Daily menu for 1200 kcal. Low-calorie diet - menu for a week (1200 kcal). Set of low-calorie foods

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This diet is considered the most harmless and adequate for any organism, because this is exactly the amount of calories needed by a person who does not lead a very active lifestyle. If you consume less saturated foods, your metabolic rate will decrease and muscle tissue will begin to be processed to obtain the necessary daily energy.

To prevent this, it is important to stick to 1200 kcal per day. This balance is useful not only for those who are losing weight, but also for those who are forced to adhere to it due to illness and many other reasons.

The main advantage of the 1200 calorie diet is the fact that it has no contraindications. Of course, pregnant and breastfeeding women should independently monitor the body’s reaction and consume an individual set of products, but in general, this nutritional system is simply wonderful for every person.

All efforts during the diet will go to waste if you neglect some important points:

  1. NO fatty, fried, sweet, carbonated, fast foods and drinking alcohol in any dose.
  2. Lack of physical activity and daily exercise.
  3. Changing the diet at your own discretion, incorrect.
  4. Lack of consultation with a doctor or nutritionist.

To properly follow a diet of 1200 calories per day and get good results, you need to learn to chew food slowly, this will allow you to saturate your body faster and get required amount energy. A lot of different products can be consumed in this diet, you can experiment and eat interesting, delicious products every day. Drink plenty of fluids to help digest food quickly. Vitamins and microelements are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are so important to include in your daily diet.

How many days to follow the diet depends only on YOU! The main thing is not to abuse calories and not to dehydrate the body.

We can safely say that the 1200 calorie diet is completely safe for a person’s physical and mental condition.

Do not forget that any diet is stressful for the body, so it can negatively affect the condition of the skin, and with sudden weight loss, stretch marks form. To avoid this, beauty industry experts recommend using natural cosmetics. In particular, a modeling cream that will help avoid the occurrence of stretch marks.

Leader in production natural cosmetics is Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. When reading the composition of the company's products, you will not find components harmful to the body such as parabens, animal fats or mineral oils. Unfortunately, they are often used by other manufacturers to increase the shelf life of their product. The modeling cream from Mulsan Cosmetic has proven itself to be excellent. You can verify this by reading the reviews left by satisfied customers on the website mulsan.ru.

Diet menu option 1200 calories for one day

Two slices for breakfast rye bread, one sweet - with jam, and the other with chicken or ham, 150 g of spring salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, seasoned olive oil. We wash everything down with a cup of cocoa, without sugar.

The snack is as follows: 150g of low-fat kefir and a few spoons oatmeal. 1 glass of grapefruit juice.

Lunch of cucumber soup with potatoes, 100 g turkey with raisins, 200 g salad of celery, apples and carrots. A glass of low-fat milk.

Afternoon snack. Low-fat kefir and kiwi.

For dinner, boil 2 jacket potatoes, 100 g of tomato and onion salad. A cup of sour milk.

For those who don’t like it, there is another option for this diet for the day:

Having breakfast an omelette of two eggs, a slice of rye bread, 100 g of vegetable salad and olive lard, a glass of cocoa.

For second breakfast 180 g of cabbage, corn and tomato salad, 100 g of fruit low-fat yoghurt, several layers of wheat bran and two tangerines.

For lunch cook beetroot soup with potatoes, 180 g cabbage rolls, 200 g salad. A cup of water.

Afternoon snack will delight you with fresh fruit, 100 g of cheese, three tablespoons of oat bran.

For dinner a little fish, about 150 g, stewed vegetables, two pieces of rye bread and an apple.

Here is an approximate diet of 1200 calories menu for the day.

When eating and planning your diet for the day, you need to control the number of calories using acquired knowledge or a special cheat sheet that should be placed on the refrigerator. It will help you not to go astray and not violate the rules of the diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the 1200 kcal diet:

Pros - guaranteed high effectiveness of the diet, harmlessness, stability of the achieved goal, no contraindications and high motivation, thanks to the variety of foods in the diet.

Cons - you need to count and strictly adhere to 1200 Kcal per day. Fatigue and drowsiness are possible, but this is only at first, after which the body adapts and these signs disappear. Not suitable for physically active people.

You can practically follow a diet all year round, it all depends on your intended goals, during the first month you will lose a huge amount of extra pounds, and in the subsequent months everything will return to normal and the effect will be firmly established. 5 kg without harm to health at the beginning of the weight loss phase is guaranteed!

Safe 1200 calorie diet expert reviews

Katerina Markovna, leading nutritionist, 10 years of work experience.

“Such a diet is not only harmless to humans, but also beneficial. Cleansing the body, removing toxins and waste, improving blood circulation, stable metabolism. And many positive factors put the 1200 Kcal diet on the pedestal of respect and practicality. I will even say that you can create such a diet for yourself and start losing weight immediately. The only thing is to know for sure that you do not have problems with the intestines, liver and stomach. I wish everyone a wonderful mood, strength of spirit and a slender body.”

The story of a woman who lost weight from Yekaterinburg

Lyudmila, 45 years old, mother of three children, housewife.

“What can I say, with each birth of my son, I gained weight up to 10 kg, and when I stepped on the scales and saw the readings of 110 kg with my height of 165 cm, I was horrified. At that moment I firmly decided that I would change my diet and set to work. It's difficult to control your diet when you're at home and in the kitchen all the time. The children are already in school, I am alone at home, my husband is at work. How to force yourself to return to your previous forms. 75 kg. I read about the 1200 Kcal diet. I was happy with everything and was glad that I could eat almost all the foods. I made a nutrition schedule, strictly counted calories and began to lose weight. During the first month I didn’t recognize myself, minus 7 kg. I was delighted, my husband and children supported and motivated me. I didn’t want to stop any further. My weight returned to normal, I got used to this diet, even my family began to eat less unhealthy foods and follow a healthy lifestyle. Everything is great. Dreams Come True!"

I wish you all success and proper motivation at first.

Video with menu for 1200 kcal

The 1200 kilocalorie diet ensures weight loss without hunger and strict restrictions. Learn how to create a menu for the day, week and month, prepare delicious diet meals and sometimes treat yourself to your favorite treats and lose weight.

The “1200 kcal” balanced diet is based on the principle that you should eat 1200 kilocalories of any food per day. The number 1200 is the golden mean that allows a person who does not experience strong physical exertion to gradually lose weight. If you consume more calories per day, they will be deposited in the body, and a smaller amount will cause health problems.

Who is it suitable for?

A proper low-calorie diet is suitable for everyone and has virtually no contraindications. The only exception is pregnancy. In addition, athletes and people leading an active lifestyle will not be able to adhere to this nutritional system. Their bodies must consume more calories to stay healthy and active. A low-calorie diet is also contraindicated for adolescents whose bodies are still in the process of growth and development.

To ensure a balanced diet, you need to consult a nutritionist or choose an already developed menu. It is better to make up the approximate content of your diet from those foods that you love. Then you will have no problem sticking to a low-calorie diet of 1200 calories. The main thing is to maintain a daily caloric restriction.

Immediately exclude high-calorie foods, a piece of which, in terms of energy value, can replace the entire diet for the day, without bringing any benefit to the body:

  • fast food;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • cheesecakes;
  • cheese and other sauces.

In addition, your daily diet should contain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which should be combined in the following proportion: fats (30%) + proteins (15%) + carbohydrates (55%).

How to create a menu

A daily diet of 1200 kcal is one of the simplest and safest nutrition systems for weight loss. However, you will have to count your calories and weigh what you eat every day. When creating a menu, use a table of food calorie content and do not forget about the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet. For convenience, you can use .

Table of caloric content of main products

ProductEnergy value, kcal
dry oat flakes, 50 g170
boiled egg75
sandwich with white bread and cheese235
sandwich with white bread and sausage230
low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g110
glass of yogurt, 200 ml165
dry buckwheat, 50 g155
dry pasta, 50 g155
borscht with meat, 400 g250
vegetable soup, 400 g100
dumplings, 200 g600
chicken broth, 1 cup65
boiled chicken breast, 200 g220
fried salmon, 200 g200
beef cutlet, 1 pc.360
sausages, 2 pcs.275
baked potatoes, 1 pc.100
boiled potatoes, 1 pc.85
steamed vegetables, 200 g190
vinaigrette, 200 g245
cucumber salad, 200 g120
bitter chocolate, 1 strip140
pizza, 1 triangle610
ice cream, 200 g140
marshmallows, 1 pc.135
chips, 25 g135
marmalade, 1 pc.30
gingerbread, 1 pc.140
orange juice, 1 glass35
black coffee8
Black tea55
coffee with cream2
milk, 1 glass110
low-fat kefir, 1 glass66
butter, 1 teaspoon185
sunflower oil, 1 teaspoon40
sour cream, 1 teaspoon35
mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon65
white bread, 100 g265
honey, 1 teaspoon40


For a day

The menu for one of the days of a low-calorie diet can be imagined as follows. Let's divide the day into 6 meals (about 200 calories each).

  1. Oatmeal (30 gr., 100 kcal), boiled in water + 1 teaspoon of honey (40 kcal), orange (45 kcal), cup of coffee (8 kcal). Total 193 calories.
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese (100 gr., 110 kcal) + sour cream 1 teaspoon (35 kcal), coffee with cream (55 kcal). Total 200 calories.
  3. Borscht with meat (300 gr., 187 kcal), black tea (2 kcal), marmalade (1 piece, 30 kcal). Total 219 calories.
  4. Banana (125 kcal), glass of orange juice (35 kcal). Total 160 calories.
  5. Vinaigrette (100 gr., 120 kcal), boiled chicken breast (100 gr., 110 kcal). Total 230 calories.
  6. Low-fat kefir 1 glass (66 kcal), gingerbread 1 piece (140 kcal). Total 206 calories.

For a week

A low-calorie menu for a week, based on five meals a day, could look like this.


  1. boiled egg and buckwheat porridge, coffee;
  2. apple;
  3. pollock baked with vegetables, orange juice;
  4. chicken fillet baked with herbs, fresh cabbage salad;
  5. a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  1. sandwich made from a slice of whole grain bread and light cheese, coffee;
  2. banana, juice;
  3. chicken broth, vinaigrette;
  4. peppers stuffed with vegetables, tea;
  5. a glass of milk.
  1. fruit smoothie, omelet;
  2. pear;
  3. chum salmon with steamed rice;
  4. grilled vegetables, a piece of chicken breast, tea;
  5. low-fat kefir.
  1. oatmeal with prunes, coffee;
  2. fresh vegetables or fruits;
  3. vegetable broccoli cabbage soup, steamed beef, tea;
  4. boiled rice and a piece of baked salmon;
  5. skim cheese.
  1. cottage cheese casserole, a cup of milk;
  2. baked apple;
  3. mushroom soup with chicken pieces, tea;
  4. buckwheat porridge with beef, fresh vegetable salad, tea;
  5. matsoni
  1. wheat porridge, tea;
  2. kiwi;
  3. borscht, orange juice;
  4. pasta with tomato paste, tea;
  5. Ryazhenka


  1. milk porridge, coffee;
  2. peaches;
  3. chicken noodles, vegetable and herb salad;
  4. cheesecakes with raisins, coffee with cream;
  5. yogurt.

For a month

If you decide to spend a month on a low-calorie diet of 1,200 calories, develop a menu for each day.

Important! The energy value of all foods consumed during the day should not exceed 1200 calories!

Eliminate the following foods from your monthly menu:

  1. sugar and baked goods;
  2. canned food;
  3. fried and smoked foods;
  4. sausage, frankfurters, dumplings.

Include the following foods in your low-calorie menu for the month:

  1. porridge;
  2. durum pasta;
  3. fruits and berries;
  4. vegetables;
  5. low-fat dairy products;
  6. quail eggs;
  7. lean white meat;
  8. fish and seafood.
  1. drink more fluids;
  2. eat as often as possible and chew food thoroughly;
  3. if you feel weak, stop limiting the energy value of your diet;
  4. include the maximum variety of ingredients in your diet: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products;
  5. exclude fried and fatty foods, as well as sweets and baked goods;
  6. Divide your daily diet into three main meals, and have snacks between them without waiting until you feel hungry.

When planning your monthly menu, use the following options for your three main meals.

  • any porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet);
  • boiled egg;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • low-fat cheese, banana.
  • vegetable soup, steam cutlet;
  • meat borsch;
  • chicken broth, vinaigrette;
  • stew of meat or fish with vegetables;
  • boiled fish and carrot salad.
  • cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • steam omelette, juice;
  • boiled potatoes, sauerkraut salad;
  • boiled cauliflower, boiled egg;
  • steam beef cutlet, cabbage salad;
  • baked fish fillet, cucumber salad;
  • porridge with milk.

Between them, arrange mandatory snacks in the form of fruit, kefir, milk, juice or herbal tea. Don't forget to drink more water.

Examples of low-calorie recipes

Omelet with asparagus in a double boiler

Peel the washed asparagus and cook for five minutes in salted water. Place the asparagus in a steamer bowl, pour in the beaten eggs and cook until done.

Apple dessert with cottage cheese in the microwave

Cut out the middle of the apple and put it in the microwave for two minutes. Take out the apple and fill it with low-fat cottage cheese. You can pour a teaspoon of honey on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. Microwave for another two minutes.

Kefir cocktail

Take a glass of low-fat kefir and blend in a blender with grated ginger and orange juice. Add mint leaves and orange zest to the finished cocktail.

In addition, eat any fruits, vegetables and berries. They are the lowest calorie foods and are also rich in vitamins and microelements that will support the body during a low-calorie diet.

Weight loss has become a pressing problem for many people. Poor nutrition, periodic stress and a sedentary lifestyle lead to rapid and steady weight gain.

A 1200 kcal diet will make it easy to lose overweight by limiting calories and changing your diet in favor of proper and healthy foods. A diet of 1200 calories is sufficient for the normal functioning of the body.

Effectiveness of a 1200 calorie per day diet

The diet is based on low caloric intake. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. The average calorie intake per day for women is 1500-1800 calories. A 1200 calorie diet creates a deficit of 300-600 calories; if you add sports to the diet, the calorie deficit will increase and the loss of extra pounds will go faster.

Basic diet rules

The main fact in the diet is strict adherence to the daily caloric intake of 1200 kcal. It is recommended to maintain the proportion of proteins-fat-carbohydrates in the ratio 30-20-50. Consume about 0.7-1 grams of protein per kilogram of desired weight, at least 0.6 grams of fat per kilogram of current weight, and get the rest of the calories from carbohydrates.

The body needs both plant and animal proteins, so your diet should include a variety of sources of amino acids. On a diet, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates (for example, cereals), and simple carbohydrates (for example, sugar) should be excluded. Choose sources of polyunsaturated fats (for example, fish oil), avoid trans fats.

It is advisable to divide all food into 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks (if necessary). The calorie content of each main meal should be approximately the same - 300-400 Kcal. This calorie content is enough to satiate you for several hours.

It is not recommended to continue the diet for more than one month. The optimal duration of the diet is 10-14 days, then 10-14 days of eating at full calorie content and again the diet. This alternation does not allow the body to get used to the reduced calorie intake and achieve more stable results.

What foods can you eat?

The basis of the diet should be sources of complex carbohydrates and lean sources of protein.

Sources of complex carbohydrates

Cereals and whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta:

  • rolled oatmeal - buckwheat
  • millet
  • wheat

Fruits and berries:

  • banana - apples
  • citrus
  • strawberry
  • blueberry
  • zucchini-cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • carrot

Protein sources

Dairy products:

  • cottage cheese fat content no more than 2% - cheese fat content no more than 10%
  • kefir fat content no more than 1%
  • chicken
  • quail

Meat and offal:

  • chicken breast - chicken liver
  • turkey breast
  • chicken liver
  • chicken gizzards


  • - shrimp - squid
  • mussels
  • lean fish (pink salmon, pollock)

The 1200 calorie per day diet shows that it is advisable to exclude sources of simple carbohydrates from the diet: sugar and sugar-containing products: carbonated water, sweet pastries(especially yeast, shortbread and puff pastry), all desserts (cakes, pastries, ice cream).

Unsweetened baked goods (bread, pies), pickles (canned vegetables, salted fish) and smoked products (smoked meat and fish, carbonated meat, loin), as well as any sausages(ham, sausages, small sausages) are also recommended not to be consumed.

1200 calorie diet menu

Breakfast should consist of porridge and a boiled egg/piece of low-fat cheese. For lunch – chicken/fish with vegetables and a portion of cereal. Dinner – cottage cheese/squid/shrimp and fresh fruit. Kefir, natural yogurt, fresh fruits and berries are perfect snacks. It is better to take an additional source of healthy fats, for example, fish oil capsules. The low-calorie diet menu is its most important detail.

Low-calorie menu for the day

  • Breakfast:
    oatmeal with water (40 grams of cereal) – 146 Kcal
    chicken egg (hard-boiled – 80 grams) – 144 Kcal
  • Snack:
    banana (130 grams) – 116 Kcal
  • Dinner:
    boiled chicken breast (150 grams) – 206 Kcal
    stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots, green beans– 150 grams) – 90 Kcal
    buckwheat (30 grams) – 94 Kcal
  • Snack:
    kefir fat content 1% (250 ml) – 100 Kcal
  • Dinner:
    cottage cheese fat content 1.8% (100 grams) – 101 Kcal
    apples (100 grams) – 47 Kcal
  • Snack:
    natural fat yogurt 1.5% (200 ml) – 154 Kcal

Low-calorie menu for the week


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water, two-egg white omelette
  • Snack: banana
  • Lunch: pollock baked with vegetables, boiled rice
  • Snack: fermented baked milk
  • Dinner: shrimp, boiled pea flakes

  • Breakfast: millet porridge with water, hard-boiled egg
  • Snack: apple
  • Lunch: stewed chicken liver, boiled buckwheat
  • Snack: kefir
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with tomatoes
  • Breakfast: rice porridge with water, a piece of low-fat cheese
  • Snack: orange
  • Lunch: chicken breast, salad fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers
  • Snack: yogurt
  • Dinner: pollock, boiled barley
  • Breakfast: wheat porridge on water, scrambled eggs from one egg and one white in a dry frying pan
  • Snack: grapes
  • Lunch: pink salmon, boiled rice
  • Snack: fermented baked milk
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with pear
  • Breakfast: barley porridge with water, 2 boiled egg whites
  • Snack: blueberries
  • Lunch: squid salad with cabbage, whole grain bread
  • Snack: kefir
  • Dinner: chicken breast, boiled buckwheat
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water, a piece of low-fat cheese
  • Snack: persimmon
  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled pearl barley
  • Snack: yogurt
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with banana


  • Breakfast: pea porridge with water, soft-boiled egg
  • Snack: grapes
  • Lunch: shrimp and mussels salad with tomatoes, whole grain bread
  • Snack: apple
  • Dinner: chicken breast, durum wheat pasta

Low-calorie dishes for weight loss

Recipes for low-calorie dishes are very diverse. Chicken breast stewed with vegetables is a low-calorie dish, ideal for lunch on a 1200-calorie diet. You need chicken breast and vegetables of your choice - this can be a ready-made vegetable mixture (for example, broccoli, green beans, carrots, green pea) or you can mix the vegetables yourself: zucchini, carrots and green beans go well together. You can add a mixture of peppers, basil and herbs to the dish.

Fish baked with vegetables is a low-calorie dish that is very easy to prepare. Lean fish is needed, for example, pollock, onions, carrots, tomatoes. It is better to bake fish with vegetables in foil.

A smoothie is a light cocktail that can be used as a snack. The base is kefir or yogurt, to which herbs, fruits and vegetables are added to taste. You can use bananas or mix kefir with carrots.

The lowest calorie foods

The lowest-calorie vegetables are the following: cucumbers, zucchini, green beans, cabbage. Their calorie content is on average 28 Kcal per 100 grams.

Low-calorie foods include fruits and berries: apples, oranges, strawberries, blueberries. Their calorie content is approximately 40 Kcal per 100 grams.

As for protein sources, boiled chicken egg white – 44 Kcal per 100 grams – is a low-calorie product for weight loss.

List of high-calorie foods

All durum cereals and pasta have a high calorie content - about 300 Kcal per 100 grams. But a standard serving contains 20-40 dry cereals, so the calorie content of a serving of ready-made cereal is approximately 100 Kcal, which fits into diet standards.

Fish and seafood, dairy products, meat and offal are also high in calories - from 80 Kcal per 100 grams (pollock) to 137 Kcal (chicken breast). The calorie content of these products is explained high content protein (each gram of protein is 4 kcal).

Fruits such as banana, persimmon and grapes are also high in calories, but their consumption is indicated during the diet, as they contribute to the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”.

How many kg can you lose weight

With full compliance with the rules of the diet, weight loss is possible by 400-600 grams per day. Due to the peculiarities of water-lipid metabolism, a stable result will be visible within a week. After 2 weeks, the results of the 1200 calorie diet will be minus 5-7 kilograms.

The 1200 calorie diet is quick and in a safe way lose weight. The diet gives stable results and helps to change eating habits in favor healthy eating. Like any diet, this diet is recommended for healthy people; in the presence of chronic diseases (especially gastrointestinal diseases), a preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Diet 1200 calories - nutrition, weight loss without harm to the body. It is designed for three to four weeks, during which time you can get rid of two to ten kilograms. Research shows that for a woman who does not lead a very active lifestyle, her daily calorie intake is approximately 1,200 calories.

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A negative balance between calories received and calories burned - only in this case do you burn excess weight.

There will be no strong feeling of hunger, stress and exhaustion. Thanks to this scheme, you will experience safe weight loss, cleansing of the body and acceleration of metabolism. Also, the diet has no contraindications, with the exception of pregnant women and teenage girls. Useful for people who are forced to eat properly due to illness.

It is necessary to eat small and often. Constantly improve the menu various recipes, make changes every week. The amount of nutrients in the daily diet should be as follows: fats - thirty percent, proteins - fifteen, carbohydrates - fifty-five percent. Of the thirty percent of fats, five should be of animal origin, and the rest should be of vegetable origin.

The 1200 calorie diet has a few rules: Chew your food slowly, this will fill you up faster and reduce the stress on your digestive system. , water removes waste, toxins and improves performance gastrointestinal tract. Eat more fruits and vegetables to avoid deficiencies in vitamins and microelements.

Stick to your daily caloric intake. During the first week, until your body adapts, you may experience fatigue and drowsiness. You can follow a diet constantly. You will lose the most kilograms in the first month. Improve blood circulation and metabolism. Eat whole grains and vegetables for a source of healthy carbohydrates, antioxidants, and fiber.

Without harm to the body and the most lasting effect, you need to lose weight slowly, about three kilograms per week.

Grocery list

The menu should predominantly include:

  • Meat fish;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Eggs;
  • Dairy, fermented milk products;
  • Bran bread, durum wheat pasta.

Eliminate from your diet:

  • Butter and sunflower oil;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Fat meat;
  • Fast food, mayonnaise, fried food;
  • Alcohol, sweet carbonated water.

Menu for every day

Diet, 1 day

Diet, day 2

Diet, day 3

Diet, day 4

Diet, day 5

Diet, day 6

Diet, day 7

Dish recipes

Apple salad with onions

You will need: parsley, celery, leeks, two hundred grams, black pepper, lemon juice. Finely chop all ingredients, season lemon juice and pepper. Fast and healthy dish ready.

Asparagus salad with cucumber

Take three hundred grams of asparagus, one hundred milliliters of chicken broth, one hundred grams fresh cucumbers, sesame oil - twenty grams. Boil the asparagus, peel and cut into three-centimeter pieces, peel the cucumbers and chop coarsely. Mix everything and place in a salad bowl, pour over chicken broth mixed with sesame oil.

Raw vegetable salad

Wash, peel and grate one carrot and one turnip on a coarse grater to form noodles. Chop one apple, fresh cucumber and green onion into strips. Cut the washed tomatoes into slices, and the green salad leaves into three or four parts. Mix vegetables and season with sour cream.

Jerusalem artichoke and apple salad

Required: two hundred grams of Jerusalem artichoke, one large apple, green onions - thirty grams, lemon juice - two teaspoons, to taste. Wash the Jerusalem artichoke and apple, peel and grate, finely chop the green onions. Mix all ingredients and season with lemon juice and olive oil.

  • The last meal should be at least four hours before bedtime;
  • Consult a nutritionist or doctor;
  • The more carefully you create your menu, the better the results will be;
  • There should be a table of the menu you made on your refrigerator;
  • Weigh yourself every day and measure your volumes, record the results in your diary;
  • Do not break the diet rules;
  • You will need ;
  • You can snack on fruit if you are very hungry;
  • Improve the menu with various recipes;
  • The diet is not recommended for pregnant women and adolescents;
  • Not recommended for people involved in sports or heavy physical labor;
  • Drink two liters of water every day;
  • Limit portion sizes;
  • Eat five times a day;
  • Keep track of the calorie content of dishes on the menu;
  • Chew your food thoroughly;
  • Eat fruits and vegetables daily;
  • Plan your menu for next week in advance;
  • Eliminate fatty foods, fast food, carbonated water, sugar;
  • Light physical activity will increase muscle tone and elasticity;
  • Calculate the caloric content of the daily menu every day, write down the results;
  • Once a week you can treat yourself to one dish of your choice;
  • If necessary, the daily menu can be increased by one hundred to two hundred calories;
  • Steam and bake, avoid fried foods;
  • Go to the pool once a week;
  • Give preference to raw fruits and vegetables;
  • Lose weight effectively, easily, without harm to your health!

Menu for 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products
Many women, especially on the eve summer season, go on exhausting diets, hoping to lose those extra pounds as soon as possible. However, doctors have long said that the best way to lose weight is to eat a balanced diet. There is no need to deny yourself the consumption of many foods; it is better to simply monitor the number of calories consumed per day.
For those who want to lose weight, experts advise creating a special menu for 1200 calories per day. It turns out that this is quite enough for a woman’s body to work normally. Of course, before switching to such a diet, you need to acquire tables that indicate the calorie content of certain foods, as well as scales. It is also advisable to keep a food diary. For those who want to try this method of losing weight, at first, 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products.

Diet Guidelines for 1200 Calories a Day

You can only lose weight if you burn all the calories you consumed during the day. And it’s better even if the body experiences a slight deficit, at least 300 calories. This will happen if you not only eat according to this method, but also exercise.
It is also very important not only to comply daily norm 1200 calories, but also the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ratio should be: 30/20/50.

It is very important that the body receives both plant and animal proteins. Carbohydrates should be complex. Therefore, for example, instead of sugar, it is better to eat cereals. You should also give preference to polyunsaturated fats. It is better not to consume trans fats during a diet of 1200 calories per day.
As for the number of meals, there should be five or six. In this case, three of them should be main ones, and the rest should be snacks. Thus, it turns out that breakfast, lunch and dinner should not exceed four hundred calories.
Doctors recommend following this diet for about two weeks, after which you need to take a break for two weeks and again consume more calories per day, and then switch back to 1200 calories. This eating schedule will keep you in shape and feel healthy.
Products that are advisable to include in the diet
As mentioned earlier, it is better to consume complex carbohydrates that provide energy. They are found, for example, in cereals and pasta made from durum wheat. You should also eat whole grain bread. Complex carbohydrates also found in rolled oats and wheat.

The main fruits to eat are apples and bananas, as well as citrus fruits. You can also eat strawberries and blueberries. In addition, you should also eat zucchini and cucumbers, and you should also eat carrots and tomatoes.
As sources of protein, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, as well as cheese and eggs. You can eat both chicken and quail eggs. Be sure to include meat, chicken and seafood in your diet. Good source Proteins include chicken breast, turkey breast, and chicken liver. For seafood, it is better to eat pink salmon, pollock, as well as shrimp and squid.
Foods that are best excluded from the diet
For those who want to switch to a diet of 1200 calories per day, it is better to exclude simple carbohydrates. Their sources are sugar and products that contain it. This includes sparkling water and various pastries. It is also better to exclude smoked meats, pickles and sausage products from the diet.
Sample menu for 1200 calories per day
To understand the principle of creating a menu for 1200 kcal per day with recipes for a week from simple products, you need to carefully calculate the diet for the first day.
For example, for breakfast you can eat porridge, a boiled egg and some cheese. Lunch should consist of chicken or fish. And as a supplement, you should also eat some vegetables and cereals. Dinner can consist of seafood, low-fat cottage cheese and fruit. As for secondary meals, that is, snacks, it is better to choose fruits, berries or yoghurts. It is also important to find a source of healthy fats - for example, you can drink fish oil.

Here's how to roughly calculate the amount of food for one day:
Breakfast: You can cook 40 grams of oatmeal in water. That's 146 calories. You can also eat one at breakfast egg. When cooked, it provides 144 calories.
First snack: An hour and a half after breakfast, you can have your first snack. It can consist of one banana. A 130 gram fruit contains 116 calories.
Dinner: For lunch you can cook 150 grams of chicken breast. This will be 206 calories. You also need to eat 150 grams of vegetables to get 90 calories. And you definitely need cereal. For example, 30 grams of buckwheat contains 94 calories.
Second snack: Some time after lunch, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir. That's another 100 calories.
Dinner: For dinner you can eat cottage cheese. One hundred grams of a product with a fat content of 1.8% contains 101 kcal. You can also eat 100 grams of apples for dinner. That's another 47 calories.
Third snack: This is an optional meal. But if after dinner you still want to eat, then you can drink 200 milliliters of natural 1.5% yogurt. That's another 154 calories.

Menu for the week
You can create a menu for the week using the same example, but for those who find it difficult to come up with various combinations, we can advise you to adhere to the following scheme:
Monday: At breakfast you can eat some buckwheat porridge, boiled in water, and fried whites of two eggs. Lunch may consist of pollock with vegetables and rice. For dinner you can eat shrimp and boiled pea flakes. Snacks can consist of a banana and fermented baked milk, or kefir.
Tuesday: Breakfast may consist of a boiled egg and millet porridge. For lunch, you can stew chicken liver and boil buckwheat. For dinner you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and tomatoes. You can have a snack with an apple and a glass of kefir.
Wednesday: You can have breakfast with rice cooked in water, as well as low-fat cheese. Have lunch with chicken breast and cucumber and tomato salad. For dinner, you can bake pollock and boil barley. You can have a snack on this day with an orange and low-fat natural yogurt.
Thursday: In the morning you can cook scrambled eggs without butter from one egg, as well as wheat porridge. For lunch, you can bake or steam pink salmon and cook rice. Dinner can consist of low-fat cottage cheese and pears. Snacks can consist of grapes and fermented baked milk.
Friday: You can prepare barley porridge and boil two eggs, but eat only the whites. For lunch, you can eat a squid and cabbage salad, as well as a slice of whole grain bread. For dinner you can cook buckwheat and chicken breast. You can snack on blueberries and a glass of kefir.
Saturday: In the morning you can eat oatmeal cooked in water and a piece of cheese. Lunch may consist of chicken breast and pearl barley. In the evening you can eat cottage cheese and banana. You can supplement these meals with persimmons and a glass of kefir as snacks.
Sunday: In the morning you can boil a soft-boiled egg and pea porridge in water. You can cook for lunch vegetable salad with seafood and eat a piece of whole grain bread. In the evening you can eat boiled chicken breast and some pasta. Between meals you can eat grapes and an apple.
In the second week this order can be changed. The most important thing is to make sure you don't eat more than 1200 calories.