphere.

Types of candlesticks

Original and elegant decor for the holiday can be made from a variety of various materials, embodying any boldest idea. What kind of New Year's candlesticks can be:

  1. From glass. Transparent glass candlesticks - the simplest standard option decor. They will fit perfectly into any style, especially suitable for Minimalism or Loft. To create such a decoration, just take a transparent vase, wine glass, glass or glass stand, and place a candle of any color, suitable in size, inside. Don't forget to add some melted wax to the bottom to secure the candle well. By placing candlesticks on a windowsill or a formal table, you will create a unique fairy-tale atmosphere.
  2. Transparent glass with trim. This option is more complicated than the previous one, since here we will decorate ordinary glassware or jars with festive decor. This could be lace, ribbons, sequins, braid, bows or patterns. You can also cut out figures from plain paper and glue them onto glass. Make sure to keep your decor away from the rim of the jar to prevent fire.
  3. From polyurethane foam. Candlesticks can be made with your own hands for the New Year and from polyurethane foam. We will need old items in the form of small containers, which need to be trimmed on the outside with foam. Let the structure dry for a day, at the end you can cut off the excess with a regular knife, giving the candlestick the required form. Then you can paint the resulting decoration in any color or decorate it with sparkles, glitter, stones and bows.
  4. Gingerbread. The option will do for those who love to bake. Candlestick Cookies – original solution, which can give even more home comfort. You can bake gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cookies in the shape of stars, houses, various animals or snowmen. You can decorate such a candlestick with food coloring and icing.
  5. From twigs. This decor is suitable for rustic style, Country and Eco. You can use small twigs, brushwood, hay and pieces of logs. We collect bundles of any size and shape, decorate with cinnamon sticks, tangerine peels, ribbons, berries or small New Year's toys. Candles in this design must be placed on metal stands to prevent the holiday decorations from catching fire. You can cut your own coasters from cans; it is better to mark candles that are short and stable.
  6. Snowy. You can make candlesticks with your own hands for the New Year using painting. We will need acrylic paints, brushes and a transparent glass container. First you need to degrease the jar, and then start creating a New Year's drawing. You can depict snow-white houses on a blue background, snowmen or a beautiful Christmas tree. You can create an imitation of icicles on the neck using glue or wax. Sequins, pieces of cotton wool or beads can also be used as decorations.
  7. From pine needles. Here you can use New Year's wreaths as a frame, place pine branches inside and place candles for comparison. You can decorate with multi-colored ropes, ribbons or beads.
  8. Citrus. Use tangerine or orange zest and cut extra holes in it. Try to carefully remove the zest so that you can place the candle without any problems. Decoration can include a dried orange slice, cloves, cinnamon sticks and star anise. This decor will give a unique citrus aroma, reminiscent of the approaching holiday.
  9. Floating lights. To do this, we need a wide, beautiful container where we need to pour water and place small candles. Given the design is suitable to create a romantic and mysterious atmosphere in the room. The outside of such a plate or vase can be decorated with tinsel, ribbons or beads using glue.
  10. Country style. The photo below shows how to make such candlesticks with your own hands for the New Year. This design will give you a feeling of closeness to nature and make the atmosphere in the apartment cozy and comfortable. To create such a candlestick we will need ordinary thick candles and thick ropes. We wrap the ropes around the candle, first apply a layer of glue to it. You can decorate this design with small cones, sprigs of pine needles, bunches of rowan berries or beads.
  11. Festive tin. You can cut out any pattern and ornament in the jar using a sharp stationery knife. We cover the top of the future candlestick with a layer of acrylic paint; you can additionally glue the handle to make a festive lantern.
  12. We decorate the candles. You can also create a candlestick using coffee beans, dried berries, beads or nuts. To do this, we only need a small glass or metal stand where we place the candle.
    We secure all the decorations from below with glue and let them dry. It turns out something like a New Year's applique.

Unusual ideas

With the help of modern fresh ideas You can create candlesticks for every taste with your own hands. Here are the most original of them:

  • Made of plastic. Candlesticks can be made from a jar or plastic bottle with your own hands, which is just right for the New Year. Cut from a plastic jar or bottle top part, at the bottom you can cut out petals, a beautiful ornament or lace. We paint the container with a thick layer of acrylic paint and decorate it with glitter or beads.
  • Glass lantern. We will need a regular one glass jar, paint and masking tape. From masking tape cut out any figure (star, heart, deer, snowman, etc.), glue it to the jar, paint on top with a thick layer of thick paint. When the paint is completely dry, carefully remove the masking tape, place a candle inside, and the New Year's lantern is ready.
  • In the form of angels. The angel figures need to be made from thick paper, covering such beauty on top with gold or silver spray paint. You can create paper angels different sizes and shapes, and candles are suitable for both regular and safe LEDs.
  • Paper cones. To create such a candlestick we use multi-colored thick paper sheets. On paper, mark the fold lines of the cone with a pencil, draw figures of Christmas trees, stars or hearts at the same distance, make cuts without finishing. Then we roll the sheet of paper into a tube and secure the edges with glue. Making candlesticks with your own hands for the New Year is shown below in the master class in the video.
  • Dot perforation. You can decorate a New Year's candlestick not only with figured slits on the paper, but also with small punctures. In this way you can create any drawing and depict any pattern. Use cloves, sharp awls or thick needles. On thick paper First, we outline the boundaries of the future drawing, make holes, and then roll it into a cone. Figures of Santa Claus, snowflakes, deer, stars or dogs will come in handy here. Sometimes such candlesticks are made in the shape of a house, depicting a roof and snow-covered windows. It turns out to be a very beautiful New Year's gift.
  • Quilling. This technique involves creating paper twists various shapes and sizes. To create such a candlestick you will need multi-colored paper cut into thin strips. We wrap thin pencils, pens or toothpicks in stripes. Then we place the resulting spirals inside small cones-blanks, give them any shape with our fingers (for example, pointed petals) and fix them with glue. We glue such twists together, creating a small circle. You can use elements of different sizes and colors, arranging them with each other. We use beads and sparkles as decoration, place a candle in the middle and the elegant quilling candlestick is ready.
  • CDs. Candlesticks can also be made from disks with your own hands; this decoration for the New Year is suitable for the Hi-Tech, Futurism, Modern or Loft style. To implement this idea, we will need several CDs, glue and New Year's holiday decor at your discretion (twigs, glitter, artificial snow, ribbons, beads, etc.). We place a candle on the disk, secure it with glue or wax, and begin gluing the decor around the candle along the perimeter of the disk.
  • Knitted decor. This design is suitable for those who like to crochet. Use a template in the shape of a star or snowflake. The result is an original candlestick in the Hand-Made style, which can be presented as a New Year's gift.
  • Cinnamon frame. Use cinnamon sticks to create a New Year's candle holder. To do this, simply glue the cinnamon to each other in a circle, place a stand with a candle inside, and the candlestick is ready. The outside of the sticks can be decorated with ropes and a bow, dried berries, star anise or cloves can be glued on. You can also cut out figures from orange peel or glue dried tangerine or orange slices. This option looks simple and not pretentious, but gives a unique aroma and the feeling of an approaching fairy tale.
  • A simple modeling technique using regular dough. You can create holiday candlesticks from salt dough with your own hands; this is an excellent New Year gift for friends and family. Knead the dough (flour, sunflower oil, salt, soda, water) and roll it out carefully. Now all that remains is to cut out the New Year's figures; you can use templates or cut by eye. To prevent the dough from breaking and cutting easily, do not forget to periodically moisten it with water. Place a small candle in the center of the resulting figure and press lightly to create an indentation. Then we leave the dough candlesticks to dry on the windowsill, after which they can be painted in any color. Artificial snow, beads, sparkles are used as decoration, and you can also draw a beautiful ornament or patterns yourself.
  • Country option. If you are decorating country house or an apartment in American or Country style, you can use a wooden driftwood or log as a candlestick. IN in capable hands even these objects will take on a beautiful shape and become great addition to the interior. You can make small recesses in them, where small candles are later placed. Use spruce branches as decoration, Christmas decorations or beads. This design will create a warm atmosphere of home comfort. In this case, even an ordinary piece of driftwood can become a work of art, and anyone can make such candlesticks for the New Year with their own hands.
  • From sea salt. Crafts made from sea salt are very popular when creating New Year's decor, as they resemble snow-white snowdrifts and ice crystals. To create a candlestick, it will be enough to paste over any container for a candle. sea ​​salt. At the same time, you can turn on your imagination by creating various New Year's figures or icicles. You can also pour salt inside a transparent jar and insert several long candles inside. This will make it look like the candles are placed in a small snowdrift. You can decorate the outside of such a candlestick with ribbons, pine cones or beautiful painting.
  • Glasses with legs. Glass glasses are also suitable for creating holiday candlesticks. The outside of the container is decorated with green fir branches, artificial snow from a spray can, and sparkles. You can place tinsel or a small LED garland inside. Sometimes upside down glasses are used and candles are placed on top of the stems. This creates a so-called dome at the bottom, under which you can create a beautiful decorative holiday composition. For this purpose, cones, berries, New Year's toys, glitter, tinsel fringe, origami, ribbons or pine needles. How to create beautiful candlesticks with your own hands for the New Year from glasses is shown in the photo.