Academician Vladislav Pustovoyt talks about what is happening in the depths of the universe. Academician Vladislav Korsak: “We will give birth the old fashioned way! Desired or actual


“Tea parties at the Academy” is a regular column of Pravda.Ru. In it we publish interviews of writer Vladimir Gubarev with academicians. Today his interlocutor is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrument Making of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Optical-Electronic Instruments for Scientific Research at Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, physicist Vladislav Pustovoit.

What exactly happens in the depths of the Universe?

This question has been tormenting astrophysicists since the very day when Albert Einstein created his theory of relativity, showing that the world around us is completely different from what humanity previously imagined.

What is he like?

The physicist connected space, time, the speed of light, the past and the present, and suggested that his descendants understand this chaos, hinting that there are “clues” that come from the depths of the Universe. The name of these “clues” is gravitational waves, supposedly only they are capable of revealing the eternal secrets of the universe, explaining where we come from and why we live in this world.

In search of these waves of physics different countries spent a hundred years!

However, one of them - Vladislav Pustovoit - is half that size. More than fifty years ago, he and M.E. Herzenstein predicted exactly how gravitational waves could be detected and recorded. The theoretical physicist then worked at the famous FIAN, where there were quite enough scientists who could appreciate the proposals of their young colleague. They appreciated it, but immediately cooled his ardor, explaining that it was not yet possible to create such unique instruments as a giant interferometer.

Only 50 years later the prediction became a reality!

As befits classical science, Academician Vladislav Ivanovich Pustovoit begins from the beginning:

In the history of physics and science in general, we are today experiencing an exciting moment: gravitational waves have been experimentally discovered. First of all, I want to say that Russian scientists have done a lot to make this happen. The birth of an idea, its theoretical and experimental confirmation is a very interesting and fascinating story, in which many outstanding physicists are involved. It all started with Albert Einstein. General questions theory of relativity and led to the idea that gravitational waves exist. This happened in 1916. For two years he worked actively, trying to substantiate his theory. Failed. And then Einstein declared that he was mistaken. However, he soon returned to his ideas, realizing that he was mistaken when he announced his mistake.

In my opinion, after these words of Academician V.I. Pustovoit, one should turn to Einstein himself in order to understand how difficult it was for him to understand all the features of his own theory. He wrote this: “Science as something existing and complete is the most objective and impersonal of all that is known to man. However, science as something still in its infancy, or as a goal, is just as subjective and psychologically conditioned as all other human aspirations. Namely. This explains why the question about the purpose and essence of science at different times different people gave a variety of answers."

Einstein doubted his discoveries all his life. However, he constantly returned, right up to his exodus, to gravity and gravitational waves. However, like all the major physicists of the 20th century, this idea seemed too tempting and wonderful to them!

So what are gravitational waves? - continues Academician V.I. Pustovoit. - Let’s say that space and time are a grid spread across the Universe. If a massive body appears on it, then the mesh bends. And at this moment the emission of gravitational waves occurs. These are very weak waves. Of course, on long distance from the place of the event, and at its epicenter the radiation is enormous.

And how do physicists imagine this phenomenon?

Differently. Complex calculations were carried out and various hypotheses were put forward. Academicians Landau, Lifshits, Fok, Zeldovich were very interested in these phenomena. These are the classics, and they laid the foundations for understanding many aspects of the theory of relativity. And, of course, Academician Ginzburg. I am his student, I belong to his scientific school. There, at FIAN, work in this area continues today.

Here it is appropriate, in my opinion, to cite some thoughts of Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg, which are related to testing the ideas of the general theory of relativity (GTR - as the academician designated it in his works).

“Experimental testing of general relativity in weak and strong fields continues and will continue,” wrote Nobel laureate. - The most interesting thing would, of course, be the discovery of even the slightest deviations from general relativity in the non-quantum region. My intuitive judgment is that in the non-quantum region GR does not need any correction (however, some changes in super-strong gravitational fields may be necessary...)... From the very beginning of the 21st century, the reception of gravitational waves will begin at a number of installations currently under construction, in first of all, at LIGO in the USA. First of all, apparently, pulses generated by the merger of two neutron stars will be received. Correlations with gamma-ray bursts, as well as high-energy neutron radiation, are possible, and even very likely. In general, gravitational wave astronomy will be born."

V.L. Ginzburg made his conclusions largely due to the fact that his students worked very successfully in this area, and at the famous seminars at FIAN, which were first led by I.E. Tamm and then by V.L. Ginzburg, the problems of “catching "Gravitational waves have been discussed several times.

And the most amazing (or quite natural!) academician Ginzburg turned out to be a seer: it was on these installations that gravitational waves were recorded.

In 1993, observing a double pulsar, astrophysicists for the first time received indirect evidence of the existence of gravitational waves, Academician Pustovoit continues his story. - We managed to answer the most important question: what is the speed of these waves? It turned out that the speed of propagation of gravitational waves is equal to the speed of light.

And where exactly are they born?

For the first time, academician Vladimir Fok drew attention to the fact that during cosmological catastrophes - where large masses of bodies are involved, be it the collision of black holes or the merger of neutron stars, strong radiation can occur and gravitational waves arise. A double pulsar can also emit gravitational waves, and theorists have proven this.

How can you observe this?

The first gravitational radiation receiver was built by Joseph Weber in the early 60s of the last century. This is an aluminum cylinder with piezoelectric sensors glued onto it. The scientist hoped that the waves would cause the cylinder to vibrate, and they could be recorded. Weber spent many years developing a variety of resonant antennas. Unfortunately, he was haunted by failure. However, the method of his research is recognized and developed by various scientific groups. Resonant antennas are very complex structures. I think there are about five of them working in the world. There are in America, in Switzerland, in Holland... However, they can only receive waves at a narrow frequency, but nevertheless they exist and work. Attempts to use them to detect gravitational waves do not stop.

Did you go a different route?

Yes, laser interferometers are widely used today. The idea of ​​their use belongs to Herzenstein and your humble servant. In 1962, we published a paper in which it was said that we needed to take a Michelson interferometer, lasers, two antennas, and so on. Weber read our work in August 1963 and instructed his student to make the first interferometer. It turned out that the new device is not inferior to resonant antennas. And then intensive experimental work began.

What is the main idea of ​​an interferometer?

The laser beam hits the divider, is split into two components, then the beam hits the photodetector, and there you observe whether the “picture” has changed. The sensitivity of such an interferometer is directly proportional to the length of the arms. Today, the “arm” of the device in the United States is four kilometers, which allows it to measure with an accuracy of ten to minus seventeen centimeters. That's about one ten-thousandth the size of a proton! Fantastic! It is precisely this movement of the laser beam that can be recorded...

Simply put, the laser beam deviated by an insignificant amount, and this is already on the photodetector?


Is it much more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack?

One can say more precisely: several atoms from that needle! Such a unique interferometer was built in Louisiana in the southern United States. This is a four-kilometer pipe in which air is pumped out to a deep vacuum. A laser beam passes through it, then it is reflected from the mirrors and returns to the central building, where interference is observed. The building is unique and very expensive. The most modern technologies. A second interferometer was built in the northern States.

Are such devices only in America?

No, there are also ones not far from the famous Pisa in Italy, in Germany; they are being built in China, Japan and other countries. I was in Italy, and the installation, of course, made a lasting impression. This is a 3-kilometer pipe made of stainless steel, 1.2 mm thick. There are special siphons that “eliminate temperature deformations. A beautiful device, impressive! For a long time they could not provide the required vacuum. There are 16 stations that pump out air. One of them worked with a defect, and it took specialists more than a month to eliminate it. Well and a completely incidental case: the device was so accurate that just one cockroach rendered it unusable. The cockroach somehow got inside the pipe, it “gazed”, and the measurements were distorted so that it is clear how complex the modern one is. interferometer.

What do we have?

Two years ago the Italians came and offered us help in building an interferometer on Russian territory. The fact is that without this it is impossible to cover the entire sphere - there are no such instruments between Europe and Japan, so a kind of “blank spot” is formed. The offer of the Italians, who were ready to transfer some technologies to us, was, of course, very tempting, but the government told us that there was no money... It’s a shame, of course! Such unique devices are being created all over the world. China is building, Australia is building... Already the first observations in the USA showed that we are dealing with a very interesting phenomenon.

Do doubts still remain or no longer exist?

Two signals were received - in the north and south of the USA. So there is no doubt. The signal lasted approximately 0.2 seconds. During this time, the frequency changes from 25 hertz to 250. This suggests that the two masses emitting gravitational waves are approaching each other. The fact that this was done simultaneously on two interferometers indicates the direction from which the radiation came. This was the first sighting in history. Thus, a great leap took place in astrophysics. There is no doubt, since the experiment completely confirms the theoretical calculations.

And what exactly happened, what exactly gave rise to these gravitational waves?

Two "black holes" met. One with a mass of about 36 of our suns, and the other about 29. They got closer, a collapse occurred, and gravitational waves were emitted. The energy is high, three solar masses were lost.

That is, mass has turned into energy?

Yes, in full accordance with Einstein's theory. To date, that is, in the summer of 2017, three such events have been recorded. The first happened at a distance of one and three tenths of a billion light years, and the last happened at a distance of 3 billion light years.

Everything is happening far away. Fortunately... Otherwise, there would be nothing left of us - truly cosmic disasters!... Scientists, of course, are happy to analyze such events in the Universe, but what does this give us, ordinary people?

Firstly, we received confirmation of the correctness of the conclusions of the theory of relativity. Of course, there are other proofs of its truth, but the existence of gravitational waves expands its capabilities to a whole range of physical features about which theorists remained doubtful. Now they are gone. Secondly, this new channel obtaining information about the Universe. It was hard to imagine how large - I would even say “majestic”! - processes occurring in the stellar world. The same “black hole” flies towards another at a speed equal to half the speed of light, and now we can observe it! Some kind of fantasy! But this is already reality...

You can use the banal image: “a new window on the Universe has been opened,” right?

Yes, that's true. In the future, new more sensitive interferometers will appear, and the amount of information will increase sharply. If now we record an event once every six months, then in the near future this will happen once a month. And the life of the Universe, unknown to us until now, will open up in a new way.

After these words of Academician V.I. Pustovoit, I would like to return to the thoughts of his Teacher, Academician V.L. Ginzburg, who in turn clearly outlined where “modern physics came from.” From Albert Einstein, of course! It was about him that Vitaly Lazarevich wrote this:

Physical chemist, academician (since 1964).
Born in Petrograd into the family of a lawyer, he received a brilliant, comprehensive education as a child. In 1940 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Engineering and Physics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with a degree in chemical physics. During his studies, he was a Stalinist scholarship holder, which saved him from expulsion, since he refused to renounce his repressed father. In the spring of 1941 he entered a military school, but was soon expelled as the son of an executed “enemy of the people.”
V.V. Voevodsky’s diploma work was devoted to the study of the role of hydrogen peroxide in the hydrogen combustion reaction. Subsequently, the kinetics of chemical reactions, especially branched chain reactions, became one of the main directions of his scientific activity. In 1940 - 1959 he worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics, and during the evacuation of the institute in Kazan, he studied in graduate school (he graduated and defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1944). Ten years later he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Since 1959, he worked at the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
V.V. Voevodsky had a special and rare talent that allowed him to see from observations of a chemical process such a picture of the “inner world” of a chemical reaction, which was subsequently confirmed by direct experiments. N.N. Semenov’s favorite student, V.V. Voevodsky carried out a large number of fundamental studies in the field of kinetics of gas chemical reactions. He made a fundamental contribution to the development of the theory of hydrogen oxidation, created new method measurements of rate constants of fast reactions. Developed the first quantitative theory of thermal decomposition (cracking) of hydrocarbons. Developed ideas about the mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Together with N.N. Semenov and M.V. Volkenshtein, he developed the theory of heterogeneous catalysis with the participation of free radicals.
The works of V.V. Voevodsky laid the foundations for a new area of ​​research on the connection between the structure of active intermediate radicals and their reactivity in chemical processes. His merit is exceptionally great in the use of physical research methods to study the mechanisms of chemical processes. One such method was electron paramagnetic resonance. The EPR spectrometer, developed under the leadership of V.V. Voevodsky, was mass-produced by the domestic industry for many years, which made it possible to develop a wide range of research in the chemistry of free radicals in our country. V.V. Voevodsky studied, in particular, the role of radicals formed during the action of radiation on matter (radiation chemistry).
Fruitful scientific work V.V. Voevodsky always combined his teaching activities. In 1946 - 1952 He taught at the Department of Chemical Kinetics of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University (as an associate professor). However, on September 1, 1952, he was dismissed from the faculty. The reason was the notorious “bourgeois anti-scientific theory of resonance” by Linus Pauling, because of which many chemists suffered in those years. In 1953-1961. V.V. Voevodsky taught at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (since 1955 - as a professor), where he organized the department of chemical kinetics and combustion and was dean of the faculty of molecular and chemical physics, from 1961 - at Novosibirsk University, where he was dean of the faculty natural sciences and headed the department of physical chemistry. He trained a large group of students who became the core of his Moscow and Novosibirsk laboratories.
V.V. Voevodsky was one of the organizers and creators of the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where until the last days of his life he headed the laboratory and was deputy director for scientific affairs. His talent as a scientist, teacher and organizer was widely developed at the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. V.V. Voevodsky devoted a lot of energy to strengthening and expanding international relations of domestic scientists. He took an active part in the organization and work of many international conferences, symposiums and meetings, gave lectures and reports in many countries.

State Prize laureate (1968, posthumously).

Main works.
Ya.B.Zeldovich, V.V.Voevodsky. Thermal explosion and flame propagation in gases. M., 1947.
A.B. Nalbandyan, V.V. Voevodsky. The mechanism of oxidation and combustion of hydrogen. M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1949.
V.V. Voevodsky, F.F. Volkenshtein, N.N. Semenov. Issues of chemical kinetics, catalysis and reactivity. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1955.
L.A. Blumenfeld, V.V. Voevodsky, A.G. Semenov. Application of electron paramagnetic resonance in chemistry. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962.
V.V. Voevodsky. Physics and chemistry of elementary chemical processes. M.: Nauka, 1969.

Academician V.V. Voevodsky. Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1967, No. 4, p. 110.
Vladislav Vladislavovich Voevodsky. Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chemistry, 1967, No. 6, p. 1401.
V.V. Voevodsky. Journal of physical chemistry, 1967, No. 12, p. 3159.
Vladislav Vladislavovich Voevodsky. Kinetics and catalysis, 1967, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 706.
V. Dorofeeva, V. Dorofeev. Long-range action. Youth, 1970, No. 10, p. 93.

Archival funds:
Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, f. 411, op 3, d. 269, l. 17 vol., 66-69.

I. Leenson

After deciphering the human genome, it became theoretically possible to edit it, which means that even before the baby is born it will be possible to change, for example, the color of his eyes or save the unborn child from genetic diseases.

Our expert - President of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladislav Korsak.

Desired or actual

Lidiya Yudina, AiF Health: Vladislav Stanislavovich, one of the main events of last year was the birth of children with an edited genome in China. Does this mean that in the near future congenital and genetic diseases will they be a thing of the past?

Vladislav Korsak: To date, there is no independent confirmation of the birth of children with an edited genome. Therefore, it is possible that the Chinese scientist was wishful thinking.

Take it out and save it. Naive questions about surrogacy

In any case, in the foreseeable future this technique is unlikely to enter into widespread medical practice. So you have to give birth the old fashioned way!

However, today couples with a high risk of hereditary diseases have the opportunity to give birth to a healthy child. This allows the technology of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) - the study of the hereditary material of embryos obtained in an IVF cycle before transfer into the uterine cavity. Such testing eliminates the possibility of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome) or certain monogenic diseases. However, even the results of PGT do not provide a 100% guarantee of the birth of a healthy child, since this technology cannot yet exclude all mutations for all groups of diseases.

- There is still talk that it is impossible to give birth to a healthy child conceived in a test tube...

– Serious studies have convincingly shown that IVF technology does not have a pathological effect on the offspring. But the birth of a healthy child is possible only from healthy and, ideally, young parents (the older the woman, the higher the risk of having a sick child). Couples aged 37–45 years most often resort to the IVF procedure. And after 40 years, the risk of having a child with genomic disorders increases sharply.

If you decide on IVF. What you need to know when preparing for this procedure

More details

The optimal age for the birth of the first child is considered to be from 18 to 26 years, and middle age people getting married today in big cities are 31 years old.

– Yes, today at the age of 40 many women look and feel 25. However, nothing has changed in their reproductive sphere. The decline in fertility in women begins at age 35. At this age, a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant are 2 times lower than at 20 years old. At the age of 40, the probability of spontaneous pregnancy is 10% compared to the age of 20, and after 45, even the in vitro fertilization procedure is carried out with donor eggs, since the woman no longer has her own.

Why did women start giving birth later?

Look into the box!

Can a woman prolong her reproductive youth with the help of proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, sports?

“This will have a beneficial effect on her health, but will not affect her ability to conceive. At birth, each woman receives her own personal “magic box” - a supply of eggs. It is constantly consumed - with each menstrual cycle, and it is impossible to replenish it. However, today a woman can find out her reproductive milestone. To do this, you need to take tests for the level of sex hormones and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). The main signs that the “box” is empty are high levels of gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH) and low levels of anti-Mullerian hormone.

- What if a woman dreams of giving birth, but cannot meet a worthy candidate for the role of the child’s father?

– In this case, doctors advise the woman to resort to cryopreservation of eggs or ovarian tissue in order to use them in the future.

Gen testing. How to minimize the risk of having a sick child

Everyone knows a lady who for a long time I couldn’t get pregnant, and only gave birth when I was desperate. How do doctors explain such cases?

– In 30-40% of cases of infertility, the man is to blame, and pregnancy could occur after he solved his problem. We must not forget that pregnancy takes time. Sometimes quite long. However, you need to understand that you may not expect a miracle. Therefore, young people should consult a doctor if pregnancy has not occurred within a year of regular sexual activity. And people over 35 years old are not recommended to wait longer than 6 months for a miracle.

By the way

  • When a woman is not older than 30 years old, pregnancy with IVF is observed the first time with a frequency of 60%.
  • When the age is over 35 years, the pregnancy rate from the first IVF is from 35 to 40%.
  • At an older age, success from the first IVF occurs in 10% of cases.
  • Those who undergo IVF due to genetic diseases are least likely to get pregnant the first time.

Remember the movie '99 Virus with Jamie Lee Curtis?
In any case, the action takes place on a Russian research vessel. This mysterious ship is equipped with the latest technology...........

So, this handsome guy is actually a Gen Hoyt S Vandenberg withdrawn from the American fleet.

It was sunk in the Key West National Marine Sanctuary (Florida, USA), 7 miles away. The coordinates of the new wreck: 24 ° 27 "N, 81 ° 44" W. The ship was prepared before the sinking, hatches were cut, masts and antennas were cut off so that there is at least 12 meters from the top of the ship to the surface of the water. The ship lies on an even keel at a depth of 43 meters. Next to it on the bottom are four 8-ton anchors.

Displacement: 17250 tons
Length: 160 meters
Width: 22 meters
Height: 30 meters from keel to highest point.
History of the ship: from "General Harry Taylor" to "Academician Vladislav Volkov"

1943: The transport "General Harry Taylor" is built at the shipyard in Richmond, California;
1944-46: participates in the transfer of troops in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. After the Japanese surrender, he was the first to return to New York Harbor;
1946-50: US Navy transport ship;
1950-57: transports refugees and internally displaced persons from Europe, America and Australia;
1958: transferred to the reserve;
1961: The ship is acquired by the US Air Force and completely converted into a radar tracking ship;
1963: new name "Gen Hoyt S Vandenberg" given;

1964-1983: Moves back to the Navy and continues to monitor Soviet missile launches;
1983: decommissioned and transferred to the Ghost Fleet Marine Sanctuary on the James River in Virginia;
1996: used in the filming of the science fiction film "Virus", where he played the role of the Russian scientific vessel "Akademik Vladislav Volkov", on which aliens landed (released in 1999). Numerous inscriptions in Russian are still visible on the ship: “emergency exit”, “Academician Vladislav Volkov”, Kaliningrad. The ship's pipes are painted in the colors of the Russian flag;

1999: The decision is made to sink the USAFS Gen Hoyt S Vandenberg into a man-made diving wreck.

Sunk in 2009.

By the way, Academician Vladislav Volkov.
There is such a “Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov” - a research vessel designed to perform space communications tasks.

The first flight took place on October 18, 1977.
From 1977 to 1991, the ship completed 14 expedition voyages in the Central and South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. His tasks included ensuring control of the Flight Control Center over critical operations carried out at manned orbital stations, monitoring the activation of rocket booster stages during launches of geostationary satellites and satellites with high elliptical orbits.
At the moment, the vessel does not have measuring equipment; it is based at the Kanonersky shipyard in St. Petersburg
Named after cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov,

who died when the descent module depressurized during the landing of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft in 1971.
Cosmonauts Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsaev died on June 30, 1971, while returning from the first orbital station Salyut-1, also during descent, due to depressurization of the descent module spaceship"Soyuz-11". At the cosmodrome before the launch, the main crew (Alexey Leonov, Valery Kubasov and Pyotr Kolodin) was replaced by a backup crew (Dobrovolsky, Volkov, Patsayev). The tragedy might not have happened if not for political ambitions. Since the Americans had already flown to the Moon on three-seat Apollo spacecraft, it was required that we also fly at least three astronauts. If the crew consisted of two people, they could have been in spacesuits. But the three spacesuits did not fit either in weight or dimensions. And then it was decided to fly in only tracksuits.

Academician Vladislav Vladislavovich Voevodsky (1917-1967) is one of the largest modern scientists in the field of chemical physics.

V.V. Voevodsky was born on July 25, 1917 in Leningrad. After graduating from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1940, he worked at. Vladislav Vladislavovich was one of the most talented students of academicians N.N. Semenov and V.N. Kondratiev. His scientific worldview took shape under their influence. The first works of V.V. Voevodsky were devoted to fundamental issues of the theory of branched chain reactions. He established essential details of the mechanism of the hydrogen oxidation reaction and introduced the idea of ​​the role of heterogeneous factors into the theory of cracking of paraffinic hydrocarbons. As a result of studying the structure and properties of free radicals, he discovered a new type of radical reactions - transfer of the active center, taking into account which the first quantitative theory of cracking of olefin hydrocarbons was built. While studying the processes of recombination of atomic hydrogen on the surface of catalytically active substances, V.V. Voevodsky discovered two types of stationary processes - low-temperature and high-temperature - and determined the efficiency of recombination on metal and oxide catalysts. These results and a number of theoretical generalizations led to the creation of radical chain ideas about the nature of heterogeneous catalytic processes.

V.V. Voevodsky was one of the first in the USSR to realize the importance of using radio spectroscopic methods, in particular the method of electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear resonance in chemical research. Therefore, since 1955, the main direction of his scientific activity has been studying the structure of the properties and chemical transformations of free radicals in various chemical processes using radio spectroscopy. These studies led to the creation of the Soviet school of chemical radiospectroscopy, which won worldwide recognition.

Vladislav Vladislavovich arrived in Siberia as a major scientist. The talent of V.V. Voevodsky as a major scientist, teacher and organizer was widely developed at the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. Here he became one of the organizers of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), Faculty of Natural Sciences and departments of physical chemistry, molecular and biological physics V Novosibirsk State University. Scientific research carried out under his leadership on the study of the mechanism of formation of radicals under the influence of light and radiation, on the study of weak intermolecular interactions and their role in the occurrence of elementary stages of complex chemical reactions in the condensed phase have received wide recognition by world science. He is rightfully considered one of the creators of a new field of science - chemical magnetic spectroscopy. The physicochemical school he formed is currently at the forefront of world science.

The range of scientific interests of V.V. Voevodsky was surprisingly wide - from the mechanism of reactions in the gas phase to the problems of the chemistry of condensed systems, and, more recently, some issues of biology. Vladislav Vladislavovich had a rare ability to grasp the main essence of work even in those areas of chemistry in which he was not an expert. His broad erudition allowed him to summarize a huge variety of studies, ideas and theories. V.V. Voevodsky is the author of numerous review articles, monographs and original scientific works.

V.V. Voevodsky devoted a lot of effort and energy to strengthening and expanding international scientific relations. He took an active part in the organization and work of many international scientific conferences, symposia, meetings, and gave lectures and reports in many countries on the achievements of Soviet science.

V.V. Voevodsky did not live to be 50 years old. USSR State Prize came to him posthumously. But every five years conferences are held in his memory - alternately in Moscow and Novosibirsk. A street in Academgorodok bears his name, an international scientific prize, an award for young scientists SB RAS, scholarship for students NSU. His memory is immortalized on a memorial plaque on the institute building.