I will solve the exam history of the ancient Russian state. Materials for preparing for the exam in the history of "ancient Rus'"

Good day, friends, guys and colleagues! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. In tests of the Unified State Examination in national history, various types of tasks are very often encountered, aimed at testing the ability to apperance with the material of the course "Ancient Rus'". As a rule, these are the first 4 tasks of the part with a choice of answers, by the way, this year RIANovosti confirmed the changes in the KIMs of 2016 (read here) and you know, there is an opinion on the Internet that this will not happen, this is all complete nonsense and nonsense, but not in vain after all, we are being led to this change for the second year in a row, first enter through numbering so that tasks without a choice of answers will not have a classification, these will be either just questions with a short answer, or an oral part, about which a word was said on the PDA + 1-2 tasks short/long answer type.

The price of a mistake, as you understand, is very high and you probably don’t want to lose an extra 5-6 primary points ... First, you need to familiarize yourself with the material of the articles:

Completed? Excellent) And now let's conduct a self-diagnosis of our knowledge on the topics covered. In the coming days, I conducted a special test in our VKontakte group to determine the level of applicants. It is still in the public domain, you can see the tasks and answers of the guys.

The average score of students was at the level of 75 points. The result is not bad, but you yourself understand that this is only the beginning, later from such values, namely their arithmetic mean, a general picture of the knowledge of the course will be formed ... and ancient Rus' in the IX-XI centuries. considered one of the easiest periods to study. What did the guys get wrong?

1. Often, the failing mistake was the inability to single out the most advantageous areas of activity, or the applicants absolutely do not know what it is, although in dialogue with them, the teachers explained to them the principles of working with the 40 task. If we take into account the fact that next year an essay may be introduced, instead of characterizing a single historical figure, and the score increases to 11 primary ones, the price of a mistake is too high!

2. Many of the students confuse events between historical figures, so for some the contracts of 907, 911 suddenly become the merit of Igor the Old. Bottom line: inability to systematize information and imagine time intervals on a time scale.

3. A similar story, as with personalities, is repeated in dates, many without hearing about the date of creation of the Notification System try to guess, this cannot be done! It is necessary to narrow the circle of suspected dates, so to speak, to go from century to date in a logical chain: period, century, ruler, quarter or third of a century, decade, etc.

This is due to incorrect work with historical material. All this will be covered in detail and clearly in our school of preparation for the exam from ZERO to the result ...

And now remove all manuals, notebooks, close unnecessary browser tabs and read on ... Your task now is to do three simple steps:

1. Solve a thematic test on Ancient Rus' in the form with a choice of answers and write down your% completed topic in a notebook

2. Download the archive in the materials of tasks with a short answer. I don’t attach keys to them, your task is to complete the tests on a separate piece of paper and put it aside for now

3. Like and download archive #2. There you will find tasks with a detailed answer. You can solve them and send them to me for verification in personal messages on VKontakte, or to the support service.

4. Go to the Internet and check the answers to the tasks of paragraph No. 2 on your own. Divide 100% by the number of tasks you completed and multiply by the correct number of answers. You will receive%, which you also need to write out to yourself in a notebook.

5. Wait for the verification of part C and receive in response % of the completed test. From these three values, you get a real level of knowledge of the topic, based on which you can work on self-improvement at your level of training.


Evaluation criteria:

90-100% - congratulations! You are doing everything right, there are practically no mistakes in preparation. Continuing in the same spirit, you will easily cross the threshold of the TOP-10 universities in Russia!

80-90% - the preparation is going well, the material of the period has been mastered qualitatively, there are errors:

a) carelessly

b) technical related to work on part 2

70-80% is an acceptable result for those who seek to enroll in a contract at a local, not prestigious university. If your goals are a little different, it's worth considering ...

50-70% is a terrible result, or you have just started to prepare, have not read the articles and have not learned anything, and if not, then you are thinking in the wrong direction. You definitely need the support of a mentor, because otherwise all your efforts will lead you nowhere. Either with self-discipline you will score an average score of 47 points, or you will change your mind about taking history altogether

0-50% - guys, urgently get treated and buy yourself a brain, and take on your head 🙂 It's time to gnaw at the granite of science, as an option to take on yourself hard and spare no time to start preparing before it's too late. Can write me, I will help with all I can:/

By the way, more than 20 people are already ready to start studying, about 9 more people have not yet clearly announced their intention to study at school and are waiting for the rest:

Preliminary list of students of the USE preparation school from ZERO to the result

There are fewer places left. The students can't wait to start taking classes and doing their homework. And we will continue to work on this site in the coming days, subscribe to updates, there will be a lot of interesting material soon ... and also, guys, be careful. Recently, VKontakte was selling some kind of miracle book for 1200 rubles, I asked the "author" for a screen of the page to see what kind of tablet-100 points it was, and it turned out to be Baranov's guide 🙂 Well, on such a cheerful note, I end this article, bye everyone =)

Sincerely, Ivan Nekrasov

By the way, what do you think about this video: / How can I live with this now... 😀

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Materials for preparing for the exam in history


The formation and flourishing of a single Old Russian state covers the period from the 9th to the 11th century (the frame dates are 862 - the calling of the Varangians and 1132 - the death of Mstislav the Great).

In the 5th-8th centuries. there is a resettlement of East Slavic tribes along the path "From the Varangians to the Greeks" from the Baltic Sea to the mouth of the Danube. These tribes are at the stage of decomposition of the tribal system, which is usually called "military democracy". The stratification of society is insignificant, the social structure is simple. The bulk of the population isstinks -Ordinary congregants. stand outboyars - tribal nobility, heads of clans,princes - war chiefs, andvigilantes , constituting a permanent military detachment under the prince.

The largest tribal unions of the AF are:

priilmenskie slovenes live near Lake Ilmen and along the Volkhov River, the city of Novgorod

clearing Middle Dnieper, city of Kyiv

Drevlyans city ​​of Iskorosten

northerners the cities of Chernihiv and Pereyaslavl

krivichi Smolensk

Vyatichi Rostov

Polotsk Polotsk








white croats.

Northern unions pay tribute to the Varangians, southern Khazars. In the northeast, the Slavs come into contact with the Finno-Ugric tribes Merya, Muroma, Ves, Chud, Mordva, Korela, Izhora.

The main occupations of the population are slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle breeding, beekeeping, hunting and fishing. Religion-paganism. The main gods are Svarog, Perun, Veles, Dazhdbog, Makosh, Simargl, Stribog, Rod.

The trade route "From the Varangians to the Greeks" had a decisive influence on the process of state formation. The tribal elite became involved in international trade, acquiring luxury goods. The princes began to impose tribute on their relatives, taking it with the skins of fur-bearing animals, and sold these skins to passing merchants, at the same time collecting from them a duty for travel through their territory. This contributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of the princes and the strengthening of their power.

It is customary to count the history of the Old Russian state from the “calling of the Varangians”. According to the chronicle of Nestor, in 862. The Slovenes near Ilmen, wishing to stop the internecine struggle, invited the Varangian king Rurik to reign. He came with the brothers Snevors and Truvor and a retinue and reigned in Novgorod for 17 years. In 879 Rurik died, leaving a young son, Igor. The prince was his governor or relative Oleg.

In 882 Oleg made a trip to Kyiv, captured the city and made it the capital of his principality. Oleg waged wars with the Khazars and made two trips to Constantinople.

From 912 to 945 Igor Rurikovich reigns in Kyiv, continues the policy of Oleg, fights with the Khazars and also makes two trips to Byzantium. In 945 Igor was killed by the Drevlyans while trying to take tribute again.

His widow Olga avenged his death and streamlined the collection of tribute, established a wagon system, determining the lesson-size of tribute and graveyards-places of tribute collection. Olga was regent for her young son Svyatoslav, made a trip to Constantinople and was baptized.

From 962 to 972, Svyatoslav rules independently, but he spends almost all the time in aggressive campaigns outside of Rus'. He defeated the Volga Bulgaria, destroyed the Khazar Khaganate, founded the city of Pereyaslavets on the Danube and planned to move his capital there. But in the war with Byzantium he was defeated, did not hold the conquered lands and was forced to return to Rus'. On the way to Kyiv, he died, and after his death there was the first princely civil strife. The eldest son of Svyatoslav Yaropolk killed the middle Oleg, and the younger Vladimir killed Yaropolk and in 9870. became the prince of Kyiv.

Vladimir reigned from 980 to 1015. he completed the unification of the East Slavic tribes, created a system of defensive fortifications in the South, concluded an alliance with Byzantium and made Christianity the state religion of Rus'. After the death of Vladimir, a second princely civil strife took place. Vladimir's stepson Svyatopolk killed four of Vladimir's sons, including Boris and Gleb, the first Russian saints.

As a result, in 1019. Yaroslav the Wise became Prince of Kyiv. The period of his reign is considered the time of the highest prosperity of Ancient Rus'. Yaroslav defeated the Pechenegs, built the stone St. Sophia Cathedral and the Golden Gate in Kyiv, created the first code of laws, Russian Truth, and strengthened the international authority of Rus'.

After the death of Yaroslav, centrifugal processes intensify and the disintegration of a single state begins. The regular order of reigning established by Yaroslav led to endless "moving" of princes and provoked frequent civil strife. Yaroslav's grandson Vladimir Monomakh tried to stop the civil strife and restore the unity of Rus', in 1097. at the Lyubech Congress of Princes, it was decided to stop moving and jointly defend Rus'. A crusade was made against the Polovtsians in 1111. During the Kyiv reign of Monomakh, the unity of Rus' was temporarily restored, the formation of Russian truth was completed, and the Tale of Bygone Years was written. The last prince of united Rus' was the son of Monomakh Mstislav the Great. After his death, in the words of the chronicler, "the whole Russian land was inflamed." The so-called specific period began.

During the existence of a single Old Russian state, East Slavic society changed a lot. Social stratification intensified, the social structure became more complex, feudal land tenure was formed, stable forms of power organization were formed, culture and the economy were rapidly developing.


482 - foundation of Kyiv

862 - vocation of the Varangians

879 - Rurik's death

882 - Oleg's campaign against Kyiv, the creation of a single ancient Russian state.

907, 911 - Oleg's campaigns against Constantinople

912 - death of Oleg

941, 944 - Igor's campaigns against Constantinople

945 - uprising of the Drevlyans, Olga's reform

962-972 campaigns of Svyatoslav

972-980 - strife of the sons of Svyatoslav

988-baptism of Rus'

1015 - death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich

1015-1019 - strife of the sons of Vladimir

1036 - the defeat of the Pechenegs

1037 - construction of St. Sophia Cathedral

1054 - death of Yaroslav the Wise

1066 - the appearance of the Polovtsy

1097 - Lubech Congress of Princes

1111 - crusade to the steppe

1113-people's uprising in Kyiv

1118 - creation of the Tale of Bygone Years

1132 - the collapse of a single state.


862-879 Rurik, the founder of the dynasty, reigned only in Novgorod.

882-912-Oleg, the first Grand Duke of Kiev, but not Rurikovich.

912-945-Igor Rurikovich, the first Rurikovich on the throne of Kiev.

945-972-Svyatoslav Igorevich (until 962 Olga's regency).

972-980-Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

980-1015-Vladimir Svyatoslavich

1015-1019-Svyatopolk the Cursed

1019-1054-Yaroslav the Wise


1093-1113-Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

1113-1125 Vladimir Monomakh

1125-1132-Mstislav the Great





War chief of the tribe


Permanent armed detachment under the prince


tribal elders


Population tax in favor of the prince


Detour by the prince of subject lands in order to collect tribute


Ordinary community member


rural community


The fine for the crime was paid in favor of the prince


Prince's key keeper


pagan priest




Abbot of the monastery


Head of the Russian Church


Head of Church District


People's Assembly


Insolvent debtor


An employee who has entered into a contract for a fixed period


Hired worker without a contract


Bought slave


Criminal enslaved

prince's husband

Senior combatant


Junior vigilante


Prince's bodyguards


Inherited land ownership


Land held for service


Monetary unit, 200g of silver

Kuna, cut, nogata

Small monetary units


tribute amount


Place of tribute collection


The share of a member of the princely family in common ownership


Payment by a dependent peasant to a landowner


Free work of a peasant in the farm of a landowner


Fortress in the city center


The main tower of the Kremlin


Settlement near the walls of the Kremlin


Lower part of Kyiv


Head of the militia


flat brick


Painting on wet plaster


Pattern of pieces of stone or glass


Mosaic of their colored glass

Grain, filigree

Jewelry technologies


Bride price


The alphabet, invented by Saints Cyril and Methodius for the Slavs in the 9th century, came to Rus' along with Christianity


Part of the tribute allocated by the prince for the maintenance of the church

Norman theory

The concept of the creation of the Russian state as a result of the Varangian conquest was created in the 18th century by German scientists working in Russia (Bayer, Miller, Schlozer).

The next order of reigning "princely ladder"

The order of succession to the throne of Kyiv according to the family principle, not the family principle, that is, not from father to son, but from older brother to younger. Until the older generation dies out, the younger generation is not allowed to inherit.


Collection of honey from wild bees


Maintenance of the squad by granting the right to collect tribute from a certain territory

Topic 2. Old Russian state

Section A

1. What year is considered the date of formation of the Old Russian state?

A) 860; b) 862; c) 882; d) 982

2. What event happened in 862?

a) Novgorodians called on Rurik to reign;

b) detachments of the princes of Rus' attacked Constantinople;

c) the army of the Khazar Khagan was defeated by the Russian princes;

d) the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" was discovered for the first time.

3. What events relate to the reign of Princess Olga?

a) the siege of Constantinople, the adoption of Christianity by Russia, the introduction of a household tax;

b) the prohibition of blood feud, the ruin of the Drevlyansk land, the foundation of Pskov;

c) the establishment of a fixed amount of tribute, an embassy to Constantinople;

d) an embassy to the Pope, a trip to the Balkans, the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral.

4 When did the strife between the sons of Prince Vladimir I begin?

A) in 1013; b) in 1015; c) in 1019; d) in 1024

5. With whom did Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich wage war?

a) with the Byzantines, Polovtsy, Hungarians; b) with the Volga Bulgars, Khazars, Byzantines;

c) with the Khazars, Pechenegs, Avars; d) with the Poles, Drevlyans, Huns.

6. With the name of which prince is the conclusion of a trade agreement withByzantium associated?

A) Rurik; b) Oleg; c) Svyatoslav; d) Vladimir Monomakh.

7. In what year did Prince Svyatoslav die?

A) in 968; b) in 970; c) in 972; d) in 974

8. What is polyudie?

a) the people's militia in Ancient Rus';

b) local governments;

c) collection by the prince of taxes from subject tribes;

d) a type of public corporal punishment.

9. What were the consequences of the murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans?

a) the end of the princely dynasty;

b) the establishment of a fixed amount of tribute;

c) a punitive campaign against the Drevlyans of the son of the murdered - Svyatoslav;

d) the introduction of a poll tax.

10. What were the consequences of the adoption of Christianity by Russia?

A) to the development of trade with the countries of Western Europe, primarily with


B) to the attempts of the Byzantine emperor to subdue the Russians by force


C) to the development of culture, education, strengthening the international position of Rus';

D) to a long war with Khazaria.

11. Which of the listed dates refers to the events of the struggle of Rusis by the Polovtsy?

A) 1036; b) 1043; c) 1068; d) 1097

12. What punishment was introduced instead of the right of blood feud in Pravda Yaroslavichi?

a) payment of a fine; b) imprisonment;

c) the death penalty; d) public flagellation.

13. With what opponents did the Russian lands have to fight in XI-XIIbb.?

a) Cumans, Pechenegs, Torks; b) Hungarians, Poles, Khazars;

c) Khazars, Varangians, Volga Bulgars; d) Byzantines, Avars, Kasogs.

14. What decision was made at the Lubech Congress of Princes in 1097?

A) start a new campaign in the steppe against the Pechenegs;

B) stop the princely strife and assign to each of the princes his possessions;

C) elect Vladimir Monomakh to the throne of Kiev;

D) approve the final text of Russkaya Pravda.

15. What cities were the largest in the X-XII centuries. ?

a) Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk; b) Moscow, Tver, Novgorod;

c) Kyiv, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod; d) Murom, Chernigov, Ryazan.

16. Why did Svyatopolk the Accursed get his nickname?

A) for refusing to obey his father - Prince Vladimir I;

B) for the massacres of Kyivans during his reign;

C) for using foreigners - Polovtsy in the struggle for the throne;

D) for the murder of brothers - Boris and Gleb.

17. What terms are associated with the concept of "patrimony"?

a) hegumen, monk, icon painter; b) settlement, settlement, polyudye;

c) rope, plinth, serf; d) boyar, fireman, purchase.

18. When did the uprising take place in Kyiv, which ended with an invitation to the Kiev throne of Vladimir Monomakh?

A) in 1111; b) in 1112; c) in 1113; d) in 1125

19. What event happened in 1054?

a) the construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod began;

b) the Dolobsky Congress of Russian princes was held;

c) the reign of Yaroslav the Wise began in Kyiv;

d) Yaroslav the Wise died.

20. What did Metropolitan Hilarion become famous for?

a) he wrote the “Sermon on Law and Grace”;

c) according to his project, the St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novgorod;

21. What concepts refer to ancient Russian culture?

a) vira, purchases, youths; b) zakomary, apse, smalt;

c) plows, beekeeping, guests; d) patrimony, hierarchy, tithe.

22. What genre of literature does The Tale of Bygone Years belong to?

A) hagiography; b) chronicle; c) teaching; d) a heroic story.

23. What term refers to the ancient Russian jewelry art?

A) a fresco b) initial; c) cloisonne enamel; d) pilaster.

Section B

1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions.

1) rope; a) an assembly of the free urban population in Ancient Rus';

2) vira; b) a piece of land measured with a rope to the community.That was the name of the peasant community itself;

3) veche; c) tax, duty, levied for the carriage of goods,driving cattle, and from a person when driving

Through outposts near cities and large villages

4) washed. d) a meeting of smerds and serfs that arosefrom the tribal assemblies of the Slavs;

D) a fine, a court fee that wentto the royal treasury.

3.Establish a correspondence between events and dates.

1) adoption of Christianity; a) 1024;

2) the campaign of the combined Russian forces against the Polovtsians; b) 1043;

3) the last campaign of the troops of Rus' to Constantinople; c) 988;

4) uprising in the Rostov-Suzdal land. d) 1111;

e) 1015

4. Read the passage from the chronicle and write the date of the event being described.

“The Chud, Spovyans, Krivichi and all said to the Varangians:“ Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers with their families were chosen (among the Varangians) and came to the Slavs, and the elder Rurik sat in Novgorod, and the other - Sineus - on Beloozero, the third Truvor - in Izborsk.


5. Read an excerpt from the "History of the Russian State" by N. M. Karamzin and write in the text the name of the prince who fell victim to the murderer. “Near this city (Smolensk), he was overtaken by a messenger from Yaroslav, Prince of Novogorodsky, with a notification of the death of Vladimirova and the vile treachery of Svyatopolk; but at the very time when _______________ sensitive, pious ..., mourned his father and beloved brother, in fervent prayers confiding his grief to Heaven, armed assassins appeared and seized his boat. The Murom squad was shy: Goryaser, the head of the villains, ordered the Prince to be killed, and his own cook ..., named Torchin, wanting to please Svyatopolk, stabbed his unfortunate Sovereign to death.

Section C

Read excerpts from the works of Russian historians about the calling of the Varangians and complete the tasks.

From the work of N. M. Karamzin:

“The beginning of Russian history presents us with an amazing and almost unparalleled case in the annals: the Slavs voluntarily destroy their ancient popular rule and demand sovereigns from the Varangians, who were their enemies ... years before that time, they ruled them without oppression and violence, took a light tribute and observed justice. Dominating the seas, having relations with the South and West of Europe in the 9th century, the Varangians, or Normans, should have been more educated than the Slavs and Finns, imprisoned in the wild confines of the North, could tell them some of the benefits of new industry and trade, beneficial for the people ... "

From the work of S. M. Solovyov:

“The first circumstance is the union of the Slavic and Finnish tribes; what produced this union? Without any doubt, the aforementioned tribes were brought into contact by the Varangian conquest, just as later the rest of the scattered Slavic tribes were brought into contact by the princes from the house of Rurik. This close relationship between the Chud, the whole, the Ilmen Slavs and the Krivichi was expressed in the friendly expulsion of the Varangians and then in the calling of the princes. To this same conquest, this clash with an alien principle, the northern tribes were, in all likelihood, obliged to a relatively greater degree of social development, or at least striving for it: after the expulsion of the Varangians, they do not want to return to a scattered tribal life and, not seeing a way out of it with the selfishness of childbirth, they agree to call on power from outside, they call on a prince from a foreign clan ...

The calling of the first princes is of great importance in our history, it is an all-Russian event, and Russian history rightly begins with it. The main, initial phenomenon in the foundation of the state is the unification of disparate tribes through the appearance among them of a concentrating principle, power. The northern tribes, Slavic and Finnish, united and called to themselves this concentrating principle, this power. Here, in the concentration of several northern tribes, the beginning of the concentration of all the other tribes was laid, because the called beginning uses the strength of the first concentrated tribes in order to concentrate others through them; forces united for the first time begin to act.

From the work of B. A. Rybakov:

“The Varangians appeared in Eastern Europe when the Kievan state had already taken shape ... Collisions with the local population occurred with varying success: either the “Varangian finders” managed to take tribute from the Slavs and Chuds, or the local tribes “expelled our Varangians overseas and did not give them tribute ". For the only time in the entire Middle Ages, the leader of the Varangian detachment, together with the northern Slavs, succeeded in fraudulently, pretending to be the owner of a merchant caravan, to seize power in Kiev for a while, killing the legitimate prince. The Varangians were used in Rus' in the X-XI centuries as a hired military force. The Varangians were hired by Svyatoslav and his son Vladimir. The Varangians were hired for dirty murders: the Varangians killed Prince Gleb. Russkaya Pravda was directed against the excesses of the hired Varangians in Novgorod ... The absurd identification of the Varangians with Russia, which meant nothing else, except that if the Varangians ended up in the capital of Rus', in Kiev, if they entered the Russian service, then they were considered Rus ..."

1. What is the "Norman theory"?

2. What is the difference in assessing the importance of the role of the Varangians in the early history of the Old Russian state in the writings of Russian historians?

3. Which of the presented points of view seems more convincing to you? Why?

4. What, in your opinion, was the true historical basis for the emergence of the theory of the creation of the Old Russian state by the Varangians?

Terms and concepts for the section "Ancient Rus'"

Anty - the name of the association of Slavic tribes by Byzantine and Gothic writers (VI-early VII c.)

Varangians - (Normans, Vikings) the name of the participants in predatory campaigns - immigrants from Scandinavia (Danes, Norwegians, Swedes)

Druzhina - a group of permanent combat associates, friends of the prince, professional soldiers and advisers to the prince (armed cavalry detachment)

Verv - Old Slavic community

The world is a peasant community. Form of social organization

Temple - a place of idolatry, where a pagan cult copes

Idol - the image of a deity

Magi and sorcerers - priests, ministers of pagan cults

Trizna - ritual actions and a feast in memory of the deceased

Evening meeting of community members (male warriors)

servants, servants

Events - crowded tribal holidays (from -to be together)

Polyudye - collection of tribute from community members in favor of the prince

Otrok, child - junior squad, ordinary soldiers

Voi - people's militia

Rat - army

Warrior - warrior

Outposts - border fortresses

Vira - a fine in favor of the prince in the ancient Russian state

Virnick the fine collector

Glagolitic, Cyrillic - Slavic alphabets created by Cyril and Methodius. (first not

got accustomed)

Gridi - princely warriors, bodyguards of the prince, junior squad.

Outcasts - in Ancient Rus' XI-XII centuries. peasants who broke ties with the community and did not

enjoyed her patronage, freed or redeemed

serfs and other persons.

Chronicles - historical works, weather records of the most important events.

A posadnik is an elected official in an ancient Russian city-republic. Chapter

executive power

Posad people (posad) - the commercial and industrial population of Russian cities (townspeople)

who carried duties in favor of the prince (including military service) and paid him

Ognischanin, tiun - steward in the household of the prince

Gardarika - that's how Rus' was called in Scandinavia - that is, the country of cities.

Pogost - a tribute collection place, established by Princess Olga

Kupa - loan (grain, cattle)

Purchase - (peasant dependent on the feudal lord) - working in his field for a kupa (loan)

People are communal peasants (hence the commoner)

patrimony - land inherited from father to son (feudal possession)

Tysyatsky - appointed by the prince or elected head of the city government and

militia leader.

Miniature - small colorful drawing

Yoke - (yoke) - oppression, heavy bondage, burdens of enslavement.

Yarlyk-khan letter for the right to own a principality

Ulus - specific possession of the khan (sons and grandsons of Genghis Khan)

Baskaks - tribute collectors

Golden Horde - the state of the Mongol-Tatars

Paiza - a sign of the power of Mongolian officials (silver or gold platinum, on

which were cut out by the orders of the Khan)

Yasa - a set of laws created by Genghis Khan

Exit - payment of tribute to the Golden Horde

The number is a census of the population of Rus' by the Mongols to collect tribute.

Basic terms and concepts (16-17 century)

Arshin- a measure of length equal to 16 inches -71.12 cm.

White settlements- the name of the settlements, the population of which was temporarily exempted from state duties.

Vershok- a measure of length equal to 4.4 cm.

Verst- Russian travel measure equal to 1066.7 m.

Head- the name of military and administrative positions in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries.

Golytba- poor poor people. They fled south to the Cossacks and formed the golutvenny (alien) Cossacks.

Golutvenny Cossacks- (golutva - cutting down, a field cleared for processing) - was not included in the registered Cossack army, did not receive any income, was engaged in agriculture.

city ​​clerk- commandant of the fortified city, head of the garrison, later mayor.

Lip- territorial district in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries. headed by the labial warden.

lip reform- carried out in the 30-50s. 16th century on the withdrawal of cases of robbers from the court of governors and their transfer to the gubernatorial institutions - local governments in the guba. First, they were in charge of the investigation and the criminal court, then the issues of current management.

walking people- the general name of freed serfs, runaway peasants and townspeople. They lived by work for hire and robbery.

Dragoons- a type of cavalry intended for operations on horseback and on foot.

Duma boyars- members of the Boyar Duma, its first rank. In addition to them, it included devious, duma nobles, duma clerks.

Heresy- a trend that deviates from the dogmas of the official church, advocating its transformation.

Zaporizhzhya Sich- organization of Ukrainian Cossacks. It was located beyond the thresholds of the Dnieper in the form of freemen - a Cossack republic with a Sich Rada headed by a ataman.

notch- a defensive line from an external enemy.

Zemshchina- the main part of the territory of Russia, not included in the oprichnina.

Cossacks - free people who served in the border areas. They created self-governing communities - Cossack freemen with an elected foreman.

Privateering(Dutch - sea robbery) - a legal form of piracy, an attack by armed merchant ships of a belligerent state on foreign ships carrying cargo for the enemy. Used by Ivan the Terrible in the Livonian War.

equestrian- a court position, the highest duma rank. Headed the Stable Order.

penny- Russian small change, put into circulation in 1534, was 1/100 of the ruble.

Serfdom- the most severe form of dependence of the peasants, manifested in their attachment to the land and complete submission to the power of the feudal lord.

Manufactory - a large enterprise with manual labor divided into specialties.

Small commodity production- the work of handicraftsmen who manufacture products for the market in their workshops, mainly without the use of hired labor.

Moskovka- Moscow denga, Russian silver coin (0.34 g)

Mercenaries- the general name of ruined peasants and townspeople, runaway serfs, etc., who were hired and became personally dependent on the employer.

German settlement- a place of settlement of foreigners in Russian cities.

Odnodvortsy - state peasants from former service people "according to the instrument" (archers, gunners, city Cossacks, etc.) until 1840. had the right to own serfs.

Oprich - according to Dahl's dictionary, means: "Outside, besides, outside, beyond what."

Oprichnina- comes from Old Russian "oprich", which means "special", "except". 1. Oprichnina in the Moscow principality was called the "widow's share", which, after the death of the prince, was allocated to his widow. 2. The personal lot of Ivan the Terrible, where a terrorist regime was established, carried out by the guardsmen in the fight against the alleged betrayal among the feudal lords.

Parsuna- (from the word persona) - portraiture, which used the techniques of icon painting in writing portraits.

Scribe books- summary descriptions of the economy for taxable land taxation - sosh letter (collection of taxes from the plow)

Suspenders- peasants and townspeople who lost their economy. They lived in the yards of heavy people, helped them in their work.

podyachy- serving in orders and local institutions (assistant clerk).

Ladles- feudal dependent peasants who worked for the feudal lord, usually giving him half of the harvest.

Polushka- a small change silver coin minted since the 15th century. The smallest coin of the Moscow State, equal to 1/4 kopeck, was 0.17 g of silver

local order is a central government agency. He endowed the nobles with estates, controlled changes in land ownership, conducted an inventory of land and a census of the population, and a search for fugitive peasants. Central court for land issues.

Orders- central authorities

Protectionism- (lat. - protection) - the state policy of protecting the domestic market from foreigners by strengthening exports and restricting imports, introducing high customs duties and a number of other measures.

Rogue order- central state an institution that dealt with the investigation and trial of major criminal cases, the performance of peasants and townspeople, and the control of labial institutions.

Discharges - appointment to the service, taking into account locality and with an entry in the discharge books, which were maintained by the Discharge Order, which was in charge of the affairs of service people, the salaries of the nobles, the military administration, the appointment of regimental and city governors, and the border service.

Split- Separation from the Russian Orthodox Church of part of the believers who did not recognize Nikon's reforms. The supporters of the schism are schismatics (Old Believers), led by Archpriest Avvakum.

Reiters- (German - horsemen) - heavy cavalry in the Russian army, mainly from foreign mercenaries.

Autocracy- a monarchical form of government in Russia, based on the strong, almost unlimited power of the tsar.

"The word and deed of the sovereign"- the system of political investigation of the end of the 15th-18th centuries: everyone, under pain of death, is obliged to report on known intentions against the tsar, about treason. The informer uttered the phrase "Word and deed" and stated the fact. The informer and the slandered were subjected to interrogation and torture.

Soha - unit of taxation, measured by the amount of labor, in the XV century. - the Novgorod plow was equal to 3 compressions (an obzhasoshnaya shaft, a measure of land plowed per day by one horse) From the middle of the 16th century. a large plow consisted of several quarters (400-600 hectares of land).

Mill- administrative-territorial unit. 2-3 camps made up the county.

archers- service people, foot soldiers with firearms, made up a permanent army. They were recruited from the free population, they could engage in trade and crafts. The service became lifelong and hereditary with a monetary and grain salary.

Tamga- the state duty levied for the transportation of goods, which was subject to a special stamp - tamga. From this word came the concept - customs, an institution that controls the transport of goods across the border and establishes customs duties.

specific lands- the share of a member of the princely family in the family property, an integral part of a large grand duchy, controlled by a member of the grand ducal family - specific principality: landed property of the imperial family, created in 1797. from palace grounds.

Enamel- a type of cloisonne enamel (in jewelry art).

Tselovalnik- an official elected from among the townspeople or black-haired peasants to carry out financial, judicial cases. Took an oath (kissed the cross)

Quarter- an ancient measure of the earth, equal to 40 fathoms in length and 30 in width. Fathom 2.134 m.

Topic: “Ancient Rus'.

The period of the first princes

Cheat sheet number 1.

September. 1st week.

Prince Igor collects tribute from the Drevlyans in 945.

Painting by artist K.V. Lebedev. 1903

I propose a series of cards for preparing for the exam in history - generalization and repetition by topic. The material of each card must be memorized during weeks. Learn guys, repeat. If you systematically engage, then such weekly preparation will surely bring results.

So, the first week of September is the study of the period reign of the first princes. Start with us. Keep up.

Topic: “Ancient Rus'. The period of the first princes.



The calling of the Varangians, the formation of the state according to the Norman theory

Unification of Kyiv and Novgorod by Oleg.

Formation of the state according to the anti-Norman theory.

907, 911

Oleg's campaigns against Constantinople, 911 - the first trade agreement.

The first appearance of the Pechenegs

941, 944

Igor's campaigns against Constantinople, a less successful trade agreement in 944.


Olga's tax reform.

Acceptance of Christianity by Olga.

Defense of Kyiv from the Pechenegs.


Svyatoslav's campaigns against the Khazars, the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate.

The defeat of the Volga Bulgaria

970- 971

Wars with Byzantium, an agreement with her.

Battle of Dorostol (victory over Danube Bulgaria)


Rurik 862-879

Oleg 879-912

Igor 912-945

Olga 945- 957 (962)

Svyatoslav 957 (962)-972


Briefly about them

Askold and Dir

Kyiv princes. They ruled jointly from about 864-882 Rurik's warriors. In 866 (or 860) they made a trip to Tsargrad.



The headman in Novgorod, it was at his time that Rurik and the brothers were invited.

Cyril (827-969) and Methodius (815-885)

Enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, Christian preachers.

WITH 1991 in memory of them, of their activities in Russia, a holiday is celebrated - Day of Slavic writing - May 24.

Sineus, Truvor

Rourik brothers. Sineus ruled in Beloozero, Truvor in Izborsk.


Prince of the Drevlyans who killed Igor.

Representatives of the Norman theory

German scientists of the 18th century: G.F. Miller, G.Z. Bayer, A.L. Schlozer. At the turn of the 18-19 centuries. they were supported by N.M. Karamzin and S.M. Solovyov. 20th century - L.N. Gumilyov, B.L. Vasiliev.

Representatives of the anti-Norman theory

M.V. Lomonosov, V.N. Tatishchev, D.I. Ilovaisky

Representatives of the centrist theory

A.L.Yurganov, L.A.Katsva and many modern historians

Vasily 1

Byzantine emperor in 867-886

Boris 1

Bulgarian Khan in 852-889

World history

Fall of the Western Roman Empire.

A young man was at the head Romulus Augustus. Barbarian Odoacer raised an army mutiny. consisting of Germanic tribes, in 476 killed his father, deposed the emperor himself

The emergence of the state of the Franks (until 843)

Ruler of the Franks Clovis led troops to Gaul, in which the Roman governor continued to rule. Captured her.

The rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. It was in this year that the prophet Muhammad the angel Gabriel appeared.

Early 7th century

The emergence of the state among the Arabs. By the end of 630, a significant part of Arabia recognized the authority of Muhammad, which meant the formation of an Arab state (caliphate)

Formation of the Holy Roman Empire. Founded by a king Otto.