Mstislav: all about the rare name. Compatibility of the name Mstislav, manifestation in love. New data about Mstislav the Great in the light of archeology

The Great Russian Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great was presumably born in February 1076. At his baptism he was named Theodore, and in Europe he was known as Prince Harald, like his maternal grandfather, Harold II Godwinson, who was the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings and the father of Gita of Wessex. The father of Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great was the same famous prince Vladimir Monomakh. Subsequently, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Life story

Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great was the eldest son in the family. This meant, according to the old Russian law of reign, that it was he who, after the death of his father, had to take the throne and become the great Prince of Kyiv. And yet, his path to the throne was not easy; moreover, it was full of obstacles and fierce struggle. During recent years Rus' turned into a kind of arena for between Russian princes. Before ascending the Kiev throne, Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great reigned in one or another of the Russian cities. Novgorod was in his power especially for a long time. Under him, this city greatly expanded its possessions and was able to achieve political and economic prosperity. But at some point, Prince Mstislav was forced to break his vow to the Novgorodians to reign for life and, by order of his father, left the city, heading to reign in Belgorod. Vsevolod, his son, takes his place in Novgorod.

Grand Duke of Kyiv

When Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great became king in 1125, he automatically became the Grand Duke of Kyiv. It seemed that this could become another reason for the discontent of the other princes, but everything went smoothly: oddly enough, his candidacy suited everyone. However, other Russian princes were in no hurry to swear allegiance to him, and at first his possessions included only Kyiv and the Principality of Kiev. Two years later he managed to change the situation. Mstislav decided to join the struggle for power in the city of Chernigov. With the assistance of the Polovtsians, he managed to capture some of the Chernigov lands. After that, the residents of Smolensk knelt before him. However, he does not stay here and places his son on the princely throne. Soon almost all of Rus' is in his power.

Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great: main events

After he was able to subjugate all the Russian princes, Mstislav decides to improve the foreign policy situation and makes several campaigns against the Principality of Polotsk, subjugating a number of foreign cities. Over the next year, he finally conquers the Polovtsian lands and places Izyaslav on the throne. He did not want to stop there and headed to the Baltic states with his army. However, failure awaited him there; during the capture of Lithuania, Russian troops were defeated.

Children and family

The daughter of the King of Sweden became the wife of Mstislav the Great in 1095. She bore her husband four sons. The father made sure that each of his sons - Vsevolod, Izyaslav, Rostislav and Svetopolk - became rulers of different Russian cities. The Norwegian princess was not particularly healthy and died soon after the birth of her youngest son. The prince married a second time, and in his new marriage he had two more daughters.

Results of the reign of Mstislav the Great

Why was he called the Great? This was the prince who managed to stop for some time internecine wars. The years of the reign of Grand Duke Mstislav Vladimirovich were thus marked by peace on Russian soil. He became the sole ruler Kievan Rus. In addition, he managed to expand the territory of his country. He also pursued a very wise tax policy: he took from the people as tax exactly as much as was necessary, did not rob the people completely and left funds for a normal existence. Almost no one went hungry under him. The years of his reign were also marked by the construction of many Orthodox churches.

For the first time, Mstislav had the opportunity to expand his possessions during the struggle for Chernigov. His daughter was married to Prince Vsevolod Olgovich of Novgorod-Seversk, whose uncle ruled Chernigov at that time. He called the Polovtsy as help and managed to drive his uncle out of his home. Mstislav and Yaropolk opposed Vsevolod, as they swore allegiance to Yaroslav, but he did not restore the status quo. Then the Grand Duke placed his son Izyaslav on the Kursk throne, and then managed to separate Murom and Ryazan from Chernigov, and in Smolensk, after the death of the Svyatoslavovichs, he placed his son Rostislav on the princely throne, and he, in turn, founded a local dynasty here.

Hike to Plock

1123 was successful for Mstislav the Great. He was not content with conquering Russian cities, but decided to go against his neighbors, namely the Polovtsians. Here he was able to conquer and then plunder Strezhev, Izyaslavl, Lagozhsk and others. The Lord of Polotsk, Prince Davyd Vseslavich, was replaced, and his own brother Rogvolod ascended to his throne, who lasted until 1128. After his death, the throne was again occupied by Davyd, but Mstislav could not allow this and took him and his two other brothers prisoner, and Izyaslav Mstislavich was appointed prince of these places. The Polotsk land began to be ruled by a minor prince Vasilko Svyatoslavich, whom Mstislav the Great sent to Constantinople in 1130.

Legends associated with the name of Mstislav the Great

German church leader first third of the 12th century Rupert, in his “Eulogy to Saint Panteleimon,” reports that during the years of his reign, Mstislav-Harald almost died while hunting. A bear attacked him and ripped open his stomach in such a way that his insides fell out. The wounded prince was brought to his house. His mother, Gita, began to pray to Saint Panteleimon. And then Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great had a dream. Briefly, barely breathing, he told his mother about him: a young man came to him and promised to cure him. According to legend, the next morning a young man, very similar to Panteleimon, actually came to him, brought with him various potions and healed him. When Mstislav's second son was born, he was given the name Panteleimon at baptism. Moreover, the prince founded a wonderful monastery near Novgorod and named it after this saint. And this was not the only temple that he rebuilt. It was on his order that the Church of the Annunciation and the St. Nicholas Cathedral were built.

Certificate of Great Mstislav Vladimirovich

This is a unique monument of the past of Rus', which has survived to this day. It was written on parchment and had a pendulous silver seal with gilding attached to it. This charter dates back to the era of the great, that is, the Kyiv reign of Mstislav Vladimirovich (1125-1132), who was popularly called the Great for his deeds. The exact date of drawing up the Charter of Grand Duke Mstislav Vladimirovich cannot be established, so it is generally accepted that this happened around 1130. It was then that the son of the Grand Duke, Vsevolod, came to his father in Kyiv, although in some chronicles this event dates back to 1126. Historian S.V. Yushkov calls this document an immunity document. This means that its owner is primarily given the right to land ownership and to collect tribute, vira and sale. Later, he received awards in the form of exemption from financial and administrative subordination to princely power and general jurisdiction. Mstislav's charter was kept in
Buitsa, in the monastery founded under Vsevolod. It is located on the shore of the lake of the same name on the border of Tver and Pskov provinces.

Death of the Grand Duke

According to the chronicle, Mstislav Vladimirovich died on April 14, 1132. He transferred his throne not to one of his sons, as everyone assumed, but to his brother, Yaropolk. However, he set a condition before him that after he ascended to the great princely throne, he would give up his Pereyaslavel to Mstislav’s son Vsevolod. However, this plan could not be implemented, since his younger brothers rose up against Vsevolod. While uncles and nephews were at enmity with each other for the Kiev throne, the Olgovichi entered the arena of struggle, who also laid claim to power in Kyiv. It turned out that the death of Mstislav became the reason for the collapse of Kievan Rus into many separate principalities that fought internecine wars among themselves.

New data about Mstislav the Great in the light of archeology

In the 20th century, on the territory of the Moscow region, in the Mogutovsky archaeological complex, a seal of Mstislav Vladimirovich was discovered. In the last 10 years, archaeologists have found several more seals belonging to this great prince. They were buried under a thick layer of soil in the Novgorod region. A document was also found from which it was possible to find out that one of Mstislav’s daughters was named Rogneda. Before this, both princesses were called exclusively by their patronymics.

Mstislav's name day

Mstislav's name day is April 28 and June 27. Saints: Mstislav (Theodore), Grand Duke; Mstislav (baptized George) Brave, Novgorod, prince.

The meaning of the name Mstislav

Mstislav means “glorious avenger” (this is a translation of the name Mstislav from the ancient Slavic language).

Origin of the name Mstislav

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Mstislav with its origin. The history of the name Mstislav has Slavic roots. It came from a combination of two common Slavic words: “revenge, avenge” and “glory.”

What does the name Mstislav mean according to D.Zima and N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Mstislav according to D. Zima and N. Zima, it looks like a spring, extremely compressed and ready to shoot at any moment. Fortunately, the too obvious indication of revenge inherent in the name deprives this threat of force. Something like the saying: “He who talks a lot, does little”; So it is with the name Mstislav - thinking about the concept of revenge since childhood, Slavik at least begins to resist this harsh call in his soul. But such reflections can greatly develop his imagination and ability to analyze. Mstislav is usually an excellent psychologist and has a keen understanding of the human soul. He is also a great dreamer, which, in fact, is where the lion’s share of his powerful internal energy goes.

We also cannot ignore the issue of pride, which in Mstislav is sometimes developed to very impressive proportions. Of course, he has the right to be in love with his rare name, it would be nice if this didn’t develop into him falling in love with himself. This is all the more dangerous because, prone to internal tension, Mstislav can react extremely sharply to external influences, both pleasant and, as you yourself understand, negative. In other words, sometimes just a slight hint of something offensive is enough for Slava to literally explode.

No, if parents were not afraid to give their child such a strong and dangerous name, they should devote a lot of time to his upbringing, and the stupidest thing that can be advised to them here is to try to teach Mstislav restraint. Alas, nothing good will come of this except nervous strain and breakdown. On the contrary, they need to try to direct Mstislav’s powerful energy in a useful direction, develop some interests in him and teach him to respect the people around him. He will also need a sense of humor. Only in this case can Mstislav achieve success in life and ensure normal relationships with others.

The nature of the name Mstislav is such that the excitability of a man bearing this name often makes it extremely difficult to communicate with him, although if Mstislav knows how to control his emotions, then instead of wasting his time, he begins to spend his colossal energy on resolving the emerging conflict. However, you still shouldn’t give him a reason for this. In addition, it would be useful to take into account that his emotions can be terribly contagious - you yourself may not even notice how you find yourself at the mercy of his enthusiasm.

Characteristics of the name Mstislav according to N. Zagovorova

According to the description of the name Mstislav according to N. Zagovorova, this is a strong and, at the same time, dangerous name. You can expect anything from Mstislav. Sometimes he reacts extremely painfully to any external influence, without fear he goes into the most difficult confrontation with the people around him. Brave, resourceful in courage, does not talk about the consequences of his actions; This kind of Mstislav is very much loved by the fair sex.

But moving up the career ladder and establishing a family life is difficult for him. A very extraordinary and unpredictable person.

And another Mstislav, on the contrary, silently swallows any insult (although it places a heavy burden on his soul). That is, he is touchy and timid at the same time. Proud, but so much so that he does not dare to put himself in a dangerous position; not confident in his abilities, although he secretly harbors plans to do something. Such a Mstislav is also unlikely to be successful in love and career.

How the fate of a particular Mstislav will turn out depends not only on himself, but also on his parents. This name requires a special, careful education, which will allow Mstislav to take only the best from each side of his contradictory nature. And then everything in his life can turn out just great - the high potential inherent in the name completely allows this to be achieved.

Derivatives of the name Mstislav

Variants of the name Mstislav: are missing.

Diminutives for the name Mstislav: Mstislavushka, Mstisha, Stiva, Slava, Slavik.

Name Mstislav in different languages

  • Name on English language: Mstislav (Mstislav).
  • Name in Ukrainian: Mstislav.
  • Name in Belarusian: Mscislava, Mscislava.
  • Name in Polish: M?cis?aw (Mcislav).

Famous Mstislavs:

  • Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great (baptized Fedor) – Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh and Gita of Wessex.
  • Mstislav Mikhailovich Zapashny is a Soviet and Russian circus artist and trainer of predatory animals. People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR, member of the Zapashny Brothers circus group.
  • Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich - Soviet and Russian cellist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin second degree and Lenin Prize of the USSR, State Prize of the RSFSR, State Prize Russian Federation. Known not only as a musician, but also as a public figure, defender of human rights and spiritual freedom.
  • Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky is a Russian artist, master of urban landscape, member of the creative association “World of Art”, art critic, memoirist.
  • Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh is a Soviet scientist in the field of mathematics and mechanics.
  • Mstislav Aleksandrovich Tsyavlovsky is a Russian and Soviet literary critic, an outstanding Pushkin scholar, Doctor of Philology.
  • Mstislav Platonovich Afanasyev is the rector of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Russian Ministry of Finance. Professor, doctor economic sciences. Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.
  • Mstislav Nikolaevich Gnevyshev - Soviet astronomer.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Mstislav is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Mstislav. Vengeance, Mstisha, Mstishenka, Stiva, Mstislavchik, Slava, Slavik.
Synonyms for the name Mstislav. Mscislav.
Origin of the name Mstislav. The name Mstislav is Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Mstislav is a male name of Slavic origin. Formed from two semantic words “vengeance” (translated from Slavic as “to protect”) and “glory”, therefore the name Mstislav is translated as “glorious defender”. Diminutive forms: Mstyata, Mstisha, Mstishenka, Stiva, Mstislavchik, Slava, Slavik.

The diminutive Slava is also a short form for many masculine ones (Beloslav, Borislav, Radoslav, Bratislav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Bronislav, Vyacheslav, Radoslav, Stanislav, Vysheslav, Miloslav, Istislav, Rostislav, Ladislav, Gorislav, Vladislav, Danislav, etc. .p.) and female (Beloslava, Yaroslava, Miloslava, Voislava, Wenceslava, Bronislava, Dobroslava, Zlatoslava, Cheslava, Svyatoslava, Svetislava, Miroslava, Gorislava, Vaclava, Vladislava, etc.) names.

The name Mstislav is one of the few Slavic names accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Since childhood, this boy has been distinguished by his ambition. He always strives to be ahead of everyone in everything and to be unlike anyone else. Mstislav is very reasonable and very early begins to understand what qualities will help him succeed in life. In order to become the first, he needs luck, kindness and patience. Mstislav shows interest in everything; one can say that he is ready to embrace the immensity.

Mstislav constantly strives for the top, so every time he increases the demands on himself. His self-esteem may be a little high, but this boy has a gentle character and loves when others notice his successes. Mstislav is very persistent in achieving his goal and strives to understand everything down to the smallest detail. He tries to avoid conflicts due to his temper. This is not an envious boy at all, he is very generous and does not take offense for long.

Mstislav is a creative person and is not inclined to physical work that requires endurance. He does not like monotony in his work; he needs constant growth over himself. He is more inclined towards teaching, as he loves to share his knowledge and give advice to everyone. A job in the service sector as a manager, consultant or seller of any equipment would be suitable for him. Mstislav can show his talents by becoming an actor, writer, designer, artist, musician, conductor or novelist. Success awaits him in any humanitarian profession. He loves to expand his knowledge and will become an excellent archivist and historian.

It is very important for Mstislav to find his calling, to which he can devote his whole life and constantly improve his knowledge and experience. He persistently strives to fully master his profession. If Mstislav does not retreat and pursues his goal, then at the end of his difficult path he will gain fame and worldwide recognition of his merits.

In his personal life, Mstislav strives to find himself an intelligent woman who will share his views. His wife must have a strong character and very attractive, she will have to take on everyday life and care for the family. Such men need a woman who will take care of them. He has a rather poor understanding of women, so he may not immediately find a suitable spouse. He needs a caring woman, next to whom he will feel like a man. His wife should support him with approval, then his self-esteem will be quite high. But the wife will feel completely safe; Mstislav is very faithful and attached to his family. Life, work and money are not of particular importance to him; it is rather an inevitability that one has to put up with.

Only when communicating with his friends does Mstislav behave openly and calmly. In any company he is sociable, good feeling humor and erudition. He seems to know everything in the world. Mstislav does not know how to hide his thoughts and can often offend someone by showing his straightforwardness.

Famous people with the name Mstislav

  • Mstislav Zapashny ((born 1938) Soviet and Russian circus artist and trainer of predatory animals)
  • Mstislav Rostropovich ((1927 - 2007) Soviet and Russian cellist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1966), laureate of the Stalin (1951) and Lenin (1964) Prizes of the USSR, State Prize of the RSFSR (1991), State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995). Known not only as a musician, but also as a public figure, defender of human rights and spiritual freedom.)
  • Mstislav Izyaslavich ((d.1069) Prince of Novgorod (1054-1067), Polotsk (1069), son of Izyaslav Yaroslavich)
  • Mstislav Vladimirovich (nicknamed Brave or Daring) ((c.983 - 1036) baptized Constantine, Prince of Tmutarakan (990/1010 - 1036), Prince of Chernigov (1024 - 1036), son of St. Vladimir the Holy and (presumably) Adelya)
  • Mstislav Rostislavich ((d.1180) Prince of Novgorod, son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Rostislav Mstislavich, the prince's baptismal name is George)
  • Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great ((1076 - 1132) baptized Fedor, also Harald, in honor of his grandfather, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, Grand Duke of Kiev (1125 - 1132), son of Vladimir Monomakh and Gita of Wessex)
  • Mstislav Keldysh ((1911 - 1978) Soviet scientist in the field of mathematics and mechanics, three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961, 1971))
  • Mstislav Dobuzhinsky ((1875 - 1957) Russian artist, master of urban landscape, member of the creative association "World of Art", art critic, memoirist)
  • Mstislav Tsyavlovsky ((1883 - 1947) Russian and Soviet literary critic, outstanding Pushkin scholar, Doctor of Philology (1940). He studied the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, devoting his main works to them; editor and commentator of many collected works of the poet (including academic publication 1937 - 1959). He was also an editor and commentator on the collected works of Leo Tolstoy.)
  • Mstislav Gnevyshev ((1914 - 1992) Soviet astronomer)
  • Mstislav Afanasyev (Rector of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences)
  • Etc.) names.

    Name Mstislav in different languages

    Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 羅斯卓波維 (Luósī zhuō bō wéi). Japanese: ムスティスラフ (Musutisurafu). Georgian: მსტისლავ (mstislav). Yiddish: מסטיסלאַוו (Mstyslʼaww). Ukrainian: Mstislav. Korean: 므 스티 슬라브 (meu seuti seullabeu). English: Mstislav (Mstislav).

    Origin of the name Mstislav

    Numerology of the name Mstislav

    Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people. However, “Nines” are prone to inflated conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in their personal life. Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.


    Planet: Neptune.
    Element: Water, cold-humidity.
    Zodiac: , .
    Color: Aquamarine, sea green.
    Day: Thursday Friday.
    Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
    Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
    Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
    Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, gull, albatross, dolphin.

    The name Mstislav as a phrase

    M Think
    With Word
    T Firm
    AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
    With Word
    L People
    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
    In Vedi

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Mstislav

    Sexuality of the name Mstislav

    Very often Mstislav finds himself between “two fires”, that is, between his mother and his wife. He will not sort out the relationship of his women; he will try to separate them in different directions and as far as possible. Each one is dear to him in its own way, he feels good with each one. He will not lose any of them and spoil the relationship.

    Most often, it is the mother who influences the formation of Mstislav’s character. If the relationship with his mother is normal, then his character will be calmer, and vice versa. Therefore, any woman can be advised to first find out his relationship with his mother, then decide whether to continue the relationship or not. Mstislav does not like to swear and make trouble. Love is not the first place in his life; he can appreciate simple respect, but he will try to enjoy any relationship. His love can last a lifetime if he meets his ideal wife and companion.

    In sex, he tries to be the leading partner, but he always takes into account the desires of his woman. Throughout his life, Mstislav can change girlfriends, but everything depends on him, since at heart he is a clear conqueror, as, indeed, are all representatives of the stronger sex.

    Characteristics of the name Mstislav according to Higir and Rouge

    Translated from ancient Slavic - “avenger”. Mstislav is emotional and unbalanced. This boy studies well at school and studies sports sections and various circles. This is an enthusiastic nature, Mstislav easily lights up with new ideas. But, if there are any obstacles on the way to their implementation, then Mstislav may not complete the work he has started. He is a resourceful and courageous boy; in a difficult situation he is able to quickly find the right solution and take action. The adult Mstislav is a lively, active, talkative man. He is sociable, has the gift of a storyteller, knows how to captivate people with him, although he does not strive for this. During a conversation, this man is often distracted by details and goes away from the topic. Mstislav has many friends. He is responsive and willing to help. This man loves noisy fun companies, but sometimes prefers to be alone. IN free time Mstislav likes to play chess, checkers and cards, and solve crosswords. He enjoys reading science fiction, historical and adventure novels.

    This man is often interested in philosophy and psychology. Mstislav works well, but only if he is interested. Then this man is capable of doing a lot. He successfully advances in his career and is respected by his colleagues and superiors. A man with this name is neat and does not like disorder. He is insightful, tactful, and subtly senses the mood of people. Mstislav loves to argue and knows how to defend his point of view. Mstislav marries once. If the marriage is successful, then he is calm and happy. If things don’t work out, this man immediately gets divorced, without even trying to restore the relationship, and no longer tries to start a family. Mstislav knows how to please representatives of the opposite sex. He is charming, witty, and a great storyteller. This man quickly meets women and easily charms them.

    He does not need to know a woman for long to begin an intimate relationship with her. When inviting a woman to have sex, Mstislav never goes straight and never tries to force her, but carefully guides her towards it. Mstislav is a skillful and affectionate lover. He often chooses inexperienced partners for himself, he likes to teach them and adapt them to himself. This man is not very constant, although he can support for a long time relationship with one woman. However, he requires frequent changes of environment, because Mstislav does not like monotony in intimate relationships. He needs to love a woman very much in order to live with her for a long time and not cheat, in which case he usually marries her. But Mstislav becomes an exemplary husband. Mstislav, born in winter, is more stable and constant in his affections. He chooses an affectionate and calm partner and breaks up with her only when he believes that their relationship is completely exhausted. This man does not separate love and sex.

    He enters into intimacy only with the woman he loves and who loves him. Autumn Mstislav has a complex and contradictory character. He is closed, often lives by his own illusions, is very vulnerable and touchy. This man is having a hard time dealing with reality. Usually this is a creative, talented person, most often a poet or singer. But those around him do not always understand him. Mstislav has a hard time meeting women; he is very distrustful and afraid of making mistakes. A man with this name is faithful and affectionate; he has a hard time dealing with his partner’s betrayal. Often after this he does not get close to any woman for a long time. This Mstislav is a jealous husband, but he usually doesn’t say anything right away, he just becomes even more nervous and irritable.

    Positive traits of the name

    Keen eye, ability to notice the smallest details, understand people. Mstislav has a well-developed fantasy and imagination, a desire to bring knowledge and information into a certain system. He can easily attract like-minded people.

    Negative traits of the name

    Painful pride, irritability, the ability to accumulate resentment, hatch a plan of revenge, and “explode.” Mstislav is distinguished by self-confidence, permissiveness in behavior, and narcissism. He categorically does not accept criticism or punishment, and violently expresses joy or anger.

    Choosing a profession by name

    Mstislav, who controls his emotions, can realize himself as a good psychologist, lawyer, ideological inspirer in public organization. Mstislav is ambitious, but his ambitions do not coincide with the plans of other people, and therefore Mstislav may have many open and secret enemies, there will be a threat of behind-the-scenes intrigues against him, he may have to face slander, scandals, and defend his honor and dignity.

    The impact of a name on business

    With willpower and self-confidence, and deliberate actions, Mstislav will achieve success in any field where he wishes, he will be able to earn money and make a decent fortune in business, using his organizational skills. Companions or even family members may try to deceive Mstislav in financial matters.

    The influence of a name on health

    In an effort to achieve success, Mstislav neglects his health; he may have liver disease, spleen disease, and metabolic disorders.

    Psychology of the name

    Try not to annoy Mstislav with offensive hints or ridicule. Don’t force him to accumulate irritation or hold back violent emotions. What has accumulated will require release, and this is fraught with a nervous breakdown. It is necessary to interest Mstislav in some useful activity that requires a lot of energy; conflicts that arise need to be softened with jokes and light humor. Do not raise your voice under any circumstances: this will cause a chain reaction. If Mstislav learns to control himself, then he himself will be able to cool the tense atmosphere and find a compromise in a difficult situation.

    Secrets of communicating with Mstislav

    Mstislav's excitability often makes it extremely difficult to communicate with him, although if Mstislav knows how to control his emotions, then instead of wasting his time, he begins to spend his colossal energy on resolving the emerging conflict. However, you still shouldn’t give him a reason for this. In addition, it would be useful to take into account that his emotions can be terribly contagious - you yourself may not notice how you find yourself at the mercy of his enthusiasm.

    Famous people with the name Mstislav

    Mstislav Zapashny ((born 1938) Soviet and Russian circus artist and trainer of predatory animals)
    Mstislav Rostropovich ((1927 - 2007) Soviet and Russian cellist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1966), laureate of the Stalin (1951) and Lenin (1964) Prizes of the USSR, State Prize of the RSFSR (1991), State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995). Known not only as a musician, but also as a public figure, defender of human rights and spiritual freedom.)
    Mstislav Izyaslavich ((d.1069) Prince of Novgorod (1054-1067), Polotsk (1069), son of Izyaslav Yaroslavich)
    Mstislav Vladimirovich (nicknamed Brave or Daring) ((c.983 - 1036) baptized Constantine, Prince of Tmutarakan (990/1010 - 1036), Prince of Chernigov (1024 - 1036), son of St. Vladimir the Holy and (presumably) Adelya)
    Mstislav Rostislavich ((d.1180) Prince of Novgorod, son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Rostislav Mstislavich, the prince's baptismal name is George)
    Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great ((1076 - 1132) baptized Fedor, also Harald, in honor of his grandfather, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England, Grand Duke of Kiev (1125 - 1132), son of Vladimir Monomakh and Gita of Wessex)
    Mstislav Keldysh ((1911 - 1978) Soviet scientist in the field of mathematics and mechanics, three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961, 1971))
    Mstislav Dobuzhinsky ((1875 - 1957) Russian artist, master of urban landscape, member of the creative association "World of Art", art critic, memoirist)
    Mstislav Tsyavlovsky ((1883 - 1947) Russian and Soviet literary critic, outstanding Pushkin scholar, Doctor of Philology (1940). He studied the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, devoting his main works to them; editor and commentator of many collected works of the poet (including academic publication 1937 - 1959). He was also an editor and commentator on the collected works of Leo Tolstoy.)
    Mstislav Gnevyshev ((1914 - 1992) Soviet astronomer)
    Mstislav Afanasyev (Rector of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences)

    Famous names bearers

    Mstislav the Brave - Novgorod prince, grandson of Vladimir Monomakh; Mstislav Vladimirovich - Prince of Chernigov, son of Vladimir I; Mstislav Vladimirovich - Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh; Mstislav Udaloy - Russian governor; Mstislav Dobuzhinsky - graphic artist and theater artist; Mstislav Tsyavlovsky - literary critic; Mstislav Keldysh - mathematician, mechanic; Mstislav Rostropovich - cellist, conductor.

    Name days and patrons of Mstislav

    8.01, 27.06, 6.07. Prince Mstislav the Brave, Daring, who lived in the 13th century, who was famous for his unsurpassed military valor.

    Compatibility of the name Mstislav

    Incompatibility of the name Mstislav

    Mstislav is an ancient pagan name of Slavic origin. It was formed as a result of the merger of two words “revenge” and “glory”. And if the interpretation of the second word does not raise questions, then “revenge” is translated from Old Church Slavonic by two different, one might say, completely opposite words: to take revenge or to protect. That is, the name Mstislav can be translated both as “glorious defender” and as “glorious avenger” (or even “glory of revenge”).

    But, despite such a dual meaning of the name Mstislav, it became one of the few pagan names accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church as baptismal. It has not become popular either in spiritual or secular circles, but is still both original and traditional.

    Mstislav celebrates his name day twice a year: on the day of remembrance of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich of Kyiv and on the day of remembrance of Mstislav Rostislavich the Brave, Prince of Novgorod.

    Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great was the eldest son of the famous Monomakh and after his death inherited the throne. He did not rule for long, but became famous for his successful campaigns of conquest, as well as for the numerous construction of churches. For his successful political activities he was nicknamed the Great.

    Mstislav of Novgorod earned the name Brave during his lifetime. According to the testimony of his contemporaries, he was distinguished by rare courage and nobility. In the Church, the prince was canonized due to his mercy and fear of God.

    Since childhood, the name Mstislav has endowed its bearer with rare energy. He is ready to enroll in any clubs and sections, participate in school productions, and even help his parents around the house in the evenings. Provided that he finds all this interesting, or at least useful.

    This boy combines good things physical development and good health with logical thinking and a creative mind.

    The only thing that can prevent him from developing harmoniously is his own stubbornness and pride. Mstislav gives great importance to your name. The main thing is that this does not develop into vain narcissism.

    He does not forgive even accidentally inflicted insults. Mstislav is quick-tempered and sometimes too proud, so the boy’s parents should be patient and strict in raising him. It is necessary to teach him compassion and tolerance from childhood.


    Joining adult life Mstislav's is usually difficult. Those character flaws that were forgiven him in childhood can seriously interfere with a man’s communication and work. His often unsupported ambition and self-will seriously irritate the people around him. However, if Mstislav knows the peculiarities of his name and character flaws, he always tries not to show them and avoids conflicts himself.

    • In communication, a man named Mstislav is open and straightforward.
    • He makes friends easily and can carry on any conversation.
    • The “shirt guy” is ready to respond to all requests from loved ones. Unfortunately, this does not always turn out in his favor, and in life the bearer of this name suffers more than one betrayal, and only truly friendly company can bring him back to life.


    In love, Mstislav also strives for honesty and openness. He rarely falls in love and after an unsuccessful attempt to build a relationship with someone, he may cool down to romantic impulses for the rest of his life. This man, despite all his responsibility and strong character, at heart can remain a child who is in great need of support.

    Mstislav needs a smart and charming woman, ready to become the keeper of his hearth and “combat friend.” She should unobtrusively feed her husband’s feelings, allow him to be the master of the house and the protector of the family. In this case, Mstislav’s beloved woman will truly find reliable support in your husband, and everyday little things will not become an obstacle to building a strong relationship.

    Choice of profession

    Men named Mstislav always show themselves to be deeply creative people. Boring physical labor not suitable for such an energetic person - he requires constant variety and challenging tasks.

    Mstislav Mikhailovich Zapashny (Soviet and Russian circus artist-trainer of predatory animals, director)

    • Most people with the name Mstislav are pronounced humanitarians. But their range of activities may include art, social professions, and even business.
    • Unbending will and self-confidence will help you achieve success in virtually any field.
    • If Mstislav was able to cool down his ardor and learned to control his emotions, then he often achieves success as a lawyer, politician or public figure.

    His ambition then benefits the entire team he works for. In this field of activity, the bright and ambitious Mstislav may have many ill-wishers, and he will certainly be drawn into behind-the-scenes intrigues or even scandals. Only natural honesty, openness and a flexible mind can help avoid such situations.

    Another feature of Mstislav is the desire to share his extensive knowledge. Therefore, men with this name make good consultants, managers or teachers.

    With his focus and dedication, Mstislav can easily make his name known and achieve professional success.

    Talismans named after Mstislav

    1. Zodiac sign - Aries;
    2. patron planet - Mars;
    3. color - carmine (red);
    4. tree - hawthorn;
    5. amulet stone - red hematite;
    6. animal - tapir.