Is an entry made into the employment record if the probationary period has not passed? Is an entry made in the work book under a contract? Entering information according to the regulations

The organization in which the employee is temporarily employed is obliged to conduct him work book and store it according to regulations. At the same time, an employment record must be entered in it, corresponding to the information included in the contract concluded between the employee and the employer (you can find out how a fixed-term employment contract is concluded, and also see a sample document).

The exception is cases of part-time work, which cancel the employer’s obligation to maintain books of part-time employees.

IMPORTANT: Information about hiring must be entered no later than 5 calendar days, which are counted from the first working day.

What are the differences in design for different types of work contracts?

In general, entering information about the employment of a temporary employee differs from registration on a permanent basis. However, when entering information about hiring into the work book, there is no need to indicate the period corresponding to the employment contract. Such instructions were given in the Letter of Rostrud dated 04/06/2010. No. 937-6-1. This circumstance is motivated by the fact that it is impossible to view the employment regulations:

  • the employee may resign before the end of the specified period;
  • a contract can be extended for a number of reasons (learn more about extending a fixed-term employment contract on new term and for an indefinite period of time is possible).

But if the precedent early dismissal has not arisen, and it is impossible to extend the term of the contract, then upon dismissal it is indicated that the reason for this action was the termination (expiration) of the period of validity of the employment contract (details about what the employer must do at the end of the employment period and how to dismiss the employee in connection with the termination actions of STD, we described in).

Procedure for filling out the document

The algorithm for filling out job information when applying is as follows:

  1. At the top, a continuous entry is made with the full name of the organization, or its stamp is affixed.
  2. A line below, in the first column, enter the serial number of the entry.
  3. In the second column, divided into 3 columns, the date of employment is entered.
  4. The third contains information about which department and position the employee is being hired for. If the company has no divisions, its abbreviated name is indicated.
  5. The fourth contains the details of the order for appointment to a position (for details on how to draw up an order and what are the grounds for concluding a contract, read).

ATTENTION: The date should not correspond to the time the order was issued or the contract was concluded, but to the first working day.

It is unacceptable to fill out a work book arbitrarily, the regulation of persons who have the right to make a recording complies with the legislation. The following are authorized to enter it:

  • Head of the organization or individual entrepreneur– personally.
  • An HR department employee who has these powers included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A person from among the employees to whom this duty is imposed by a special order.

The recorded information must be endorsed by the person filling out the book; no other identification is required, including no stamp.

Agreement termination mark

If other reasons did not influence early dismissal, Information about dismissal is provided within the period specified in the contract. The established algorithm is also followed here:

The finished wording of the notice of dismissal, entered in the third column, will be as follows: “ Dismiss due to termination of the employment contract clause 1 part 2».

Information is also entered by a person authorized to enter it in accordance with official regulations, or appointed by order. Upon completion of the entry, the specified person enters the following:

  1. puts his signature;
  2. indicates position, surname and initials.

If this is not a manager or an individual entrepreneur, then the manager’s signature is additionally affixed. The entry is sealed with a round seal of the organization.

Photo of what a sample entry in a work book looks like about hiring under a fixed-term employment contract, as well as about its termination:

A list of situations is given when such conclusions are allowed.

IMPORTANT: It is permissible to conclude a fixed-term contract with employees only when there is official confirmation that it is impossible to conclude a permanent, open-ended contract.

In this case, the period of work may be limited to different durations. It can be less than two months for temporary or seasonal work.

Accordingly, it is not advisable to hire workers for such a period. However, according to the norms of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an entry is made whenever the employee claims to make it.

If a person is hired as a deputy for a temporary vacancy, the period of his work may be quite long.

For example, absence from maternity leave and further leave to care for a child until the child is three years old can open up a vacancy for 3 or more years.

The same applies to university teachers and other specialists who are elected by competition for a 5-year term. In this case, keeping the book with the employer, with information about the position filled in, is extremely advisable.

Therefore, according to the regulations, the legality of making an entry is as follows:

  1. for short-term employment relationships - up to three months, including when registering seasonal workers, the employment contract is issued at the request of its owner.
  2. When replacing during maternity leave, in elective positions for a period of 4-5 years, the document must be submitted or issued at the place of work for first-time employed persons.

The registration of information in the labor office has minor differences with open-ended types of employment.

However, the employer is obliged to follow them in order to avoid violations of personnel records, focusing on the provisions of Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The specifics of the design are as follows:

  • the entry into office is identical to that made in the case of permanent employment;
  • the dismissal record differs in the grounds for termination of work;
  • the remaining provisions are also unified and based on basic norms.

Procedure for creating an employment record

The book is filled out by the employer, a personnel specialist or a special authorized person responsible for maintaining and storing the books. Such powers can be transferred to employees if the entrepreneur or company does not have a specially dedicated personnel production.

The assignment of responsibility is formalized by a special order, indicating the position and personal data of the person assigned to the work.

After which third parties do not have the right to access personnel documentation.

The entry into office is made no later than 5 days after the appointment. A fixed-term employment contract and an order for employment are preliminarily prepared, executed and signed by the parties (Article 65 of the Labor Code).

The contract and order must indicate the reason for the upcoming dismissal or its date, otherwise it will be regarded as concluded for an indefinite period and the dismissal will be illegal.

Entering information according to the sample

At the top of the sheet, without indicating the serial number and date, the name of the company or individual entrepreneur is indicated. The line below in the first column contains the serial number following the previous entry. For the first time, employed persons are given 1, without the symbol No.

In the second column, where you should enter the date of hiring, there are 3 columns.

They are entered in turn:

  • number;
  • month;
  • year of employment.

The entered date must correspond to the first working day specified in the application for admission, contract and relevant order.

The third column contains information about what position the temporary worker or deputy is taking.

The recording is made concisely. For example: “Accept the position of salesperson in the office supplies department.”

There is no need to indicate here that the main employee is being replaced or the person is employed temporarily for other reasons. This information must be present in the order and employment contract.

The fourth column contains the grounds for employment. These are the employment orders. Enter the name of the document “order” and its output data: number and date of issue.

The entered information about taking up a position is not endorsed or certified by a seal. They remain in this form until they are fired. The legal capacity of a record is based on an order and an agreement.

Hiring under a fixed-term employment contract; entry in the employment record:

Redundant information in the employment record is highlighted in orange:

The procedure for indicating information about dismissal

Dismissal is governed by the norms of the contract, which loses legal force on the day appointed upon its conclusion.

If we are talking about a deputy, it is due to the departure of the main employee. It is also allowed early termination, at the initiative of one of the counterparties.

Before filling out the employment form, a dismissal order is drawn up. The date of dismissal must coincide with the information entered in the book and the day of termination of the contract specified at its conclusion.

If a deputy was accepted, then the order indicates the reason: “in connection with the release of Ivanova I.I.” In this case, the day of departure of the deputy must be indicated as the day preceding the departure of the main employee.

Entering information according to the regulations

There is no longer any need to indicate the company name. The serial number following the previous one is immediately placed. Next, using a similar principle, the date of dismissal corresponding to the last working day is entered.

The job details include basic wording that should reflect termination standards labor relations for fixed-term contracts.

The wording provides the following entry:“Dismissed due to termination of the employment contract”, followed by a mandatory reference to legal norms: “based on clause 2 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

Abbreviations such as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are not allowed in the name of a legislative document.

If termination occurs early, other articles of legislation are indicated, according to the initiative taken by the employee or employer. Then the norms for entering information will not differ in any way from permanent, open-ended employment relationships.

After making an entry, the visa of the employer (IP) or the authorized person who made the entry is issued.

At the same time, his position and surname with initials are entered. When transferring the document into the hands of the owner, he also puts his signature a line lower than the person responsible for entering the information.

After the entered data is certified by the signature of an authorized employee, a stamp is affixed. Here, a round seal of the organization is used, which cannot be replaced with a personnel seal.

Its location must comply with basic standards:

  1. horizontally - in the middle of the sheet;
  2. vertically – two lines below the employer’s signature.

The completed document is issued on the last working day personally to the resigning temporary worker. Information about the issue must be entered in the issue journal, signed by the responsible person and the owner of the document.

An example of making a notice of dismissal under a fixed-term employment contract:


If employment information is entered into a temporary worker’s work book, it must comply with the nuances provided for by law.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the specifics of dismissal, when hiring is based on basic unified requirements.

In the previous publication of the series we announced, you learned how to create a work book and what entries need to be made when registering it for title page. In the article we bring to your attention, we decided to highlight the basic rules for making entries in the work book when filling out the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards”.

General rules for making entries

Before moving on to the characteristics of specific entries in the work book, we note the most general rules, which are established by two normative standards already known to you legal acts- Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) and Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10. 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as “Instructions”):

Rules for entering information about work into the work book

Information about work in a particular organization begins with information about hiring. Let's look at the basic rules for entering this information.

What information is required when applying for a job?

When an employee enters the main place of work for a period of more than 5 days, the employer is obliged to make a record of employment in his work book (submitted by the employee or issued by the same employer when hiring an employee for whom this main place of work is the first).

When making a job entry, you must adhere to such a sequence:

1. First, in the 3rd column of the “Work Information” section, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name, is indicated as a heading (without indicating the serial number and date of entry). name of organization (if any) in accordance with its constituent documents(charter, constituent agreement, regulations).

In large companies, the following approach is often used to facilitate the work of repeatedly entering employment records. A special stamp with typesetting text containing the name - full and abbreviated - of the organization is ordered. The imprint of such a stamp in the work book replaces the entry made by hand. It is also advisable to do this in cases where indicating in the work book two versions of the name of the organization (full and abbreviated) by hand takes up many lines.

2. Under the above heading in the 1st column, put by hand (further all entries are made only by hand) serial number of the entry being made . For example, if the last (previous) number of the dismissal record was “31”, then upon subsequent hiring, the next serial number is assigned - “32”.

4. Then in the 3rd column it is done a record of acceptance or appointment to a structural unit of the organization, indicating its position, job title, specialty, profession, indicating qualifications .

As a rule, name of position (work), specialty, profession indicating qualifications produced in accordance with staffing table- a document that every organization must have. However, if, in accordance with federal law, the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the name of these positions, specialties or professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements provided for in the relevant qualification reference books, approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently in effect:

  • Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, and
  • A unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, individual issues of which were previously approved at different times by resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, and general provisions were approved by Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 No. 31/3-30.

Pay attention! If these rules are ignored, the employee may have difficulties when assigning a pension, including with regard to crediting the period of work in positions (by profession or specialty) associated with harmfulness: employees of the territorial department pension fund may refuse to count the relevant period as a preferential period to an employee with reference to the fact that this position (specialty or profession) is not included in the lists of positions, specialties and professions according to which the right to preferential accrual is granted.

In addition, in practice, it is important to understand which titles refer to positions and which to professions. Unfortunately, often those responsible for maintaining work records do not distinguish between work by position and profession and make, for example, an entry: “A mechanic has been hired for the position,” although a mechanic is a profession, not a position. The correct entry would be: “Accepted by a mechanic.” In order to accurately determine which name is correctly attributed to a position and which to a profession, you can use the above reference books, as well as the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and tariff categories(OKPDTR), approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367. These documents will help to avoid mistakes not only when making entries in work books, but also when concluding employment contracts with employees, when issuing orders (instructions) on hiring.

Another common mistake made in practice when making entries in work books is incorrect use of the words "accepted" or "assigned". The fact is that appointment to a position can take place in strictly defined cases, namely, only in cases where this is provided for by regulatory legal acts or the charter (regulations) of the organization, for example, heads of branches and representative offices legal entity. In all other cases, it is unlawful to indicate appointment to a position. The wording “enrolled in a position” is equally incorrect.

By the way, if the work book belongs to a woman, then the corresponding verbs must be written in the feminine gender: “accepted”, “appointed”.

When making entries in the work book about hiring, the requirement that the employment records exactly correspond to the order (instruction) of the employer is often incorrectly interpreted, reproducing the text of the order (instruction) in the work book indicating, for example:

  • the fixed-term nature of the contract (“Accepted as a secretary-assistant under a fixed-term employment contract” or “Accepted as an accountant for the period from 02/01/2010 to 01/31/2011”);
  • conditions for the presence of a probationary period (“Accepted to the position of assistant manager with a probationary period of three months”), etc.

Despite the fact that all these details are indeed established by the order (instruction) on hiring, their indication in the work book is unacceptable, since it contradicts the Instructions and means a violation of the rules for making entries in the work book. Analysis of the text of the Instructions allows us to conclude that the entry in the work book about hiring should only include an indication of where and by whom the person was hired, excluding the specific nature of the work and other conditions of employment with this employer.

5. Finally, in the 4th column the name of the organizational and administrative document is indicated on the basis of which the employment record is entered into the work book - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer - indicating its date (first) and number (after the date ).

Example 1

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Semenova E.M. accepted into Nagatinskaya Zastava LLC as an assistant manager, which is reflected in the employment order dated February 11, 2010 No. 023-ls/p. It is necessary to make the following entry in the work book of Semenova E.M.:

What to do with an old-style work book?

What if a person comes to your work and brings a work book in a form that was approved earlier than the form that is used now? You will find the answer to this question in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/16/2003 No. 225 “On work books”, in paragraph 2 of which it is established that work books of the new sample will be put into effect from 01/01/2004, and work books available to employees of the previously established samples are valid and cannot be exchanged for new ones.

This means that work books issued on old forms from 1973 are recognized as valid provided that the employee was hired at the first main place of work in the period from 01/01/1975 to 01/01/2004. If your employee’s work book was opened before 01/01/2004, it is necessary to make entries in it, and not to draw up a new work book according to the currently valid form, if there are free lines in the “Work Information” section. When the free space runs out, you should fill out an insert in the same work book, but on the 2004 form, and further information about the work will be entered into it later.

However, making an entry for employment is only the very beginning of filling out the “Work Information” section of the work book when working in a given organization.

What information is entered during the employee’s working life in the organization?

During the period from the date of hiring to the date of dismissal, a number of entries can be made in the “Work Information” section of the employee’s work book. Let's look at them in detail.

1. During the period of work in the organization, an employee may be assigned a new rank (class or category) . Then, on the basis of the order (instruction) of the employer, it is necessary to make a corresponding entry in his work book (clause 3.1 of the Instructions).

Example 2

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Evseeva E.P. works as a 3rd category assay laboratory assistant at Family Doctor LLC. By Order No. 043-a of February 18, 2010, she was assigned the 4th category, about which the following entry was made in the “Work Information” section of Evseeva E.P.’s work book:

It is also noted establishing a second and subsequent profession, specialty or other qualification for an employee, indicating the relevant categories of these professions, specialties or qualification levels .

Example 3

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A 3rd category car repair mechanic, P.S. Sergeev, working at Avtostan CJSC, has been given a second profession - engine tester with a 6th category. In the “Work Information” section of the work book, this will be reflected as follows:

2. In the work book records are made about the employee’s transfer to another permanent job with the same employer . Let's figure out what situations are meant by such a transfer and how to correctly make entries in the work book. According to Part 1 of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of an employee to another permanent job with the same employer can take place in three cases:

A) when a job function changes employee (i.e. change of position, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; assignment of a different type of work). For example, a transfer to another job with the same employer will result in the employee being promoted;

Example 4

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Legal Adviser of OJSC "Cypress" Arkadyev V.V. promoted to the vacant position of deputy head of the legal department. This is reflected in the work book as follows:

b) when a structural unit changes;

Example 5

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Accountant of the accounting and audit department of Ulysses LLC Sukhanov A.P. transferred to the labor department and wages for a similar position.

V) when changing both the labor function and the structural unit.

Example 6

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Chinareva S.S. hired by the office of Saracen LLC as a secretary. She was subsequently transferred to the HR department as an inspector.

Pay attention! If the transfer is temporary, no entry about such transfer is made in the employee’s work book.

In itself, a change in an employee’s wages, a change in his work regime, as well as the transfer of an employee in the same organization to another workplace, to another structural unit in the same area, assignment of work on a different mechanism, if not changed labor function employee are not considered a transfer and do not require changes to the work book.

3. In case company name changes An appropriate entry must be made in the workers’ work book. The fact is that if you do not enter it, you will get a paradoxical situation - the employee is accepted into one organization, and when making a record of dismissal, the seal of the organization will be affixed with a different name. This will make it possible in the future, when applying for a pension, to doubt the legality of including time worked in such an organization in the relevant length of service, as a result of which the employee will most likely be required to submit additional supporting documents - certificates from the place of work, from state archive etc. To prevent such doubts from arising, it is important to correctly make an entry about the renaming of the organization in the work books of all employees in the “Work Information” section:

  • in the 3rd column an ​​entry is made: “Organization such and such has been renamed to such and such as of such and such date.” The specified information in this column can also be entered by affixing an imprint of a typesetting stamp containing the corresponding text;
  • in the 4th column the basis for the renaming is indicated - “order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.”

We emphasize that changing the name of an organization in itself is not a reason (ground) for terminating employment contracts with employees, therefore, in such a situation, it is impossible to record a dismissal!

Example 7

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According to the decision general meeting participants, drawn up by Minutes No. 02 dated 10.02.2010, Limited Liability Company "Premier-Consult" was renamed Limited Liability Company "from 17.02.2010" Consulting company"Premier". Considering that the organization employs more than 1,000 workers, the HR department ordered a typesetting stamp in advance, with the help of which the corresponding entry was made in the workers’ work books (see sample on the next page).

Pay attention! The stamp imprint, like the entry made manually, must completely fit in the 3rd column of the “Information about the work” section, without affecting the 4th column; otherwise, the entry will be entered incorrectly.

When reorganizing an organization (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for 5 forms of reorganization: merger, accession, division, separation, transformation), changing the owner of its property (for example, in the case of transfer of property municipal enterprise into state ownership) or a change in the jurisdiction/subordination of an organization (for example, in relation to a research institute, when the department to which the institute is subordinate changes), this information is also reflected in the work books of employees if this affects the name of the organization.

According to Part 1 of Art. 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when the owner of the organization’s property changes, the new owner has the right, no later than three months from the date on which his ownership rights arise, to terminate employment contracts only with the head of the organization, his deputies and the chief accountant (Clause 4, Part 1, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The new owner cannot terminate employment contracts with the remaining employees on his own initiative.

By virtue of Part 5 of Art. 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when reorganizing or changing the jurisdiction/subordination of an organization, employment contracts with employees are not terminated.

In all of the above cases, the employment contract may be terminated due to the employees’ refusal to continue working (clause 6, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For the employees who remain at work, entries are made in their work books in a manner similar to the entry made in connection with the renaming of the organization (see Example 7).

4. Entry into the employee’s work book on changing the name of a position (profession) or structural unit are being introduced in the same way. The basis for making such entries will be an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer on the appropriate renaming.

5. Entries are also made in the work book about the time of military service in accordance with the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as on the time of service in internal affairs bodies, State fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, institutions and bodies penal system, organs tax police, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities ; about the time of training in courses and schools for advanced training, retraining and training .

Example 8

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Head of the legal department of Status LLC Lapina L.I. was sent by the employer for advanced training in State Academy professional retraining and advanced training for executives and investment specialists under the program " Efficient work legal service of the organization." Upon completion of training, she was issued a certificate of advanced training dated February 15, 2010 No. 290.

Example 9

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The article will be continued in the next issue of the magazine: we will explain what information is entered into the work book upon termination of an employment contract, and how to reflect information about awards and part-time work. After that, let's move on to new task- correcting mistakes made when filling out the work book and making other changes to the records.


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You would have to be a very irresponsible employee to part with the company after receiving an unseemly record of test failure. back to contents Indication of the reason Distinctive feature maintaining a personnel document during the period of testing an employee for suitability can consist of only one point - a reason for dismissal. How to correctly make an entry in the work book if an employee is fired at the end of the probationary period? If the employment contract previously stated a clause regarding the conditions of the probationary period, you can simply refer to it in the dismissal order and quote this line. Severance pay however, it is not paid. This is permissible if the employer and employee mutually agree that it is necessary to terminate cooperation.

The nuances of making an entry in the work book during the probationary period

Record of negative completion of the inspection Hiring with a probationary period is established so that the employer has the opportunity to take a closer look at the employee and make sure that he will perform his duties in good faith. This right is enshrined in Art. 71 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Dismissal To comply with the law and protect itself from possible legal proceedings that could be initiated by an offended employee, the company must act strictly according to established rules, which include the following:

  1. Upon joining the position, the employee personally gave his consent to probation. He was familiarized with the conditions.
  2. The employee also studied the instructions and all the criteria for evaluating him future activities for the probationary period.
  3. He was informed that he could be fired early if violations were discovered.

Probationary period: we write it down in the work book

Basic rules for establishing a probationary period There are basic mandatory requirements law regarding the application of the seventieth article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • A probationary period can only be established with the consent of the employee. Such consent must be reflected in the application for admission)
  • the maximum duration of the test is strictly regulated by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and ranges from three to six months, depending on the proposed position)
  • the corresponding condition must be provided for in the agreement or contract. Otherwise, the employee is considered to be accepted without any conditions.
  • There are restrictions in relation to certain categories of persons, when concluding an agreement (contract) with whom it is prohibited to establish a trial period (Part.
    4 tbsp.

Dismissal for failure to complete probationary period

This is possible in cases where the employee and employer have not agreed to terminate cooperation. In this case, the employee submits an application no later than three days before the end of the probationary period. If such an application is submitted by a citizen, the employer indicates the reason for dismissal at will employee.

By law, an employee can write such a statement at any time he wishes. Under normal conditions, upon dismissal, you must work for a two-week period. And in the case of temporary work on probation - no more than three days.

If the citizen has not submitted the appropriate application, the employer may terminate the contract, indicating the reason in the form of unsatisfactory results.

Dismissal for failure to complete probationary period

The legislation provides for the need to enter any data on the employee’s movements within the institution, but special importance is given to the last entry, which regulates the criteria for evaluating the employee during permanent job or completing a probationary period. During what period and on the basis of what documents are entries made into the work book? Is entry made into the work book during the probationary period? According to Labor Code Russian Federation, all data relating to the employment of a potential applicant must be entered into the work book, and the probationary period is no exception. Of course, most future employees are afraid of any questions regarding the registration of the work book at the enterprise, because one negative entry can radically worsen a person’s chances of finding employment in a successful company.


Who can't be fired? The law contains a list for whom the legal institution of probation cannot generally be applied. Particularly targeted are pregnant women and women who have a dependent child under the age of one and a half years. Even if the employment contract of such women specifies a test, this condition is void and does not give the employer any rights to their simplified dismissal.


In this case, the employer is less protected, since a woman, when applying for a job, can hide the fact of pregnancy or become pregnant during the test. From a legal point of view it doesn't matter. You cannot fire a pregnant woman, even if she has not passed it. The only option is possible if the pregnant woman has entered into a fixed-term contract with the employer.

Dismissal is possible only after the expiration of the contract itself. There are also difficulties with the second criterion - the presence of a minor dependent.

Entry in the work book during the probationary period

Evidence may contain the following documents:

  • report from the immediate supervisor;
  • acts of acceptance and delivery of work or goods;
  • statements, complaints from the company's clients;
  • facts of lateness recorded by logs at the checkpoint;
  • orders to impose liability;
  • explanatory, etc.

At least three pieces of evidence of violations are provided. All documents must be attached to the dismissal order and are taken into account in compliance with the regulatory conditions on how to make a correct entry in the work book after the end of the probationary period. If an employee does not come to work after informing him of the decision to terminate cooperation, an official notice of dismissal is sent to his address with a request to pick up the work book and receive a payment.

Is an entry made into the employment record if you leave during a probationary period*?

However, it should be borne in mind that a record of unsatisfactory performance can only be officially taken into account if there are compelling reasons for this. Read more about the probationary period here: Similar situations may include cases where, due to the fault of an employee undergoing a probationary period, the company suffered significant financial losses, or the employee was found to have committed a serious violation statutory documents or the legislation itself. But even in such situations, the employer must provide documentary evidence of the violation, otherwise the entry in the work book will not be considered official.

How to set a probationary period for an employee when applying for a job. What if an entry in the employment record is not made? If during the probationary period there is no corresponding note in the work book, then neither the employer nor the employee will be able to prove the fact of cooperation.
If it so happens that you suddenly found the first TrKn, then it should be kept in your home. now your only TrKn is the one marked “Duplicate”. 02/11/2010 23:03 #11 thank you all.....just to avoid that note for 2 months I will use a duplicate (when I left my previous job I took a duplicate just in case) 02/11/2010 23:04 #12 Message from spikir2006 yes to me he wouldn’t be needed there. It’s NOT needed yet. And then it may turn out that just these two months won’t be enough until retirement...:))) 02/11/2010 23:06 #13 Message from spikir2006 ...(when I left my previous job and took the dubyl just in case) What do you mean? Did your previous employer “lose” the original of your TRK and gave you a duplicate? 02/12/2010 05:52 #14 Message from Irbis What do you mean? Did your previous employer “lose” the original of your TRK and gave you a duplicate? the situation is like this...

Is an entry made into the labor record if the probationary period has not passed?

In accordance with Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when concluding an employment contract with a newly hired employee, a preliminary work verification period may be established. The purpose of establishing a trial period is to test a new employee for suitability for the position held. To the hired employee It also provides an opportunity to assess the situation in a new place.

An entry in the work book during the probationary period is made by the employer. Many employers and employees, when formalizing working relationships in this way, a reasonable question arises: is an entry made in the work book during the probationary period? In order to understand this, it is necessary to study in more detail the legal aspects governing this area.
Then the company has the right to indicate in the work book an entry that the subject does not correspond to the position held.

  • When deciding to dismiss an employee, the company must notify him at least three days in advance. This must be done in writing and attached necessary documents which became the basis for this decision. If no signals are received from the employer, then the employee is automatically considered hired on a permanent basis.
  • The employee may avoid signing the notice. Then the employer draws up a corresponding act, in accordance with the accepted rules.
  • The calculation is made on the basis of Articles 127 and 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • On the last working day, the last entry is made, and the document is issued to the dismissed employee.

Who can earn extra money Legislation in general does not oblige an employee to inform his main employer about the fact of his employment with another employer on a part-time basis, however, for some categories of employees certain restrictions and prohibitions are established, for example for:

  • heads of organizations;
  • vehicle drivers;
  • minors;
  • athletes and coaches;
  • workers in hazardous and hazardous industries.

Managers and athletes can earn extra money, but only with the permission of the main employer. Minors are not allowed at all. Drivers and workers in hazardous industries can earn extra money, but not in the specialty or type of work they perform at their main place.

We arrange part-time work: entry in the work book

Entry in the work book about hiring a part-time director: In hindsight - is it possible? Making retroactive entries is an offense that is subject to administrative liability. Judging by the practice of such offenses, in some cases personnel officers received the article “forgery of documents,” so you cannot take risks with such actions.

It is possible to register something in a work book retroactively only if the employee has died outside the enterprise or organization. All other cases prohibit such action. But, unfortunately, in pursuit of profit, many personnel officers spit on such legislative advice and receive fines ranging from three hundred to three thousand rubles.
Conclusion Part-time work is an excellent solution for those who need cash or simply wants to make good use of his free time.


Also, the combination rule established by personnel officers says that the position that comes first is the main job. The subsequent one is a part-time job and is formalized accordingly.

It is also important to remember that you can make any note in the work book, but keeping in mind the basis in the form of a corresponding order. In this case, we are talking about an order, about accepting a citizen for a part-time job.


Step by step instructions Of course, part-time work is not such a common case, and not every personnel officer knows how to correctly make such an entry in the work book. This is especially true if there is a division into internal and external part-time work.

Let's look at each of the above cases in detail in order to avoid making mistakes in the future.

Entering a part-time job entry into the work book (sample)

The process for registering a part-time worker is as follows:

  1. Conducting an interview.
  2. The applicant writes an application for combined admission.
  3. Presentation of regulatory documents to the applicant for review.
  4. Drawing up and signing an employment agreement (the main difference here from a regular contract is that it must be indicated that the employee will work part-time).
  5. Issuance of an order for admission to a combined position.
  6. Filling out the work record (a sample entry in the part-time work book can be presented to the employee before filling out the form).
  7. Registration of an employee’s personal file.

An employer may require a new employee to provide a certificate of first place of employment, which is the basis for accepting the employee as a part-time worker. Otherwise, the manager has the right to refuse employment.

Entries in the work book of a part-time worker

This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, regulatory documents do not provide for the need to make a separate entry about the name of the employer when performing part-time work, however, on the other hand, the law stipulates that the name of a legal entity is mandatory requisite when filling out a document about labor activity and employee experience. The employer's name is indicated in full. Step 4.


We indicate the document details. The next section indicates the number and date of the document (order or other instruction) on the basis of which the employee was hired for the position. Information about dismissal is entered in the same order. Sample entry in the work book for part-time dismissal IMPORTANT! Entries in the employee’s work book when working part-time may not be recorded in chronological order.

This is not a design error, it is a design feature.

Entry in the work book about part-time work

For example, LLC Firefly.

  • On the next line write the above-mentioned phrase: “Hired part-time for such and such a position.”
  • Don’t forget to indicate in the fourth column the number and date of the order, as well as the employer’s signature and seal.
  • It would seem that there is nothing complicated in filling out, but many personnel officers manage to make a bunch of mistakes in such a simple task. To better understand how to make a part-time entry in a work book, a sample will help you.
    Entry in a part-time work book - sample: On what basis are such entries made? The basis for making such entries in the labor record is the conclusion of an employment contract and, as a consequence, the issuance of an order in this regard by the organization.


To avoid such shortcomings, it is worth constantly checking the work of personnel officers, both employers and employees themselves. Gene. Part-time director In the case of the general director, he, like other employees, is allowed to work part-time.
True, the entry in the labor record will be different from the above. In the work book general director, in addition to the number, date and order, there must be the following entry: “appointed part-time to the position of General Director of Romashka LLC.” Despite job responsibilities and the position, in principle, the fact of part-time work must be reflected in the employee’s work book. The full rules for filling out a director’s work book can be found here.

Is an entry made in the work book about internal part-time work?

It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • Regulatory documents
  • Is an entry (needed) to be made in the work book when working part-time?
  • Basic rules
  • Step by step instructions
  • On what basis are such entries made?
  • Features and nuances
  • Conclusion

Many people recklessly believe that the biggest problem is finding this very income. But in reality, it is much more difficult to ensure that your documents are prepared properly. In old age, your accumulated experience will bring you income and every year you work in one place or another is valuable, regardless of whether it is your main place of work or an additional one. One way or another, many HR department employees make numerous mistakes in maintaining books of part-time employees.

Is an entry made in the work book about the combination?

After the certificate is submitted, we can talk about filling out a work book when working part-time. We will consider the features of its filling below. Making entries about part-time work is no different from filling out a labor report for your main place of work.

All columns must be filled in indicating the serial number of the entry, date of hire, indication full name the employee’s position and information about the document on the basis of which the employee received a part-time job. Significant difference When filling out the document, there are only types of part-time jobs. With internal combination, the organization that hires the employee for the position is not indicated, but with external combination, it is indicated.

Is an entry made in the work book about combining positions?

Features of registration of internal part-time work Before writing an application for internal part-time work, it is necessary to solve the problem with the time that the employee will spend on extra work, setting the mode. New duties in this case will be performed on weekends, breaks, during vacations and holidays.

Moreover, the employee is subject to all Labor Code standards when performing both the main job and combined work. Many are worried about whether an entry is made in the work book for work at internal part-time job, and whether this is an error.

The information entered is not an error, it looks like this. Under last entry The next number and date are entered.

Then there is data that the employee was accepted to this workplace (department) part-time. Lastly, write down the document number on the basis of which the employee was hired for this position.