Church incense: its types, properties, uses and contraindications. Church incense: beneficial properties and applications

Currently, church shops have large selection incense, resins, incense for every taste. And if an Orthodox buyer is offered a product, then it would not be superfluous to talk about how to use it at home yourself and, most importantly, why.

Frankincense is a natural product, it is aromatic resin, which is obtained from Bosswellia trees or also called Frankincense tree. At the beginning of spring, cuts are made on the trunk and resin flows out of this cut. When it completely covers the tree trunk, dries, it is collected.

Heat the coal on the fire of the kitchen burner. You can carefully place it directly into the fire with tweezers and turn it over every few minutes. The coal should be covered with white ash.

The coal is hot enough. Be careful - the ash crumbles, and the coal itself may fall out of the tweezers. Keep a glass of water ready

When the coal has warmed up, put it in the censer and pour a little incense around the coal.

Incense is placed next to hot coals. It immediately begins to emit smoke. A censer with a handle can go around the entire apartment

Using a lamp. This method is interesting because it does not require lighting coal, but you do need the utensils that we indicated at the beginning of the article.

So, we take the lamp and light it. Read how to do it correctly in the website. Then we take out the “spider” - a special metal attachment for the lamp.

With this method, incense is used exclusively in pieces, and not, for example, in powder.

We place the “spider” on the lamp and place a piece of incense on it. After this, you need to wait a little while the lamp heats up.

Instructions for using church incense at home -

At this method Burning incense takes longer.

You can purchase handmade Orthodox monastic incense by placing an order on our website or by contacting us

Incense is an integral attribute in the life of Orthodox Christians, as it is used not only by priests in churches, but also by lay people at home. In this regard, believers, especially beginners, may have a question: How to properly use incense at home? This is done in accordance with established tradition.

The most important thing about incense

Before answering the question of how to use it at home in Orthodoxy, we must say a few words about this substance itself.
Frankincense is an aromatic resin extracted from Boswellia trees native to the Arabian Peninsula. After processing, incense appears as pebbles different colors and size, which depend on its type and purpose of use. As a rule, in temples and even at home, incense is used together with incense coal. When lit, it exudes a pleasant, calming aroma and at the same time also carries certain spiritual symbolism.
Incense is not some kind of innovation, since it was known and used for a variety of purposes back in Ancient world. In addition to religious needs, this substance was used in ceremonies, medicine, and body care. But, of course, the most important thing is that incense was used in worship among the Old Testament Jews as a shrine dedicated to God Himself.
In general, in temple worship, incense is used to express the Church’s respect to the Almighty, to set a solemn tone for the service, to tune in to prayer, and also to ward off dark (fallen) spirits with its help.

The use of church incense: how to use it at home

At home, incense is most often used by believers during intense prayers for the health or repose of one of their relatives and friends, as well as during the reading of other prayers, including akathists and canons. Naturally, in connection with this the question may arise: how to light incense at home, at home, and how to burn it with incense?
To begin with, let's talk about what it takes to light incense at home on your own.
Firstly, you will need one, which, by the way, can be purchased in an assortment in our online store. In addition, and we also have this, you will need: a censer or with a “spider”.
It is important to note that incense can be different types, and in temple worship they are all used in different days or for various reasons. However, at home you can use the most simple types incense, even the same one. At the same time, if possible, special, festive types of this substance can be used on holidays. In addition to incense, as noted above, you will need: censer coal - for lighting it, a censer - so that you can not only pray in one place, but also go around the entire home with lit incense; a lamp with a “spider” can also be useful.
When everything is ready, you first need to heat the incense charcoal, for example, on a kitchen burner. If the coal is covered with white ash, then it is hot enough. After this, it is placed in a censer, into which a little incense is poured around the coal. Immediately after this, the incense begins to emit fragrant smoke, so you can fumigate your home with a censer.
When answering the question of how to light incense at home, you should know that this can be done in an ordinary lamp, however, it will not be possible to go around your home with it. In this case, it is necessary in the usual way light the lamp, and then place a “spider” on it - a special metal attachment. A piece of incense should be placed on the “spider” (in the form of a piece, not a powder). Next, you should wait a little until the lamp heats up and the incense begins to release its aroma (this may take longer).

When answering the question of how to light and kindle incense at home, it is also important to note that you can light it as many times as you like during the day. However, you should use no more than the amount of incense that fits in the censer.
Under no circumstances should a censer or lamp be left lit overnight.. Firstly, it threatens with fire, and secondly, with suffocating smoke. In addition, since the smell of incense is still specific, if you inhale it for a long time, you may feel dizzy or have a headache, and in general your condition will worsen.
It is best to extinguish coal in a censer with water, but not with your hands. Also, do not touch the hot incense itself with your hands. In general, both it and the coal should be stored in a safe place, out of reach of children.
Used charcoal, as well as if there is incense left, or for some reason you do not need it, You can't throw it all away, since these are still religious attributes. It’s better to take it all to the temple or ask the priest what to do with the coal and incense.
Now, if you have a question about how to burn incense at home correctly and why to do it, you can use our advice, as well as purchase from us the incense itself and everything that is useful to burn it.

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Many people have heard and know about such a substance as incense. Especially those who have religious beliefs and go to church. After all, it is used there every day and everywhere where rituals require it.

But not only can incense be used in church, its properties can also be used at home. So that you can definitely take everything for yourself useful qualities and make the most of incense, you need to learn more about its characteristics.

Incense is a substance made from a resin that has very pronounced aromatic properties. This resin is obtained from a small tree of the cistus family.

Trees of this variety grow on the Arabian Peninsula. To get this fragrant resin, you need to make a cut in the tree. Then you should dry the resulting liquid.

They collect both whole pieces of hardened resin and tear off the remains from the bark and the ground where it dripped. Hence two types of incense - selected and ordinary.

The resulting frozen piece of resin is very easily ground into powder using a mortar. And what has already been received is ready-made incense, which is set on fire.

There are some obstacles in the process of extracting incense. The problem is that cistus is a rather rare plant. This material is considered very valuable. But first of all, the secret lies in its ancient religious history.

Even in very ancient times, when people worshiped idols and many gods, incense was sacrificed to them. It was a kind of peaceful sacrifice, without shedding the blood of animals.

The gods were appeased with aromatic fragrances and asked for all kinds of benefits. This was done as follows: incense was placed on hot coals and from this the strongest odors spread throughout the entire circumference and rose high into the sky, to the gods.

Thus, people seemed to give a sign that they wanted to receive from the gods and at the same time they said their requests out loud.

Later, incense did not lose this property. And Christians began to use it in their religious rituals. They say that when the Magi were in a hurry for the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the gifts was also incense.

And today this aromatic substance is actively used in church rituals.

IN Ancient Rus' incense has also been associated with many pagan rites. For example, it was still a very popular means of scaring away evil spirits. It was even worn together with a pectoral cross.

They also fumigated houses with it and placed it in the corners of the house so that no evil spirits could enter the home. Also, with the help of incense, they found a person possessed by a demon and drove out the evil spirit with the same fumigation.

There are still many mystical stories that talk about magical power incense
But our ancestors used resin substances not only for religious purposes. It is also known for its healing and rejuvenating properties.

For example, the ancient Egyptians mixed it with other essential oils and rubbed it on their limbs. This helped get rid of joint pain and aching stretching.

Frankincense was also added to face masks. After all, it is able to smooth out small wrinkles and slow down the appearance of new ones. Today, all these properties are also actively used both in cosmetology and in perfumery.

Since cistus is currently listed in the Red Book, its resin is a very expensive product. That’s why they now more often practice making it from resin. coniferous trees- cedar, spruce.

Even in ancient times, people knew many of the properties of incense. They are also relevant today.

1) Cures rheumatism, arthritis and other similar diseases. Helps easily cope with varicose veins.

2) Frankincense is a good helper in the fight against colds. Banishes chronic bronchitis.

3) Helps with skin inflammation, rashes and acne accumulations. Cures bacterial and fungal infections.

4) Treats urinary tract diseases.

5) In combination with other vitamins, it helps improve immunity.

6) Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and copes with stomach disorders.

7) Assistant for the brain. Frankincense is added to pharmaceutical products that help.

8) Well calms and normalizes everything nervous system.

9) Frankincense is an excellent antiseptic. That is why it is used as a healing agent.

10) An excellent carminative and expectorant.

11) Incense is actively used in cosmetology, medicine, etc.

12) Sometimes this remedy is even used in cooking. In most cases, it can be added to drinks as a flavoring.

Taking into account all these functions and capabilities of incense, many products are made from it. For example, a tincture that helps fight coughs from colds and even chronic coughs in smokers.

Also Frankincense is used to make healing ointments and moisturizing face creams.

But still, the main function of incense is the most pleasant aroma that fumigates rooms. But experts have long studied the fact that this drug is like drugs. When a person inhales the fumes of incense, he receives such an energy charge.

At this moment, the main brain receives too much charge and the person feels especially cheerful. Any mental and nervous tension is also dulled. There is complete peace. The person feels too good, he relaxes.

If you smell enough of the fumes from lit incense, you can get a kind of euphoria. If all this is accompanied by a few glasses of alcohol, the effect will be maximum.

Therefore, you need to be very careful with incense. There's another one of his negative trait. It may cause allergic reactions. In this case, a person experiences suffocation, dizziness and even memory loss.

You don't have to go to church to enjoy the aromas of smoking incense. You can light it at home yourself.

To do this you will need the incense itself, a censer or brazier, coals, a candle and matches. Incense itself will not burn. Therefore, a special device is needed that will maintain the desired temperature. This will subsequently cause the incense to smoke.

Such a device in churches is the censer. At home, you can use a roasting pan, a bowl made of refractory material, or simplify everything to a minimum and take metal plate, under the structure of which you can place a candle or lamp. It should keep you warm.

Hot coal is placed in any of these vessels, and the incense itself is placed on top. In addition to coal, you can use special kindling tablets or hookah coal.

From the heat of the coals, the resin begins to melt and emit pleasant aromas. Main feature this process is that The lower the heating of the incense itself, the more refined the aroma.

Once you know all the benefits of incense, you can also use it for yourself. For example, on the eve of a great holiday, you can fumigate your house.

This will not only bring peace and tranquility, but will also have a positive effect on your health. Be careful not to overdo it.

Today, the resinous compound is used in church temples, incense is widely used for perfume purposes and as an aromatherapy agent. Housewives want to light the product at home to enjoy all the delights of tree resin. With the help of incense, you can normalize your psycho-emotional background, get rid of insomnia and stress. The resin is supplied to store shelves in slab (solid) form, so many women have difficulty lighting it.

Properties of incense

  1. As mentioned earlier, frankincense has many beneficial properties. Among them are the fight against negative factors, relieving nervous tension. In addition, the resin is used as an aromatherapy agent during meditation and church services.
  2. Thanks to regular inhalation of the vapors of the compound, the activity of the lungs, bronchi, and nasal sinuses is normalized, and the functioning of the heart muscle is improved.
  3. Especially useful use Frankincense is considered for people involved in sports. The resinous substance improves endurance, makes breathing deeper and more even, and normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Often, infusion of incense is taken orally for hemoptysis, and the ointment is used as an anti-burn composition. If you need to get rid of bleeding gums, incense is crushed into powder.
  5. If we talk about cosmetic purposes, an incense mask is rubbed into the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles. The composition smoothes out fine wrinkles and saturates cells with oxygen.
  6. Believers prefer to light incense at home, and then conduct a ritual of expelling evil forces from the apartment/house. After such manipulations, harmony and comfort reign in the home.

Using incense at home

  1. A remedy for hemoptysis. Combine strong red wine with vinegar solution (6% concentration) in a ratio of 10:1. Add 20 gr. incense powder, stir. Take the prepared composition three times a day 10 minutes before the main meal. One dose is 45-50 ml.
  2. Ointment for burns. Combine pork, goose or chicken fat and incense powder (proportions 3:1). Stir until smooth, distribute the mixture over the affected areas of the skin. After 2-3 hours, repeat the manipulations.
  3. Powder for sore gums. If you have sensitive and inflamed gums, use crushed frankincense. Grind it into very fine crumbs, do the same with dry thyme. Combine the components in equal quantities, rub the composition into the affected areas with gentle movements.
  4. Hair mask. Mix 480 ml. warm red wine (preferably fortified) with 15-20 g. incense powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, add chilled chicken yolk if desired. Distribute over hair and scalp, wrap in plastic, leave for 45 minutes, rinse.
  5. Cream for skin elasticity. A mixture of incense powder and moisturizing hydrogel for the face will help increase the elasticity of the dermis. Combine the ingredients in such a way as to obtain a thick structure. Apply to the skin, massage, after half an hour, remove with cool water and foam to wash your face.

  1. As mentioned earlier, fumigating a room with a resinous compound rids the home of evil forces. As a result of simple manipulations, the apartment is charged with energy and harmony.
  2. Aromatherapy using incense also helps to calm and lift your spirits. Resin kills pathogens in the home, reducing the risk of disease.
  3. Incense is a wood-type resin. The product is supplied to stores in the form of briquettes, for this reason many housewives have difficulty lighting it.
  4. First, prepare the censer, incense and charcoal. A home censer has a smaller diameter than a church censer. It also features a side handle for ease of use.
  5. For lighting, compressed charcoal impregnated with a “fuel” composition is suitable. It is lit with matches. If you wish, you can use hookah charcoal.
  6. To light a coal, grab it with metal tongs and bring it to gas stove and wait for sparks to appear. You can also use a match, the result will not change.
  7. When you light the charcoal, wait until the sparking stops. You will see smoke begin to emerge. This fact indicates the evaporation of volatile compounds that are considered dangerous to the body.
  8. After lighting the coal, move it to the censer, wait for the ash to form, and add incense on top. Some craftsmen prefer to lay out the resin on the side. Close the lid and a pleasant aroma will begin to release through the holes.
  9. If you want to rid your apartment of evil forces, clean the room in advance. Cleansing begins with front door and continues clockwise along the opening.
  10. Read the Lord's Prayer and look into each room of the apartment. Do not ignore the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, covered balcony, pantry. Ventilate the room throughout the ceremony, as the aroma of incense is highly concentrated.
  11. After all cleaning procedures, open the vents and windows. It is important to always remember that you need to use only high-quality incense. Otherwise, the composition will begin to smoke and spoil the mood. You will not get the desired effect from the procedure.

Prepare an ointment for burns, a powder for sore gums, a cream for skin elasticity, a hair mask or a remedy for hemoptysis based on incense. Light a resinous compound, rid your home of evil forces, or use the product as aromatherapy. Choose quality coal from fruit trees(apple, cherry, pear, cherry) or coconut shells.

Video: Is it possible to burn incense yourself at home?

Lebanese cedar resin, in addition to its pleasant fragrance, has many useful characteristics.

Where does incense come from, what is it and what is it used for - people have long found answers to these questions. After all, the resinous substance is inseparable from the religious rituals of most cultures, although it has found wide application not only for church needs.

To characterize this natural product and understand what incense is, you should get acquainted with its source.

The hot, dry climate of desert Arabia proved most suitable for a tree like Boswellia. It is also called Lebanese cedar.

Place of growth - territories with specific conditions of the Arabian Peninsula. Also found in East Africa.

A similar resin is produced by another tree growing in China, India and Vietnam - the red pear (Protium serratum). The plant is actively used in the creation of incense due to its aroma, which is almost identical to the substance in question.

Pay attention! Natural oliban is a rare thing. For mass trade, counterfeits or substitutes are often used, for which dyes and flavors are added to regular resin.

The resinous substance was obtained from a tree and was highly valued. The number of cedars has decreased greatly, so they were classified as an endangered species. In the Middle Ages, Europeans became closely acquainted with an aromatic substance brought from the East. In Latin they called it olibanum (olibanus) and began to actively use it in religious rituals.

Where do you get incense from?

The French urgently asked the Arabs what incense was made of. In Europe, they immediately appreciated the overseas curiosity and wanted to grow trees en masse.

Despite all the desire, this was impossible in those days, just as it is now. The substance is released only by Lebanese cedar. The nomadic Arabs noticed that if a cut is made on this tree, the olibanus begins to appear.

The resin had a strong aroma, and after a while it hardened in the form of small pieces. Their color was light - pink, yellow, sometimes with a white tint.

When the dried resin is ground, it easily turns into powder. Then they set it on fire, like, for example, church incense, the use of which creates that same fragrance.


By chemical composition aromatic olibanus consists of different elements. It contains boswellic acid, named after the type of tree. There is a substance olibanoresen, gum, cymene, terpene.

All components are volatile, but the resin does not completely dissolve in the liquid. Incense as a substance becomes softer under the influence of temperature. The higher it is, the sooner a fire occurs.

The smoke from oliban releases its own compounds, which affect the psycho-emotional state of a person so much that they can induce trance or euphoria.

For most people, oliban is not only not harmful, but even useful. Volatile substances in smoke stimulate the immune system, disinfect the air, and have a beneficial effect on nervous activity. The use of incense helps get rid of insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness.


The aroma of incense is recognizable and sweet, a little cloying. Unfortunately, the photo is unable to convey this smell, which has spicy, tart notes.

The resinous substance is combined with other aromas and essential oils, for example:

  • pine,
  • neroli,
  • rose,
  • lavender,
  • eucalyptus,
  • orange,
  • myrrh,
  • sandalwood

Also, as part of a perfume composition, it enhances all shades of aromas that are classified as floral. Olibanum often acts as a perfume fixative. The resin itself does not have a strong odor, but due to its gradual and uniform evaporation, it is used in perfumery.

This scent plays big role for religious people. They believe that the way incense smells helps the spirit become attuned to the divine. In addition, it promotes cleansing from negative, vain things, relaxes and gives the necessary concentration during prayer.

This attitude can be explained by subjective feelings, so many people doubt whether it can be believed. Sometimes the smell of resin has proven beneficial effects.

Areas of application

For what purpose is incense used, what it is and what effect the resin gives - it’s not easy to figure it out right away. There are several areas in which the substance finds application.

Religious purposes

Fragrant olibanum has found use among different cults and countries. It is believed that smoke during worship helps direct the prayers of believers to heaven, to God.

People praise the Creator and, in gratitude, light not only candles, but also olibanum.

Ritual use of resin is mandatory in Christianity. The clergy will tell you in more detail what incense contains and how it is used.

The substance is widespread in Buddhism and Islam. In pagan beliefs, it is customary to fumigate a room with smoke in order to remove creatures that harm people.

Therapeutic effect

Ancient doctors believed that olibanum could cure those possessed by demons and expel unclean spirits from the body. According to the ideas of that time, it was spirits that became the cause of illness.

Indian medicine still effectively treats inflammatory conditions such as arthritis with the help of the resin, which is added as part of potions for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The substance is also included in some drugs with antitumor effects.

IN physically Oliban calms the nervous system, making it easier for a person to fall asleep, and sleep becomes sound. Inhaling smoke has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

Cosmetic effect

The essential oil obtained from the substance was valued as a means to prolong youth and beauty. It was rubbed into the skin, added to tinctures, ointments, creams, baths, aromatic compositions and perfumes.

Regular use helps regenerate the skin.

Ladies who use this product note that it can remove scars and acne. Oliban in the form of powder or essential oil promotes wound healing and smoothes out fine wrinkles. It is often added to facial moisturizers.

Use in church

It is rare that a ritual action is performed without censing. The clergy turn to the fragrant resin as church holidays, and on ordinary days.

Church incense is intended to:

  1. Offer a prayer in the temple.
  2. Strengthen your prayer appeal at home.
  3. Clear the place from negative energy or consecrate it.
  4. Set your thoughts in an elevated, solemn mood.
  5. Read prayers for the departed.
  6. Conduct funeral ceremonies.

The resin used in temples can only be natural. Often it is made by monks according to special recipes, reciting it during prayer, sanctifying it. First, olibanum is ground to a powder, a little water is added to it, essential oils. Then it is dried again and the finished substance is obtained for church needs.

There are several varieties of resin, which differ in the intensity of their aroma and appearance.

The most valuable oliban (royal) is incense several times a year during significant holidays. It is also used when a bishop's service takes place. It is mandatory in every temple.

Take note! It is advisable not to extinguish the oliban, but to let it burn and go out on its own. Church canon allows extinguishing resin blessed water. But they do this in extreme cases.

On ordinary days, altar incense is lit on the altar, recommended by the clergy for use at home. On holidays, the entire temple is burned with it. Lay people buy it in church shops. If there is a fast, they use a cell oliban. Monks are allowed to smoke it. It is more intended for use within a church environment.


Considering beneficial properties this natural product, some parishioners are wondering whether it can be eaten. This will not bring any benefit to the body.

The Arab population uses the resin as a natural replacement for toothpaste, because the bactericidal properties of the substance help kill germs. But Arabs have access to natural oliban, without additives or dyes.

Oliban that goes on sale is mostly unnatural. It contains a lot of artificial additives like talc. It is mixed with dyes and is often made at home.

The only advantage of such an oliban is the smell. This incense can be smelled and smoke inhaled.

Absolutely not suitable for consumption. It cannot be eaten or drunk in any form.

Having described in detail what it is - incense, the photos below will help you visualize it.

The specific species may vary in shape, smell and color. But most varieties of olibanus look exactly like this.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

The healing properties of incense are combined with its important place for ritual ceremonies. Oliban pacifies and harmonizes a person on a physical and spiritual level. And its aroma is rightfully considered divine not only because of its richness, but due to its connection with the heavenly world.