Card index of games for preschoolers!!! Didactic game "all about sports"

Anisina Yulia Valerievna,

physical education instructor

MBDOU " Kindergarten 81"

g.o. Samara

Description of educational games

"Sports equipment"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 3 – 4 years.
Rules: The set includes cards with black and white images of sports equipment and color parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses black and white picture and overlays the colored parts of this picture on it. After the child collects the picture, he must name the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Collect a picture without relying on a black and white image. Explain how this equipment can be used.

"Fold the picture"

Pictures depicting sports and equipment are cut into various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 – 7 years.
Rules: the player assembles a picture from parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, determine what sport it belongs to; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 3 - 5 years
Option 1: played by 2 to 4 people. The presenter sorts the cards into pairs and divides them equally between the players. On command, players must pick up paired cards and fold them. The winner is the one who first completed the task and correctly named the sports equipment.
Option 2: played by 2 to 4 people and a leader. The presenter sorts the cards: puts one card from a pair into one pile, and the second card into another. He distributes one pile to the players, and places the second on the table with the pictures facing down. The presenter takes one card and shows it to the players. The player who has a pair from this card names what is shown in the picture and what sport it is used in. If the answer is correct. Then the player takes the card for himself, if not, then the presenter keeps the card for himself. The one with the most collected pairs wins.

"Two Halves"
Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of equipment movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and basic types of movement; develop thinking and memory; develop interest in physical education.
Age: 2 – 3 years.
Option 1. The child puts the two halves together to make a picture.
Option 2. The child looks for the desired half in a stack of pictures. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is depicted on it.
Option 3. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is depicted on it. If this is a movement, then the child must show it. If this is equipment, then the child must find it in the group and show what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and Bad"

Goals and objectives: teach children to have a healthy lifestyle; teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 3 – 6 years.
Rules: Children are given cards that depict situations that are harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a paired card that depicts a situation that is healthy.

"Relax actively" (cubes)

Goals and objectives: develop interest in physical activity; teach children to recognize and name species active recreation; develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 3 – 6 years.
Rules: assemble the cubes so that you get a whole image, based on the finished picture.
Complication 1: Having collected the image, the child must name what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: assemble an image from memory without relying on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 – 6 years.
Rules: symbols of sports are depicted on the dice. 2 – 4 people play. Before the start of the game, the dice are laid face down on the table and mixed. Each player chooses any seven dice. The remaining bones remain on the table - this is the “bazaar”. The player who has the double picture tile goes first. If several players have a tile with a double picture, then the first player is chosen by counting. Next, the players take turns placing dice to the right and left of the first, placing the same picture of the other to the picture of one dice. If the player (whose move) does not have a dice with the required picture, then he takes a dice at the “bazaar”. The one who has no dice left (or the fewest) wins.


Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention and memory.
Age: 5 – 7 years.
Rules: I play with 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who covers all the symbols with tokens the fastest wins.


Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 – 7 years.
Rules: 2 – 6 people play. Paired cards with sports symbols are laid out face down on the table in random order. Players alternately turn over two cards. If the symbols on the cards are the same, then the player takes them for himself and makes the next move. If the symbols are different, then the cards are turned over and the next player makes a move. The game ends when the players have all the cards. The one who collects the most pairs wins.

"Sports in winter and summer"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 – 7 years.
Rules: The player is asked to select symbols (images) of only winter or only summer sports. Then he names these sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing Game"

Goals and objectives: replenish and consolidate children’s knowledge about sports; develop thinking and memory.
Age: 4 – 7 years.
Rules: The presenter (teacher) mixes the playing fields (each shows 6 different sports) and distributes them among the children. Then the presenter shows a card with a picture of a sport and names it. The player whose field contains the same sport takes it and places it on top of his field and repeats the name. The player who covers their playing fields with cards the fastest wins.
Complication: play the same way, but the name of the sport is named by the player on whose field there is the same sport. In case of an incorrect answer, the presenter names the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player places a penalty token on top of the card that he placed on the playing field. The one with the fewest penalty tokens wins.

"The Fourth Wheel"

Goals and objectives: develop interest in physical education and sports; consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 – 7 years.
Rules: The player takes one card with four pictures on it. The player names what is shown on the card, then covers the extra picture, explaining why it is extra.

“Get ready to exercise”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; teach children to compose exercises for morning exercises; develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 – 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a picture card for the starting position. Then he selects movements for the exercise itself (counting 1-2 or 1-4) so ​​that the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After composing the exercise, the child must complete it. There can be several people playing. They take turns creating an exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

Didactic games
in physical education classes

allow preschoolers of different age groups to develop

thinking, attention, memory, imagination



Target. Exercise in various types of crawling, walking, jumping. Activate the dictionary (names of pets). Develop speech, memory, attention.

Materials. A hoop for each child.

Preliminary work. Learning in class movements that imitate the habits of animals.

On one side of the hall there are hoops - animal (bird) houses. Children, as instructed by the teacher, move around the playground and perform imitative movements.


The rooster cries: "Ku-ka-re-ku"(children walk with their knees raised high).

The geese cackle: “Ga-ga-ha” (move in a half-squat).

The dog barks: "Woof-woof-woof"(crawl on short all fours).

The cat meows: “Meow-meow-meow”(crawl on all fours).

The mouse squeaks: “Peep-pee-pee”(crawl on all fours).

The horse neighs: “Yoke-go-go”(run at a straight gallop).

The goat bleats: “Me-e-e, Me-e-e” (run with leaps).

The cow moos: “Moo-oo, moo-oo” (walk slightly bent and pointing their index fingers to their heads).

At the instructor's signal, the children stand in the hoops. Approaching each child, the teacher asks: “Whose house is this?”, The child answers using onomatopoeia and appropriate movements.


Target. Practice walking and running. Develop fine motor skills, dexterity, and independence. Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors. Learn to perform game actions according to verbal instructions from an adult.

Material . Balls (diameter 6 cm) of primary colors (red, yellow, blue) - two for each child.

On one side of the playing field there is a stand on which the instructor places the balls; on the other side there are children.


Let's raise bright lanterns high.

Their yellow (red, blue) color is visible far away.

The lanterns came on!

Children run to the opposite side of the playground, take balls of the color named by the teacher, and raise them above their heads.


The flashlights went out.

Children place the balls on the stand and return to their starting position.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Target. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space playground. Develop memory and attention. Imagination. Learn to perform game actions according to verbal instructions from an adult.

Material . Cards with images of flowers, mushrooms, berries - three for each child. Gymnastic bench.

Cards with images of flowers, mushrooms, and berries are laid out on the floor. The children follow each other and sit on the gymnastics bench.


Our locomotive is traveling between fir trees and birches.


The train is rushing at full speed.

(stomp their feet and perform circular movements with their arms bent at the elbows).

Here is the station, a halt.


(slow down)

The train gives a signal:


(pronounce the sound “u” for a long time)

The locomotive lets off steam:

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, s-s-s-s-s-s.

(Raise their hands up and continuously pronounce the sounds “sh”, “s”)

He took us to the forest.

(Get up from the bench).

Go out to the edge of the forest and pick berries.

Children collect cards with pictures of berries, give them to the teacher and board the “train”. When playing the game again, children collect mushrooms or flowers .


Target. Practice running in all directions, forming a line, a semicircle; develop dexterity and independence. Strengthen knowledge of colors. Continue to learn to act according to the adult’s verbal instructions.

Material. Cubes of two primary colors - two for each child.

(When playing a game in middle group- cubes of three colors are used, in senior and preparatory - four colors.)

Children stand in front of an instructor who scatters cubes on the floor.


One, two, three,

Colored cubes

Hurry up and collect!

Children pick up two cubes and run around the hall, paying attention to the cubes of other children.


Colored cubes

We will stick to each other,

And we will make living dominoes out of them!

Children should stand in a semicircle or in a line so that the color of the cube in one child’s hand matches the color of the cube in the hand of his neighbor.



Target. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space. Develop agility, speed and independence. Continue to learn how to correlate the shape of objects with geometric figures (ball, cube, cylinder, etc.)

Develop voluntary attention and imagination.

Material. Geometric bodies (sphere, cube, cylinder, parallelepiped, etc.) for display and various objects similar in shape to these figures.

Instructor shows and names any geometric figure. According to a conditioned signal, children find objects of a given shape in the playroom.


Target. Practice throwing and catching a ball with both hands (together with a teacher), maintaining balance with one extra step forward. Develop dexterity. Fix the names of elements of equipment and objects used in various sports. Develop memory and attention.


6 - 8 cords (length 2.5 - 3 meters), large ball (diameter 20 -25 cm).

Cords are laid out in parallel on the floor at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from each other - these are classes. Children stand behind the first cord - in “first grade”.

Instructor. Throws the ball to the children one by one. To play football you need a goal (ball, skis, field, stick, etc.)

Children catch the ball with both hands, answer the question and throw the ball back to the teacher. If the child answers the question correctly, he takes a step forward to the next cord - moves “to second grade”; if incorrectly, he remains in place.


Target. Consolidate knowledge various materials from which objects are made. Develop voluntary attention and the ability to navigate in space.

Material. Items made from various materials.

Children close their eyes and listen carefully to the task.


Find in the hall objects made of wood (rubber, plastic, fabric, etc.).

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three - look for the object.

(Children open their eyes, look around, find the necessary objects).

Four, five - hurry to get on the mat!

(take objects and run to the mat).


Target. Strengthen knowledge about various sports. Develop memory, voluntary attention, thinking.

Material. Cards with pictures of people doing different types sports

Instructor describes sports equipment, inventory, qualities characteristic of a person involved in a particular sport. For example: “This athlete is dexterous and handles the ball well. He quickly moves around the court, hitting the ball with his hand on the floor (driving it), throwing it to a teammate or throwing it into the basket.

He asks: “Who is this?”

The child who is the first to answer correctly receives a prize - a cube, and the teacher shows the children a card with a picture of a basketball player.


Target. Practice a variety of physical exercises. Learn to imitate movements characteristic of various sports. Develop imagination, thinking, attention. Activate the dictionary.

Material. Cards with pictures of people doing various types sports

Each child receives a card with a picture of an athlete performing some kind of movement (dribbling a ball, jumping, throwing, etc.). Children take turns showing the movements shown on the cards. The task of the rest is to guess and name the sport that the child is imitating.


Target. Strengthen the ability to correctly name sports equipment. Develop imagination, thinking, attention, memory. Activate the dictionary.

Material. Cards depicting sports equipment and equipment.

The instructor writes a descriptive story about the item shown on the card. For example:

“This is a heavy stick. It is thrown with one hand. The player’s task is to knock out a figure built from wooden blocks from a given place with this stick. What is this?" (bit for towns).

Regardless of whether the children answered correctly, the teacher shows the object shown on the card and names it.

Didactic games "Sports Kaleidoscope"

Khokhlova Natalya Evgenievna
Place of work: MKDOU No. 22, Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Job title: teacher-speech pathologist
Resource name: board-printed didactic games "Sports Kaleidoscope"
Relevance and significance of the resource: The game is intended for children of senior preschool and junior school age 5-10 years. The game can be used by teachers working with children preschool age, teachers primary classes and loving parents in joint and independent activities with children, as well as in correctional work with children.
Brief description of the resource: games to develop ideas about various sports.
Purpose and objectives of the resource: developing interest in events sports life, introduction to various sports, sports equipment and equipment, expanding children’s horizons, developing attention, memory, and thinking.
Relevance and significance of the resource: the game can be used by teachers working with preschool children, primary school teachers and parents.
Equipment: games made using a PC ( personal computer), consist of cut cards. You need to print the cards on a color printer, cut them and use them. For practicality and durability, the cards can be laminated before cutting.
Practical application: individual games, joint games.

Didactic game"Name a winter sport"

Methodology for working with the resource:
Option I: The child takes a card with the text, reads the name of the sport and selects the corresponding pictogram; if the child cannot read, then the name of the sport is read by an adult, and the child looks for the picture.
Option II: Children are given cards with pictograms, the presenter (adult or child) reads the name of the sport, and the children look for the corresponding pictogram among their cards.

Didactic game "Couples"

Option I: The cards are laid out face down in front of the child. Each card has a pair. The child turns over any two cards. If the images on the opened cards are identical, then the cards remain open; if not, then they are turned face down again and the child opens the next pair of cards. The game continues until all the cards are revealed. You can play alternately. The number of cards laid out is regulated by the adult depending on the level of development of the children.

Option II: Some cards without a pair are laid out in front of the child, face up, and one or two cards with a pair. The child is asked to find identical cards. The number of paired cards and the total number of cards laid out depends on the individual abilities of the child.

Didactic game "Sports mosaic"

Option I and Option II This game is similar to the game "Name the winter sport"
Option III
Individual game: invite your child to choose from all the pictures only those that depict sports games, or artistic gymnastics, or rhythmic gymnastics, or athletics. Or divide all the pictures into four groups at once, depending on the level of development of the children.
Group game: the game involves four players who are given the task of collecting pictures of a certain type.

Didactic game "Who owns this?"

Before using this sheet of pictures, cut it into cards.
Game option: The child is asked to make pairs of pictures, find a suitable athlete for each piece of sports equipment and name the sports equipment and the athlete or sport.
In this game you can use poems and riddles:

He plays on skates
He holds the stick in his hands.
He hits the puck with that stick.
Who will name the athlete? (Hockey player)

There is deep snow all around,
And he easily runs on top.
You just can’t get off the track,
Who races to the finish line, sliding? (Skier)

Winter morning, fine -
the sun pours onto the skating rink.
I'm no longer a passerby here -
I'm an ice expert! (Skater)

What kind of game is this?
I'm playing the ball merrily,
And I throw it into the ring,
Soaring up on the move.
Yes. I'm a good player!
My growth helped me! (Basketball player)

Not a rocket, but a racket
I hold with my hand.
Once - and the ball flies over the net
One more time! - and the set follows me. (Tennis player)

Green meadow, a hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly. (Footballers)

Didactic games “Winter sports” for children 5-7 years old

Description of material: I offer you didactic games for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Winter Sports”. Main goal: creating conditions for the formation of initial ideas about Olympic Games And winter species sports This material will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups and will help make not only more meaningful educational process, but also leisure.

Didactic games to help older preschoolers familiarize themselves with winter sports

Target: developing interest in physical education and sports.
Shape initial presentations about the Olympic Games and winter sports.
Develop cognitive activity and curiosity
Increase motivation to exercise.

In 2014, our country hosted a bright and large-scale event, the XXII Olympic Winter Games. At the preschool educational institution we implemented the project “Together we will win!”, dedicated to these games. To make introducing children to the Olympic Games and winter sports more interesting and exciting, I made several didactic games. Didactic games compared to other types of games have characteristic feature: they are a source of knowledge in sports and physical education. Making such games in this age of ICT is not difficult. We download pictures, make up games, print them out and make them last for a long time- laminate.
And now every year, when the “Winter Sports” themed week is implemented in January, educators use them in their work. In continuous educational activities ideas about the Olympic Games and winter sports are formed. At the same time, children’s citizenship and patriotic feelings are formed. After all, such a large-scale event as the XXII Olympic Winter Games took place in our country in Sochi. This topic also allows you to develop interest in the events taking place in the country, cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements, and respect for your compatriots-athletes.
Children, learning a lot of new and interesting things about the sports life of our country, the Olympic Games, athletes participating in the Olympics, come to the conclusion that physical education and sports are very interesting and beneficial for health. They have a desire to be like great athletes and to play sports. More often there is a desire to implement knowledge about the Olympic Games and winter sports in independent activities.

Lotto “Equip an Athlete”.
Goal: to teach children to select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes.

Lotto “Pictograms of Sochi-2014”
Goal: to teach children to name sports and select the appropriate pictograms.

Game "Pick up the pictogram".
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about Olympic winter sports.
It is necessary to select a pictogram for the corresponding sport and name it.

Game "Find the fragment"
Goal: developing the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences.
Children are given small picture fragments. You need to find which picture they belong to.

Game "Find a Pair"
Goal: to teach children to select the same pictograms, made in a strict and concise, monochrome palette and the corresponding pictograms, made in the “ patchwork quilt».

Game “The picture has fallen apart”
Goal: development of attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, fine motor skills.
It is necessary to assemble the picture first according to the sample, then without. Images – winter sports, symbols of the Sochi 2014 Olympics.

Game "Fold the track."
Goal: development of the ability to compare and group by color, development color range(fixing the names of the main and additional colors), the ability to distinguish color similarities and differences.

Game "Fourth wheel"
Purpose: to learn to name and distinguish between winter and summer species sports

Card Quiz
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the Olympic Games and winter sports.

Didactic game for older and older children preparatory group"Guess the sport!"

Kamneva Maria Sergeevna

Target: introduce children to sports; sports equipment; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports.
- introduce children to different sports;
- generate knowledge in the field physical culture and sports;
- enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about sports;
- create the need for a healthy lifestyle.
Progress of the game.
Let's help Krosh, with the help of riddles, find out what kind of sport the sports equipment shown in the pictures belongs to.
1. There is a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids were playing around.
Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! "-
There's a game going on there. . .

Ice hockey - team sports game on the ice, which consists of a confrontation between two teams on skates, who, passing the puck with their sticks, strive to throw it the maximum number of times into the opponent’s goal and not let it into their own. The team that scores the most goals into the opponent's goal wins.

2. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets
Chess is a logic board game with special pieces on a 64-cell board for two opponents, combining elements of art (in terms of chess composition), science and sports.

3. Here the team wins,
If the ball doesn't drop.
He flies accurately from the pitch
Not into the goal - through the net.
And the playground, not the field
In athletes c. . .
Volleyball is team game, which is one of the batting games. During the game, he is thrown over the net in such a way that, if the rules are followed, he cannot be returned over the net by the opposing team.

4. Let's gather a team at school
And we'll find a big field
Taking a corner -
We score with our heads.
And the fifth goal is in the goal!
We love it very much. . .
Football is a sport that requires great physical strength, endurance and agility. The object of the game is to "kick the ball into the opponent's goal". In this sport, players are not allowed to use their hands to move the ball up and down the field. When playing football, football players must use their legs and be able to make accurate passes to different parts of the football field.

5. So they came together in a fight in the ring.
Everyone has gloves on their hands.
The cheerful gong sounded
He gave the signal for the start of the battle
Boxing is a contact sport, a martial art in which athletes punch each other using special gloves. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot rise within ten seconds or if he is injured and does not allow him to continue the fight.

6. It’s very difficult to be, don’t argue,
The most accurate in this sport.
Just rush along the ski track,
Even I can do it.
Try running for a day yourself
And then hit the target,
Lying supine, with a rifle.
You can't do this without training!
And your target is not an elephant.
It's called sport. . .
Biathlon is a Winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.

7. In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is it. . .
Basketball is a sports team game with a ball.
Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five field players. The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket with their hands and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The basket is located at a height of 3.05 m from the floor.

8. Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke.
Swimming is a sport in which participants have to swim a certain distance as quickly as possible. Modern rules prohibit swimming more than 15 meters in a straight line.

9. The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.
Andrey and I play together.
The two of us go out onto the court.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us are Andre and Denis.
What do we play with them?
Tennis is a sports game with a ball and rackets on a court with a net (height 91 cm) in the middle. Players try to send the ball over the net without the opponent being able to deflect it correctly.
Guys, you did an EXCELLENT job with my task!

Presentation on the topic: Didactic game “Guess the sport”