Dream red towel. Dream interpretation terry towel. Universal dream book for the whole family

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the “towel” dream: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

In a dream, a towel is associated with cleanliness, and also, being an item of personal hygiene, with something inviolable and even intimate. It is these aspects of existence that the dream book first mentions when explaining why this bath attribute is dreamed of.

What you see should not always be taken literally. This well-known object in night dreams can be a harbinger of an important trip or a long journey, as well as a carrier of information.

When you see a terry towel in a dream, the dream book interprets this symbol as a sign of impending changes. Any, even the sharpest turn in fate will turn out to be surprisingly mild and will not upset the dreamer at all.

If the towel in your dream is new and evokes a feeling of cleanliness and aesthetic pleasure, the dream book characterizes this symbol as the start of a white streak in your life. Now is a favorable period for you, try to take maximum advantage from it.

If you happen to not only see a towel in a dream, but also wipe yourself with it, in reality you will be on top: you will be able to win a hopeless argument, defend your interests or point of view, the dream book promises.

Explaining why you dream of buying a towel, the dream book mentions a person who will radically change your life. It is quite possible that you will meet an influential person, or it will turn out that someone you already know has much greater powers than previously thought.

Why you dream of a white towel, the meaning takes on a contradictory character. On the one hand, it erases past adversities, on the other, it can signal an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If everything is in order with your health, the dream book reassures that your option is the first.

Anyone who had a towel on their head in a dream will bathe in the rays of glory, admiration and respect from others. Such a homely and cozy headdress also portends success in love; you can count on affection and understanding.

If you were given a kitchen towel in a dream, in real life expect guests. If you are the giver, the dream book advises you to refrain from excessive praise addressed to someone: so as not to have to take your words back later.

When you wash a towel in a dream, it seems that the time has come to correct the mistakes of the past. Why do you dream about this washing, in most cases it concerns relationships; perhaps you have been unfair to someone for too long.

Versatile interpretations

If you dreamed of a towel, the interpretation of the dream, which is offered by an ancient interpreter, connects this symbol with receiving information. The interpretation dates back to the times when they were embroidered towels, the patterns of which were filled with deep meaning.

Martyn Zadeki's dream book claims that unmarried people who see a towel in a dream will be lucky enough to find a partner in the near future. But the interpreter advises family dreamers to take care of what you have: a dream may be a harbinger of discord.

Grishina's dream book considers a towel as a long sheet reminiscent of a road. The interpretation of what this symbol means in a dream indicates that the dreamer is awaiting a journey or a short, nevertheless significant trip.

A towel is an essential item in the household. Waffle - for the kitchen, soft terry - for the bath, medium size - for hands, small - for the face. And the range of colors is completely diverse: striped, polka dot, single-color, multi-color, and white. Nowhere without a towel! It can even happen in a dream! What does such a dream prophesy?

I dreamed about beautiful towels - good events happened

Who is having the dream: a woman or a man?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the gender of the dreamer:

  • if a woman dreams of a towel, it means the birth of a newborn;
  • for a pregnant woman - to a successful birth;
  • married - to grief and deprivation;
  • for a girl - beware of your rival;
  • For a man, a towel in a dream is a symbol of home comfort.

What the towel looked like: new, clean, embroidered, terry, linen, bath

To explain events in reality, it matters what the thing was in the dream.

  1. I dreamed of a new towel - good times are coming. Take advantage of fate's favor.
  2. Pure - someone unexpected will be affectionate with you.
  3. Embroidered - for a feast and even for a wedding.
  4. Terry - changes are coming. Even if it seems to you that everything is bad, events in life will gently unfold for the better.
  5. Flaxseed - to a rich life.
  6. Bannoe - you will have to make a deal with your conscience.

    Dreaming of a new towel - to well-being in the dreamer’s life

Old, dirty, wet, grave

  1. Old - to failure. Be careful, don't start new things.
  2. Dirty - to discord in the family.
  3. Wet - your friends will deceive you; if someone lays out a wet towel, it means that the dead person is in reality.
  4. A coffin or ritual, which is lowered into a coffin with a deceased person - pay more attention to your health.

Towel color: white, black, red, yellow, pink

To correctly interpret the dream, remember what color the towel was.

  1. White towel: this dream has two interpretations - either it means illness in reality, or the problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Black - for adventure.
  3. Red - to malaise on the upcoming journey.
  4. Yellow - to treason.
  5. Pink - to hopes.

The dreamer's actions: buy, wear on his head, dry himself, wash, give, pack in a suitcase

The answer to the dream also depends on what you do with the towel in the dream.

Interpretation of other dreams: the dead man asks for one towel on a hook or many...

Remember your dreams, interpret them - and let only good things come true!

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Dream book of the writer Aesop

What does a towel mean in the dream book?

Towel - A symbol of purity, hospitality, harmony, love and respect. Wiping your hands in a dream on the same towel with someone predicts a quarrel; a dirty towel means troubles in family life, a quarrel; wiping your face with a towel symbolizes joyful events, a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance. If you dream of a Towel, the Towel has long been considered a symbol of hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

At a wedding, the newlyweds are tied to each other with a towel, and if they wipe their hands on the same towel at the same time, this will lead to a quarrel. Perhaps this is exactly what your subconscious wants to tell you. In your night dreams, seeing an embroidered towel is a sign of a cheerful feast. A dirty towel means trouble in family life, a disagreement with a loved one. Wiping your face with a towel means an unexpected joyful event, a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about a Towel in dreams?

Towel - Wet and you can’t find a dry one - deception of friends, this is an interpretation of what you dreamed at night. Towel - Wet towels lay down - tear road (dead person, Muscovites). Towel - to death. If you dream of an embroidered towel, expect a long-awaited letter from someone. If you dream of canvas, there will be some kind of distant road, and if towels are a close road, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Towel - Drying yourself with a towel in a dream is a sign that there is a chance to clear yourself of accusations by winning a hopeless case. The towel symbolizes the road, joy. Seeing a wet towel is a sign of deception; throwing it on yourself is a sign of joy; wiping yourself with a clean towel means unexpected affection; dirty ones mean the danger of being involved in a dirty story. If you dream of an embroidered towel, you will receive a long-awaited letter.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Towel - Justification; disease. Towel – Dirty – envy; interrupt - hostility. Towel - Disease. The more, the more severe the disease. Whose towel is the one who gets sick? Giving a towel to “jinx it.” Refrain from praise and excessive joyful emotions. This may have an undesirable effect. With a towel – Wiping your face or hands means the road. With a towel – Covering yourself is a joy; wipe off - road; wet - a friend will deceive.

You dreamed of a Towel - To the road. Dirty Towel - to lies and deception. Ironing a towel means reconciliation after a long quarrel. Looking at an embroidered towel means trying to get new sensations. What does a Towel mean in a dream - clean, new - for good health, old or dirty - the opposite meaning. Drying yourself with a fresh towel is a break from everyday worries.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about a Towel - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of a Towel - you have a road ahead. Imagine that you are drying yourself with a clean, very soft towel, the touch of which gives you pleasure. Towel - In a dream you seem to be wiping yourself with a dry, fresh towel - you will be able to ward off unfounded, perhaps even ridiculous, accusations. You dry yourself with a towel and find that it is not dry - perhaps you will deceive your friends, perhaps they will deceive you.

You see bread and salt on a towel - this dream reminds you: perhaps you haven’t been to your parents for a long time; meanwhile they are waiting for you every day. It’s as if you are wiping away blood with a towel - an accident will happen to one of your relatives - you will be one of the first to know about it. It’s as if you are looking for a large terry towel in the store and cannot find it - the dream suggests that your life is unsettled; you would like comfort and peace, but every day new worries come.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

What book do people who need to interpret their night vision start turning to? This is, of course, a dream book. A towel is not a very common symbol in dreams. However, despite this, it has a rather interesting meaning.


First, we should talk about how the image itself is explained, and then discuss the information that the dream book gives us. The towel is a symbol of harmony, hospitality, as well as respect and love. It’s not for nothing that there is a good old wedding tradition when the newlyweds are tied with a towel. This is how they once again strengthen their bonds.

But if a person dreamed that he and someone else were wiping their hands on the same towel at the same time, then in real life one should expect a quarrel. But an embroidered towel foreshadows a cheerful festive feast.

A dirty towel will foretell trouble. Miller's dream book assures that after such a vision one should expect troubles in the family and in relationships with a loved one. If something like this has been planned for a long time, it is worth trying to prevent it.

But if a person wipes his face with it, then in reality something good will happen, some kind of joyful event. Perhaps a long-awaited meeting.

Modern book of interpretations

A vision that featured a clean, new, white towel can be considered a good sign. The dream book claims that this is a sign of rest, pleasure and pleasant relaxation. But being dirty and generally unflattering-looking, it can only bring resentment and failure. If the dreamer has some important event planned for the near future, then perhaps it will end in failure. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, it is very important to prepare for the case as much as possible. And expect the worst. Then the fiasco won't be so offensive. And if everything goes well, there will be twice as much joy.

A wet towel is a symbol of anxiety, and a common one, with which everyone is wiped, usually dreams of a showdown. Seeing a single piece of fabric hanging on a hook means a quarrel. Moreover, it will most likely arise on the initiative of the dreamer. If you want to avoid litigation, it is better to restrain yourself emotionally in the near future.

And one more interesting point that the dream book notes. A towel can be considered a symbol of hostility towards someone if the person in the story tore it to shreds. Perhaps soon a person will appear in his life, communication with whom will not bring any pleasure.

Chinese dream book

When a person dreams of a small hand towel, he should be more attentive to his health, as this usually promises illness and disease. If a girl sees a snow-white new towel, perhaps her husband will soon propose to her. But a vision with the same plot for a married person is a bad sign, because it means problems in relationships and grief.

Wiping your face with a towel means heading towards the road. If it was linen, then it means abundance and wealth. Wrapping yourself in a towel means receiving good news or gifts from a loved one or friend. A wet towel is not a good sign, as it portends deception and lies from a person from whom this was definitely not expected.

Book of interpretations by Tsvetkov

If a long towel appeared in the vision, then soon the person will set off on a long journey. Perhaps there will be a business trip or travel. The main thing is that it is not wet, because in this case the road will be unpleasant, even sad. If the fabric is rough, the person will have to go through a series of tests. It will be difficult, but the dreamer will cope, which will lead him to happiness.

But a nice and dry towel is a good sign. Soon everything that gnaws at a person and poisons his life will simply disappear. The problems will be resolved, and he will be able to move on with his life in peace.

Interacting with an Item

To give an accurate explanation of a particular vision, it is very important to remember whether the person in the dream had any relation to the object that appeared in it. So, for example, if he bought a towel, then there is nothing to be afraid of, since this promises comfort in the house and well-being in relations with his soulmate. This is what the English dream book says.

The towel was dirty, and the person dried himself with it? It's worth listening to this vision. Because most often this speaks of gossip and rumors spread by ill-wishers around the dreamer’s personality. And, most likely, they relate to his personal life. But if the towel was clean, it means that the person will only be convinced of the correctness of the decision he made on any occasion. Almost every dream book assures us of this.

The towel is new, but the dreamer decided to wash it? This means that in real life he will have to make amends for his wrongdoing. Perhaps not so long ago a person did something bad, and it greatly hurt his loved ones. If nothing like this happened, then it may happen soon. Therefore, it is recommended to think about your every action in order to prevent mistakes.

Other details

Another point that the dream book warns about. A towel - terry, waffle, bath, kitchen - means something of its own. Therefore, it is very important to remember which one of them appeared in the dream. Terry, for example, symbolizes hostility (according to the esoteric dream book). Perhaps someone doesn’t like the dreamer very much. Waffle promises empty promises. If a girl dreams of a kitchen towel, you should expect trouble from men. And a bath towel is usually dreamed of by people who, for some reason, are tormented by their conscience. This means that soon the dreamer will come to a compromise with his inner voice.

But a linen towel is the most pleasant sign. Such a dream foreshadows well-being, financial condition and the onset of the so-called white streak in life.

According to Freud

This dream book can also tell you a lot of interesting information. A towel on the head, for example, usually dreams of an upcoming important event that will literally turn a person’s life upside down. If he just wrapped himself in it, he should expect changes, and of a positive nature.

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Why do you dream about a Towel in a dream?

Towel if shared- you will have to explain yourself to a relative; individual - on your initiative, a quarrel will occur in the family.

Russian dream book

Towel - you will have to go on a visit; hold a towel in your hands- transition from a bad period to a good one.

Russian folk dream book

A towel is a symbol of purity, hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

Dry your hands in a dream, on the same towel with someone- predicts a quarrel; dirty towel- to troubles in family life, quarrel; wipe your face with a towel- to joyful events, meeting with a friend or old acquaintances.

Dream Interpreter

Use a towel to wipe your face or hands- means the road.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Towel in a dream?

Drying yourself with a towel in a dream- a sign that there is a chance to clear yourself of the charges by winning in a hopeless case.

A towel symbolizes the road, joy.

Wet towel see- to deception, throw it on yourself- to joy, dry with a clean towel- to unexpected affection, dirty - to the danger of being involved in a dirty story.

If you dream of an embroidered towel- to receive the long-awaited letter.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A towel is a road, a joy.

Put it on yourself- joy from a friend.

Clean, use it to wipe off- weasel.

Wipe dirty- low adventure, uncleanness.

Dream book for a bitch

A towel is a long journey, a boring and uninteresting journey.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Clean, beautiful towels in a dream- portend rest and pleasant relaxation.

Dirty or wet towel- a sign of resentment and failure. Perhaps some of your business will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation of Health

See a clean towel- the need for cleansing and restorative procedures; dirty towel- to illness; perhaps they feel hostility and envy towards you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Towel - marriage; for married people - grief, loss.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Towel in a dream?

The towel is dirty- envy; interrupt - hostility.

Chinese dream book

Hand towel, sling straps- you'll get sick.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Towel in a dream?

Buying a towel in a dream- portends well-being and comfort in the home. Towel- means that in reality you will be convinced of the correctness of the decision you made. Dirty towel- a sign of gossip and innuendo around your personal life.

Wash a towel- means that in reality you will have to make amends for your guilt with a virtuous act and thereby raise your shaky authority among loved ones.

Linen towel- portends well-being achieved through economy and frugality; terry - hostility of new neighbors; waffle - to empty promises; bath - a compromise with one’s own conscience; kitchen - to troubles from men.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The towel is wet and you can’t find a dry one- deception of friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Towel according to the dream book?

The towel is an excuse; disease.

Aesop's Dream Book

A towel has long been considered a symbol of hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

At a wedding, the newlyweds are tied to each other with a towel, and if they wipe their hands on the same towel at the same time- this will lead to a quarrel. Perhaps this is exactly what your subconscious wants to tell you.

In a dream, see an embroidered towel- to a fun feast.

Dirty towel- troubles in family life, a disagreement with a loved one.

Dry your face with a towel- to an unexpected joyful event, to a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance.

Ukrainian dream book

Wet towels lay down- tearful road to death.

If you dream of an embroidered towel- wait for a long-awaited letter from someone.

If you dream about canvas- there will be some kind of distant road.

Gypsy dream book

Linen towel- wealth, abundance.

Esoteric dream book

The towel is a disease. The more, the more severe the disease. Whose towel is the one who gets sick?

Give a towel- “to jinx it.” Refrain from praise and excessive joyful emotions. This may have an undesirable effect.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Towel according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about a towel? This story- suggests that you can experience pleasant emotions along the way.

More interpretations

If you wiped yourself with it, you will be able to defend your innocence, although the situation seems deplorable to you.

If it was wet- they will try to fool you.

The towel you were wearing- a symbol of positive change.

Dirty - you will be related to unpleasant events.

Embroidered towel- promises you long-awaited news.

Dreaming that you wrapped your hair in a towel- soon some extraordinary event awaits you, which will become a turning point in your destiny. By correctly building your line of behavior, you can ensure rapid success for yourself, as well as understand the true essence of everything that surrounds you.

According to the dream book, a towel that has never been used- promises you great luck in everything, you will rapidly move up the career ladder and improve your well-being.

If it is snow-white, just washed- this is a sure sign that all your efforts and efforts will be noted and generously rewarded.

Video: Why do you dream about a Towel?

In the morning, waking up from sleep, you may wonder why you dream of a towel, if something like that was in your dream. A towel is generally associated with cleanliness and personal hygiene. It is these aspects of life that are mentioned first in dream books.

How to interpret a dream

What you dream about in a dream does not always need to be taken literally. A towel is an object well known to every person; in night dreams it can become a harbinger of an important trip or a long journey.

It is believed that a terry towel in a dream is a harbinger of future life changes. However, all changes and surprises will pass surprisingly easily and gently for the dreamer.

If in a dream you saw a new towel, causing aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of cleanliness, it means that you are on the eve of a white streak in your life. Since a favorable period is approaching in life, it is necessary to use its opportunities to the maximum, but at the same time do not forget to take care of your loved ones, participate in charity and remain kind to the people around you.

If in a dream you not only looked at a towel, but also used it for its intended purpose, it means that in real life you will be right, you will win an argument, you will be able to prove your point of view, and defend your interests.

Purchasing a towel in a night dream in the dream book is interpreted as imminent dramatic changes in your life. Perhaps you will meet a new person who will become an authority for you, or vice versa, you will find out that one of your old acquaintances has greater capabilities than you thought.

A white towel is interpreted very differently in different dream books. Some of them say that this is a symbol meaning the erasure of old adversities, others promise an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If your health is normal, you can reassure yourself that the first option is closer to you.

If in a dream you saw yourself with a towel on your head, you will soon achieve success and universal respect. Such a cozy and homely headdress is also a good period in personal relationships, when you will be filled with affection and understanding.

A kitchen towel given by someone in a dream promises that in real life you need to expect the arrival of guests. If you gave the towel, the dream book advises not to praise someone excessively, because after a while you may regret what you said.

Washing a towel in a dream - this dream reminds you that the time has come to correct the mistakes made in the past. This kind of washing usually concerns relationships, so start to benefit from everything that happened to you earlier, forgive the person for his mistakes, accept the fact of the breakup and wish him good luck.

Versatile interpretations

One of the ancient interpreters says that if you dreamed of a towel, you should expect to receive new information. As you know, previously embroidered towels were filled with deep meaning and the corresponding symbols were stitched onto them.

Martyn Zadeki’s dream book states that for unmarried people, sleeping with a towel promises a meeting with their soul mate in the near future. But for families, it is important now to preserve what you have, since a dream can warn of misunderstandings and discord in relationships.

Grishina's dream book considers a towel as a long sheet symbolizing the road. Thus, the dream should be interpreted as a promise of an imminent short but significant trip or trip to another country.

Everything we see in a dream is not accidental and has its own meaning. Thus, interpreters answer the question of why a towel is dreamed of in different ways. A towel seen in a dream can tell a lot and, depending on the circumstances of the dream, its meaning can be interpreted in different ways.

How to interpret a dream

Dreams should not always be taken literally: a towel is a thing familiar to every person, therefore one of its main meanings in a dream is a quick trip or a long trip.

Dream interpretation towel

First of all, a towel is a hygiene item and is associated with cleanliness, and at the same time, with something personal and inviolable. However, different interpreters interpret the towel seen in a dream in their own way.

In the old days, various signs and symbols with deep meaning were embroidered on towels, so it was believed that dreaming of a towel meant receiving new information.

According to Martyn Zadeki's dream book, seeing a towel in a dream for an unmarried person means that you will soon meet your other half. For family people, the dream warns of possible problems in relationships with their spouse, so it is important to take action in time.

In Grishina's dream book the towel symbolizes the road and is interpreted as a promise to you of a significant trip or travel to another country in the near future.

Dream book for a bitch interprets a dream in which a towel was seen as a tiring road, a boring trip.

Esoteric dream book. Why do you dream about a towel?

    • Esotericists believe that towel in a dream portends an illness of its owner, and the larger its size, the more severe the illness will be;
    • Give a towel to a person - to “jinx” him.

Dream book of the 21st century. What does dreaming about a towel mean?

According to interpreters, a towel in a dream means a path, a road, joy.

  • If in your dream you wipe yourself, in real life you will be able to preserve your good name by winning a difficult case and save yourself from false accusations. Dry with a clean towel- to unexpected affection, dirty - there will be serious problems, you may be drawn into an unpleasant story.
  • Wet towel symbolizes lies and intrigue, but throwing it on yourself is a sign of joy,
  • If you dreamed embroidered towel, then you will soon receive the long-awaited letter.

What else could a towel mean in a dream?

  • If you saw it in a dream terry towel, expect serious changes in life, and all changes will go smoothly.
  • Had a dream a nice new clean towel- this means that soon there will be a favorable period in your life, so you need to use all available chances to the maximum, but at the same time remember about your family and friends, do good deeds and help those in need.
  • White towels in a dream are interpreted differently: one interpretation speaks of an exacerbation of chronic ailments, another of moral cleansing, erasing old problems. Also, white towels in a dream can symbolize comfort.
  • See dirty towel– to conflicts with relatives, intrigues and rumors. Wiping yourself with it means problems, participation in a dirty business.
  • Wet towel dreams of betrayal or deception on the part of friends.
  • Bath towel in a dream speaks of uncertainty in one’s rightness.
  • If you dreamed about embroidery, it means a cheerful celebration or long-awaited news.
  • Kitchen - there will be a meeting and communication with a pleasant man.
  • Old towel dreams of health problems or fatigue.
  • Flaxseed - financial well-being in the family, prosperity.

Often in a dream you can see a towel being manipulated. Dream books interpret them as follows:

  • Hold a towel in your hands- to change for the better, but to see a wet towel in your hands is a sign of resentment and injustice.
  • If in a dream you dry yourself with a towel, then in reality you will be able to prove that you are right, defend your interests or win a bet.
  • Wipe your face and hands– a trip or journey is coming, the dream may also indicate that you will make the right decision. Drying your hands with a towel together with someone in a dream means that in the future there will be close communication with this person.
  • Dry your body with a towel- to recovery, or that you will win the case in court.
  • A towel wrapped around your head speaks of quick fame and respect from others. I dreamed of a wet towel thrown over my head - to unexpected joy, a letter from a friend.
  • Tearing a towel - to a quarrel, damaged relationships, hatred
  • The dream in which you wash the towel, suggests that the time has come to correct the mistakes of the past, or let go of old grievances, forgive and let go of those who once hurt. This applies to your relationships, so you need to learn from the past and use your experiences in the future.
  • If in a dream they give you a towel- wait for the guests to arrive; if you dreamed that you were giving, do not praise someone excessively, as you will soon regret your words.
  • Buy a towel in a dream - to changes in life associated with one person: perhaps a new acquaintance will appear who will become a support and authority, or you will learn that someone from your environment has much more influence than you thought.

By interpreting one dream from different dream books, having learned what a towel is in a dream about, you can get to know yourself better, but when interpreting any dream, take into account your life situation and your own well-being.

A dream about a towel represents purity of relationships, cordiality, hospitality, a long journey and an exciting journey. But if this bath accessory is dirty or wet, you should beware of family problems and failures in the work sphere.

Why do you dream about a towel?

Russian folk dream book

A new, clean towel - dreams of joyful events, long-awaited guests, serious relationships.

Wiping your face with it is a good sign. Wiping your hands together with someone with the same towel means disagreements, misunderstandings, and possible quarrels.

Dirty - to a series of conflicts with relatives.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

The dream book explains the image of a dirty, old or wet towel as a warning of deception. A dirty trick can be expected from close comrades.

Ukrainian dream book

A wet towel means tears; spreading it out means an unsuccessful trip or the possible death of someone you know.

An embroidered bath accessory symbolizes news from a loved one.

Dream book of the 21st century

To get out of a difficult situation - this is what a towel means in a dream, if it is clean and the dreamer wipes himself with it.

Just seeing a towel means an easy road, the trip will go without any difficulties. Throwing it on yourself, covering yourself with a clean one - you can expect a joyful event. Light flirting and intimacy with a loved one are not excluded.

Dirty - to participate in a dubious event. Embroidered - to pleasant news, useful information.

Esoteric dream book

The interpreter explains this symbol as a warning. Health deserves attention. The larger the size of this accessory, the more serious the illness. Giving a towel means you shouldn’t brag about your achievements in reality, they will be jinxed.

Chinese dream book

A towel almost always symbolizes illness. You should adhere to preventive measures and devote more time to sleep at night.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buying a towel means family well-being, understanding, and trusting relationships. Their dream of wiping themselves means that soon in reality the dreamer will understand that the decision in a controversial matter was made correctly.

Wash - in reality, you will have to correct previously made mistakes. It won't be easy to do, but it will be worth it. The good name will be restored.

A kitchen towel means your spouse will cause trouble. Waffle - you need to be prepared to be deceived. Terry - you should improve relationships with neighbors or colleagues before the situation gets worse.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A clean, new, beautiful towel means success, peace of mind, and a pleasant pastime. Dirty, wet - failure in work is possible, you need to double-check the “key” points in advance.