Customs border of the Russian Federation. Customs authorities and customs control. Customs territory of Russia and its border

Foreign economic activity and, above all, foreign trade are associated with movement across the country’s customs border, both legal and individuals goods and Vehicle. In this case, goods and vehicles are subject to customs control and customs clearance. To understand the essence and mechanisms of customs control and customs clearance of goods moved across the customs border, it is important to take into account the meaning of the basic terms and concepts associated with these processes.

Customs territory

Russian Federation– land territory of the Russian Federation, territorial and internal waters and airspace above them. The customs territory of the Russian Federation also includes artificial islands, installations and structures located in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, over which the Russian Federation has exclusive jurisdiction in relation to customs matters.

There may be free customs zones and free warehouses on the territory of the Russian Federation. The territories of free customs zones and free warehouses are considered to be outside the customs territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases determined by the Customs Code and other legislative acts Russian Federation.

The customs territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the territories of free customs zones and free warehouses, have limits in the form of a line.

Customs border-

these are the limits of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the perimeters of free customs zones and free warehouses. The customs border coincides with the State border of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the territories of exclusive and special economic zones. Goods

Any movable property, including currency, currency valuables, electrical, thermal, other types of energy vehicles, with the exception of

Vehicles used for the international transport of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment.


These are any means used for the international transport of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment.

Moving across the customs border of the Russian Federation is the commission of actions to import into the customs territory of the Russian Federation or export from this territory of goods or vehicles in any way, including transfer to international postal items, use of pipeline transport or power lines.

Russian goods

– goods originating from the Russian Federation, or goods released for free circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Foreign goods

All other goods that are not Russian.

Persons moving goods are persons who are the owners of goods, their buyers, possessors, or acting in another capacity sufficient in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to perform actions on their own behalf with goods provided for by the Customs Code.


an economic and legal concept that includes land territory, territorial and internal waters and the airspace above them. T.t. The Russian Federation also includes in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation artificial islands, installations and structures over which the Russian Federation has exclusive Jurisdiction in relation to customs matters. Unified T.t. The Russian Federation acts as a customs and legal expression of the all-Russian market, the main internal principle of operation of which is the absence of internal customs borders and barriers, the free movement of goods, services and capital.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there may be free customs zones and free warehouses, the territories of which are considered to be outside the Customs Union. Russian Federation, except for cases determined by customs legislation.

Limits of T.t. The Russian Federation, as well as the perimeters of free customs zones and free warehouses, are the customs border of the Russian Federation.

Lit.: Kozyrin A.N. The concept of customs territory and spatial aspects of customs tariff regulation // Moscow Journal international law, 1995.No. 1; Customs territory of the world. New York, 1989; Shestakova M.P. The procedure for moving goods across the customs border/ / Law and Economics, 1997, No. 9.

Anisimov L.N.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .

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In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, the territory of the Russian Federation is constituted by the single customs territory of the Russian Federation.

Customs territory is understood as state territory, which includes the land territory of the Russian Federation, territorial and internal waters and the airspace above them (Article 2 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation). The single customs territory of the Russian Federation also includes artificial islands, installations and structures located in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, over which the Russian Federation exercises jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Clause 2 of Article 2 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation). Also, on the customs territory of the Russian Federation, free customs zones and free warehouses located outside the customs zone of the Russian Federation can be legally created, with the exception of certain cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts in the customs field.

On the customs territory, the state has exclusive jurisdiction over customs affairs (clause 1 of article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2003 No. 5003-Y “On the customs tariff”). This means that in the customs territory, as well as in the state territory, state sovereignty is predominant in legal regulation.

From Article 74 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the following can be highlighted: on the territory of the Russian Federation, the establishment of customs borders, duties, fees and other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources is not allowed. Restrictions on the movement of goods and services may be introduced in accordance with federal law if this is necessary to ensure safety, protect the life and health of people, protect nature and cultural values.

The concept of “customs territory” and the concept of “state territory” do not coincide due to the fact that in some cases certain parts located outside the state territory can be included in the customs territory and similarly removed from it.

The limits of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, along with the territories of free customs zones, are called the customs border.

The customs border is conditional line, which limits the customs territory of the Russian Federation. Elements of the customs border are the limits of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the limits of the territories of the economic zone of the Russian Federation, the continental shelf and special economic zones of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of Article 2 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation). The customs border and the state border in a number of cases may or may not coincide, but the concepts of “customs border” and “state border” themselves can never coincide, since the state border is a real line passing through the area and is determined by special designations , establishing the limit of the action of the state’s sovereignty, while the customs border is determined by an imaginary line, that is, conditional, limiting the action only of the economic sovereignty of the state.

In the field of customs, terms such as customs territory and customs border are often used.

The customs territory of the Russian Federation consists of the land territory of Russia, territorial and internal waters and the airspace above them (Art.

2 TK). Land territory - all land located within the borders of Russia. Inland waters include coastal sea ​​waters, waters of rivers, lakes, ports, bays, bays, the banks of which completely belong to Russia. Territorial waters coastal sea waters with a width of 12 nautical miles are recognized, measured from the low tide line "both on the mainland and on islands belonging to Russia. The customs territory may also include artificial islands, installations and structures located in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf Russia, provided that it has exclusive jurisdiction over them.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there may be special economic zones created in accordance with federal laws that are part of the customs territory of Russia. They are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and are created for the purpose of developing manufacturing sectors of the economy, high-tech industries, production of new types of products and development of transport infrastructure3. Goods placed on the territory of such zones are considered to be outside the customs territory for the purposes of applying customs duties, taxes, as well as prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature, except for cases established by law.

Russia is in the process of forming a unique market for corporate and financial services based on preferential tax regions. Its main feature is the ability to register a company that is exempt from most taxes. A free customs zone is a type of special economic zone. In the classical international understanding, a special economic zone is a territory excluded from ordinary customs, tax, and in some cases currency and banking legislation. Special economic zones are more or less separated from the national economy and linked to foreign markets. The peculiarity of customs law is that, extending in principle to the entire territory of the state, it is valid only in the process of or in connection with the crossing of the customs border or the movement of goods and vehicles across it.

In other words, the norms of customs legislation in space extend their effect only to the customs territory Russian state. According to Art. 5 of the Law on Customs Tariffs, the customs territory of the Russian Federation is recognized as the territory in which our state has exclusive jurisdiction in relation to customs matters.

The boundary between the national and world economies passes along the customs border of the state. Customs border is a line limiting the customs territory. The state border is recognized as a line and passing along it vertical surface, defining the limits of the state territory (land, water, subsoil and airspace) of the Russian Federation, i.e. spatial limit of the state sovereignty of Russia4.

The concepts of customs and state border do not coincide in the following ways:

the state border is a real line on the ground, and the customs border is a conditional, imaginary line;

the state border establishes the scope of sovereignty as a whole, and the customs border - what relates to the sphere of economic sovereignty of the state;

the state border serves to determine the spatial limits of the validity of all Russian law, and the customs border outlines the limits of the validity of Russian customs legislation as a form of expression of customs law.

There are external customs borders (separating the customs territories of adjacent states) and internal customs borders (forming the perimeters of special economic zones).

The customs territory is uniform, which means freedom of movement of goods and vehicles by physical and legal entities inside it, i.e. without collecting customs duties or going through customs procedures. Article 74 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that the establishment of customs borders, duties, fees and any other obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and financial resources is not allowed on Russian territory.

More on the topic § 2. Customs territory and customs border:

  2. 4. Customs regime for processing goods outside the customs territory
  3. 2. Customs regime for processing goods in the customs territory
  7. 4. Legal regulation of the departure of goods from the customs territory of the Russian Federation
  8. 3. Legal regulation of the arrival of goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation
  12. 4.2. Customs operations and procedures prior to customs declaration of goods

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The main concepts characterizing the territorial aspects of customs regulation are customs territory and customs border.

The customs territory is understood as the territory in which the customs legislation of a given country is fully in force. This wording is contained in the documents of the Customs Cooperation Council. Such an approach to defining the customs territory directly indicates the spatial limits of the application of customs legislation.

When determining the customs territory, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation relies on the concept of state territory. According to the Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-1 “On the State Border of the Russian Federation”, the limits of the state territory (land, water, subsoil and airspace) of the Russian Federation, i.e. the spatial limit of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation, are determined by the State border of the Russian Federation, i.e. line and a vertical surface passing along this line.

The concept of “single customs territory of the Russian Federation”, in addition to the state territory of the Russian Federation, also includes artificial islands, installations and structures located in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, over which Russia has exclusive jurisdiction in relation to customs affairs. This provision has previously been developed in the Federal Law of November 30, 1995 No. 187-FZ “On the Continental Shelf”. The Russian Federation on the continental shelf exercises the exclusive right to construct, as well as authorize and regulate the creation, operation and use of artificial islands, installations and structures. The Russian Federation shall exercise jurisdiction over such artificial islands, installations and structures with respect to customs, fiscal, sanitary and immigration laws and regulations.

A clearer definition of the concept of “single customs territory of the Russian Federation” is provided by the provisions of the Federal Law of December 17, 1998 No. 191-FZ “On the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation”. The exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation is a maritime area located outside the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation and adjacent to it, with special legal regime established by law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and norms of international law. The definition of an exclusive economic zone also applies to all islands of the Russian Federation, with the exception of rocks that are not suitable for supporting human life or for independent living. economic activity. The Russian Federation exercises jurisdiction over customs, fiscal and other laws and regulations over artificial islands, installations and structures created in the exclusive economic zone.

The status of the contiguous zone is established in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. According to this Convention, in the area adjacent to the territorial sea and called the contiguous zone (the contiguous zone cannot extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured), The coastal state may exercise the necessary controls:

To prevent violations of customs, fiscal, immigration or health laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea;

Penalties for violation of the above laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial sea.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the previous edition contained the concept of exclusion from the customs territory, according to which the territories of free customs zones and free warehouses were considered as being outside the customs territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation on customs matters. Such exceptions are mentioned, for example, in Federal Law No. 13-FZ of January 22, 1996 “On the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region.” The special economic zone created in the Kaliningrad region is part of the state and customs territory of the Russian Federation. With regard to the collection of customs duties and other payments (including taxes) paid during customs clearance of imported and exported goods, the special economic zone is considered to be under the customs regime of a free customs zone with the features established in this law. It is precisely because of these features that the territory occupied by the Kaliningrad Special Economic Zone, despite the operation of a free customs zone regime within its boundaries, was not withdrawn from the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

The new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a different approach (compared to the previous edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) to the concept of exclusion from the customs territory: the territories of free customs zones and free warehouses are part of the customs territory of the Russian Federation. Goods moved to free customs zones and free warehouses are considered for customs purposes as being outside the customs territory of Russia (except for cases determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation on customs matters).

To determine the spatial limits of the customs legal norm, the concept of “customs border” is also used.

The customs border is understood as a line delimiting the customs territory: “The customs border is the border of the customs territory of the Russian Federation.” The customs border outlines the spatial limits of the customs legislation of a given state and divides the customs territories of neighboring countries. In other words, the customs border establishes the scope of customs sovereignty.

In connection with the above-mentioned difference in the approaches of the Russian legislator to determining exclusion from the customs territory, the definition of the concept “customs border of the Russian Federation” has undergone minor changes, which now means the limits of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, including the limits (in the previous edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - perimeters) of free customs zones and free warehouses.

The customs border is a legal fiction (an imaginary line), in contrast to the state border, which is a real line on the ground. The practice of customs regulation (most often in connection with the investigation of criminal cases of smuggling) has more than once drawn attention to the possibility of a discrepancy between customs and state borders and the legal consequences caused by this discrepancy.

There are concepts of external and internal customs borders.

The external customs border is the borders of the customs territory of the Russian Federation. The external customs border divides the customs territories of adjacent states. It usually coincides with the state border. At the external customs border there is an administrative and legal regime established by the legislation on the state border. The protection of the external customs border is carried out by customs authorities together with border troops. Sometimes joint customs points are created at the border, combining the potential of the customs authorities of neighboring countries. Such points are usually organized on the busiest commercial and tourist highways. The first joint customs points appeared in the CIS on the borders of Russia with Ukraine and Belarus.

Internal customs borders pass deep into the customs territory. They arise in connection with the use of separate customs regimes (free customs zone, free customs warehouse). According to the previous edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the internal border was equal to legal status to the external border: the territory of the free customs zone was considered as a border zone, entry there was carried out strictly with passes through special checkpoints. The security of the internal customs border was ensured by customs officers together with the administration of the free customs territory.

The practice of creating customs unions has a significant impact on the definition of the customs territory.

The formation of customs unions is intended to serve the interests of development and strengthening of international economic integration. The guideline in this activity is the generally recognized norms of international law.

The customs union represents more high level rapprochement compared to a free trade zone, in which customs tariffs and quantitative restrictions in mutual trade are eliminated while maintaining the independence of the participating countries in customs and tariff regulation at the borders with third countries. In other words, a customs union is a free trade zone whose participants have agreed on their customs policies in relation to non-member states. A common external tariff appears in the customs union, completing the unification of the customs and tariff legislation of the participating countries.

The creation of a customs union means that national customs policy is replaced by a coordinated interstate policy, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of a unified customs legislation operating in the territories of the member countries of the union. The customs territories of the states that make up the customs union lose their independent significance. Their unification gives a new quality - a union common customs territory.

Currently, plans are being implemented to create customs unions within the CIS. An example is the formation of a customs union between Russia and Belarus.

The formation of this customs union led to the transfer of customs control from the border of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Belarus to the external borders of the Republic of Belarus, the abolition of customs duties in relation to bilateral trade, etc. Thus, the completion of the formation of the customs union of Russia and the Republic of Belarus will allow us to talk about the emergence of a common customs territory. The existence of a “customs space of the union of Belarus and Russia” does not abolish the existence of national customs territories of the member states of the union.