Anti-plagiarism in which you can check an entire document. Antiplagiat ru is a unique online service for checking texts for uniqueness. Examples of reports in pictures

This article is devoted to a review of services for checking text for uniqueness. In it I will try to briefly describe the most popular and convenient services and programs for checking the uniqueness of texts.

Online services for checking the uniqueness of texts

Among the listed anti-plagiarism services, there are also free ones that allow you to check the text for uniqueness without registration. Features of the services are indicated in the descriptions below.

  1. is a free, fast and convenient online service for checking the uniqueness of text. It is possible to download text either via a URL or simply by copying and pasting the text. Registration is required to constantly check pages; there is a function for automatically regularly checking pages on your site.
  2. – checking without registration is carried out in a limited mode, so for a high-quality check for plagiarism you need to register. It is possible to check by site URL.
  3. is a service that combines checking for uniqueness and checking the density of keywords on a page. Free download of texts both through a URL and without it, an unlimited number of times.
  4. – online checking of texts for uniqueness. You can also download a program for free content analysis on the site. Online verification costs 1.5 rubles. for 1000 characters. To use the anti-plagiarism service, register on the Etxt website and in personal account go to the “Uniqueness check” tab. There you can download free program or use a paid online service.
  5. - allows you to check the uniqueness of texts for free and without registration. The limit on the length of the text being checked is up to 10 thousand characters.
  6. is a paid service for checking new texts and works; it has the ability to automatically increase the uniqueness of texts. There is no loading of text by URL.
  7. - text verification is possible only after registration; for free verification you need to enter text with a limited number of characters. It is one of the many tools of the service, where you can check TIC, PR, loading speed, optimization and many other website parameters.
  8. is a free service for checking the uniqueness of text. When checking the text, it may be put in a queue, since the service is quite loaded. Checking by site URL is available only after registration. It is possible to buy ready-made unique text.

Programs for checking the uniqueness of texts:

  1. - a free program that allows you to do a very deep analysis of the uniqueness of the text is a free program that allows you to do a quick and in-depth check of the uniqueness of the text; the program also has SEO tools and the ability to check optimization.

The article briefly describes the most famous and mostly free services and programs for checking text for uniqueness. All you have to do is choose the most suitable service or program.

The success of its online promotion depends on the quality and uniqueness of the content that fills the site. Uniqueness is also required from educational works, such as abstracts, coursework, diplomas, original works, etc.

    • How to make text unique: 4 steps
    • How to make text unique: 6 honest ways
    • How to deceive the anti-plagiarism program: dishonest methods
    • Methods that will NOT help to uniqueize text

When it is impossible to write a completely unique text, resort to rewriting, or rewriting (from the English rewrite, rewrite). Rewriting is somewhat reminiscent of a school presentation, when the source text is retold (rewritten) in your own words. However, rewriting can also be different - sometimes it is necessary to study not one, but several sources, change the structure of the text (the so-called deep rewriting), sometimes it is enough to simply replace some words with synonyms.

The uniqueness of the text is checked using special anti-plagiarism programs and measured as a percentage. If the text is completely or partially stolen from another resource, the program will show a low percentage of uniqueness, and will also highlight non-unique passages and show their source.

Below are useful tips how to achieve uniqueness and deceive anti-plagiarism. We hope that these tips will help you create original text that is loyal to the customer and search engines.

How to make text unique: 4 steps

So, here is an approximate algorithm on how to bypass anti-plagiarism and achieve a unique result.

Step 1. Select a service to check

First we need to decide on a service that will check our work. There are many anti-plagiarism programs. If the customer has not specified a specific program, then it is better to check the uniqueness with 1-2 programs of your choice.

Some of them (like etxt, advego) require downloading and installation on your computer. Others, for example, are available to users online.

At the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that different services show different percentages of text uniqueness. The difference in readings can reach 50%!

The fact is that each of them has its own algorithm for counting and analyzing text material, which is inaccessible to most users.

Step 2. Save all text variations

The next step on the path to how to bypass anti-plagiarism is to save all versions of the text: both the original and all others.

The main thing is not to get confused and consistently change the structure and content, achieving the desired indicator of the anti-plagiarism program.

Step 3. Making the text unique

How to achieve this - read below. If 98-100% uniqueness is not required, it is better to play it safe and make the uniqueness 5-10% higher than necessary to pass verification on any service.

If free apps will show good indicator, then the paid one may underestimate, and in the end the uniqueness will not be what the customer required.

Knowledge is power! Or how to use shingle rules

A shingle is a small piece of text consisting of several words, which is used to check the uniqueness of what is written. If the shingle “3” is specified, this means that three words will be checked. Such data is set in the parameters of the program itself. It is easier to deceive the anti-plagiarist if you know this meaning.

The larger the shingle value, the easier it is to achieve copyright original material. But the optimal value for the customer and performer will be 4-5 words. Replace the first or last word in a phrase, and the text will immediately become original.

Step 4. Save the finished text

Once the required percentage of originality is obtained, the text must be saved and sent for verification.

All ways to bypass the anti-plagiarism program can be divided into honest (when the uniqueness of the text really increases) and dishonest (when the text remains the same, but the program perceives it as unique). Let's look at them.

How to make text unique: 6 honest ways

Below are working tools that will help make any source material unique for search engines.

Method 1. Deep processing of the source material/retelling in your own words

This is what is called rewriting, which literally means “rewriting” in English.

Method 2. Using synonyms

Do you want to know the answer to how to pass anti-plagiarism? Use synonyms. It is important to understand here: despite the fact that synonyms often make the material unique, the author is forced to constantly search for certain substitute words. As a result, he becomes fixated on this, which causes the meaning of the text to suffer.

Another interesting feature is to insert formulas and tables in the form of pictures. This technique allows you to increase the uniqueness of the text.

If the selection of synonyms goes poorly, use synonymizers. Synonymizers are special applications that allow you to quickly select words that are different in spelling, but similar in meaning to the original query. They are provided for a fee or free of charge.

They can request not only individual terms, but also entire phrases. This is convenient, but still does not make it possible to completely edit the previous material in a few seconds.

Method 3. Translating text from sources in another language

Translating text from sources in another language is a great way to fool etxt anti-plagiarism and any other program. The result is a completely unique work, because the source text for the rewrite was published in another language.

The problems are that

  • you need to find material that is suitable in content, written in a foreign language. Obviously, you will have to find several sources to obtain the required content.
  • you need to be able to translate it correctly.

translations themselves pay much better than rewriting. Read more in the article: “ How to make money by translating articles».

Method 4. Replacing frequently repeated words

Often these are some kind of conjunctions or words that are meaningfully related to the keys. We replace 1-2 synonyms that are close in meaning.

Method 5. Reworking the sentence from the end

Many sentences used in articles and other materials are complex. That is, they have two parts, one of which is subordinate to the other. It is enough to swap them in order to achieve not 100% uniqueness, but a good coefficient.

Again, a lot will depend on the size of the shingle. But in many cases, the meaning of a particular phrase can be conveyed to the reader in reverse order.

Method 6. Using words like “directly”

It is believed that using this or similar adverbs twice per 1000 characters will make the text more authorial, that is, original. With more frequent use, it may become noticeable. But here a certain skill is required in order to correctly and correctly enter these adverbs.

How to deceive the anti-plagiarism program: dishonest methods

In addition to honest (or relatively honest) methods, there are also dishonest methods that help to deceive the plagiarism program, forcing it to evaluate a non-unique text as unique.

  • Adding automatic transfers

On the one hand, a very simple way from the field of how to cheat anti-plagiarism for free. On the other hand, not all works welcome this.

For abstracts this may be a suitable solution, but when writing articles for publication on websites, customers will not accept work with transfers, and their removal will immediately reveal the true state of affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss all technical nuances in advance.

  • Use of material not indexed by search engines

As a rule, search robots analyze material taken from a site and enter data about it into storage. The indexed text is thus the one that has already been checked by the search engines Google and others.

  • Using Word macros

Macros are convenient for the user in that he can record the key combinations he most often needs and then access them as many times as needed in a second. This makes it possible to simplify frequently used actions or their combinations.

Working with text fragments works in a similar way, which makes it possible to increase its uniqueness.

  • Visual Basic Macro Help

A method for programmers who know how to use Visual Basic, how to deceive anti-plagiarism and other programs. Everything is very simple: after each word or character, depending on the volume of text and the complexity of the task, a small dot of the 1st font is added.

It is almost impossible to see it visually. But in order to run this process for all words, you need to write a macro, and this will require knowledge of the basics of VB.

  • Replacing Russian letters with Greek ones

Here's another one for you interesting technique, which not all copywriters use - many do not even know about its existence.

The fact is that systems do not yet recognize the Greek symbols micron and omega, which successfully replace the letter “o”, since they look almost the same, but for anti-plagiarism programs it is a completely different symbol. And just as replacing one letter in a passport makes you a different person, replacing one letter in each word can make the text unique to search engines and anti-plagiarism programs.

Checking for plagiarism online. How to achieve 95-100% text uniqueness?

Anyone who has ever encountered custom articles and content to fill their own resource, be it an online store, a blog or an educational portal, has heard more than once about “uniqueness.”

What is she?

The uniqueness of the text is exclusivity in some way. The higher the percentage, the more unique the text.

This way, you can check whether the material was posted somewhere other than your portal, or whether the information is the original source.

To make sure that no one has posted a similar article anywhere, people use plagiarism services (plagiarism is theft of copyright without paying royalties).

In particular, we will consider such services and programs as:

  1. content watch;
  2. Antiplagiarism;
  3. Findcopy;
  5. Advego plagiatus;
  6. Etxt.

Pay attention! All of them are free. There is, of course, such a specific resource as, but checking there is carried out on a paid basis. Only 5 online plagiarism checks are available for free per day. Each subsequent one will cost the contractor or customer 1.5 rubles (5 cents).

It is impossible to say for sure which resource allows you to check for plagiarism online faster and better than your competitors.

Each system uses its own algorithm. We just have to be content with the end result.

On the other hand, if you are a contractor, and the customer asked for “95% according to Advego through deep verification,” then there is nothing left to do but blindly follow the terms of the deal.

Advego Plagiatus

Advego is a content exchange that provides its own program for checking the authenticity of Plagiatus texts. You can download it from the developer's website.

Pay attention! Customers and knowledgeable people It is recommended to use client version 0.8. Everything that was released after the eighth version is not checked so thoroughly.

It is extremely simple and unpretentious to use. All you need is access to the Internet, otherwise you won’t check anything.

A very convenient solution for those who need to check large texts online for plagiarism, up to 100,000 characters.

You can scan text using 2 methods:

  1. Quick check;
  2. Deep check.

They differ from each other slightly, but in the second case, Yandex modules are additionally connected, significantly expanding the capabilities of the program, as well as the range of resources with which the material being tested is compared.

In the settings you can specify several parameters.

By and large, only the shingle changes (within 3-5), as well as the list of simultaneously running search engines.

All that remains is to paste the text into the main field, select a verification method and wait for the system to scan your “manuscript” and compare it with other works posted and published online.

After this, you will see a verdict notifying you that the check is complete.

Agree and close the program if it is no longer needed. Now you know that no one else has anything like it, i.e. your content is one of a kind.


The history of this program is the same as Plagiatus. This is proprietary software distributed by an exchange with the same name. What can the program do?

It is capable of doing the same thing as the first competitor. The main difference lies in the verification algorithm. The interface is very simple and minimalistic.

In addition to the main text field, there is a whole package of settings for more comfortable checking. All of them are collected in the “operations” menu.

As you can see, there are more than 5 types of verification available here, including searching for a unique image. Plagiatus can't do that. And of course, settings.

Again, we are interested in the shingle and the list of search engines. Everything else is the wishes of the customer and yours personally. They do not significantly affect text recognition.

To find out the degree of uniqueness, just insert the text and click on the appropriate button.

If everything went well, you will see a notification with the coveted 100%. This is how you check for plagiarism online etxt.

Perhaps the most popular resource for checking online. You don’t need to download anything, and you don’t need to register on the portal either.

You enter the address into the browser and see this picture.

The letter you are checking is copied into the main field, after which you click on the button below.

The system will redirect you to another page, so don't be alarmed if the site design changes.

You are shown 3 scales + text statistics:

  1. Total percentage of uniqueness;
  2. Spell checking;
  3. SEO optimization (presence of “water” in the work);
  4. Total number words/symbols and other information.

Use these parameters to determine which one needs reworking.

The more water, the less likely it is that the work will be highly appreciated by the customer.

Bypass anti-plagiarism And increasing uniqueness, deception Antiplagiarism- these are the problems that are spoken and written about more and more often. I wrote a lot about this too. Now a new article that is related to latest changes in this area.

Firstly, I would like to say that There are a lot of anti-plagiarism programs. If earlier these were, at worst Antiplagiat.vuz, ETHT, Advego, now the list has grown greatly: they use Rucontext (a buggy and paid system where there is free functionality, but it is very limited and problematic), online version of ETXT(turns out she checks deeper), Latvian system, Polish system, the international system and many others. Everyone’s verification algorithms are different, however, they are getting closer to each other, reducing the difference between the verification results more and more.

I would specifically focus on the university versions of Antiplagiat.vuz and Rucontext, which, when checking, use not only open sources, but also closed databases ( from works previously submitted to universities, from texts previously downloaded specifically into these systems, from libraries of dissertations, from articles published in E-library, Cyberleninka, etc.). If uses the “Ring of Universities” functionality, then those works that were submitted to universities included in the “ring” earlier, in previous years, are also checked. That's why level of uniqueness in these systems it can be much lower than what you will get when checking in a regular, open system (even for a fee).

You can use "technical method"increasing anti-plagiarism follow the link from our partners, try it. WE PERSONALLY CHECKED THIS SERVICE. IT WORKS GOOD AND IS THE MOST RELIABLE OF THE TECHNICAL UPGRADING SERVICES. CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK - THE PROGRAM WILL PROCESS IT, CALCULATE THE COST AND WILL WRITE TO YOU HOW MUCH IT WILL COST AND HOW TO PAY. Electronic money or cards of any country (Visa, MasterCard) are accepted for payment.

If you can’t increase it yourself through the site, write to me (I will evaluate the increase in the uniqueness (both manual and technical) of your work, I will write to you in a letter how to pay. Usually during the day a technical increase is done, and a manual one - this already depends on the complexity of the work . IMMEDIATELY CHECK - what program is used to check, what percentage of uniqueness is needed (REPEATED PROCESSING IF INCORRECTLY REPORTED IS PAID).

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Many of you, of course, know what is plagiarism Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of authorship of someone else's work of art or science, inventions or ideas. Plagiarism violates copyright, thereby entailing legal liability. More often, plagiarism occurs in the publication of other people's works and ideas under one's own name. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prove plagiarism in Russia. which, unfortunately, can very often be found in our everyday life. In this article I want to talk about useful programs, with the help of which it is possible check the text for uniqueness .

For any Web master and author who writes articles on various topics, text plagiarism checker- an essential tool. Accordingly, the material in this article will not be of interest to advanced Web masters and authors. Who should first know about the existence of such programs and why they are needed:

Users who decided to create their own website to make money on the Internet or just for fun. And they began to proudly call themselves novice Web masters from the minute when they came up with the idea of ​​​​creating their own free website.

For users who want to earn good money from writing texts. Such users are called novice authors.

So, meaningful and unique text Unique text is text that has no analogues in other sources, which is posted on any Internet resource, serves as the main content Content is any information that is located on an Internet resource (for example, a website) that can be copied or downloaded to a computer, usually for personal use. This can be: Texts, graphics, multimedia, files of various formats. And the quality of content directly affects the website’s promotion in search engines. Say in simple language, if, for example, you copy text from any site and paste it onto your site, then search engines They will never show this copied material based on user requests. For such “brazen” plagiarism, search engines can generally put your site under a filter and no one will visit your resource for a long time. A novice Web master needs to know about this. And for beginning authors who want to make money by writing and selling their articles, program for checking the uniqueness of text will be the best assistant and main tool in creating a unique author's text.

As a rule, all programs with which you can check text for plagiarism, very simple and easy to use. The only difference between them is the quality and speed of text checking. Let's take a look at some publicly available free programs for checking texts for plagiarism.

Checking the text for uniqueness using the Advego Plagiatus program.

Among the authors and Web masters who work on the Advego content exchange, Advego Plagiatus program, which you can check texts for uniqueness, perhaps the most popular. To download and install this free program on your computer, just go to the Advego content exchange. The program is very easy to use. It is enough to copy the text from any file and paste it into the main window of the program interface. Then, in the “Uniqueness Check” menu, select “Deep Check” (if this is important to you). The program will search the Internet for similar text and give you the result in the form of a percentage of uniqueness. Similar phrases and phrases found by the program will be marked yellow, and in the lower window the addresses of sites where similar text is located will be listed. To edit the text, just switch to the “Text Editor” between the top and bottom windows. As a rule, when editing text, phrases, word endings, or synonyms are replaced. After editing, text uniqueness check repeats and does this until the percentage of uniqueness suits you. And, of course, don't forget check text spelling .

As you can see in the screenshot, after checking the initial text about Advego Plagiatus, this program produced a uniqueness of 88%. This did not suit me, and after small changes and several checks, I stopped tormenting the program for 99% uniqueness.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the developers of the Advego Plagiatus program are constantly trying to improve the application. And at the moment it's out new version Advego Plagiatus 1.3. with improved functionality and a unique opportunity to check the text for originality, which you can read about in this note .

Anti-plagiarism program from the Etxt exchange.

Essentially Etxt Anti-plagiarism program no different from Advego Plagiarism. The main difference is the difference in the percentage of uniqueness of checking the same text and the multi-colored underlining of similar matches found. To download for free and check text uniqueness Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program, just go to this resource.

As you can see in the screenshot, when checking the same initial text about Advego Plagiatus with the Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program, it turned out to be 91% unique. I would like to note that the settings of both programs for search quality were almost the same. But I cannot say that the Anti-Plagiarism program is worse than Plagiatus Advego. Each program works in its own algorithm and finds matches of various text fragments on different resources. To reliably obtain unique text, I use both of these programs.

Check for plagiarism online for free in the Findcopy Internet service.

In general, Findcopy used to be called Miratools and was a partially paid Internet service that provided a number of additional features, checking texts for uniqueness. Now this service has changed and allows any user check text for uniqueness for free, but with restrictions. You can check text up to 18,000 characters without registration and approximately 40 thousand for a registered user. I think that it would be simply unreasonable not to use this opportunity. Of course, this service also has its drawbacks. For example: you cannot make text corrections directly in the scan result window. A check for plagiarism online the corrected initial text in Findcopy (formerly Miratools) produced from 52% to 100% uniqueness. All results were not stable.

How to bypass anti-plagiarism - online program ANEXP

In conclusion, I want to say that achieving 100% uniqueness of the text is simply impossible by definition. And if any program gives you 100% unique text, look at the program settings and make an adjustment. But this is a different topic.

And at the end of this article I would like to wish myself and all readers success and good luck..