A strong love spell for a man. Thunder magic

Calling on the energy of thunderstorms, we turn to two elements - Fire and Water, which can help in a love spell.

The power of thunder and lightning has been harnessed by all cultures, from the ancient Greeks to the Slavs. The energy of thunderstorms is used in various rituals: it clears the mind, helping to resolve difficult life situations, helps to gain strength. Perform thunderous love spells on your own. Siberian sorcerer Igor Leonidovich Nikolaev, famous love spells in Krasnoyarsk and other magical practices, advises before performing love ritual perform a ritual of accumulating thunderstorm energy.

Charged clothes

In order to charge your clothes with the energy of a thunderstorm, you should hang clean clothes on the balcony at the first rumble of thunder that do not need to be ironed (for example, underwear). After they are battered by a thunderstorm and wet by rain, things should dry (also outside). You need to put them separately from others, in paper bag or a bag of natural fabric, and wear during magical rituals- For example, love spell.

Love spell for a man

After waiting for the thunder to rumble, light a wax candle and, turning your face to the east, say the spell three times:

“As you, thunder, thunder, knock, how my heart trembles and takes my breath away, so the heart of a man (the name of the object of the love spell) would knock and tremble for me (your name). He would suffer and toss about, not sleep at night, if he did not see me (your name) for a long time, if he did not breathe the same air with me. And just as the thunder cannot be stopped from thundering, my words cannot be interrupted, so (the name of the object of the love spell) cannot be distanced or separated from me. So be it!”

Love spell on “thunderstone”

To perform this love spell, you need to go out into the rain, holding a stone in your hand. Then you should move the stone over the body and with each clap of thunder (you need to wait for seven strikes in total) say the following spell:

“Mother thunder arrow smashed the sea-river with a stone, with my words, bring to me your beloved, the servant of God (the name of the object of the love spell). May my words be strong and moldable.”

This stone should be taken with you to a meeting with your chosen one.

Girl's love spell

If your chosen one has a bird at home, you should collect rainwater during a thunderstorm, put a spoonful of millet in it and leave it like that for a day. After this, the millet should be thrown away, and the drained water should be taken to the bird in the chosen one’s house. Before pouring water into the drinking bowl, you need to speak to it: “My favorite bird lives in this house. Water, water, clever mother, give the bird a drink not from yourself, but from my love. The number of times the bird takes a sip, the more (the name of the object of the love spell) love it will take into itself. He will drink everything to the bottom - he will love me to the end. So be it."

Human desires are the main component of any magic, because for higher powers your clearly defined desires are the starting point of all actions. Therefore, having decided to cast a love spell on a loved one, you need to carefully weigh everything, analyze everything possible consequences, and then start working on your ideas about future happiness. The more detailed you imagine the desired happiness, the more accurately you plan every little detail, the faster happiness will come to you.

In this topic:

After you can imagine mutual happiness with a certain man, you need to turn to a strong love plot that will transfer your energy into the world and attract the desired person to you.

Powerful spell for love

Thunderstorms have always evoked a special feeling among people. At first it was perceived as God's grace; those places where lightning struck were considered marked by the Lord. Subsequently, thunderstorms and lightning strikes began to be treated as punishment from God.

But no one has ever rejected the power of a thunderstorm. Therefore, in conspiracies they turned to her for help. Words strong conspiracy on love, given below, must be read on the street at the time when the thunderstorm began. The words are as follows:

Where did you fly, lightning? The arrow flew wherever it wanted. Fly, arrow, where I command! Fly, break up, kindle the servant of God (name). So that that fire, the fire, cannot be doused, it cannot be washed down with water, wine, food, prosphora cannot be healed, a healer cannot speak, a warlock cannot be dissuaded, a church bell cannot ring it out, and a woman’s milk cannot wash it away. Just as the lightning arrow is eternal in the sky, so the servant of God (name) will love me forever. Amen.

Snowstorm conspiracy

Not only a thunderstorm can serve as an assistant in love affairs. It has long been accepted love plot read about the blizzard. In this case, the words should not be pronounced as usual, in a quiet voice, but on the contrary, you should shout, trying to conquer the elements with your voice, force it to serve you, to carry out your will.

You need to ensure that the wind becomes your messenger, able to convey to your beloved all the power of feelings. When reading words, stand facing towards the wind. You should know the text by heart and not get confused. The words are as follows:

Vetrishche, Veterishche, Burishche. Bring on your wings the aching dryness, the aching aching. Mix that melancholy and dryness with my cherished words, raise my prayer above the forests and fields. Fly, look for the servant of God (name), and if you find him, call him to me. Wherever you see him, take him, stick all my words into his chest. Pull him, beckon him, don’t let him pass me by! Oh, you great winds, I bow to you, God's servant. Do the job, help, find the servant of God. Let him stand in front of me. He will be my husband, and I will be his wife. For now, for eternity, for infinity. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell on a white tablecloth

To read the spell words, you need to lay out a white tablecloth, new and elegant. They put 3 on it church candles and light them. The text must be spoken 3 times. After each reading, one candle should be extinguished. When the words have been spoken 3 times and 3 candles have been extinguished, you should connect all the candles into one and tighten them tightly using a rope or strong threads.

When they are connected, you need to read again magic words. This time you will have to wait for the bunch to burn to the end. Then they open the window so that the smoke flies into the open space and brings the desired man to you.

O Eternal Lord, I pray to You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable melancholy. The depth is three fathoms of earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the melancholy is immeasurable depth. Lock me up, Lord, and block me, so that the slave (name) does not leave me and does not find another girlfriend. Lock it and take it for yourself; help, Lord, God’s servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then slave (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Legume spell

The peculiarity of legume plants is to produce fruits in a pod, symbolizing a close-knit family. Therefore, this plant often appears in magic and folklore traditions. If we talk about Slavic customs, then the beans themselves come first. To carry out the ritual, you need to soak 12 beans.

It is better to choose good, unspoiled material. When the seeds soften and their skins rise, wait until midnight and carefully peel the core. The peeled skin is used in ritual. It is placed in a container where water is poured in advance. Special words are read above the container:

Just as you, beans, do not exist and do not grow without your skin, so that God’s servant (name) would not be and live without me, suffer and grieve for me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To consolidate the effect of the word, you need to remove the bean peels from the container and eat them, and give the charmed water to your loved one to drink.

Love ritual for pancakes

This ritual is combined with some elements of the funeral dinner. First, kutya is prepared. This requires whole wheat, oats, rice, barley. The grain components represent eternal life. A sweet additive is made to these cereals, for example, honey, candied fruits, raisins, sugar, jam. After all, life in paradise is truly sweet for the soul. You can add hemp, poppy or nut milk.

Both tasty and healthy

There is no need to cook a lot, because for the ritual you only need one spoon. When the kutia is ready, make the usual pancake dough. One spoon of kutya is added to it. Pancakes are baked as usual. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced when all the pancakes are ready, but not a single one has been eaten yet. The words are as follows:

I commemorate for the repose not the one who lies in the earth, but the one who walks on the earth. Just as a dead man is remembered with pancakes and kutya, so let him remember me endlessly: my dear betrothed-mummer. I eat pancakes and kutya for the repose of not the one who lies in the earth, but the one who walks on the earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After these words, you can safely start your meal. Every pancake you eat will bring the man you love closer to you. So don't be picky.

There are a lot of strong conspiracies that bring love into a person’s life, but you should think more than once before turning to them. After all, getting rid of a person attracted by magical means will not be easy. What if this is not your love and it’s better to wait for someone who will strive for you solely thanks to your personal qualities, and not witchcraft?

If you are wondering what magical influence is used most often, then you will see that love spell is used most often. And this has always been the case.

Matters of the heart have always come first for people. Love spell They do it on their own and turn to a magician for help.

There are a huge number of love spells where absolutely everything is used. And the help of light and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below is a love spell for a man during a severe thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this particular natural phenomenon.

Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to have a photograph of a man with you; just knowing his name is enough.

The only difficulty with such a love spell for a city dweller is that it must be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. So if you want bewitch a man in exactly this way, then before thunderstorm you should go out of town. The place should be deserted. To make the love spell really strong, it is recommended to perform it at night.

How to cast a love spell on a thunderstorm:

You need to cast a love spell only on the waxing Moon. At other times there will be no result or it will be completely opposite. You must personify the thunderstorm, addressing it as if it were a living creature. We must establish some kind of connection with her. Usually people are afraid severe thunderstorm, especially when lightning flashes and thunder roars. You should have no such fear at all.

So go out into the desert open place during a thunderstorm and remove all clothing. Stand in the rain, raise your hands up and turn to the raging elements for help. Words can be anything, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the storm how you dream of a man being yours. Say his name. Ask the storm for help.

Another love spell option:

It is based on the ancient Russian belief that during a thunderstorm, demons hide behind people’s backs. If in the first version of the love spell you turned to a personified thunderstorm asking for help, now you will turn to the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you don’t have to go out of town and stand naked in the rain. You can even do it from the balcony, standing under the canopy. The main thing is that you see the thunderstorm. The moon phase should be waxing.

So you stand on the balcony during a thunderstorm and cast the next spell:

"Come to me demon

I will hide you, protect you from the thunderstorm

And you will do me a service.”

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is standing behind you. You can't turn around. Make a request to the demon:

"Demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know that you are standing behind me

And I protect you from thunder and lightning

Do the devil a service to me

Let (man's name) be mine both soul and body

Let him come to me

May we be together

Help me, demon, and I will thank you.”

You need to stand for a while, and then go into the room and go to bed without talking to anyone.

The next day you need to give alms to three beggars. This will be the demon's payment for his work.

Love spell with lightning

There's another one simple plot, which must be read when referring to lightning. It can be read through an open window. When lightning flashes in the sky, say the following words:

"I conjure you, arrows of fire

I conjure you, heavenly creatures

Let (name) come to me

Let him have no peace if I'm not around

Let him think only about me

Let him only want to see me

Let only me be the one who wants to touch

I conjure you, arrows of fire

Do it like this!

Of these three love spells carried out during a thunderstorm, the first option is considered the strongest. So if you really want to get good result, overcome your fear and do as described.

And don't forget that an important condition love spell is that you should not be the first to attempt to see the subject.

Ancient magic is rich in conspiracies. Conspiracies pronounced during a thunderstorm are considered especially powerful. This is explained by the fact that thunder and lightning have long been considered living beings endowed with power. They are subject to the highest gods. The ancestors of the inhabitants of Rus' had Perun as such a god. Spells during thunderstorms and lightning must be used correctly, otherwise they will not have power.

What is the power of thunder spells?

In a wise nature, everything has its meaning and everything is created for benefit. People have long been afraid of thunderstorms, because no one has ever managed to tame lightning. But still it can bring not only harm, but also benefit. Thunderstorm lightning is known to have healing properties.

Here are some examples:

*a lightning strike can bring a paralyzed person to his feet;

*lightning restored sight to blind people;

*often a person caught in a lightning strike develops supernatural abilities.It is known that a love spell on such a person will have enormous magical power;

*water during a thunderstorm is endowed with powerful energy.

Thunderstorm magic: what's the secret?

Today, many sorcerers and witches turn to Saint Elijah, who wields the power of thunder and lightning, for help in healing and other matters.

Thunderstorms also stimulate telepathic abilities and the gift of clairvoyance. The miraculous power of thunder is well preserved in the water, which was fed with energy during a thunderstorm. This water is collected in clay vessels, which are placed in the moonlight so that they are well saturated with its energy.

Thunder will help against diseases:

The magical power of thunder is an excellent remedy for any illness. After all, the energy accumulated during a thunderstorm and accumulated into a love spell will certainly help against illnesses. So if there is a problem at home and someone is sick, turn to thunder. After all, magic can cure many diseases.

During a thunderstorm, especially if lightning flashes strongly, you need to fill a container with water. The next day, at exactly twelve o’clock in the afternoon, you need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth, light two candles brought from the church, put water on the table and pronounce the sentence twelve times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Water flowing from heaven, thunder, shot, scorched by lightning, wash the entire body of the servant of God (name) from black sickness, from exhausted illness. Just as thunder thundered and subsided, just as lightning flashed and went out, so the itching pains, if sore, will go away from the servant of God (name), and he will be healthy according to God’s work and word. Amen".

You should wash your face, hands, and also the chest and legs of the sick person with this water. After washing, water must be poured over the fence, and only after the sun has set.

The verdict for treating illnesses is especially strong during church holiday. If thunder roars on such a holiday, you need to go out into the yard, raise your hands up and when the thunder is heard, say the following words:

“Oh, great Elijah the prophet! Just as your chariot is strong, emitting heavenly thunder, so I, the servant of God (name), will be strong and healthy now and forever. Amen".

Such a sentence improves health, and illnesses will disappear for a long time.

Thunder from troubles:

A person can be warned not only by illnesses, but also by misfortunes: danger, attack by intruders, accidents, the effects of witchcraft, etc. To protect yourself from this, magic will come to the rescue.

When thunder is heard, you must say:

,God! I call you for help! Send the heavenly powers to me, Thy servant (name), for protection. I will dress myself as a talisman against all sorts of troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from sword and fire, from water and misfortune, from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from the evil eye and a bad hour. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

If you meet evil man, magic will also help. During a thunderstorm, you need to draw water and pronounce the following sentence:

Just as the thunder thundered and died down, so you, God’s servant (name), calm down, don’t shout, don’t wave your hands, don’t mock me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Such water can be mixed into the drink or food of a family member who is restless and has a lot of evil.

Protecting your home from a thunderstorm is also easy.

To prevent lightning from striking your threshold, you can simply place a broom on the table. Not only lightning, but also any misfortune will pass you by.

You can also throw a piece of black bread out the window during a thunderstorm, and then pronounce the following sentence:

“Holy, holy, holy, pour out springs on the face of the earth. The living Lord, the eternal God, execute the devil, not us. Amen".

Then you need to find a piece of bread and bury it in the ground.

When performing any magical rituals with candles, you must ensure that they are not placed in salt or grain. All candles are attached only to the candlestick.

Ancient magic is rich in conspiracies. Conspiracies pronounced during a thunderstorm are considered especially powerful. This is explained by the fact that thunder and lightning have long been considered living beings endowed with power. They are subject to the highest gods. The ancestors of the inhabitants of Rus' had Perun as such a god. Spells during thunderstorms and lightning must be used correctly, otherwise they will not have power.

What is the power of thunder spells?

In a wise nature, everything has its meaning and everything is created for benefit. People have long been afraid of thunderstorms, because no one has ever managed to tame lightning. But still it can bring not only harm, but also benefit. Thunderstorm lightning is known to have healing properties. Here are some examples:

  • a lightning strike can bring a paralyzed person to his feet;
  • lightning restored sight to blind people;
  • Often a person caught in a lightning strike develops supernatural abilities. It is known that a love spell on such a person will have enormous magical power;
  • Water during a thunderstorm is endowed with powerful energy.

Today, many sorcerers and witches turn to Saint Elijah, who wields the power of thunder and lightning, for help in healing and other matters.

Thunderstorms also stimulate telepathic abilities and the gift of clairvoyance. The miraculous power of thunder is well preserved in the water, which was fed with energy during a thunderstorm. This water is collected in clay vessels, which are placed in the moonlight so that they are well saturated with its energy.

Thunder will help against diseases

The magical power of thunder is an excellent remedy for any illness. After all, the energy accumulated during a thunderstorm and accumulated into a love spell will certainly help against illnesses. So if there is a problem at home and someone is sick, turn to thunder. After all, magic can cure many diseases.

During a thunderstorm, especially if lightning flashes strongly, you need to fill a container with water. The next day, at exactly twelve o’clock in the afternoon, you need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth, light two candles brought from the church, put water on the table and pronounce the sentence twelve times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Water flowing from heaven, thunder, shot, scorched by lightning, wash the entire body of the servant of God (name) from black sickness, from exhausted illness. Just as thunder thundered and subsided, just as lightning flashed and went out, so the itching pains, if sore, will go away from the servant of God (name), and he will be healthy according to God’s work and word. Amen".

You should wash your face, hands, and also the chest and legs of the sick person with this water. After washing, water must be poured over the fence, and only after the sun has set. The sentence for the treatment of illnesses is especially strong during a church holiday. If thunder roars on such a holiday, you need to go out into the yard, raise your hands up and when the thunder is heard, say the following words:

“Oh, great Elijah the prophet! Just as your chariot is strong, emitting heavenly thunder, so I, the servant of God (name), will be strong and healthy now and forever. Amen".

Such a sentence improves health, and illnesses will disappear for a long time.

Thunder from troubles

A person can be warned not only by illnesses, but also by misfortunes: danger, attack by intruders, accidents, the effects of witchcraft, etc. To protect yourself from this, magic will come to the rescue. When thunder is heard, you must say:

God! I call you for help! Send the heavenly powers to me, Thy servant (name), for protection. I will dress myself as a talisman against all sorts of troubles, from enemies visible and invisible, from sword and fire, from water and misfortune, from a sorcerer and a sorceress, from the evil eye and a bad hour. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you meet an evil person, magic will also help. During a thunderstorm, you need to draw water and pronounce the following sentence:

Just as the thunder thundered and died down, so you, God’s servant (name), calm down, don’t shout, don’t wave your hands, don’t mock me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Such water can be mixed into the drink or food of a family member who is restless and has a lot of evil.

Protecting your home from a thunderstorm is also easy. To prevent lightning from striking your threshold, you can simply place a broom on the table. Not only lightning, but also any misfortune will pass you by. You can also throw a piece of black bread out the window during a thunderstorm, and then pronounce the following sentence:

“Holy, holy, holy, pour out springs on the face of the earth. The living Lord, the eternal God, execute the devil, not us. Amen".

Then you need to find a piece of bread and bury it in the ground.

When performing any magical rituals with candles, you must ensure that they are not placed in salt or grain. All candles are attached only to the candlestick.

The power of a thunder spell

A love spell cast in a thunderstorm has enormous power. With the help of a thunderous love spell, women bewitched men. When planning to make such a love spell, remember that it is only effective when there is a strong thunderstorm. You also need to choose a moment when the moon is waxing and not waning, otherwise you can invite disaster.

And one more thing: love spell done only on a baptized man. Don't forget that black magic works, you will be turning to a demon.

If a thunderstorm starts, you need to go out open balcony and say quietly:

“I call, Ilorun, I whisper your name, Ilorun, I ask for your help, Ilorun. Come to me, I will hide you from thunder and lightning, and you will do me good.”

The phrase must be learned by heart and quietly repeated three times.

After you read such a plot, you will certainly feel that someone is standing behind you. There is no need to be afraid of this. But there is no need to turn around, as the power of the sentence will disappear. Then you need to make this request:

“Ilorun, I feel your breath, I feel your strength, I feel your fear. And with your body I protect you and ask you for help. Let my beloved (the name of the beloved with whom he was baptized in the church) be my soul and body, and for this I will sacrifice our future with him to you once.”

It only needs to be said once. But we must continue to stand on the balcony until the storm passes. But if it subsides, you must immediately return home. Once you have made such a love spell, you need to wait three days. If the demon is interested in your proposal, he will certainly fulfill the request. If he is not interested in your request, he will not do anything.

There is no need to be scared if bruises form on your body after such a love spell. They will go away without treatment, because it is magic.

Conspiracies during a thunderstorm are very powerful. If you know their secrets, you can achieve a lot for yourself.