Promiscuous sexual relations. promiscuity without sexual relations

Our expert - sexologist Yuri Romanov.

Promiscuity in scientific language is called the beautiful word "promiscuity." This word is derived from the Latin "promiscuus" - "mixed", "common". Once, at the dawn of mankind, when primitive people lived in a tribe, they entered into sexual contacts without any order and with many partners. Literally: came - saw - knocked down. And no problems on either side. But development went ahead, and selectivity in search of a sexual partner became characteristic of people, which was fixed in the form of marriage and family. In other words, the reluctance to have sexual relations with everyone has become a sign of intelligence and civilization.

Private bussiness?

But promiscuity did not die out with the mammoths. The term has taken root in sexology and means the same thing - promiscuous sexual intercourse with many partners, only in our civilized time. Is it worth writing about it? Who cares, because in the end everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. And ... misfortunes, by the way, too. What if other people like to feel sexually liberated and free from boring social norms and rules? Everyone can exclaim: “Yes, I am! Yes, I am like this! This is my personal life - and do not meddle in it, this is a private matter, I have the right. And then when to be naughty, if not in your younger years?

All will pass?

And having played up, having played up, everyone will settle down, get married or get married, have children, live and live and make good. And ... will they forget about the turbulent youth? Will they become the guardians of the family hearth? It turns out that everything is not so simple. Sexologists warn: promiscuity, especially early ones, is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences.

Moreover, the consequences threaten not only the individual entering into promiscuity, but also humanity as a whole. Women, as always, bear the brunt. If a teenage girl led a wild life - it doesn’t matter why: for her own pleasure or because of psychological complexes, then in the future she will have a need for a constant change of partner in 90%. That is, an inability to be satisfied with constant communication will be revealed. So farewell family strength! But even among men who try to “work up” before marriage, promiscuity becomes habitual, and then the picture is absolutely the same - adultery in marriage becomes a habit, and the imprint of many sexual relationships remains for life.

They are ten out of a hundred

A picture familiar to every sex therapist: a woman comes to the reception and asks to “do something” with her husband, who has one or more mistresses. The specialist is obliged to analyze each case, talk with both spouses and find out what is the root of the problem. In about 10% of cases, it turns out that this problem is insoluble, because the man has a persistent tendency to promiscuity. Women's promiscuity at the reception is much less common (apparently, husbands are not inclined to go to a sex therapist about their wives' infidelities, but deal with them in a narrow family circle). But in clinics where venereal diseases are treated, there are many such patients. By the way, not only women, but also men who find sexual partners without problems always have one or more sexually transmitted diseases.

In search of the ideal

This supporter of promiscuity, or, in other words, numerous sexual relationships, can be pitied. The mechanism, usually launched in childhood by a despotic or overly caring mother, makes such a man look for, as it seems to him, the ideal woman who is able to "understand" and "appreciate". Sexual intercourse is an obligatory component of such communication, because these men, despite their sociability and often external irresistibility, are emotionally completely immature and, so to speak, "empty". Simply put, they do not know how to love a woman. They know how to perform intercourse - and sincerely think that this is all that is needed for love. After physical intimacy, the partner often becomes unpleasant and disgusting to them. And - forward to new connections.

How young we were!

Promiscuous sex is common among teenagers. There are also many asocial companies where a certain style of sexual relations is adopted: the entire intimate life of these young people is reduced to primitive sex with whom and how it is necessary. This often comes from poverty of spirit or from imitation.

What if it's a disease?

Pathologically increased sexual desire can lead to promiscuity, both in men and women. Usually, sexual disinhibition occurs with lesions of the deep structures of the brain, with certain psychoses and other disorders. In this case, promiscuity is no longer promiscuity, but a consequence of the disease.

Shame will save mankind?

Sexual emancipation is now a very common phenomenon. Without moralizing, based only on facts and observations, one can deduce a clear relationship: promiscuity in its mass leads to degradation. First of all, young people - schoolchildren and students - are at risk. In the Russian mentality, attention has always been paid to the prevention of early sexual intercourse, and immorality was suppressed by such a concept as modesty. Remember: a person who is capable of experiencing feelings of shame is not prone to promiscuity. And shame is a feeling of a being of a higher order...

Many years ago, scientists proved that a constant, regular sex life is beneficial for the health of both men and the fair sex. After all, the genitals, like any other human organs, consisting of muscles, atrophy to some extent from inactivity. And psychologists have found that high-quality sex with a loved one is very uplifting and significantly reduces the risk of depression. However, it is also worth knowing that almost all experts are unanimous in their opinion that the positive aspects of a regular sexual life take place only when each other's partners are constant. Promiscuous sexual relations have not yet brought anyone to good.

That is why, if for some reason you do not have a permanent partner, you should take care of your health very, very carefully. After all, promiscuity with a high degree of probability can lead to dangerous venereal and autoimmune diseases. And from a church point of view, promiscuity is simply called fornication.

Promiscuous sex, in addition to venereal diseases, is also dangerous for women with such a nuisance as Why in women? Because this is due to the structure of their genitourinary system, which is different from the male. In men, cystitis also occurs, but is extremely rare. If your lower abdomen often hurts, at the end of urination, blood is released in the urine, the sacrum hurts, then all the symptoms of cystitis are present. It is not difficult to diagnose it, but the treatment of cystitis can take a long time, so it is best not to bring it to its appearance, and be selective in choosing sexual partners.

But what if there is no permanent partner, and is not expected in the near future? There are two ways out: either short-term abstinence, from which, by the way, no one has yet died, or careful protection. When practicing promiscuity, it is best to protect yourself with high-quality and expensive condoms, which can give you at least some guarantee that you will not get infected. Other means of protection, such as coitus interruptus, birth control pills, candles, from infection with dangerous venereal diseases, unfortunately, will not give you any guarantees. If a nuisance occurs, for example, the condom breaks, urgently buy a powerful antiseptic, such as miramistin, at the nearest pharmacy and take it. And do not forget to pass the necessary tests for the presence of venereal disease pathogens in the body in the next day or two.

Do not forget also that some infectious venereal diseases have a longer incubation period, so if the initial examination and test results showed a normal result, do not flatter yourself. After a month and a half, the tests need to be retaken, and then a more accurate picture will be clear regarding the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in you.

In any case, when you learn that you have a sexually transmitted disease, you should not panic. Yes, it's annoying, but not fatal. Let this serve as a good lesson for you in the future and protect you from dubious sexual relationships.

For such people, words like "fidelity", "family", "love", "marriage" and the like simply do not exist. If we talk about promiscuity, then this term is used to refer to people whose sexual organs are the most developed, which in their particular case play the role of not only the soul, but also the brain. It turns out that in their life there is only one goal, namely sexual satisfaction. They are not interested in the true feelings of their sexual partners. It is also important to note the fact that promiscuity is also a high risk of infection.

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Have you ever come across such a term as "promiscuity"? Most likely, many of you have already heard about it. Do you know what exactly is hidden under this term? Promiscuity - is nothing more than promiscuous sexual relations, in which both one woman and numerous men, and one man, as well as numerous women can be involved. The greatest danger of promiscuous sexual relations is at an early age, but young people consider promiscuous sexual relations to be normal. People who tend to lead this kind of lifestyle are called polyamorous, that is, people who have many beloved women or men. For such people, words like "fidelity", "family", "love", "marriage" and the like simply do not exist. If we talk about promiscuity, then this term is used to refer to people whose sexual organs are the most developed, which in their particular case play the role of not only the soul, but also the brain. It turns out that in their life there is only one goal, namely sexual satisfaction. They are not interested in the true feelings of their sexual partners. It is also important to note the fact that promiscuity is also a high risk of infection. In the end, from a decent person, you can turn into both a tramp and a homeless person, a prostitute, and so on. Polyamorous most often remain single until the end of their days. They have neither a family nor people close to them, and all because such people are most often not needed by anyone, since they are considered complete egoists.

So, let's take a closer look at what consequences early promiscuity can lead to.

In this diagram, you can see the main aspects of the harm of early promiscuity and the problems associated with it:

And now everything is in order:

Abortion at an early age: At a young age, during artificial termination of pregnancy, the orifices of the fallopian tubes are injured, which can subsequently lead to tubal infertility, and at a more mature age, secondary infertility, miscarriages, tubal pregnancy, spontaneous abortions and miscarriage can also be expected. pregnancy.

Abortion has a very detrimental effect on a young girl, as it disrupts the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, contributes to the development of vegetovascular dystonia, and also reduces the overall resistance of the body.

Childbirth at an early age: Children who become the fetus of an early pregnancy can be distinguished by low weight, prematurity. Often a young mother is not able to give birth herself. During childbirth, the baby is pulled out by caesarean section, and then nursed for a long time in intensive care. From a medical point of view, early pregnancy is dangerous primarily because of the risk of death of the mother and (or) child. A baby can be born mentally retarded or with physical disabilities, which also does not contribute to a happy future for a young mother.

It is difficult to predict the psychological and social consequences. According to statistics, it is more difficult for young mothers to get higher education and profitable work. These women live in poverty.

With promiscuous sexual relations, it is quite easy to get sexually transmitted diseases, especially at an early age, when the body is less resistant to infections:

These infections are passed from person to person through sexual contact.

The most common STDs include: genital herpes, chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), genital warts (genital warts), gonorrhea and the most formidable diseases such as syphilis and HIV / AIDS.

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection spread by any type of sexual intercourse. In women, chlamydia can cause inflammation of the cervix and other pelvic organs, which are in the first place among the causes of ectopic pregnancies and female infertility. In men, chlamydial infection is manifested by inflammation of the urethra and epididymis.

Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is a bacterial disease transmitted by any type of sexual intercourse. It usually appears in people who have multiple sexual partners, especially those who prefer unprotected intercourse. Immunity to gonococcus is not developed, and a person can get sick again. This disease in men is manifested by purulent discharge from the penis, pain and burning during urination, itching around the anus and (rarely) severe pain in the intestines with streaks of blood in the feces. In women, soreness and bleeding during vaginal intercourse, pain and burning during urination, fever and vaginal bleeding are found. Gonorrhea can be infected by newborns when passing through the birth canal, while a few days after birth, yellow purulent discharge from the eyes appears.

Genital herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that is transmitted through sexual contact and enters the body through microcracks in the skin. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus of the second type. The main manifestations last three to four weeks, include tingling or mild soreness in the genital area, itching, small painful vesicles and sores (Fig. 1) in the anus, buttocks or thighs, severe burning, especially on contact with urine, enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. Even after the symptoms disappear, the virus remains in the body for life, periodically causing exacerbations.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) - It is transmitted only from person to person and leads to a change in the pattern of tissue growth. More than 100 types of HPV are known. Of these, more than 40 - can cause damage to the anogenital tract (genital organs and anus) of men and women and the appearance of genital warts. Some of them are harmless, others cause warts, some cause cancer.

Genital warts are growths of the epithelium (Fig. 2) that form on the vulva and skin of the perineum (perianal area) as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Other names are also used to refer to this disease: viral papillomas, genital warts, genital (genital) warts. The main route of infection transmission is sexual.

Syphilis is a highly contagious infection caused by spirochetes and is transmitted through any form of sexual intercourse. The disease is most common among people who have multiple sexual partners, especially for those who do not use barrier methods of contraception. The first stage of the disease begins approximately 10 days after infection and appears as a painless hard chancre (ulcer) on the vulva (Fig. 3), anus, suprapubic region (Fig. 4), and less often fingers, hands, face (Fig. . 5), the infection can be introduced into the oral cavity. As a result, the same ulcers appear in the oral cavity and pharynx. Another characteristic symptom is enlarged lymph nodes. If left untreated, the infection progresses and can progress to the next two stages. The third one is the hardest. At this stage, serious complications arise, such as paralysis, cardiac abnormalities, mental illness. The harm done to the body can be so severe as to cause death.

Primary syphilis begins with the appearance of a hard chancre - the first sign of this stage of the disease. This stage of the disease lasts about 2-3 months. Additional symptoms of primary syphilis are possible, such as general loss of strength, sleep disturbance, headaches, irritability, loss of appetite, aching bones and joints, fever up to 38 ° C.

It is important to remember that often the disease may not have any obvious, visible signs of syphilis at all.

Secondary syphilis is marked by the appearance of rashes in the form of a rash on the skin (Fig. 6.7) and mucous membranes, foci of alopecia (Fig. 8), etc. In general, the signs of secondary syphilis are very diverse and occur throughout the body. As a rule, they do not cause any unpleasant moments, except for cosmetic ones. It is important not to confuse the symptoms of secondary syphilis with other skin diseases. At the slightest suspicion, you need to take blood tests for syphilis.

Tertiary syphilis - this stage is characterized by deformity of the nose (Fig. 9), damage to internal organs, various body systems before death.

What is HIV?

HIV is an abbreviation for the human immunodeficiency virus, i.e. a virus (Fig. 10) that affects the immune system. By destroying the human immune system, this virus contributes to the development of other infectious diseases in him, as the immune system loses the ability to protect the body from pathogens. A person infected with HIV, over time, becomes more susceptible to even such microorganisms that do not pose any danger to healthy people.

A person who becomes infected with HIV is called HIV-infected, or

HIV positive or HIV seropositive.

A person infected with HIV has large amounts of the virus in their blood, semen, vaginal discharge, and breast milk. In this case, the external manifestations of the disease may initially be absent. Quite often, many do not even know that they are infected with HIV and are dangerous to other people.

Infection with HIV infection occurs when a healthy person enters the body of HIV-infected blood, seminal fluid, vaginal secretions or mother's milk. This can happen when these bodily fluids come into contact with a wound on the skin, on the genitals, or in the mouth.

AIDS is spoken of when a person infected with HIV develops infectious diseases due to the inefficient functioning of the immune system destroyed by the virus.

AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

A syndrome is a stable combination, a combination of several signs of a disease (symptoms).

Acquired - means that the disease is not congenital, but developed during life.

Immunodeficiency - insufficiency of the immune system. Thus, AIDS is a combination of diseases caused by insufficient work of the immune system due to the defeat of her HIV.

You listened and saw what terrible diseases promiscuity can lead to. But how does the psyche suffer at a young age with such a lifestyle?

In adolescence, when the psyche is still in its infancy, for many young men, failure at the first sexual contact can be a great psychological blow that can leave an imprint on his entire subsequent sexual life (especially if the partner’s reaction in this case was not entirely adequate or in ridicule, disdain and rudeness were expressed at his address). Later, at a more mature age, impotence may develop, and procreation will become impossible.

In girls, at a young age, the psyche is also not yet stable and inadequate partner behavior, rude statements, discontent, all this can lead to the development of the so-called sexual coldness (frigidity) in a young girl. This leaves a heavy imprint on her whole life. She begins to feel deprived and even flawed. As a result, there is no desire to have sexual relations, which can also lead to the impossibility of procreation.

Another danger for girls, with early promiscuity, is cervical cancer. A very formidable and severe oncological disease. Sexual intercourse at a young age doubles the risk of cervical cancer, according to an international team of scientists.

I would like to tell you about one rather interesting phenomenon.

This is the so-called telegonia.

"Telegony" is a phenomenon, which lies in the fact that each sexual partner of a girl lays her genotype in her future children. But the greatest contribution of her genes to the future offspring of a girl is made by her first man. Therefore, the “telegony effect” is often also found as the “first male effect”.

People entering into marriage, for the most part, want to have children precisely from their spouse. Children appear, but sometimes ... as if of a different race, unusual or alien to spouses and their ancestors in character and behavior. As a result, parents and children feel like strangers: they feel estrangement towards each other, and even worse - hostility. And then we shudder from the facts of infanticide, the number of abandoned and useless children, and then we ourselves become victims of juvenile delinquency and son-daughter callousness or cruelty.

Telegonia proved that a girl's honor is a moral and genetic concept and is special for men and women who want and can have and raise their own, and not someone else's child, who want to have a son, daughter, who understand, love their father and do not treat him as to someone else. The results of telegony show that it is far from all the same who and what were the sexual partners of girls and women in their premarital, sexual prenatal relationships. The sexual connection of a woman with each of her partners leads to a change in her ancestral genetics, and, consequently, will gradually change her and her legal spouse's pedigree and national appearance. Every promiscuous sexual relationship of a girl, even if she is a single one, is a club with which she beats herself, her fate, the life of her daughters, granddaughters, giving rise to family tragedies, murders and suicides of abandoned, alienated or hostile to their parents descendants.

So, from this report, you have learned what serious problems can arise with early and promiscuous sexual relations. We believe that it is necessary to think about the behavior of today's youth, to think and evaluate the situation, also to think about all the possible consequences, and never take the wrong path!

How does promiscuity affect the health and consciousness of a person?

Man is created in the image and likeness of the Absolute Light - his Creator, and therefore he is obliged to fulfill the Higher Laws of Existence. The Law of Love is one of the Highest Laws of Existence, which requires every person, regardless of his age, to find in this world a harmonious component of his integral being. The fact is that each individual person - a man or a woman - is only a half of his Absolute nature, namely its positive or negatively charged part. Men and women in this world are looking for their soul mate and dream one day to meet the one and only, but, as a rule, they meet completely different people who are also looking for their halves.

At the end of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century, people received freedom of choice to such an extent that the search for their soulmate turned into a constant change of sexual partners, who, replacing each other, became little sensitive to the fact that their connections ceased to play the sacred role that provided for any intercourse between a man and a woman. Numerous sexual relations between young people in some cases turned into a kind of sports competition, and sexual contact into a sporting action without any special consequences. The use of the strongest contraceptives, as well as the use of condoms, rubber insulators when contacting the genitals of people, created the conditions for thoughtless enjoyment of sexual pleasures, and not the sacrament of the nature of human higher spiritual nature.

The growth of drug addiction, hard rock, metal and acid cultures among young people, the equalization of the sexes in responsibility from connections, made the relationship between the sexes look like a collision of charged particles in a chaotic movement when heated. The hydrogen bomb can be an example of what exactly can be expected from a human society that, while generating enormous psychic energy from its promiscuity, does not find use for it, does not control the consequences of its impact on the environment, and therefore becomes an unwitting victim from unpredictable phenomena caused by erotic energy thrown into space thoughtlessly and irresponsibly.

The growth of sexual level energy in Space and Time is marked by climate change, because human power at this stage of human development is especially sacramental, and the use of psychic energies without knowing their features is especially dangerous.

Exactly the same effect as the uncontrolled release of a person's sexual energy without the possibility of harmonizing it between the principles has the energy caused by the crowds, from watching sporting events in huge stadiums. The sexual energy of people, unaccounted for and not used for the purpose of the origin of life, turns into the gravest evil for the entire planetary complex and leads to severe disasters, both man-made and natural.

So, for example, a huge catastrophe on the islands of Indonesia and Thailand occurred due to the accumulation in the lower layers of the planetary complex of a huge amount of sexual energy from sexual contacts organized for sex tourists in these latitudes of the planetary complex. Sex tourism, elevated to the rank of entertainment and ordinary human behavior, has rocked the planetary complex and keeps it in suspense until the next uncontrolled explosion. Meanwhile, the sacrament of intercourse between a man and a woman is based on the need to create conditions for the emergence of future lives, as well as the basic basis for all kinds of creative manifestations of a person in the growth of his consciousness.

The culture of mutual relations can be established only after people begin to understand that everything given to them from God has its own sacramental meaning and does not tolerate any deviations. If the system of darkness could afford to use the sexual energy of people for its egoistic and criminal purposes, then the System of Light is obliged to show people responsibility for any energy that they produce from their life activity, since the Law of Karma requires direct and immediate responsibility.

Promiscuous sexual relations for individuals play a very fraught with serious consequences. So a woman who has several sexual relations at the same time is literally connected with each of the men by a specific cord - an energy channel that makes psychic force flow over any distance in several directions at once. Losing her mental and sexual strength, she becomes less attractive to the opposite sex, which means that female loneliness becomes a real disaster. At the same time, the old connections do not disappear anywhere, but require constant return, and a closed chain with several men often does not end in a lifetime. Hence - a spoiled fate and destitute and weak children.

For men who are associated with many women, the consequences are about the same. Only, unlike women, men also get sexual impotence, since their sexual power flows through many energy cords - channels to a variety of women. People who are accustomed to living in promiscuity create huge networks of channels - strands that intertwine, form something like spider webs. Drawn into these karmic nets, people cannot independently build their destinies, and are forced to drag out a miserable existence in line with weighted Karma - a fate that does not end only with earthly life, but spreads further into the subtle worlds.

So, in essence, a good person can end up in the lower worlds only because he is firmly connected with another person through the only sexual relationship that he has not remembered for a long time ... If a woman or a man has sexual intercourse for money, then they commit a conscious crime against those people who come into contact with them. The transmission of diseases of the physical body is just a toy compared to the transmission of the disease of the Soul, which then should be overcome for several lives. Tribute to promiscuous relationships - a ruined fate and a complete lack of the ability to fix anything within one life.

Promiscuity is a very sensitive topic in psychology. It just so happened that, despite all the emancipation of modern society, for some reason they are trying to bypass this concept. And this despite the fact that its study will be able to shed light on many aspects of the sexual life of young couples.

So let's talk about what is hidden behind this strange word? And why do many sexologists perceive it negatively?

Promiscuity: the meaning of the word

If to describe promiscuity in a few words, then it is sex without obligations. Such a sexual relationship is devoid of love or sympathy - it is simply the satisfaction of bodily needs. After sleeping with each other, a man and a woman simply disperse and never remember what happened.

Promiscuity also means multiple changes of partners. Therefore, people suffering from this idea quite often look for a new adventure for the night. For them, it is like a mania that attracts them to unfamiliar bodies and souls.

Is it a disease?

Some sexologists consider this phenomenon as a disease. But it's not right. Promiscuity is more of a psychological anomaly than a serious aberration. Especially if we consider it from the standpoint of the values ​​that the modern culture of society presents us with.

And yet, sometimes promiscuity can become the basis for the formation of real diseases associated with a mental disorder. However, this is more an exception that confirms the rule than the pattern.

World of new values

Before moving on to the psychological aspects of promiscuity, let's talk about the kind of world we live in today. As you know, a person's personality is influenced by many external factors. Among them, parenting, education and the environment are dominant.

And to be honest, it is the environment that plays the most significant role in shaping our sexual addictions. Based on this, one should not be surprised that today promiscuity is practically the norm of life. After all, if you look closely, we are told about it at every step.

Take, for example, the same reality shows in which the characters change their partners one by one. Or foreign series and films that promote promiscuity and polygamy in relationships. Not to mention advertising, which sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. And all the information, one way or another, affects the formation of the human psyche, which means it convinces him that a fleeting connection is a completely normal phenomenon.

Promiscuity: Causes of Attraction to Many Partners

However, not only the environment pushes a person to strive to master many partners. Indeed, in addition to this, there are a number of special psychological factors that can tip the scales in the opposite direction. So let's look at some of them:

  1. The desire to heal the psychological trauma left by unsuccessful sexual intercourse. For example, if a girl ridiculed a guy's "opportunities", then he will seek to refute her statement by giving all the best with other partners.
  2. Thirst for revenge. Quite often, people tend to promiscuity after being betrayed by loved ones. Many believe that this is how they can punish their offender, letting him know that he is no longer the only one in their life.
  3. The desire to repeat the definitions of sexual experience. For example, having once experienced a violent orgasm, a woman will strive for it again and again. Sometimes this leads to the fact that she begins to sort out sexual partners, in the hope of finding someone who can bring her closer to this feeling again.
  4. Satisfaction Some men, and sometimes even women, seek to sleep with many partners just to raise their social status in the eyes of others.

Promiscuity and gender inequality

Another important nuance in this matter is that men and women have different attitudes towards this psychological phenomenon. This is due to social standards that put them in unequal conditions.

For example, if a man had many women, then he is perceived as a successful lover and conqueror of hearts. In his environment, he will be a clear leader, especially in the eyes of the guys. And the worst that can be expected is a womanizer, which will be quite easy to erase later.

As for women, everything is completely different here. So, if a girl had a lot of guys, then her reputation suffers greatly. At best, it will be called windy, at worst - walking. Therefore, women often have a negative attitude towards such relationships or carefully hide them.

What can such a lifestyle lead to?

So, let's start with the fact that promiscuity is bad. Be that as it may, but the frequent change of sexual partners will not lead to good.

First, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases increases. After all, who knows what diseases the new companion has and who was in bed with him before.

Secondly, such a lifestyle pretty much spoils the reputation, which will make it quite difficult to start a normal relationship.

And thirdly, sooner or later, the desire to sleep with a new partner leads to the fact that a person's personality changes. After that, he simply will not be able to get along in marriage, as he will constantly be drawn to adultery.