What to plant next year. Which crops can be planted after which? We are planning crops. What to plant after onions, then plant onions and why

I welcome you friends on the site advice to gardeners. Crop rotation in the garden is an effective alternation in time of planting vegetable crops, which allows you to increase productivity in a relatively small area. What are the advantages of crop rotation and why is it given such an important role in agricultural technology?

Purpose of crop rotation

Many inexperienced gardeners, having received excellent harvest of a particular crop from a particular piece of land, they mistakenly believe that this place is the most suitable for this vegetable. However, permanent planting on the site of the same crop invariably leads to a decrease in yield and a deterioration in its quality indicators.

This is due to a number of reasons:

1. As a result of long-term cultivation of the same crop in one area, a huge number of infectious agents and pests specific to this plant species accumulate in the soil. When planting a vegetable of a different type, harmful microorganisms and pests that are deprived of food die.

2. In the process of life root system plants release certain substances into the soil and absorb others from it. If the same vegetable is planted in one place for a long time, the natural balance of the soil composition is disturbed, there is an oversaturation with isolated microelements and a lack of consumed ones.

The balance can be restored by planting a suitable follower crop. In this case, it is useful to take into account not only the type of planted vegetable, but also the degree of penetration of its roots into the soil. In other words, it is recommended to alternate tops with roots.

3. Some agricultural crops, due to an underdeveloped vegetation system, are weakly resistant to weeds, as a result of which their active growth occurs. The subsequent planting of plants with large leaves that can suppress weeds will significantly reduce the number of "invaders".

4. Some vegetables, especially demanding on soil fertility, literally "devour" most of the nutrients contained in the soil. To replenish the supply of next year it is recommended to plant plants that can restore and enrich the soil.

A three-year crop rotation cycle is considered optimal, that is, a certain agricultural crop should return to its original place of cultivation no earlier than after three years.

To organize a competent crop rotation on your site, you need to know what you can then plant and actively use this useful information on practice.

What can be planted after that, optimal alternation options

Based on numerous agrotechnical studies, developed best options alternations, given that even a novice gardener will know what to plant after and will not be left without a crop.

So, note to gardeners:

1. Potatoes - can be planted after cucumbers, peas, beans and cabbage. Onions, beets and carrots are suitable as previous crops. Do not plant after tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.

2. Tomatoes - onions, carrots are suitable as predecessor crops, cauliflower, cucumbers, green crops. Planting after beets is allowed. It is not recommended to plant after potatoes.

3. Onions and garlic - well planted after legumes, cucumbers, carrots and potatoes. You can after cabbage, beets and tomatoes, but do not stand after pepper. Also, in no case should you plant onions and garlic repeatedly in one place.

4. Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, patissons - grow well after potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, onions. Planting after beets and green crops is acceptable. Cannot be planted again.

5. Carrots - feels great after onions and cucumbers, can be sown after cabbage, beets or radishes. There are no particularly forbidden cultures.

2. Almost all crops feel good at the planting site of garlic and onions, but their re-planting in the same area is unacceptable.

In order not to get confused and not to lose the order of landings, the owner of the site is recommended to holiday season draw a plan-scheme of your garden and, conditionally breaking it into parts, mark the landing sites of certain crops. The plan drawn up must be saved until the next season, it will be invaluable in planning plantings.

Neighboring cultures

Because on small area a variety of crops are grown, the tasks of foreign crop rotation include determining not only the sequence of plantings, but also their neighborhood. In other words, the gardener needs to know what to plant with what.

The proximity of some crops has a beneficial effect on their yield and taste, while the proximity of others, on the contrary, is absolutely contraindicated for this or that vegetable.

To choose the right neighbors for each culture, it is worth remembering that:

  • Colorado potato beetle beans are great as a compact crop for potatoes and eggplants.
  • Peas, which saturate the soil with nitrogen, are an excellent neighbor for beets, cucumbers and turnips.
  • Garlic planted along the potato will protect it from late blight.
  • Dill, mint and celery protect cabbage from numerous pests.
  • For tomatoes, an onion planted on a feather is suitable as a neighbor.
  • Parsley, planted next to strawberries, will scare away slugs.
  • Beets get along well with onions, lettuce and beans.
  • Onions and carrots are very friendly, protecting each other from pest attacks.
  • Cauliflower is friendly to cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, and celery.
  • Carrots are not “friends” with dill and cabbage, and the proximity of its planting to an apple tree will negatively affect the taste of both crops.
  • Tomatoes should not be planted next to potatoes and cauliflower.
  • Onions are incompatible with radishes, cabbage and legumes.
  • Pepper does not tolerate proximity with fennel and beans.
  • Parsley doesn't like being around head lettuce, potatoes, and corn.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the correct crop rotation is the key to the full development and productivity of agricultural crops cultivated in a summer cottage.

One of the most effective methods increasing crop yields and maintaining soil fertility is considered crop rotation. This technique is used in natural organic crop production. Unfortunately, not all summer residents pay due attention to this, some out of ignorance, and others because of their unwillingness to pay a little more attention to the beds. Crop rotation requires the maintenance of a special journal in which you need to draw a plan for placing the beds and mark each crop planted on them. Records should be kept constantly, and not everyone wants to do such accounting.

Understanding Development Features various kinds crops will help convince summer residents to pay due attention to this issue.

If negative factors accumulate in the ground for a long period of time, then you should not expect a good harvest even if the rest of the rules of agronomy are observed.

The number of crops in crop rotations can vary from three to ten. On personal plots, growers try to grow a complete list of various vegetables, in most cases, the crop rotation includes up to six, seven, or eight crops.

A few general rules for compiling a crop rotation

It is impossible to make a universal crop rotation for all occasions. In order to facilitate the compilation of crop rotation for each summer resident, we first consider general rules, and then we will talk about their application to specific crops.

  1. It is forbidden to plant not only the same vegetables, but also plants in the same garden for several years in a row. general view. Crop rotation within the same family is inefficient.

  2. The longer the period of time the plant does not return to its former place of growth, the better for it and for the earth.
  3. When compiling a crop rotation, you need to take into account the name minerals that were used by predecessors and prevent their repetition.

  4. It is not advisable to leave land on the beds free from crops for rest. Then it is strongly recommended to use green manure - the soil not only rests and recovers, but is also enriched. In addition, if desired, it is possible to harvest these crops.

Recommended alternation considering predecessors

This is the easiest way to make a crop rotation. But with its help, you can significantly increase productivity. The table lists the most commonly grown vegetables and gives recommendations for acceptable predecessors.

cultureAfter what crops is it recommended to sowAfter which crops is it allowed to sowAfter what crops can not be sown
Siderates are ideal predecessors. Good after melons or early cabbage. It is allowed to sow after carrots, garlic and onions.Can be sown after harvesting crops of corn, beets and mid-ripening cabbage.As predecessors, tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes are prohibited. Including eggplants of all other types are prohibited.
It is optimal to choose potatoes or carrots. Not bad onion, pumpkin, garlic.Do not sow after beets, tomatoes and peppers. Any greens (parsley, dill), eggplant and bell pepper.Corn, it is forbidden to sow after leguminous plants.
Optimally potatoes and all legumes, garlic and onions. Maybe after cauliflower.Allowed after salads, beets and legumes.Cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers are prohibited from being predecessors.
Seedlings are planted on potatoes, zucchini and carrots.Greens, lettuce, tomatoes and eggplant.Pumpkin, beets, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers. These plants can significantly reduce the yield.
Excellent predecessors of cabbage and green manure. Not bad to plant after cucumbers, squash, garlic and onions.Corn and cabbage, beets, greens are strongly discouraged.All nightshade, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers are prohibited.
Optimal: carrots, you can after cabbage, carrots.Onions, you can after bell pepper, cabbage. Accept garlic, tomatoes.It is forbidden to plant after carrots and salads. The choice of cultures is carried out very carefully.
Onions, cabbage, salads are allowed. Pumpkin and squash can be.All legumes, corn, bell peppers and tomatoes can be used.Beetroot can not be a predecessor.
Any legumes, parsley and cabbage are great. Garlic, onions, potatoes do not have a harmful effect.Greens, red beets are allowed.You can not sow after cabbage and eggplant. Tomatoes, bell peppers, plants that use a lot of nitrogen fertilizers are undesirable.
There can be any melons, cucumbers. If the beds from under cucumbers and peas are freed, you can occupy them.You can after radishes, beets. Corn in exceptional cases.Nightshade, pumpkin, eggplant are undesirable.
Very unpretentious to predecessors. Suitable potatoes, legumes, strawberries, garlic.Lettuces, greens, tomatoes and beets are allowed.Carrots and cabbage are highly undesirable.
Look like greens, salads, cucumbers and squash. Grows well after legumes and green manure.Good yield after corn, cabbage, garlic and onions. There may be tomatoes, garlic.Potatoes and tomatoes are not recommended as precursors.
Ideal bean, may be cucumbers, cabbage.After garlic and onions, the yield is average.Bulgarian pepper, nightshade are prohibited as predecessors.
Recommended legumes, potatoes, White cabbage. Good yield after garlic and onions.Suitable potatoes, salads, herbs, beets.Blue eggplants, carrots, cabbage are not recommended. These include terets and tomatoes.
Green manure and legumes can be named as ideal predecessors. Cucumbers and cabbage are acceptable options.Allowed eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, corn.No need to sow after radishes and carrots.

Due to the fact that potatoes for the most part occupy large areas, it can be excluded from the crop rotation. In some areas, it can grow up to 5 years, while you only need to change different varieties.

Additional Notes

Zucchini and eggplant perfectly inhibit the growth of weeds, they can be used as biological weeding. In the old garden, plants should be sown no earlier than three years later. It is imperative to observe crop rotation.

  1. Up to three years, all legumes can be planted in one place. In addition, these are very effective green manures.

  2. For a bow on a feather, it is better to choose a new place every year.
  3. Cucumbers are very afraid of bacterial diseases; plants can be returned to the previous bed in 3-4 years.

  4. For radishes, you should not allocate a separate bed, it grows well in the aisles.
  5. Table beets and carrots grow better on light soils, organic fertilizers should be applied to improve the structure.

Permissible combination of crops during crop rotations

In small areas, in order to increase the collection, crop rotations can be made with the combination of the following crops:

  • peas can be sown together with carrots;
  • completely harmonize zucchini with herbs and onions;
  • sow cabbage with carrots, salads, beans;
  • ordinary onion with tomatoes, beets and carrots;
  • cucumbers are combined with cabbage and legumes;
  • radish goes well with legumes and carrots;
  • tomatoes grow well with parsley and peas;
  • table red beets can be sown with onions.

For example, on one bed, you can sow cucumbers and cabbage for the first year, only tomatoes the next year, carrots and onions a year later, after which you can give the entire bed for potatoes. This is just one example, in each case you need to choose your cultures depending on the need.

What you need to know when compiling a crop rotation

No culture compatibility table can provide comprehensive answers to all questions of interest. No and cannot be two completely identical personal plots. In order to competently resolve issues in any situation, you need to understand the main principles of compiling crop rotations. What to look for during self-compilation of crop rotation?

Correct rotation of crops grown by groups

All plants can be conditionally divided into several large groups. Such a classification is far from scientific, but it greatly simplifies planning for ordinary summer residents. Plants are leafy, leaves are removed as a crop, for example, salads. Second conditional view fruit. These are not apples and plums, but cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Another large group- root crops: potatoes, beets. And the last legume: beans, beans.

Optimal cultivation by beds: fruit vegetables– root crops – leguminous plants – leafy. Then, every year, the crops “move” to neighboring beds, and so on until the full circle. It is very desirable to make one bed separately for green manure, but not every summer resident can afford it.

Rotation of crops depending on the need for nutrients

We have already mentioned that each crop depletes the soil differently, this must be taken into account when planning a crop rotation. Most nutrients cabbage and pumpkin are required, then solanaceous are placed, greens need the least mineral substances. And finally, legumes enrich the soil on their own.

On their roots, special outgrowths with bacteria are formed, in which a large amount of easily digestible nitrogen accumulates.

Crop rotation should take these characteristics into account, crops that require the maximum amount of nutrients to develop should be sown after legumes. Of course, species incompatibility must also be taken into account.

How to proceed in practice, so that the compilation of the correct crop rotation does not take much time and brings pleasure? For joy, only one thing is needed - an increase in the yield of beds. And to save time, there are a few tips on how to properly arrange a crop rotation.

Consider what and how much you would like to grow in your beds. How many family members do you have and what do they prefer to eat, what practical yield can be obtained from the beds. At the same time, do not plan the maximum possible; in practice, you are unlikely to achieve such results. Depending on these data, approximately determine the size of the beds for each crop.

Another important point- economic. Works on personal plot should not only bring moral satisfaction, but also material profit. Grow crops taking into account the properties of the earth and the climatic zone. For example, if you live in a zone with a cold climate, then it is not advisable to try to grow heat-loving plants. Not worth it due to several bell peppers or a tomato to occupy the ground. It is better to buy them in the store, and plant beets, onions, garlic, etc. on the vacated area.

Draw a site plan on a piece of paper, breaking it down into beds (taking into account the above tips). Consider the location of crops depending on the light. Most gardeners have different fruit trees and bushes, the shade from them has a significant impact on growing conditions, place crops in such a way that light-loving ones are not in the shade. Make several copies of the site plan, broken down by beds, each year should have its own plan. You should not hope that the placement of crops will be remembered, practice shows that this is not the case.

Mark the name of the crops on the plan every year. It is advisable to indicate the yield and the amount of fertilizer applied in the context of active substances. There are times when you need to change the size of the beds for certain crops. This is not a problem, just change their location, length and width on the plan.

If there is a need to expand or reduce the list of vegetables, then always pay attention to the compatibility table. In this case, it is desirable to take into account which nutrients the plants prefer and what remains in the soil after the predecessors.

To facilitate the compilation of crop rotation, it is recommended to place plants in a certain order by species according to the recommendations described above, and then move them one position annually. The first bed will become the second, the second the third, and the last the first. Depending on the number of beds and the list of crops, the complete turnover of plants at the location takes place over several years.

We hope that the information will help to correctly draw up a crop rotation and thereby increase the yield of the beds and preserve the fertility of the land.

Video - Crop rotation at their summer cottage

Hello dear readers!

In the comments in the spring, I am often asked questions about the rules of crop rotation, that is, about what can be planted after after carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, etc.

Today is April 21 and I think that I am not too late with this article. The main plantings end in our zone of the Middle Volga region, as a rule, by mid-May, however, I will answer the questions of readers, because many plant carrots, radishes, beets for winter storage until the end of May, or even until June 10 - 15.

In order to have good harvest, you need to know and follow a few rules. One of the most important rules of agricultural technology is the observance of crop rotation.

If last year you grew carrots, then this year after it, it is better to place vegetable beans, onions, and tomatoes in this area. At the same time, it is desirable that you introduce humus in the fall.

In the beds where she grew last year early ripe carrots, you can place garlic, potatoes, cabbage.

White early ripe cabbage a good predecessor for cucumber, garlic, onion and tomato.

late-ripening white cabbage vacates the area very late (after frost), not all gardeners have time to dig the soil before winter after harvesting, so in the spring it is necessary to dig the site and prepare it for sowing or planting the main crop. Therefore, this crop must be a late planted or late planted crop. These are peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini. cucumbers, beans, vegetable corn.

After potatoes, it will be necessary to level the area very carefully. Usually cultivated late-ripening potatoes. Potatoes are the best predecessor for onions and root crops. After potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers should not be planted.

Tomatoes are a good predecessor for radishes, lettuce, dill, vegetable corn, and onions. If not observed viral diseases, then you can place cucumbers, squash, zucchini after the tomato.

Cucumbers are a crop in which the bulk of the roots are in the upper, 20 - 25 cm soil layer. Therefore, after them, I recommend placing cultures with a deeply penetrating root system. These are such crops as table beets, carrots (if there is a site clean from weeds), potatoes, tomatoes (if there are no viral diseases), cabbage.

After the onion, which was planted on the turnip last year, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, vegetable peas, and corn can be placed. In extreme cases, you can plant table roots.

I hope my answer to the question what can be planted after in the spring in the garden, will help you when planning where to plant the main crops.

Subscribe to site updates. In the near future, interesting new articles and interviews with experienced gardeners and gardeners are planned to be released. See you soon, dear friends!

Growing vegetables and herbs in your garden for many today is both useful and favorite hobby. Of course, it is very important to get a good harvest from your site. Best result achieved when the crop rotation in the garden is properly adjusted.

Importance of crop rotation

If the same plants are constantly planted in one place, then their own enzymes (root secretions) poison the soil and the yield drops. So, for example, with long-term cultivation of celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, cabbage in the soil, pathogens accumulate in the soil. various diseases. Therefore, crop rotation is necessary in the garden, that is, an annual change of places for growing crops on the site.

The same crops and related crops are recommended to be planted in the same places at least after three seasons. It is important to comply with this condition, because different cultures require different fertilizers. So, for example, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, leek, pumpkin need organic fertilizers; carrots, beets, parsley - in mineral; onions, garlic, herbs, tomatoes - both in minerals and in organic matter.

Benefits of crop rotation

The alternation of crops in the garden allows you to:

  • reduce the impact of pests and pathogens that have accumulated in the soil, especially dangerous for the past crop and less dangerous for the next;
  • improve the uptake of nutrients from the soil by plants;
  • more rational use of mineral and organic fertilizers, taking into account their effect and aftereffect on different cultures;
  • avoid negative phenomena that are caused by root secretions of this plant species;
  • carry out deep digging gradually (only for crops that need deep loosening of the soil).

Organization of crop rotation

In order to organize in the garden and not get confused in the planting sites, the following solution is often suggested. The entire garden is conditionally divided into four zones (although three are possible). We plant crops in groups. The first group is vegetables that need organic matter. The second group - vegetables that need mineral fertilizers. The third group is vegetables, for which both organics and minerals are important. And the fourth group is potatoes.

For the next season, you need to choose such places for planting so that the previous crops are suitable for them:

  • Legumes - cabbage, potatoes, root crops, tomatoes.
  • Potatoes - legumes and early cabbage.
  • Cabbage - root vegetables, legumes, tomatoes, potatoes.
  • Tomatoes, peppers - legumes, root vegetables, cabbage.
  • Onion - potatoes, pumpkin, root vegetables, legumes.
  • Root crops - potatoes, tomatoes, early cabbage.
  • Greens - legumes, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin.
  • Cucumbers and pumpkins - root crops, early cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes.

You also need to know invalid predecessors. For example, do not fit:

How to increase productivity

Observing certain rules of crop rotation in the garden, on one piece of land you can get two crops a year. For example, before planting peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, you can spinach, lettuce. After cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sow turnips and radishes. After early potatoes, plant kohlrabi, colored radishes, lettuce, peppers, and spinach grow well after peas.

Between the rows of slow-growing vegetables, you can plant fast-growing ones. For example, between the rows of carrots, beets, celery, you can grow lettuce, radishes, spinach, green onions. Radish and lettuce can also be grown between rows of cabbage (early and late). Greenery grows well along the edges of the beds.

It is useful to grow more thermophilic plants (cucumbers, peppers, eggplants) among taller ones (tomatoes, peas, corn).

J. Seymour's Rules

  1. If potatoes were planted on heavy, damp soils, then other root crops can be grown there in the third or fourth year.
  2. Legumes love well-calcified soil, which potatoes do not like. Therefore, it is better not to plant potatoes after legumes.
  3. Cabbage lime is loved, but not fresh. They are best planted after legumes.
  4. Radishes, lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini love rotted manure and compost. After them, it is good to grow root crops.
  5. In some places, you can constantly plant greens (lettuce, spinach, dill).

Rotation table

So, to make it easier to organize crop rotation in the garden, the crop rotation table will provide information in a more visual form.

Rotation of crops
Cabbage varieties of medium and lateLegumes, cucumber, carrots, early potatoes- Beets, cabbage
BeetCucumber, greens, green manure, potatoesTomatoes, onions, carrots, cauliflower and cabbage
Cauliflower and early varietiesLegumes, onion, cucumber, green manureTomatoes, carrotsRoot vegetables, cabbage
Cucumber, zucchini, patisson, pumpkin, zucchiniOnion, cabbage of early and medium varieties, cauliflower, garlic, legumesPotato, beetroot, cucumber, greensTomatoes, carrots, late cabbage
TomatoesTurnips, cucumbers, greens, green manure, cauliflowerAverage and late cabbage, beets, onionsPotatoes, tomatoes
Onion garlicCucumber, potatoes, legumes, cauliflower and cabbageTomatoes, beets, onions, late cabbageCarrots, greens
PotatoLegumes, cauliflower and cabbage, cucumbers, green manureGreens, cabbage, carrots, beetsPotatoes, tomatoes
LegumesAll varieties of cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, cucumbersTomatoes, greens, table root crops, green manureLegumes
GreeneryLegumes, cauliflower and cabbage, onions, cucumbers, green manurePotatoes, tomatoes, greens, beetslate cabbage, carrots

"Conveyor" of vegetables

The so-called vegetable conveyor is very convenient for the constant supply of fresh herbs and vegetables to the table. This conveyor begins when we plant greenery in the garden in the spring. Crop rotation in this case helps to achieve the best results.

The sequence of receipt on the table of greens, vegetables, root crops:

  • In spring: feathers of perennial chives, onions, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke tubers left for the winter.
  • A little later: sorrel, young nettle, rhubarb, onion feather, planted at the end of April.
  • Then: dill and radish.
  • From the end of May to the beginning of June: salad mustard, spinach, lettuce grown from seedlings, basil, coriander.
  • In mid-June: early tomatoes and cucumbers, beets, bunch carrots.
  • End of June: and early.
  • July: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, early potatoes.
  • August: patissons, legumes, corn, turnips, pumpkins, eggplants, Bell pepper.
  • Autumn and winter: celery (potted), chives, watercress, lettuce alfalfa, home-grown mustard.

Given all the advantages of this approach, it is worth remembering about creativity when organizing landings. Crop rotation in the garden will help with this, but you need to apply it according to your needs, capabilities and desires.

Crop rotation - important rule, helping to achieve the highest quality and plentiful harvest on any garden plot. If you regularly change the place of sowing and planting different cultures, it is possible to ensure that each plant receives the necessary and proper amount of nutrients from the soil. Also, the “neighborhood” of vegetables requires compliance, because many plant diseases can be transmitted to nearby families of vegetables.

Every gardener and experienced gardener knows that sowing must be literate. Moreover, planting a variety of crops and plants: vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs is not only a pleasant, but also a useful activity. It allows a person to develop, engage in health, exercise, breathe and enjoy nature, visit more fresh air, take a break from city life, get aesthetic pleasure, grow food for yourself.

Anyone who cultivates a garden every day will certainly be pleased with a good harvest. In order for it to be impressive, fertile and good, you must definitely follow certain rules and the queue for planting seeds, seedlings, and so on.

Not every gardener knows that it is impossible to plant the same plants every year in the same place. The fact is that the roots of plants tend to produce certain enzymes (peculiar secretions), which literally poison the soil every year and make it less fertile. It is for this reason that every time it is necessary to do a crop rotation - firstly, and secondly, to observe the alternation of sowing: what and what needs to be planted.

When planting each plant, you need to know in detail about how much time and seasons it can be in the soil, how long it takes to plant and the type of fertilizer.

Proper and organized planting of vegetables has many advantages:

  • reduces the number of possible earthen pests
  • reduces the number of various pathogens for plants
  • improves and increases the amount of nutrients in the soil
  • allows the correct use of various fertilizers
  • minimizes Negative influence fertilizers for soil and plants
  • allows you to dig the soil more often and deeper, which is useful for plants

Table of the correct planting and alternation of vegetables in the garden plot:

Proper planting of vegetables with alternation, then what to plant

table of compatibility and correct "neighborhood" of plants in the garden

What to plant after strawberries, then plant strawberries and why?

Strawberries are a tasty and beloved berry, how big your harvest will be depends on how carefully you choose a place for planting it. Strawberries can grow fertilely in one place for no more than four years. After this time, you can notice such negative changes as:

  • berries get smaller
  • the plant wears out and ages
  • the plant gets sick more often
  • the plant rarely dies

The soil under strawberries is depleted in four years, it becomes infected with a variety of diseases, and there are many pests in it. Transplanting to the site where other crops used to grow will help improve the yield and its quality.

where to plant strawberries? then plant strawberries?

In the place where strawberries used to grow, you can plant a completely opposite plant, for example, a root crop:

  • potato
  • celery
  • carrot
  • beet
  • garlic

Root crop - the best option for planting, but this does not mean that you cannot plant other crops on this site, for example, zucchini or cucumbers. After you clear the area of ​​strawberries, carefully dig it up and conduct a thorough mineralization.

It is important to know that you should not plant in the soil where strawberries have grown before. The fact is that strawberries are rosaceous, which means that all related crops, for example raspberries or blackberries, will be contraindicated. Also not recommended fruit trees. A sufficient amount of time must pass and it is necessary to produce all types of fertilizer and "improvement" of the soil.

Speaking about after which you can plant strawberries, it is worth noting that this plant is not whimsical and gets along well on the soil, where previously there were a variety of root crops, legumes, greens and even nightshade.

What to plant after cabbage, then plant cabbage and why?

Cabbage is planted with seedlings, it is important to buy only stocky and healthy-looking seedlings - this is a guarantee of a good harvest, tasty and healthy fruits. Seedlings must have strong and dense leaves. It should be planted in the ground, digging right up to the outlet and carefully tamping the ground.

Also, the fertility of the crop will be affected by a good neighborhood that will accompany the vegetable on the site. There are a few simple rules to follow. It is best to plant cabbage in the soil where the crop was previously:

  • any root crops
  • legumes
  • grain crops
  • gourds

how and after what should cabbage be planted?

It is important to know that cabbage cannot be grown for more than three years in a row in the same soil. After you have harvested, the soil must be dug up and mineralized.

It is known that cabbage, after growing for more than two years in one area, is able to take all the most useful from the soil. After cabbage, you can plant cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes or onions.

What to plant after cucumbers, then plant cucumbers and why?

Cucumbers are able to "endure" and bear fruit on the same soil for no more than four years in a row. After this time, you should definitely change the site so that your harvest is good and plentiful.

As practice shows, cucumbers grow best on the land where they previously bore fruit:

  • any variety and type of cabbage
  • root vegetables (carrots - not desirable)
  • legumes (best: peas and beans)
  • regular and leafy greens

rules for planting cucumbers in the garden

A good harvest of cucumbers can be favored by a good neighborhood, which includes dill, various legumes, leafy greens, salads, fennel.

For the real gardener important information is also what crop should be planted after cucumbers for the next year. We can say with confidence that the best crops will be produced on this soil:

  • bulbous crops
  • some root vegetables: beets or celery
  • radish and radish

What to plant after tomatoes, then plant tomatoes and why?

Tomato is one of the most beloved vegetables. However, getting a good and fertile crop of tomatoes is quite difficult. To do this, you should follow all the rules for alternating planting plants in the ground in a garden plot.

First of all, you should know that tomatoes and related families according to the classification - gourds and nightshade, unfortunately, "sick" with the same diseases. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to plant a tomato in the soil where its native vegetables previously “lived”, and also not to plant them in the neighborhood.

how to plant a tomato?

Tomatoes will give a decent harvest where previously grown crops such as:

  • gourds (including pumpkin, melon and zucchini)
  • some root vegetables: turnips, beets
  • bulbous plants
  • leafy and common greens
  • potato
  • any kind of pepper
  • solanaceous
  • physalis

After you have harvested a good tomato crop and want to transplant them to another site, the old soil will be suitable for many unpretentious crops: bulbs, legumes, some root crops and greens.

After tomatoes, berries such as strawberries and strawberries should not be planted in the soil, since soil diseases are quite capable of moving to the roots of these plants.

What to plant after hot pepper, then plant hot pepper and why?

Pepper is a nightshade vegetable, therefore, plants of this family cannot be planted before planting on the soil where pepper used to grow. It is impossible to plant pepper on the same soil where it grew last year, it is necessary that about three years have passed since that moment.

Pepper is a “capricious” crop that is very demanding on the quality of the soil.

The best precursor crops for hot peppers are:

  • cucumbers
  • leafy greens
  • herbs
  • cabbage
  • legumes

hot pepper crop rotation

Extremely bad after pepper in the soil will take root:

  • potato
  • beet
  • carrot
  • celery
  • tomato

If you follow all the basic rules for fertilizing the soil and alternating crop rotation, then the crop of bitter pepper will delight you not only with its quality and good quantity.

What to plant after sweet pepper, then plant sweet pepper and why?

Sweet peppers are more whimsical than hot peppers. However, the requirements for planting it are similar to all types of this vegetable.

Best of all, pepper will take root after:

  • any bulbous plants
  • gourds
  • leafy and regular greens
  • cabbage of any kind and variety
  • all legumes

After sweet pepper, you can confidently plant root crops in the soil, they will give a good and high-quality crop.

after which it is correct to plant sweet peppers?

What to plant after potatoes, then plant potatoes and why?

Potatoes are a frequent and popular vegetable in every garden. He is able to successfully fertilize in the same place for several years, but it is simply impossible to imagine that he often changes the place for him when everyone square meter on account. Therefore, the most important and important rule to follow is to take into account the wishes for the "neighborhood" and crop rotation of other crops.

Potatoes are able to give a good harvest in the place where they grew before:

  • various gourds
  • any bulb crops
  • any leguminous plant
  • some root vegetables: radish or radish

how to plant potatoes

It is worth noting that the soil after potatoes is quite depleted and “worn out”, therefore it is recommended to plant green manure crops in it, that is, those that will “heal” it and let it “rest”.

These plants are:

  • mustard
  • cereals
  • legumes
  • phacelia
  • pumpkin
  • eggplant - they will give a meager harvest or die altogether
  • tomatoes - they are extremely demanding on the quality of the soil
  • pepper - it is whimsical to the soil and requires a high content of nutrients in it

What to plant after garlic, then plant garlic and why?

In addition to its excellent qualities, this bulbous plant is able to "spoil" the soil, literally "sucking out" most of the minerals from it and attracting many insect pests. best crops that grew in the soil before garlic was planted are any crops, with the only exceptions being oats and barley. The soil on which they previously grew is considered good:

  • edible and leafy greens
  • clover
  • alfalfa
  • melon vegetables
  • strawberry
  • strawberries and other berries

after what should garlic be planted?

Garlic is extremely unsuccessfully accepted by the soil and will lead to a poor harvest if any root crops have been harvested on it before: from potatoes to carrots.

What to plant after beets, then plant beets and why?

You can get a good harvest of beets if you meet all the requirements for planting this vegetable in the soil. Beets are quite unpretentious to the soil and often get along even on a “depleted” site.

Beetroot will give many large fruits if the soil in which it was planted before was the place of growth:

  • melon family vegetables
  • cabbage of any kind and variety
  • tomatoes of any kind
  • any kind of pepper
  • any root crops
  • any bulb crops

after what should beetroot be planted?

After beets in the soil, crops such as:

  • leafy green vegetables and any greens
  • bulb crops: fennel, onion, garlic
  • some hardy root crops
  • any legumes

What to plant after onions, then plant onions and why?

It is best to plant onions in the soil where other bulbous plants have not grown before, because such soil is “empty” for many trace elements useful to it. Onions will take root where they previously grew:

  • melon vegetables
  • nightshade family vegetables
  • roots
  • leafy vegetables and herbs
  • any legumes

how to plant onions

A good harvest can be obtained if, after the onion harvest next year, plant:

  • root crops: carrots, beets, celery and others
  • legumes
  • leafy vegetables and herbs
  • tomatoes

What to plant after a pumpkin, then plant a pumpkin and why?

Pumpkin is able to deplete the soil, taking some trace elements from it, but giving it completely different ones.

Favorable for pumpkins will be the soil where they previously grew:

  • any kind of pepper
  • root vegetables
  • cabbage
  • bulbous vegetables
  • leafy and regular greens
  • leguminous plants
  • corn

what should be planted after pumpkin?

Pumpkin should be planted where it previously grew:

  • bulbous plants
  • roots
  • cabbage of any kind
  • legumes
  • leafy vegetables and herbs

What to plant after radishes, then plant radishes and why?

Radish is not the most whimsical vegetable, but its yield is closely dependent on what grew on the soil before it. Any legume is considered the best option. Other permitted plants include:

  • melon family vegetables
  • cabbage in any form
  • tomatoes and tomatoes
  • potatoes and other root vegetables

After radishes, the soil will accept well and please with a harvest from plants such as:

  • roots
  • melon vegetables
  • greenery
  • leafy vegetables

how to plant radishes

What to plant after carrots, then plant carrots and why?

Carrots "love" prepared soil very much: plowed, dug up and fertilized. You can plant carrots after almost any plant, but not after the carrot itself.

Best of all, carrots will take root where they used to grow:

  • bulbous vegetables
  • tomatoes and other nightshade vegetables
  • cabbage of any variety and any kind
  • potatoes and other root vegetables
  • lettuce and leafy vegetables
  • greenery

After carrots, crops such as:

  • melon family vegetables
  • lettuce and any other leafy vegetables
  • cabbage of any kind
  • mustard
  • any greens

how to plant carrots then plant carrots?

What to plant after eggplant, then plant eggplant and why?

Gardeners know that eggplant can get along well with many cultures. They perfectly coexist with nightshade, but categorically do not grow in the soil after them.

Eggplants should not be planted in the soil after:

  • peppers of any variety and any kind
  • tomatoes and other nightshade vegetables
  • potatoes, as well as some other root crops: carrots, beets

Best of all, eggplants take root where they previously grew:

  • cabbage of any variety and type
  • greens and leafy vegetables
  • salad
  • legumes

after what should you plant eggplant?

What to plant after peas, then plant peas and why?

Legumes, in particular peas, are excellent precursors to crops such as:

  • nightshade family vegetables
  • melon family vegetables
  • cabbage of any kind and variety
  • bulbous vegetables
  • roots

It is worth noting that after legumes and peas, you can plant almost any crop, since the soil is considered "rested".

after what should peas be planted?

What to plant after zucchini, then plant zucchini and why?

Zucchini, like pumpkin, are able to accept any soil, even one that is very "tired" of the previous crop. They are not whimsical in cultivation and all they need is water and light. Zucchini feed on completely different nutrients than any root vegetables and nightshades, and often successfully coexist with these vegetables.

It is possible to get a good and high-quality crop of zucchini if ​​you plant them in the soil where they were harvested before:

  • legumes
  • bulbous plants
  • greens and leafy vegetables, lettuce
  • nightshade crops
  • roots

The zucchini feeds on the soil at its level, and therefore the subsequent planting of plants of completely different families will be the most successful:

  • tomatoes will take root well and give a good harvest
  • this place will be extremely successful for any root crops
  • legumes
  • any cabbage
  • eggplant
  • bulbous plants

In no case should zucchini be planted next to other melon vegetables, because they need the same supply of soil nutrients and can suffer from the same “diseases”.

then plant a zucchini?

What to plant after parsley, then plant parsley and why?

The success of a good and high-quality harvest is the constant change of plots for planting vegetables. So crops have the opportunity to receive the necessary nutrients, grow large fruits and not die.

If you plant greens in the same place every year for several years, then it is hardly possible to achieve a good harvest. In the end, the soil is depleted, has no desired set trace elements and the plant is doomed to death. Parsley is a green that can take root in any place where it has not yet grown:

  • after nightshade vegetables
  • in the place of growth of root crops
  • where previously there were melons and gourds
  • in soil after bulbous plants

The only limitation is considered other greens, leafy vegetables, which feed on the same set of micronutrients. It is not advisable to sow parsley where sorrel, lettuce, dill, basil and other similar plants have previously grown.

then plant parsley?

After parsley, it is allowed to plant any vegetable crop Everything but greenery.

What to plant after sorrel, then plant sorrel and why?

Like any leafy vegetables, as well as greens, sorrel feeds on microelements at a certain soil level. You can even plant sorrel there, where tomatoes, potatoes and other vegetables have grown for many years before.

Sorrel can only not take root in the soil that for many years yielded any greens, lettuce, spinach, parsley and dill. After sorrel, it is recommended to plant absolutely any family of vegetables.

then plant sorrel?

What to plant after melon and watermelon, then plant melons and watermelons, and why?

Melon and watermelon are fruits of the gourd family. They do not have deep roots and grow where the soil is well moistened and there is an abundance of light. It is known that in order to get an impressive and good harvest of these fruits, they must be grown separately from each other and from related crops. This is because the soil is able to spread their "family" diseases and quickly deplete their supply of essential nutrients.

Best of all, both melon and watermelon will bear fruit where they were previously planted:

  • nightshade vegetables
  • any root vegetables
  • legumes
  • cabbage
  • greenery
  • leafy vegetables and salad
  • bulbous vegetables

Taking away the necessary nutrients from the soil, gourds leave a supply of microelements that will favorably affect the harvest of other crops. Therefore, after melon and watermelon, you can plant in the soil:

  • any root vegetables
  • tomatoes, eggplant, pepper
  • bulbous crops
  • leguminous plants
  • greens and leafy vegetables
where and after what to plant watermelon and melon?

What to plant after beans, then plant beans and why?

Unlike other legumes, it can be said that beans are the most demanding plant of the entire family. It always gives a good harvest only if the soil is full of nutrients, moist and saturated with fertilizer. Beans do not "tolerate" weeds and love the land clean from them.

Beans will never sprout where sunflowers were previously harvested. However, it will be good after:

  • root crops
  • solanaceous
  • corn
  • grain crops
  • gourds

Beans are a good precursor vegetable for most other plants. But it is worth knowing that it is the beans that should be replanted annually, since it tends to “sick” often and abundantly.

then plant beans?

What to plant after dill, then plant dill and why?

Dill - the most unpretentious plant, which can grow in absolutely any place and in any soil. Most often, dill independently spreads and moves around the garden plot, choosing the most comfortable place for itself. Dill does not require any strict adherence to crop rotation and neighborhood and always gives a large and good harvest. Dill can be safely planted and sown where the soil requires "rest".

then plant dill?

What to plant after corn, then plant corn and why?

Corn is a crop that “loves” plowed soil, moistened and fed with fertilizers. You can get a good harvest of this plant if it is planted on soil that was previously sown with legumes or other cereals. The quality of the crop also depends on how good and nutritious the regular feeding of the crop will be.

After corn, you can safely plant crops such as:

  • peas and other legumes (soy or beans)
  • some root vegetables, if the soil is sufficiently moist, such as beets or carrots
  • perennial greens and leafy vegetables
  • winter crops

then plant corn?

What to plant after mustard, then plant mustard and why?

Mustard is a popular oilseed spring crop, which is extremely useful to include in crop rotation in any garden plot. Mustard “does not age” or “deplete” the soil, and therefore it is often planted when the earth should be given a short or long “rest” from nightshade or root vegetables.

Row crops, as well as cereals, are the best option, which can grow on soil up to mustard. In this case, it will give the highest quality and plentiful harvest.

then plant mustard?

Video: What to plant after strawberries?