DIY topiary: creative handicraft. How to make a topiary with your own hands How to make a tree of happiness with your own hands

Do you once again have the desire to make some home or garden decorations with your own hands? A topiary made with your own hands is a stylish decoration in the hand-made style that will clearly complement the composition of any style. The term topiary is a decorative trimming of a tree, in our case, because... If the tree is artificial, the cutting will be done from scrap materials. The tree itself is usually called the tree of happiness, so it would be wrong to buy a ready-made product, because we should create happiness ourselves, and not buy it!

The material for creating a topiary or “tree of happiness” can be very different, ranging from fresh flowers, shells, pebbles, paper to fresh fruits, coffee beans and candies. The tree of happiness can imitate the appearance of a real tree, or acquire new fabulous shapes and colors. As for the size of the original topiary, they can range from figurines in the a la style to huge indoor trees. Video and photo instructions are present.

How to make a tree of happiness with your own hands?

An example of a do-it-yourself topiary made from coffee beans Herringbone topiary. Tree of happiness, silt topiary flowers. A coffee tree made from coffee beans, that’s where the tree of happiness with the smell of cheerfulness is!

Don’t think that you, as a beginner, won’t be able to make a unique topiary. All you need is inexpensive improvised means, knowledge of the “anatomy” of the tree of happiness and a little creative thinking! So, first, let’s figure out what the tree of happiness consists of. First of all, this is a pot, a stick for the trunk and a ball for the crown. See below how to make all these “organs” of the tree of happiness.

The video shows a master class on creating a topiary - a tree of happiness on your own.

Another video with a master class on creating a tree of happiness.

Topiary pot

It should immediately be emphasized that the size of the pot should in no case exceed the size of the ball for the crown of the tree of happiness, otherwise the entire aesthetic appearance of such a topiary will be lost. As for the design of the pot, you can either buy a brightly designed finished product, or make your own happiness. But you shouldn’t create a topiary by choosing a pot, because... then it will be difficult to make the tree of happiness itself.

Topiary crown ball

To create a crown ball, you guessed it, you need a ball. You can make it from improvised means (for example, crumple up paper and wrap it with tape or thread) or try to look for a plastic or rubber ball. If the ball for the crown will not be pasted over, but pierced with decorations, you can cut the ball out of foam plastic.

Stick for the trunk of the tree of happiness

Everything is simple here, you need to find a long, even stick, which will soon be painted or covered with tape. The main thing is that the stick is not short, because it will go from the base of the pot to the top of the pierced ball (a short stick will make the happiness tree short, and then the decoration will not look good).

Auxiliary materials

As for auxiliary materials for creating a topiary or tree of happiness on your own, these include:

  • Glue.
  • Cement/gypsum/alabaster – is needed so that the crown ball does not outweigh the pot and the product does not fall. First, mix the solution, then pour it into the pot and immediately stick a stick into the trunk of the future tree that will give you happiness. If the pot is already heavier than the crown ball, the heavy solution can be replaced with polyurethane foam.
  • Pebbles, glass, sand, shells are needed to decorate the base of the tree of happiness. The required material is simply glued on top of the frozen solution.
  • Accessories for decorating the tree - they will be used to decorate the crown ball itself. Popular options include pine cones, dried flowers, pebbles, shells, cocktail umbrellas, bows, corrugated paper, coffee beans, beans and anything else you can think of!

Master class on creating topiary from coffee beans with your own hands

To create a coffee tree of happiness you will need:

  • A glass of sand/cement/gypsum,
  • Super glue,
  • A wooden stick, at least 20 cm long,
  • About 100g roasted coffee beans,
  • Sippy cup,
  • Plastic ball with a diameter of 8-9 cm,
  • Washing brush for whitewashing,
  • A spool of brown thread,
  • Scissors,
  • Universal transparent glue,
  • Several money rubber bands,
  • Rope – twine 50 cm long.

The video shows a master class on creating a coffee topiary - a tree of happiness.

Step by step guide to creating a coffee tree of happiness

  1. Using scissors, we cut a hole in the plastic ball, into which the barrel stick will later be inserted, on which the ball will be held.

  2. We disassemble the washcloth for whitewashing; we need strands of washcloth.
  3. Using a money elastic band, we fix one end of the bast thread on the stick, lubricate the entire stick with universal glue and paste it with the bast thread to the top, and also fix the end of the stick with a money rubber band. We insert the stick into a plastic ball, which will play the role of the crown of the future coffee tree.

  4. Coat the ball with universal glue and wrap it with brown threads. This is necessary so that the coffee beans will stick more easily in the future.
  5. Next, we begin to cover the ball with coffee beans. To do this, we use super glue, which we apply to each grain and glue separately. You don't need to glue everything in one place; it is recommended to glue both top and bottom at the same time. For convenience, you can use liquid nails or a glue gun instead of super glue.
  6. To make the ball look more impressive, apply another layer of coffee beans on top of the already glued ones.
  7. We create an original pot for the coffee tree of happiness with the smell of vigor and freshness. To do this, we again use a sponge thread, the length of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the glass. We lay out a row of sponge threads on the table, grease the bottom of the glass with universal glue and place it on the prepared threads. We cut off the protruding ends.
  8. In the same way we glue the side surface of the glass. The length of the sponge threads should be 2-3 cm greater than the height of the glass. Apply glue to the glass, lean the prepared threads and trim the remains so that all the edges are trimmed at the bottom and protrude 2 cm at the top. Next, we tie the bottom of the glass with twine.

  9. Using universal glue and long strands of sponge, we glue the funnel and screw the finished tree trunk into it.

  10. Pour sand or plaster into a glass, screw a funnel into it, carefully pushing back the “fringe”.
  11. We also tie the top of the glass with twine and, if necessary, trim the top edges with scissors.
  12. Well, in fact, your tree of happiness is ready! Now you can place a couple of coffee beans at the base of the trunk (to create the appearance of fallen leaves) and, if desired, place a butterfly on the crown of the tree. We put the topiary in a prominent place and enjoy its beautiful appearance and invigorating smell!

In the interior you can often find a homemade topiary or a tree of happiness, which attracts good luck, financial wealth and good mood.

Topiary in a mug

How to make a tree of happiness with your own hands? Everything is very simple. To do this you will need the following set of materials, namely:

Master class: DIY tree of happiness in a mug

Let's prepare necessary materials:

  • a ball-shaped piece of polystyrene foam;
  • a beautiful mug;
  • artificial flowers;
  • a wooden stick or a regular pencil;
  • decorative ribbons for winding the barrel;
  • ball. It should be the same diameter as the mug;
  • some artificial moss or grass.

Wrapping pencil with tape and insert it into the ball. Alternatively, you can fix it using polyurethane foam in a mug.

Next, you need to insert and artificial flowers so that there are no empty spaces. After this, the finished crown is strung onto the trunk. Decorative moss or grass is used as decoration. Also, in addition, you can plant an artificial butterfly on the edge of the mug.

Photo of a tree of happiness with your own hands from corrugated paper. This topiary is made according to the same principle as topiary in a cup. Only to decorate it, instead of artificial flowers, you can use flowers made of multi-colored corrugated paper.

How to make a coffee tree?

Topiaries made from aromatic plants are very popular. They serve not only to decorate the interior, but also to fill it with aroma. Happiness trees made from coffee beans are very popular.

To make such a tree you will need the following materials:

  • roasted coffee beans - 100 gr.;
  • sippy cup;
  • whitewash brush;
  • blank in the shape of a plastic ball. The optimal diameter of the ball is 8-9 cm;
  • scissors;
  • brown threads;
  • two rubber bands for money;
  • universal colorless glue;
  • sand, gypsum or cement - 200 g;
  • branch or stick 20 cm long and 1.5-2 cm thick;
  • twine 50 cm.

Coffee Tree Making Guide

Using scissors, you need to make one hole in the plastic blank.

Let's sort it out whitewash brush on strands.

Attach the strands to one end of the branch. For these purposes we use an elastic band for money. Coat the future “trunk” with glue and glue it in a spiral threads. You can secure the thread at the other end of the stick with an elastic band.

We glue the ball-shaped blank with brown threads. You can also take fibers from poplar fiber for these purposes.

Using super glue, liquid nails or a glue gun, glue the ball with the first layer grains.

Tip: it is best to glue the grains in a chaotic order. Glue must be applied directly to each grain and quickly glued to the workpiece. All work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

The second layer is done in the same way.

Create an original one tree pot. To do this you will need strands from the brush. We coat the bottom of the container with universal glue and place it on the strands laid out on the table. Threads that protrude beyond the edges must be trimmed.

We cut the strands of the brush. They should be 3 cm longer than the height of the container. Next, you need to apply glue to the glass. Moreover, the glue is not applied to the entire surface. You should leave 2.5-3 cm on top. Next, the container is glued with strands prepared in advance. After this, it is tied at the bottom with twine, and the excess is cut off. It is also necessary to trim the strands from above. As a result of this, the threads should rise two centimeters above the glass.

Pour into a container filler. This could be sand or gypsum. You can also use polyurethane foam for these purposes. Next, you need to move the strands at the top and place a funnel with a barrel on the container.

The container should be tied at the top twine.

Finally, you can place a few coffee beans near the barrel. You can also lay moss at the base of the composition and place an insect on the crown.

Flat coffee topiary

To create such a flat coffee topiary with a magnet, you need to stock up on the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you need to do before starting work is to turn on heat gun so that it warms up.

While the heat gun is heating up, you can do blanks. To do this, you need to draw a circle and a pot on cardboard and cut out these details using scissors.

Assembling the tree parts. Crown and pot connect using a flat stick. To do this, you need to insert the stick into the cardboard blank so that it is between two layers of paper.

To fix the parts together we use glue.

The workpiece must be glued burlap on both sides.

Tip: the burlap on one side should be equal to the diameter of the workpiece, and on the other side - slightly larger. This way you can hide the ends of the cardboard and the tree will look beautiful from behind.

Improvised potty decorate as well as the crown.

We glue it on the back magnets.

Decorating the crown coffee beans. They are attached with glue along the edges of the workpiece. Moreover, the grains should be arranged with the cuts downwards.

We glue the next row so that the grains are arranged with the cuts facing up. We alternate subsequent rows in the same way as the first and second rows.

To give the crown volume, it is necessary to glue several layers in its central part.

Finally, you will need to glue decorative ribbons and lace.

Topiary - tree of happiness made of boxwood

To make this decoration you will need the following materials:

  • boxwood branches. Both artificial and natural branches are suitable for topiary;
  • decorative container;
  • artificial flowers;
  • a little moss;
  • filler. In our case it will be gravel;
  • wire.

Step-by-step instructions for making topiary - the tree of happiness

Inserted into the workpiece boxwood branches so that there are no voids.

The branches that will serve as the trunk must be tied wire.

A hole is made in the spherical blank and the ball is placed on the barrel.

A layer of moss must be placed on top of the gravel.

The crown can be decorated with artificial flowers.

DIY money topiary

Topiary can also be made from artificial paper money. Such decoration can attract financial well-being to its owner. Making such a money topiary with your own hands is not particularly difficult.

For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction

Decorating the pot. Colors the upper part, about one or two centimeters. For these purposes, it is best to use acrylic paint. Cover the rest of the pot with twine. For these purposes, apply a thin layer of glue over the entire surface using a toothpick. The end of the twine is securely fixed with glue.

The basis for the crown we make it from old newspaper and thread. To do this, simply crumple newspaper sheets and wrap them with thread. In our case, the workpiece is about 10-11 cm in diameter. In order for the ball to be durable, it must be coated with PVA glue. After the glue has dried, you need to make a hole three to four centimeters deep in the workpiece.

12-15 skewers need to be tied together. Their number depends on the diameter of the paper blank. We tie the skewers on both sides with thread. Using a hot glue gun, pump hot glue into the hole and immediately insert the tied swords there. After the glue has dried, you can begin wrapping the trunk with twine. During the wrapping process, coat the barrel with glue. We fix the ends of the twine.

Napkins or newspapers must be torn into pieces. PVA glue is mixed one to one with water. Next, one or two layers of the adhesive mixture are applied to the newspaper blank so that the threads and newspaper are not visible.

Let's do gypsum mortar and pour it into the pot. There should be about one centimeter left to the top edge of the pot. The trunk must be installed in the center of the pot. If necessary, hold the barrel with the workpiece until the mixture hardens. This process takes about 15-20 minutes.

While the plaster hardens, you can make blanks from artificial banknotes. To do this, they need to be cut in the shape of a circle. To make disks you will need artificial money measuring 15.5x6.5 cm. On average, our ball will need 17-18 disks. The paper blanks must be folded in the form of an accordion with a width of about one centimeter. We tie the resulting accordion in the middle with a ribbon, and glue its ends on both sides.

We glue the bills to the ball from bottom to top. Hot glue is used for these purposes. We close the gaps with coins.

From paper money We make elements of different shapes and attach them in a chaotic manner.

You can decorate plaster using sisal.

We place small ones under the tree burlap bags. To do this, cut out a circle from the fabric, the diameter of which is about 9-10 cm. Take a needle with a strong thread and stitch it along the entire circumference at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge. After this we tighten the thread. We place a large coin inside the bag and fill it with cotton wool or padding polyester on top. We tighten the bag and secure it with several stitches.

Decorative parts should be glued to the pot, and the crown can be decorated with coins.

DIY ribbon topiary

Do-it-yourself topiary made from ribbons looks very impressive. To make such a decoration you will need the following materials:

  • ball-shaped blank made of polystyrene foam;
  • stick or pencil;
  • ribbons;
  • glue;
  • decorative pot;
  • invisible.

The tape is cut into small strips and wound around your finger to form rings. Then, one by one, you need to attach the formed rings to the workpiece. At the same time, make sure that there are no empty spaces on the ball. On one side, the pencil is inserted into a ball with ribbons, and on the other, it is inserted into a pot filled with gravel. As a decoration, you can put decorative frost or decorate with trimmings from ribbons.

Topiary - a tree of happiness with your own hands from fresh flowers

Topiary can also be made from fresh flowers. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • decorative container;
  • plastic bag;
  • chopsticks or branches;
  • putty;
  • floral sponge;
  • decorative ribbons and wire;
  • Natural flowers. In our case, 9 roses.

We wrap the inside of the pot with a bag and fill it with putty solution so that 5-7 cm remains on top. Insert a stick into the solution and leave it overnight. After the putty has hardened, the remainder of the bag must be cut off.

Cut out a circle from a floral sponge and fill the pot with it to the very top. Next, wet the sponge and place a layer of moss on top. You need to stick roses in the central part of the sponge. They can be secured using decorative tapes with wooden rods. Bows can be used for decoration.

DIY paper topiary

DIY paper topiaries are very popular. They can be made according to any of the above instructions. For the base you will need a polystyrene foam ball, a decorative small vase, a pencil and paper flowers. To make flowers, you can use both regular and corrugated paper. To revive the topiary, you can use regular moss, which is usually placed in a vase.

Candy topiary master class

To make such a topiary you will need a standard set: a ball-shaped blank, a pot, stems, ribbons and about 300 grams of colored candies. The process of making such a topiary is standard. The rod is inserted into the pot, the ball-shaped workpiece is covered with a red ribbon. The lollipops are glued on top using a glue gun. To avoid staining the candies, it is better to take them with tweezers. The space around the trunk can be decorated with glass pebbles or large beads.

Topiary from lollipops

This decoration is easy to make with your own hands. On each lollipop you need to stick a drawn eye. Next, all the candies are stuck into a sphere-shaped blank made of polystyrene foam.

Balloon topiary

A topiary made from balloons looks beautiful. In order to make such a decoration you will need the following materials:

  • polystyrene foam blanks in the shape of a ball and cube;
  • pencil or flat wooden stick;
  • multi-colored small size balloons - 70 pcs.;
  • multi-colored large size balloons - 70 pcs.;
  • small sawdust;
  • glue or putty;
  • decorative pot;
  • pins or paper clips.

The process of making such a tree is standard. Only on the ball-shaped blank, instead of flowers, balloons tied together are attached.

DIY shell topiary

Another original idea is to make your own topiary from shells. Such a tree will long remind you of a summer vacation on the seashore. To create such a masterpiece you need to stock up on the following materials:

First we do tree crown. To do this, stick sisal and shells onto a foam ball using a heat gun.

Next, let's move on to the device. trunk. Our barrel will be made of wire, which must be wrapped with white thread and twisted. Two trunks will be made for our tree. Only the second one will be wrapped with twine.

The next stage is manufacturing pot. To fix the tree, foam will be used in the shape of a cylinder, which must be attached to the bottom of the pot with glue. The trunk is attached to the crown on one side, and stuck into the foam on the other. For fixation we use hot glue.

For strength, fill the distance between the flowerpot and the foam with paper, glue it and cover it with cardboard. Next, first beige and then white sisal is placed in the container. Seashells of different sizes and shapes will also be used as decoration.

To add bright accents, use a satin ribbon. The crown can also be decorated with beads on a fishing line.

An original version of making topiary from sisal and fruits

First, let's make crown For these purposes, you can take a ready-made base ball, or you can make it yourself from newspapers and threads. In our case, the base was made of newspaper, which was crumpled into a ball with a diameter of 6-7 cm.

Let's start filling the pot plaster. After the solution is poured, you need to insert the barrel there and leave it to harden.

While the solution hardens, you can begin making decor for the crown. To do this, you need to cut a small piece of sisal and make a ball out of it. In total, you will need to make about 25-40 lumps.

To decorate the trunk we use lace or twine. We fix the sisal balls on the workpiece with glue. We decorate the space around the trunk with sisal, decorative ribbons, beads, etc.

DIY felt topiary

This homemade felt topiary looks original. To make such a decoration, you need to prepare the following materials:

Manufacturing procedure

The most labor-intensive part of the work is considered making flowers. All blanks are made from fabric circles of different sizes. A minimum of 30 such blanks will be needed for a topiary. In order to make a voluminous rose from a circle, they must be arbitrarily cut in a spiral. The rosette turns out more magnificent if it has many turns. Also, small circles-bottoms are cut out before each flower, which are attached below. To decorate, attach a bead to the center of the flower.

Trunk can be painted with acrylic paint.

Crumpled wood was used as a filler for the pot. paper filled with glue.

Place a piece of green around the trunk felt, which will imitate grass.

We connect the trunk with the pot and the crown.

We attach flower and leaf blanks to the crown.

We decorate the product using ribbons, ribbons and beads.

DIY New Year's topiary

With the onset of cold weather, many people are thinking about making their own New Year's topiary. To do this, you need to prepare the following materials:

Manufacturing procedure

Using white acrylic paint, you need to paint the inside of the pot and fill it with foam. While the foam has not hardened, insert a branch there, which will be the trunk of the New Year's tree.

We fix New Year's balls, candies and pine cones on the crown using wire, toothpicks and glue.

The cones can be painted white and gold.

We decorate the topiary with New Year's tinsel.

It can be called an excellent decorative element for any room.

Making an ever-blooming tree

If you decide to make a tree with your own hands from tree branches, then you can take a flowering composition as a basis. In addition to the main named element, you will need a knitting needle, plaster, corrugated paper, super glue, a pot, and also an object whose shape resembles a sphere. A knitting needle is useful for winding flowers.

Work technology

If you decide to do this, first you need to prepare corrugated paper, from which several strips are made. Their width will determine the size of the flowers. The article discusses an example that involves the use of strips of different widths. In this case, it varies from 1 to 2 cm. Instead of white corrugated paper, you can use papyrus or ordinary table napkins. First you need to cut blanks for making leaves, which will initially have a square shape. Each element will have sides equal to 4 centimeters. At the next stage, you can start making flowers. It is recommended to add a certain amount of glue after each crease, which will strengthen the flower. This is especially required for the central part.

When you make a tree with your own hands from tree branches, you can bend each strip 90 degrees, but if you wish, you can experiment; different bending angles will determine the shape of the flower. This indicates that the process can produce flowers not only of different shapes, but also of different sizes.

Making the base

When you make a tree with your own hands from tree branches, the flowers obtained at the previous stage can be fixed on the branches with glue, decorating everything with prepared petals. As an alternative solution, the roses can be attached to a ball. It, in turn, can be glued to a natural branch. The ball can be made from ordinary threads twisted into a ball. After the ball can be fixed on the branch, which can be done with super glue and tape, you can begin to attach the roses to the ball. Once all the elements are strengthened, you can add a number of leaves, which are strengthened in random order. Now the tree needs to be planted in a pot, which is often replaced with an old cup. Lastly, you need to fill in the plaster, and then dilute everything with water.

It is important to achieve a thick composition. At the next stage, the resulting tree can be planted in the prepared mixture. It is better to place the entire structure against the wall to provide support. It is important to prevent the tree from falling until the plaster dries. Before you make a tree with your own hands, you might want to think about how you will cover the hardened plaster. It may be green fiber. Another solution involves the use of acrylic paint to decorate the surface. You can decorate the branches with thin ribbons of any color, but those with a green tint will look most harmonious.

Making a tree from fabric flowers

If you are thinking about how to make a tree with your own hands, then you can use several other materials, including fabric. The main components are still branches. Among other things, you need to prepare a bamboo stick, the height of which is 20 cm, as well as a pot, some fabric, chalk, scissors, buttons and some sponge, moss, glue and padding polyester.

Manipulations for making wood

If you decide to make a tree with your own hands, the master class presented in the article will allow you to carry out this work quite simply. At the first stage, you need to prepare the fabric from which the elements in the form of circles are cut. In order to carry out this work as simply as possible, you can use a regular glass or a jar lid for marking. The circles are stuffed with padding polyester and then sewn together. A bamboo stick or tree branch can be partially wrapped with green tape, which is secured with glue. A bamboo stick is placed in the prepared pot. The moss needs to be laid on the surface, fixed with glue, and then the flower is glued to the improvised trunk.

If you want to make a tree from leaves with your own hands, then you can additionally strengthen these elements with glue. However, it is worth remembering that such a composition is very fragile. It is not worth installing it in a nursery, for example. If you wish, you can decorate the pot with various elements, including buttons.

Making coffee tree

You can make your own baby tree from coffee beans. This design will decorate the room, and the child will be able to help you during the work process. For manipulation, a ball is useful, which is recommended to be made of polystyrene foam. Stock up on super glue, brown thread, PVA glue, and a fairly thick tree branch. You will need coffee beans, a pot and plaster of Paris.

First you will need to prepare a foam ball, which is wrapped with thread. This will allow the coffee beans to be firmly attached to the surface. The ends of the threads are fixed with the same glue. It is important at this stage to note where the trunk will be located. A small hole with a diameter of 1 cm is left in this area. There is no need to glue grains and threads into this area.

If you decide to make a tree from leaves with your own hands, then this composition can be decorated with the mentioned elements, which are pre-dried. They can be varnished to prevent them from falling off when accidentally touched. Now the grains are glued to the surface of the ball; it is best to use PVA glue for this. It is advisable to apply the composition to a small area, and then glue the grains. When applying the elements, you need to press them a little. After the first layer of grains has been glued, the structure should be left for about half an hour until it dries. After this, the master can begin to glue the second layer of grains.

Final works

You need to install a tree branch in the intended place, sealing the remaining space with grains. For greater effect, you can use a glass cup with plaster poured into the bottom. To give it the appropriate color, you need to add coffee grounds to the composition. After this, the tree is installed in the mixture, the structure is leaned against the wall and left to dry completely. After this, you can add hazelnuts to the cup, decorating the trunk with ribbon.

They can be made by any home craftsman with their own hands. However, this may require special tools. It will be much easier to use branches prepared in advance. If you plan to make woodwork with your own hands at home, then you may need a special knife. However, it is recommended to choose soft wood species for this.

Artificial trees will create beauty and comfort in your home.

When planning the design of your home, it is impossible to do without original little things. It is unusual crafts that bring a special charm, emphasizing any style or theme of design. Artificial trees are luxurious decorative elements, the role of which in the interior is difficult to overestimate

In addition to a subtle eco-friendly note, they are a good alternative to living plants and do not require careful care, creation of a microclimate or special conditions. There are many ways to make artificial trees with your own hands: bonsai, topiary, and many other creative ideas. Stylish hand-made crafts will help not only make the interior of rooms more comfortable, but also add fresh, informal notes to the design of a strict institution or office.

Advantages of ornamental trees

In the old days, people said that a craftsman and a craftsman brings joy to himself and others. Unique handmade items are always a valuable and welcome gift. Creating ornamental trees is a special art, thanks to which bright gardens bloom in lush colors all year round. Decorating your design with unusual crafts has many advantages:

  • With the help of original details, you can breathe new life into your home interior and refresh it without any special financial costs.
  • Artificial trees will retain their original beauty for a long time without requiring special care. They do not depend on weather conditions and delight the eye with their beauty.
  • Decorative details will help harmoniously complement the stylish modern design even in a simple office space.

Decorative trees will breathe new life into your home interior

Looking at the skillful ornamental plants presented in stores, it is difficult to believe that you can make them yourself. Don't rush to spend money on designer crafts. We will reveal the secrets of this work, offer several original ideas, as well as simple master classes, during which you can “grow” many wonderful trees with your own hands.

We create bonsai

The tradition of creating bonsai was born in Ancient China more than two thousand years ago. The name “bonsai” is written in two hieroglyphs, which mean “bowl” and “tree”. Later, already in Japan, the unusual method was actively developed and rose to the rank of fine art. It was the Japanese who brought the method to perfection, creating a special system of canons and proposing rules for exposure. Miniature trees are an aesthetic pleasure for perfectionists. Many people claim that looking at an elegant bonsai, they are overcome by an extraordinary feeling of calm, tranquility, and anxiety goes away, as if by magic. Decorate the world around you, try your hand at creating amazingly beautiful products.

Bonsai varieties


Do you want to create a luxurious miniature garden at home that does not require special care? Then an interesting master class will help beginners in creating a bonsai tree with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We select materials for work. Any gifts of generous nature will be needed: intricately curved twigs, driftwood, juniper, spruce or pine branches, moss, reindeer moss.
  2. We preserve the branches. For processing, we will prepare a special solution consisting of denatured alcohol, acetone, and glycerin. We take everything in the exact proportion 1:1:2.

Important: The solution for preserving natural materials should be stored in a tightly closed container, as it has a pronounced chemical odor.

Initially, we wash the branches under cold water, thoroughly cleaning them from dust and dirt, then place them in the solution for at least a week.

  1. Next, dry the decorative material and paint it if necessary. Let's reveal a little secret: before painting, you need to dip the branches in hot paraffin, the treatment will help to apply the paint evenly to the surface.
  2. Let's start making a decorative bonsai tree. Cut the branches to the required length and carefully glue each one to the base. To prevent the structure from falling apart, we will wrap the individual elements with wire; after gluing, it can be removed.
  3. We decorate individual areas with moss, reindeer moss, white sand or decorative pebbles. In our work, we will definitely designate the center of gravity of the structure in order to give the craft greater stability.

Creating a bonsai tree with your own hands

After completing the painstaking work, a unique live composition will open to your eyes. An eco-style bonsai will delight the eye for a long time; all that remains is to occasionally brush off the dust from the elegant creation.

Bonsai in a pot

We offer another way to easily make an artificial bonsai tree with your own hands. The operating algorithm is simple:

  • We select the container. A ceramic flower pot with holes for draining water is ideal.
  • Fill the pot with soil. The soil should not be collected from the yard. It’s better not to save money and buy a ready-made mixture at a flower shop. Why is this necessary if the tree is still artificial? We will be growing moss or lawn on top, so good soil is essential.
  • For the trunk of a decorative tree, we select a branch that is thick enough and intricately curved to resemble a spreading plant.
  • We attach decor to the branches of the wooden frame. It can be made from matte paper, fabric, satin ribbons or any material. The more original the decor, the more spectacular the final result.
  • We plant the lawn mixture in the ground and water it generously daily. Very little time will pass, and under the original tree a bright and lush summer lawn will spread out.

Original decorative tree

By combining natural and synthetic materials, you can achieve unprecedented results in the art of bonsai, turning your favorite hobby into a successful business.

Many-faced topiary

The art of topiary is no less ancient, its origins go back centuries, when people came up with the idea of ​​“playing” with nature, giving shrubs and trees in gardens a variety of shapes. Modern topiary is a stylish solution for budget but exclusive interior design. Skilled craftswomen are constantly searching for new ideas for creating decorative trees. A large flowering garden made with your own hands is a wonderful gift not only for yourself, but also for loved ones, friends, and colleagues. Cute gifts are very symbolic. Using this or that decor, you can create amazing things with your own hands.

Bright floral topiary - will be an excellent gift

Fragrant big baobab

Coffee trees are a separate “fragrant” caste in the art of topiary. There are several variations on this theme, but we offer a lesson on how to easily make a large tree with your own hands. To work, you will need several small foam spheres, a package of coffee beans, thick linen yarn, a pot stand, glue, and scissors.

If you don’t have a ready-made base at hand, you can make it yourself using the papier-mâché method. Work algorithm:

  • Let's prepare 7 small base balls, generously coat each of them with glue. We begin to attach the grains with the flat side down. We move arbitrarily, in a circle, horizontally, vertically. The main thing is that there are no gaps between the elements. When the first layer has dried, repeat the process, but with the flat side of the grains facing up.
  • Making a trunk for a spreading baobab. Let's take a strong, thick wire, and tape branches of thin wire to it with tape. We bend it beautifully, giving the plant a bizarre shape.
  • We carefully wrap the branches and trunk with twine on top, making sure that each turn lies tightly to each other. To ensure that the rope holds firmly and does not slide down the smooth trunk, we coat the wire with glue.
  • We string coffee balls onto the branches, greasing the holes with superglue.
  • In a pot, mix gypsum with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, insert wood, and let the mixture “set.”

Important: For topiary, you need to choose a base ball of light weight so that the thin trunk holds the entire structure. A plastic hollow ball or Christmas tree toy is ideal.

DIY fragrant baobab

When the plaster has completely dried, we decorate the stand. You can put coins, decorate with moss or use floral sisal. For a thick and rich aroma, decorate the tree with cinnamon sticks and spicy star anise stars. The coffee tree is not only beautiful, but also symbolic: seven wonders of the world, seven days a week, seven colors of the rainbow - all this is not by chance! An original gift will definitely bring good luck, family and financial well-being to your home.

A child can make a simple but beautiful craft from pistachio shells and wire.

Original pistachio tree

Work algorithm:

  1. We make a hole in each pistachio shell with a gypsy needle.
  2. We cut thin copper wire into several small pieces, 15-20 centimeters long.
  3. We string a shell onto each branch, make a loop, and twist it. We fasten small branches together, 3-5 pieces each. The more such blanks you make, the more magnificent the crown of the decorative tree will be.
  4. We wrap the branches one by one to the trunk, securing them with construction tape or FUM tape.
  5. In order to give the product splendor and luxury, we will cover the entire surface with spray paint in gold or bronze color.
  6. Let's prepare the base. Add a mixture of alabaster and water to the pot, carefully insert the tree, and let the structure dry.
  7. Let's cover the alabaster with a layer of beautiful pebbles, golden beads or coins.

DIY pistachio tree

This beautiful souvenir will be a wonderful gift for all lovers of eclectic handmade products.To create your own large, ever-blooming garden, you only need imagination and a little skill. As Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky liked to say, fantasy is a natural force in every person, without giving it quenching, we do not allow it to grow and develop. Create, share your successes, because the world of creativity is a bottomless ocean of creative ideas.

Many-faced topiary

Do-it-yourself topiary is becoming increasingly popular among decorators, interior designers and simple needlewomen.

Initially, topiary was a garden with decorative trimmed plants and sculptures created from artistically trimmed trees. The art of topiary has a long history. Thus, even in Ancient Egypt and Persia, the ability to give geometric shapes to bushes and trees was valued. And the most famous example of a topiary garden is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon - one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

And now topiary (or European tree) is the name for small original trees, for the production of which natural and artificial materials are used. Topiary is decorative in nature, and what it will be made of depends only on the author’s imagination. And the size of topiary can be from 10-15 centimeters to half a meter.

Small topiary made of paper flowers

Large topiary made of artificial flowers (Author - Anna Assonova)

Topiary can be a wonderful gift for a wedding or housewarming.

What is topiary made from?

So, if you decide to make a topiary with your own hands, then you should know that the tree consists of several elements:

  • the basis
  • trunk
  • crown
  • pot or stand

Moreover, for each of these elements there are different forms and materials.

Topiary base

The base can be of different shapes. Most often, a ball is used when making topiary.

Ball-shaped topiary

But there are topiaries in the shape of a heart, as well as in the form of various figures. Experienced needlewomen create blanks in the form of numbers (if the tree is intended as a gift for a birthday or memorable date), as well as in the form of letters.

Topiary - heart

As a basis for a ball or heart, you can use a foam blank, polyurethane foam or a papier-mâché ball. Figured bases are thick wire, polystyrene foam or cardboard.

Base for topiary - foam ball

topiary trunk

The trunk can be a thick wire wrapped in twine, floral tape or covered with plastic.

You can also use an ordinary wooden branch (to be safe, it is better to peel it from the bark and cover it with stain and varnish).

A short, straight trunk is made from several sushi sticks or wooden skewers joined together.

Topiary crown

The topiary crown is a huge space for imagination. You can use absolutely anything: paper (paper napkins, cut out flowers, corrugated paper, quilling paper or folded origami - kusudama), flowers made of cold porcelain or polymer clay, satin and nylon ribbons, felt or cotton, buttons and beads, coffee, shells , dried leaves and other natural materials, and much, much more.

Topiary using the Kanzashi technique from fabric scraps (author - Tatyana Babikova)

Topiary made of corrugated paper and natural materials

Topiary made of corrugated paper and organza (author - Tatyana Kovaleva)

Topiary made from natural materials (leaves, apples, acorns)

Topiary of flowers (origami - kusudama)

Topiary stand

Depending on the idea and size of the tree, the stand can be an ordinary flower pot, an iron bucket (painted or decorated using the decoupage technique), a beautiful flat stone or a shell. You can decorate the stand with fabric or lace. Or maybe it will be a cute cup? You decide.

Shell topiary stand

The topiary stand is decorated with fabric and cinnamon sticks

Topiary stands (from left to right): flower pot, crocheted jar, fabric covered bowl

Ceramic mug topiary stand

Preparing the necessary materials

Before you start working on your topiary, carefully consider the idea and all the materials you will use. The idea will depend on the purpose of the tree and the hobbies of its future owner. Gather materials. Attach the crown elements to the workpiece. Decide what decorative elements you will take.

Beads of different sizes and decorative dragonflies were used as topiary decor.

Beads, braid, sisal and decorative watering can were used as topiary decor.

Making a trunk

The next step will be preparing the barrel. As already mentioned, depending on the material, it must be wrapped with twine or varnished.

We attach the base of the tree to one end of the trunk. The ball can simply be inserted, and it is better to secure some kind of shaped base with glue.

The other end of the barrel is inserted into the prepared vessel. It is usually secured with polystyrene foam, which is then filled with alabaster or cement.

The topiary trunk is glued to the foam

At first it will be difficult to guess the consistency: if the solution is too liquid, it will take a very long time to dry. And if you make it thick, it will not fill all the empty space between the pot and the foam.

Experienced needlewomen advise achieving the consistency of store-bought sour cream: not very liquid, but sliding off a spoon and easily changing shape.

Pour the solution into the prepared mold, level the top and leave until completely dry.

Decorating the crown

While the base is drying, you can make crown elements: leaves, flowers.

Let me remind you once again that they must be fastened after the base has completely dried.

Depending on the base material, flowers can be attached with hot glue, or they can be stuck in using small skewers or wire.