Phrases from the dark knight. Joker from "The Dark Knight": actor, stunt double, dubbing, quotes. "The Dark Knight" - who voiced the Joker in Russian

"The Dark Knight" is a science-fiction thriller filmed in 2008. The high-quality and dynamic film was complemented by an excellent cast. The film stars Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and others.

The plot of the film

The 2008 film The Dark Knight tells the story of the confrontation between Batman and his eternal enemy, the Joker. Before his appearance, Gotham was quite calm, Bruce Wayne and prosecutor Harvey Dent were successfully coping with crime. The first is a superhero whose identity is unknown to the residents of the city. And the second prefers to fight crime using more legal methods.

However, between these two strong men not everything is smooth. Rachel, Wayne's lover, chose Harvey over him.

However, when the sadistic Joker appears on the scene, the men are forced to unite. At this time, the Joker finds allies - the mafia. No one can predict what the outcome of this grandiose battle will be. The situation escalates when Rachel dies at the hands of the king of the villainous world. This tragedy unites Vane and Dent.

One of the main roles in the film was played by the famous Hollywood actor Heath Ledger. Who dubbed the Joker in The Dark Knight and how did the actor create his character? Catchphrases of a criminal and the most interesting facts Let's talk about filming below.

Latest success

The Dark Knight (2008) is the first CD film to gross a billion dollars at the box office. This is largely due to Heath Ledger, the Joker of The Dark Knight. The actor saw the criminal in his own way, and his image delighted Batman fans.

After Ledger's death, the question arose about the advisability of showing a film where the actor looked like a disfigured madman. However, in the end it was decided that he was proud of his role. The film was released. Heath Ledger himself saw only one scene of the film - the robbery episode, which the director showed him. The actor was delighted and watched it three times. Alas, he did not live to see the film's release. This role made him the posthumous winner of three awards, including an Oscar, which a good half of Hollywood actors dream of.

A little about Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger achieved incredible popularity by the age of twenty-eight. Alas, the actor received his Oscar for the Joker from The Dark Knight posthumously. This turned out to be his most successful, most brilliant, but, alas, his last role.

During the filming of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, he was found dead in his apartment. Later, experts named the cause of death as acute intoxication caused by the simultaneous use of incompatible drugs.

“Why are you so serious?”

The Joker is the arch-villain of the CD universe and Batman's main adversary. Many fans believe that he is the opposite of this superhero. While Batman is a reliable fighter for justice, the Joker is the embodiment of chaos, uncontrollable and unpredictable.

The Joker is over 75 years old, but his past still remains a mystery to fans. He adores his best enemy, Batman. Without him, he immediately becomes bored. This is why, given many opportunities to kill Batman, he does not do it.

In the film "The Dark Knight" the Joker underwent some changes. This added realism to it. However, the main features of his character have been preserved. He, as before, was deprived of his real name and past. His image is preserved in general outline. However, the permanent smile is replaced by two long scars (the so-called “Glasgow smile”). He mainly uses a knife, explaining that the gun kills the victim too quickly.

The criminal’s catchphrase: “Why are you so serious?”

The Joker is considered by many to be a psycho, but if you take a closer look, his words and actions make sense. He does everything to achieve his goal. And he has one goal - pleasure from crime. Not the end result, but the process itself. He considers people as pawns that he can easily control in his games. Even Batman often falls victim to his cunning. However, he has no superpowers - only a cunning, sophisticated mind.

The Joker is having fun. He takes pleasure in questioning the moral values ​​of the common people of Gotham. In a short period of time, he manages to involve the entire city in his game - ordinary people, government, criminals and, of course, Batman.

Winged quotes from the Joker from The Dark Knight

Despite the behavior of a psychopath, many of the Joker's phrases reveal him as a thinker. Yes, he thinks outside the box, and his quotes are worth attention.

  • “What doesn’t kill you makes you... weirder!”
  • “If you know how to do something, don’t do it for free.”
  • “You can’t start with the head, the victim is immediately lost” (Joker says this to Batman during interrogation, when Bruce hits his head on the table).
  • “I don't want to kill you! What will I do without you? Rob the mafia again? You... complete me!
  • "Killing is also a choice."
  • “I am the bearer of chaos. And do you know what is the basis of chaos? Fear".

Joker played by Heath Ledger

Famous actor Heath Ledger was initially considered for the role of Batman. However, this role went to Christian Bale. Director Christopher Nolan remembered the actor and invited him to play the Joker in next project. However, despite the fact that the director initially saw only Ledger in this image, the film studio still decided to offer the role to other candidates. However, none of them played the Joker so convincingly during the auditions.

In an interview, the actor said that he tried to distance his character from the Joker, played by Jack Nicholson. He wanted (and he succeeded) to portray the Evil Clown as a sadist, without the slightest ability to empathize. There are no boundaries for him. He believes that all people, deep down, are as ugly as he is.

Creating the image of the Joker from "The Dark Knight"

Heath Ledger carefully developed the image of his villain before filming.

Heath locked himself in his motel room for 43 days to fully embrace the role of a psychopath. It is difficult to imagine what the actor was thinking about during these long days.

Heath Ledger also carried the Joker's diary with him. He created it with his own hands. The notebook contained newspaper clippings with news about tragic incidents, photographs of Alex DeLarge (the character from A Clockwork Orange), smiling clowns and... hyenas.

The Joker from Heath Ledger's The Dark Knight is one of a kind. It is unlikely that in the future anyone will be able to recreate his Joker the way he created him. Not only because he showed him as a sadist with a broken psyche. Hit added a lot to the image from himself. The actor himself had a habit of licking his lips. And he borrowed the creepy look from the character of A Clockwork Orange, Alex DeLarge.

The Joker's coloring, an eerie resemblance to washed-out clown makeup, was also created by the actor himself. He gave the idea to the make-up artists, which they supplemented and implemented. It is noteworthy that his colleagues on the set had not seen Heath in character before, so the first scene (the Joker at Bruce Wayne's party) scared them. Maggie Gyllenhaal couldn't even look at him at first, and Michael Caine completely forgot the lyrics out of surprise.

By the way, the famous actor has a very high opinion of Heath Ledger's Joker. He believes that Heath has surpassed even Jack Nicholson. His villain turned out to be more than just a cruel joker. The hit turned him into a true sadist, an unpredictable, deadly psychopath who takes pleasure in killing. This is despite the fact that Heath was the youngest performer of the role of the Joker. All the other actors who played him have already passed the forty-year mark.

Ledger really nailed the role. He even demanded that Christian Bale hit him harder during the filming of the interrogation scene for authenticity.

"The Dark Knight" - who voiced the Joker in Russian?

In the Russian version, the Evil Clown spoke in the voice of Vladimir Zaitsev. The Russian actor, who voiced Heath Ledger, says that he did not know what film he was going to dub, but as soon as he put on the headphones, he immediately recognized the voice of the Hollywood actor. Vladimir says: people don’t believe that only 4-5 hours are spent on scoring one film. But that's true. Vladimir's voice fit perfectly into the image of the Joker and even complemented it.

Harvey Dent (Two Face)

Carbon barrel, twenty-eight gauge, made in China. If you want to kill a servant of the people, Mr. Maroni, buy an American one. — the gun misfired in the courtroom

Either you die a hero, or you live until you become a villain.

But the darkest night is before the dawn, and I promise you: the dawn is coming! One day Batman will answer for the laws he broke. But in front of us, and not in front of this madman.

So be it. Arrest Batman. I'm Batman.

It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair! You thought we could be good in this disgusting time, but you were wrong. The world is cruel, and only chance can be moral in it: unbiased, impartial, honest.

Bruce Wayne (Batman)

I will be what Gotham needs.

Because sometimes the truth is not good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.


No, no, no, no... I'm killing the bus driver.

I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you...weirder!

And I thought it was my jokes that were bad.

What about focus? I'll make this pencil disappear! Ta-daaa!... He disappeared! - places the pencil vertically on the table and hits the approaching guard’s head on the table so that the pencil enters the skull

Let's rewind time a year ago. Those cops and prosecutors didn't cross your path back then. And now? What's the matter? Have you all lost your balls?

People like me... People like me... Look, I know why you only conduct your “group therapy sessions” in daylight. I know why you are afraid to go out at night. Batman. Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately. Dent is just the beginning. And as for this... television plan, so to speak... Batman has no jurisdiction. He will find him and crush him like a bug. At one glance I see informers, and... - pointing to Lao

It's very simple. We will kill Batman.

If you know how to do something, don't do it for free.

Look, if we don't deal with this now, soon, baby... Gumball won't even be able to buy his grandma a joint.

Here is my business card. - puts it on the table playing card— Joker

Do you want to know where these scars come from? My dad... Was... A drunk and a monster. And one day he got madder than usual. Mommy grabbed kitchen knife to protect himself, but daddy didn't like it. And so, before my eyes, he stabbed her. He laughed like crazy... And then he turned around... Heh... And he said: “Why are you so serious, son?” He was coming at me with a knife. “Why are you so serious, son?” - He inserted a blade into my mouth. “Let’s draw a smile for you!” - and... Why are you so serious?

So, we are a small company, but we have huge potential for energetic... “expansion”. So which of you gentlemen would like to join our team? Right now... there is only one place available, so we will hold... a competition. Don't delay. - breaks the cue and throws it on the floor between three Gambol guards

Listen, you remind me of my father... And I hated my father!

Oh... Hello, beauty! You must be Harvey's chick, hmm? You really are beautiful... Why are you nervous? Because of the scars? Tell me where they are from? Come here. Look at me. I had a wife. Beautiful... Like you. She told me that I was too sad. That I need to smile more! She was a gambler, and she owed a lot to these sharks... Heh... One day they cut her face. We didn't have money for the operation and it was killing her... I just wanted her to smile again... I wanted her to know that I didn't care about the scars... So I put the blade in my mouth and did it. With myself. And guess what? She couldn't see me! She left... Now I see all the irony... Now I always smile!

Don't you get depressed, Commissioner, knowing how alone you really are?

You can’t start from the head, otherwise the victim is immediately lost. — Batman slams the Joker's head into an iron table

I wanted to know what you would do. You didn't disappoint me - you let five die. Then he let Dent take his place... Even for someone like me, this is cruel.

I don't want to kill you! What will I do without you? Rob the mafia again? Nooo... You... complete me!

To them, you're just crazy, like me. Now they need you, but if you get bored, they will throw you out like a leper. Their principles, their code are just words, forgotten at the first danger. They are what the world allows them to be. I'll show you: when the going gets tough, these... these civilized people will eat each other. I'm not a monster, I see right through them.

Killing is also a choice.

Do you want to know why I use a knife? The pistol is too fast. You don’t have time to enjoy, to have fun. And yet, at this very last moment, the true essence of a person is revealed. So in a way, I knew your friends a lot better than you did. Do you want to know which one of them was a coward?

My queries are very simple. I like dynamite, gunpowder and gasoline! And do you know what they have in common? They're cheap.

You only care about money. This city deserves better criminals, and I'll give it them.

Psycho? Maybe chop you up into little pieces and feed it to your dogs, hmm? Let's see then how faithful the hungry dog ​​is!

It’s not about the money at all, the main thing is that the meaning of the message gets across - that everything will burn.

Do I look like someone who has a plan?

Do I know who? I'm a dog running after a car. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught up... So, I just do it. That's all.

You know, you know what I noticed? No one panics when everything goes according to plan... even if the plan is monstrous. If tomorrow I tell the press that one of the gang members will be shot if the soldier's truck gets blown up, there will be no panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that some pathetic mayor will die, everyone suddenly loses their heads. Just a little anarchy, a violation of the established order - and everything around plunges into chaos. I am the bearer of chaos. And do you know what is the basis of chaos? This is fear.

With the help of the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I am ready to send you to the next world.

You won't let me go, right? This is what happens when an irresistible force... collides with an immovable object.

You won't kill me because of a completely misplaced confidence in your own rightness. And I won’t kill you because you’re crazy fun!

I took the White Knight of Gotham and brought him down to our level. It was simple. Because madness, you know, it's like gravity - you just need a little push.

Alfred Pennyworth

Many years ago I was in Burma. My friends and I worked for the local government. It tried to buy the loyalty of the leaders of different tribes with the help precious stones. But north of Rangoon, a bandit attacked the caravan from the forest. And we went to look for stones. After six months of searching, we did not find anyone who traded them. One day I saw a ruby ​​the size of a tangerine in the hands of a child. This bandit was just throwing stones. He enjoyed it. There are simply types that act outside of any logic. They cannot be bribed, intimidated, negotiated or come to a compromise. These people dream of seeing the world on fire.

People will hate you, but that's the point of Batman. He can be an outcast, he can choose what everyone else won't choose. And he will be right.

Life always gets worse before it gets better.

Rachel Dawes

You're the district attorney. If they don't shoot at you, it means you're not doing a good job. — Harvey Dent

Harvey Dent, the scourge of the underworld, is scared to death by the powers that be. - at a reception with Bruce Wayne


Let's be honest. Do you believe that your client is one of the richest and influential people in the world, is a secret avenger who beats the crap out of criminals at night with his bare hands? And you want to blackmail this person? Good luck. - to the lawyer who found evidence that Batman is Wayne

— Lucius Fox

You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take life. Give it to me. These people will kill you and get to the button. Give it to me. You can tell them that I took it by force. I'll do what you should have done ten minutes ago. — throws away the bomb remote control when caught in a prisoner's dilemma situation

— Killer Croc

Copycat: What's the difference between you and me?
Bruce Wayne: I don't wear hockey pads.

Rachel: You wouldn't leave something like this to chance, would you?
Harvey Dent: Of course not. I make my own luck. — Harvey has a unique coin with two identical sides

Harvey Dent: Gotham prides itself on its citizens standing up for justice.
Natasha: Gotham needs heroes like you, chosen by the people, not a person who puts himself above the law.
Bruce Wayne: Exactly. Who chose Batman?
Harvey Dent: We are. All of us who allowed various scum to rule the city.
Natasha: But this is democracy, Harvey.
Harvey Dent: With enemies at the gates, the Romans abandoned democracy and appointed a champion. It was not considered an honor, it was considered a duty.

Lucius Fox: I have to say, compared to your usual requests, jumping out of a plane is somehow quite simple.
Bruce Wayne: Then how do you get back on the plane?
Lucius Fox: I can recommend a good travel agent.

Joker: Say your name.
Copycat: Brian Douglas.
Joker: Are you the real Batman?
Copycat: No.
Joker: Then why are you dressed up like him?
Copycat: This is a symbol that we shouldn't be afraid of scoundrels like you.
Joker: Yeah... We must, Brian. Just as they should.

Bruce Wayne: You can say "I told you so."
Alfred: I don’t feel like it today... But I told you so.

Alfred: I guess they'll put me in prison too. As an accomplice.
Bruce Wayne: An accomplice? I'll tell them this was all your idea!

Gordon: Where is he?
Joker: What time is it?
Gordon: Do you care?
Joker: Well... Depending on the time, he may be in one place or several.

Bruce Wayne: That bandit in the forest in Burma - did you catch him?
Alfred: Yes.
Bruce Wayne: How?
Alfred: We had to burn the forest.

Alfred: Are you going to take the Batmobile?
Bruce Wayne: In the heat of the day, Alfred, it's too noticeable.
Alfred: Then Lamborghini is less noticeable.

Harvey Dent: The Joker chose me.
Bruce Wayne: Because you were the best of us. He wanted to prove to everyone that even the most good people, like you, may fall.
Harvey Dent: And he was right.

James Gordon: Why did he run away?
Gordon: Because we're chasing him.
James Gordon: He didn't do any harm.
Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but he's not the hero the city needs right now. And we are pursuing him because he will endure. Because he's not a hero. He is the silent guardian and vigilant protector. Dark Knight.

The Joker's first appearance in a movie was the 1960s TV series, where he was slightly changed in terms of appearance. The villain's name and origin story are not revealed; It is also unclear whether he can get rid of his makeup, or whether this is the result of falling into acid. Now you will find out the most famous quotes joker

1. The only crime I cannot afford is to kill time!

Joker, 90's comic.

2. I have always dreamed of looking into the face of the devil without looking in the mirror.
Joker, Batman #544.

3. Yes, I'm crazy. When I realized that the whole world was a terrible black joke, I went crazy! I admit it!.. You are not a fool, you must feel the situation. Do you know how many times we've been on the brink of World War III because of a bunch of geese on a computer screen? Do you know what caused the last world war? The dispute is about how many telegraph poles Germany owes to its war creditors! Telegraph poles! Ha ha ha ha ha! What a joke! Everything we love, everything we fight for, everything is doomed! Well, don't you see the funny side of the situation yet?
Joker, comic book "The Killing Joke".

4. Joker: You... You just can't let me leave, can you? This is what happens when a force that cannot be stopped meets an object that cannot be moved. You really can't be spoiled, right? You can't kill me out of some misplaced sense of justice, and I don't want to kill you just because you're too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.
Batman: You'll be stuck in a mental hospital cell forever.
Joker: Maybe we'll be housed together.
Joker and Batman, film "The Dark Knight" 2008

5. Gotham City always brings a smile to my face. (Takes the newspaper.) “Is the flying freak terrorizing?” Wait, you haven't seen me yet.

6. I gave my pain a name. This is Batman!
Joker, Batman movie 1989

7. At midnight I will throw twenty million cash in front of the crowd. Don't worry about me, I have more.
Joker, Batman movie 1989

8. And now, friends, it’s time to ask the question “Who do you trust?” To me? I give away money freely. Where's Batman? He sits at home and washes his tights!
Joker, Batman movie 1989

9. Joker (looking around in the bell tower): Is there anyone else here? Daddy mouse or mommy mouse? (See Batman.) You climbed up the rope from outside! Oh you monkey! God, look at you. What a mess! The store where you bought this suit will go crazy when they see what you did with it.
Joker, Batman movie 1989

10. - “Why are you so serious?” "Why so serious?"
- “Madness is like gravity—you just need a push.”
- “Do I look like a person who has a plan? Do you know who I am? I’m a dog running after a car: I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught up with it, so I just do it and that’s it.”
- “Do you know what I noticed? No one panics when everything goes according to plan. Even if the plan is monstrous. If tomorrow, I tell the press that one of the bandits dies, or a truck with soldiers gets blown up, no one will panic, because it is all part of the plan. But when I say that some pathetic mayor will die, everyone around me loses their head. Just a little anarchy. Violation of the established order, and everything around falls into chaos. I am the bearer of chaos. Do you know what is the basis of chaos? This is fear."
- “I'll show you. When they run out of money, these civilized people will eat each other. I'm not a monster. I see right through them."
- “The only way to live in this world is to live without rules.”
- “If you know how to do something, don’t do it for free.”
Joker, film "The Dark Knight" 2008

Harvey Dent (Two Face)
Carbon barrel, twenty-eight gauge, made in China. If you want to kill a servant of the people, Mr. Maroni, buy an American one. - the gun misfired in the courtroom
Either you die a hero, or you live until you become a villain.
But the darkest night is before the dawn, and I promise you: the dawn is coming! One day Batman will answer for the laws he broke. But in front of us, and not in front of this madman.
So be it. Arrest Batman. I'm Batman.
It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair! You thought we could be good in this disgusting time, but you were wrong. The world is cruel, and only chance can be moral in it: unbiased, impartial, honest.

Bruce Wayne (Batman)
I will be what Gotham needs.
Because sometimes the truth is not good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.
No, no, no, no... I'm killing the bus driver.
I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you...weirder!
And I thought it was my jokes that were bad.
What about focus? I'll make this pencil disappear! Ta-daaa!... He disappeared! - places the pencil vertically on the table and hits the approaching guard’s head on the table so that the pencil enters the skull
Let's rewind time a year ago. Those cops and prosecutors didn't cross your path back then. And now? What's the matter? Have you all lost your balls?
People like me... People like me... Look, I know why you only conduct your “group therapy sessions” in daylight. I know why you are afraid to go out at night. Batman. Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately. Dent is just the beginning. And as for this... television plan, so to speak... Batman has no jurisdiction. He will find him and crush him like a bug. At one glance I see informers, and... - pointing to Lao
It's very simple. We will kill Batman.
If you know how to do something, don't do it for free.
Look, if we don't deal with this now, soon, baby... Gumball won't even be able to buy his grandma a joint.
Here is my business card. - puts a playing card on the table - Joker
Do you want to know where these scars come from? My dad... Was... A drunk and a monster. And one day he got madder than usual. Mommy grabbed a kitchen knife to protect herself, but Daddy didn't like it. And so, before my eyes, he stabbed her to death. He laughed like crazy... And then he turned around... Heh... And he said: “Why are you so serious, son?” He was coming at me with a knife. “Why are you so serious, son?” - He inserted a blade into my mouth. “Let’s draw a smile for you!” - and... Why are you so serious?
So, our company is small, but we have huge potential for energetic... “expansion”. So which one of you gentlemen wants to join our team? Right now... there is only one place available, so we will hold... a competition. Don't delay. - breaks the cue and throws it on the floor between three Gambol guards
Listen, you remind me of my father... And I hated my father!
Oh... Hello, beauty! You must be Harvey's chick, hmm? You really are beautiful... Why are you nervous? Because of the scars? Tell me where they are from? Come here. Look at me. I had a wife. Beautiful... Like you. She told me that I was too sad. That I need to smile more! She was a gambler, and she owed a lot to these sharks... Heh... One day they cut her face. We didn't have money for the operation and it was killing her... I just wanted her to smile again... I wanted her to know that I didn't care about the scars... So I put the blade in my mouth and did it. With myself. And guess what? She couldn't see me! She left... Now I see all the irony... Now I always smile!
Don't you get depressed, Commissioner, knowing how alone you really are?
You can’t start from the head, otherwise the victim is immediately lost. - Batman slams the Joker's head into an iron table
I wanted to know what you would do. You didn't disappoint me - you let five die. Then he let Dent take his place... Even for someone like me, this is cruel.
I don't want to kill you! What will I do without you? Rob the mafia again? Nooo... You... complete me!
To them, you're just crazy, like me. Now they need you, but if you get bored, they will throw you out like a leper. Their principles, their code are just words, forgotten at the first danger. They are what the world allows them to be. I'll show you: when the going gets tough, these... these civilized people will eat each other. I'm not a monster, I see right through them.
Murder is also a choice.
Do you want to know why I use a knife? The gun is too fast. You don’t have time to enjoy, to have fun. And yet, at this very last moment, the true essence of a person is revealed. So in a way, I knew your friends a lot better than you did. Do you want to know which one of them was a coward?
My queries are very simple. I like dynamite, gunpowder and gasoline! And do you know what they have in common? They're cheap.
You only care about money. This city deserves better criminals, and I'll give it them.
Psycho? Maybe chop you up into little pieces and feed it to your dogs, hmm? Let's see then how faithful the hungry dog ​​is!
It’s not about the money at all, the main thing is that the meaning of the message gets across - that everything will burn.
Do I look like someone who has a plan?
Do I know who? I'm a dog running after a car. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught up... So, I just do it. That's all.
You know, you know what I noticed? No one panics when everything goes according to plan... even if the plan is monstrous. If tomorrow I tell the press that one of the gang members will be shot if the soldier's truck gets blown up, there will be no panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that some pathetic mayor will die, everyone suddenly loses their heads. Just a little anarchy, a violation of the established order - and everything around plunges into chaos. I am the bearer of chaos. And do you know what is the basis of chaos? This is fear.
With the help of the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I am ready to send you to the next world.
You won't let me go, right? This is what happens when an irresistible force... collides with an immovable object.
You won't kill me because of a completely misplaced confidence in your own rightness. And I won’t kill you because you’re crazy fun!
I took the White Knight of Gotham and brought him down to our level. It was simple. Because madness, you know, it's like gravity - you just need a little push.
Alfred Pennyworth
Many years ago I was in Burma. My friends and I worked for the local government. It tried to buy the loyalty of the leaders of different tribes with the help of precious stones. But north of Rangoon, a bandit attacked the caravan from the forest. And we went to look for stones. After six months of searching, we did not find anyone who traded them. One day I saw a ruby ​​the size of a tangerine in the hands of a child. This bandit was just throwing stones. He enjoyed it. There are simply types that act outside of any logic. They cannot be bribed, intimidated, negotiated or come to a compromise. These people dream of seeing the world on fire.
People will hate you, but that's the point of Batman. He can be an outcast, he can choose what everyone else won't choose. And he will be right.
Life always gets worse before it gets better.
Rachel Dawes
You're the district attorney. If they don't shoot at you, it means you're not doing a good job. - Harvey Dent
Harvey Dent, the scourge of the underworld, is scared to death by the powers that be. - at a reception with Bruce Wayne
Let's be honest. Do you believe that your client, one of the richest and most powerful men in the world, is a secret vigilante who beats the crap out of criminals with his bare hands at night? And you want to blackmail this person? Good luck. - to the lawyer who found evidence that Batman is Wayne
- Lucius Fox
You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take life. Give it to me. These people will kill you and get to the button. Give it to me. You can tell them that I took it by force. I'll do what you should have done ten minutes ago. - throws away the bomb remote control when caught in a prisoner's dilemma situation
- Killer Croc
Copycat: What's the difference between you and me?
Bruce Wayne: I don't wear hockey pads.
Rachel: You wouldn't leave something like this to chance, would you?
Harvey Dent: Of course not. I make my own luck. - Harvey has a unique coin with two identical sides
Harvey Dent: Gotham prides itself on its citizens standing up for justice.
Natasha: Gotham needs heroes like you, chosen by the people, not a person who puts himself above the law.
Bruce Wayne: Exactly. Who chose Batman?
Harvey Dent: We are. All of us who allowed various scum to rule the city.
Natasha: But this is democracy, Harvey.
Harvey Dent: With enemies at the gates, the Romans abandoned democracy and appointed a champion. It was not considered an honor, it was considered a duty.
Lucius Fox: I have to say, compared to your usual requests, jumping out of a plane is somehow quite simple.
Bruce Wayne: Then how do you get back on the plane?
Lucius Fox: I can recommend a good travel agent.
Joker: Say your name.
Copycat: Brian Douglas.
Joker: Are you the real Batman?
Copycat: No.
Joker: Then why are you dressed up like him?
Copycat: This is a symbol that we shouldn't be afraid of scoundrels like you.
Joker: Yeah... We must, Brian. Just as they should.
Bruce Wayne: You can say "I told you so."
Alfred: I don’t feel like it today... But I told you so.
Alfred: I guess they'll put me in prison too. As an accomplice.
Bruce Wayne: An accomplice? I'll tell them this was all your idea!
Gordon: Where is he?
Joker: What time is it?
Gordon: Do you care?
Joker: Well... Depending on the time, he may be in one place or several.
Bruce Wayne: That bandit in the forest in Burma - did you catch him?
Alfred: Yes.
Bruce Wayne: How?
Alfred: We had to burn the forest.
Alfred: Are you going to take the Batmobile?
Bruce Wayne: In the heat of the day, Alfred, it's too noticeable.
Alfred: Then Lamborghini is less noticeable.
Harvey Dent: The Joker chose me.
Bruce Wayne: Because you were the best of us. He wanted to prove to everyone that even the best people like you can fall.
Harvey Dent: And he was right.
James Gordon: Why did he run away?
Gordon: Because we're chasing him.
James Gordon: He didn't do any harm.
Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but he's not the hero the city needs right now. And we are pursuing him because he will endure. Because he's not a hero. He is the silent guardian and vigilant protector. Dark Knight.

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All quotes and catchphrases Joker from the movie "The Dark Knight"

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Heath Ledger's Joker became the best Joker, eclipsing the rest. And he said a lot of things that are worth re-reading, remembering and including in quotes. Everything is here, collected carefully and neatly.

- Why are you so serious?

In a nutshell

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The Joker decided to give Gotham real criminals - the ones the city deserves.

He conceived and carried out daring and brazen bank robberies. He promoted the local mafiosi for a lot of money and various profits. He blew up a police station, a hospital, and mined two ferries. He even turned Harvey Dant from a White Knight into a Two-Face villain.

The Joker transformed Gotham with the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate. He is the bearer of chaos. What lies at the heart of chaos? Fear.

Welcome to a world without rules...

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And now - quotes

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/* The Joker is already here, but the robbers don't know it yet */


-I know why they call him Joker.

And why is he called Joker?

- Because he wears makeup.

- In makeup?

- To scare people. War paint.

/* Robbers shoot each other */


“I’m sure the Joker ordered to kill me when we loaded all the money.”

“No, no, no, no, I’m killing the bus driver.”

- Bus driver? Which bus driver?

/* A bus drives into the bank and hits the person asking */

/* Joker, as promised, kills the bus driver */

/* The guard sees and is outraged by the lack of principles. Joker jokes back */


“Before, criminals in this city had at least some principles, honor, respect. And you, what do you believe in, huh? What do you believe in?

“I believe that what doesn’t kill you makes you... weirder!”

/* The police have seized the accounts of all 5 mafia banks. But the money is already in Hong Kong */

/* And then the Joker appeared and began to break the patterns */


“Oh, ha ha ha... And I thought it was my jokes that were bad.”

- How about a trick? I'll make the pencil disappear! Ta-daaam!... He disappeared!

/* The pencil has disappeared. In the guard's skull

/* Joker explains his rules. */


“Let's rewind time a year ago. Those cops and prosecutors didn't cross your path back then. And now? What's the matter? Have you all lost your balls? A?

“People like me... People like me... Look, I know why you only conduct your “group therapy sessions” in daylight. I know why you are afraid to go out at night. Batman. Batman has shown Gotham your true colors, unfortunately. Dent is just the beginning. And as for this... television, so to speak, plan...

-Batman has no jurisdiction. He will find him and crush him like a bug. I see informers at a glance, and...

―/* Joker points his finger at Lao. Lao quickly switches off */


-What are you suggesting?

- It's very simple. We will kill Batman.

/* Mafiosi don’t believe. Bye... */


-If it's so easy, why haven't you done it yet?

“If you know how to do something, don’t do it for free.”

/* They don’t believe it, but the price is already being discussed */


- How much do you want?

- Half.

-You're crazy.

- No, not at all. I'm not crazy. If we don't deal with this now, soon little Gambol won't even be able to buy his grandma a joint.

-Here is my business card.

/* And he left, shaking the detonator */


/* Gambol, they came to see you. They say they killed the Joker. They have a body... */

/* Suddenly - he turned out to be alive!!! */


“Well, 500 thousand for a dead man.”

- And for a living person?

/* Joker tells a story about his dad. And where does his smile come from */


-Do you want to know where these scars come from?

“My dad was... a drunk and a monster.” And one day he got madder than usual. Mommy grabbed a kitchen knife to protect herself, but Daddy didn't like it. And so, before my eyes, he stabbed her to death. He laughed like crazy... And then he turned around... heh... And said: “Why are you so serious, son?” He was coming at me with a knife. “Why are you so serious, son?” - He inserted a blade into my mouth.

“Let’s draw a smile for you!” - and... Why are you so serious?

“So, our company is small, but we have huge potential for energetic... “expansion.” So which one of you gentlemen wants to join our team? Right now... there's only one place available, so we'll be holding... a competition. Don't delay.

/* breaks the cue and throws it on the floor between three Gambol guards */

/* The guards begin to fight for space */

/* The Joker took on Batman. Sent me a tape with the recording */


-Say your name.

―Brian Douglas.

-Are you the real Batman?

“Then why did you dress up like him?”

“This is a symbol that we should not be afraid of scoundrels like you.”

―Yeah... We should, Brian. Just as they should.

/* Judge Surrillo was blown up, Police Commissioner Loeb was poisoned, the Joker came for Dent in person */


“We will not be intimidated by your threats!”

“Listen, you remind me of my father... I hated my father!”

/* The Joker talks to Rachel. Makes a bad joke */

/* Joker tells a story about his wife. And where does his smile come from */


“Oh... Hello, beauty!” You must be Harvey's chick, hmm? You really are beautiful... Why are you nervous? Because of the scars? Tell me where they are from? Come here. Look at me.

- I had a wife. Beautiful... Like you. She told me that I was too sad, that I needed to smile more! She was a gambler and owed a lot to these sharks... Heh... One day they cut her face. We didn't have money for the surgery and it was killing her... I just wanted her to smile again... I wanted her to know that I don't care about the scars... So I put the blade in my mouth - and did it. With myself.

-And you know what? She couldn't see me! She left... Now I see all the irony... Now I always smile!

/* Joker holds Rachel above the window. Batman threatens: */


- Let her go.

- Sorry, you asked it yourself.

/* Alfred Pennyworth explains to Batman that not all bandits are the same */


“Many years ago I was in Burma. My friends and I worked for the local government. It tried to buy the loyalty of the leaders of different tribes with the help of precious stones. But their caravan was attacked in the forest north of Rangoon by some bandit. And we went to look for stones. After six months of searching, we did not find anyone who traded them. One day I saw a ruby ​​the size of a tangerine in the hands of a child. This bandit was just throwing stones.

/* He’s hinting that there’s no way to come to an agreement with the Joker */


-Then why steal?

-Because he enjoyed it. There are simply types that act outside of any logic. They cannot be bribed, intimidated, negotiated or come to a compromise. These people dream of seeing the world on fire.

/* The Joker tries to rip off Batman's mask. The mask is not removable */


“Ah-ah, give me one minute!”

“Gotcha, you damn bastard.”

/* Harvey Dent didn't make it home */

/* Gordon is extremely alarmed, the Joker continues to joke even in handcuffs */


“Don’t you get depressed, Commissioner, knowing how lonely you really are?”

- What time is it?

-Do you care?

“Well... Depending on the time, he may be in one place or several.

/* Batman interrogates the Joker. Slams his head on an iron table */

/* Joker explains that this is not good */


“You can’t start from the head, otherwise the victim will immediately get lost.”

-You need me. I'm here.

“I wanted to know what you would do.” You didn't disappoint me - you let five die. Then you let Dent take your place... Even for someone like me, that's cruel.

-Why do you want to kill me?

“Ha ha ha!.. I don’t want to kill you!” What will I do without you? Rob the mafia again? No, no... You... complete me!

/* Joker tells Batman that the river is stupid, the oak tree is an idiot, horses are traitors */


“You are a creature who kills for money.”

“Don’t talk like everyone else, you’re not like that.” Although you want to be one.

“For them, you’re just a crazy person, like me.” Now they need you, but if you get bored, they will throw you out like a leper. Their principles, their code are just words, forgotten at the first danger. They are what the world allows them to be. I'll show you: when the going gets tough, these... these civilized people will eat each other. I'm not a monster, I see right through them.

/* Batman hits the Joker again... he wants to know where Dent is */


-I have only one rule.

-You will have to break it to find out the truth.

-The only one smart way to live in this world is to live without rules.

“Does Harvey know about you and your baby?”

-Where are they now?

“Murder is also a choice.

/* Joker names two addresses. Batman goes to save Rachel */

/* And the Joker trolls the guard... And brings him to the point of perfection */


- Do you want to know why I use a knife?

-The gun is too fast. You don’t have time to enjoy, to have fun. And yet, you know, at this very last moment, the true essence of a person is revealed. So in a way, I knew your friends a lot better than you did. Do you want to know which one of them was a coward?

-I know you'll like it. But I'll like it even more.

/* Joker convinced the police of his right to make a phone call */

/* And I got everything I wanted */

/* Returned the money to the mafia. And then burned. Just like that... */


-Joker, brother, what will you do with your share?

-I have very simple requests. I like dynamite, gunpowder and gasoline! And do you know what they have in common? They're cheap.

“You said that you are a man of your word, right?”

“I’m burning my half.” You only care about money. This city deserves better criminals and... I'll give them to it.

/* Money is burning out. Joker philosophizes */


“Tell your people, they are now working for me.” This is my city.

“They won’t work for some crazy person.”

- Psycho? Maybe chop you up into little pieces and feed it to your dogs, huh? Then let's see how faithful the hungry dog ​​is!

“It’s not about the money at all, the main thing is that the meaning of the message gets across - that everything will burn.”

/* The Joker invites the townspeople to kill Jonathan Reese - who wanted to reveal the name of Batman. Otherwise he will blow up the hospital */

/* And he went to the hospital to see Harvey Dent */


“Do I look like a person who has a plan?” Do I know who? I'm a dog running after a car. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught up... So, I just do it, that's all.

/* And recruited him in a couple of minutes */


-The mafia has plans. The police have plans. Gordon has plans. They are planners. Planners try to control their small little worlds.

-I'm not a planner. I try to show them how pathetic their attempts to control everything are. Therefore, when I say that there was nothing personal between us, I am telling the honest truth.

“Look what I did to the city with gasoline and a couple of bullets!”

“You know, you know what I noticed?

―No one panics when everything goes according to plan... even if the plan is monstrous.

“If tomorrow I tell the press that one of the gang members will be shot if the soldier’s truck gets blown up, there will be no panic.” Because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that some pathetic mayor will die, everyone suddenly loses their heads. Just a little anarchy, a violation of the established order - and everything around plunges into chaos. I am the bearer of chaos. And do you know what is the basis of chaos? This is fear.

/* Two ferries in the middle of the river. Each one contains a bunch of explosives and a detonator. Who will click? */

/* The Joker offers a creepy choice */


“With the help of the magic of diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate, I am ready to send you to the next world.

/* But people didn’t blow each other up. In the end, everyone is alive */

/* Joker is surprised. How come they didn't want to blow each other up? */


-What did you want to prove? That deep down they are just as ugly as you?

-You can't rely on anyone. You have to do everything yourself. It's okay, I'm prepared.

/* They fight... Batman still wins. But the Joker still has an ace in his pocket */


“You will not kill me because of a completely misplaced confidence in your own rightness.” And I won’t kill you because you’re crazy fun!

“I think you and I are doomed to fight forever.”

“My trump card is Harvey.

-What did you do?

“I took the White Knight of Gotham and brought him down to our level. It was simple. Because madness, you know, it's like gravity - you just need a little push.

/* The Joker was taken to a mental hospital. With the hope of continuing the banquet */

/* Alas, there will be no continuation. Heath Ledger died and his Joker died with him */

/* In the third film, The Dark Knight Rises, to honor Ledger's memory, the Joker was not mentioned even once */




What do the Joker's quotes from the movie "The Dark Knight" teach us?

When you offer your services, it is useful to leave a business card.

Even if you suggest killing Batman.

Especially when you suggest killing Batman.

You can come up with a great story to explain your smile.

You can come up with a lot of great stories.

Terrible, scary - but still great.

Batman and Joker - they complement each other. Together they bring harmony to this world. But then. First they introduce gunfire, explosions and other shipwrecks.