What interesting things should a woman read for self-development? "Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill. Pamela Blair. Myths about a woman's age

Have you ever thought that many non-fiction books on the topic of business success, productivity or leadership are very monotonous? And what really useful, with good and applicable advice, is not so much? Everything, of course, is subjective, but often in fiction you can find ideas that, in terms of self-development, are in no way inferior to the non-fiction genre, or even superior to it.

Master and Margarita

About redemption and creativity, the spirit of the era and morals, God and the devil, truth and lies. The novel is filled with meanings and broken down into aphorisms, some of which themselves are capable of saying more than some books. “Cowardice is the most terrible vice.” “We speak different languages, as always, but the things we talk about don’t change.” “Do you judge by the suit? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and a very big one at that.”

Martin Eden

About achieving goals, loyalty to the intended path, strong character, overcoming oneself, external conditions and circumstances. And also about working on yourself, development and aspirations. Many readers of 4brain read this novel to anyone interested in self-development.

A little prince

About the meaning of life and true wisdom, friendship and love. "The Little Prince" is often associated with the catchphrase: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." But this is just the tip of the iceberg - each asteroid and Earth has its own story, each world is interesting, unique and provides food for thought.

Atlas Shrugged

About personality and individuality, strength of character and following convictions, perseverance and overcoming resistance, determination and struggle. And also about selfishness, if you believe the critics. But it’s better to read the trilogy and draw your own conclusions – the book leaves few people indifferent.

For whom the Bell Tolls

About war and love, choice and moral duty, courage and sacrifice. The epigraph already says a lot: “There is no person who would be like an Island, in itself: every person is part of the Continent, part of the Land; and if a Wave carries the coastal Cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller, and also if it washes away the edge of the Cape or destroys your Castle or your Friend; the death of every Man diminishes me too, for I am one with all Mankind, and therefore never ask for whom the Bell tolls: it tolls for You.”

Lord of the Flies

About the nature of man and civilization, power and strength, personality and society, good and evil. Everything that happens on the island can be transferred to the world globally. Golding perfectly showed the dark side of human nature. It lies dormant in everyone, and in a favorable environment neither moral standards nor common sense are able to resist it.

The Picture of Dorian Grey

About the nature of beauty, spiritual and material, creativity and art. In addition to understanding aestheticism, the novel reveals such eternal themes as the meaning of life, sin, morality, and responsibility for one’s actions. From the moment of its release to this day, the work remains topically discussed.

451 degrees Fahrenheit

About happiness and pleasure, spirituality, culture, life, books. Don't you think that the world Bradberry wrote about is gradually coming? That technology makes a person a thoughtless consumer and there is no need to read (think) anymore? That momentary pleasures become the meaning of life?

Three Musketeers

About friendship and love, aspirations and service to ideas, the ability to act in defiance of fate, determination and risk, adventurism and courage. Dumas is not a great philosopher; his works are valuable not for the deep ideas hidden behind the text, but for their directness and actualization of important human qualities. “The Three Musketeers,” like his other works, is equally pleasant and useful to read both when you are 15 and when you are 40.

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

About childhood and growing up, friendship and love, enterprise and resourcefulness. In the experiences and actions of the main characters, everyone can certainly recognize themselves - a protester, skipping school, falling in love for the first time, thirsting for adventure and loving life.

It’s not without reason that they say that a book is your best friend and advisor. Even though today books are not the only source and carrier of information, reading psychological literature is a great way not only to distract and have fun, but also to find answers to pressing questions. On the shelves of bookstores and libraries, as well as on the Internet, you can find books on self-development for women and girls who want to acquire the necessary psychological knowledge and improve their lives.

Reading develops intelligence and imagination, expands vocabulary and brings pleasure from experiencing rich emotions. Self-development books, in addition to all of the above, are also a source of practical advice and life guidelines.

Reading such literature, you can experience catharsis, that is, feel the alleviating, ennobling and cleansing effect of the author’s words on the soul and consciousness. In psychology, catharsis is understood as the process of releasing mental energy, emotional release, relieving anxiety, fear, and frustration.

Not all people have the opportunity to visit a psychologist-consultant in order to solve internal problems; some cannot trust and seek advice from family or friends. Often it is the book that becomes the “teacher” to whom you can entrust your innermost secrets and get answers to your questions.

Representatives of the fair sex often resort to literature as a source of knowledge. What should a woman read for self-development and how to choose psychological literature based on her internal needs?

First of all, you need to understand and define for yourself the goal of self-development. Simply put, answer the question “What do I need to be happy?”

The most common psychological problems of girls and women relate to the following aspects:

  • personal life: how to find a guy, how to understand a man, how to build a happy family, how to save a marriage, how to get rid of feelings of jealousy, and so on;
  • career and success: how to realize your calling, how to find a suitable job, how to develop leadership skills, how to achieve material well-being and other issues;
  • Personal development: how to cope with complexes and fears, how to become cheerful, how to develop resistance to stress, how to love yourself and change your life for the better, and the like.

The best books on self-development are those works by psychologists who can advise a woman or help her find options for solving the problems she faces. But not always, after reading the title of a book and even the annotation to it, you can understand that it is the right one.

List of literature on self-development

Next will be listed psychological bestsellers, the authors of which are modern psychologists and psychotherapists who have earned respect and recognition.

These books are easy to read; you don’t need to know the basics of psychology to understand their content.

The best books on self-development:

  • N. Butman “How to fall in love with yourself in 90 minutes.”

The book describes the author's technique for attracting the attention and winning the sympathy of a person of the opposite sex. The reader will learn to use progressive communication techniques and master the techniques of neurolinguistic programming.

N. Butman developed an express method of seducing not only physical, but also mental, having analyzed and identified the patterns of building happy relationships for many couples.

  • L. Lowndes “How to make anyone fall in love with you.”

Another popular work about how to achieve success in love, written by a woman. The author introduces readers to the “formula of romantic love”, tells how to find a life partner, how to build relationships correctly, and how to save them.

After reading the book, you can learn a lot about the peculiarities of thinking of men and women, about the psychological aspects of dating, communication and intimate moments. L. Lowndes describes eighty-five techniques that allow you to make any person fall in love with you; using them you can also find friends, attract clients and business partners.

  • G. Chapman “The Five Love Languages.”

A book for those who have found their other half and want to understand the psychology of relationships. There is one love, but it is expressed in different ways. After reading the book, you can learn to understand your needs for love and the desires of your partner, resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, and also avoid them altogether.

  • J. Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus."

In addition to this main one, J. Gray has many more books devoted to the psychology of gender and family psychology, in which he develops his theory: “Recipes for a Happy Relationship”, “Mars and Venus in the Bedroom”, “Mars and Venus Together Forever”, “ Children from Heaven" and others.

J. Gray's works contain a lot of practical advice, recommendations and interesting techniques. For example, the “Message of Feelings” technique can help resolve almost any problem that arises between people who love each other.

Unfortunately, neither school nor university teaches how to properly build harmonious relationships in a couple, but this is exactly the kind of knowledge a person needs to be happy. J. Gray's books are what every woman who wants to be a happy wife needs to read for self-development.

  • N. Kozlov “How to treat yourself and people.”

N. Kozlov is a famous Russian psychologist who bases his theory on Russian realities and material, which makes it clearer and closer. The book discusses issues of everyday and personal and career growth, but to a greater extent it is about love, family and intimate moments.

The book contains interesting tests, psychological tasks, exercises, tips, recommendations and much more. It is useful to read for young women who want to consciously build harmonious relationships and generally have a positive outlook on life.

  • V. Levi “Taming fear.”

An original author who cannot be confused with any other, the Russian writer, psychologist and doctor V. Levi wrote many well-known works: “The Non-Standard Child”, “The Art of Being Yourself”, “The ABC of Sanity” and many others. But the book “Taming Fear” will be especially useful for women, since they, as a rule, are more likely to have fears, panic and worry than men.

Taming Fear is a self-help guide to fearlessness. A complete and detailed classification of fears, as well as instructions on how to deal with them, will sort the problem of fear into pieces.

After reading, self-confidence increases, and the conviction appears that any fear can be overcome. It is possible that the reader will be able to get rid of one of her fears simply while reading, realizing the cause of the fear and without making any additional efforts.

  • N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich.”

This work has been called a classic textbook and guide to gaining wealth, success, developing self-confidence and determination. This and other books by the author helped many people understand the psychology of wealth and get rid of the psychology of poverty. Girls who want to be financially independent and learn how to handle money correctly will do well to read this book.

  • S. Covey “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

A book for women who strive for success, want to achieve success in their profession, and find happiness. The author sets out a philosophy of efficiency that has already been adopted by the world's largest corporations, as well as many famous politicians and businessmen.

Suffice it to say that The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the top twenty-five management books according to Time magazine.

  • B. Tracy “Get out of your comfort zone.”

This work of the author is called the best book on self-development. It is about how to practically realize your personal potential, discover reserves, determine priorities and goals, learn to plan your daily routine, always work with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, solve complex life problems by leaving your comfort zone.

  • R. Byrne “The Secret”, J. Murphy “The Power of Your Subconscious”, J. Kehoe “The Subconscious Can Do Anything”, P. Morancy “Ask and You Will Receive” and other books about conscious and unconscious intentions and goal setting.

While philosophers and ordinary people continue to argue and discuss the topic of ability, psychologists around the world continue to write about how:

  1. with the power of thought you can change your life;
  2. it is important to think positively;
  3. manage your thoughts;
  4. control emotions;
  5. set and correctly visualize goals;
  6. take responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  7. believe in yourself.

These works outline not just a theory about correct positive thinking, they contain a philosophy of perception and attitude towards oneself as the creator of one’s destiny and life. If a girl doesn’t know what she can read for self-development, choosing one of the books about the power of thought, she definitely won’t go wrong.

All these literary works are written in simple and understandable language, with humor and enthusiasm; the authors often give examples from life and their work with clients, and include practical exercises, tasks, tips and recommendations.

Of course, we should not forget that many classic works of outstanding psychologists have been written, which are useful to read in order to better understand and comprehend the science of psychology. These are the works of S. Freud, C. Jung, E. Bern, F. Perls and other outstanding psychologists. Such works are not always easy and simple to read, but they contain many deep thoughts that contributed to the development of psychology.

To achieve professional heights, to be successful and happy, you do not need to change the world. It’s worth starting with yourself - learning to deal with your own shortcomings and developing your best qualities.

We have compiled the TOP 12 best books on self-development.

Magic of the morning

The morning rituals that the author of this book suggests implementing have helped tens of thousands of people change their lives, feel better and get more done. In the book, you will learn how the first hour of the day determines your success and allows you to reach your full potential. Change how and when you wake up and how you spend the first hour - and you can change your life.

Strength of will

A collection of inspiring stories about how to change your life for the better, from a man who managed to turn his own life 180 degrees. Our colleague Larisa Parfentyeva began maintaining a column of the same name on our website. Readers immediately began to leave responses, and that’s how the idea to publish a book appeared. The second part of “100 Ways” was recently released, where Larisa shares her own methods.

This year I...

This book is for everyone who wants to change their habits, start fulfilling their promises to themselves and make changes for the better in life.

Stress resistance

100 effective techniques for staying calm. Professional business psychologist Sharon Melnick shares a technique that has helped thousands of people become stress-resistant.

Get out of your comfort zone

Book number 1 on self-development. It has been translated into 40 languages. More than 1,200,000 copies purchased. This book made Brian Tracy what he is today - a star and guru for anyone who strives for efficiency. The book talks about how to achieve solutions to complex problems by leaving your comfort zone.

Psychology of Persuasion

This is a real encyclopedia of persuasion, a series of effective and ethical techniques for all occasions from the author of the world bestseller “The Psychology of Influence.” This book will tell you about psychological techniques that will help you at work and in communicating with loved ones. By studying persuasion strategies from a scientific point of view, you will become much more effective at communicating.

How to get things in order

About how to become the master of your life. The methodology is based on the result of twenty years of work by the author. It became super popular among Russian managers even before the book was translated.

On the limit

A 7-day personal development intensive from Norway's leading trainer Erik Larssen. The book talks about the Hell Week program, which anyone can do, no matter where they work. It starts at 5 am on Monday and ends on Sunday evening. You will feel better, accomplish more, be energetic, proactive and positive.

Why didn't anyone tell me this at 20?

What to start from when starting your own business? Where to find a new idea? How to learn to solve problems? What to work on and what to spend time and energy on? Author Tina Seelig talks about thinking outside the box about solving business problems, disruptive thinking, and innovation in business.

Between need and want

Who among us has not asked the question: “How can I find my true calling?” El Luna characterizes it as a crossroads between “need” and “want.” “We should” is what we think we should do, or what others expect from us. “I want” is what we dream about deep down. A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Previously, success was associated more with intelligence, meaning intelligence and intelligence. But research has shown that the main characteristic of successful people is a high level of emotional intelligence. It is he who determines the effectiveness of their interaction with the people around them and with the world in general. By developing this skill, you will be able to connect with people more easily and make better decisions.

Even more books on self-development -.

Dreams and goals, motivation, brain and intelligence, productivity, psychology and communication, time management, willpower - these are just a few of the topics. We have many, many more interesting things :)

A fresh selection of the best books on self-development -.

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Books for self-development are in great demand among modern readers. Every self-respecting person strives to enrich his knowledge, learn a new business, and reach unconquered heights. This is impossible without reading special literature.

Self-development: the view of psychologists

What is self-development? Why is it so important to people? The answers to these questions lie in the person himself. There comes a moment in anyone's life when life seems to stop, and it seems that there is simply nowhere to go. However, it is not. To find your path, you need to pay attention to yourself. Everyday chores exhaust people, making them powerless and dependent on everything that surrounds them. To escape from this senseless tornado, you need to be able to control yourself, switch from unimportant to more important. Sometimes this is not easy to achieve. Self-development gives you the opportunity to work on yourself, control your mind and feelings in all endeavors.

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Any knowledge begins with a book for self-development. It is not needed at all for bragging about new literature to your friends. Every book read should change a person’s internal attitudes in the right direction, the one that he himself chooses. It is not without reason that psychologists say that a person’s personality is made up of his library. But in order to replenish your shelves with truly useful literature, you need to be able to choose the right books.

How to choose the right books for self-development

Having seen a large amount of popular science literature, the reader is simply lost. How to choose books for self-development in such a way that they really help in life? Psychologists warn that not all books are equally useful. For example, those publications that promote only belief in positive emotions morally cripple people who, sooner or later, will have to turn to a psychologist. A person with a load of problems always wants to quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, but in order to really effectively cope with psychological disorders, it takes time and a lot of work on oneself. People experience not only joy, but also sadness and frustration. Therefore, you should not hope for a good mood and a smile. Eternal happiness does not exist, and putting on a mask of a good mood is very dangerous: you can end up in real depression.

Another type of “harmful self-development books” teaches people to manipulate their family, colleagues and even strangers. A person who has learned to demand from others everything he wants begins to revel in the euphoria of everyday victory and loses himself in an avalanche of insincerity. Unfortunately, this new life does not bring any creative effect, but only aggravates the existing state of affairs. Therefore, there is no need to rejoice at the existence of such simple solutions to problems. Unfortunately, they do not exist.

Experts in the field of coaching psychology give people some advice to help them choose the right literature from the whole variety of colorful books:

  1. You need to read about what really worries a person at the moment. If he needs to develop memory, then there is no need to read about the influence of television on people's subconscious. You need to be able to distribute your forces in order to really gain a large amount of useful information.
  2. The book should be interestingly written. The reader should want to write down any quotes or advice from what they read.
  3. You must complete the tasks at the end of the book or chapter. This will help you remember the most important things better and put them into practice. Therefore, if the manual contains questions and tests, this will be a huge plus for the book.
  4. The content of the manuals should leave choice to the reader. Let them contain the wisest thoughts, but a person must decide for himself which advice is suitable for him and which is not. After all, there is no universal benefit for all occasions.

It turns out that choosing a book for self-development is not an easy matter. But useful knowledge will never lie on the surface. Only the chosen ones reach the essence of their desires.

8 best books for developing your abilities

Self-help books are very important for inquiring minds. Experts in the field of human relations have compiled a list of books especially needed for self-realization.

  1. Robert Greene "48 Laws of Power". The author of the book is confident that every person can attract love and respect. But in order to achieve unlimited trust from others, you need to master several techniques. For example, you need to learn to hide your plans from colleagues, but at the same time not create isolation between yourself and society. This is a rather difficult task, because for all that, a self-confident person must radiate kindness, simplicity and a boundless desire to help others.

  2. B.Tracy. “Eat the frog. Or 21 ways to learn to keep up." This guide tells about those people who always don’t have time to get anywhere.
    To correct this situation, it is necessary to find out why this happens. It is possible that the greater number of planned cases is of secondary importance. This means that you need to learn to distribute your plans according to their importance, and not vice versa. Here are some tips from Tracy B.: 1. You need to do what you're talented at. 2. You should not take on an overwhelming number of responsibilities and tasks. 3. In order to get everything done, you need to motivate yourself to complete the planned tasks. 4. It is better to complete difficult tasks first. Readers in this book will find an excellent illustration of some life situations, the author’s good style and useful tips to help organize their affairs in such a way as to manage everything.
  3. Daniel Kahneman. “Think slowly and decide quickly.” Psychologists distinguish two types of thinking in people. The first type works very quickly, the person does not even notice much control over the situation. The second type allocates attentional resources to various mental operations. During wakefulness, both of these systems work harmoniously, but the first type of thinking can malfunction, especially if a person has a hard time with logic. These phenomena are discussed in Daniel Kahneman's book. Using psychological experiments as an example, he shows important patterns in the functioning of the human brain and tells how failures in thinking systems can be eliminated.

  4. John Maxwell. “How to turn failures into stepping stones to success.” The author of the book devoted his entire life to psychological assistance to people who have lost confidence in their abilities. He believes that for real success in all areas of life, a person needs to be able to do only four things: lead in a team, create an environment around him, maintain positivity and build relationships with people correctly. If a person does not have these skills, it does not matter. You can learn everything by restructuring yourself correctly. Readers will definitely like John Maxwell's advice, and perhaps a few days after reading it, the reader will begin to experience changes in his life.
  5. "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Stephen R. Covey. This book is one of the best among the literature covering the problems of personal growth. With its help you can learn lessons in planning your goal and achieving it. Stephen Covey's advice can be used by anyone who wants to grow morally and gain status among colleagues.

  6. Joshua Becker. "Minimalism". This book reveals the essence of the new trend of our time - minimalism. Many people are familiar with the concept of “irrational use of available resources.” This book is about exactly that. Society lives for more consumption, and this is wrong. Joshua Becker outlined his vision of this problem; many readers, after reading the book, were no longer able to live in the old way. This means that anyone who is trying to change their life simply needs to learn more about minimalism.
  7. “Man in Search of Meaning” V. Frankl. Viktor Frankl was interested in psychoanalysis from a young age, his hobby led to the creation of his own theory, according to which the first place is not psychological techniques and techniques, but a philosophy that reveals the meaning of an individual’s life. This book will not lead the reader to a general blueprint for finding purpose in life, but it can show how other people search for their meaning and where they find it.

  8. Chris Hadfield. "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth." American cosmonaut Chris Hadfield in his book talks about his flights, preparation for them and the difficulties of communicating with people of different nations. Of course, flying into space is a responsible undertaking that requires large human resources, both physiological and psychological. Therefore, in this book you can find a lot of examples of self-improvement. It will be useful to each of the readers.

These self-development books provide basic knowledge and ideas about our lives, help us navigate various situations and motivate us to take our first personal achievements.

Self-development books should be read according to a universal plan. It is needed in order to most effectively obtain knowledge, consolidate it and subsequently use it correctly. Psychologists recommend the following reading system to their patients:

  1. The contents of the book are better absorbed if you use active reading. You just need to highlight the main information from what you read, write it down, make notes, etc. This method assumes that the entire book will be read and the necessary material will be remembered.
  2. To visually reproduce information, you need to connect smart maps to reading, which display the entire essence of the desired process or its structure. Thanks to these cards, the basic knowledge will not fly out of your head.
  3. After reading a book, it will be useful to form your own vision of it; you can even write a review in your life diary so as not to forget what impression it left.
  4. Moderation is important in reading. If, when studying another book, there is no understanding of what you read, you should stop studying. The head should always be clear; extra stress on the brain will only confuse already acquired thoughts and will not provide room for new information.

These basic tips will help people who have just embarked on the difficult path of self-discovery to overcome a lot of difficulties in mastering this literature. But there are a few more rules that cannot be neglected.

New books often include a lot of hard-to-find terms. To find out their meaning, you need to have a dictionary that displays the meaning of each new word. There is nothing wrong with the need to study hard. This is not a school, but something more that gives a person motivation to live.

After acquiring new knowledge, you need to apply it somewhere in your life. After all, they must bear fruit, the first results. Therefore, you should not read more and more books in one gulp. You need to pause and leave room for practice.

Also, before reading, you can study its contents, read the introduction and form a small opinion in your head about what you saw. This so-called rough reading is necessary for a deeper understanding of the essence of the book, and all that is required of the reader is to familiarize yourself with the cover, several chapters and the prologue.

Perhaps someone has their own effective sequence for studying books. And this is good, because the main thing that every reader should achieve is to transform himself, that is, read, analyze, remember and use what he receives in life.

Books for self-development will be of interest only to those who really want to change their attitude towards life and generally improve its quality. This literature can rightfully be considered elite, because the difficulties that stand in the way of a better life frighten almost everyone. Even those who have begun their transformation may not reach the end, realizing that the upcoming work on themselves can take away the last forces that need to be thrown at more important things. This approach to reading books should not exist. This literature is a faithful assistant for the implementation of many plans, and for your dream you need to fight, study, act and never retreat.

Eleonora Brik

Brain training is necessary for every person. Without load, problem solving, and information processing, the skill of thinking, analyzing, and reasoning is lost. To increase your intelligence you need to work every day. It is impossible by drinking vitamins or reading one book in a year. New information makes the brain think and increases IQ level. What to read for intellectual development, outlook and erudition?

Ways to develop intelligence

The IQ level depends on a person’s literacy, education, and innovative thinking. For intellectual development, train your brain daily. One of the ways to develop intelligence is by reading books. Select your reading list carefully: the best books for the general development of intelligence, vocabulary and speech in adults can really improve the quality of life. But modern detective stories and romance novels do not provide enough information - such reading relaxes, but does not teach.

Before directly moving on to solving the now pressing question “what useful books should you read for the development of the brain, consciousness, memory, logical thinking, and competent speech?”, you should realize that the development of intelligence is impossible without acquiring the following skills:

Memory upgrades. Necessary for remembering information. Data is recorded and retrieved when necessary.
Increasing vocabulary. A conversation takes on an intellectual tone if the interlocutor knows how to speak beautifully. An extensive vocabulary helps to come across as an intelligent person.
Ability to think figuratively. Mentally stimulating audiobooks and intellectual reading that develop speech contribute as a person lives through the story described. Experience is formed, images are remembered, and in a similar case, information emerges and is used.

The skill of speed reading helps to absorb information and process tons of literature. Interesting intellectual literature for reading and developing the mind of an adult, books on self-organization and efficiency motivate, force you to follow your goals.

What books should you read to improve your intelligence?

Most intellectual sites offer a list of books for developing the mind, improving speech and increasing vocabulary in communication - such a list includes literature that touches on various areas of life. The development of memory, improvement of vocabulary and the ability to think is the basis that is used to process information: in order to become a well-rounded person, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the main areas.

Scientific works. We are not talking about reference books and encyclopedias consisting of continuous incomprehensible terms. Read books that tell the story of the creation of the world, about natural phenomena, the development of culture and art. Remember Darwin's theory, read Hawking's works on the history of time.
Philosophical literature. Scientific books are built on theories, evidence and teach you to understand the world. Philosophy is a branch that initiates into the secrets of human actions and actions, studies the thinking of people. Include biblical publications of various religions in the list of philosophical literature. Today, many are interested in Eastern authors and share their wisdom on social networks. A prominent representative of Eastern philosophy is Omar Khayyam and his Rubai. Interesting to read, easy to learn by heart. Supplement your study of philosophy with books by the Strugatskys, Nietzsche, and Kant.
Works of art. Knowledge of the classics is like an exam for entry into an intellectual society. The smartest books for adults that develop the intellect, brain and personality will be useless without the foundation received in due time - the foundations are laid from school, a love of poetry and prose is instilled. If you missed this period without wanting to, then it’s time to catch up. Works of fiction help to replenish vocabulary and improve literacy. Start with the following books: “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, “Forget-Me-Nots” by Prishvin, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. The modern intellectual writer Dyusimbiev Gazinur and his stories will perfectly complement the list of classic works.
Historical books. Man is accustomed to comparing today's events with past ones. An intellectual is able to draw parallels at a high level, since he knows the history of the development of his country and other states. Reading historical books gives knowledge about significant events in the world and reveals the peculiarities of the lives of famous people. History helps us understand life. Find works by popular authors: Lawrence, Bushkov, Yuri Mukhin.
Reading poetry. Poems are one of the oldest ways of transmitting information to descendants. The genre is light due to rhyme, euphony and beauty of speech. Constantly reading poetry helps improve memory and expand vocabulary. The works of Akhmatova, Shakespeare, Brodsky are suitable for the development of intelligence.

There is no specific list of literature for the development of intelligence. There are reading recommendations for schoolchildren, students, and applicants preparing to enter universities. The main thing is to develop reading skills. Use your free time to get information. Modern gadgets and audiobooks will come to help. Over time, you will notice that reading will become a habit. There will be a need to immerse yourself in a fascinating world filled with knowledge and discoveries.

List of books for the development of intelligence

The foundations are laid during school years. Therefore, many books have been published with a growing audience in mind. But it’s never too late to learn, gain knowledge, and train your memory. Intellectual development has no age restrictions. The main thing is the desire to become smarter and regularity of actions.

List of books for the development of intelligence:

“Intelligence training”, Rodionova A. After reading the works of this business coach, a person receives the following results: thinking processes are launched, vocabulary is replenished. The book is built on the principle of educational literature: read and implement. The author makes it clear that human capabilities are unlimited, it is never too late to achieve perfection. The reader is offered options for developing mental abilities.

"Develop your intellect..." Carter Philip's works include tests to help develop intelligence. Suitable for those who are ready to solve a variety of charades and puzzles. Practical exercises will help in the development of thinking, improve memory, and make a person more intelligent. The book is very addictive, the answers to the problems are given.
“Brain 100%.” The author will tell you how. For an ordinary person, it is in a dormant state. Watching TV series and doing monotonous work causes the brain to go into hibernation, and the skills acquired at school are lost. Olga Kinyakina suggests making the brain work. The book contains all the necessary exercises, tasks and problems to improve memory and develop intelligence. The intensive program promotes the development of thinking,...
"Basics of rote memorization." Zach Belmore's book is suitable for all ages. Moreover, for better assimilation of information and to achieve results, the author divided the book into chapters. Each section is intended for a specific age group. By performing exercises, a person learns to memorize large amounts of information and text. The memorization process is simplified and becomes arbitrary.

Recommended intellectual reading for the mind, good classical literature for speech development are a set of exercises for training the brain. Just as a person needs water to live, the brain needs information for thought. Eat food for your mind every day by reading at least 1 hour a day.

What do smart people read for spiritual development and intelligence?

Literature that can trigger thinking processes and help activate memory is suitable. Wanting to increase their IQ level, many people rely on the number of books they read. If the plot is not captivating, the exercises described seem ridiculous and useless, then it is better to put the book down and move on to the next one. Just reading won't make you smarter, since the material will not be used in life.

Works of Edward de Bon. If you want to learn how to think differently, and are ready to break away from the standards, then start with the book “Six Thinking Hats.” While studying the material, you will have the opportunity to play. To get results, act and complete the author’s instructions. The book is interesting due to the inclusion of various life situations, to which the reader is invited to choose his thinking hats. Practical exercises help make thinking original and non-standard. Another entertaining book by the author is “Teach Yourself to Think.” The plot is based on Edward's technique, which helps instill in the reader the skill of wanting to learn and develop. The proposed methodology is aimed at improving the thinking mechanism. The book can be called a self-instruction manual, as it includes 5 stages. Gradual implementation of steps leads to the desired result.
Books by Ron Hubbard. The book “Teaching Technology” received good reviews. It is a textbook whose main task is to teach the reader to learn. People who followed the author's tips increased their intellectual level by 15%. Ron Hubbard is convinced that a person's IQ is formed from several components. And the main one is the ability to learn, or in other words, the systematic acquisition of new information throughout a person’s life. In the book “Self-Analysis” the author focuses on human memory. If you don’t remember an interesting fact or historical information in a timely manner, then there’s no point in talking about intellectual development. The books you read will be forgotten after a few days if your memory is not fully activated. The book contains practical recommendations that help a person improve himself. The author pays special attention to visual memory, believing that there is a possibility of its development.

"Memory development for dummies". The title of the book makes clear its main purpose. Before you start studying, take it as a basis that there are no universal and simple ways to improve memory. To achieve results, techniques are combined. The more ways you use, the better the effect. Interestingly, the combination of methods brings results regardless of age. John Bogosian Arden, the author of the book, is confident that the properties of memory are the same in a student and a pensioner, and therefore can be developed in the same way.

Before you start reading books, check your level of intellectual development. There are tests on the Internet and suggested times for completing tasks. On your first playthrough, don’t rush to invest within the deadline. By answering test questions, you are already developing as you solve problems and puzzles. The data obtained will help you decide in which direction to move, what you lack: vocabulary, creative thinking, and the ability to memorize information. Then start correcting the situation by studying and practicing the suggested books.


Given that people speak, think and read in different languages, lists of intellectual literature from different compilers can vary greatly: It is impossible to create a universal list– it will be too voluminous. Therefore, always read, try to continuously and consistently improve your intellect - let this become a useful habit that prolongs life and improves communication with people around you. Read with benefit and pleasure!

17 March 2014, 15:32