The interactive side of communication. Positions of partners in communication

In the process of communication, people come into contact. The German psychologist K. Bühler defined contact as the “mutual orientation” of partners and the “process of coordinated changes” in their behavior. The unit of such a process can be considered the exchange of communicative “messages”, or “communicants”: sign to sign - back and forth.

In the psychological literature, this exchange (words of silence, glances, or turning away from each other) is called a “transaction.”

So any contact, including the most positive dialogue, is formally designated as a series of transactions.

Every act of individual behavior in science is conventionally divided into four phases: motivation to action; clarification by the individual of the action situation; the action itself; curtailment of action.

If in the process of communication it is too early to curtail an action, since the impulse for it has not disappeared, the individual returns to the second phase: he re-clarifies the situation that has already been changed by his previous action, then again moves on to the third phase - to a new action, etc. Communication for a subject is nothing more than a specific act of behavior. The phases of the act of behavior are as follows: -

focus on the partner (for some reason he becomes the object of attention and upcoming action); -

mental reflection of the partner, since he is the main thing in the situation of action; -

informing a partner about something and receiving feedback from him; -

disconnection from partner if incentives contact with him disappeared.

Since partners in communication do not act in contact in isolation from each other but together, the first phase of the communicative act can be called the phase of mutual direction, the second - mutual reflection, the third - the phase of mutual information, the fourth - the phase of mutual exclusion. These phases can be traced in both fluent and extended contacts.

The phase of mutual direction - the emergence of an attitude towards external communication among partners

In the mutual reflection phase, communication partners accept each other’s actual roles (character traits). Otherwise, this can be called “role exchange.”

The phase of mutual information is a form of role playing. In this phase, mutual reflection continues. Communication partners accept each other's roles more and more clearly.

Interconnection phase - communication partners bow away from each other.

A role is a functional unit of the communication process in people. It can be external communication (communicative act) or internal (thinking, consciousness, self-awareness, etc.).

Let's consider the positions of partners in contact.

Experience shows that each of the partners can occupy one of the four above-mentioned role positions in contact (point of view, opinion on some issue).

Position of non-participation. The participants in the communication were not noticed and did not hear each other. More precisely, they pretended that they didn’t notice and didn’t hear. After all, the signs that one of the interlocutors gives when taking such a position are also communicants.

The other three positions are clearly understood by the prominent theater theorist P.M. Ershov. He identified them by reflecting on the phenomena of interaction between actors on stage. These are “extension above”, “extension below”, “extension next to”.

The American psychologist and psychiatrist E. Berne approached the contact positions differently, but it seems. From his point of view, in every person there are three “I”: Child (dependent, subordinate irresponsible being); Parent (independent and taking responsibility) and Adult (able to take into account the situation, understand others and distribute responsibility between himself and them).

Speaking in the position of the Child, a person looks subordinate and unsure of himself (“an extension from below” according to P.M. Ershov); in the position of the Parent - self-confidently aggressive (“from above”); in the position of an Adult - correct and restrained (“nearby”). Then the manner of behavior can, to a first approximation, be described as follows: who, in what position, is more likely to act - in a child’s, a parent’s or an adult’s? .

The role position occupied by one of the contact partners is highly informative for the other. Nothing may have been said yet, but the process of “co-changing” behavior has already begun. And they - if we ignore the generalized definition of the German psychologist K. Bühler - are not in all cases “coordinated” [8]. They are agreed upon only when one of the partners is ready to accept the position defined for him by the other partner.

Signs (communicators) expressing the partner’s role position can be explicit or hidden. If the role positions of the partners are agreed upon, their transaction gives both a feeling of satisfaction, positive emotion is “packed” in advance into a communicator to the delight of the partner, then such a communicator E. Berne calls “stroking.” When positions are coordinated, no matter what the interlocutors talk about, they exchange strokes. The deprivation of reciprocal stroking already affects a person; if, contrary to his expectations, they also attach themselves to him “from above,” this causes anger. A communicator with a “filling” that provokes a negative reaction from a partner is called a “prick”.

No conflicts

Position of interlocutors and partners at tables various types

There are general rules interactions between participants in business conversations and commercial negotiations depending on what place they occupy at the table. Let us first consider the arrangement of the participants in a working office behind a standard rectangular table with four positions of your interlocutor: 1) corner position, 2) business interaction position, 3) competitive-defensive position and 4) independent position.

This arrangement of interlocutors helps ensure that each side adheres to its own point of view. The table between them becomes a kind of barrier. People take this position at the table when they are in a competitive relationship or when one of them reprimands the other. If the meeting takes place in an office, then this arrangement also indicates a relationship of official subordination.
Whatever business you are in, you should know that a competitive-defensive position makes it difficult to understand the point of view of your interlocutor and does not create a relaxed atmosphere. Greater mutual understanding will be achieved in the angular position and in the position of business cooperation than in the competitive-defensive position. Conversation in this position should be short and specific.
There are times when it is very difficult or inappropriate to take an angular position when presenting your material. Let's say you need to present a sample, diagram, or book for review to a person sitting across from you at a rectangular table. First, place what you want to present on the center line of the table. If he leans forward to better look at your material, but does not move it to his side, this means that he is of little interest in your product. If he moves your material to his side of the table, this means that he has shown interest in it. This makes it possible to ask permission to go to his side and take either a corner position or a position of business cooperation. However, if he pushes away what you brought him, then the deal will not go through and you need to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
People who do not want to interact with each other at the table take an independent position (Fig. 4).
Most often this position is occupied by library visitors, relaxing on a bench in a park, or visitors to restaurants and cafes. This position indicates a lack of interest. It should be avoided

question, when answering, look first at him, and then turn your head towards the silent interlocutor, then again towards the talkative one, and then again towards the silent interlocutor. This technique allows the less talkative interlocutor to feel that he is also involved in the conversation, and allows you to win this person’s favor. This means that if necessary, you can get support from him.
Thus, a square (or rectangular) standing desk, which is usually a work desk, is used for business conversations, commercial negotiations, briefings, and for reprimanding offenders. Round table most often used to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere and is good if you need to reach an agreement.
You need not only to choose the right shape of the table, but also to be able to seat your interlocutor at it in such a way as to create the greatest psychological comfort. This is especially important when you invite him to a formal dinner at your home or restaurant.
Try to make sure your guest sits with their back to the wall. Psychologists have proven that a person’s breathing rate, heart rate and brain pressure increase if he sits with his back to an open space, especially if there is constant walking behind him. In addition, tension increases when a person's back is turned towards front door or a window, especially if it is a first floor window.

Position of partners during sexual intercourse

In our discussion of sexual relations, it is appropriate to include the question of the position of partners during sexual intercourse.

There are six common basic positions called: man on top, man on bottom, side position, man behind, sitting position, standing position.

Available various options these provisions, but they are not as effective as the main ones.

For example, you can combine the “man from below” position with the “from behind” position. However, the “rear position”, i.e. when the woman leans on her knees and hands, and the man stands behind on his knees and covers her hips with his hands, is more preferable, because gives him the opportunity to caress his partner’s breasts or stimulate the clitoris.

Similarly, the “sitting position” can be combined with the “back” position, but since in normal position“sitting” a man and a woman facing each other, it will be comfortable, because allows you to kiss your partner's breasts or give her the opportunity to lean forward for closer contact of the genitals, which can even lead to contact of the penis with the clitoris.

Considering the choice of position as a purely individual decision, one cannot help but mention the “lateral position”, which brings a lot of intimacy into the act. In this position, the man lies on his left side and the woman on her right. Right leg the woman's is between her partner's legs, and the left is bent at the knee, raised up and lies across his right thigh. No other position allows for such close contact as the side position. At the same time, the man has the opportunity to kiss the woman’s breasts and lips by slightly changing his position, however, for a couple who loves a fast rhythm, this position is unacceptable, and is preferable only for those who prefer a slow rhythm and deep contact.

“Man on top” is a position that many couples adhere to; it allows them to maintain a fast rhythm. Many experts argue that a man in this position cannot support his weight while on his elbows, due to the fact that many women like a man to wrap his arms around them, press his chest to his partner’s chest, while simultaneously exchanging passionate kisses. Nevertheless, the man in this case must obey the wishes of his partner.

In order to facilitate the entrance of the penis into the vagina or allow it to penetrate deeper, a woman in the “man on top” position can wrap her legs around her partner’s waist or, bending her knees, hug him above the waist. Comfort can also be achieved by placing a pillow under the woman's back, especially if she is tall or too short.

The main advantage of the “man from below” position is that in this position the initiative belongs to the woman, which allows her to fully satisfy herself, at the same time, this position requires less activity from the man, who is less tense at this time.

"Rear position" is probably more rarely used. This position, especially in combination with the “sitting position” gives good results when partners have big bellies. Despite the fact that in this position the partner's hands are free, and they allow him to caress his wife, there is less intimate warmth in it than in a position in which the partners are facing each other.

The “sitting position” is the most common and is used for the comfort of partners, if necessary, as well as for the variety of marital intimacy, in which case it can be effectively transformed if not the man, but the woman, sits in a low chair or on a sofa. Leaning back and throwing her legs over the shoulders of her kneeling partner, she allows deep and intimate contact between the genitals.

The “standing position,” in which, for comfort, the woman should stand on some kind of elevation so that the partner does not have to bend his knees, is used only when necessary and is practiced mainly when there is no favorable conditions for intercourse.

It must be emphasized that all the described provisions are modified by partners due to their individual abilities, the conditions in which sexual intercourse is carried out, etc. The same position, for example, can be carried out differently with different women: thinner buttocks, which little change the appearance of a woman, can lead to a significant change in the required position during sexual intercourse. Likewise, the slope of the forehead bone or the thickness of the covering muscles can make it completely easier or more difficult for the penis to contact the clitoris. Different women have different locations of the clitoris and vagina, and different angles of their inclination. Obviously, full buttocks lift a woman's pelvis higher and make the vaginal opening more accessible. On the other hand, this advantage may be negated due to the sharper angle of the vagina, etc.

Thus, a position that is comfortable with one woman may be completely unacceptable with another. The same can be said about men.

That is why it is important that each couple find a comfortable position in which both partners feel free.

This condition is necessary for successful implementation sexual intercourse.

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Foreign psychologists identify three main positions in communication - Child, Parent, Adult, which can repeatedly replace one another even throughout the day, or one of them can predominate in human behavior (E. Verne's transactional analysis).

From the position of a Child, a person looks at another as if from the bottom up, readily submits, experiencing the joy of being loved, but at the same time a feeling of uncertainty and defenselessness. This position, being the main one in childhood, is often observed in adults.

So, sometimes a young woman, when communicating with her husband, wants to feel like a mischievous girl again, protected from all sorts of adversity, wants to hear diminutive words. In such cases, the husband takes the position of the Parent, demonstrates confidence, patronage, but at the same time a peremptory, commanding tone. At other times, for example, when communicating with his parents, he himself takes the position of a Child.
When communicating with colleagues, both spouses usually strive to take the position of an Adult, which provides for a calm tone, restraint, solidity, and responsibility for their actions. However, if one of their colleagues insists on taking a Parent or Child position towards them, they, in turn, will be forced to take the opposite position.

From the position of the Parent, they “play”, for example, the roles of a strict father, an older sister, an attentive spouse, a teacher, a doctor, a boss, a salesman who says: “Come back tomorrow!” From the Child's perspective - roles young specialist, a graduate student, an artist - a favorite of the public, a son-in-law who borrows money from his mother-in-law that is not enough to buy a car.
From the perspective of an Adult - the role of a neighbor who has met an acquaintance, a random fellow traveler, a colleague, a subordinate who knows his own worth, etc.

The "Parent" position can be of two varieties:
1) “punishing Parent” - indicates, orders, punishes for disobedience and mistakes;
2) “caring Parent” - advises in a gentle form, protects, helps, supports, sympathizes, regrets, takes care of, cares, forgives mistakes.
In the “Child” position, there are varieties: “obedient Child” and “rebellious Child” (behaves “I don’t want, I won’t!”)

The dynamics of communication are determined by the position of the interlocutor. Two interlocutors in the Parent position can communicate successfully if their communication is about someone else whom they criticize, but communication directed at each other is fraught with conflicts.
Communication between two interlocutors from the perspective of Adults is successful and effective; two Children can understand each other.

Communication between a Parent and an Adult is dynamic, either the Adult, with his calm, independent, responsible behavior, will knock down the arrogance of the Parent and transfer him to an equal Adult position, or the Parent will be able to suppress the interlocutor and transfer him to the position of a submissive or rebellious Child.

Communication between an Adult and a Child is just as dynamic, either the Adult will be able to encourage the Child to take the problem under discussion seriously and responsibly and move to the position of the Adult, or the Child’s helplessness will provoke the Adult’s transition to the position of a caring Parent. Communication between Parent and Child is complementary, therefore it is often realized in communication, although it can be either calm (“obedient”) or conflicting in nature (“rebellious Child”). There are disguised types of communication where the external (social) level of communication does not coincide. For example, communication between a seller and a buyer may outwardly have an equal level of communication between two Adults, but in fact it is a dialogue between a seller (“It’s a good thing, but expensive”) and a buyer (“That’s exactly me.” and I'll take it") was at the level of Parent (seller) and Child (buyer).

Transactional analysis of communication (E. Berne) allows you to identify the positions of those communicating at the external and psychological level, analyze the manipulative games that people play when communicating with each other, masking their true goals and positions.

There are also positions of communication

1) “dominance or communication from above” - “on equal terms” - “subordination or position from below”;
2) “benevolent position of accepting a partner” - neutral position - “hostile position of not accepting a partner.” From a comparison of these two factor-vectors, 8 are identified individual styles communication.

They distinguish between “closed and open positions in communication.” Openness of communication is the opportunity to express one’s point of view on a subject and the willingness to take into account the positions of others. “Closed position” - a person’s reluctance or inability to express his interests, opinions, isolation or going on “defense” from his interlocutor, ignoring his interests.

“One-sided inquiry” is semi-closed communication in which a person tries to find out the position of another person and at the same time does not reveal his own position.

“Hysterical presentation of a problem” - a person openly expresses his feelings, problems, circumstances, without being interested in whether the other person wants to “enter into other people’s circumstances” or listen to “outpourings”.

The communication strategy can be not only “open - closed”, but also “role-playing - personal communication”. Role communication comes from the performed social role, and personal communication is heart-to-heart communication.

The performed social role determines a certain style of communication, although the predominant style of communication of a given individual may leave its specific imprint on many social roles performed.

Masks (politeness, modesty, severity, compassion, etc.) should not be confused with roles, which mean a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide your true emotions and attitude towards your interlocutor.

By communicating with a person for a long time, you can determine whether he is wearing a mask or not, because... in an unusual, extreme situation, true emotions will burst out, hidden beliefs will become apparent. An experienced observer can even in a normal situation suspect the insincerity of the emotions of a communication partner, because it is difficult for him to convincingly portray false feelings and change the expression of his eyes at will. Sometimes the mask becomes habitual, and then a person at the right moment fails to become himself and express his feelings. Therefore, both a mask worn for a long time and a constantly played role are reflected in the personality’s properties, making it better or worse.

The following types of communication are distinguished:

1. “Mask contact” - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, standard phrases, familiar masks of politeness, masks of inaccessibility are used.
2. Primitive communication, when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive rude remarks will follow.
3. Formal-role communication, for example, when communicating between a doctor and a patient, both the content and means of communication are regulated, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, each of them makes do with knowledge of the social role of the interlocutor.
4. Business communication, when the personality, character, age, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences.
5. Spiritual, interpersonal communication (for example, a friendly conversation), when you can touch on any topic and do not necessarily resort to words, a friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, and can anticipate his reactions, interests, beliefs, and attitudes. When starting a conversation, you clarify your “model” of your interlocutor, make the necessary adjustments to it, but at the same time you give your interlocutor information about yourself so that he can “model” you correctly. When communicating, you unconsciously (or consciously) emphasize some aspects of your personality (“self-presentation”) so that the interlocutor has a certain image of you.
6. Manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using various techniques (flattery, intimidation, “showing off”, deception, demonstrations of kindness, etc.), depending on the personality characteristics of the interlocutor.
7. Secular communication - the essence of secular communication is its non-objectivity, i.e. people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; This communication is closed, therefore people’s points of view on this or that issue have no meaning and do not determine the nature of communications. Code of secular communication: 1) politeness, tact - “respect the interests of the other”; 2) approval, agreement - “do not blame the other,” “avoid objections”; 3) sympathy - “be friendly, friendly.”

The code of business communication is different

1) the principle of cooperation - “your contribution should be such as is required by the jointly accepted direction of the conversation”;
2) the principle of sufficiency of information - “say no more and no less than is required at the moment”;
3) the principle of information quality - “don’t lie”;
4) the principle of purposefulness - “don’t deviate from the topic! Find a solution”;
5) “express your thoughts clearly and convincingly for your interlocutor”;
6) “be able to listen and understand someone else’s thoughts”;
7) "be able to take into account individual characteristics interlocutor for the sake of the interests of the case."

If one interlocutor is guided by the principle of "politeness" and the other by the principle of cooperation, they can end up in awkward, ineffective communication. Therefore, the rules of communication must be agreed upon and followed by both participants.

Tactics and techniques of business conversation require a special separate discussion.